gear s3 frontier - strana 29
Počet nájdených inzerátov GEAR S3 FRONTIER
: 1000 - strana 29

Michael Jackson-Dangerous, Kansas-Point of Know Return,Kansas/ Power. Neil Young-The Monsato Years. Baker Gurvitz Army-Hearts on fire/Small Faces-Boxed One. Ohio Express-The Very Best of, TOTO- Antohology 1978-1988. Deep purple - Infinite. Neil Sedaka - Gratest Hits/Del Shannon-The Stoy del Shannon. Texas- Gratest Hits. Beatles-Past Master, sVol Txo Hey Jude. Barry Gibb-In the nox, deluxe edition. Easybeats-The bestof vol 2/Titanic-Titanic. Giorgio Moroder- De ja-vu/to be nubmer on. Eric Clapton- old sock/from the cradel. Show Waddy Waddy- Sweet Littelrock,nroll/Mud-the best of. Status qup-24titole, Beach boys-Gold Hits, Arena - The Best of, Journey-Biograhy no1, no2. Rose Tatto- Scared for life/ Ufo- no heavy pettind. Rush- the rock album/the rock album no. 2. Jon Secada- Jon Secada, Molly Hatchet-Lighting Strikes Twice, Bonfire- Glorious, Temple of lies,Robert Plant-Carry Fire, Gary Moore- Close at you get. Hard Rain- When the Good times Come. Motley Crue-Generation Swine. Guiet Riot - Metal Health. Vengeance - Polygram rock. Hraem Scarem-Polygram Rock. Poison-Native Tongue. Quiet Riot- RehabX. Without Warning - Step Beyond. Chrisde Burdh-Eastern Wind. Bay City Rollers- The Collection. Cliff Richard-The Classic, And The shadowx. Grand Funk Railroad- born To die , Goond Singi, good playin. Judas priest-Unliashed in the heat, Killing machine. Marillion-B, Sides Themselves/Marilion- Fugazi, marillion com. Pendragon: Once upon a time in England, Men xho climb mountains, Pure, Pasion, Fallen Dreams and angels as good al gold, Belive, The Window of life, Kowtov, The World, The Jewel, The Best of Pendragon. Y and T: Yesterday and Tody, Open Fire, Mean strak.. Mr. Big- Get over in, Teh sotries we could tell. Night Ranger-Hole in the sun. China-China. Saxon- Batterin Ram. TNT- Intuition. Quensryche: Hear in the now frontier, q2k, Empire, Promised Land, Queensrych, American Soldier. Bruce Dickinson: Balls to picasso, Accident of birth, Masters of metallian, The best of, The pover vol2, Tyranny of soul, The chemical wedding,Skunkworks, Tattoed Millionire. Rolling Stones: Single Collection 1969-1970, Sinhle Collection 1971-1972, Single Collection 1973-1974, Rolling Stones 12x5. Fleetwood Mac: The Blues sstory vol2. The blues story vol3. Ringo Starr: Postcards fromparadise, Beauecups of bules, From your past, The 4th, Vertical Man, Stop and smell roses, Sentimental Journej, Goodnight Vienna. Kontaktovať len telefonicky

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Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Platinum) ULES 00151/P - 25€
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars ULES 01347 - 30€
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Greatest Hits) ULUS 10041GH - 30€
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories ULUS 10041 - 15 €
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Platinum) ULES 00151/P - 25€ PREDANE
Tekken 6 - 12€ PREDANE
Tekken 6 (essentials) - 12€ PREDANE
Ratchat & Clank Size Matters - 10€
Tenchu Shadow Assasins - 20€
Silent Hill Shattered Memories - 40€
Jak and DAxter The Lost Frontier - 20€
Osobne je mozne kupit v B. Bystrici.
DOBIERKA: od 3,50€ vopred na ucet, cenu za hry doplatite pri prevzati.
LIST: od 1,50€ + cena za hry vopred na ucet, pri prevzati nedoplacate.
BALIKY posielam ZASIELKOVNOU cena od 2,5€
ina forma prepravy DOHODOU.

Annihilator-"Bag of tricks" 74:55 1994 Roadrunner RR 8997 2 200Kč
Quatermass -"Quatermass" 61:03 1970 Repertoire RR 4044-C 400Kč
Queen -"Sheer heart attack" 41:23 1974 Hollywood HR-61036-2 300Kč
Queen -"News of the world" 39:26 1977 EMI CDP 7 46209 2 250Kč
Queen -"The miracle" 52:21 1989 EMI-Parlophone CDP 7 92357 2 250Kč
Queen -"Innuendo" 53:51 1991 EMI - Parlophone CDP 7 95887 2 250Kč
Queen -"News of the world" 39:26 1977 EMI CDP 7 46209 2 250Kč
Queen -"The miracle" 52:21 1989 EMI-Parlophone CDP 7 92357 2 250Kč
Queen -"A day at the races" 44:25 1976 EMI CDP 7 46208 2 250Kč
Queen + Paul Rodgers -"The cosmos rock" 58,46 2008 Queen Touring Ltd. 50999 2 42294 2 5 200Kč
Queensryche-"The warning"48:36 1984 EMI Manhattan CDP 7 46557 2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Promised land" 48:09 1994 EMI 7243 8 30711 2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Hear in the now frontier" 57:44 1997 EMI 7243 8 56141 2 5 250Kč
Queensryche -"Q2k" 49:29 1999 Atlantic 7567-83255-2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Queensryche"21:32 1983/6 EMI - USA CDP 7 90615 2 250Kč
Quiet Riot-"Condition critical" 44:06 1984 Epic EPC 467834 2 250Kč
Quiet Riot -"Q.R.III." 42:21 1986 Pasha ZK 40321 300Kč
Quiet Riot -"Quiet Riot" 44:15 1988 Pasha ZK 40981 300Kč
Quiet Riot-"The Randy Rhoads years" 43:25 1993 Rhino R2 71445 300Kč
Project X -"Blueprint for xcess" 48:51 1996 Escape ESM 006 300Kč
Prong -"Prove you wrong" 45:09 1991 Epic EK 47460 250Kč
Prophet -"Recycled" 38:29 1991 Halycon 9 61234-2 300Kč
Prophet -"Cycle of the moon" 38:23 1988 Atlantic 7 81822-2 300Kč
Psyco Drama -"Bent" 46:14 1997 Massacre MAS CD 0135 300Kč
Psyco Drama -"The illusion" 50:29 1995 Massacre MASS CD 079 300Kč
Psychotic Waltz -"Mosquito" 45:14 1994 Bullet Proof CDVEST 27 350Kč
Psychotic Waltz -"Bleeding" 41:40 1996 Bu

Pavlov's Dogs -"Conditioned response" 54:22 1995 PD 0001 (je u toho psáno mega rare, neplést si to s kapelou Pavlov´s Dog) min.500Kč
K2-"Tales of triumph and agony by Don Airey" 45:59 1988 MCA 255 981-2 350Kč
Kamelot -"Dominion" 46:40 1996 Noise N0272-2 350Kč
Kamelot -"Siege perilous" 50:39 1998 Noise N0297-2 300Kč
Kamelot -"Epica" 56:42 2003 Sanctuary Records NO 3779 350Kč
Kansas -"Kansas" 44:54 1974 Kirshner CDKIR 80174 250Kč
Kansas -"Masque" 40:51 1975 Kirshner ZK 33806 250Kč
Kansas -"Song for America" 45:06 1975 Kirshner ZK 33385 300Kč
Kansas -"Leftoverture"43:29 1976 Kirshner ZK 34224 250Kč
Kansas -"Point of known return"44:22 1977 Epic CDEPC 32361 250Kč
Kansas -"Monolith" 41:45 1979 Kirshner ZK 36008 250Kč
Kansas -"Power" 39:31 1986 MCA 254 426-2 200Kč
Kansas -"In the spirit of things" 53:04 1988 MCA MCAD-6254 200Kč
Kansas -"Freaks of nature" 45:21 1995 Intersound 9148 250Kč
Karelia -"Usual tragedy"50:34 2004 Drakkar Records 82876 57826 2 250Kč
Karelia -"Raise" 50:07 2005 Drakkar Records DRAKKAR 079 250Kč
Kate Bush -"Lionheart" 36:58 1978 EMI CDP 7 46065 2 250Kč
Kate Bush -"Kick inside" 43:14 1978 EMI CD-FA 3207 300Kč
Kate Bush-"Never for ever" 37:32 1980 EMI CDP 7 46360 2 250Kč
Kate Bush -"The sensual world" 45:59 1989 EMI CDP 7 93078 2 250Kč
Katmandü -"Katmandü" 52:48 1991 Epic 467323 2 250Kč
Keel-"The final frontier"36:23 1986 MCA MCAD-5727 nabídněte min.600Kč(Disgos 65Eur)
Keel -"Keel"37:55 1987 MCA MCAD-42005 nabídněte min.600Kč(Disgos 20-70Eur)
Ken Hensley-"Prud words on a dusty shelf" 39:12 1973 Repertoire REP 4282-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley-"Eager to please" 39:19 1975 Repertoire REP 4342-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley -"Free spirit" 35:08 1980 RepertoireREP 4343-WY 400Kč
Ken Hensley & Visible Faith-"A glimpse of glory (revisited version)"60:48 1999/01 Mystic Records MYS CD 157 400Kč
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band-"Trouble is." 56:36 1997 Revolution 9 24689-2 200Kč
Kenziner-"Timescape" 62:15 1998 Limb Music LMP 9806-004 CD 250Kč
Kenziner-"The prophecies"61:19 1999 Limb Music LMP 9911-014 CD 350Kč
Kickhead-"Kickhead"27:42 1996 Insight
nabídněte, nikde jsem to nenašel min.500
Kik Tracee -"No rules" 60:33 1991 RCA 2189-2-R 300Kč
Kill For Thrills-"Commercial suicide" 20:12 1989 World Of Hurt WCD 1001 400Kč

Na predaj smart hodinky Samsung Galaxy S3 frontier v čiernej farbe. Hodinky nemajú žiadne známky používania a sú spolu s originálnym balením a príslušenstvom

Dobrý deň, ponúkam na predaj samonabíjaciu guľovnicu, typ AR15 značky Radical Firearms.
Parametre zbrane (OC 1600€):
Úsťová brzda Chiron, titánová
Hlaveň ťažká, nerezová, dĺžka 18", stúpanie 1:8, komora .223wylde
Predpažbie keymod, dural, dĺžka 15"
Gasblock nastaviteľný, odber plynov dĺžky ,,rifle,,
Zväčšená obojstranná nabíjacia páka
Zväčšené vypúšťanie zásobníka
Zväčšený záchyt záveru (magpul B.A.D lever)
Poistka HERA, obojstranná, 45° alebo 90°
Spúšť single stage, upravená
Pažba fixná, buffer trubka typ A2
Zbraň je osadená optikou Hawke Frontier 1-6x24 (1000€) na QD montáži (150€), spolu s offset mechanickými mieridlami (100€).
Ďalej kolimátor hawke (180€) na vysokej QD montáži (50€).
Zo zbrane bolo vystrelených cca 2000ks munície .223/5.56. Po každej streľbe vyčistená a namazaná. Nástrek je možné jednoducho odstrániť.
Zbraň predávam z dôvodu, že mám ďalšiu AR a túto nevyužívam.
Zbraň je možné vyskúšať na strelnici.
Predaj len držiteľovi ZP s NP, prepis ORPZ Žilina.
Netreba výnimku, zbraň je od výroby semi.
Cenu pušky, tak ako je na fotke (kufor, zbraň, optika a doplnky), si predstavujem 2000€.
V prípade záujmu sa vieme dohodnúť na predaji samotnej pušky s doplnkami bez optiky za cenu 1500€
Preferujem predaj, ale je možnosť aj výmeny za niečo zaujímavé. Kolimátor s vysokou montážnou nie sú v cene, ale sú taktiež predmetmi na jednanie.
V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok ma neváhajte kontaktovať.

RICK WAKEMAN: Return to the Centre of the Earth 1999 6€
RICK WAKEMAN: Journey to the Centre of the Earth 1974 6€
RICK WAKEMAN: Phantom of the Opera 2010 (1991) 7€
RICK WAKEMAN: The Journey-The Essential 3CD 2017 11€
9 SKIES (NINE SKIES): 5.20 2021 7€
EMERSON,LAKE & PALMER: The Ultimate Collection 3CD 2020 10€
STEVE HILLAGE: "L" 1976 5€
JETHRO TULL: Living in the Past 1972 6€
JETHRO TULL: The Best Of Acoustic 2007 5€
JETHRO TULL: Never Too Old to Rock'n'Roll 1988 Live 5,5€
PETER GEE: A Visions of Angels 1997 7,5€
BEARDFISH: Mammoth 2011 8€
JELLY JAM: The Jelly Jam 2002 8€
PLATYPUS: Ice Cycles 2000 8,5€
NIACIN: Time Crunch 2001 (B.Sheehan) 10€
JORDAN RUDESS: Feeding the Wheel 2001 7€
KARFAGEN: Lost Symphony 2011 15€
DECAMERON: Ten Days in 100 Novellas Part II 4CD 2014 (rare) 28€
THE MUTE GODS: Do Nothing till you hear from me 2016 8€
PAIN OF SALVATION: The Perfect Element 2000 7€
PAIN OF SALVATION: 12:5 2004 7,5€
PAIN OF SALVATION: Road Salt One 2010 7€
RIKARD SJÖBLOM'S GUNGFLY: Alone Together 2020 9€
TOMAS BODIN(ex-Flower Kings): An Ordinary Night in my Ordinary Life 1999 8€
THREE (3): The End is Begun 2007 7€
EVERGREY: Monday Morning Apocalypse 2006 6,5€
FOREVER STILL: Tied Down CD+DVD 2016 9€
METALLICA: Hardwired...To Self-Destruct 2016 3CD 13€
METALLICA: Death Magnetic 2008 8€
HELLOWEEN: My God Given Right 2015 10€
HELLOWEEN: Straight out of Hell 2013 8€
IRON MAIDEN: The Final Frontier 2010 9€
PANTERA: Reinventing Hell-the Best Of 2003 (CD+DVD) 10€
JUDAS PRIEST: The Essential 2CD 2015 9€
CHANDELIER: Time Code 1997 7€
TIME MACHINE: Act II: Galileo 1995 7€
ODYSSICE: Moon Drive plus 2003 (rare) 10€
Aktuálne len tituly v texte!!

M.ill.ion -"The first two - No. 1.+ We, ourselves and us"(2CD)47:05 + 36:29 1992 + 1994 A2 Records A2 CD08 400Kč
M.ill.ion -"Electric"43:55 1998 Blue Stone Music BSM 1016 300Kč
M.ill.ion -"Detonator" 52:51 2001 A2 Records A2CD 11 300Kč2008 Metal Heaven 53 250Kč
Magdallan -"Big bang" 56:29 1992 Intense PLD 9098 350Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Echoes" 49:13 1992 Electrola 1C 564-7 98836 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Midnight sun"59:22 1993 Electrola 7243 8 27351 2 0 300Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Elena" 49:14 1996 EMI 7243 8 37563 2 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Starcrossed" 52:23 2000 EMI 7243 5 25415 2 250Kč
Magnum -"Kingdom of madness" 39:38 1978 Castle CLACD 126 500Kč
Magnum -"2." 40:33 1979 Castle CLACD 125 300Kč
Magnum -"Chase the dragon" 35:15 1982 Bellaphon 288.07.115 700Kč
Magnum -"The eleventh hour!" 39:32 1983 Bellaphon 288.07.114 350Kč
Magnum -"On a storyteller´s night" 45:50 1985 Polydor 827 609-2 300Kč
Magnum -"Vigilante" 43:36 1986 Polydor 829 986-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Wings of heaven" 44:15 1988 Polydor 835 277-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Goodnight L.A." 48:40 1990 Polydor 843 568-2 350Kč
Magnum -"Sleepwalking" 52:56 1992 EMI 0777 7 80881 2 7 450Kč
Magnum -"Rock art" 55:00 1994 EMI 7243 8 29365 2 7 250Kč
Magnum -"Breath of life" 75:08 2002 Steamhammer SPV 085-72902 CD 250Kč
Magnus Apollo -"Op: 1." 47:50 1994 MAG - LAB Media SBD-0775 500Kč
Mago de Oz -"La leyenda de la mancha" 55:41 1998 Locomotive Music LM-020 CD 500Kč
Mago de Oz-"Finisterra"(2CD)47:43+61:16 2000 Locomotive Music LM-050 600Kč
Mago de Oz -"Gaia" (CD +DVD)72:41 2003 Locomotive Music LM 150 600Kč
Mahogany Rush -" IV." 44:11 1976 Sony Music SRCS 6244 450Kč
Machine Head -"Burn my eyes" 250Kč 55:40 1994 Roadrunner RR 9016-2
Majestic -"Abstract symphony" 51:00 1999 Massacre MAS CD 0185 300Kč
Majesty -"Sword and sorcery" 53:07 2002 Massacre MAS CD 0323 300Kč
Majesty -"Reign in glory" 65:13 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0399 350Kč
Majesty -"Metal law" (2CD + DVD) 56:17+50:32 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0430 750Kč
Majesty -"Hellforces" 48.14 2006 Massacre Records MASDD 0496 300Kč
Mallet Head -"Yeah, yeah, yeah" 38:16 1990 Frontier 4624-2-L 250Kč

Enya Shepherd moons 4,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Europe The final countdown 5,00 €
Europe The final countdown (RM,nový) 6,00 €
Europe Prisoners in paradise 6,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 €
Firehouse 3 7,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner Head games 8,00 €
Foreigner 4 6,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 7,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Foreigner Unusual heat 6,00 €
Foreigner Mr.Moonlight 6,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 10,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 €
Gary Moore After the war 6,00 €
Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 €
Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 €
Gary Moore After hours 6,00 €
Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 €
Genesis Genesis 5,00 €
Genesis Invisible touch 5,00 €
Genesis We can't dance 5,00 €
George Michael Faith 4,00 €
George Michael Listen without prejudice 4,00 €
George Michael Listen without prejudice (japan) 5,00 €
George Michael Older 4,00 €
George Michael Ladies and gentlemen - the best of.. (2CD) 8,00 €
George Michael Twentyfive - Greatest hits (2CD) 6,00 €
Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 €
Giant Time to burn 10,00 €
Great White Can’t get there from here 8,00 €
Great White Sail away 8,00 €
Green Day Dookie 4,00 €
Green Day Nimrod 4,00 €
Green Day American idiot 6,00 €
Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 €
Greta Van Fleet From the fires (nový) 9,00 €
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 9,00 €
Gun Swagger 5,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident (nový) 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 €
Heart Brigade 5,00 €
Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 €
HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 €
HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 €
HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 €
HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth 8,00 €
Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Iron Maiden Killers (enhanced) 7,00 €
Iron Maiden The number of the beast (CDP 7 46364 2 UK) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Piece of mind (enhanced) 7,00 €
Iron Maiden Powerslave (enhanced) 7,00 €
Iron Maiden Live after death (CDP 7 46186 2 UK) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Seventh son of a seventh son ( Italy 1988) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Seventh son of a seventh son ( UK 1988) 10,00 €
Iron Maiden No prayer for the dying ( Holland 1990) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden The X factor (nový) 9,00 €
Iron Maiden Virtual XI 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Brave new world 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Dance of death 8,00 €
Iron Maiden A matter of life and death 7,00 €
Iron Maiden A matter of life and death (CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden The final frontier (nový) 9,00 €
Iron Maiden Somewhere back in time The best of: 1980-1989 8,00 €
Ironbird Black mountain (digipak) 7,00 €
Joel Hoekstra's 13 Running games (Irond) 5,00 €
Johnny Lima Shine on 15,00 €
Johnny Lima Made in California 12,00 €
Jon Oliva's Pain Festival (AFM/Soyuz) 9,00 €
Judas Priest Killing machine (RM,nový) 8,00 €
Judas Priest British steel (CD 304212) 8,00 €
Judas Priest British steel 9,00 €
Judas Priest Point of entry (RM) 8,00 €
Judas Priest Painkiller (RM) 7,00 €
Judas Priest Turbo (CBS 463365 2)) 8,00 €
Judas Priest Ram it down 6,00 €
Judas Priest Demolition 20,00 €
Judas Priest Angel of retribution 6,00 €
Judas Priest Metal works (2CD) 6,00 €
Judas Priest Single cuts 5,00 €
Kamelot Poetry for the poisoned 10,00 €
Kamelot The shadow theory (digipak,2CD,nový) 10,00 €
King Diamond The graveyard (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
King Diamond House of god 10,00 €
Kissin' Dynamite Money, sex and power 9,00 €
Kissin' Dynamite Megalomania (Fono) 9,00 €
Kissin' Dynamite Generation goodbye (Fono) 9,00 €
Korn Korn 6,00 €
Korn Life is peachy 2,00 €
Korn Life is peachy 5,00 €
Korn Life is peachy (nový) 7,00 €
Korn Follow the leader 5,00 €
Korn Issues (nový) 7,00 €
Korn Untouchables (nový) 7,00 €
Korn Take a look in the mirror 5,00 €
Korn Take a look in the mirror (digipak,CD+DVD) 3,00 €
Korn Take a look in the mirror (digipak,CD+DVD) 7,00 €
Korn See you on the other side 5,00 €
Korn untitled 8,00 €
Korn Korn III: Remember who you are 6,00 €
Korn The path of totality 6,00 €
Korn Live & rare (nový) 6,00 €
Korn Greatest hits Vol.1 (nový) 7,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Revolverová reprodukcia vyrobená z kovu s plastovými rukoväťami v imitácii slonoviny, so simulovaným mechanizmom nabíjania a streľby a rotujúcim bubnom.
Revolver Peacemaker, tiež známy ako Single Action Army (SAA), skonštruoval Samuel Colt v roku 1873 a vyrábal sa s rôznymi dĺžkami kanónu: krátka 4,75-palcová verzia, dlhšie verzie 5,5- a 7,5-palcové, príp. Impozantný 12-palcový "BuntlineSpecial".
Túto zbraň pôvodne používala americká armáda. V priebehu niekoľkých rokov však väčšina amerických občanov dostala jeden z týchto revolverov. Skutočnosť, že používala strelivo rovnakého kalibru ako puška Winchester M1873, pomohla jej popularizácii ako krátkej zbrane na starom západe Severnej Ameriky koncom devätnásteho storočia.
Je zvláštne, že tento revolver získal množstvo prezývok. Okrem spomínaného Peacemakera bol známy aj pod názvom Frontier alebo Widowmaker, v súvislosti s tým, že tento revolver mohol ľavým vdovám medzi vtedajšími manželkami.
Filmový priemysel mýtizoval "Peacemakera" vo westernoch 40. a 50. rokov a bol spájaný s hviezdami veľkej obrazovky ako John Wayne alebo Gary Cooper. Aj Roosevelt nechal vyryť jednu so svojimi iniciálami a George S. Patton použil dve.+stojan na stenu 8 €.

Predám športové hodiny značky SAMSUNG GearS3 frontier štyri roky používané, vhodné pre začínajúcich športovcov. Pri bežnom používaní vydržia dva dni, pri športovej aktivite deň. Bližšie informácie po telefóne.Dohoda možná.

Predám týchto 7 setov z Lego Western zbierky z rokov 1996-1997.
Všetky sety sú kompletné a vo veľmi peknom stave - viď foto.
6761 Bandit Secret Hideout (s návodom) - 115 euro,
6765 Gold City Junction (s návodom) - 135 euro,
6755 Sheriff's Lockup (s návodom) - 70 euro,
6716 Covered Wagon (s návodom) - 45 euro,
6712 Sheriff's Showdown (s návodom) - 25 euro,
6706 Frontier Patrol (bez návodu) - 40 euro,
6790 Bandit with Gun (s návodom) - 20 euro,
6799 Showdown Canyon (bez návodu) - 60 euro.
Fotografie krabíc alebo iných detajlov viem podlať na požiadanie.

Revolver 12" vyrobený z kovu a dreva, so simulovaným mechanizmom nabíjania a odpaľovania a rotujúceho bubna.
Revolver Peacemaker, tiež známy ako Single Action Army (SAA), navrhol Samuel Colt v roku 1873 a vyrábal sa v rôznych dĺžkach. kanón: krátka, 4,75-palcová verzia, dlhšie verzie 5,5- a 7,5-palcové, alebo impozantný 12-palcový "BuntlineSpecial", ktorý používal legendárny Wyatt Earp v službách Mierovej komisie Dodge City.
Túto zbraň spočiatku používali armáda USA. V priebehu niekoľkých rokov však väčšina amerických občanov získala jeden z týchto revolverov. Skutočnosť, že používal strelivo rovnakého kalibru ako puška Winchester M1873, pomohla jeho popularizácii ako krátkej zbrane na starom západe Severnej Ameriky. koncom devätnásteho storočia.
Je zvláštne, že tento revolver získal množstvo prezývok. Okrem spomínaného Peacemakera bol známy aj pod názvom Frontier alebo Widowmaker, v súvislosti s tým, že tento revolver mohol ľavým vdovám medzi vtedajšími manželkami.
Filmový priemysel mýtizoval "Peacemakera" vo westernoch 40. a 50. rokov a bol spájaný s hviezdami veľkej obrazovky ako John Wayne alebo Gary Cooper. Aj Roosevelt nechal vyryť jednu so svojimi iniciálami a George S. Patton použil dve.
Pocíťte rolu skvelého westernu s reprodukciou tohto revolvera DENIX!

Annihilator-"Bag of tricks" 74:55 1994 Roadrunner RR 8997 2 200Kč
Quatermass -"Quatermass" 61:03 1970 Repertoire RR 4044-C 400Kč
Queen -"Sheer heart attack" 41:23 1974 Hollywood HR-61036-2 300Kč
Queen -"News of the world" 39:26 1977 EMI CDP 7 46209 2 250Kč
Queen -"The miracle" 52:21 1989 EMI-Parlophone CDP 7 92357 2 250Kč
Queen -"Innuendo" 53:51 1991 EMI - Parlophone CDP 7 95887 2 250Kč
Queen -"News of the world" 39:26 1977 EMI CDP 7 46209 2 250Kč
Queen -"The miracle" 52:21 1989 EMI-Parlophone CDP 7 92357 2 250Kč
Queen -"A day at the races" 44:25 1976 EMI CDP 7 46208 2 250Kč
Queen + Paul Rodgers -"The cosmos rock" 58,46 2008 Queen Touring Ltd. 50999 2 42294 2 5 200Kč
Queensryche-"The warning"48:36 1984 EMI Manhattan CDP 7 46557 2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Promised land" 48:09 1994 EMI 7243 8 30711 2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Hear in the now frontier" 57:44 1997 EMI 7243 8 56141 2 5 250Kč
Queensryche -"Q2k" 49:29 1999 Atlantic 7567-83255-2 250Kč
Queensryche-"Queensryche"21:32 1983/6 EMI - USA CDP 7 90615 2 250Kč
Quiet Riot-"The Randy Rhoads years" 43:25 1993 Rhino R2 71445 300Kč
Project X -"Blueprint for xcess" 48:51 1996 Escape ESM 006 300Kč
Prong -"Prove you wrong" 45:09 1991 Epic EK 47460 250Kč
Prophet -"Recycled" 38:29 1991 Halycon 9 61234-2 300Kč
Prophet -"Cycle of the moon" 38:23 1988 Atlantic 7 81822-2 300Kč
Psyco Drama -"Bent" 46:14 1997 Massacre MAS CD 0135 300Kč
Psyco Drama -"The illusion" 50:29 1995 Massacre MASS CD 079 300Kč
Psychotic Waltz -"Mosquito" 45:14 1994 Bullet Proof CDVEST 27 350Kč
Psychotic Waltz -"Bleeding" 41:40 1996 Bu

M.ill.ion -"The first two - No. 1.+ We, ourselves and us"(2CD)47:05 + 36:29 1992 + 1994 A2 Records A2 CD08 400Kč
M.ill.ion -"Electric"43:55 1998 Blue Stone Music BSM 1016 300Kč
M.ill.ion -"Detonator" 52:51 2001 A2 Records A2CD 11 300Kč2008 Metal Heaven 53 250Kč
Magdallan -"Big bang" 56:29 1992 Intense PLD 9098 350Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Echoes" 49:13 1992 Electrola 1C 564-7 98836 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Midnight sun"59:22 1993 Electrola 7243 8 27351 2 0 300Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Elena" 49:14 1996 EMI 7243 8 37563 2 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Starcrossed" 52:23 2000 EMI 7243 5 25415 2 250Kč
Magnum -"Kingdom of madness" 39:38 1978 Castle CLACD 126 500Kč
Magnum -"2." 40:33 1979 Castle CLACD 125 300Kč
Magnum -"Chase the dragon" 35:15 1982 Bellaphon 288.07.115 700Kč
Magnum -"The eleventh hour!" 39:32 1983 Bellaphon 288.07.114 350Kč
Magnum -"On a storyteller´s night" 45:50 1985 Polydor 827 609-2 300Kč
Magnum -"Vigilante" 43:36 1986 Polydor 829 986-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Wings of heaven" 44:15 1988 Polydor 835 277-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Goodnight L.A." 48:40 1990 Polydor 843 568-2 350Kč
Magnum -"Sleepwalking" 52:56 1992 EMI 0777 7 80881 2 7 450Kč
Magnum -"Rock art" 55:00 1994 EMI 7243 8 29365 2 7 250Kč
Magnum -"Breath of life" 75:08 2002 Steamhammer SPV 085-72902 CD 250Kč
Magnus Apollo -"Op: 1." 47:50 1994 MAG - LAB Media SBD-0775 500Kč
Mago de Oz -"La leyenda de la mancha" 55:41 1998 Locomotive Music LM-020 CD 500Kč
Mago de Oz-"Finisterra"(2CD)47:43+61:16 2000 Locomotive Music LM-050 600Kč
Mago de Oz -"Gaia" (CD +DVD)72:41 2003 Locomotive Music LM 150 600Kč
Mahogany Rush -" IV." 44:11 1976 Sony Music SRCS 6244 450Kč
Machine Head -"Burn my eyes" 250Kč 55:40 1994 Roadrunner RR 9016-2
Majestic -"Abstract symphony" 51:00 1999 Massacre MAS CD 0185 300Kč
Majesty -"Metal law" (2CD + DVD) 56:17+50:32 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0430 750Kč
Majesty -"Hellforces" 48.14 2006 Massacre Records MASDD 0496 300Kč
Mallet Head -"Yeah, yeah, yeah" 38:16 1990 Frontier 4624-2-L 250Kč