inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

full speed - strana 10

Počet nájdených inzerátov FULL SPEED : 1000 - strana 10

Pánsky set FULL SPEED QUANTUM Hlavné tóny: ozónové tóny, suchá ambra, pakost. Set obsahuje: - Toaletná voda 75ml! - Sprchový gél na telo a vlasy 250ml - Guľôčkové deo Posielam po prevode platby plus poštovné 2,80 doporučene. Referencie mám, môžem poskytnúť. Dobierka iba po prevode poštovného vopred. V prípade záujmu o iné vône, treba sa pýtať. Ďakujem Vaša líderka Janka
Full Speed Surfer  Avon
Full Speed Surfer pánska toaletná voda 75 ml Nechám sa unášať na vlne adrenalínu s povzbudzujúcimi, sviežimi tónmi ozónu a vzrušujúcim nábojom mäty piepornej s drevitou intenzitou, vďaka ktorej sa cítim neporaziteľný. Hlavné tóny: tóny ozónu. mäta. vetiver. Z kategórie papraďovito-drevitých vôní cena ... 6,90 eura + poštovné pozrite všetky moje ponuky, aktuálne a v zľavách
Darčekový set Full Speed
Ponúkam na predaj darčekový set Full Speed
Panske parfemy, toaletne vody,darcekove sety Avon
Musk instinct + 5€ Individual blue stron 6.5€ Full speed 7.5€ Elite gentpeman absolue santal 9.5€ Set Full speed Quantum 12,90 predany Kuk vsetky moje inzeraty,dnes akcia postovne ZDARMA pri nakupe nad 30€
Full Speed Avon
Full Speed darčekový set pre pánov Z kategórie sviežich citrusovo-pižmových vôní. odvážna. dlhotrvácna. svieža. cena ... 13,90 + poštovné pozrite všetky moje ponuky, aktuálne a v zľavách
Charming 1 bedroom apartment
We offer a charming little studio/1-bedroom apartment in the Old town for rent in a very quiet location, ideal for a single professional or professional couple (proof of employment will be required). Not available to students. It's 28m2 but it's bigger than it sounds. Location: Martinengova street near Horsky Park (10 min walking distance). Town center 10 min by bus. Buses will take you directly to the Main Train station in 10 min. 15 min walking distance to Sport areal Patronka (tennis and volleyball courts). There are plenty of restaurants around and supermarket is just around the corner, Yeme shop 10 min walking distance and Kaufland below the hill. Free parking on the street. This place is perfect for people who want to be close to center, but don't want the noise with it. About the apartment: Renovated and rented fully furnished with sufficient storage space for a couple. Located on 2nd floor of an apartment building with elevator. Apartment consists of fully equipped kitchen (full hob, oven, fridge/freezer, washing machine with dryer), bathroom (walk-in shower) with toilet and room with full size bed, sofa, open closet, and plenty of other storage space. There is no balcony as that has been incorporated into the room for more space. Internet is strong, great for streaming and working from home, download speed of 200+Mbps, upload speed 20Mbps. The TV has only basic channels, but that can be changed based on an agreement. Building has a room for bicycles and a laundry drying room. Apartment comes with a storage unit of 2m2 with hanging space and shelving. No smoking and no pets allowed. Price: 650 EUR with all utilities included. Holding deposit of 1300 euros returnable at the end of tenancy. Available from middle of March, 2023. Minimal rental contract is 12 months. Please message me and I will schedule a quick call with you to find out if our apartment is what you are looking for. No RK please.
Philips FW-548-C Mini Shelf System + repro Aiwa
Predám skvelo hrajúci mini hifi system PHILIPS + 2x repro Aiwa. Variable Incredible Surround™- 26 mode Digital Sound Control• 3-step Dynamic Bass Boost(Beat, Punch, Blast)• Bass Optimizationcompact disc player• motorized front loading 3 CD changer• CD-Rewritable compatible• digital servo technology• bit-check D/A converter• 40-track CD Random Program• play modes (repeat/shuffle/program)• repeat track/disc/all• change 2 discs while playing 1tuner• RDS: station name, program type, RDS text,clock set (/34)• RDS: 'NEWS' & Traffic Announcement (/34)• FM/MW Digital Tuner with 40 presets• easy set/auto store for radio (and clock /34)tape deck• Dolby B Noise Reduction (/34)• Dual Logic Tape Deck• Auto Reverse (R+1)• high and normal speed dubbing• CD synchro recording• automatic recording level control• automatic tape type selection• electronic speed control and full auto stopSound NavigationThe JOG SHUTTLE of this feature adds a newdimension in fine-tuning the sound settings tosuit your personal taste.26 mode Digital Sound ControlThe feature offers 26 different sound settingsbased on 6 basic settings : (CLASSIC - 1setting, ROCK - 5 settings, VOCAL - 5 settings,TECHNO - 5 settings, OPTIMAL - 5 settings,JAZZ - 5 settings)loudspeaker boxes• 2-way Bass Reflex• 5.25" woofer• 2.5" Ferro Fluid Tweeter• detachable grillessurround speakers• 1-way surround speakers (3" full range)• 6 Ohmconnections• stereo headphones: 3.5mm stereo jack• video/aux: cinch type sockets• subwoofer out: cinch type socket• Digital Recording Ready:- digital out: cinch type socket- line out: cinch type socket• Karaoke mic: 3.5mm jackgeneral• 3 display modes incl. NITE mode• multicolor FTD display• 7-band Spectrum Analyzer• demo mode• clock/timer• 2 timer modes (wake-up/sleep)• wake-up with CD, tuner or tape• 24-key Remote Control• automatic clock se
Damske panske parfemy toaletne vody darcekove sety Avon
Ponukam damske toaletne vody a parfemy,darcekove sety a panske parfemy a vone hned k odberu za akciove ceny. MOZNY OSOBNY ODBER Mojmirovce. Attraction for her 50 ml 11,9€ Attraction Game for her darcekovy set (parfem,telove mlieko zabalene v darcekovej krabicke) 15,9 Perceive dew 50 ml 7.9€ Far away Splendoria 50 ml 8.5 Eve Privé 50 ml 10€ Cherish 7€ Far away 100 ml 13€ Far away Glamour 100 ml 13€ Rare pearls Onyx 9 € Darcekovy set Rare Onyx (parfem 50 ml+ telove mlieko) 10.9€ Soft musk 5€ Passion dance 5€ Darcekovy set Herstory (vona 50 ml, telove mlieko,miniparfem) 12€ Darcekovy set Rare pearls (parfem, telove mlieko,telovy sprej,darcekova krabicka) 15,90€ Avon Luck Eau so free 11€ Pur blanca hope 6€ Eve Confidence 30 ml 5€ Attraction for her 30 ml 6€ Panske: Soft musk instinct + 5€ Individual blue strong 7€ Full speed 8€ /Full speed novinka Elite gentleman 9.50
Avon - Full Speed
Ponúkam na predaj nové, nepoužívané výrobky kozmetiky Avon. Možný je osobný odber alebo zaslanie poštou. Na dobierku neposielam. Avon - Full Speed - pánsky sprchovací gél na telo a vlasy - 250 ml Odpovedám stále! Keď nedostanete žiadnu odpoveď, pozrite si spamový kôš alebo mi napíšte SMS.
Avon Full Speed 75ml
Full Speed edt 75ml pánska citrusová svieža vôňa Cena 13,50
Full Speed MaxTurbo - pánska Avon
Predám nové zabalené neskúšané panske vonavky z Avonu - Full Speed Max Turbo. Objem 75 ml. Pôvodná cena - 27,9 eur, moja cena za kus - 8,5 eur. Pošlem poštou alebo osobne možno prevziať v Kremnici, ZH, ZV, BB, RK, MI, PO
Full Speed - pánska Avon
Predám nové zabalené neskúšané panske vonavky z Avonu - Full Speed. Objem 75 ml. Pôvodná cena - 27,9 eur, moja cena za kus - 8,5 eur. Pošlem poštou alebo osobne možno prevziať v Kremnici, ZH, ZV, BB, RK, MI, PO
Specialized Tarmac SL6 Sport 52
Bicykel kupovaný minulý rok - po servise, vymenená reťaz... málo používaný. Predávame z dôvodu, že dcéra potrebuje menší. Pôvodná cena 3500€ Popis na stránke predajcu : Keď sme vyvíjali Tarmac, nechceli sme, aby bol iba rýchly. Chceli sme, aby to bolo všade rýchle. Dlhé stúpania, veterné pláne, etapy Grand Tour, postavili sme závodný bicykel. Ako sme to zvládli - začali sme s našim rámom Rider-First Engineered s dokonale vyladenou kvalitou jazdy pre každú veľkosť, pridali sme niektoré vážne letecké technológie, vďaka ktorým je o 30 sekúnd rýchlejší na vzdialenosti 40 kilometrov ako Tarmac SL5 a potom je o 20% ľahší. Nič nie je ľahšie, rýchlejšie a lepšie ovládateľné. Na konštrukciu systému Tarmac sme použili pokročilý softvér na optimalizáciu kompozitného priestoru pre letectvo, ktorý zlepšil výstavbu a rozloženie nášho nového karbónu FACT 9r. Rider-First Engineered - preskúmame každú vrstvu karbónu na každej veľkosti rámu, aby sme zaistili, že všetky naše výkonnostné ciele sa splnia. Aby ste sa uistili, že dostanete perfektnú jazdu, každý rám dostane jedinečné rozvrhnutia s rôznym usporiadaním vrstiev, orientáciou, množstvom materiálu v konkrétnych oblastiach a niekedy dokonca aj samotnou hrúbkou a typom karbónu Aerodynamika je najdôležitejšia vec, ktorú môžeme urobiť, aby sme vás zrýchlili, ale s Tarmacom sme pridali letecké funkcie bez akýchkoľvek nákladov na váhu. Prostredníctvom vývoja sa objavili oblasti, v ktorých by sme mohli bezplatne pridať aero - nový tvar vidlice a aerodynamických rúrok. Výsledok? Tarmac, ktorý je približne o 30 sekúnd rýchlejší na 40 kilometroch Aktualizovaná geometria je založená na nespočetných dátach a poznatkoch profesionálnych jazdcov. To nám umožnilo vyvinúť Performance Road Geometriu, ktorá poskytuje okamžitú odozvu a optimálny prenos energie Predné koleso: DT Swiss R470 rim, 20mm internal width, tubeless ready, 24h, Specialized full sealed bearing thru axle hub, centerlock disc, DT Swiss Champion 14G stainless steel spokes, DT Swiss brass nipples Zadné koleso: DT Swiss R470 rim, 20mm internal width, tubeless ready, 24h, Specialized full sealed bearing thru axle hub, centerlock disc, alloy freehub body, DT Swiss Champion 14G stainless steel spokes, DT Swiss brass nipples RÁM Tarmac SL6, FACT 9r carbon, Rider-First Engineered™, threaded BB, clean routing, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc VIDLICA FACT carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc PREDSTAVEC Specialized, 3D-forged alloy, 4-bolt, 7-degree rise RIADÍTKA Specialized Shallow Drop, 6061, 70x125mm, 31.8mm clamp PREDNÁ BRZDA Shimano 105 R7070, hydraulic disc PREHADZOVAČKA Shimano 105 R7000-GS, medium cage KAZETA Shimano 105 R7000, 11-speed, 11-30t REŤAZ KMC X11 Extra Lightweight, 11-speed KLUKY Shimano 105 R7000, HollowTech 2 50/34T STRED. ZLOŽENIE Shimano Threaded BSA BB PRED
Avon Full Speed Electric
Full Speed Electric 75ml novinka
Full speed Max Turbo set Avon
Bergamot, stiplave korenie, pizmo. Set obsahuje:Edt Full speed max turbo 75 ml, gulockovy deo antiperspirant, darcekova krabicka.Cena 10.50€.
Avon vone
Attraction intense. 15.90€ Attraction desie. 13.10€ Attraction 50 ml. 10.75€ Attraction 100 ml. 18.55€ Attraction 30 ml 5.30€ TTA wonder. 13.30€ TTA the moment. 13.20€ Today tomorrow always 10€ TTA this love. 11.15€ Far away infinity. 8€ Far away. 7.50€ Far away Glamour. 10.75€ Little black drese. 7.90€ Little black drese lace 9.65€ Viva la víta 30 ml. 3.90€ Viva la víta 50 ml. 9.05€ Rare gold. 9.05€ Rare pearls. 6€ Eve elegance. 9.05€ Eve confidence. 9.05€ Eve Truth 11.15€ Eve embrace. 8€ Petit attitude bee. 5.90€ Petit attitude Happy Bug 5.90€ Silky soft musk. 5.85€ Herstory. 9.60€ Cherish 7.70€ Keep IT cosy 7.50€ Rowenta. 6€ Avon musk intense. 5.95€ Imari corset. 5€ Pur blanca 5.25€ Avon pure. 5.90€ Perceive dew. 6€ Avon Luck. 5€ Treselle. 8€ Celebre. 5.25€ Full speed 30 ml. 3.90€ Full speed 50 ml. 9€
Full Speed - pánska Avon
Predám nové zabalené neskúšané panske vonavky z Avonu - Full Speed. Objem 75 ml. Pôvodná cena - 27,9 eur, moja cena za kus - 8,5 eur. Pošlem poštou alebo osobne možno prevziať v Kremnici, ZH, ZV, BB, RK, MI, PO
Pánske vône avon
Full speed 9€ Musk 5.95€ Full speed 30 ml 3.90€
Charming 1 bedroom apartment
We offer a charming little studio/1-bedroom apartment in the Old town for rent in a very quiet location, ideal for a single professional or professional couple (proof of employment will be required). Not available to students. It's 28m2 but it's bigger than it sounds. Location: Martinengova street near Horsky Park (10 min walking distance). Town center 10 min by bus. Buses will take you directly to the Main Train station in 10 min. 15 min walking distance to Sport areal Patronka (tennis and volleyball courts). There are plenty of restaurants around and supermarket is just around the corner, Yeme shop 10 min walking distance and Kaufland below the hill. Free parking on the street. This place is perfect for people who want to be close to center, but don't want the noise with it. About the apartment: Renovated and rented fully furnished with sufficient storage space for a couple. Located on 2nd floor of an apartment building with elevator. Apartment consists of fully equipped kitchen (full hob, oven, fridge/freezer, washing machine with dryer), bathroom (walk-in shower) with toilet and room with full size bed, sofa, open closet, and plenty of other storage space. There is no balcony as that has been incorporated into the room for more space. Internet is strong, great for streaming and working from home, download speed of 200+Mbps, upload speed 20Mbps. The TV has only basic channels, but that can be changed based on an agreement. Building has a room for bicycles and a laundry drying room. Apartment comes with a storage unit of 2m2 with hanging space and shelving. No smoking and no pets allowed. Price: 595 EUR with all utilities included. Holding deposit of 890 euros returnable at the end of tenancy. Available from 1st of May. Minimal rental contract is 12 months. Please message me to find out more information if interested. No RK please.
Upratovanie Sedlovne 2
1) Oťaže hladké (full) / nové = 5€ 2) Nánosník KENTAUR (full) / Nový = 14€ 3) Prevlečky NORTON - Chýba karabína (full) / 3x použité = 10€ 4) Čelenky (2x Cob, 1x Full) 5) Ohlávka KENTAUR + Vodítko DASLÖ (full) / 3x použitá, vodítko nové = 80€ 6) Zubadlo DRESSAGE FEELING (14,5cm) / Nové = 18€