h16 lockdown music - strana 2
Počet nájdených inzerátov H16 LOCKDOWN MUSIC
: 1000 - strana 2

Dobrý deň,
Predám nepoužívané hudobné CD výberovky zahraničných interpretov.
A 2001 Rock Odyssey. 2000. (5 Eur);
Just the Best (2 CD). T_Capital, Warszava, 2000. (7 Eur);
Kiss&Dance Now (2 CD). Sony music, 2000. (7 Eur);
The Soundalikes Sing the Hits Made Famous by Ricky Martin. 1999. (5 Eur);
POP Balladen. (5 Eur);
Viva 4. Das Beste aus den Charts : 40 Aktuelle Super-Hits. Hits 4. (2 CD). 1999. (7 Eur);
Golden Milestones of Rock and POP ... . (3 CD). Musicline, 1998. (7 Eur);
Internationale Oldie Hits. (3 CD). (9 Eur);
Top of the POPS 2002_1. (2 CD). 2002. (7 Eur);
Music around the World : Ireland. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Greece. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Germany. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Russia. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Brazil. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Mexico. (3 Eur).
Cena je v zátvorke za každým titulom. K cene CD je potrebné pripočítať poštovné podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty.
Preferujem platbu vopred na účet. Po dohode odosielam aj na dobierku (na Slovensko).
Ďakujem za ponuky.

mám na predaj originálne hudobné CD, vo veľmi dobrom stave.
Poštovné je cca 2 Eura.
Najlepšie osobný odber Žilina a okolie.
Prosím nevolať po 20:00, vďaka.
Ďaľšie moje inzeráty: prosím, kliknite na moje meno.
Peter Dvorský - Italian and French Opera Arias (Bratislava Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ondrej Lenard, Stav noveho CD, NAXOS 1989) - 5€
Various – Global Sounds - Music From Cuba Island In The Sun (2CD, LMM, 2005) - 9€
P. Breiner, S. Palúch, B. Lenko, Tina Guo - Super Triango! (Pavian Records 2011) - 9€
Piano Moods - A collection of romantic melodies (2CD, Deutsche Grammophon 2003) - 7€
Dune & The London Session Orchestra – Forever (Orbit Records 1996) - 5€
ZVUKOVA VLNA XI - MUSIC NOW VOL. 1 (Hevhetia 2015) - 4€
Arrestedevelopment (Arrested Development) – Best Of Arrestedevelopment (Chrysalis, EMI 1998) - 5€
Göteborgs Symfoniker, Neeme Järvi – Aurora: Music Of The Northern Lights (2CD, Deutsche Grammophon 2002) - 9€
Louis Sclavis Atlas Trio - Sources (ECM Records 2012) - 9€
Miles Davis – Milestones (2CD, Not Now Music 2010) - 11€
Global Sounds - Music from Latin America (2CD, LMM records, 2005) - 10€
Dvořák – Best Of Dvořák (Supraphon 2008) - 5€
Beethoven, Minnesota Orchestra, Osmo Vänskä – Symphonies Nos 2 & 7 (SACD Hybrid, MultiChannel, BIS 2008) - 15€
Berlioz - Romantische Fantasien (Die Grossen Komponisten ) - 5e
Sergej Prokofjev - Russische Zwischenspiele (Die Grossen Komponisten ) - 5e
Snow Patrol – Eyes Open (Polydor 2006) - 5€
Suicide Silence - You Can't Stop Me (Digipack CD+DVD Documentary, Nuclear Blast 2014) - 15e
Pavol Habera - Pavol Habera (Debut, Tommü Records 1991) - 20€
Béla Bartók, Isabelle Faust, Daniel Harding, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra – Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 (Harmonia Mundi 2013) - 8€
The Beatles – Yellow Submarine Songtrack (Remaster, Apple Records 1999) - 18€
The Beatles – 1962-1966 (2CD, Remaster, Apple Records 2010) - 18€
Pantera – The Great Southern Trendkill (Atlantic 1996) - 4€
Kolowrat - Pobiť sa / Utiecť (Slnko Records 2013) - 5€
Lucie - The Best Of (2CD + DVD, Universal 2009) - 10€
Longital - A to je všetko? (Slnko Records 2015) - 7€
The Clash – The Essential Clash (2CD, Comp, Columbia 2010) - 6€
Rush – Roll The Bones (Atlantic 1991) - 5€
Santana – Supernatural (Arista, 1999) - 6€
Norah Jones – ...Little Broken Hearts (Blue Note 2012) - 7€
John Williams – Call Of The Champions (Sony Classical 2002) - 6€
Tord Gustavsen Trio - Changing Places (ECM Records, 2003) - 9€
The Kenny Clarke - Francy Boland Big Band – Faces (MPS Records, 2011) - 11€
Philip Glass – Kundun (Music From The Original Soundtrack, Nonesuch 1997) - 8€
Fatboy Slim – You've Come A Long Way, Baby (Skint Records 1998) - 5€
Various–Global Sounds – Music From Brasil 7€

mám na predaj originálne hudobné CD, vo veľmi dobrom stave.
Poštovné je cca 2 Eura.
Najlepšie osobný odber Žilina a okolie.
Prosím nevolať po 20:00, vďaka.
Ďaľšie moje inzeráty: prosím, kliknite na moje meno.
Peter Dvorský - Italian and French Opera Arias (Bratislava Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ondrej Lenard, Stav noveho CD, NAXOS 1989) - 5€
Various – Global Sounds - Music From Cuba Island In The Sun (2CD, LMM, 2005) - 9€
P. Breiner, S. Palúch, B. Lenko, Tina Guo - Super Triango! (Pavian Records 2011) - 9€
Piano Moods - A collection of romantic melodies (2CD, Deutsche Grammophon 2003) - 7€
Dune & The London Session Orchestra – Forever (Orbit Records 1996) - 5€
ZVUKOVA VLNA XI - MUSIC NOW VOL. 1 (Hevhetia 2015) - 4€
Arrestedevelopment (Arrested Development) – Best Of Arrestedevelopment (Chrysalis, EMI 1998) - 5€
Göteborgs Symfoniker, Neeme Järvi – Aurora: Music Of The Northern Lights (2CD, Deutsche Grammophon 2002) - 9€
Louis Sclavis Atlas Trio - Sources (ECM Records 2012) - 9€
Miles Davis – Milestones (2CD, Not Now Music 2010) - 11€
Global Sounds - Music from Latin America (2CD, LMM records, 2005) - 10€
Dvořák – Best Of Dvořák (Supraphon 2008) - 5€
Beethoven, Minnesota Orchestra, Osmo Vänskä – Symphonies Nos 2 & 7 (SACD Hybrid, MultiChannel, BIS 2008) - 15€
Berlioz - Romantische Fantasien (Die Grossen Komponisten ) - 5e
Sergej Prokofjev - Russische Zwischenspiele (Die Grossen Komponisten ) - 5e
Snow Patrol – Eyes Open (Polydor 2006) - 5€
Suicide Silence - You Can't Stop Me (Digipack CD+DVD Documentary, Nuclear Blast 2014) - 15e
Pavol Habera - Pavol Habera (Debut, Tommü Records 1991) - 20€
Béla Bartók, Isabelle Faust, Daniel Harding, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra – Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 (Harmonia Mundi 2013) - 8€
The Beatles – Yellow Submarine Songtrack (Remaster, Apple Records 1999) - 18€
The Beatles – 1962-1966 (2CD, Remaster, Apple Records 2010) - 18€
Pantera – The Great Southern Trendkill (Atlantic 1996) - 4€
Kolowrat - Pobiť sa / Utiecť (Slnko Records 2013) - 5€
Lucie - The Best Of (2CD + DVD, Universal 2009) - 10€
Longital - A to je všetko? (Slnko Records 2015) - 7€
The Clash – The Essential Clash (2CD, Comp, Columbia 2010) - 6€
Rush – Roll The Bones (Atlantic 1991) - 5€
Santana – Supernatural (Arista, 1999) - 6€
John Williams – Call Of The Champions (Sony Classical 2002) - 6€
Tord Gustavsen Trio - Changing Places (ECM Records, 2003) - 9€
The Kenny Clarke - Francy Boland Big Band – Faces (MPS Records, 2011) - 11€
Philip Glass – Kundun (Music From The Original Soundtrack, Nonesuch 1997) - 8€
Various–Global Sounds – Music From Brasil 7€

Dobrý deň,
Predám nepoužívané hudobné CD výberovky zahraničných interpretov.
A 2001 Rock Odyssey. 2000. (5 Eur);
Just the Best (2 CD). T_Capital, Warszava, 2000. (7 Eur);
Kiss&Dance Now (2 CD). Sony music, 2000. (7 Eur);
The Soundalikes Sing the Hits Made Famous by Ricky Martin. 1999. (5 Eur);
POP Balladen. (5 Eur);
Viva 4. Das Beste aus den Charts : 40 Aktuelle Super-Hits. Hits 4. (2 CD). 1999. (7 Eur);
Golden Milestones of Rock and POP ... . (3 CD). Musicline, 1998. (7 Eur);
Internationale Oldie Hits. (3 CD). (9 Eur);
Top of the POPS 2002_1. (2 CD). 2002. (7 Eur);
Music around the World : Ireland. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Greece. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Germany. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Russia. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Brazil. (3 Eur);
Music around the World : Mexico. (3 Eur);
Stojan na 20 CD. 2 kusy. (13 Eur).
Cena je v zátvorke za každým titulom. K cene CD je potrebné pripočítať poštovné podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty.
Preferujem platbu vopred na účet. Po dohode odosielam aj na dobierku (na Slovensko).
Ďakujem za ponuky.

JBL Link Music
Bluetooth reproduktor s 360° profesionálnym zvukom
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Výkonný JBL zvuk
Od kuchyne až po obývačku, JBL Link Music prináša pohlcujúci a dynamický 360-stupňový profesionálny zvuk. Použite Google Assistant a získajte prístup k Spotify, YouTube Music a Apple Music, aby ste počúvali svoju obľúbenú hudbu. Stačí povedať „Ok Google“ a máte hotovo!
Bezdrôtové streamovanie cez WiFi alebo Bluetooth
Pomoc Google Assistant bez toho, aby ste pohli prstom.
JBL Link Music prenáša zvuk vo všetkých smeroch vďaka svojmu širokopásmovému reproduktoru s 360-stupňovým rozptylom. Vychutnajte si ostré výšky, svižné stredy a hlboké, silné basy.
Jednoduché nastavenie.
Bezplatná aplikácia Google Home pre iOS a Android uľahčuje nastavenie a ovládanie JBL Link. Stačí stiahnuť, nainštalovať a hrať.
Zasielam packetou na dobierku po uhradení 10€ vopred.

Denne,hmlovky a inde,biela syta 6000-6500k,25 €/par
AJ INE TYPY LED(KLIKNI VSETKY INZERATY) pre osvetlenie akejkolvek znacky a celeho auta:
Pre stretavacie,dialkove,parkovacie,denne,hmlovky,zadne obrysove+brzdove,spiatocka,smerovky,spz,interier.
Led ktoré su oproti konkurencii Osram,Philips atd v rovnakom az vyssom výkone,za nizsiu cenu a nepreplacate za znacku.
PASIVNE: H1,H3,H4,H7,H8,H9,H11,H16-PSX24W
-kontakty vzadu ako klasicka ziarovka(Vymena bez uprav),hlinikove telo,biela syta 6000-6500k,vsetky modely 25 €/par
-pripojenie kablikom,mini rozmery,bez problemov vojdu do svetla aj s krytkou(vyskusane v XX autach,na rozdiel od inich modelov).U velajich aut vymena za ziarovku bez uprav(kde drzi ziarovku drotik alebo pruzne pliesky)
Ak pre drzanie nemate drotik,pruzne pliesky ale žiarovku drzi specif.objimka konektora je nutne pouzit adapter ktori mam pre vsetky znacky aut.
H7 s chladicom/ventilatorom-biele,6000-6500k,Canbus, 35€/pár
H7 s ventilatorom-biele,6000-6500k,vyssi vykon+Canbus, 45€/pár
H7 s ventilatorom-biele,6000-6500k,lepsi odvod tepla,chip,vykon+Canbus, 75€/pár
H4 s ventilatorom-dvojvlaknove(stretavacie+dialkove),biele,6000-6500k,Canbus, 35€/pár
H4 s ventilatorom-dvojvlaknove(stretavacie+dialkove),biele,6000-6500k,vyssi vykon+Canbus, 45€/pár
H1 s ventilatorom-biele,6000-6500k,Canbus, 35€/pár
H1 s ventilatorom-biele,6000-6500k,vyssi vykon+Canbus, 45€/pár
(Pozn: k LED H1 s kablikom- Pripaja sa rovnako ako LED(bez kablika) ktora ma 1kontakt zozadu len odpoji sa druhy kablik (-) od svetla a zapoji sa o druhy kontakt Led kablika)
Ceny Adapterov 7-12€/pár v zavislosti od znacky auta(cena pri kupe LED),
Led do Parkovaciek,Zadnych svetiel:Obrysove,brzdove,spiatocka,smerovky,hmlovka,spz,Interieru:stropne svetlo,kufor,dvere,pristrojovka,
P21W(BA15S) - jednovlaknove Biele alebo Cervene,Canbus,NAJ model 20€/pár
P21W/5W(BAY15D) - dvojvlaknove cervene(zvyraznia cervenu),Canbus,NAJ model 20€/pár
PY21W(BAU15S) - oranzove(Smerovky),Canbus,NAJ model 20€/pár
T5-W3W- biele, 3€/pár
T10-W5W- biele,Canbus, 10€/pár
T15-W16W- biele,Canbus, 15€/pár
T20-W21W- jednovlaknove,biele,Canbus,NAJ model, 20€/pár
T20 5W(W21/5W)- dvojvlaknove,biele,Canbus, NAJ model, 20€/pár
C3W, C5W, C7W, SW8.5, C10W(Sulfid) -biele,Canbus,dlžky 31,36,39,41mm 10-12€/pár
Pri kupe nad 100€,150€ 1-2pár T10-W5W zadarmo
PODPORA CANBUS-proti hlaseniu chyby u vacsiny aut podla nastavenia hodnot riadiacej jednotky vyrobcom
Aj Dobierka 1.trieda do SR +4.50€. Do Čiech Zasielkovna cca 5.20€.Osobne(Košice-Čaňa) mozne LED vyskusat a zvazit kupu.

1.PRINCE AND THE REVOLUTION – Around The World In A Day; Warner Bros Records Inc.; U.S.A.; 1985
(Around The World In A Day, Paisley Park, Condition Of The Heart, America,...) - 10€
2.ROXY MUSIC – Avalon; E.G. Music Ltd. London; Austro Mechana, Austria; 1982
(Avalon, Take A Chance With Me, More Than This, India,...) - 10€
3.ROXY MUSIC – Flesh + Blood; E.G. Music Ltd.; West Germany; 1980
(Oh Yeah, Same Old Scene, My Only Love, Rain Rain Rain,...) - 10€
4.ROXY MUSIC – Viva (Live); E.G. Recordings Ltd.; Austro Mechana; Austria; 1976
(Out Of The Blue, Pyjamarama, The Bogus Man, Both Ends Burning,...) - 10€
5.SANTANA – Caravanserai; CBS Inc.; Holland; 1972
(Waves Within, Look Up To See What's Coming Down, Just In Time To See The Sun,...) - 7€
6.SIMPLE MINDS – Sister Feelinfs Call; Gema/Stemra; Virgin Records Ltd.; 1981
(Theme For Great Cities, The American, Wonderful In Youth, League Of Nations,...) - 7€
7.SIMPLY RED – Picture Book; Gema/Biem; WEA International Inc.; 1985
(Come To My Aid, Money's Too Tight To Mention, Sad Old Red, Look At You Now,...) - 10€
8.SMOKIE – The Montreux; Gema; RAK Records; Germany; 1978
(The Girl Can't Help It, Power Of Love, No More Letters, Mexican Girl,...) - 10€
9.SUPERTRAMP – Famous Last Words; Biem/Stemra; A&M Records Inc.; Holland; 1982
(It's Raining Again , Crazy, Put On Your Old Brown Shoes, My Kind Of Lady,...) - 10€
10. SUPERTRAMP - Die Songs Einer Supergruppe; Limit. edícia; CBS Inc.; A&M Records Inc.; 1984
(The Logical Song, Breakfast In America, Dreamer, Take The Long Way Home, It`s Raining Again,...) - 25€
11.SUZANNE VEGA – Suzanne Vega; A&M Records Inc.; Hollywood, California; U.S.A.; 1985
(Cracking, Neigbourhood Girls, Marlene On The Wall, Small Blue Thing, Some Journey,...) – 20€
12.THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT – Eye In The Sky; Woolfsongs Ltd. / Careers Music Inc.; 1981
(Sirius, Eye In The Sky, Gemini, Mammagamma, You're Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned,...) – 25€
13.THE BEATLES – Love Songs – 2LP set; EMI Records Ltd. U.K.; Balkanton Bulgaria; 1977
(Yesterday, Michelle, Here There And Everywhere, Norwegian Wood,...) -25€
• Na jednej strane na začiatku je malý škrabanec; platňa neskáče, iba na tomto mieste asi 5 krát pukne
14.ULTRAVOX – Rage In Eden; Chrystall Records Ltd.; Spain; 1981
(The Voice, We Stand Alone, The Thin Wall, The Ascent, Paths And Angles,...) - 10€
15. ULTRAVOX - Quartet; Chrysalis Records Ltd.; West Germany; 1982
(Reap The Wild Wind, Serenade, Hymn, Visions In Blue,...) - 10€
Stav LP - platne: výborný, obaly: niektoré s malým ošúchaním hrán/rohov
Osobne: Ml. Nivy BA; Dobierka: +3,50€; Doporučene: +2,50€

predám nasledujúce zahraničné LP platne hudba z filmov,vačšina vo výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem podrobný popis a foto,cena za kus v texte
Bernstein L. - West side story(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Close encounters - Music from of The Third Kind/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Don Goivanni - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Gothic - Music from The film:composed T.Dolby/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Heavenly Bodies - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Melodie strieborného plátna/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Melodie z filmov - Výber/stav:výborný/ = 5€
My Fair Lady - De Originele Nederlandse versie/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - A.Hepburn&R.Harrison/Music Frederic Loewe/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - George Feyer piano/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - L.Fischer&E.Powell/Music Lerner&Loewes/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - Peter Alexander/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
My Fair Lady - S.Zeiman&w.Lukschy/Die Originalfuhnahmed Der Muchner/stav:výborný/cena 5€
Niel Diamond - The hall Bartlett film,original motion picture sound track/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Nini Rosso - Musiques De Films/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 4€
Scandal - Music from The motion picture/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Secret Admirer - He Never Knew What Hit Him/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Something Wild - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Sounds Of The Universe - Superhitts Science-Fiction filme/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Svet Filmov - Výber hudby z filmov/stav:výborný/cena = 3€
Svet Muzikálov/stav:výborný/cena = 3€
Sweet Lies - Original motion picture soundtrack/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Sylvester - Music from The motion picture soundtrack/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Témy z filmov/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Vangelis - Chariots of fire,original motion picture sound track/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Wayne´s Jeff - The War of The Worlds(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 7€(CBS)
Zorba - The Greek/stav:výborný/cena = 4€

Primal Fear-"Primal fear" 1998 Nuclear Blast NB 302-2 250Kč
Tierra Santa -"Legendario"42:28 1999 Locomotive Music LM-024 CD 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Medieval"45:28 1999 Locomotive Music LM - 038 - CD 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Tierras de legenda"43:08 2000 Locomotive Music LM-054 CD 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Sangre de reyes" 47:39 2001 Locomotive Music LM080 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Indomable" 41:53 2003 Locomotive Music LM 130 300Kč
Tierra Santa -"Major movir en pie"41.56 2006 Locomotive Records LM 270 350Kč
Tigertailz -"Young and crazy"37:00 1987 Relativity 88561-8215-2 min.800Kč (Disgos 45-80Eur)
Tigertailz -"Bezerk"42:21 1990 Music For Nations CDMFN 96 min.500Kč)Disgos 23-50Eur)
Tiles -"Fence the clear"57:42 1995 Inside Out IOMCD 014 350Kč
Tiles -"Presents of mind"52:29 1999 Inside Out IOMCD 032 350Kč
Tim Feehan -"Full contact"44:30 1990 MCA MCAD-10069 300Kč
Tim Karr-"Rubbin´ me the rightway"39:19 1989 EMI - USA CDP 7 90867 2 200Kč
Time Machine-"Shades of time"31.28 1997 Lucretia Records Inc. LU 97015-2 300Kč
Time Machine-"Evil"43.46 2001 Lucretia Records Inc. LU 20015-2 DP 300Kč
Time Machine -"Reviviscence"52.18 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0434 300Kč
Timo Tolkki -"Hymn to life"60:30 2002 Nuclear Blast 300Kč
Primal Fear-"New religion" 2008 Frontiers Records FR CD 346L 250Kč

Predám rôzne nemecké, francúzske a anglické PL Platne. Na niektorých sú na obale rôzne nálepky, ktoré sa dajú odstrániť. Niektoré obaly sú popísané ceruzkou alebo perom. Stav platní je dobrý – podľa pohľadu. Platne sú netestované na zvuk nakoľko nemám už gramofón ale vyzerajú byť ok.
Na dobierku posielam len od 30,- euro a je potrebné uhradiť dopredu poštovné na bankový účet.
Bez záruky. Osobný odber v BA možnosť si ich u Vás otestovať. Pri odbere viacej kusov nad 50,-euro výrazná zľava. Postupne dopĺňam ďalšie na predaj.
38.Rodgers And Hammerstein* – The King And I 1.-
39.China Crisis – You Did Cut Me 1.-
40. Original Broadway Cast* – The Magic Show 1.-
41.Bläsermusik russische meister
42.Uma sharma la danza di kathak
43.Damal Krishna Pattamal – The Raga's Song - Il Canto Del Raga 5.-
44.Ulrich Sommerlatte – Fiesta Mexicana 3.-
45.Karl-Heinz Schickhaus, Gudrun Haag – Musica Per Salterio = Originale Musik Für Hackbrett Aus Dem 18. Jahrhundert 2.-
46.Vivaldi*, The Academy Of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood – Le Quattro Stagioni 10.-
47.Louis Spohr, Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks*, Rickenbacher* – Symphonien 6 & 9 - Historische · Historical · Historique - Die Jahreszeiten · The Seasons · Les Saisons 2.-
48.Alan Silvestri – Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 2.-
49.Manuel De Falla , Autor Rocio Jurado , Interpretacion Orquesta Nacional De España, Jesús López-Cobos – El Amor Brujo - Banda Sonora Original de la película 5.-
50.Banda Taurina Of The Plaza Mexico* – The Brave Bulls! 1.-
51.Astor Piazzolla – Henri IV Le Roi Fou / Enrico IV (Bande Originale Du Film) 5.-
52.Hoffnung* – Hoffnung 1.-
53.The Icicle Works – Love Is A Wonderful Colour 1.-
54.Johann Sebastian Bach ・ Georg Friedrich Händel ・ Nicanor Zabaleta, English Chamber Orchestra, Garcia Navarro – Harfenkonzerte • Harp Concertos 2.-
55.carl reinecke harfenkonzerte
56.William Jackson* – Heart Music 1.-
57.rimsky korssakow igor markevitch
58.Michael Doucet And Beausoleil – Belizaire The Cajun (Original Soundtrack) 1.-
59.Orchester Anthony Ventura – El Condor Pasa 1.-
60.John Williams (4) – Star Wars / Return Of The Jedi (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)5.-
62. The New Music Consort, John Cage, Lukas Foss, Harvey Sollberger, Lou Harrison – Double Music - Works For Percussion And Strings 5.-
63.John Williams (4), The London Symphony Orchestra–Star Wars/The Empire Strikes Back 20.-
64.Pink Floyd – Delicate Sound Of Thunder - PF Live 25.-
65.Basil Poledouris–Conan The Destroyer-Music From The Original MotionPictureSoundtrack 25.-
66.Benny Goodman Combos – Famous Goodman Dates 2.-
67.James Horner – Red Heat (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 15.-
68.Alfred Hitchcock – Presents Music To Be Murdered By 2.-
69.Ennio Morricone –Bande Originale Du Fi

predám nasledujúce zahraničné LP platne hudba z filmov,vačšina vo výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem podrobný popis a foto,cena za kus v texte
Bernstein L. - West side story(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Close encounters - Music from of The Third Kind/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Don Goivanni - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Gothic - Music from The film:composed T.Dolby/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Heavenly Bodies - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - De Originele Nederlandse versie/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - A.Hepburn&R.Harrison/Music Frederic Loewe/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - George Feyer piano/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - L.Fischer&E.Powell/Music Lerner&Loewes/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - Peter Alexander/stav:výborný/cena = 6€
My Fair Lady - S.Zeiman&w.Lukschy/Die Originalfuhnahmed Der Muchner/stav:výborný/cena 5€
Niel Diamond - The hall Bartlett film,original motion picture sound track/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Nini Rosso - Musiques De Films/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 4€
Scandal - Music from The motion picture/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Secret Admirer - He Never Knew What Hit Him/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Something Wild - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Sounds Of The Universe - Superhitts Science-Fiction filme/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Svet Filmov - Výber hudby z filmov/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Svet Muzikálov/stav:výborný/cena = 3€
Sweet Lies - Original motion picture soundtrack/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Sylvester - Music from The motion picture soundtrack/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Vangelis - Chariots of fire,original motion picture sound track/stav:výborný/cena = 7€
Wayne´s Jeff - The War of The Worlds(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 7€(CBS)
Zorba - The Greek/stav:výborný/cena = 4€

Predám rôzne LP Platne. Na niektorých sú na obale rôzne nálepky, ktoré sa dajú odstrániť. Niektoré obaly sú popísané ceruzkou alebo perom. Stav platní je dobrý – podľa pohľadu. Platne sú netestované na zvuk nakoľko nemám už gramofón ale vyzerajú byť ok.
Na dobierku posielam len od 30,- euro a je potrebné uhradiť dopredu poštovné na bankový účet.
Bez záruky. Osobný odber v BA možnosť si ich u Vás otestovať. Pri odbere viacej kusov nad 50,-euro výrazná zľava. Postupne dopĺňam ďalšie na predaj.
38.Rodgers And Hammerstein* – The King And I 1.-
39.China Crisis – You Did Cut Me 1.-
40. Original Broadway Cast* – The Magic Show 1.-
41.Bläsermusik russische meister
42.Uma sharma la danza di kathak
43.Damal Krishna Pattamal – The Raga's Song - Il Canto Del Raga 5.-
44.Ulrich Sommerlatte – Fiesta Mexicana 3.-
45.Karl-Heinz Schickhaus, Gudrun Haag – Musica Per Salterio = Originale Musik Für Hackbrett Aus Dem 18. Jahrhundert 2.-
46.Vivaldi*, The Academy Of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood – Le Quattro Stagioni 10.-
47.Louis Spohr, Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks*, Rickenbacher* – Symphonien 6 & 9 - Historische · Historical · Historique - Die Jahreszeiten · The Seasons · Les Saisons 2.-
48.Alan Silvestri – Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 2.-
49.Manuel De Falla , Autor Rocio Jurado , Interpretacion Orquesta Nacional De España, Jesús López-Cobos – El Amor Brujo - Banda Sonora Original de la película 5.-
50.Banda Taurina Of The Plaza Mexico* – The Brave Bulls! 1.-
51.Astor Piazzolla – Henri IV Le Roi Fou / Enrico IV (Bande Originale Du Film) 5.-
52.Hoffnung* – Hoffnung 1.-
53.The Icicle Works – Love Is A Wonderful Colour 1.-
54.Johann Sebastian Bach ・ Georg Friedrich Händel ・ Nicanor Zabaleta, English Chamber Orchestra, Garcia Navarro – Harfenkonzerte • Harp Concertos 2.-
55.carl reinecke harfenkonzerte
56.William Jackson* – Heart Music 1.-
57.rimsky korssakow igor markevitch
58.Michael Doucet And Beausoleil – Belizaire The Cajun (Original Soundtrack) 1.-
59.Orchester Anthony Ventura – El Condor Pasa 1.-
60.John Williams (4) – Star Wars / Return Of The Jedi (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)5.-
62. The New Music Consort, John Cage, Lukas Foss, Harvey Sollberger, Lou Harrison – Double Music - Works For Percussion And Strings 5.-
63.John Williams (4), The London Symphony Orchestra–Star Wars/The Empire Strikes Back 20.-
64.Pink Floyd – Delicate Sound Of Thunder - PF Live 25.-
65.Basil Poledouris–Conan The Destroyer-Music From The Original MotionPictureSoundtrack 25.-
66.Benny Goodman Combos – Famous Goodman Dates 2.-
67.James Horner – Red Heat (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 15.-
68.Alfred Hitchcock – Presents Music To Be Murdered By 2.-
69.Ennio Morricone –Bande Originale Du Fi

predám nasledujúce zahraničné LP platne hudba z filmov,vačšina vo výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem podrobný popis a foto,cena za kus v texte
Bernstein L. - West side story(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 8€
Close encounters - Music from of The Third Kind/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Don Goivanni - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Gothic - Music from The film:composed T.Dolby/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Heavenly Bodies - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - De Originele Nederlandse versie/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - A.Hepburn&R.Harrison/Music Frederic Loewe/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - George Feyer piano/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - L.Fischer&E.Powell/Music Lerner&Loewes/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
My Fair Lady - Peter Alexander/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
My Fair Lady - S.Zeiman&w.Lukschy/Die Originalfuhnahmed Der Muchner/stav:výborný/cena 4€
Niel Diamond - The hall Bartlett film,original motion picture sound track/stav:výborný/cena = 4€
Nini Rosso - Musiques De Films/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 4€
Scandal - Music from The motion picture/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Secret Admirer - He Never Knew What Hit Him/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Something Wild - Original Soundtrack Recording/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Sounds Of The Universe - Superhitts Science-Fiction filme/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Svet Filmov - Výber hudby z filmov/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Svet Muzikálov/stav:výborný/cena = 3€
Sweet Lies - Original motion picture soundtrack/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Sylvester - Music from The motion picture soundtrack/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€
Vangelis - Chariots of fire,original motion picture sound track/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Wayne´s Jeff - The War of The Worlds(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 7€(CBS)
Zorba - The Greek/stav:výborný/cena = 4€

Predam 150W aktivny streaming reproduktor Bluesound Pulse 2i. Iba rozbaleny a odskusany, original balenie. Iba osobne v BA a okolie. Poprosim pisat cez kontaktny formular dole.
The most complete powered streaming speaker available, combining Bluetooth, and multi room capabilities the PULSE 2i fills large spaces with rich, clear high-res audio. When it comes to your music, don’t settle for anything less than high-fidelity.
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1.BANANARAMA – The Greatest Hits Collection; OPUS; London Records; U.K.; 1989
(Venus, Cruel Summer, Help, Love In The First Degree, I Heard a Rumour,...) - 10€
2.BEE GEES – High Civilization; Warner Bros; U.S.A.; 1991
(Secret Love, When He's Gone, Happy Ever After, Ghost Train,...) - 7€
3.BONEY M – Nightflight To Venus; Hansa International; A Frank Farian - Production Germany; 1978
(Rasputin, Painter Man, Rivers Of Babylon, Brown Girl In The Ring,...) - 8€
4.COMMODORES - Anthology – 2LP set (Lionel Richie); Gema Biem; Germany; Motown Record Comp.; 1972-75 (Compilation 1983)
(The ZOO, Don't You Be Worried, Easy, Machine Gun,...) - 7€
5.ELVIS PRESLEY – 2LP set – Seine 40 Grössten Hits; set Arcade Records; RCA Corporation; Gema Biem; Germany; 1956-71
(My Baby Left Me, Blue Suede Shoes, Good Luck Charm,...) - 10€
6.ERIC CLAPTON – August; Duck Records; Warner Bros Records INC.; Germany/U.S.A.; 1986
(Run, Bad Influence, Take A Chance, Hold On,...) - 7€
7.EURYTHMICS – Revenge; RCA Music Ltd.; Biem; Gema; 1986
(Missionart Man, Thorn In My Side, When Tomorrow Comes, The Mirracle Of Love,...) - 10€
8.GENESIS - ... and then there were three; Phonogram; Charisma Records; 1978
(Down And Out, Undertow, Ballad Of Big, Deep In The Motherlode,...) - 10€
9.INNER CIRCLE – Identified; Gema; Bellaphon; Circle Sound Studios, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.; 1989
(Nothing Under The Sun, Winner In Love, Black And White, Rastaman,...) - 10€
10.JETHRO TULL – Bursting Out (Live) – 2LP set; Five Star Records Ltd.; Gema; Chrysalis Records; West Germany; 1978
(No Lullaby, Sweet Dream, Jack In The Green, One Brown Mouse,...) - 10€
11.JIMI HENDRIX – The Best Of; Polydor Records London; Karusell; Austro Mechana; Austria
(Hey Joe, Foxy Lady, Stone Free, The Wind Cries Mary,...) - 10€
12.MATT BIANCO – Whose Side Are You On; Matt Music Ltd. / Rondor Music (London) Ltd.; WEA Records Ltd.; 1984
(Whose Side Are You On, More Than I Can Bear, Half A Minute, Get Out Of Lazy Bed,...) - 15€
13.MIAMI VICE II – MCA Records; E.G. Records Ltd., Elektra / Asylum Records; 1986
(Take Me Home (Phil Collins), Crocket Theme (Jan Hammer), The Original Miami Vice Theme (Jan Hammer), Lover (Roxy Music,...) – 25,00€
14.THE REAL MILLI VANILLY – The Moment Of Truth; Gema Biem; FAR Music Production; 1990
(Keep On Running, Crazy Cane, Nice 'n Easy, Too Late,...) - 7€
15.PHIL COLLINS – No Jacket Required; WEA International Inc.; Germany; 1985
(Sussudio, One More Night, Don't Lose My Number, Take Me Home,...) - 15€
Stav LP - platne: výborný, obaly: niektoré s malým ošúchaním hrán/rohov
Osobne: Ml. Nivy BA; Dobierka: +3,50€; Doporučene: +2,50€

Seth Marsh-"Whole lotta noise" 42:49 1991 JRS 73333 35801-2 300Kč
Seven -"Sevens"48:25 2004 300Kč
Seven -"Light of souls" 55.00 2007 ? JI-HO 039 300Kč
Seventh Avenue-"Between theworlds"66:31 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0351 250Kč
Seventh One-"Sacrifice" 49:44 2002 Massacre Records MAS CD0325 300Kč
Shadow Gallery-"Legacy" 71:57 2001 Magna Carta 22 201 802 350Kč
Shadow Gallery -"Room V."75:34 2005 Inside Out Music IOMCD 207 350Kč
Shadow King -"Shadow king" 44:39 1991 Atlantic 7 82324-2 300Kč
Shadowland-"Ring of roses"58:32 1991 SI-Evromusic EVSR 293025 250Kč
Shaking Family-"Dreaming indetail"36:46 1990 Elektra 9 60900-2 200Kč
Shakra -"Shakra" 47:40 1998 Point Music 10043 300Kč
Shakra -"Moving force" 51:27 1999 Point Music 10082 300Kč
Shakra -"Power ride" 47:28 2001 Point Music 10183 350Kč
Shakra -"Fall" 52.25 2005 AFM Records AFM 098-9 300Kč
Shakra -"Infected" 61.33 2007 AFM Records AFM 145-9 300Kč
Shallow Reign -"Strangeworld" 55:41 1989 Reigndrop 250Kč
Sharon -"Edge of time"45:50 1999 Limb Music LMP 9905-011 CD 200Kč
Shaw + Blades-"Hallucination" 43:06 1995 Warner Bros.9 45835-2 250Kč
Shiva -"Shiva" 42:43 2002 Z Records ZR 1997077 250Kč
Shok Paris-"Steel and starlight"46:29 1987 IRS IRSD-42051 nabídněte min.700 (Disgos 40-100Eur)
Shooters-"Solid as a rock" 34:20 1989 Epic EK 44326 200Kč
Shooting Star -"It´s not over" 45:09 1991 V & R VR-0777-2 300Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Shotgun messiah"38:35 1989 Relativity 88561-1012-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Second coming" 56:59 1991 Relativity 88561-1060-2 400Kč
Shotgun Messiah-"Violent newbreed"43:50 1993 Relativity 88561-1164-2 250Kč
School Of Fish-"Human cannonball"55:33 1993 Capitol CDP 7 98930 2 200Kč
Schubert"Toilet songs" 62:52 1995 Mausoleum 904 154. 150Kč
Siam-"The language of menace" 50:23 1994 Now and Then 9 60011-2 300Kč
Siam -"Prayer" 62:45 1996 A2 Z 85009 300Kč

Icehouse-"Icehouse"37:14 1981 Chrysalis 259 006-217 nabídněte min.500Kč (Disgos 25-80Eur)
Icehouse-"Primitive man" 42:59 1982 Chrysalis254 980-217 250Kč
Icehouse-"Sidewalk" 45:09 1984 Chrysalis VK 41458 250Kč
Icehouse -"Measure for measure" 51:55 1986 Chrysalis VK 41527 250Kč
Illés -"Add a kazed" 39:07 1972 Hungaroton - Gong Mega 17995 400Kč
Innocent -"Innocent" 52:31 1997 Escape Music ESM 019 300Kč
Insania (Stockholm) -"World of ice" 54:35 1999 No Fashion Records NFR 035 CD 350Kč
Inside Out Music presents for the best in progresive rock and metal 41:10 1997 Inside Out IOMCD 015 250Kč
Invictus-"Black Heart"51.21 2003 Limb Music Productions LPM 0303-052 CD 250Kč
Iron Fire -"On the edge" 47:17 2001 T & T TT 0053-2 300Kč
Iron Maiden -"The X factor" 71:09 1995 EMI7243 8 35819 2 4 200Kč
Iron Maiden -"Virtual XI." 53:16 1998 EMI7243 4 93915 2 9 200Kč
Iron Maiden-"Brave new world" 67:03 2000 EMI7243 5 26605 2 0 200Kč
Iron Maiden-"Dance of death" 68:05 2003 EMI Records Ltd.S93 0102 200Kč
Iron Mask-"Revenge is my name" 50:48 2003 Lion Music LMC 2229 2 250Kč
Iron Savior-"Battering ram" 47.52 2004 Noise Records N 03912 350Kč
Ivanhoe -"Polarized" 40:15 1997 Music Is Intelligence WMMS 150 300Kč
Ivanhoe -"Lifeline" 51.38 Silverwolf ProductionsSPV 620012 CD 300Kč
Izzy Stradlin -"Izzy Stradlin and The Ju Ju Hounds" 43:36 1992 Geffen GEFD-24490 250Kč
J. Geils Band-"Nightmares….and othe tales………."40:43 1974Atlantic 18107-2 250Kč
Jack Starr-"Blaze of glory" 43:35 1987 US Metal CD-US 8 400Kč
Jack Starr -"Burning starr"44:27 1989 US Metal CD US 16 400Kč
Jackyl -"Jackyl" 38:51 1992 Geffen GEFD-24604 200Kč
Jackyl -"Push cames to shove" 52:29 1994 Geffen GEFD-24710 200Kč
Jaded Heart -"Helluva time"61.30 2005 Frontiers Records FR CD 262 350Kč
Jag -"The only world in town"45:02 1991 Benson CD 02777 300Kč
Jag Panzer-"The fourth judgement"41:42 1997 Century Media 77 250Kč

Paganini -"Weapon of love" 33:20 1985 Vertigo 826 068-2Q nabídněte (Disgos 25-35Eur)
Pain of Salvation-"The perfect element" 72:44 2000 Inside Out Music IOMCD 067 300Kč
Pain of Salvation-"12:5" 60.47 2004 Inside Out Music IOMACD 2074 300Kč
Pallas -"Beat the drum" 71:42 1999 Inside Out IOMCD 035 350Kč
Pallas -"The sentinel" 57:30 1984 Inside Out IOMCD 058 350Kč
Vain -"No respect" 53:06 1989 Island 260 100-222 300Kč
Valentine Smith -"Back on earth"24:17 1994 Another Round ARR 001 300Kč
Valley´s Eve -"Deception of pain" 66:50 2002 Limb Music LMP 0302-039 CD 400Kč
Van Der Graaf -"The quiet zone, the pleasure dome" 43:30 1977 Charisma CASCD 1131 350Kč
Van Der Graaf Generator -"H to he who am the only one" 47:19 1970 Virgin CASCD 1027 350Kč
Van Der Graaf Generator -"Godbluff" 37:34 1975 Charisma CASCD 1109 350Kč
Van Der Graaf Generator-"Still life" 44:58 1976 Virgin-Charisma CASCD 1116 350Kč
Van Der Graaf Generator -"World record" 52:31 1976 Virgin CASCD 1120 350Kč
Van Halen-"Van Halen 1. " 35:34 1978 Warner Bros. 7599-27320-2 250Kč
Van Halen -"1984" 33:25 1983 Warner Bros. 7599-23985-2 250Kč
Van Halen -"For unlawful carnal knowledge" 52:08 1991 Warner Bros. 7599-26594-2 250Kč
Van Halen-"Balance" 53:20 1995 Warner Bros. 9362-45760-2 250Kč
Van Stephenson-"Righteous anger"37:33 1984 High Vaultage HV-1003 600Kč
Van Stephenson -"Suspicious heart" 41:39 1986 High Vaultage HV-1004 500Kč
Vanden Plas-"Far off grace"60:01 1999 Inside Out Music IOMCD 043 350Kč
Vanderhoof-"Vanderhoof" 57:45 1997 Steamham mer SPV 085-18792 350Kč
Vanderhoof-"A blur in time"53:41 2002 Steamhammer SPV 085-74182 CD 350Kč
Vanessa Mae-"The violin player" 42:52 1995 EMI 7243 5 55089 2 8 200Kč
Vanessa Mae -"Storm" 69:32 1997 EMI 7243 8 21800 2 9 200Kč
Vanessa Mae -"Subject to change"64:27 2001 EMI-Liberty 7243 5 33100 2 8 200Kč
Vanishing Point -"Tangled in dream" 79:18 2000 Limb Music LMP 0011-024 CD 300Kč
Vanishing Point-"Embrace the silence" 79.35 2005 Dockyard Com. DY 10032 300Kč
Vardis -"The world´s gone mad"(2CD)61:57 1980/1 Sanctuary Records ESACD 935 nabídněte (Disgos 25-45Eur)
Vendetta -"Vendetta" 32:30 1993 Reality 1113-2 500Kč
Vengeance-"We have ways to make you rock" 75:41 1986 Pseudonym CDP 10

M.ill.ion -"The first two - No. 1.+ We, ourselves and us"(2CD)47:05 + 36:29 1992 + 1994 A2 Records A2 CD08 400Kč
M.ill.ion -"Electric"43:55 1998 Blue Stone Music BSM 1016 300Kč
M.ill.ion -"Detonator" 52:51 2001 A2 Records A2CD 11 300Kč2008 Metal Heaven 53 250Kč
Magdallan -"Big bang" 56:29 1992 Intense PLD 9098 350Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Echoes" 49:13 1992 Electrola 1C 564-7 98836 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Midnight sun"59:22 1993 Electrola 7243 8 27351 2 0 300Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Elena" 49:14 1996 EMI 7243 8 37563 2 2 250Kč
Maggie Reilly -"Starcrossed" 52:23 2000 EMI 7243 5 25415 2 250Kč
Magnum -"Kingdom of madness" 39:38 1978 Castle CLACD 126 500Kč
Magnum -"2." 40:33 1979 Castle CLACD 125 300Kč
Magnum -"Chase the dragon" 35:15 1982 Bellaphon 288.07.115 700Kč
Magnum -"The eleventh hour!" 39:32 1983 Bellaphon 288.07.114 350Kč
Magnum -"On a storyteller´s night" 45:50 1985 Polydor 827 609-2 300Kč
Magnum -"Vigilante" 43:36 1986 Polydor 829 986-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Wings of heaven" 44:15 1988 Polydor 835 277-2 250Kč
Magnum -"Goodnight L.A." 48:40 1990 Polydor 843 568-2 350Kč
Magnum -"Sleepwalking" 52:56 1992 EMI 0777 7 80881 2 7 450Kč
Magnum -"Rock art" 55:00 1994 EMI 7243 8 29365 2 7 250Kč
Magnum -"Breath of life" 75:08 2002 Steamhammer SPV 085-72902 CD 250Kč
Magnus Apollo -"Op: 1." 47:50 1994 MAG - LAB Media SBD-0775 500Kč
Mago de Oz -"La leyenda de la mancha" 55:41 1998 Locomotive Music LM-020 CD 500Kč
Mago de Oz-"Finisterra"(2CD)47:43+61:16 2000 Locomotive Music LM-050 600Kč
Mago de Oz -"Gaia" (CD +DVD)72:41 2003 Locomotive Music LM 150 600Kč
Mahogany Rush -" IV." 44:11 1976 Sony Music SRCS 6244 450Kč
Machine Head -"Burn my eyes" 250Kč 55:40 1994 Roadrunner RR 9016-2
Majestic -"Abstract symphony" 51:00 1999 Massacre MAS CD 0185 300Kč
Majesty -"Sword and sorcery" 53:07 2002 Massacre MAS CD 0323 300Kč
Majesty -"Reign in glory" 65:13 2003 Massacre Records MAS CD0399 350Kč
Majesty -"Metal law" (2CD + DVD) 56:17+50:32 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0430 750Kč
Majesty -"Hellforces" 48.14 2006 Massacre Records MASDD 0496 300Kč
Mallet Head -"Yeah, yeah, yeah" 38:16 1990 Frontier 4624-2-L 250Kč

Icehouse-"Icehouse"37:14 1981 Chrysalis 259 006-217 nabídněte min.500Kč (Disgos 25-80Eur)
Icehouse-"Primitive man" 42:59 1982 Chrysalis254 980-217 250Kč
Icehouse-"Sidewalk" 45:09 1984 Chrysalis VK 41458 250Kč
Icehouse -"Measure for measure" 51:55 1986 Chrysalis VK 41527 250Kč
Illés -"Add a kazed" 39:07 1972 Hungaroton - Gong Mega 17995 400Kč
Innocent -"Innocent" 52:31 1997 Escape Music ESM 019 300Kč
Insania (Stockholm) -"World of ice" 54:35 1999 No Fashion Records NFR 035 CD 350Kč
Inside Out Music presents for the best in progresive rock and metal 41:10 1997 Inside Out IOMCD 015 250Kč
Invictus-"Black Heart"51.21 2003 Limb Music Productions LPM 0303-052 CD 250Kč
Iron Fire -"On the edge" 47:17 2001 T & T TT 0053-2 300Kč
Iron Maiden -"The X factor" 71:09 1995 EMI7243 8 35819 2 4 200Kč
Iron Maiden -"Virtual XI." 53:16 1998 EMI7243 4 93915 2 9 200Kč
Iron Maiden-"Brave new world" 67:03 2000 EMI7243 5 26605 2 0 200Kč
Iron Maiden-"Dance of death" 68:05 2003 EMI Records Ltd.S93 0102 200Kč
Iron Mask-"Revenge is my name" 50:48 2003 Lion Music LMC 2229 2 250Kč
Iron Savior-"Battering ram" 47.52 2004 Noise Records N 03912 350Kč
Ivanhoe -"Polarized" 40:15 1997 Music Is Intelligence WMMS 150 300Kč
Ivanhoe -"Lifeline" 51.38 Silverwolf ProductionsSPV 620012 CD 300Kč
Izzy Stradlin -"Izzy Stradlin and The Ju Ju Hounds" 43:36 1992 Geffen GEFD-24490 250Kč
J. Geils Band-"Nightmares….and othe tales………."40:43 1974Atlantic 18107-2 250Kč
Jack Starr-"Blaze of glory" 43:35 1987 US Metal CD-US 8 400Kč
Jack Starr -"Burning starr"44:27 1989 US Metal CD US 16 400Kč
Jackyl -"Jackyl" 38:51 1992 Geffen GEFD-24604 200Kč
Jaded Heart -"Helluva time"61.30 2005 Frontiers Records FR CD 262 350Kč
Jag -"The only world in town"45:02 1991 Benson CD 02777 300Kč
Jag Panzer-"The fourth judgement"41:42 1997 Century Media 77 250Kč