inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

figovník brown turkey - strana 3

Počet nájdených inzerátov FIGOVNÍK BROWN TURKEY : 1000 - strana 3

Predám figovník dvojročný
Predám figovnik cenu ponúknite aj bananovniky
Ponúkam na predaj figovnik menšie 4€ väčšie 7€
Predám rodiaci figovnik
Predám rodiaci figovnik výška 1.85 m. Americká odroda. Mrazuvzdorny
Predám rodiaci figovník,výška rastliny bez kvetináča 150cm,obvod kmene 10cm.
Ponúkam na predaj figovnik menšie 4€ väčšie 7€
Predám zakorenený figovník,vhodný na výsadbu do zeme.Fotené na jeseň.Posledný kus,asi 30cm-cena 7€/ks.Len osobný odber.Len volať,mail,na SMS neodpovedám.
Predam figovnik 1,5-2 m, krasne velke fialove plody, poslednych 7 rastlin. vhodne aj na džem.napredam aj džem.
Predám figovník. Cena je 250 € vrátane kvetináča.
Figovník Peretta
Na predaj 7 ročný figovník Peretta. Výška 120cm ,šírka 80cm. Jedná sa o dlhoveký krík až menší strom. Tento rok by mal mať prvé plody(plodia iba staršie rastliny). Výmena za dobre zachovalé pálené tehly 10m2 alebo 10ks agátových stlpov 3m dlhých.
Ponúkam na predaj figovnik
Figovník kaučukový
Na predaj figovník kaučukový vysoký 200cm, šírka 180cm za 80€ a kaktus za 50€. Spolu 150.
Predam 20rocny Figovnik kaucukovy
Predam krasny, cca 2,5 metrovy figovnik. Ma krasne velke listy, stale vyhadzuje dalsie. Ma cca 20 rokov, umiestneny na tom istom mieste od zaciatku, takto nam prerastol…
Figovnik Turek/Turca, na predaj. Vyska 220cm Mrazuvzdorny
Muchovnik, figovnik
Kupim muchovnik a figovnik - aspon 150-200cm vysoke mozu byt aj vyssie
Predám  figovník a mučenku.
Predám Figovník 5 eur kus a Mučenku 3 ročnú za 6 eur/ks. Len osobný odber v N.Šebastovej.
Predám zakorenené nevymrzajúce bohato rodiace 3ročné figovníky Browm turkey v.130-150cm od 20€ kus, odrezky 1.50 kus.
Premium apartments on the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea
Real estate agency RE/MAX offers you a comfortable and cozy complex where you have all that is necessary for your rest: sea, sun and beautiful nature. The complex Konak Seaside Premium is under construction on 25.000 m² and consists from 8 blocks. There is a remarkable sea view and mountain view from main windows of apartments and balconies. All territory of the complex have a sea view, irrigated with beautiful green lawn and decorative trees. In the complex you have following facilities: 3 big pools, a pool with slides, a pool with relaxation and recreation area and 2 paddling pools. There is a bar near the pool, a place for a brazier, an arbor, basketball platform and huge tennis courts. A covered car park is located above all blocks. SPA salon is located above A-B blocks with the size of 3.000 m², and another SPA salon is located under L block, with the size of 6.000 m². In the SPA salon you have: an indoor pool, a restaurant, an Ottoman bath, a steam room, a sauna, the salt room, rooms for massage, a restroom, fitness, Pilates yoga, billiard, a table tennis, a squash (tennis), a cinema hall, dressing rooms and bathrooms. Technical characteristics: An antibacterial facade, noise – and water isolation. Spacious and modern elevator. Fire-prevention alarm system. Central satellite systems. Protection and tracking cameras. In apartments: steel doors, an on-door speakerphone with a video system. False ceilings and pointed hidden lighting. Washable paint on walls and floors from granite. Porcelains and ceramics are covering designer kitchens and bathrooms. Conditioners in all rooms, a home telephone number and double glass İtalian PVC windows and doors on balcony with noise isolation. The complex is located on the first coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. To the center of Alanya - 15 km. To Gazipasha Airport - 15 km. To the sea – 25m. To Antalya city - 150 km. Construction begun on 20.10.2018 Commissioning of the complex on 31.12.2021 We guarantee you a full service in Turkey from the moment you arrive. We will arrange a transfer, find you an accommoondation, help you open a bank account, open a tax number and do a full process of registration of the ownership. You can also contact us and give your request on the exact type of property you are looking for in Turkey and we will find you a best option.
Ruksak CONDOR Molle 3-Days Assault - Coyote Brown
Predám zánovný batoh CONDOR Molle 3-Days Assault - Coyote Brown vhodný pre airsoft / milsim či kemping či turistiku. Batoh je v bezchybnom stave, nepoužívaný. Rozmery batoha: cca 55 cm výška, cca 42 cm šírka a cca 28 cm hĺbka, hmotnosť:cca 2700 g Objem batoha: cca 65 L Materiál: originál Crye Precision Fabric Denier 1000 Cordura Nylon Ďalší popis aj s videom na:
predam knihy v nemeckom jazyku
predam knihy v nemeckom jazyku, rozne, vo velmi dobrom stave, cena za jeden je 6-7 eur plus postovne (pri viacerych knizkach - cena dohodou): 1. Dan Brown – Illuminati 2. Jo Nesbo – Die Larve 3. Jo Nesbo – Schneemann 4. Jussi Alder Olsen – Takeover 5. Jo Nesbo – Leopard 6. Sebastian Fitzek – Die Therapie 7. Dan Brown – Meteor 8. Tom Clancy – Das Echo Aller Furcht 9. Tom Clancy – Im Sturm 10. Tom Clancy – Power Plays 11. Tom Clancy – Schwarzer Sonntag 12. Tom Clancy – Der Kardinal im Kreml 13. Tom Clancy – OP-Center 5 Machtspiele 14. Tom Clancy – Net Force 2 Fluchtpunkt 15. Jo Nesbo – Kakerlaken 16. Jo Nesbo – Headhunter 17. Hakan Nesser – Die Lebenden und Toten von Winsford 18. Jussi Alder Olsen – Schändung 19. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Washington Dekret 20. Jussi Alder Olsen – Verachtung 21. Jussi Alder Olsen – Erbarmen 22. Jo Nesbo – Der Sohn 23. Jo Nesbo – Messer 24. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Alphabet Haus 25. Noah Gordon – Der Medicus 26. Thomas Keneally – Schindlers Liste 27. Max Allan Collins – Stadt Der Stunde (CSI) 28. Terry Dratcher – Trucker 29. Terry Dratcher – Flügel 30. Terry Dratcher – Wühler 31. J Nesbo – Das Versteck (Blood on snow) 32. Jo Nesbo – Die Larve 33. Dmitry Glukhovsky – Metro 2033, 2034, 2035 34. Jussi Alder Olsen – Das Washington Dekret 35. Dan Brown – Illuminati 36. Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat Pray Love 37. John LE Carré – Der Ewige Gärtner 38. Helen Fielding – Am Rande des Wahnsinns 39. Torkil Damhaug – Feuermann 40. Michael Moore – Stupid white men 41. Tom Clancy – Das Kartell 42. John Grisham – Die Firma 43. Andreas Eschbach – Der letzte seiner Art 44. J.F Cooper – Lederstrumpf 45. Geschichten aus Don Quijote 46. Helmut Reinalter – Die Welt-Verschwörer 47. John Dickie – Costa Nostra 48. Paulo Coelho – Veronika beschliesst zu sterben 49. Christoph Hein – Der fremde Freund Drachenblut 50. Claus -Peter Lieckfeld- Das Buch Haithabu 51. Franz S.Sklenitzka – Nicht wirklich 52. Die drei??? Kids Panik im Paradies 53. Bianka Minte- Konig – Hexentricks und Liebeszauber 54. Bianka Minte- Konig – Liebequiz und Pferdekuss