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funko pop rick and morty - strana 2

Počet nájdených inzerátov FUNKO POP RICK AND MORTY : 1000 - strana 2

Funko POP - Doctor Strange a Diamond Patch
Originál Marvel Avengers Funko POP! Postavička Doctor Strange a Originál Infinity Warps Funko POP! Postavička Diamond Patch ktoré nemôžu chýbať ani jednému zberateľov Funko POP! postaviciek. 25€ je cena za jednu postavičku, pri kúpe dvoch postaviciek bude cena 40€
FUNKO POP Funko pop
Predavam dve Funko pop figurky Jedna stoji 15€ Ak by ste kupili oby dve tak 20€ Ako nepouzivane ziadne chyby Dovod predaju nepotrebujem ich uz A Este predavam aj five nights at Freddy's withered Bonnie Funko pop krabica je poskodena Predava sa za cca 200-180$ Pri kupe vsetkych trochu figurok 35€ za vsetky ( fotka toho withered Bonnie mi nejde pridat)
Gellert Grindelwald Funko Pop Figúrka
Gellert Grindelwald Zberateľská Figúrka Funko Pop •Nové •Značka; Funko Pop •Bez krabičky harry new potter funko pop figúrka figurka figurky figúrky hogwarts magic ginny scamander hermione deathly ron hallows legacy beasts newt fantastic
Predam originalne CD - metal, rock, pop (zoznam v inzerate)
After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal) Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop) Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock) All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore) Bee Gees - The Very Best Of (pop/rock) Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock) Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock) Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise) Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal) Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop) Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock) Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal) Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore) Elton John - The Big Picture (pop) Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock) Erik Clapton - Timepieces - The best of (rock) Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock) Guns n´Roses - Appetite For Destruction (rock) Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal) I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock) Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock) Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock) KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal) Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock) Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock) Madonna – Music (pop) Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock) Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock) Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal) No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock) Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal) One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal) Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock) Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock) Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal) Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal) Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal) The Offspring - Americana (punk/alternative rock) The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock) Therapy? - High Anxiety (rock) Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore) CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks. Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.
Predam originalne CD - metal, rock, pop (zoznam v inzerate)
After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal) Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop) Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock) All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore) Bee Gees - The Very Best Of (pop/rock) Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock) Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock) Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise) Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal) Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop) Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock) Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal) Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore) Elton John - The Big Picture (pop) Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock) Erik Clapton - Timepieces - The best of (rock) Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock) Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal) I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock) Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock) Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock) KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal) Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock) Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock) Madonna – Music (pop) Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock) Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock) Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal) No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock) Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal) One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal) Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock) Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock) Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal) Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal) Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal) The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock) Therapy? - High Anxiety (rock) Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore) CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks. Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.
Predam originalne CD - metal, rock, pop (zoznam v inzerate)
After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal) Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop) Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock) All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore) Bee Gees - The Very Best Of (pop/rock) Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock) Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock) Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise) Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal) Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop) Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock) Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal) Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore) Elton John - The Big Picture (pop) Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock) Erik Clapton - Timepieces - The best of (rock) Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock) Guano Apes – Don't Give Me Names (alternative rock/nu metal) Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal) I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock) Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock) Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock) KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal) Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock) Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock) Madonna – Music (pop) Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock) Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock) Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal) No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock) Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal) One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal) Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock) Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock) Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal) Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal) Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal) The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock) Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore) CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks. Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.
Mobilfox kryt na Samsung s20 fe
Predám tento limitovaný kryt rick a morty na mobil Samsung s20 fe. Pasuje len na tento mobil a iný nemám na predaj. Nevhodný aj v krásnom balení. Tu je link Cena 18 eur a mierna dohoda. Osobný odber Šamorín alebo Bratislava Ružinov.
Rick & Morty Monopoly
Predám monopoly Rick and Morty, 2x hrané, je v 100% stave, pri záujme kontaktujte ma, dakujem
Mobilfox kryt na Samsung s20 fe
Predám tento limitovaný kryt rick a morty na mobil Samsung s20 fe. Pasuje len na tento mobil a iný nemám na predaj. Nevhodný aj v krásnom balení. Tu je link Cena 15 eur a mierna dohoda. Osobný odber Šamorín alebo Bratislava Ružinov.
Homo Deus
Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty *** Yuval Noah Harari, author of the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon Sapiens, returns with an equally original, compelling, and provocative book, turning his focus toward humanity’s future, and our quest to upgrade humans into gods. Over the past century humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague, and war. This may seem hard to accept, but, as Harari explains in his trademark style—thorough, yet riveting—famine, plague and war have been transformed from incomprehensible and uncontrollable forces of nature into manageable challenges. For the first time ever, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together. The average American is a thousand times more likely to die from binging at McDonalds than from being blown up by Al Qaeda. What then will replace famine, plague, and war at the top of the human agenda? As the self-made gods of planet earth, what destinies will we set ourselves, and which quests will we undertake? Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century—from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution. This is Homo Deus. With the same insight and clarity that made Sapiens an international hit and a New York Times bestseller, Harari maps out our future.
Xiaomi MI Notebook Pro i7-8550U/16GB RAM
Predám tento notebook v sto percentom stave. Notebook ide s Ubuntu 20.04, ale cez virtuálku som skúšal Mac aj Windows - obe idú v poriadku. Notebook predávam kvôli kúpe Mac-u. Viac informácií tu: Špecifikácie: Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro is a cost-effective notebook which supports fingerprint recognition. Equipped with a 15.6 inch FHD display, brings your photos and videos to life. Powered by Intel Core processor, featuring NVIDIA GeForce MX150 graphics, ensures high performance. 256GB huge hard disk storage brings you smooth using experience. Dual band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi supported, ensures you high-speed surfing. Main Features: ● Microsoft Windows 10 OS Offers more powerful performance brings you more smooth and wonderful user experienceXiaomi Mi Notebook Pro is a cost-effective notebook which supports fingerprint recognition. Equipped with a 15.6 inch FHD display, brings your photos and videos to life. Powered by Intel Core processor, featuring NVIDIA GeForce MX150 graphics, ensures high performance. 256GB huge hard disk storage brings you smooth using experience. Dual band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi supported, ensures you high-speed surfing. Main Features: ● Intel Core i7-8550U Quad Core 1.8GHz, up to 4.0GHz Ultra-low-voltage platform and quad-core processing provide maximum high-efficiency power ● NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU Dual graphics supported, better and faster in playing games and watching videos ● 16GB DDR4 RAM for Advanced Multitasking Substantial high-bandwidth RAM to smoothly run your games, photos and video-editing applications ● 256GB SSD Storage Capacity Provides room to store pictures, videos, music and more ● Front Camera for Photos and Face-to-face Chat 1.0MP front camera allows you to capture memorable moments or chat with friends ● HDMI Output Expands Your Viewing Options You can connect the device to an HDTV or high-definition monitor to set up two screens side by side or just enlarge pictures ● Dual Band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi 802.11a/b ● Intel Core i7-8550U Quad Core 1.8GHz, up to 4.0GHz Ultra-low-voltage platform and quad-core processing provide maximum high-efficiency power ● NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU Dual graphics supported, better and faster in playing games and watching videos ● 16GB DDR4 RAM for Advanced Multitasking Substantial high-bandwidth RAM to smoothly run your games, photos and video-editing applications ● 256GB SSD Storage Capacity Provides room to store pictures, videos, music and more ● Front Camera for Photos and Face-to-face Chat 1.0MP front camera allows you to capture memorable moments or chat with friends ● HDMI Output Expands Your Viewing Options You can connect the device to an HDTV or high-definition monitor to set up two screens side by side or just enlarge pictures ● Dual Band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac wireless Inter
ARRI 6/9 EB High-Speed Electronic Ballast with ALF and DMX
Nový, nepoužitý kus. Možnosť kúpiť aj v kombinácii s novou lampou ARRI Comact 6000 Plus. Osobne v BA. Pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom. "The EB 6/9K High Speed Electronic Ballast with ALF and DMX has been introduced by ARRI to power their ground-breaking M90 6K/9K lamp head. This versatile power source has been streamlined and packed with features like CCL to compensate for power loss over long cable runs and ALF (Active Line Filter) which provides a higher Power Factor resulting in more efficient power use. This is accomplished by shifting the voltage and current waveforms in phase and minimizing harmonics and spikes. ALF also minimizes the current carried back on the neutral leg of the power systems. This is accomplished by shifting the voltage and current waveforms in phase and minimizing harmonics and spikes. ALF also minimizes the current carried back on the neutral leg of the power systems. This version of the 6/9K ballast allows high speed shooting of sports events, industrial applications, automotive component testing and ballistics or material testing without any concerns about flicker. Since the M90 can accept either of Osram's 6K or 9K lamps, the EB 6/9 kW features automatic detection of both lamps and lamp heads. There's also a low noise mode and DMX on/off and 100-50% dimming control.To help you monitor the unit while shooting, it has LED indicators for input voltage, protective earth, over temperature, lamp on, detected lamp, and low noise mode as well as an illuminated on/off switch."
Predám slúchadlový zosilňovač Douk-U3
Predám slúchadlový zosilňovač Douk-U3. Features: •Adopting innovative circuit design, DC 5-20V wide input working voltage, the amplifier circuit can always work at a high voltage of 26V, and the background noise index is excellent. With wide frequency response extension, excellent transient response, excellent purity and transparency, and good dynamic range. •Adopting original TI-NE5532 classical op amp and transistor expanding current circuit, using 1300mA large current output transistor working in class A status, with ultra-low distortion, and the sound is warm and delicate, full and mellow. •Pluggable op amp socket design, convenient to upgrade different op amps and bring much DIY fun and playability for audiophiles. Smooth and mellow sound, suitable for listening to vocals or string music, classic or pop music, and even with unique charm when playing rock. •Mini size with exquisite appearance and most cost-effective, brings big surprise for all audiophiles, easily to drive most headphones in the market, providing larger power, better sound field and details, very suitable for home/office desltop audio system use. •With stong drive power, easily to drive most high-impedance headphones such as: HD580/HD600/HD650/K701/K702/Q701/DT880/T70/T90/SR225/SR325/RS1e ________________________________________ Parameters: •Audio input: stereo L/R RCA •Audio output: 6.35mm headphone jack •Output power: ≥1300mW (32Ω) •Matched headphone impedance: 18-600Ω •Frequency response: 20-30KHz •Signal to noise ratio: ≥110DB •Max output amplitude voltage: 25V •Input voltage: DC 5-20V •Dimension(W*D*H): 67*93*30mm / 2.64*3.66*1.18in •Net weight: 169g / 0.37lb •Package weight: 310g / 0.68lb ________________________________________ Packing List •1*U3 Headphone Amplifier •1*USB to DC Cable
Una corda (3 rick) è definita come 128 piedi cubi di legno. Questo misura circa 4' di altezza x 8' di lunghezza x 4' di profondità. UN RICK O UN CORDINO FACCIALE un rick (cavo facciale) è definito come 42,6 piedi cubi di legno contiene solo 1/3 della quantità di legno di un cavo intero e misura circa 4' di altezza x 8' di lunghezza x 16' di profondità. sì, sono 16 pollici 1/2 rick (1/2 cavo facciale) 21,3 piedi cubi 1/4 rick (1/4 faccia cavo) 10,7 piedi cubi Il prezzo include la consegna e l'impilamento Abbiamo legna da ardere di QUERCIA, PECAN E HICKORY per le vostre stufe interne, caminetti o fuoco all'aperto! il legno viene tagliato in media a 16 "- 18" di lunghezza. (facci sapere se hai bisogno di un taglio di legno speciale.) SCRIVICI PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SULLA NOSTRA LEGNA GRAZIE! . . . . . .#legna da ardere #consegnalegnadaardere #vendita #immagazzinamentolegnadaardere #stagionedellalegnadaardere #legnadaardereinvendita #legnadaarderepergiorni #vitaforestale #fuoco #OrdiniOra
Nádej pre dcéru (Tara Taylor Quinnová)
Nová, bez poškodenia. Väzba: mäkká. Cena je bez poštovného. Viac o knihe: Sue Bookmanová by rada uverila tomu,že Rick Kraynick bude tým najlepším otcom pre jej nevlastné dieť strýkom toho dievčatka a má na to nárok.Dieťa však má aj starú mamu,ktorá sa ho nechce vzdať.Sue vie,že ak Rick dieťa získa nedovolí starej mame,aby sa k nemu približovala.Sue dokonca vie prečo.Kde by ale teraz bola Sue,keby nemala vlastnú babičku,ktorá ju bezpodmienečne milovala?Aj kedˇsa jej Rick páči,dobre,viac ako páči,vie,že Rick si chce len vytvoriť novú rodinu.Skutočne si Rick dokáže predstaviť Sue s dieťaťom po svojom boku,alebo je to pre neho len príležitosť na to,aby zabudol na smrť vlastnej dcéry?
Pop it Fidget toys antistresové hračky
Dá sa kúpiť aj osobitne. Pop it zajac žltý : 1,80 € Logická hračka zeleno - biela : 2 € Squshi mochi narval zvieratko : 0,90 € Pop it Jednorožec dúhový : 2 € Pop it peňaženka dúhová : 2,30 € Mini Pop it jednorožec ružový : 1,30 € Mini Among Us fialovo - biely : 1,50 € Mini Mikuláš Pop it : 1,30 € Mini Vianočný Zvon Pop it : 1,20 € Pop tubes normálna veľkosť - červený alebo modrý - 1 ks : 1€ Monkey noodles naťahovacia anti-stresová hračka jednorožec - modrý alebo žltý - 1 ks : 1 € Stress ball Antistresová lopta duhá : 2 € Mini Pop it chobotnička : 0,90 € Cena + poštovné Príde do maximálne 3 dní ZDARMA Príde s malým bonusom / cukríkom
Pop it Fidget toys antistresové hračky
Dá sa kúpiť aj osobitne. Pop it zajac žltý - predaný Logická hračka zeleno - biela : 2 € Squshi mochi narval zvieratko : 0,90 € Pop it Jednorožec dúhový - predaný Pop it peňaženka dúhová : 2,30 € Mini Pop it jednorožec ružový : 1,30 € Mini Among Us fialovo - biely : 1,50 € Mini Mikuláš Pop it : 1,30 € Mini Vianočný Zvon Pop it : 1,20 € Pop tubes normálna veľkosť - červený alebo modrý - 1 ks : 1€ Monkey noodles naťahovacia anti-stresová hračka jednorožec - modrý alebo žltý - 1 ks : 1 € Stress ball Antistresová lopta duhá : 2 € Mini Pop it chobotnička : 0,90 € Cena + poštovné Príde do maximálne 3 dní ZDARMA Príde s malým bonusom / cukríkom
Tricko Rick & Morty
Nenosene. Veľkosť Adult. Rick & Morty Vhodné na kúpanie
Mikina Rick&Morty
Mikina Rick&Morty,značka House Brand,veľkosť M....Len osobný odber SA,po dohode NR a BA Ružinov.
Tričko Rick&Morty
Tričko Rick&Morty,značka CROPP,veľkosť L....Len osobný odber SA,po dohode NR a BA Ružinov.