ganses roses - strana 5
Počet nájdených inzerátov GANSES ROSES
: 197 - strana 5

Michael Jackson-Dangerous, Kansas-Point of Know Return,Kansas/ Power. Neil Young-The Monsato Years. Baker Gurvitz Army-Hearts on fire/Small Faces-Boxed One. Ohio Express-The Very Best of, TOTO- Antohology 1978-1988. Deep purple - Infinite. Neil Sedaka - Gratest Hits/Del Shannon-The Stoy del Shannon. Texas- Gratest Hits. Beatles-Past Master, sVol Txo Hey Jude. Barry Gibb-In the nox, deluxe edition. Easybeats-The bestof vol 2/Titanic-Titanic. Giorgio Moroder- De ja-vu/to be nubmer on. Eric Clapton- old sock/from the cradel. Show Waddy Waddy- Sweet Littelrock,nroll/Mud-the best of. Status qup-24titole, Beach boys-Gold Hits, Arena - The Best of, Journey-Biograhy no1, no2. Rose Tatto- Scared for life/ Ufo- no heavy pettind. Rush- the rock album/the rock album no. 2. Jon Secada- Jon Secada, Molly Hatchet-Lighting Strikes Twice, Bonfire- Glorious, Temple of lies,Robert Plant-Carry Fire, Gary Moore- Close at you get. Hard Rain- When the Good times Come. Motley Crue-Generation Swine. Guiet Riot - Metal Health. Vengeance - Polygram rock. Hraem Scarem-Polygram Rock. Poison-Native Tongue. Quiet Riot- RehabX. Without Warning - Step Beyond. Chrisde Burdh-Eastern Wind. Bay City Rollers- The Collection. Cliff Richard-The Classic, And The shadowx. Grand Funk Railroad- born To die , Goond Singi, good playin. Judas priest-Unliashed in the heat, Killing machine. Marillion-B, Sides Themselves/Marilion- Fugazi, marillion com. Pendragon: Once upon a time in England, Men xho climb mountains, Pure, Pasion, Fallen Dreams and angels as good al gold, Belive, The Window of life, Kowtov, The World, The Jewel, The Best of Pendragon. Y and T: Yesterday and Tody, Open Fire, Mean strak.. Mr. Big- Get over in, Teh sotries we could tell. Night Ranger-Hole in the sun. China-China. Saxon- Batterin Ram. TNT- Intuition. Quensryche: Hear in the now frontier, q2k, Empire, Promised Land, Queensrych, American Soldier. Bruce Dickinson: Balls to picasso, Accident of birth, Masters of metallian, The best of, The pover vol2, Tyranny of soul, The chemical wedding,Skunkworks, Tattoed Millionire. Rolling Stones: Single Collection 1969-1970, Sinhle Collection 1971-1972, Single Collection 1973-1974, Rolling Stones 12x5. Fleetwood Mac: The Blues sstory vol2. The blues story vol3. Ringo Starr: Postcards fromparadise, Beauecups of bules, From your past, The 4th, Vertical Man, Stop and smell roses, Sentimental Journej, Goodnight Vienna. Kontaktovať len telefonicky

Seth Marsh-"Whole lotta noise" 42:49 1991 JRS 73333 35801-2 300Kč
Seven -"Sevens"48:25 2004 300Kč
Seven -"Light of souls" 55.00 2007 ? JI-HO 039 300Kč
Seventh Avenue-"Between theworlds"66:31 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0351 250Kč
Seventh One-"Sacrifice" 49:44 2002 Massacre Records MAS CD0325 300Kč
Shadow Gallery-"Legacy" 71:57 2001 Magna Carta 22 201 802 350Kč
Shadow Gallery -"Room V."75:34 2005 Inside Out Music IOMCD 207 350Kč
Shadow King -"Shadow king" 44:39 1991 Atlantic 7 82324-2 300Kč
Shadowland-"Ring of roses"58:32 1991 SI-Evromusic EVSR 293025 250Kč
Shaking Family-"Dreaming indetail"36:46 1990 Elektra 9 60900-2 200Kč
Shakra -"Shakra" 47:40 1998 Point Music 10043 300Kč
Shakra -"Moving force" 51:27 1999 Point Music 10082 300Kč
Shakra -"Power ride" 47:28 2001 Point Music 10183 350Kč
Shakra -"Fall" 52.25 2005 AFM Records AFM 098-9 300Kč
Shakra -"Infected" 61.33 2007 AFM Records AFM 145-9 300Kč
Shallow Reign -"Strangeworld" 55:41 1989 Reigndrop 250Kč
Sharon -"Edge of time"45:50 1999 Limb Music LMP 9905-011 CD 200Kč
Shaw + Blades-"Hallucination" 43:06 1995 Warner Bros.9 45835-2 250Kč
Shiva -"Shiva" 42:43 2002 Z Records ZR 1997077 250Kč
Shok Paris-"Steel and starlight"46:29 1987 IRS IRSD-42051 nabídněte min.700 (Disgos 40-100Eur)
Shooters-"Solid as a rock" 34:20 1989 Epic EK 44326 200Kč
Shooting Star -"It´s not over" 45:09 1991 V & R VR-0777-2 300Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Shotgun messiah"38:35 1989 Relativity 88561-1012-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Second coming" 56:59 1991 Relativity 88561-1060-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Violent newbreed"43:50 1993 Relativity 88561-1164-2 250Kč
School Of Fish-"Human cannonball"55:33 1993 Capitol CDP 7 98930 2 200Kč
Schubert"Toilet songs" 62:52 1995 Mausoleum 904 154. 150Kč
Siam-"The language of menace" 50:23 1994 Now and Then 9 60011-2 300Kč
Siam -"Prayer" 62:45 1996 A2 Z 85009 300Kč

Ponúkam na predaj 3 náhrdelníky: Prevrátený kríž, kríž s lebkami a kríž Guns n Roses s lebkami. Spolu ich predám za 10 €.
Pri záujme prosím píšte mail, tel. č. je vymyslené.
Poštou ich viem poslať ako doporučený list za +3,30 €.

Predám originálne CD, 5€ za kus + poštovné
Dire Straits / Dire Straits / 1978
Dire Straits / On every Street / 1991
Doors / L.A. Woman / 1971
Guns Roses / Use Your Ilusion / 1991
Jean Michel Jarre / Les chants magnetiques / 1981
Marley Bob / Pearls of the Past / 1993
Marley Bob / The Best / 1992
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus / Requiem / 1996
Oldfield Mike / Earth Moving / 1989
Oldfield Mike / Platinum / 1979

ASTRALASIA: Blue Spores 2014 18€
JIMMY PAGE & THE BLACK CROWES: Live at the Greek 2CD 1999 15€
JIMMY PAGE: Outrider 1988 6€
OZZY OSBOURNE: Down to Earth 2001 7€
OZZY OSBOURNE: Live & Loud 2CD 1995 11€
LED ZEPPELIN: II 1995 Hungary 5€
LED ZEPPELIN: III 1995 Hungary 5€
FAITH NO MORE: Album of the Year 1997 5
TALK TALK: The Collection 2003 6€
KISS: Unplugged 1996 5€
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND: Listener 1999 Supported 2CD 10€
CREAM: The Very Best Of 1995 Hungary 5€
DAYS OF THE NEW: The Same 1997 7€
BRAD GILLIS (Night Ranger): Alligator 2001 6€
CANDLEBOX: Lucy 1995 4€
COUNTING CROWS: August and Everything After 1993 4€
COUNTING CROWS: Hard Candy 2002 6€
TOM COCHRANE: Mad Mad World 1991 5€
SWEET: The Legends Lives On 3CD 2000 9
CD Maxi Single:
NIRVANA: In Bloom 1992 4€
NIRVANA: Smells like Teen Spirit 1991 4€
NIRVANA: All Apologies.rape me 1993 4€
NIRVANA: Come as you are 1992 4€
NIRVANA: Lithium 1992 4€
NIRVANA: Heart-Shaped Box 1993 4€
FRISBIE & THE FOOTBALL STARS: What a Happy Day 1999 2€
THE STONE ROSES: The Same 1989 5€
NEIL YOUNG: Unplugged 1993 6€
THERAPY?: Nurse 1992 (jzp) 5€
THE CHARLATANS: Live it Like you Love It 4€
R.E.M.: The Best Of 1991 4€
MORCHEEBA: Fragments Of Freedom 2000 (zzp) 3€
MORCHEEBA: Charango 2002 3€
WORKING CLASS HERO: A Tribute to John Lennon 1995 5€
Unoficial CD z mojej starej "pirát" zbierky:
PINK FLOYD: Wish you were here 1994 3€
PINK FLOYD: The Wall 1+2 1994 2xCD 5€
QUEEN: AT the BBC 1995 (1973) 6€
OZZY OSBOURNE: The Very Best 1996 3€
KISS: The Very Best 1990 3€
TEARS FOR FEARS: Tears roll Down 1992 3
JIMI HENDRIX: Gold 1996 3€
STING & THE POLICE: The Very Best Of 3€
GARY MOORE: The Very Best 1997 3€
DIRE STRAITS: The Very Best Of 3€
U2: Singles Collection vol.1 2€
MANIC STREET PREACHERS: Singles Coll. '99 3€
R.E.M.: The Very Best 1996 2€
LENNY KRAVITZ: Best 1996 3€
INXS: Singles Collection 1997 (jzp) 2€
CHUMBAWAMBA: Millenium Hits 2000 2€
CHUMBAWAMBA: Tubthumper 1997 2€
THE HARD ROCK: Platinum 2CD 4€
GROOVES 2: Acid Jazz, Funk, Dance 2€
GROOVE ARMADA: Best Trips 2001 3€

Celtic frost
Smashing Pumpkins
Guns n roses
Death 2 cd (Vnútri len prasknutý tray)- nehrané
Pozri moje ďalšie inzeráty s cd :)

Yves Rocher Riche Creme Great Regenerating Care bohatý krém 50ml Vegan
30 vzácnych olejov a olejov z 1000 ruží
S Great Regenerating Care sú vrásky vyhladené, pleť je deň po dni pružnejšia a príjemnejšia. Od 1 mesiaca je pokožka vyživená a regenerovaná. Obohatené o vzácne oleje s účinkami proti starnutiu.
Jeho +: Jeho topiaca sa a krémová textúra dodáva pokožke hladký dotyk.
Efektivita:: Pleť je pružnejšia a príjemnejšia pre 90 % * žien Pleť je vyživená a regenerovaná pre 80 % * žien.
YR zapojenie
91% zložiek prírodného pôvodu
- Bez minerálneho oleja
- Vegan
Aplikujte ráno a večer na celú tvár: jemne vmasírujte zvnútra k vonkajšej strane tváre.
Rastlinné aktívne: 30 vzácnych olejov
Experti YR v Plant Cosmetic Research® vybrali
30 bohatých vzácnych olejov s výhodami proti starnutiu.
Dnes im ich bezkonkurenčná odbornosť umožnila obohatiť tieto oleje o výnimočný olej, 1000 Roses Oil podporujúci bunkovú regeneráciu *.
€18 (bežná predajná cena €38)
+Poštovné doporučene €2,80 po prevode na účet vopred alebo dobierka €3.80
Nový produkt, originál zabalený. Pozrite si všetky obrázky pre bližší a podrobný náhľad.
Yves Rocher je francúzska prirodná kozmetika vysokej kvality. Dopredávam produkty za zvýhodnené ceny, ktoré mi ostali z predaja v zahraničí. Viď. Aj ostatné inzeráty alebo spoločný inzerátu Rozpredaj produktov.
Kontakt prosím na mail vyplnením formulára pod inzerátom. Číslo vymyslené
Pri rýchlom jednaní alebo odbere viacerých produktov možná zľava.
Nech sa páči v ponuke aj ďalšie inzeráty.

Predam cd originaly
Mullenium live 8e
Muller retro 12e
Muller 44 6e
Madonna predane
Kirschner 9e
Neckar 5e
Desmod 8e
Hot latin 2cd 14e
Robbie Williams 1e
Brothers 5e
Sugarbabes 4e
Ricky Martin 1e
Supervianoce od superstar 10e
Cd na druhom obrazku 3e/ks
Maduar -I feel good 45e
Edda-Best of Edda 10e
Tina Turner 10e
Ace of Base 10e
Dr.Alban 10e
Jon Secada 10e
UB40 10e
Michael Bolton 10e
Michael Jackson 10e
Elton John 2cd 10e
Queen 9e
Rolling Stones 9e
Beatles 9e
Pink Floyd 2cd 18e
Gombitova -Vyznanie 10e
Bryan Adams,Dire Straits,Supertramp,Boston,Guns Roses,Annie Lenox,Alanis Morisset,Chris Rea,Flashdance po 5e/ks,
Xavier Nandoo 3e

Ako nové
1 Bird Of Prey
2 Bad Bad Man
3 Stealin'
4 Blood Red Roses
5 Mr. Majestic
6 The Wizard
7 July Morning
8 Rich Kid
9 Gypsy
10 Easy Livin'
11 Lady In Black
12 Land Of Hope And Glory (Pomp And Circumstance)

Kazde CD je original.
Posielam dobierkou.
Cena 10e za CD
Kontakt iba mail.
audioslave - out of exile
praet rain
rage - reflections of shadow
liege lord - burn to my touch
alice cooper - dragon town
jack panzer - the fourth judgement
fire down under riot
metalium - stage of trumph
saxon - unleash the beast
centvrion - arise of the ampire
symphony x - paradise lost
symphony x - twilight in olympus
voice prediction
iomim fused
slaughter - revolution
liquid monster
jack panzer - chain of commann
jack panzer - casting the stones
jack panzer - dessident alliance
dianno - nomad
ufo - sharks
antithesis - dying fo life
pegazus - wings of destiny
weinhold - bellow the line
holy mother - my world war
slaughter - stick into it to ya
porta - infery
another world
edguy - kingdom of maddness
hammer heroes
firewind - forge by fire
pain - dancing with death
virgin stell - the mariage of heaven and hell part 1
sleeping gods - new sensation
the eyes of alice cooper - brutal planet
zandelle - twilight on humanity
guns n roses - chinese democrasy
squealer - made of eternity
slaughter - fear no evil
hollow - modern cathedral
anwill - pound for pound
elegy - manifestation of fear
holy mother - toxic rain
gillian ian
glenn hughes - joe lin turner
ufo - you are here
warior - the code of life
primal - fear
virgin stelle - the mariage of heavea and hell part 2
rage - unity
zandelle - vengeance rising
doctor butcher
leather - shock waves
molly hatchet - wariors of the rainbow bridge
dragon lord - black wings of destiny
the wariors - war is hell
chastain - in an outrage
judas priest - screaming for vengeance
judas priest - nostradamus
halford - crucible
slaughter - back to reality
hell star - burning star
rage - end of all days
metal church - the wait of the world
mistyc prophercy - fireangel
blaze - two originals of blaze
tarantula - chemomarsh
ozzy osbourne - black rain
damage plan - new found power
defenestration - one inch God
halford - resurection
slaughter - the wild life
never more - the politist of estasy
power God - evolution part 2
power God - nemesis
holy mother - criminal after life
badlands - wodoo hihgway
12 stones
agent steel - order of the iluminaty
never more - this Godless endeavour
jack panzer - the age of mastery
rage - reflection of shadow
celtic frost - monohtheyst
ufo - covenant
over kill - kill box 13
retarted fish - u have one unheard message
rage - sound chaser
metal church - master piece
jack panzer - thank to throne
icedearth - something wicked this way comes
never more - enemies of reality
never more - deathheart in dead world
destiny end - breed deep the dark
ian parrys - consortium project
burning s

Predám dámske parfémy Essens 50ml :2xW102 (Lanvin -Eclat D´Arpege),1xW103(Lancome - Tresor),2xW104 (Dolce&Gabanna- Light Blue),2x W105(DKNY- DKNY Be Delicious), W106(Giorgio Armani- Aqua di Goia),2xW107(Chloé- Chloé),2xW108(Cacharel- Amor Amor),1xW110(Marc Jacobs - Daisy),2xW111(Versace- Bright Crystal),2xW112(Gucci- Gucci Rush),2xW113(Bvlgari- Omnia Crystalline),2xW114(Gucci- Gucci Rush 2),2xW115(Thierry Mugler-Angel),2xW116(Lacoste- Lacoste Pour Femme),2xW117(Chanel- Coco Mademoiselle),2xW118(Christian Dior- J'adore),1xW119(Christina Aguilera- Christina Aguilera),2xW124(Chanel- Chance),2xW125(Calvin Klein- Euphoria), 2xW127(Paco Rabanne- Lady Million),2xW128(Christian Dior- Addict),2xW130(Escada- Moon Sparkle),1xW132(Carolina Herrera - 212 Sexy),1xW134(Giorgio Armani - Code),
2xW137(Gucci- Guilty For Her),1xW138(Victor Rolf - Flowerbomb),2xW141(Lancome- La Vie Est Belle), 2xW142(Yves Saint Laurent- Black Opium),1xW143(Chanel - Chanel No.5) 2xW144(Givenchy- Ange Ou Demond Le Secret), 2xW145(Christian Dior- L'eau D'Tssey),1xW146(Burberry-Body),1xW147(Narciso Rodrigues - For Her), 2xW148(Giorgio Armani- Si (light),1xW149(Marc Jacobs -Decadence), 2xW150(Paco Rabanne- Olympea), 2xW151(Carolina Herrera- Good Girl),2xW153(Dolce&Gabanna -L'Imperatrice),1xW154(Lanvin - Marry Me !) 1x W155(Christian Dior
- Miss Dior Cherie), 2xW156(Chanel- Chanece eau Fraiche), 2xW157(Thierry Mugler- Alien),1xW158(Montale - Roses Musk), 2xW162(Carolina Herrera-Narciso Rouge),1xW163(Narciso Rodrigues - Narciso Rouge), 2xW164(Gucci- Bamboo),2x W165(Chanel- Gabrielle),2xW166(Giorgio Armani- Because- Its you), 2xW167(Bvlgari- Aqua Divina),2xW168(Victoria 's Secret - Bombshell),2x W169(Roja- Dove Scandal),2xW170(Louis Vuitton -Matiere Noire), 2xW171(Giorgio Armani-My Way),1xW172(YSL-Libre),1xW173(Jo Malone-Eglish Pear Freesia), 1xW174(Burberry-Her Intense), 1xW175(Gucci- Eau de Parfum II), 1xW176( Versace - Crystal Noire), 1xW177(Lancome -La Nuit Tresor Nude), 1xW178(Prada - Candy), 1xW179(Jo Malone - Pomegranate Noir),1xW180(YSL-Manifesto),1xW181(Givenchy-L´Interdit), 1x W182(Chanel- Chance Eau Tendre).

Bakugan veľké 2€
Bakugan stredné 1,50
Dragon ball 1,20€
Blood in roses 1 kus za 0,10€
W.i.t.c.h 0,50€ - PREDANÉ

Ponúkam na predaj nový nerozbalený exkluzívny set 40460 Ruže za cenu 18€.
Kompletná botanická kolekcia len za 46€. Obsahuje set 40460 Ruže, 40461 Tulipány a 40524 Slnečnice.

Argent-Hold your head up-6eur
Bolan Marc-Misty mist-5eur
Black Star Riders-All hell breaks loose-5eur
Bachman Turner Overdrive-Head on-7eur-predane
Beach Boys-Pet sounds-6eur-predane
Baker Gurvitz Army-Freedom-Audi+Video cd-7eur
Creedence Clearwater Revival-Pendulum-predane
Crosby+Still+Nash+Young-Deja vu-7eur-predane
Cooper Alice-Dragontown-5eur
Clarke Gilby-/ex Guns,N,Roses/-99 live-5eur
Deep Purple-DVD+CD-Phoenix Rising-predane
Darkness-Permission to land-4eur
Electric Light Orchestra-Part II-5eur
Electric Light Orchestra-On the-predane
Eagles-On the border-5eur
Frampton Peter-Love taker-5eur
Foghat-2cd -Rock,N,Roll+Energized-predane
Four horsemen-Nobody said it was easy-5eur
Grand Funk-Were an american band-7eur-predane
Kravitz Lenny-Lenny-5eur
Kansas-Point of know return-5eur-predane
Malmsteen yngwie-Facing the animal-7eur
Night Ranger-2cd-Live acoustic-6eur
Palmer Robert-live New York city-5eur
Royal Hunt-Eyewitnesss-5eur
Reospeedwagon-Find your own way home-5eur
Roth Lee David-Your filthy little mouth-5eur
Orbison Roy-Best-4eur
Scorpions-2cd-Live 2011-8eur-predane
Scorpions-Pure instinct-5eur
Sheavy-Celestial Hi-Fi-5eur
Shadow Gallery-Digital ghosts-5eur
Shadow King-Shadow King-5eur
Sweet-Funny Funny 1971-5eur
Sweet-live in Denmark-5eur
Status Quo-Best-5eur
Saga-Steel umbrellas-5eur
Tyrannosaurus Rex-A beard of stars-5eur
UFO-DVD+CD-Broadcast rarities-7eur
Uriah Heep-Spellbinder-5eur
U2-Achtung baby-5eur
Zar-Hard to the beat-5eur
Wishbone ash-Colection-5eur
Quatro Suzi-What goes around-5eur
Paganini-24 capriess op.1-5eur
Paganin-Best of-5eur
Mozart Amadeus-Superstar-5eur
Johann Strauss-Popular melodies-5eur
Baroque Mastepie-Best-Macello,Handel,Albinoni
Mikulaš jelínek-2cd-Reminisceces-5eu/Zabalene
vo folie/
Celtic Rock-3eur

Predam nasledujuce LP platne.
Foto 1:
Burning Spear - Reggae Greats - predane
Deodato 2001 - 10,-
Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - Shaved Fish - predane
Ansambel - ROCK HOTEL - 5,-
Inner Circle - Bad To The Bone - 15,-
LL Cool J - Bigger And Deffer (Bad) - 15,-
QUEEN - Innuendo - predane
Madness - Utter Madness - predane
Super Reggae Hits - predane
Tom Waits - Swordfishtrombones - predane
The Blues Brothers – Best Of The Blues Brothers - predane
Jenny And The Mexicats - Open Sea/Mar Abierto - 15,-
Foto 2:
Toto - Toto IV - predane
Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion I - predane
Scorpions – World Wide Live 2LP - predane
Simply Red - Picture Book - 15,-
Dire Straits – Brothers In Arms - predane
Tommy the movie - Original Soundtrack 2LP - 15,-
Van Morrison - A Sense Of Wonder - 15,-
Supertramp – Brother Where You Bound - 10,-
Gipsy Kings – Allegria - predane
The London Symphony Orchestra - Classic rock 5 - Rock Symphonies - 5,-
Lou Reed - Transformer - predane
Gipsy Kings - Luna De Fuego - predane
Foto 3:
Dream Express - Just Wanna Dance With You - 5,-
Meat Loaf - Dead Ringer - 10,-
Blondie - The Best Of Blondie - 15,-
Bill Withers'Greatest Hits - predane
Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense - 15,-
AC/DC – Who Made Who - 15,- - predane
Mo & The Gangsters In Love - Face Of Love - 5,-
Neil Sedaka - Steppin' Out - 5,-
Falco - Einzelhaft - 10,- predane
Birth Control - The Best Of Birth Control - 5,-
Whitesnake - Slide It In - predane
Whitesnake - Trouble LP - predane
Foto 4:
Leningrad Cowboys - Leningrad Cowboys Go America - 15,-
Beppe Gambetta/Tony Trischka - Alone & Together - 5,-
Disco Raritaten Vol 2 - 10,-
Birth Control - Live 2 LP - 10,-
The Alan Parsons Project - Ammonia Avenue - 10,-
The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of Friendly Card - 10,-

BON JOVI CRUSH 2016 europe, US import, nove nehrane pripadne ako nove cize NM/NM stav
LENNY KRAVITZ STRUT 2014 EUROPE US vydanie nove alebo ako nove NM/NM
pripadne ak by bol zaujem mozem za nieco vymenit.

Predam nasledujuce knizne tituly, pekny stav, vnutri bez poskodeni, prebaly/dosky mierne opotrebovane, pripadne vacsie nedostatky uvadzam nizsie:
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. Stvorenie sa este neskoncilo - F. L. Boschke; Obzor 1971: € 4
5. -
6. Nevysvetlene zahady (Svet divu, tajemstvi a zahad) - Ch. Forth; Dialog 2001: € 3
7. Ja - M. Kopecky; Eminent 1996: € 5
8. Hana a Petr Ulrychovi, Pulstoleti 1964 - 2014, CPress, 2015 (cesky jazyk, horne rohy osuchane / skrcene): € 4
9. Pan Werich z Kampy - J. Suchy, O. Suchy; Ikar, 2011: € 8
10. -
11. Mate radi Matusku? - P. Brazda; VPL 1967 (slovensky jazyk, bez prebalu, flak na doskach a titulnej stranke): € 4
12. -
13. Guns N' Roses LIVE! - M. St. Michael (fotograficky zaznam z koncertov s plagatom uprostred); Champagne Avantgarde 1992 (mierne stopy po ohnuti spodneho rohu na prvych stranach, plagat je este osadeny v brozurke - papier je v miestach ohybu akoby popraskany/osuchany): € 15
14. Nejsem agentka Scullyova - M. Butt; PRAH 1998 (spodna cast stran /cca 1cm/ ku koncu knihy mierne zvlnena/asi po namoceni papiera): € 3
15. Michael Jackson, Zivy a nebezbecny - A. Grant (fotograficky zaznam z turne Dangerous s plagatom uprostred); Champagne Avantgarde 1992 (stopy po pokrceni papiera na doskach a prvej strane, plagat je este osadeny v brozurke - papier je v miestach ohybu jemne osuchany): € 15
16. Sinead O'Connor - So different/Taka odlisna - D. Hayes; Champagne Avantgarde 1991 (slovensky jazyk, mierne opotrebovane dosky): € 5
17. Zda sa, ze sme torpedovani - V. Zuffa; Obzor 1973 (opotrebovany/lepeny prebal): € 8
18. Bohemske casy - S. Bednar; VPL 1967 (opotrebovany/lepeny prebal): € 4
19. Kapitan Repkin odchadza (Jan Nalepka) - V. Salgovic; Obzor 1968: € 8
20. Prace, blahobyt a stesti lidstva II. dil - H. G. Wells; F. Strnad, Praha (predna a zadna predsadka + dvojstrana zo zaciatku knihy lepena v spoji, peciatka): € 5
21. -
22. Prestavba a nove myslenie pre nasu krajinu a cely svet - M. S. Gorbacov; Pravda 1987 (natrhnuty/lepeny prebal, mensi flak na prebale a prednych doskach): € 5
23. Slovensky sen - M. Scevovichova, R. Kyska; Forza Music 2010: € 4
24. Tajomstvo Atlantidy - H. Brennan; Remedium, 2007: € 7
25. Vojnove 40. roky - J. Sebo; Marencin PT, 2013: € 7
26. Budovatelske 50. roky - J. Sebo, Ikar 2010: € 8
27. Najlepsie z mojho zivota - J. Sebo; Marencin PT, 2014: € 8
Poprosim osobny odber Petrzalka, resp. postou po uhrade na ucet. Dakujem.