guns and roses - strana 10
Počet nájdených inzerátov GUNS AND ROSES
: 1000 - strana 10

Luxusná 3 podlažná rezidenčná vila na reprezentatívne účely v tichej lokalite v súkromnej uzatvorenej ulici v novej štvrti na Kolibe,dom je vhodný na rezidenciu ambasády či ako reprezentatívne sídlo spoločnosti.
Celková úžitková plocha domu je 588 m2, dom je výborne dispozične riešený na rezidenčnú časť a súkromnú časť na bývanie: priestranná reprezentatívna obývacia izba s luxusným krbom o ploche cca 110 m2 + veľká jedáleň pre cca 40 ludi, samostatná luxusná kuchyňa kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi a s nákladným výťahom zo suterénu, v dome je celkovo 6 samostatných spálni z toho 5 spální a každá s vlastnou kúpeľňou a WC + 2 samostatné hosťovské WC. Dom má na prízemí wellness s luxusnou saunou s vírivkou a hydromasážnou sprchou s WC.
V celom dome dome sú použité kvalitne nadštandardné materiály, podlahové kúrenie a chladené stropy, alarm, kamerový systém, garáž pre 3 autá + pohodlné parkovanie vo dvore pre 3 autá.
K domu patrí okrasná záhrada so zavlažovaním a priestranná terasa s krásnym výhľadom na hrad a na mesto. Dom je voľný ihneď. Cena: 3 700 €/mesiac + energie 600 €
A luxurious 3-storey residential villa for representative purposes in a quiet location in a private closed street in the new district of Koliba, the house is suitable for an embassy residence or as a representative company headquarters.
The total usable area of the house is 588 m2, the house is excellently laid out into a residential part and a private part for living: a spacious representative living room with a luxurious fireplace of approx. 110 m2 + a large dining room for approx. 40 people, a separate luxury kitchen fully equipped with all appliances and expensive elevator from the basement, there are a total of 6 separate bedrooms in the house, 5 of which are bedrooms and each with its own bathroom and toilet + 2 separate guest toilets. The house has a wellness area on the ground floor with a luxurious sauna with a whirlpool and a hydromassage shower with a toilet.
The entire house uses high-quality materials, underfloor heating and cooled ceilings, alarm, camera system, garage for 3 cars + convenient parking in the yard for 3 cars.
The house includes an ornamental garden with irrigation and a terrace with a beautiful view of the castle and the city. The house is available immediately. Price: 3,700 €/month + energy 600 €

Predám zvukovú kartu ASUS Xonar D2. Iba osobny odber, dohoda mozná. Dá sa u mna vyskúsat. Funguje bez problémov na Windows 10/11 cez Unixonar Driver.
8-channel (7.1 surround) output at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum
Texas Instruments/Burr-Brown PCM1796 DACs to those 7.1 channels
2-channel input at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum, via Cirrus Logic CS5381 ADC
1x PCI-Express interface (PLX 8111 PCI to PCIe bridge chip)
Asus AV200 APU (a re-branded C-Media Oxygen HD CMI8788 of some sort)
S/PDIF input and output, both with optical and coaxial connections
MIDI input and output via daughtercard
Real-time DTS and Dolby Digital Live encoding
Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Headphone, and Virtual Speaker
DTS Connect (DTS Interactive and DTS NEO:PC, all wrapped in one)
EAX 2.0, OpenAL, and the new, new hotness DS3D GX
LEDs and Gold Bling
Stylish EMI shield

Predám zvukovú kartu ASUS Xonar D2X. Iba osobny odber, dohoda mozná. Dá sa u mna vyskúsat. Funguje bez problémov na Windows 10/11 cez Unixonar Driver.
8-channel (7.1 surround) output at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum
Texas Instruments/Burr-Brown PCM1796 DACs to those 7.1 channels
2-channel input at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum, via Cirrus Logic CS5381 ADC
1x PCI-Express interface (PLX 8111 PCI to PCIe bridge chip)
Asus AV200 APU (a re-branded C-Media Oxygen HD CMI8788 of some sort)
S/PDIF input and output, both with optical and coaxial connections
MIDI input and output via daughtercard
Real-time DTS and Dolby Digital Live encoding
Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Headphone, and Virtual Speaker
DTS Connect (DTS Interactive and DTS NEO:PC, all wrapped in one)
EAX 2.0, OpenAL, and the new, new hotness DS3D GX
LEDs and Gold Bling
Stylish EMI shield

REB sk.ponúka na prenájom 3 podlažnú luxusnú reprezetatívnu rezidenčnú vilu BA s výhľadom na mesto - Slavín, Bratislavský hrad
Vila sa nachádza v tichej lokalite, v súkromnej uzatvorenej ulici v novej štvrti na Kolibe.
Celková úžitková plocha domu je 570 m2, dom je výborne dispozične riešený na rezidenčnú časť a súkromnú časť na bývanie: priestranná reprezentatívna obývacia izba s luxusným krbom o ploche cca 110 m2 + veľká jedáleň pre cca 40 ludi, samostatná luxusná kuchyňa kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi a s nákladným výťahom zo suterénu.
Na 1NP je kuchyňa, pracovňa s terasou a miestnosť pre upratovačku.
Na 3NP je pracovňa, eventuálne izba s terasou.
V dome je celkovo 7 izieb, z toho je 6 samostatných spálni, kde 5 spální má vlastnú kúpeľňu a WC + 2 samostatné hosťovské WC.
Dom má na prízemí wellness s luxusnou saunou s hydromasážnou sprchou s WC, s vyhrievanými ležadlami..
V celom dome dome sú použité kvalitne nadštandardné materiály, podlahové kúrenie a chladené stropy, alarm, kamerový systém.
K dispozícií je krytá garáž pre 3-4 autá + pohodlné parkovanie vo dvore pre 3-4 autá.
K domu patrí okrasná záhrada so zavlažovaním a priestranná terasa s krásnym výhľadom.
V blízkosti vily sa nachádza les.
Prístup do mesta je cca 5-10 minút.
Dom je voľný ihneď.
Cena: 3 700 €/mesiac + energie 600 €
A luxurious 3-storey residential villa for representative purposes in a quiet location in a private closed street in the new district of Koliba, the house is suitable for an embassy residence or as a representative company headquarters.
The total usable area of the house is 570 m2, the house is excellently laid out into a residential part and a private part for living: a spacious representative living room with a luxurious fireplace of approx. 110 m2 + a large dining room for approx. 40 people, a separate luxury kitchen fully equipped with all appliances and expensive elevator from the basement, there are a total of 6 separate bedrooms in the house, 5 of which are bedrooms and each with its own bathroom and toilet + 2 separate guest toilets. The house has a wellness area on the ground floor with a luxurious sauna with a whirlpool and a hydromassage shower with a toilet.
The entire house uses high-quality materials, underfloor heating and cooled ceilings, alarm, camera system, garage for 3 cars + convenient parking in the yard for 3 cars.
The house includes an ornamental garden with irrigation and a terrace with a beautiful view of the castle and the city. The house is available immediately. Price: 3,700 €/month + energy 600 €
Počet poschodí: 3
Počet izieb: 7
Zastavaná plocha: 250m²
Obytná plocha: 570m²
Celková rozloha: 588m²
Rozloha pozemku: 850m²
Úžitková plocha: 570m²
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Internet: optika
Vykurovanie: vlastné - elektrické
Balkón: áno - 2
Pivnica: án

Predám zvukovú kartu ASUS Xonar D2. Iba osobny odber, dohoda mozná. Dá sa u mna vyskúsat. Funguje bez problémov na Windows 10/11 cez Unixonar Driver.
Nemám záujem o vymene a neposielam to s postou!
8-channel (7.1 surround) output at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum
Texas Instruments/Burr-Brown PCM1796 DACs to those 7.1 channels
2-channel input at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum, via Cirrus Logic CS5381 ADC
1x PCI-Express interface (PLX 8111 PCI to PCIe bridge chip)
Asus AV200 APU (a re-branded C-Media Oxygen HD CMI8788 of some sort)
S/PDIF input and output, both with optical and coaxial connections
MIDI input and output via daughtercard
Real-time DTS and Dolby Digital Live encoding
Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Headphone, and Virtual Speaker
DTS Connect (DTS Interactive and DTS NEO:PC, all wrapped in one)
EAX 2.0, OpenAL, and the new, new hotness DS3D GX
LEDs and Gold Bling
Stylish EMI shield

Predám HDMI adaptér SPK618 DENON.
Dohoda možná.
Řešení adaptéru SPK618 HDMI je určeno k odstranění problému s kompatibilitou mezi vybranými A/V receivery, které podporují rozlišení 4K/120Hz a 8K a herními konzolemi, které podporují výstupní rozlišení 4K/120Hz a 8K.
The SPK618 HDMI adapter solution is designed to remedy a compatibility issue between select Denon A/V receivers that support 4K/120Hz and 8K video resolutions (specific models listed below) and gaming consoles that support 4K/120Hz and 8K video resolution output. If you experience a black screen and no audio when trying to pass through 4K/120Hz or 8K signals from gaming devices connected to the 8K input of the Denon A/V receiver, this adapter will help you to get a proper gaming experience. You may register below before the 30th of September 2022 to receive the SPK618 HDMI adapter at no cost (while stocks last). Click here to download the Instruction Manual on how to use the adapter.
If your country is not selectable in the form below, please reach out to the dealer where you bought the product.
Update: August 2021
Quick check — Does your product benefit from the HDMI adapter?
Only Denon models listed below with serial numbers below xxxxxxx70000 are impacted by the HDMI incompatibility issue and require the HDMI adapter to output 4K/120Hz and 8K/60Hz video signals. The below listed models with serial numbers xxxxxxx70000 and greater do not need or benefit from the adapter. If you have one of the affected models and serial numbers, please complete the form below to order the HDMI adapter at no cost.
List of affected products

English Version Below.
Na prenájom ponúkame veľmi pekný priestranný 2-izbový byt v Nitre na Chrenovej,, s veľkými nepriechodnými izbami a oddelenou rozšírenou kuchyňou, výmera je 64 m2 spolu s balkónom. Je kompletne prerobený, vymaľovaný a moderne zariadený novým nábytkom, bielou a čiernou technikou. Má plastové okná so žalúziami, dlažbu a drevené parkety.
Vybavenie bytu: vstupná chodba + šatník, ktorý ponúka množstvo úložného priestoru. Plne vybavená kuchyňa so spotrebičmi (chladnička s mrazničkou, mikrovlnka, plynový sporák s elektrickou rúrou), kuchynský stôl so stoličkami. Svetlá obývacia izba má rohovú rozkladaciu sedačku, konferenčný stolík, modernú obývaciu stenu a komodu.
Nepriechodná spálňa s manželskou posteľou a veľkými skriňami ponúka veľký balkón s pekným výhľadom. Kúpeľňa je spojená s toaletou.
Bytový dom prešiel nedávno kompletnou rekonštrukciou: je zateplený, nová strecha, fasáda, vchod na magnetický kľúč, nové výťahy. Vchod je čistý a udržiavaný, parkovanie bezproblémové pri bytovom dome.
Byt je situovaný v žiadanej lokalite s rýchlou dostupnosťou do centra a s kompletnou občianskou vybavenosťou (poliklinika a zdravotné centrá, obchody, škola, škôlky, autobusová zastávka 4 minúty od bytu).
Je voľný od 1.7.2023, prípadne dohodou. Nájomné 570 eur vrátane energií, správcovských poplatkov a internetu&TV.
We offer a very nice spacious 2-room apartment for rent in Nitra - Chrenova, with large non-passable rooms and a separate extended kitchen. Total usable area has got 64 squared meters plus balcony. It is completely remodeled, painted and modernly furnished with new furniture.
Apartment equipment: entrance hall + wardrobe, which offers a lot of storage space. Fully equipped kitchen with appliances (fridge with freezer, microwave, gas stove with electric oven), kitchen table with chairs. The bright living room has a corner folding sofa, a coffee table, a modern living wall and a chest of drawers.
The impenetrable bedroom with a double bed and large wardrobes offers a large balcony with a nice view. The toilet is a part of the bathroom.
The apartment building has recently been completely renovated: it is insulated, new roof, facade, magnetic key entrance, new elevators. The entrance is clean and well-maintained, parking is easy at the apartment building.
The apartment is located in a desirable location with quick access to the center and complete civic amenities (clinic and health centers, shops, school, kindergartens, bus stop 4 minutes from the apartment).
It is free from July 1, 2023. Rent 570 euro including utilities, administration fees and internet & TV.

Completely renovated apartment located in Dubravka on 4th out of 8 floors for sale (only two apartments on each floor) on the street – “Pri kríži”. The apartment has been renovated to achieve its most effective layout. It offers kitchen with a dining area connected with living room and loggia, 3 separate bedrooms, spacious entrance hall, bathroom with a shower and a separate toilet with sink. The apartment faces two directions – S-SE and N-NW
Technical renovation included change of entire electrical distribution system, installation of energy-saving LED lamps, replacement of water and waste plumbing system, installation of new heaters, new coating and wall painting and new parquet floor.
The complete floor area of the apartment is 70.83 m² including the loggia, which consist of 3.97 m2. The monthly costs for 2 people are €160, including payments for electricity.
The apartment building is well maintained and clean with friendly neighbors. In the surroundings, you will find everything you need for living within walking distance and accessible with ease by public transport.
Price for apartment: 214 900 €

Michael Jackson-Dangerous, Kansas-Point of Know Return,Kansas/ Power. Neil Young-The Monsato Years. Baker Gurvitz Army-Hearts on fire/Small Faces-Boxed One. Ohio Express-The Very Best of, TOTO- Antohology 1978-1988. Deep purple - Infinite. Neil Sedaka - Gratest Hits/Del Shannon-The Stoy del Shannon. Texas- Gratest Hits. Beatles-Past Master, sVol Txo Hey Jude. Barry Gibb-In the nox, deluxe edition. Easybeats-The bestof vol 2/Titanic-Titanic. Giorgio Moroder- De ja-vu/to be nubmer on. Eric Clapton- old sock/from the cradel. Show Waddy Waddy- Sweet Littelrock,nroll/Mud-the best of. Status qup-24titole, Beach boys-Gold Hits, Arena - The Best of, Journey-Biograhy no1, no2. Rose Tatto- Scared for life/ Ufo- no heavy pettind. Rush- the rock album/the rock album no. 2. Jon Secada- Jon Secada, Molly Hatchet-Lighting Strikes Twice, Bonfire- Glorious, Temple of lies,Robert Plant-Carry Fire, Gary Moore- Close at you get. Hard Rain- When the Good times Come. Motley Crue-Generation Swine. Guiet Riot - Metal Health. Vengeance - Polygram rock. Hraem Scarem-Polygram Rock. Poison-Native Tongue. Quiet Riot- RehabX. Without Warning - Step Beyond. Chrisde Burdh-Eastern Wind. Bay City Rollers- The Collection. Cliff Richard-The Classic, And The shadowx. Grand Funk Railroad- born To die , Goond Singi, good playin. Judas priest-Unliashed in the heat, Killing machine. Marillion-B, Sides Themselves/Marilion- Fugazi, marillion com. Pendragon: Once upon a time in England, Men xho climb mountains, Pure, Pasion, Fallen Dreams and angels as good al gold, Belive, The Window of life, Kowtov, The World, The Jewel, The Best of Pendragon. Y and T: Yesterday and Tody, Open Fire, Mean strak.. Mr. Big- Get over in, Teh sotries we could tell. Night Ranger-Hole in the sun. China-China. Saxon- Batterin Ram. TNT- Intuition. Quensryche: Hear in the now frontier, q2k, Empire, Promised Land, Queensrych, American Soldier. Bruce Dickinson: Balls to picasso, Accident of birth, Masters of metallian, The best of, The pover vol2, Tyranny of soul, The chemical wedding,Skunkworks, Tattoed Millionire. Rolling Stones: Single Collection 1969-1970, Sinhle Collection 1971-1972, Single Collection 1973-1974, Rolling Stones 12x5. Fleetwood Mac: The Blues sstory vol2. The blues story vol3. Ringo Starr: Postcards fromparadise, Beauecups of bules, From your past, The 4th, Vertical Man, Stop and smell roses, Sentimental Journej, Goodnight Vienna. Kontaktovať len telefonicky

Toatelná voda zn. Salvador Dali - Sun and Roses 30ml, raz vyskúšaná, s krabičkou, vhodná aj ako darček.
Posielam po prevode sumy na účet, ak nemáte túto možnosť nepíšte mi prosím. K sume si prirátajte aj poštovné cca 3€, v e-maile upresním. Komunikujem výhradne cez e-mail, ďakujem za pochopenie.
Parfém parfum vôňa voňavka toaletná voda

Kúpim sériu A court of thorns and roses len v tomto originálnom vydaní. Prosím ozvite sa mi na tel. číslo od 14:00 alebo kedykoľvek na mail alebo prostredníctvom sms.

Kúpim sériu A court of thorns and roses v EN jazyku od Sarah J. Maas, len v tomto originálnom vydaní. Prosím ozvite sa mi na tel. číslo od 14:00 alebo kedykoľvek na mail alebo prostredníctvom sms.

Gladiola – Wine and roses (vínoa ruže)
Táto netradičá, no nádherná odroda gladiol nesie jemné doružova sfarbené kvety, ktoré sú zafarbené červenými vínovými škrvami. Kvety sú vynikajúce na rez, vo váze vydržia dlho a priestor, v ktorom sa ocitnú krásne prevoňajú. Kvety sa objavujú vo veľkom počte a otvárajú sa postupne.
Cibuľky veľkosť 8/10
Cena 0,20€/ ks alebo 2€ za 10 ks.
minimálny odber 5€ - možnosť skombinovať s ostatnými rastlinami, ktoré ponúkam.
Možnosť zaslať poštou alebo kuriérom. Podobné ako trvalky a letničky alebo mrazuvzdorné kvety. Zasielam cibule kvetu resp. hluzy. Vhodné aj ako skalničky alebo kvety do skalky alebo kvety do záhonu.
Pozri aj moje ďalšie inzeráty na okrasné rastliny a kvety.

Guns n Roses-Appetite For Destruction: Remastered,Super Deluxe Edition 99€
Manowar-Triple Album Collection 3cd 12€
6 ROCK 6CD BOX 18€
Metallica-Reload 8€
Sepultura-ROOTS 6€
Apocalyptica-Cult 8€
Black Sabbath-13€
Sepultura-Best of 5€
Anthrax-Persistence of time 10€
Dream Theater-Awake 10€
Dream Theater-Dream Theater 10€
Dream Theater-Distance over time 12€
Dream Theater-Six Degrees of inner turbulence 12€ 2cd edicia
Skid Row-Slave to the grind 13€
Testament-The new order 13€
Def Leppard-Hignt n Dry 13€
Deep Purple-In Rock,Fireball 13€/kus
KISS-Hotten than hell,Hot Gun,Double Platinum,Dinasty,Crazy Nights,Creatures of the nights 12/kus
Korn-Path Totality 12€
Black Sabbath 13 7€
Motorhead-March or die 5€
Tyrant –Blind Revolution 8€
Ozzy Ozbourne-Speak of the devil 10€
Ozzy Ozbourne-The Ultimate Sin 10€
Ozzy Ozbourne-Bark of the moon 10€
Tool-Opiate 12€
Urriah Heep-Salisbury 10€
System of Dawn-System off Dawn,Steel Tis Album 2cd 13€
Helloween-Master of Rings 12€,Skyfall 9€,Keeper of theseven keys pt I 12€
Whitesnake-Restless Heart 12€
Alice Cooper-Thrash 9€,Goes To Hell 9€,Brutal Plannet 9€
AC/DC-If You Want Blood You We Go it 9€,Stiff Uper Lip 9€
Kiss-Destroyer 9€ Icon 9€
Nazarteth-Greatest Hits 9€
Orlik-Demise 11€ rezerve
Orlik-OI 11€
Daniel Landa-Valcik 11€,Pozdrav z fronty 11€ ,Chciply Dobry Vily 11€,9MM 11€,Ceskoslovensko Tour CD/DVD Edicia 11€
Jethro Tull-Catfish Risin 90€
Barry Gibb-In The Now 10€
Mick Jagger-Very Best 9€
Rolling Stones-Beggars Banquet,Japan cd 15€
Rolling Stones-Underpoint 10€,Flashpoint
10€,Some Girls 10€ Tatoo 10€,Black and blue 10€,Bridges to Babylon 10€
Rolling Stones-Exile of main Street 10€,Steel Weels 10€,Emotional Rescue 10€,December Children,10€,Dirty Work 10€
U2-All that you can t leave behind 9€,Rattle And Hum 9€
Uriah Heep-Innocent victim 9€,Wonderworld 10€,
Doors-Gold 9€
Sepultura-Best of 7€
CD-Wanastowi Vjecy – Letíme Na Wenuši 7€,Nové
CD-Chicago-Chicago 4€
CD-Genesis – Invisible Touch 5€
CD-Bee Gees – Still Waters 5€
CD/DVD-Argema – Live Concert 7€,
CD-Hyperhity-SK,CZ Rock,Pop vyber 5€,
No Doubt-Singles 1992-2003 9€
Chris Rea-Stony Road 2cdd 9€
Mike Oldfield-Crises 9€
Asia-Alpha 8€
Tublatanka-Tublatanka 14€
Tublatanka-Skusime to cez vesmir 14€
Ghymes-Nebeska Poviedka 8€,Dialkoletec/Messzerepülö 8€,Hejavarazs/Jastrabie caro 8€,kus
Elán-Detektivka 7€,Rabaka 7€,Nie sme zli 7€,Netvor z ciernej hviezdy Q7A 7€,Legenda 1,2,3,5,7€,kus.Elán-Jozo 2cd8€
Elán-Carnegie Hall Unplugged New york+kniha 10€.
Petet Toth-Observatorium Live in Kosice 9€
Info len e-mail+postovné.

10 CC Profile. BEST
10CC How dare you
bob dylan greatest hits
bob dylan soundtrack
bob dylan slow train coming
bruce springsteen the river
eagles one of these nights
Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard
Eric clapton another ticket
guns n roses live
chris rea wired to the moon
joe cocker i can stand a little rain
joe cocker jamaica , say you will
joe cocker one night of sin
joe cocker joe cocker
joe cocker stingray
joe cocker sheffield steel
joe cocker civilised man
joe cocker luxury you can afford
living color vivid
NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean
NEKTAR Recycled
OLDFIELD Mike Crises
OLDFIELD Mike Discovery
OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out
PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event
PLANT Robert The principle of moments
REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST
RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live
RENAISSANCE Debut album.
RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior
rod steward every picture tells a story
rod steward a night on the town
ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood
RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles
RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day
SAGA Heads or Tales
SAGA Worlds Apart
SANTANA Barboletta
SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST
SANTANA Marathon
SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water
SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years
SIMON Paul Graceland
SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP
SMITH Patti Wave
SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus
SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness
STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST
STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon
STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman
STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat
STEWART Rot Camouflange
STRAWBS Bursting at the seams
STRAWBS Hero and heroine
STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits
STYX Crystal ball
STYX Equinos
SWEET Fanny adams...1974
SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no.
T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST
TALKING HEADS Little creatures
the eagles hotel california
TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart
TOTO Hydra
TOWNSHEND Pete White city
TRIUMPH Just a Game
U.K. Danger money
U.K. U.K.
VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica
WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII.
WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST
WEATHER REPORT Weather report
WINWOOD Steve debut LP
WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life
YES Relayer
YOUNG Paul No Parlez
YOUNG Paul The secret of association

cena 8,9E + (dobierka 5E - zásielkovň) --- USA, Hard/Arena Rock, třetí řadové album, hrací čas 75:56, originál, výborný zánovní stav.... Geffen Records – GEFD-24415 Tracklist
1 Right Next Door To Hell 2:59
2 Dust N' Bones 4:55
3 Live And Let Die 2:59
4 Don't Cry (Original) 4:43
5 Perfect Crime 2:21
6 You Ain't The First 2:35
7 Bad Obsession 5:26
8 Back Off Bitch 5:02
9 Double Talkin' Jive 3:17
10 November Rain 8:53
11 The Garden 5:19
12 Garden Of Eden 2:38
13 Don't Damn Me 5:18
14 Bad Apples 4:26
15 Dead Horse 4:17
16 Coma 10:16
W. Axl Rose – lead vocals, piano, choir, synthesizer, programming, acoustic guitar Slash – lead guitar, rhythm guitar, slide guitar, acoustic guitar, dobro, classical guitar, talkbox, six-string bass
Izzy Stradlin – rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar, lead guitar, lead vocals on Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive and You Ain't The First
Duff McKagan – bass, acoustic guitar
Matt Sorum – drums, percussion
Dizzy Reed – keyboards

Kazde CD je original.
Posielam dobierkou.
Cena 10e za CD
Kontakt iba mail.
audioslave - out of exile
praet rain
rage - reflections of shadow
liege lord - burn to my touch
alice cooper - dragon town
jack panzer - the fourth judgement
fire down under riot
metalium - stage of trumph
saxon - unleash the beast
centvrion - arise of the ampire
symphony x - paradise lost
symphony x - twilight in olympus
voice prediction
iomim fused
slaughter - revolution
liquid monster
jack panzer - chain of commann
jack panzer - casting the stones
jack panzer - dessident alliance
dianno - nomad
ufo - sharks
antithesis - dying fo life
pegazus - wings of destiny
weinhold - bellow the line
holy mother - my world war
slaughter - stick into it to ya
porta - infery
another world
edguy - kingdom of maddness
hammer heroes
firewind - forge by fire
pain - dancing with death
virgin stell - the mariage of heaven and hell part 1
sleeping gods - new sensation
the eyes of alice cooper - brutal planet
zandelle - twilight on humanity
guns n roses - chinese democrasy
squealer - made of eternity
slaughter - fear no evil
hollow - modern cathedral
anwill - pound for pound
elegy - manifestation of fear
holy mother - toxic rain
gillian ian
glenn hughes - joe lin turner
ufo - you are here
warior - the code of life
primal - fear
virgin stelle - the mariage of heavea and hell part 2
rage - unity
zandelle - vengeance rising
doctor butcher
leather - shock waves
molly hatchet - wariors of the rainbow bridge
dragon lord - black wings of destiny
the wariors - war is hell
chastain - in an outrage
judas priest - screaming for vengeance
judas priest - nostradamus
halford - crucible
slaughter - back to reality
hell star - burning star
rage - end of all days
metal church - the wait of the world
mistyc prophercy - fireangel
blaze - two originals of blaze
tarantula - chemomarsh
ozzy osbourne - black rain
damage plan - new found power
defenestration - one inch God
halford - resurection
slaughter - the wild life
never more - the politist of estasy
power God - evolution part 2
power God - nemesis
holy mother - criminal after life
badlands - wodoo hihgway
12 stones
agent steel - order of the iluminaty
never more - this Godless endeavour
jack panzer - the age of mastery
rage - reflection of shadow
celtic frost - monohtheyst
ufo - covenant
over kill - kill box 13
retarted fish - u have one unheard message
rage - sound chaser
metal church - master piece
jack panzer - thank to throne
icedearth - something wicked this way comes
never more - enemies of reality
never more - deathheart in dead world
destiny end - breed deep the dark
ian parrys - consortium project
burning s

Predam nasledujuce LP platne.
Foto 1:
Burning Spear - Reggae Greats - predane
Deodato 2001 - 10,-
Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - Shaved Fish - predane
Ansambel - ROCK HOTEL - 5,-
Inner Circle - Bad To The Bone - 15,-
LL Cool J - Bigger And Deffer (Bad) - 15,-
QUEEN - Innuendo - predane
Madness - Utter Madness - predane
Super Reggae Hits - predane
Tom Waits - Swordfishtrombones - predane
The Blues Brothers – Best Of The Blues Brothers - predane
Jenny And The Mexicats - Open Sea/Mar Abierto - 15,-
Foto 2:
Toto - Toto IV - predane
Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion I - predane
Scorpions – World Wide Live 2LP - predane
Simply Red - Picture Book - 15,-
Dire Straits – Brothers In Arms - predane
Tommy the movie - Original Soundtrack 2LP - 15,-
Van Morrison - A Sense Of Wonder - 15,-
Supertramp – Brother Where You Bound - 10,-
Gipsy Kings – Allegria - predane
The London Symphony Orchestra - Classic rock 5 - Rock Symphonies - 5,-
Lou Reed - Transformer - predane
Gipsy Kings - Luna De Fuego - predane
Foto 3:
Dream Express - Just Wanna Dance With You - 5,-
Meat Loaf - Dead Ringer - 10,-
Blondie - The Best Of Blondie - 15,-
Bill Withers'Greatest Hits - predane
Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense - 15,-
AC/DC – Who Made Who - 15,- - predane
Mo & The Gangsters In Love - Face Of Love - 5,-
Neil Sedaka - Steppin' Out - 5,-
Falco - Einzelhaft - 10,- predane
Birth Control - The Best Of Birth Control - 5,-
Whitesnake - Slide It In - predane
Whitesnake - Trouble LP - predane
Foto 4:
Leningrad Cowboys - Leningrad Cowboys Go America - 15,-
Beppe Gambetta/Tony Trischka - Alone & Together - 5,-
Disco Raritaten Vol 2 - 10,-
Birth Control - Live 2 LP - 10,-
The Alan Parsons Project - Ammonia Avenue - 10,-
The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of Friendly Card - 10,-

10 CC Profile. BEST
10CC How dare you
bob dylan greatest hits
bob dylan soundtrack
bob dylan slow train coming
bruce springsteen the river
eagles one of these nights
Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard
Eric clapton another ticket
guns n roses live
chris rea wired to the moon
joe cocker i can stand a little rain
joe cocker jamaica , say you will
joe cocker one night of sin
joe cocker joe cocker
joe cocker stingray
joe cocker sheffield steel
joe cocker civilised man
joe cocker luxury you can afford
living color vivid
NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean
NEKTAR Recycled
OLDFIELD Mike Crises
OLDFIELD Mike Discovery
OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out
PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event
PLANT Robert The principle of moments
REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST
RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live
RENAISSANCE Debut album.
RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior
Rod Stewart Every picture tells a story
Rod Stewart A night on the town
Rod Stewart Greatest hits
Rod Stewart Out of Order
Rod Stewart Camouflage
ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood
RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles
RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day
SAGA Heads or Tales
SAGA Worlds Apart
SANTANA Barboletta
SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST
SANTANA Marathon
SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water
SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years
SIMON Paul Graceland
SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP
SMITH Patti Wave
SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus
SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness
STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST
STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon
STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman
STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat
STRAWBS Bursting at the seams
STRAWBS Hero and heroine
STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits
STYX Crystal ball
STYX Equinos
SWEET Fanny adams...1974
SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no.
T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST
TALKING HEADS Little creatures
the eagles hotel california
TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart
TOTO Hydra
TOWNSHEND Pete White city
TRIUMPH Just a Game
U.K. Danger money
U.K. U.K.
VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica
WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII.
WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST
WEATHER REPORT Weather report
WINWOOD Steve debut LP
WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life
YES Relayer
YOUNG Paul No Parlez
YOUNG Paul The secret of association

Guns n Roses-Appetite For Destruction: Remastered,Super Deluxe Edition 99€
Manowar-Triple Album Collection 3cd 12€
6 ROCK 6CD BOX 18€
Sepultura-ROOTS 6€
Apocalyptica-Cult 8€
Black Sabbath-13 7€
Sepultura-Best of 5€
Anthrax-Persistence of time 10€
Dream Theater-Awake 10€
Dream Theater-Dream Theater 10€
Dream Theater-Distance over time 12€
Dream Theater-Six Degrees of inner turbulence 12€ 2cd edicia
Skid Row-Slave to the grind 13€
Testament-The new order 13€
Def Leppard-Hignt n Dry 13€
Deep Purple-In Rock,Fireball 13€/kus
KISS-Hotten than hell,Hot Gun,Double Platinum,Dinasty,Crazy Nights,Creatures of the nights 12/kus
Korn-Path Totality 12€
Black Sabbath 13 7€
Motorhead-March or die 5€
Tyrant –Blind Revolution 8€
Ozzy Ozbourne-Speak of the devil 10€
Ozzy Ozbourne-The Ultimate Sin 10€
Ozzy Ozbourne-Bark of the moon 10€
Tool-Opiate 12€
Urriah Heep-Salisbury 10€
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Whitesnake-Restless Heart 12€
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AC/DC-If You Want Blood You We Go it 9€,Stiff Uper Lip 9€
Kiss-Destroyer 9€ Icon 9€
Nazarteth-Greatest Hits 9€
Orlik-Demise 11€ rezerve
Orlik-OI 11€
Daniel Landa-Valcik 11€,Pozdrav z fronty 11€ ,Chciply Dobry Vily 11€,9MM 11€,Ceskoslovensko Tour CD/DVD Edicia 11€
Jethro Tull-Catfish Risin 90€
Barry Gibb-In The Now 10€
Mick Jagger-Very Best 9€
Rolling Stones-Beggars Banquet,Japan cd 15€
Rolling Stones-Underpoint 10€,Flashpoint
10€,Some Girls 10€ Tatoo 10€,Black and blue 10€,Bridges to Babylon 10€
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U2-All that you can t leave behind 9€,Rattle And Hum 9€
Uriah Heep-Innocent victim 9€,Wonderworld 10€,
Doors-Gold 9€
Sepultura-Best of 7€
CD-Wanastowi Vjecy – Letíme Na Wenuši 7€,Nové
CD-Chicago-Chicago 4€
CD-Genesis – Invisible Touch 5€
CD-Bee Gees – Still Waters 5€
CD/DVD-Argema – Live Concert 7€,
CD-Hyperhity-SK,CZ Rock,Pop vyber 5€,
No Doubt-Singles 1992-2003 9€
Chris Rea-Stony Road 2cdd 9€
Mike Oldfield-Crises 9€
Asia-Alpha 8€
Tublatanka-Tublatanka 14€
Tublatanka-Skusime to cez vesmir 14€
Ghymes-Nebeska Poviedka 8€,Dialkoletec/Messzerepülö 8€,Hejavarazs/Jastrabie caro 8€,kus
Elán-Detektivka 7€,Rabaka 7€,Nie sme zli 7€,Netvor z ciernej hviezdy Q7A 7€,Legenda 1,2,3,5,7€,kus.Elán-Jozo 2cd8€
Elán-Carnegie Hall Unplugged New york+kniha 10€.
Petet Toth-Observatorium Live in Kosice 9€
Info len e-mail+postovné.