inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

green ways - strana 9

Počet nájdených inzerátov GREEN WAYS : 1000 - strana 9

5. Rôzne knihy po 2€/ks
Ponúkam na predaj knihy: - László Passuth - Jana Neapolská - Cirilo Villaverde - Cecília Valdésová alebo anjelský pahorok - Theodore Dreiser - Sestra Carrie - Milan Ferko - Medzi ženou a Rímom - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Júlia alebo nová Heloisa - Beryl Bainbridgeová - Podnikový výlet - New Ways to Spoken English - Arthur Upfield - Bony a myš, Po stope novej topánky, Starí mládenci z Broken Hillu - Christiaan Barnard, Siegfried Stander - Nežiadúci Navrhovaná cena je 2€/ks + poštovné alebo osobný odber v Topoľčanoch Pozrite si aj moje ostatné inzeráty, možno sa vám bude niečo hodiť.
Predám originálne CD albumy. Všetky CD sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, prípadne uvedené priamo pri CD. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky. BLOF - Blauwe Ruis - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) BRENDAN BENSON - One Mississippi - 2,00€ DEAN MARTIN - At The Sands - 2,00€ GENE - Revelations - 2,00€ GLORIA ESTEFAN - Cuts Both Ways - 3,00€ CHEAP STUFF - Live And Die In The Prison Of Life - 4,00€ CHRIS DE BURGH - Into The Light - 4,00€ CHRIS DE BURGH - The Getaway - 4,00€ JOE COCKER - Night Calls - 3,00€ KINGS OF LEON - Because Of The Times - 4,00€ MARIA MENA - Apparently Unaffected - 2,00€ MATCHBOX TWENTY - More Than You Think You Are - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) MATTAFIX - Signs Of a Struggle - 3,00€ MEAT LOAF - Hits Out Of Hell - 4,00€ NATALIE IMBRUGLIA - Left Of The Middle - 2,00€ PROPELLERHEADS - Decksanddrumsandrockandroll - 3,00€ RAINBIRDS - Two Faces - 3,00€ RONAN KEATING - Destination - 2,00€ RYAN ADAMS - Gold - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) SAMANTHA MUMBA - Gotta Tell You (Special Edition) - 3,00€ THE HOUSEMARTINS - Now Thats What I Call Quite Good - 4,00€ THE TROGGS - All The Hits Plus More - 1,00e (cd má známky používania) TINA TURNER - Simply The Best - 4,00€ BAD CO. PROJECT - Sucker Stories - 3,00€ (nové, zabalene) BLOC PARTY - Silent Alarm - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) BRITNEY SPEARS - Britney - 2,00€ CRASH TEST DUMMIES - God Shuffled His Feet - 3,00€ CRYSTAL SHAWANDA - Dawn Of A New Day - 3,00€ ETERNAL - Always & Forever - 2,00€ FANCY - Colours Of Life - 8,00€ GAVIN DeGRAW - Chariot - 2,00€ GIPSY KINGS - Gipsy Kings - 3,00€ JACK PENATE - Everything Is New - 2,00€ JANET JACKSON - Design Of A Decade 1986-1996 - 3,00€ KRUPPT - The Spunion Field -4,00€ LeANN RIMES - The Best Of - 3,00€ MADONNA - Ray Of Light - 3,00€ PATRICIA KAAS - Le Mot De Passe - 3,00€ ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Escapology Mix 2003 - 4,00€
Aljaška (Alaska) knižný sprievodca
Predám knihu "Aljaška Lonely Planet", sprievodca v češtine 10€ plus knihu "55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska" (v angličtine) 10€ Spolu obe knihy za 15€
How Design Makes Us Think: And Feel and Do Things
Predám knihu How Design Makes Us Think: And Feel and Do Things (Sean Adams) - stav knihy - ako nová From posters to cars, design is everywhere. While we often discuss the aesthetics of design, we don't always dig deeper to unearth the ways design can overtly, and covertly, convince us of a certain way of thinking. How Design Makes Us Think collects hundreds of examples across graphic design, product design, industrial design, and architecture to illustrate how design can inspire, provoke, amuse, anger, or reassure us. Graphic designer Sean Adams walks us through the power of design to attract attention and convey meaning. The book delves into the sociological, psychological, and historical reasons for our responses to design, offering practitioners and clients alike a new appreciation of their responsibility to create design with the best intentions. How Design Makes Us Think is an essential read for designers, advertisers, marketing professionals, and anyone who wants to understand how the design around us makes us think, feel, and do things.
MIX CD - 8ks
Ponúkam 8 CD rôznych interprétov za 12€. Niektoré sú takzvané polské vydania. SHAKIRA - Laundry Service - Fijación Oral, vol. 1 LADY GAGA - The Fame NATASHA BEDINGFIELD - Unwritten BEYONCÉ - Dangerously in Love SUGABABES - Three - Taller in More Ways HURTS - Happiness Cena je bez poštovného. Preferujem platbu vopred na účet. Možný osobný odber. Na dobierku pošlem len po uhradení poštovného vopred na účet. Posielam aj cez Packetu (Zásielkovňu) za 3,30€. Cena poštovného podľa cenníka pošty : Balík na poštu : 3,60€ Balík na adresu : 4,50€ Dobierka : Balík na poštu : 4,90€ Balík na adresu : 5,80€
Alois Kolb /1875-1942/ Beethoven 1905  Expresionizmus
Predám krásne dielo z obdobia secesie. Alois Kolb /1875-1942/, Beethoven - Der Kuss. Originálne grafické dielo, aquatinta, rok vzniku cca 1905, 42 x 42 cm, rámované pod sklom. Veľmi dobrý stav. Pre milovníkov viedenskej secesie a expresionizmu!! Dielo je vzhľadom na dobu svojho vzniku v bezchybnom stave! Toto dielo vlastní aj prestížne British Museum, /The Kiss of the whole world/, ktoré uvádza dobu vzniku okolo 1900.Pozri aj Ide pravdepodobne o najlepšie dielo umelca z tohoto obdobia..Porovnajte s dielom Egona Schiele z rovnakého obdobia..
Eider paperova obojstranna dámska bunda vel.36/s
Ponukam nosenu paperku čierno-ruzovej farby, sedi na velkost s/36. Bunda je v peknom stave, nezatrhnuta,bez flakov. Čo je na nej super, že máte hneď dve bundy v jednom :) Popis vyrobcu You may have a jacket full of the softest down, but if it's in a stiff, bulky shell you can't really enjoy it. Eider solved the problem in the Women's Olan Reversible Down Jacket by using light, supple Pertex to wrap the cozy 700-fill down insulation. You get great drape and feel, as well as protection from wind, snow and light rain thanks to the shell's tight weave and DWR finish. And you get to enjoy it two different ways, thanks to the fully reversible design. Stretchy spandex sleeve cuffs, hem, and hood binding work with the hem drawcord seal out drafts and snow, so you stay toasty and warm in nasty weather. This stylish, functional gem comes with a handy stuff stack, too.
Vyše 400 SP a LP platní na predaj - časť 6. (SP)
Predám vyše 400 SP a LP platní. Ak platňu nájdete na obrázku, ale nie v texte, bola už predaná. Každá SP platňa je za 1 EUR a LP platňa od 5 EUR. Kompletný zoznam zašlem e-mailom. Preferujem kontakt cez e-mail. Možný osobný odber v BA alebo odošleme poštou. K poštovnému pripočítavame balné 1 EUR. Odosielame cez slovenskú poštu alebo zásielkovňu. V tejto časti inzerátu ponúkam nasledovné SP platne: Da doo ron ron + Holiday | Shaun Cassidy 50 ways to leave your lover + Gone at last | Paul Simon So long boy + Sentimental | Danis Lyne Hey Biladi + Cindy | Dean Reed Che angelo sei + Perché | AlBano & Romina Power Měla na očích brýle + Motorest | K. Zich, P. Janů Na prvním programu + V zádech táhnu stín | Karel Zich Hej, pane průvodčí + Vejdl | Karel Zich Já neměl s kým si hrát + Správný nápad | Karel Zich Prázdný rám + Faunovo pozdní odpoledne | Karel Zich Máš chuť majoránky + Ráno | K. Zich, H. Buštíková Hurikán + Ptám se vás, lidé | Karel Zich Kdybych byl malířem + Bílý stůl | Karel Zich a Planety, Aleš Ulm a Planety Tvůj vlak + Tím víc tě mám rád | Karel Zich Tvůj vlak + Tím víc tě mám rád | Karel Zich Proud řeky důvěrně znám + Nelži | Karel Zich Městeo jako ponorka + Konec prázdnin | Vítězslav Vávra, Maximum Citrónová holka + Jsi tím známá | Vítězslav Vávra, Maximum Čochtan vypravuje | Národní umělec Jan Werich Proud řeky důvěrně znám + Nelži | Karel Zich Mosty (Lost in love) + Životopis | Karel Zich, L. Filipová Škoda lásky + Tři bílé břízy | Jindra Střitezská, Věra Přikazská, Marie Sikulová, Josef Strnad a Inkognito 2x SP (4 EUR) - Moravanka poprvé - Roste drobná jatelinka + Mamko, moja mamko + Když jsem já šel kolem panské zahrady + Smutný su já + Jedna růže, dvě růže, už je večer, lhánická polka, před naším je v zahrádečce + Kohútku jarabí | Jan Slabák, Zdena Hovorková, Květa Navrátilová, Jiří Helán Balada pro Andělku + Pojď kdo máš mě rád | Paul de Senneville, Oliver Toussaint, Bohuslav Ondráček Když se narodíme + Mít svůj kout | Jitka Zelenková Máš chuť majoránky + Ráno | Karel Zich Já si tě najdu + Kilimanžáro | Karel Zich Ráno je moudřejší + Rád bych tu zůstal | Karel Zich Jak jdem tím zdejším světem + Sám se svou kytarou | Karel Zich Černý cikán + Rybička | Budvarka Hej chlapče s tamburinou + Sto dní | Fešáci Odjez 24'05 + Hrej, ať stromy roztančíš | Martha a Tena Elefteriadu, Bob Frídl
Knihy rôznych žánrov
Predám knihy: Vlado Bednár: Sibyla Patrick Swayze a Lisa Niemi: Žil som skvelý život (predaná) Günter Sator: Feng Šuej - Harmónia v partnerstve a láske Wm Paul Young: The Shack Emily Brontëová: Búrlivé výšiny (predaná) Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Amy Newmark: Slepačia polievka pre dušu - Pravá láska Zápisník Old ways Note explorer
CD Pallas,Pain of Salvation,Vanden Plas,
Paganini -"Weapon of love" 33:20 1985 Vertigo 826 068-2Q nabídněte (Disgos 25-35Eur) Pain of Salvation-"The perfect element" 72:44 2000 Inside Out Music IOMCD 067 300Kč Pain of Salvation-"12:5" 60.47 2004 Inside Out Music IOMACD 2074 300Kč Pallas -"Beat the drum" 71:42 1999 Inside Out IOMCD 035 350Kč Pallas -"The sentinel" 57:30 1984 Inside Out IOMCD 058 350Kč Vain -"No respect" 53:06 1989 Island 260 100-222 300Kč Valentine Smith -"Back on earth"24:17 1994 Another Round ARR 001 300Kč Valley´s Eve -"Deception of pain" 66:50 2002 Limb Music LMP 0302-039 CD 400Kč Van Der Graaf -"The quiet zone, the pleasure dome" 43:30 1977 Charisma CASCD 1131 350Kč Van Der Graaf Generator -"H to he who am the only one" 47:19 1970 Virgin CASCD 1027 350Kč Van Der Graaf Generator -"Godbluff" 37:34 1975 Charisma CASCD 1109 350Kč Van Der Graaf Generator-"Still life" 44:58 1976 Virgin-Charisma CASCD 1116 350Kč Van Der Graaf Generator -"World record" 52:31 1976 Virgin CASCD 1120 350Kč Van Halen-"Van Halen 1. " 35:34 1978 Warner Bros. 7599-27320-2 250Kč Van Halen -"1984" 33:25 1983 Warner Bros. 7599-23985-2 250Kč Van Halen -"For unlawful carnal knowledge" 52:08 1991 Warner Bros. 7599-26594-2 250Kč Van Halen-"Balance" 53:20 1995 Warner Bros. 9362-45760-2 250Kč Van Stephenson-"Righteous anger"37:33 1984 High Vaultage HV-1003 600Kč Van Stephenson -"Suspicious heart" 41:39 1986 High Vaultage HV-1004 500Kč Vanden Plas-"Far off grace"60:01 1999 Inside Out Music IOMCD 043 350Kč Vanderhoof-"Vanderhoof" 57:45 1997 Steamham mer SPV 085-18792 350Kč Vanderhoof-"A blur in time"53:41 2002 Steamhammer SPV 085-74182 CD 350Kč Vanessa Mae-"The violin player" 42:52 1995 EMI 7243 5 55089 2 8 200Kč Vanessa Mae -"Storm" 69:32 1997 EMI 7243 8 21800 2 9 200Kč Vanessa Mae -"Subject to change"64:27 2001 EMI-Liberty 7243 5 33100 2 8 200Kč Vanishing Point -"Tangled in dream" 79:18 2000 Limb Music LMP 0011-024 CD 300Kč Vanishing Point-"Embrace the silence" 79.35 2005 Dockyard Com. DY 10032 300Kč Vardis -"The world´s gone mad"(2CD)61:57 1980/1 Sanctuary Records ESACD 935 nabídněte (Disgos 25-45Eur) Vendetta -"Vendetta" 32:30 1993 Reality 1113-2 500Kč Vengeance-"We have ways to make you rock" 75:41 1986 Pseudonym CDP 10
Anglická audiokniha Wink(and Grow Rich) 1 & 2-Roger Hamilton
Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel. Kniha popisuje dynamiku bohatstva cez pribeh 9 rocneho chlapca, ktory chce pomoct svojmu otcovi a nastupi na cestu hladania, kde stretava ludi, ktori mu popisuju ako sa dopracovali k svojmu bohatstvu. Aj ked sposoby su rozne, spaja ich to, ze ich dany sposob bavi. Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics Format: 2 original CD od autora Viac o audioknihe: "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth. BA Ruzinov. Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur. Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu. --------- Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
Predám rockové a metalové CD 2
Tormentor – Recipe Ferrum! Blind Guardian – Tales from the twilight world Pretty Maids – Stripped Premier – S radostí blesku IMT Smile – Hlava má sedem otvorov 2 CD Gladiator – Mesto Gladiator – Črepy Scorpions – Unbreakable Rage – Carved in stone Vanilla Fudge – The beat goes on Mirrorthrone – Of wind and weeping Gorefest – The ultimate collection part 3 Soul Survivor & Chapter 13 Chris Rea – The road to hell Borknagar – Epic My Dying Bride – As the flowers withers My Dying Bride – The llight at the end of the world Eric Clapton - Pilgrim Jesus Jones – Already Live – Throwing copper Live – The distance to here Bush – Razorblade suitcase Bush – Deconstructed Clawfinger – A whole lot of nothing Clawfinger – Life will kill you Wayd – Ghostwalk Wayd – Decadence Mangled – Ancient times Mangled – Most painful ways Godlike – Malicious mind Quake the earth – We choose to walk the path CD zasielam po pripísaní (nie odoslaní) dohodnutej sumy môj na účet, alebo odovzdám osobne v Košiciach. K cene CD sa pripočítava cena doporučeného poštovného podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty. Na dobierku nezasielam. Pre ďalšiu ponuku si pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty.
Bluetooth Hands free sada  SOLAR
Nove LCD display, caller ID, digital and English subtitles; Voice can be opened to enroll in Chinese or English One button operation to achieve answer, redial, reject, hang up, and support for voice dialing; Phone book function, support 600 address book import; Store the final answer of 10 phone numbers; Built-in DSP noise reduction and echo cancellation Solar charger, cigarette lighter, USB charging a variety of ways High quality Li-ion battery, standby time 300 hours. Size: 100mm (length) x 55mm (width) x 18mm (thick) Specifications: Bluetooth version: 2.0 Frequency range: 2.4GHz spectrum Transmit frequency: 87.5-108MHz Operation distance: 0-10m Car charger input voltage: DC 12-24V Talking time: Up to 12 hours Standbytime: Up to 9 days Color: Black and silver Solar panel size: 62 x 39mm Product Size: 110 x 57 x 18mm Product weight: 70g Package size: 260 x 122 x 49mm
Predam toto neotvorene serum s vitaminom C a kyselinou mliecnou, dovod netiham spotrebovat vsetku kozmetiku kt mam doma. Objem 30 ml. Formulated with 15% L-ascorbic acid and lactic acid, this innovative formula targets discolouration in three ways: by removing over-pigmented surface cells, clearing and illuminating skin tone, and fighting against environmental aggressors to reveal a remarkably even and radiant complexion. #azijska #korejska #kozmetika #skii Kontaktujte ma prosim mailom, telefonne cislo je vymyslene.
Jeremy Clarkson - Motorworld
Jeremy Clarkson invites us to Motorworld, his take on different cultures and the cars that they drive. There are ways and means of getting about that don't involve four wheels, but in this slice of vintage Clarkson, Jeremy isn't much interested in them. Back in 1996, he took himself off to 12 countries (okay, 11—he goes to America twice) in search of the hows, whys, and wherefores of different nationalities and their relationships with cars. There were a few questions he needed answers to: Why, for instance, is it that Italians are more interested in looking good than looking where they are going? Why do Indians crash a lot? How can an Arab describe himself as "not a rich man" with four of the world's most expensive cars in his drive? And why have the otherwise neutral Swiss declared war on the car? From Cuba to Iceland, Australia to Vietnam, Japan to Texas, Jeremy Clarkson tells us of his adventures on and off four wheels as he seeks to discover just what it is that makes our motorworld tick over.
U2 i+e Live in Paris - Super Deluxe Edition - Nové
Dobrý den Všem, redukuji sbírku U2 věcí , podívejte se i na mé další inzeráty třeba se Vám bude něco hodit. Průběžně budu přidávat další věci které mám duplicitně. Nebo napište co sháníte mám toho od U2 opravdu dost :-) U2: Innocence + Experience (Super Deluxe Edition) - 2DVD+Blu-ray Parádní box navíc obsahuje - exkluzivní USB žárovku, čtyřiašedesátistránkovou knihu, individuálně očíslovanou psí známku, set speciálních koncertních šablon, několik pohlednic, samolepky a placky. Track list: 1. PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER 2. THE MIRACLE (OF JOEY RAMONE) 3. VERTIGO 4. I WILL FOLLOW 5. IRIS (HOLD ME CLOSE) 6. CEDARWOOD ROAD 7. SONG FOR SOMEONE 8. SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY 9. RAISED BY WOLVES 10. UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD 11. THE FLY 12. INVISIBLE 13. EVEN BETTER THAN THE REAL THING 14. MYSTERIOUS WAYS 15. ELEVATION 16. EVERY BREAKING WAVE 17. OCTOBER 18. BULLET THE BLUE SKY 19. ZOOROPA 20. WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME 21. PRIDE (IN THE NAME OF LOVE) 22. WITH OR WITHOUT YOU 23. STEPHEN HAWKING 'GLOBAL CITIZEN' 24. CITY OF BLINDING LIGHTS 25. BEAUTIFUL DAY 26. MOTHER & CHILD REUNION 27. BAD 28. ONE 29. PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER (WITH EAGLES OF DEATH METAL) 30. I LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME (EAGLES OF DEATH METAL) BONUS MATERIAL 1. CEDARWOOD ROAD – A GAVIN FRIDAY NARRATION 2. OUT OF CONTROL (DECEMBER 6TH 2015 – PARIS) 3. THE FUTURE BETTER HURRY UP 4. THE ELECTRIC CO. (NOVEMBER 11TH 2015 - PARIS) 5. i + e - BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE DIRECTOR 6. BAD / PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER (WITH PATTI SMITH - DECEMBER 6TH 2015 - PARIS) 7. THE WANDERER 8. THE TROUBLES 9. MUSIC VIDEOS 1. ORDINARY LOVE 2. INVISIBLE 3. THE MIRACLE (OF JOEY RAMONE) 4. EVERY BREAKING WAVE - A FILM BY AOIFE MCARDLE 5. SONG FOR SOMEONE (DIRECTED BY VINCENT HAYCOCK) 6. SONG FOR SOMEONE (BEHIND THE SCENES) 7. SONG FOR SOMEONE (DIRECTED BY MATT MAHURIN) Osobně předám v Ostravě nebo po dohodě pošlu bezpečně zabalené :-)
METALOVÉ LP,CD,,,Black,Death Metal
Platne su zachovalom zberatelskom stave,vatsina je limitovaná,alebo 1.vydanie. LP-Behemoth–Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic) Ltd.edicia/Colored vynil/ 24€. LP-Behemoth–And The Forests Dream Eternally Ltd.edicia/Colored vynil/ 24€ LP-Behemoth‎–Grom Ltd. edicia/Colored vynil/ 24€ LP-Behemoth Pandemonic Incantations /Colored vynil/ aktuálné 22€ LP-Immortal-Pure Holocaust 28€,LTD.Silver edicia LP-Immortal-Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism 28€ ltd.Red. LP-Darkthrone ‎– Transilvanian Hunger 35€ LP-Darkthrone-Under Funeral A Moon 35€ LP-Darktroné-Soulside Journey pred. LP-Darkthrone-Old Star pred. LP-Hate Forest ‎– Sorrow 22 Pred. LP-Behexen ‎– Nightside Emanations 49€€ LP-Hetroertzen ‎– pred. LP-Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult ‎– Saldorian Spell 45€ LP-Emperor – Emperor Pred. LP-Emperor ‎– IX Equilibrium 25€ LP-Deathspell Omega ‎– Drought 18€ LP-Nidingr ‎– Greatest Of Deceivers 18€ 2LP-1349 ‎– Hellfire pred. 2LP-Unleashed ‎– Eastern Blood - Hail To Poland 20€ LP-Ragnarok ‎– Psychopathology 17€ LP-October Falls ‎– The Streams Of The End 12€ LP-Archgoat ‎– The Apocalyptic Triumphator 18€ LP-Gehenna ‎– Murder 25€ LP-Blaze Of Perdition ‎– The Hierophant 18€ LP-Koldbrann ‎– Nekrotisk Inkvisition 24€ 1.lp press LP-Armagedda ‎– I Am 16€ LP-Malfeitor ‎– Unio Mystica Maxima 18€ 2LP-Graveland ‎– Fire Chariot Of Destruction/Impaler s Wolves 30€ Rare press. LP-Dark Fortress ‎– Ylem 20€ LP-Dark Fortress ‎– Eidolon predané LP-Orcustus ‎– Orcustus 35€ LP-Maniac Butcher ‎– Live In Open Hell 13€ 1.LP press LP-Maniac Butcher ‎– Live In Germany 13€ LP-Strix ‎– Taetra Opera Carnis 8€ LP-Veneror ‎– Percussimus Foedus Cum Morte 8€ LP-Frost ‎– Voices From Beyond The Gates 13€ LP-Shining– 8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd predané 2LP Qurthon-Purity of Essence 28€ Bathory-Nordland I-II 25€ Bathory-Blood on Ice pred. Bathory-Octagon 25€ Bathory-Blood Fire Death pred. Bathory-Twilight Of The Gods 28€ Bathory-Bathory pred. Bathory-The Return 25€ aktuálné Bathory-Requem pred. Bathory-Octagon 25€ aktuálné 2LP-Burzum-Filozofem 35€ LP-BURZUM-FALLEN 35€ 2LP-BURZUM-BURZUM/ASKE 35€ LP-BURZUM-DET SOM ENGANG VAR pred. 2LP-BURZUM-BELUS 35€ 2LP-BURZUM-UMSKIPTAR 35€ 2LP-BURZUM-THE WAYS OF YORE 35€ 2LP-BURZUM-DRAUGEN RARITIES 30€ LP-Burzum-Balders Dod 30€ LP-Burzum-Hlidskjalf 30€ CD-Watain-Rabid Death's Curse,Slipcase edition 10€ Digi-CD-Immortal-Northern Chaos Gods 10€ Watain-Casus Luciferi,Slipcase edition 10€ CD-Watain-Trident Wolf Eclipse 10€ Slipcase+Patch-Gorgoroth ‎– Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem 15€ CD-BURZUM-BELUS 12€ CD-BURZUM-UMSKIPTAR 15€ CD-BURZUM-BURUM/ASKE 15€ Info len e-mail.
Anglická audiokniha Wink(and Grow Rich) 1 & 2-Roger Hamilton
Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel. Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics Format: 2 original CD od autora Viac o audioknihe: "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth. BA Ruzinov. Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur. Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu. --------- Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
Elektroventil ,1"  na 230 V
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