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glash girl - strana 4

Počet nájdených inzerátov GLASH GIRL : 782 - strana 4

Girl on the Run - Jane Costello
Girl on the Run - Jane Costello ! Kniha je v angličtine ! Paperback 1× čítaná Platba prevodom (+ poštovné), možný osobný odber v TT (platba možná aj v hotovosti) Poprosím kontaktovať cez SMS, prípadne e-mailom alebo cez Viber.
Predám horský bicykel Joko športy Girl,kolesá 26"
Predám horský bicykel Joko športy Girl,kolesá 26",veľkosť:18,5"-47cm,rýchlosťi:18,bike je zoservisovaný,cena:50EUR,mob.:
DANIEL SILVA - KOMPLET Zbierka 24 kníh
Viaceré tituly na predaj aj zvlášť. Viď web antikvariátu. Osobný odber v Prešove, alebo Zásielkovňa pri platbe vopred. Kompletná zbierka Daniela Silvu v slovenčine. Knihy sú vo výbornom stave, bez poškodení, vpisov či pečiatok. Aktuálne do zmazania. Možnosť predaja s faktúrou cez antikvariát. Zoznam kníh: • 1996 – Prísne tajné (The Unlike Spy) Hlavný hrdina Michael Osbourne: • 1998 – Znamenie zabijaka (The Mark of the Assassin) • 1999 – Zabijak sa vracia (The Marching Season) Hlavný hrdina Gabriel Allon: • 2000 – Majster vrah (The Kill Artist) • 2002 – Anglický zabijak (The English Assassin) • 2003 – Spovedník (The Confessor) • 2004 – Smrť vo Viedni (A Death in Vienna) • 2005 – Agent Mossadu (Prince of Fire) • 2006 – Posol smrti (The Messenger) • 2007 – Tajný agent (The Secret Servant) • 2008 – V tieni Moskvy (Moscow Rules) • 2009 – Zradca (The Defector) • 2010 – Prípad Rembrandt (The Rembrandt Affair) • 2011 – Špiónka (Portrait of a Spy) • 2012 – Padlý anjel (The Fallen Angel) • 2013 – Angličanka (The English Girl) • 2014 – Prípad Caravaggio (The Heist) • 2015 – Anglický špión (The English Spy) • 2016 – Čierna vdova (The Black Widow) • 2017 – Dom špiónov (House of Spies) • 2018 – Druhá žena (The Other Woman) • 2019 – Nové dievča (The New Girl) • 2020 – Rád (The Order) • 2021 – Violončelistka (The Cellist)
The girl on the train
The girl on the train Autor Paula Hawkins anglický jazyk Jeden krát listovaná. Top stav.
Bicykel - detsky
Predam: Detsky bicykel, MERIDA Dakar 620 Girl white/magenta. Osobny odber. Lokalita: Foncorda, Banska Bystrica pripadny link na podrobnejsie informacie:
Mini Damn Girl 24-Hour Mascara
Mini Damn Girl! 24-Hour Mascara, 6ml, mam 2ks, nove, jedna v klasickom baleni a druha vo vianocnom (len otvorene balenie, maskara nie). Cena 11.50 eur za kus. PC 16 eur v Sephore. Posielam cez zasilkovnu z Prahy na SK za postovne 3,30 eur.
GIRL ONLINE - knihy pre dievčatá 12+
Predám dve knižky série Girl Online - britského bestselleru od celosvetovo úspešnej youtuberky Zoelly. Knižky sú čistučké ako nové. Cena 6€/ks + 4€ kuriér. Pri odbere oboch kusov, cena vrátane zaslania kuriérom 14€
Detská taška 2 ks
Predám detskú tašku Stil fashion girl- Air flow system a Stil loveli girl- Air flow system. Cena 25€/ks.
Scars Like Wings
Erin Stewart - Scars Like Wings Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Everyone has scars. Some are just easier to see... 16-year-old Ava Gardener is heading back to school one year after a house fire left her severely disfigured. She's used to the names, the stares, the discomfort, but there's one name she hates most of all: Survivor. What do you call someone who didn't mean to survive? Who sometimes wishes she hadn't? When she meets a fellow survivor named Piper at therapy, Ava begins to feel like she's not facing the nightmare alone. Piper helps Ava reclaim the pieces of Ava Before the Fire, a normal girl who kissed boys and sang on stage. But Piper is fighting her own battle for survival, and when Ava almost loses her best friend, she must decide if the new normal she's chasing has more to do with the girl in the glass-or the people by her side. The beautiful, life-affirming debut from Erin Stewart that's being called the YA answer to Wonder. Perfect for fans of Jandy Nelson, Nicola Yoon and John Green.
Carolina Herrera Very Good Girl 50 ml + vzorky
Carolina Herrera Very Good Girl 50 ml zostatok ako na foto + vzorky ako na foto. Cena 40€. Dohoda na cene možná. Kontaktujte ma emailom na
Detské lyže Westige Snow girl
Predám detské lyže Westige snow girl s nastaviteľným viazaním pre najmenších lyžiarov. Lyže sa ľahko obúvajú, nastavujú, netreba k nim lyžiarky, pripevňujú sa hneď na obuv dieťatka. K lyžiam sú aj paličky. Jedna z nich má odlomenú spodnú časť, čo im však neuberá na funkčnosti (viď foto). Používané jednu sezónu. Dĺžka lyží 69 cm. Možný osobný odber v Bratislave alebo zaslanie balíčka (k cene treba pripočítať sumu za balík).
The Carrie Diaries
Meet Carrie Bradshaw before ‘Sex and the City!’ The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins. 416 stran 333g
Lauren Conrad - Infamous, Startstruck, The Fame Game
Predam nove knihy Lauren Conrad - Infamous, Startstruck, The Fame Game. OMG, queen of mean Madison Parker in a brand new series. It’s claws out in the fight to become Hollywood’s brightest star…Madison Parker made a name for herself as best frenemy of nice-girl-next-door-turned-reality-celeb Jane Roberts in L. A. Candy. Now she’s ready for her turn in the spotlight and she’ll stop at nothing to get it.But with backstabbing friends and family, relentless paparazzi, and tabloid scandals she can’t control, Madison is going to have her work cut out for her. Plus, there’s a new nice girl in town – Carmen Price, the daughter of Hollywood royalty – who’s a lot more experienced than Jane was at playing the fame game... Filled with characters both familiar and new, Lauren Conrad’s new series about life in front of the camera dishes Hollywood gossip and drama at every turn. predam spolu, aj 1 knihu samostarne, 1 kus za 5 eur.
GEOMAG Girl Kids Panel, hra pre dievčatá, 3+
Magnetická stavebnica Geomag Girl Kids Panel + Pro Panel 142 sa skladá z 36 dlhých magnetických tyčiek, 28 guličiek, 76 výplní, farba mg. tyčiek: strieborná farba výplní: biela, ružová, svetlo ružová. Hra je kompletná, asi 2x použitá, ako úplne nová.
knihy v angličtine 1.
Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 5 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Na požiadanie pošlem detailnejšie fotky kníh. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte. K dispozicií nasledovné tituly: Alexandra Ivy - Pretend you´re safe Elly Griffiths - The Zig Zag Girl Alice Sebold - The Almost Moon Ian Rankin - Rather be the Devil JP Delaney - The Perfect Wife Haley Long - The Nearest Far Away Place Gillian Flynn - Gone Girl Elizabeth Day - The Party Joseph O´Connor - Star Of The Sea Jojo Moyes - Me Before You
Knihy v anglickom jazyku 7.
Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 5 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Na požiadanie pošlem detailnejšie fotky kníh. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte. K dispozicií nasledovné tituly: Malorie Blackman - Check Mate Edward Marston - The Laughing Hangman Niven, Pournelle and Barnes - Legacy of Heorot Paula Hawkins - The Girl on the Train El James - Darker Alexander McCall Smith - The Girl Who Married a Lion Martyn Bedford - Twenty Questions for Gloria Glen David Gold - Carter Beats the devil Chris Crowe - Mississippi Trial, 1955 Lucy Kellaway - In Office Hours
Girl Online
Predám knihu Girl online. Kniha je ako nová v top stave. Cena 6.50€. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte.
Predám GRAMOF. PLATNE-LP: 60s - 90s
1.PRINCE AND THE REVOLUTION – Around The World In A Day; Warner Bros Records Inc.; U.S.A.; 1985 (Around The World In A Day, Paisley Park, Condition Of The Heart, America,...) - 10€ 2.ROXY MUSIC – Avalon; E.G. Music Ltd. London; Austro Mechana, Austria; 1982 (Avalon, Take A Chance With Me, More Than This, India,...) - 10€ 3.ROXY MUSIC – Flesh + Blood; E.G. Music Ltd.; West Germany; 1980 (Oh Yeah, Same Old Scene, My Only Love, Rain Rain Rain,...) - 10€ 4.ROXY MUSIC – Viva (Live); E.G. Recordings Ltd.; Austro Mechana; Austria; 1976 (Out Of The Blue, Pyjamarama, The Bogus Man, Both Ends Burning,...) - 10€ 5.SANTANA – Caravanserai; CBS Inc.; Holland; 1972 (Waves Within, Look Up To See What's Coming Down, Just In Time To See The Sun,...) - 7€ 6.SIMPLE MINDS – Sister Feelinfs Call; Gema/Stemra; Virgin Records Ltd.; 1981 (Theme For Great Cities, The American, Wonderful In Youth, League Of Nations,...) - 7€ 7.SIMPLY RED – Picture Book; Gema/Biem; WEA International Inc.; 1985 (Come To My Aid, Money's Too Tight To Mention, Sad Old Red, Look At You Now,...) - 10€ 8.SMOKIE – The Montreux; Gema; RAK Records; Germany; 1978 (The Girl Can't Help It, Power Of Love, No More Letters, Mexican Girl,...) - 10€ 9.SUPERTRAMP – Famous Last Words; Biem/Stemra; A&M Records Inc.; Holland; 1982 (It's Raining Again , Crazy, Put On Your Old Brown Shoes, My Kind Of Lady,...) - 10€ 10. SUPERTRAMP - Die Songs Einer Supergruppe; Limit. edícia; CBS Inc.; A&M Records Inc.; 1984 (The Logical Song, Breakfast In America, Dreamer, Take The Long Way Home, It`s Raining Again,...) - 25€ 11.SUZANNE VEGA – Suzanne Vega; A&M Records Inc.; Hollywood, California; U.S.A.; 1985 (Cracking, Neigbourhood Girls, Marlene On The Wall, Small Blue Thing, Some Journey,...) – 20€ 12.THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT – Eye In The Sky; Woolfsongs Ltd. / Careers Music Inc.; 1981 (Sirius, Eye In The Sky, Gemini, Mammagamma, You're Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned,...) – 25€ 13.THE BEATLES – Love Songs – 2LP set; EMI Records Ltd. U.K.; Balkanton Bulgaria; 1977 (Yesterday, Michelle, Here There And Everywhere, Norwegian Wood,...) -25€ • Na jednej strane na začiatku je malý škrabanec; platňa neskáče, iba na tomto mieste asi 5 krát pukne 14.ULTRAVOX – Rage In Eden; Chrystall Records Ltd.; Spain; 1981 (The Voice, We Stand Alone, The Thin Wall, The Ascent, Paths And Angles,...) - 10€ 15. ULTRAVOX - Quartet; Chrysalis Records Ltd.; West Germany; 1982 (Reap The Wild Wind, Serenade, Hymn, Visions In Blue,...) - 10€ Stav LP - platne: výborný, obaly: niektoré s malým ošúchaním hrán/rohov Osobne: Ml. Nivy BA; Dobierka: +3,50€; Doporučene: +2,50€
Sukňa MSHLL Girl veľkosť M
Predám novú sukňu, značka MSHLL Girl veľkosť M. Kupovaná v NewYorkeri, nebola nosená. Cena 5e+poštovné