h and m saty - strana 48
Počet nájdených inzerátov H AND M SATY
: 1000 - strana 48

Predam set 2x LED rotačných hlavíc americkej spoločnosti American DJ - hlavice fungujú perfekne bez problémov v kombinácii s original ovládačom k svetlám s prednastavenými funkciami od rôznych druhov strobo efektov po rôzne farebné kombinácie rôznych žánrov. Na svetlach su kúpene nové 20W LED s vyššou svietivosťou plus dodám náhradnu zvyšnú LED - (životnosť LED je 100000 hodín). Svetlá boli nosené v kufrách a používane par krat do roka na svadbach a plesov. Súčasťou setu su 2x Hlavice , kabeláž na prepojenie a sieť originál ovladač s prednastavitelnými funkciami 5m kábel a náhradna LED.
Najlepšie osobný odber, poprípade po dohode a poistení aj dobierka.
Promo video:
- High powered DMX moving head with 1 x 20W LED source
- Gobo scroll mode
- 4-Button LED menu system making it easy to navigate
- 14-degree beam angle
- Auto X-Y repositioning
- 8 colors + white, 8 gobos + spot
- Separate Color & Gobo Wheels
- 8 DMX Channels
- 4-Button menu system LED Display making it easy to navigate
- 3 Operational modes: DMX controller, Master/Slave & Sound Active
- Built-in lighting programs
- Gobo Shake effect
- Gobo size: 26.7mm (24.7 mm viewable gobo size)
- Independent gobo and color wheels
- 540° pan / 270° tilt (8-bit)
- Manual Focus
- Shutter: Pulse effect; random strobe slow to fast
- Dimming: 0% - 100%
- fan cooled
- 3 pin XLR in and out for DMX and master slave
- Internal programs operational via sound activation
- Stepper motors with micro stepping
- Power consumption: 44W
- Multi-voltage: (98V, 120V, 208V, 230V & 240V / 50Hz/60Hz) - IEC
- Dimensions (LxWxH): 205 x 190 x 285 mm
- Weight: 4.5 kg

PREDAJ nebytového priestoru (skladové priestory), pod bytovým domom na ul. Jána Jonáša v Devínskej Novej Vsi (pri závode Volkswagen)
výmera: 379,35 m² (prízemie)
cena za m² nebytového priestoru = 600,-€ bez DPH
Elektrická energia = samostatné odberné miesto a samostatný elektromer.
TEPLO a TÚV - dodávateľ TATRAK s.r.o. (vlastný merač teplej a studenej vody)
PREDPIS mesačnej zálohovej platby správcovi byt. domu:
Fond údržby a opráv 531,09 €
Odmena za správu 31,38 €
Výkon havarijnej služby 0,40 €
Poistné 1,08 €
SPOLU mesačne : 563,95 €
Pre bližšie informácie volajte do RK
We offer FOR SALE non-residential space (storage space), under the apartment building at ul. Ján Jonáš in Devínská Nová Ves (near the Volkswagen plant)
area: 379.35 m² (ground floor)
price per m² of non-residential space = €600 without VAT
HEAT and DHW - supplier TATRAK s.r.o. (own hot and cold water and electricity )
REGULATION for monthly advance payment to the apartment manager house : €563.95
For more information, call RK

Predam - plne funkcne - pouzivane IP kamery znacky Vivotek FD8134V - modely vhodne do exterieru s nasledovnymi parametrami:
- IP PoE (Power over Ethernet) kamera vhodna do exterieru
- 1-Megapixel CMOS Sensor - max rozlisenie 1280x800 @ 30 fps
- Removable IR-cut Filter for Day & Night Function
- Built-in IR Illuminators, Effective up to 10 Meters
- Real-time H.264, MPEG-4 and MJPEG Compression (Triple Codec)
- Vandal-proof IK10-rated and Weather-proof IP66-rated Housing
- Built-in 802.3af Compliant PoE
- Built-in MicroSD/SDHC Card Slot for On-board Storage
- 3-axis Mechanical Design for Ceiling/Wall Mount Installation
- Easy and Flexible Installation
- Compact, Elegant Design
dalsie funkcie:
- Multi-level user access with password protection
- IP address filtering
- HTTPS encrypted data transmission
- 802.1X port-based authentication for network protection
viac na:
k dispozicii 6 kusov. pri vacsom odbere dohoda mozna.
osobne v RK/BA alebo niekde po ceste. posielam na dobierku.
cena za kus.

Predam pouzivane IP kamery znacky Vivotek FD8134V - modely vhodne do exterieru s nasledovnymi parametrami:
- IP PoE (Power over Ethernet) kamera vhodna do exterieru
- 1-Megapixel CMOS Sensor - max rozlisenie 1280x800 @ 30 fps
- Removable IR-cut Filter for Day & Night Function (IR nefunkncny)
- Built-in IR Illuminators, Effective up to 10 Meters (IR nefunkncny)
- Real-time H.264, MPEG-4 and MJPEG Compression (Triple Codec)
- Vandal-proof IK10-rated and Weather-proof IP66-rated Housing
- Built-in 802.3af Compliant PoE
- Built-in MicroSD/SDHC Card Slot for On-board Storage
- 3-axis Mechanical Design for Ceiling/Wall Mount Installation
- Easy and Flexible Installation
- Compact, Elegant Design
dalsie funkcie:
- Multi-level user access with password protection
- IP address filtering
- HTTPS encrypted data transmission
- 802.1X port-based authentication for network protection
viac na:
k dispozicii 2 kusy
osobne v RK/BA alebo niekde po ceste. posielam na dobierku.
cena za kus.

✅ Overený a dlhodobo obľúbený výrobca Lenovo ALL-IN-ONE -ThinkCentre E93Z - jedná sa o profesionálne riešenie / naklápateľné dotykové LCD s dedikovanou grafickou kartou / vhodný na bežné použitie ( napr. : Photoshop / AutoCad / SketchUP ), internet, staršie hry a podobne.
✅ Zariadenie na bežnú prácu vydrží orientačne 4 roky / tj. nebude pomalý
✅ Repasovaný PC za bezkonkurenčnú cenu❗️
✅ Záruka
▶️ Nie ste si istý či je vhodný pre Vás? Kľudne zavolajte a poradím Vám. ◀️
ℹ️ Stručné informácie : Predám all in one Lenovo ThinkCentre E93Z s 21,5" dotykovým FullHD LCD, s procesorom Intel® Core™ i5-4460S. Voliteľné : 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD diskom a grafickou kartou NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 720 .✔️
➡️ Možná úprava konfigurácie podľa dohody
➡️ Operačný systém je na novo nainštalovaný Windows 10 PRO, iba ho zapnete a používate.
➡️ PC je vyčistený od nečistôt / vrátane vnútra PC / výmena teplo vodivej pasty atď.
➡️ Kontrola bezproblémového chodu a prípadných chýb.
ℹ️ Fotky sú v inzeráte reálne : PC je vo veľmi dobrom stave
⭐️ Ako protihodnotu môžem odkúpiť Váš starší PC a Vy získate zľavu na nový. ✔️
⭐️ Pri výbere repasovaného zariadenia jednak ušetríte nemalé finančné prostriedky, ale chránite aj životné prostredie ✅- recykláciou ✔️
☎ :
✉️ : eduard.wetzler@
➡️ Možné osobné vyzdvihnutie prípadne zaslať kuriérom
Podrobne : AIO ThinkCentre
Intel® Core™ i5-4460S Processor (6M Cache, 2.9GHz), Turbo Boost 2.0 (3.4GHz)
Operating system
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit preinstalled through downgrade rights in Windows 10 Pro
4GB or 8GB, PC3-12800 1600MHz DDR31, 2 x 204-pin SODIMM sockets
Multi-touch: NVIDIA® Optimus™ technology, auto-switch between discrete and integrated graphics, Intel HD Graphics 4600 in processor and NVIDIA GeForce® GT 720A, PCI Express® x16, 1GB memory, DirectX 11, external digital monitor support via HDMI;
21.5" Full HD (1920x1080), 250 nits, 16:9 aspect ratio, 1000:1 contrast ratio, infinity display, wide viewing angle (+/- 85°), work as standalone monitor via HDMI-in connector
Multi-touch: Projected Capacitive Touch (PCT) technology, supports 10-point multi-touch
2.0-megapixel, fixed focus, supports 1080p, with dual array digital microphone, LED indicator, physical switch on/off
Onboard SATA
2 x SATA cables (each 1-drop to device), 1 x SATA 6.0Gb/s connector and 1 x SATA 3.0Gb/s connector on planar
Hard drive option
SATA 3.0Gb/s, 2.5", 500GB 7200 rpm or 1TB 5400 rpm
Optical drive
Slim DVD burner, SATA 1.5Gb/s, not removable
Chassis Dimensions (W X D X H, without stand)
Multi-touch: 534 x 49.6 x 386 mm

Predám úžasnú hubicu Keilwerth Toneking special.
Hubica bola na vylepšenie presnosti a ľahkosti hrania na úpravu v USA u MOJO mouthpieces.
Nedával som zväčšovať odklon ale dokonale ju vyladit. To sa aj podarilo. Hubica hrá veľmi ľahko všetky tóny.
Odklon 2 MM čo je asi ako Amati 5ka.
Nový majiteľ bude zaručene spokojný.
V cene je ligatúra aj klobúčik.
Hubica je nepoškodená, zmena farby je daná zložením materiálu, nie je to čistý lacný plast, je to aj prímes kaučuku.
Poštovné +3eur.
Info k označeniu od výrobcu:
Facings we have "tweeked" have had minor flaws corrected in the table and facing curve. This is typically a discounted job from Mojo. We mark these pieces with an "M". Mouthpieces marked "MOJO" have had more extensive work done to them. They have new facings, thinned side and tip rails, baffle and chamber work. We never use the word "perfected" or "blueprinted" to describe our work. But if it is marked "MOJO", it will hang with the best of them.

Predám úplne nové koncovky výfukov Redthunder Exhaust Softail M8 Dual Slip-On E4. Určené pre Harley Davidson Softail s M8 od 2018 - FXLRS / FXLR / FXBB / FXST FXFBS / FLSTF / FLFB-S
Cena je s DPH - vrátane dokladu o kúpe. Dostupné ihneď. Možnosť fakturovania na firmu.
For models from 2018 to present. Euro 4 homologation including catalysts and certification. Available in Cerakote Black. Racing style tapered look Slip-Ons. Improved torque and HP and removable DB killer.

Dobrý deň.
Predám uvedené hry v koláži. Všetky fotky nevyšli do inzerátu, v prípade záujmu pošlem komplet ponuku cez email, sms, whats up. Ceny nájdete na každej hre. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte.
Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€
Pri kúpe:
3-4 hry -5%
5-6 hier -10%
7-9 hier -15%
10 a viac hier -20%
AdvenAdventures! 10 €
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 25 €
Carnival Games In Action 14 €
Dance Central 14 €
Dance Central 2 18 €
Dance Central 3 20 €
Disneyland Adventures 15 €
Dr. Kawashima’s Body and Brain Exercises 15 €
Fantastic Pets 20 €
Fighters Uncaged 12 €
Game Party: In Motion 18 €
Get Fit with Mel B 14 €
Joy Ride 14 €
Kinectimals 15 €
Let’s Dance with Mel B 16 €
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth 20 €
Michael Jackson The Experience 12 €
Nat Geo TV: America The Wild 18 €
Rabbids: Alive & Kicking 15 €
Rapala for Kinect 30 €
Rise of Nightmares 10 €
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster 16 €
Sports 1 12 €
Star Wars 16 €
The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout 18 €
The Black Eyed Peas Experience 12 €
The Gunstringer 14 €
UFC Personal Trainer 15 €
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 14 €
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party 16 €
Zumba Fitness: Rush 18 €
HUDOBNÉ, Udraw (Gitara, mikrofón, bubny, kreslenie)
U Draw: Pictionary ULTIMATE EDITION 14 €
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock 10 €
Band Hero 8 €
Lips: Number One Hits 12 €
Lips: Party Classics 14 €
The X Factor 12 €
Rock Band 10 €
Rocksmith (All-New 2014 Edition) 14 €
The Beatles: Rock Band 10 €
DETSKÉ, RODINNÉ (12+) (X360)
Xbox Live Arcade 8 €
Angry Birds Trilogy 15 €
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts 15 €
Crash Of The Mutant 40 €
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 15 €
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 16 €
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit 15 €
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z 22 €
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 14 €
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 18 €
Child of Eden 8 €
LEGO Batman: The Videogame 12 €
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 13 €
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 14 €
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 14 €
LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars 12 €
LEGO The Lord of the Rings 14 €
Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal 30 €
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds 16 €
Mini Ninjas 16 €
SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection 16 €
SEGA Superstars Tennis 12 €
Terraria 14 €
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 14 €
The Sims 3 15 €
The Spiderwick Chronicles 14 €
Transformers: Dark of the Moon 15 €
Viva Piňata 10 €
Viva Piňata + Forza 2 Motorsport (2Hry) 15 €
Young Justice: Legacy 14 €
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 14 €
Fatal Inertia 14 €
Supreme Commander 13 €
Tropico 3 13 €

albano and romina power effetto amore
alice gioielli rubati
Alphaville Afternoons in utopia
Alphaville forever young
andy gibb after dark
Anthony Ventura
baltimora living in the background
barbra streisand guilty
barbra streisand emotion
Beach Boys Wipe out
bee gees living eyes
Best of Roger Whittaker
bony tyler secret dreams and forbidden fire
bruce springsteen tunnel of love
bruce springsteen war
Carpenters- Voice of the heart
cindy lauper true colors
Cocteau Twins Stars and topsoil
culture club color by numbers
David Bowie Changes
Dire Straits Alchemy live
Dire Straits Communique
Dire Straits Dire Straits
donna summer donna summer
duran duran notorious
Elton John Greatest Hits
Elton John- Love songs
eros ramazotti nuovi eroi
europe the final countdown
Eurythmics- 1984
Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea Where have i known you before
Joni Mitchell- Dog eat the dog
Julian Lennon- Valotte
Keith Jarrett The Koln Concert
limahl dont suppose
Madness One step beyond
Mark Knopfler Local hero
Modern Talking: 2 album- Lets talk about love
Modern Talking: 3 album- Ready for romance
Modern Talking: 4 album- In the middle of nowhere
Modern Talking: The 1 st album
Motorhead Beer drinkers
Phil Collins No jacket required
Pink Floyd A collection of great dance songs
Pink Floyd Relics
Pink Floyd The dark side of the moon
pointer sisters so excited
Prince- Purple Rain
robin gibb how old are you
Samantha Fox samantha fox
Santana Greatest hits
sheena easton a private heaven
supertramp live in paris
The Police Every breath you take
Tracy Chapman Crossroads
Uriah heep Salisbury
we are the world
wham make it big
Wham The final
Whitney Houston
whitney houston whitney
whitney houston whitney houston
Yazoo- Upstairs at Erics
ZZ Top First Album

cena 9,5E + (dobierka 5E - zásielkovň) --- USA, Alternative/Heavy Metal, kompilace, hrací čas 56:49, originál, výborný stav... Epic – 507623 2
1 Poop Loser 1:22
2 Seed 3:27
3 Cultivate 4:18
4 Some Assembly Required 2:47
5 I.D.I.O.T. 3:38
6 Central Disposal 3:17
7 Coal 5:04
8 Fear 4:43
9 Dig (Future Evolution Remix) 5:42
10 Dig (Everything And Nothing Remix) 4:57
11 L.D. 50 17:15
Chad Gray - vocals
Greg Tribbett - guitar
Shawn Barclay - bass (Tracks 1-3, 5 and 7)
Ryan Martinie - bass (Tracks 4, 6 and 8-11)
Matthew McDonough - drums

Dobrý deň predám tieto LP:
Jacques Brel vol.2 France 7e
Charles Aznavour – 16 Gouden Successen NL1978 7e
Charles Aznavour – She UK1979 7e
Aznavour sings Aznavour vol.3 – France 6e
Isabelle Antena – En Cavale TWI610 Belgium 1986 8e
Daniel Guichard – Album 1980 4e
Jacques Brel 1977 France (96010) 6e
Aznavour sins Aznavour vol 3 6e
Viva La France vol.6 2xLP 7e
Mireille Mathieu – Apres Tol 5e
Ekseption 3 Holland 5e
Ekseption 5 – NL 5e
Ekseption 5e
Flairck – Variaties op een dame 2925072 holland 1978 6e Klasická hudba
Thijs van Leer - Musica per la notte di Natale 69239 holland 1976 klasicka hudba 6e
Drukwerk – ho stil,wacht stop 5e
Thijs Van Leer – Introspection 5e
Ras mandala Reggae – Dasanudasa 5e
Golden Love songs vol.1 (Nazareth,E.John,Foreigner) 4e
Golden Love songs vol.2 (KC and the sunshine band, E.John) 4e
Sentimental Gold 2LP (A.Franklin,Tonny Benett,Mammas and pappas) 6e
Friend and Lovers – 16 love songs 1987 (Alison Moyet,Elton John,Percy Sledge,Dionne Warwick) 5e
Greatest hits vol.7 (E.Clapton,Abba,The Drifters) NL 6e
Klaatu – Hope 5c06285223 Capitol records Holland 1977 6e
All time smash hits – (hey jude, whiter shade of pale) 6e
Hits revival vo.2 – 5e
Pure Prairie league – Dance 6e

Dobrý deň predám tieto LP:
Big suspense movie themes MFP50035 5e
Les Uns et les autres (Jedni i Druzi) 2xLP RTI124 6e
Geoff Love and his orchestra-big holl.movie themes MFP50195 5e
Melody of Brodway STALP7020 5e
Ray Conniff and singers, ,my fair lady,marry poppins,, 5e
The Pallisers,Dr.Who...themes 4e
Who pays Ferryman? 4E
Big War movie Themes 4e
Love story 5e
Annie – original motion picture soundtrack 3e
Spijkerhoek – 6e
The A Team – 5e
The Graduate – songs by Paul Simon (Simon and Garefunkel) 6e
The Great Gatsby - 6e
Nashville – original motion picture soundtrack 5e
The Sting – 5e
The Golden Lady – 6e
Lord of the rings 7e
Young Billy Young - soundtrack western USA 1969 6e
Jerome Morros - The Big Country – original soundtrack UK 6
Lemon Popsicle 5 – Baby Love soundtrack2xLP NL1986 7e
TV Western themes – 5e
Les Grands Westerns 2 LP 5e
Famous Western film melodies 5e
The Stud – soundtrack 6e
Mikes Murder – 4e
Deer Hunter – Lovec Jeleňov Robert de Niro 1979 10e
Ennio Morricone – Once upon time in the west nl 7e
West side story 4e
Jonathan Livingston Seagull as told by Richard Harris Us1970 6e
Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Neil Diamond UK 1973 5e

Dobrý deň predám tieto LP:
Metropolitan opera gala 2530260 (cabale,domingo,resnik,tucker,arroyo) zabalena nehraná,odstrihnuté z obalu 10e
Placido Domingo – Adoro + rozkladaci plagat z textami piesni 73652 holland 1982 8e
Andrew Lloyd Webber – Requiem , Placido Domingo,Sarah Brightman, Lorin Maazel UK1984 10e
Fiddler on the roof (Anatevka) 7e
Kerstmis – met het Volendams opera koor 6e
Carols for Christmas 6e
La Boheme(Puccini) – LPC50143 italy 7e
Piano magic of Peter Nero 6e
Chopin - The Philadelphia orchester 10“ 6e
Gospels and Spirituals – Sister Rossetta Tharpe with choir 8e
Willy Schneider – eine Stimme mit herz 5e
Rudolf Schock – signt seine grosen lieder 5e
Rudolf Schock – zignt bekende operette melodieen 5e
Rudolf Schock -De Onvergetelijke 2xLP 8e
Johan Strauss Concert 7e
Cor Steyn – Triomfen 5e
Zarah Leander – Der wind hat mir ein lied erzahlt 2xLP 7e
Das Waren Zeiten 4e
Classical melodies – Mantovani and his orchestra 5e
Rendezvous der Stars - Robert Stolz 5e
Piano Moods – Peter Kreuder 4e
Georges Boulanger 5e
Im Weissen – Rossl – 4e
Gershwin – Highlights from Porgy and Bess 5e
Vivaldi – La Quattro Stagioni 10e
Beethoven – Emil Gilels 7e
Rachmaninov , De Falla – Tatiana Fraňová piano 6e
Johann Sebastian Bach 2e
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Requiem K 626 4e
Willy Alberti – Tenor – Belcanto 7e
Orpheus in the Underworld - 7e
Berdien Berder – Rondo Russo – 7e
Charlie Kunz – Piano Medley 7e
Music for the milions (Bach,Strauss,Reznicek) 7e
Mantovanis Gouden Suksessen – 6e
Benjamin Britten – Válečné Rekviem 2LP 8e
Meister spielen Meister – Rubinstein,Tschaikowsky.,Heifetz 2LP Germany 1971 8e
Danielle Licari – Classics – Pour une voix FR 6e

Ponúkam na predaj prvé 3 knihy zo série From blood and ash. Nečítané. Cena spolu, ponúkam aj osobitne, cena za kus je 20 €. Cena je bez poštovného.

Rádiový prijímač, súčasť odpalovača blesku. Určený pre Canon, odpaľuje však aj blesky s telami Nikon. Kompatibilný s E-TTL II
Dosah signálu 100 metrov. Používaný minimálne, predávam z dôvodu nevyužitia.
Osobný odber v BA v centre alebo poštou/Packeta na dobierku.
Key Features
Compatible with Canon E-TTL / E-TTL II
Frequency: 2.4 GHz
Range: 328'
32 Channels; 5 Groups
Backlit LCD Screen; Sync Delay Settings
Exposure Compensation & Exposure Lock
Ratio Flash Mode; High-Speed Sync
Hot Shoe and 2.5mm Shutter Release Port
Micro-USB Port for Firmware Updates
Runs on Two AA Batteries
Show Less
Expand your wireless flash system with this X1R-C TTL Wireless Flash Trigger Receiver from Godox. This 2.4 GHz system is compatible with Canon cameras and flashes that support E-TTL / E-TTL II for automatic exposure and metering, making it an excellent choice for shooters who need to work quickly. It also has an outstanding range of 328'

NOVÁ, nečítaná.
Fablehaven - Brandon Mull
When Kendra and Seth go to stay at their grandparents' estate, they discover that it is a sanctuary for magical creatures and a battle between good and evil is looming. Book #1
Rok vydania: 2006
Počet strán: 359
Jazyk: anglický
Vydavetaľstvo: Shadow Mountain
ISBN: 978-1-59038-581-4
Osobný odber Žilina alebo poštou/zásielkovňou + 3 €.

Pred8m wifi modul do notebooku PCI Express 80211B/G/N Atheros Wireless N mini pcie wifi Card AR5B9
Atheros AR9281 Single-chip 2.4 GHz draft 802.11n WLAN PCI-Express Wireless Card
The Atheros AR9281, the single-chip, single-band (2.4GHz) solution for PCIe in XSPAN's third generation of products.
Half-Mini Card form factor that is 30% smaller than the nearest competitive 11n.
Single-band, 1x2 MIMO configuration which features downshift to 1x1 MIMO with Power Save.
New, compact half- and full Mini Card form factors
Compliant with PCI-Express Mini Card 1.1 standard
Interoperability with 802.11b, 802.11g and draft 802.11n products
Driver support for Windows XP, Vista, Mac and Linux operating systems
Atheros AR9281 Wireless Card. Support 802.11B/G/N, single-band (2.4GHz)
This module is compatible with most of laptops that have a mini PCI Express internal slot.

Rušíme kanceláriu, tak z nej rozpredávame nejakú techniku. Popis a foto z internetu, reálny produkt si môžete kedykoľvek pozrieť, či vyskúšať v Trnovci n. Váhom.
Number of Ports That Support PoE: 4
Power Dedicated to PoE: 32W
VLAN: Support for up to 256 VLANs simultaneously (out of 4096 VLAN IDs). 16 VLANs supported in SG200-08 and SG200-08P
Port-based and 802.1Q tag-based VLANs
Switches automatically configure connected IP phones with the right VLAN and quality-of-service parameters to prioritize voice traffic

Tvrdá väzba, v angličtine.
Twilight tempted the imagination... New Moon made readers thirsty for more... Eclipse turned the saga into a worldwide phenomenon... And now? The book that everyone has been waiting for... Breaking Dawn. In the much anticipated fourth book in Stephenie Meyer´s love story, questions will be answered and the fate of Bella and Edward will be revealed.
Autor: Stephenie Meyer
Vydavateľstvo: Atom
Hmotnosť (g): 900
Stav: čítaná, kozmetické chyby (napr. papierový obal má známky používania)
Cena (€): 4
K cene je potrebné pripočítať poštovné podľa aktuálneho cenníka Slovenskej pošty. Na dobierku po neprebratých dobierkách neposielam. Nevymieňam. Telefónne číslo je vymyslené.

Asus Zenfone 5Z for sale.
The front camera stopped working, and no original headphones were included.
The phone works fine, never dropped. The battery still performs great for a day.
Very snappy and compact phone.
If you're looking for a backup phone for basic functionality, there you go. I keep the pricing very fair for this item.
For shipping within the EU, please contact me. To pickup in Bratislava, contact me, we can arrange a meeting.
It will be shipped with the original box, power supply, cable and case as seen in the images.