ghost bicykel - strana 35
Počet nájdených inzerátov GHOST BICYKEL
: 1000 - strana 35

Ponúkam na predaj originál hry pre hernú konzolu Playstation 4 Ps4 v dobrom stave.
Zoznam hier :
Ghost Of Tsushima : 17€
Call of Duty Modern Warfare - 19€
Far Cry 6 - 19€
GTA V - 16€
Watch Dogs 2 - 9€
Heavy Rain Collection - 13€
Anthem - 7€
Assasins Creed Odissey - 9€(obal bez potlače)
Red Dead Redemtion 2 - 18€
Sims 4 - 7€
Snoopys - 13€
Spiderman - 16€
Dark Souls 3 - 12€
Assasins creed Unity - 9€
Dead Strading - 11€
Bloodborn (bez potlače) - 7€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon - 9€
NBA2K18- 7€
Days Gone - 15€
Far Cry 4 - 8€
Steep - 7€
Horizon Zero Complet Edition - 8€
Po dohode možnosť poslať poštou alebo cez zasielkovnu.
V rámci okresu a okolia viem priniesť na adresu.
Ak vás moja ponuka zaujala tak ma neváhajte kontaktovať..

Predam 29" Ghost Lector LC6, velkost M.
ram - karbon,pevna os vzadu
vidlica - Fox 32 float,100mm, 15mm pevna osa, uzamykanie na riaditkach
brzdy - Shimano XT
radenie - 1x11(34z) Shimano XT(kazeta SLX 46z)
kolesa prepletene na naboje Novatec, plaste Maxxis CrossMark II, pedale Shimano. predstavec 80mm, nova retaz.
najlepsie pisat najprv SMS,email...

PS4 PS5 HRY Playstation hry
LEGO Worlds CZ - 14e
LEGO Batman 3 CZ - 13e
Lego Marvel Super Heroes CZ - 14e
LEGO Ninjago CZ - 14e
Monster Harvest (nová zabalená) - 13e
Animal doctor (nová zabalená) - 18e
Sakuna Of Rice - 9e
Unbox Newbies - 12e
Overcooked 1 + 2 (dve hry v jednej) - 16e
Zorro - 16
Super Kickers (nova nepoužita) - 13e
Trollhunters (nova nepoužita) - 16e
Indivisible ( nová zabalená) - 12e
NSR ( nová zabalená) - 9e
Pharma Simulátor lekárňe ( nová zabalená ) - 10
Little Big Planet 3 - 12e
Rocket League - 13e
Yonder ps5 - 15e
Bus Driver - 17e
Professional Farmer 2017 Gold - 14e
Forestry + Prof. Farmer + Prof. Farmer American dream ( 3 hry v jednej ) - 23e
Gran Turismo Sport CZ - 10e
Need for Speed Payback - 14e
FIFA 16 deluxe edition - 6e
FIFA 18 CZ - 6e
Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 - 10e
NBA 2K16 - 5e
NBA 2K17 - 7e
Spike Volejbal - 15e
NFL Madden 17 - 9e
MLB Show bejzbal 18 - 13e
Tour de France 2021 (ps5) - 14e
Tour de France 2022 ps5 ( nová zabalená) - 20e
WWE 2K17 - 10e
WWE 2K18 - 12e
WWE 2K20 - 15e
WWE Battlegrounds - 10e
Steep - 10e
Nascar HEAT 4 - 17e
F1 2016 limited ed. ( nová zabalená) - 10e
F1 2017 - 12e
Sebastien Loeb Rally - 14e
MotoGP 18 - 15e
MotoGP 21 ps5 - 20e
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands (CZ) - 10e
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Breakpoint (nova nepoužita) - 10e
Watch Dogs (CZ) - 10e
Call of Duty Infinite War - 10e
Call of Duty Advanced War - 15e
Battlefield 5 - 12e
Destiny Taken King Legendary - 5e
Mafia 1 Definitive ed (CZ) - 14e
Mafia 3 Definitive ed (CZ) - 10e
Metal Gear Solid 5 - 9e
Sniper Elite 3 ultimate - 14e
Metro Redux CZ - 14e
Batman Arkham Asylum - 12e
God Eater 2 - 8e
The Order 1886 - 10e
Matterfall - 6e
Street Fighter - 13e
Uncharted Lost Legacy (CZ) - 10e
Star Wars Battlefront - 9e
Sherlock Holmes - 14e
Shenmue 1+2 (dve hry v jednej) - 10e
Fallout 4 - 7e
Tekken 7 - 13e
Dying Light Enhanced - 14e
Red dead Redemption - 18e
Assassins Creed Unity - 12e
Assassin's Black Flag CZ - 15e
For Honor - 10e
Mortal Shell - 14e
Victor Vran Overkill - 10e
Diablo reaper + Diablo 3 - 14e
Greedfall - 10e
Nioh 2 - 10e
Horizon Zero Dawn CZ - 9e
Grand Ages Medieval Special - 15e
Immortals Fenyx Rising CZ Shadowmaster ed. - 13e
Immortals Fenyx Rising CZ - 10e
Redeemer (nova) - 12e
God of War 3 - 8e
Zaklinač 3 CZ - 14e
Garfield Kart - 20e
The Sims 4 CZ - 14e
Tennis World Tour Rolland Garros edicia - 17e
Need for Speed Rivals - 14e
MLB 15 show baseball - 10e
Outriders Worldslayer + Outriders ( dve hry v jednej) ( nová zabalená) - 24e
Evil Dead ( nová zabalená) - 20e
Steel Rising ps5 - 30e
Red Dead Redemption special ed - 20e
Jurassic World - 17e

Predám hry na XBOX 360. Cena za jednu hru 5€
Forza Motorsport 4. !PREDANÉ!
F1 2012 !PREDANÉ!
F1 2014 !PREDANÉ!
Ace Combat ASSAULT HORIZON Limited Edition
TOM CLANCY’S Splinter Cell Blacklist
TOM CLANCY’S Ghost Recon
SNIPER Ghost Warrior
GTA Liberty City
CALL OF DUTY Modern Warfare 2

Ponukam na predaj zachovalu a samozrejme plne funkcnu original hru na xbox360 sniper ghost warrior 2.cena je 8€ pri osobnom odbere alebo 11€ postou.pri zaujme ma kontaktujte na t.c.alebo na mail.dakujem.

Ponukam na predaj zachovalu a samozrejme plne funkcnu original hru na ps4 ghost recon breakpoint cz.cena je 10€ pri osobnom odbere alebo 13,5€ postou.pri zaujme ma kontaktujte na t.c.alebo na mail.dakujem.

Predam pouzivany elektrobicykel znacky Ghost Teru 8 s motorom BOSCH.
Kupeny v roku 2016 ako novy v predajni ebajk. Moznost preukazat doklad o kupe. Povodna cena 2400€.
Vykona baterie 400 Wh
Najazdenych cca 7000km
Shimano prehadzovacka
S org. nabijackou.

Predám grafickú kartu Gainward GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER Ghost. V pohode zvláda aj najnovšie hry. Má necelé dva roky. Pol roka sa nepoužívala. Karta je vyčistená a zabalená v originál krabici. Osobný odber možný na Trase Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Trenčín - Bánovce nad Bebravou.

Predám grafickú kartu Gainward GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER Ghost. V pohode zvláda aj najnovšie hry. Má 3 roky. Pol roka sa nepoužívala. Karta je vyčistená a zabalená v originál krabici.
Osobný odber možný na Trase Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Trenčín - Bánovce nad Bebravou.

Predám hernú konzolu Playstation 4 Slim. Konzola je vo veľmi dobrom stave, nemá žiadne vady a všetko funguje. Jedná sa o verziu s 1TB pamäte. Ovládač je takisto v perfektnom stave ako vidno aj na fotkách. Možnosť dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo hry z mojej zbierky:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Death Stranding: 10€
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€
Shadow of the Colossus: 13€
Battlefield: Hardline: 8€
Chimparty: 10€
NioH: 8€
Monster Hunter World: 9€
ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€
Watch Dogs: 7€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2018: 9€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€
Battlefield 1: 7€
Just Dance 2021: 14€
Fallout 4: 7€
NHL 21: 18€
Titanfall 2: 7€
WWE 2K20: 10€

Predám hernú konzolu PS4 Pro. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne poškodenia a všetko funguje. Pridám ku nej všetko príslušenstvo a ovládač. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť aj hry z mojej zbierky:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Death Stranding: 10€
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€
Shadow of the Colossus: 13€
Battlefield: Hardline: 8€
Chimparty: 10€
NioH: 8€
Monster Hunter World: 9€
ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€
Watch Dogs: 7€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2018: 9€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€
Battlefield 1: 7€
Just Dance 2021: 14€
Fallout 4: 7€
NHL 21: 18€
Titanfall 2: 7€
WWE 2K20: 10€

Predám alebo vymením za Xbox Series X alebo PS4 Pro/ PS4 Slim, hernú konzolu Playstation 5 s mechanikou. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne známky používania. Záruka platí 2 roky na Slovensku, mám aj záručný list / faktúru. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý biely alebo čierny ovládač za 59€, originál nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€ alebo TV Remote za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť hry z mojej zbierky:
Dead Space: 52€
Gran Turismo 7 CZ: 28€
Stray: 26€
Horizon: Forbidden West CZ: 28€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: 52€
Returnal: 28€
F1 2021: 19€
Battlefield 2042: 15€
FIFA 22 CZ: 22€
NBA 2K22: 12€
Chernobylite: 16€
GTA 5: 25€
Sackboy: A Big Adventure: 25€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales CZ: 28€
Hry na PS4:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (T

Predám hry na PS4:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Death Stranding: 10€
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€
Shadow of the Colossus: 13€
Battlefield: Hardline: 8€
Chimparty: 10€
NioH: 8€
Monster Hunter World: 9€
ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€
Watch Dogs: 7€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2018: 9€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€
Battlefield 1: 7€
Just Dance 2021: 14€
Fallout 4: 7€
NHL 21: 18€
Titanfall 2: 7€
WWE 2K20: 10€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2016: 5€
FIFA 15: 4€
FIFA 16: 5€
FIFA 17: 6€
FIFA 18: 7€
FIFA 19: 8€
FIFA 20: 10€

Predám hry na PS5 a PS4:
Dead Space: 52€
Gran Turismo 7 CZ: 28€
Stray: 26€
Horizon: Forbidden West CZ: 28€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: 52€
Returnal: 28€
F1 2021: 19€
Battlefield 2042: 15€
FIFA 22 CZ: 22€
NBA 2K22: 12€
Chernobylite: 16€
GTA 5: 25€
Sackboy: A Big Adventure: 25€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales CZ: 28€
Hry na PS4:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€

hry na playstation 4
GTA V 14eur predane
call of duty modern warfare 20eur
until dawn 8eur predane
among us crewmate edition 15eur
uncharted the lost legacy 8eur
the evil within 8eur predane
Hitman the complete first edition steelbook 13eur predane
Darksiders 2 (Deathinitive Edition) 8eur predane
heavyrain collection(beyound+heavy rain) 8eur
subnautica 14eur predane
uncharted collection 8eur
uncharted 4 7eur
nhl 19 8eur
detroit become human 8eur
asassin creed unity 7eur predane
little big planet 3 7eur
death stranding 8eur
doom eternal 10eur predané
deus ex 7eur
nhl 20 10eur
wolfenstein 2 the new colossus 10eur predane
ghost of tsushima 15eur
killzone shadow fall 6 eur
evil within 2 9eur predané
bloodborne 8eur
the outer worlds 12eur predsne
mass effect andromeda 8eur
mass effect legendary edition 16eur predane
the last of us part 2 16eur predane
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Predám plne funkčnú hru Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier na Playstation 3.
Cena je 7€.
Osobný odber alebo pošlem aj poštou - dobierka + 4€, platba celej sumy vopred + 2,50€.
Kontakt: volať/sms/mail
Ak nedvíham, tak napíšte sms alebo mail.

Predám grafickú kartu Nvidia gforce Ghost Gainward rtx 3060ti. Bola kupovana nová a používaná asi mesiac následne som dostal silnejšiu 3080 tak tato mi je už zbytočná.
Karta ma biele podsvietenie.
Pri rýchlom jednaní menšia zľava.
Osobný odber GA alebo BA.

Predám hry na Playstation4 Ps4 Playstation 5 Ps5
Po dohode posielam aj poštou alebo packetou + 4e poštovné,možnosť osobného odberu v Nitre
American Fugitive - 12e
AOTENNIS 2 - 20e
Assassins Creed Odyssey - 17e
Darksiders 2 - 14e
Desperados 3 - 12e
Devil MayCry 5 - 15e
Death Stranding - 13e
Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen - 9e
Eve Valkyrie - 15e
Fifa 16 - 5e (bez obalu)
Fifa 17 - 8e (zabalená)
FIFA 18 - 9€
FIFA 20 - 10€ 2x
FIFA 22 - 20€
Gravity Rush 2 - 16e
Hidden Agenda - 10e
Horizon Zero Dawn - 10e 2x
Infinity HRA + POSTAVICKY cca 12ks - 40e
Just Dance 2019 - 12€
Just Cause 3 - 10e
Killzone Shadow Fall - 10e
Little Nightmares 2 - 18e
Little Nightmares Complete Edition - 12e
Left Alive - 10e
Mirror Edge Catalyst - 10e
MediEvil - 20e
NHL 19 - 13€
NHL 20 - 15€
Re-Reckoning - 20e
Spider man - 15€
Syberia 3 - 10€
SingStar Ultimate Party - 4e
Squadrons (VR)- 12e
Steep - 14e
Star Wars Battlefront - 9e
Subnautica Below Zero - 15e
Tomb Raider - 10€
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Wildlands - 14e
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Breakpoint - 15e
The Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls edition - 10e
The Elder Scrolls - 10e
The Walking Dead - 15e
Uncharted 4 - 10e 2x
Until Dawn - 15e
Watch Dogs - 8e 2x
Watch Dogs 2 - 10e 2x
Fifa 20 - 20e
Pes 19 - 20e
Mafia - 22e
Sleeping Dogs - 22e
RDR 2 - 25e
Gran Turismo Sport - 25e

Mám na predaj úplne nový ebike GHOST eASX Essential 160 na 27,5""+/29"" kolesách s motorom BOSCH PERFORMANCE LINE CX4 a batériou BOSCH POWERTUBE 625Wh. Vidlica Rock Shox 35 Silver TK Solo Air zdvih 160 mm. Tlmič Hodaka Rear Shock zdvih 160 mm. Brzdy SHIMANO BR-MT420, rotor 203/203mm a prehadzovačom SRAM SX Eagle 12 rýchlostí. Batéria 625Wh dojazd 150km závisí od spôsobu využitia asistencie a od váhy jazdca.
Záruka 2 roky. Možnosť vidieť v Senici alebo v Kostolišti. Viac info cez email alebo telefonicky.
Dostupné veľkosti:
L(19"/20") 625Wh - 1ks = MOC Cena 4499€ s DPH, Teraz za 3959€ s DPH - POSLEDNÝ KUS!!!
Možnosť odpočtu DPH
Možnosť kúpy na splátky
Možnosť poistiť proti krádeži
Možnosť poslať kuriérom v rámci celej SR a ČR.(Platba vopred s vystavenou faktúrou!) Možnosť doviezť v rámci západného Slovenska.(Platba zálohy 50% vopred s vystavenou faktúrou a zvyšok pri dovezení!)
Pozrite si aj iné moje inzeráty.