inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

hall 3000 - strana 33

Počet nájdených inzerátov HALL 3000 : 1000 - strana 33

Stojan na notebook
Stojan na notebook / Laptop Stand (Adam Hall) - SLT001 - cena + poštovné - raz použitý
Prenájom rodinného domu na Kĺzavej ulici pod lesom na Kramár
Samostatný 2 podlažný rodinný dom - novostavba priamo pod lesom v tichej lokalite, plocha domu je 270 m, dom je 5 izbový a je zariadený nábytkom vrátane kuchynskej linky so spotrebičmi. Dispozícia domu tvorí: - na prízemí vstupná chodba, šatník, obývačka, samostatná kuchyňa s jedálenskou časťou, kúpeľňa s WC - poschodie domu tvoria 4 spálne a kúpeľňa a samostatné WC K domu patrí terasa a samostatná garáž pre 1 auto + parkovanie priamo pred domom pre druhé auto. K domu patrí menšia záhradka, dom sa nachádza v spoločnom uzatvorenom objekte, kde sú ďalšie dva rodinné domy. Cena 1 700 €/mesiac + energie 300 EUR Separate 2-storey family house - new construction directly under the forest in a quiet location, the house area is 270 m, the house has 5 rooms and is furnished with furniture, including a kitchen unit with appliances. The layout of the house consists of: - on the ground floor, entrance hall, wardrobe, living room, separate kitchen with dining area, bathroom with toilet - the floor of the house consists of 4 bedrooms and a bathroom and a separate toilet The house includes a terrace and a separate garage for 1 car + parking right in front of the house for a second car. The house has a small garden, the house is located in a common closed building where there are two other family houses. Price 1,700 EUR/month + energy 300 EUR
Prenájom luxusného rodinného domu na Bellovej ulici na Kolib
Nadštandardný a priestranný rodinný dom v krásnom prostredí Koliby, úžitková plocha 270 m2, k domu patrí veľmi pekná okrasná záhrada. V dome boli použité nadštandardné značkové kvalitne materiály a pôsobí reprezentatívnym dojmom. Dom sa ponúka ako nezariadený bez nábytku. Dispozíciu domu tvorí: - prízemie domu tvorí vstupná chodba, veľká spálňa spolu s pracovňou, detská izba, veľká kúpelňa s dvoma umývadlami a WC s bidetom zn. Versace, práčovňa, - poschodie tvorí veľká priestranná obývacia izba s krbom, jedálenskou časťou a kuchynskou časťou s výstupom na priestranný balkón priamo do záhrady (kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi), druhá veľká kúpelňa s vaňou, sprchovací kútom s parnou saunou, WC, - ďalšie poschodie domu tvorí ďalšia izba so šatníkom. V dome je výťah priamo do garáže na diaľkové ovládanie pre 2 autá. K domu patrí aj hosťovský domček na pozemku, ktorý je možné využívať počas celého roka a ktorý sa skladá zo spálne, obývačky spojenej s kuchynskou časťou a kúpelne s WC. Domček má svoju terasu v záhrade. Dom sa nachádza v absolútne tichej ulici s maximálnym súkromím a s výbornou dostupnosťou do centra alebo do lesoparku na Kolibe, kde je široká možnosť oddychu či športového vyžitia ako turistika a bike. Cena: 2 500 €/mesiac + energie 300 EUR. Dom je voľný od 1.9.2023. Luxury and spacious family house in the beautiful surroundings of Koliba, usable area 270 m2, the house includes a very nice ornamental garden. In the house, above-standard branded quality materials were used and it has a representative impression. The house is offered unfurnished without furniture. The layout of the house consists of: - the ground floor of the house consists of an entrance hall, a large bedroom with an office, a children's room, a large bathroom with two sinks and a toilet with a bidet. Versace, laundry, - the first floor consists of a large spacious living room with a fireplace, a dining area and a kitchen area with access to a spacious balcony directly into the garden (the kitchen is fully equipped with all appliances), - a second large bathroom with a bathtub, a shower cabin with a steam sauna, a toilet, - another floor of the house it forms another room with a wardrobe. The house has a remote-controlled elevator directly to the garage for 2 cars. The house also includes a guest house on the property, which can be used throughout the year and which consists of a bedroom, a living room connected to the kitchen area, and a bathroom with a toilet. The house has its own terrace in the garden. The house is located in an absolutely quiet street with maximum privacy and excellent accessibility to the center or to the forest park on Koliba, where there is a wide range of recreation and sports activities such as hiking and biking. Price: €2,500/month + energy €300. The house is available from September 1, 2023.
KOMPLETNE zrekonštruovaný 4.- izbový byt s lódžiou
Ponúkame na prenájom kompletne zrekonštruovaný útulný 4 izbový byt na Špačinskej ulici v Trnave. Byt dispozične pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, obývacej izby, veľkej kuchyne s lódžiou, kúpeľne s WC a troch spální. Byt je po čerstvej kompletnej rekonštrukcii s novým zariadením. Hľadáme spoľahlivého, slušného nájomníka na dlhodobý prenájom. Byt sa nachádza v pešej dostupnosti centra mesta, v blízkosti je autobusová zastávka a niekoľko supermarketov. Nájomné 800,- EUR/mesiac vrátane energií. Depozit vo výške 1.000,- EUR. Bližšie informácie -------- We offer for rent a completely renovated cozy 4-room apartment on Špačinská street in Trnava. The layout of the apartment consists of an entrance hall, a living room, a large kitchen with a loggia, a bathroom with a toilet and three bedrooms. The apartment has been completely renovated with new equipment. We are looking for a reliable, decent tenant for a long-term lease. The apartment is located within walking distance of the city center, there is a bus stop and several supermarkets nearby. Rent EUR 800/month including utilities. Deposit in the amount of EUR 1,000. Advantages: ✔ complete new equipment ✔ searched location ✔ price!!!
na prenájom zariadený 2 izbový byt Bratislava-Staré Mesto
#2835 Ponúkame Vám na prenájom zariadený 2 izbový byt Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Landererova ulica, Panorama city. Úžitková plocha bytu je 60m2 + loggia 6m2. Byt sa nachádza na 8. poschodí s výťahom. Byt sa prenajíma zariadený. Byt pozostáva so vstupnej chodby so vstavanými šatníkovou skriňou, otvorený priestor obývacej izby so kuchyňou zariadenou všetkými zabudovanými spotrebičmi, v spálni je dvojpostel a vstavaná skriňa, kúpeľňa s vaňou, umývadlo, práčka, WC, balkón je prístupný z obývačky. Vybavenie bytu: klimatizácia Parkovacie státie za príplatok 100,- eur / mesiac Cena 900,- eur/mesiac + energie 200,- eur/mesiac ……………………………………. We offer for rent a furnished 2-room apartment in Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Landererova Street, Panorama City. The useful area of ​​the apartment is 60m2 + loggia 6m2. The apartment is located on the 8th floor with an elevator. The apartment is rented furnished. The apartment consists of an entrance hall with a built-in wardrobe, an open living room with a kitchen equipped with all built-in appliances, a double bed and a built-in wardrobe in the bedroom, a bathroom with a bathtub, a sink, a washing machine, a toilet, and a balcony accessible from the living room. Apartment equipment: air conditioning Parking for an additional fee of 100 euros / month Price : EUR 900/month + energy EUR 200/month Kontact: Adrian
na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul.
#2829 Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. v novostavbe PRIMA PARK - byt o výmere 78,5 m2 - 2x loggia 7,4 m2 a 7,9 m2 - pivnica 3,75 m2 - vonkajšie parkovacie miesto Dispozícia bytu: byt sa nachádza na 6. a 7. poschodí bytového domu, ktorý má iba 2 vchody. Na 6. poschodí je vstupná hala so vstavanými šatníkmi, obývačka spojená s kuchyňou a východom na veľkú priestrannú loggiu orientovanú na juho-západ a kúpeľňu s pračkou, WC a umývadlom. V obývačke je na mieru nábytok, kuchyňa má vstavané spotrebiče. Na oknách sú vonkajšie žalúzie. Na 7. poschodí sú 2 samostatné spálne a kúpeľňa s vaňou, umývadlom a WC. Byt je kompletne klimatizovaný. Cena 367,000 € …………………………………… We offer for sale a 3-rooms maisonette in Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. in the new PRIMA PARK building - apartment with an area of ​​78.5 m2 - 2 loggias of 7.4 m2 and 7.9 m2 - cellar 3.75 m2 - outdoor parking space Layout of the apartment: the apartment is located on the 6th and 7th floors of an apartment building, which has only 2 entrances. On the 6th floor there is an entrance hall with built-in wardrobes, a living room connected to the kitchen and an exit to a large, spacious loggia oriented to the south-west and separately with a washing machine, toilet and sink. The living room has custom-made furniture, the kitchen has built-in appliances. There are external blinds on the windows. On the 7th floor there are 2 separate bedrooms and a bathroom with a bathroom, sink and toilet. The apartment is completely renovated. Price €367,000 Kontact: Adrian
3 bedroom apartment in Dubravka with great layout
Completely renovated apartment located in Dubravka on 4th out of 8 floors for sale (only two apartments on each floor) on the street – “Pri kríži”. The apartment has been renovated to achieve its most effective layout. It offers kitchen with a dining area connected with living room and loggia, 3 separate bedrooms, spacious entrance hall, bathroom with a shower and a separate toilet with sink. The apartment faces two directions – S-SE and N-NW Technical renovation included change of entire electrical distribution system, installation of energy-saving LED lamps, replacement of water and waste plumbing system, installation of new heaters, new coating and wall painting and new parquet floor. The complete floor area of the apartment is 70.83 m² including the loggia, which consist of 3.97 m2. The monthly costs for 2 people are €160, including payments for electricity. The apartment building is well maintained and clean with friendly neighbors. In the surroundings, you will find everything you need for living within walking distance and accessible with ease by public transport. Price for apartment: 214 900 €
Premium apartments on the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea
Real estate agency RE/MAX offers you a comfortable and cozy complex where you have all that is necessary for your rest: sea, sun and beautiful nature. The complex Konak Seaside Premium is under construction on 25.000 m² and consists from 8 blocks. There is a remarkable sea view and mountain view from main windows of apartments and balconies. All territory of the complex have a sea view, irrigated with beautiful green lawn and decorative trees. In the complex you have following facilities: 3 big pools, a pool with slides, a pool with relaxation and recreation area and 2 paddling pools. There is a bar near the pool, a place for a brazier, an arbor, basketball platform and huge tennis courts. A covered car park is located above all blocks. SPA salon is located above A-B blocks with the size of 3.000 m², and another SPA salon is located under L block, with the size of 6.000 m². In the SPA salon you have: an indoor pool, a restaurant, an Ottoman bath, a steam room, a sauna, the salt room, rooms for massage, a restroom, fitness, Pilates yoga, billiard, a table tennis, a squash (tennis), a cinema hall, dressing rooms and bathrooms. Technical characteristics: An antibacterial facade, noise – and water isolation. Spacious and modern elevator. Fire-prevention alarm system. Central satellite systems. Protection and tracking cameras. In apartments: steel doors, an on-door speakerphone with a video system. False ceilings and pointed hidden lighting. Washable paint on walls and floors from granite. Porcelains and ceramics are covering designer kitchens and bathrooms. Conditioners in all rooms, a home telephone number and double glass İtalian PVC windows and doors on balcony with noise isolation. The complex is located on the first coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. To the center of Alanya - 15 km. To Gazipasha Airport - 15 km. To the sea – 25m. To Antalya city - 150 km. Construction begun on 20.10.2018 Commissioning of the complex on 31.12.2021 We guarantee you a full service in Turkey from the moment you arrive. We will arrange a transfer, find you an accommoondation, help you open a bank account, open a tax number and do a full process of registration of the ownership. You can also contact us and give your request on the exact type of property you are looking for in Turkey and we will find you a best option.
Spoločenské hry
Predám stolové hry: Bloodborne Karetní Hra - 18€ - nová zabalená Azul - 35€ - nová zabalená Jaipur - 10€ - nová zabalená. Fields of fame - 25€ - anglické rozšírenie k hre Raiders of the Nord Sea - hrané, top stav, obalené karty, v obaloch aj česky preklad Hall of Heroes - 25€ - anglické rozšírenie k hre Raiders of the Nord Sea - hrané, top stav, obalené karty, v obaloch aj česky preklad Dobrodružné výpravy Vinland - 9€ - raz hraná, ako nová. Promo karta Kartograf k Hrdina v kostce - ZDARMA k inej hre Na požiadanie poskytnem o hrách viac info alebo foto. Možnosť osobného odberu v Poprade, prípadne poštou alebo Packetou +3,3€ SK alebo +3,9€ CZ pri platbe vopred.
Hokejové kartičky UD 2022-23 séria 2 - 1.časť
Predám hokejové kartičky UD 2022-23 z najnovšej série,cena za kus je 20 centov. 253 Isac Lundestrom -Anaheim 254 Sam Carrick -Anaheim 255 Derek Grant -Anaheim 256 Kevin Shattenkirk -Anaheim 257 Shayne Gostisbehere -Arizona 258 Dysin Mayo -Arizona 259 Nick Ritchie -Arizona 260 Travis Boyd -Arizona 262 Jakob Chychrun -Arizona 263 Patrice Bergeron -Boston 265 Taylor Hall -Boston 266 Charlie McAvoy -Boston 267 Brandon Carlo -Boston 268 Hampus Lindholm -Boston 269 Jake DeBrusk -Boston 270 Peyton Krebs -Buffalo 271 Tage Thompson -Buffalo 272 Rasmus Asplund -Buffalo 273 Dylan Cozens -Buffalo 274 Zemgus Girgensons -Buffalo 275 Rasmus Dahlin -Buffalo 276 Trevor Lewis -Calgary 278 Mikael Backlund -Calgary 279 Elias Lindholm -Calgary 280 Noah Hanifin -Calgary 281 Blake Coleman -Calgary 283 Dillon Dube -Calgary 284 Teuvo Teravainen -Carolina 285 Sebastian Aho -Carolina 286 Jaccob Slavin -Carolina 288 Jesperi Kotkaniemi -Carolina 289 Jordan Staal -Carolina 290 Patrick Kane -Chicago 291 Seth Jones -Chicago 292 Jake McCabe -Chicago 293 Taylor Raddysh -Chicago 294 Caleb Jones -Chicago 296 Mikko Rantanen -Colorado 297 Nathan MacKinnon -Colorado 298 Artturi Lehkonen -Colorado 299 Devon Toews -Colorado 300 Bowen Byram -Colorado 301 Valeri Nichushkin -Colorado 303 Patrik Laine -Columbus 304 Gustav Nyquist -Columbus 305 Vladislav Gavrikov -Columbus 306 Tyler Seguin -Dallas 307 Eric Robinson -Columbus 308 Jamie Benn -Dallas 309 Roope Hintz -Dallas 310 Joe Pavelski -Dallas 313 Jacob Peterson -Dallas 314 Robby Fabbri -Detroit 315 Tyler Bertuzzi -Detroit 317 Michael Rasmussen -Detroit 318 Evan Bouchard -Edmonton 319 Leon Draisaitl -Edmonton 320 Zach Hyman -Edmonton 321 Evander Kane -Edmonton 322 Tyson Barrie -Edmonton 323 Jesse Puljujarvi -Edmonton 324 Ryan Nugent-Hopkins -Edmonton 326 Sam Bennett -Florida 327 Anthony Duclair -Florida 328 Aaron Ekblad -Florida 330 Brandon Montour -Florida 332 Adrian Kempe -Los Angeles 333 Anze Kopitar -Los Angeles 334 Matt Roy -Los Angeles 335 Alex Iafallo -Los Angeles 336 Arthur Kaliyev -Los Angeles 337 Quinton Byfield -Los Angeles 338 Marcus Foligno -Minnesota 340 Jordan Greenway -Minnesota 341 Kirill Kaprizov -Minnesota 343 Jared Spurgeon -Minnesota 344 Nick Suzuki -Montreal 345 Matt Dumba -Minnesota 346 Justin Barron -Montreal 348 Rem Pitlick -Montreal 349 Josh Anderson -Montreal 350 Mikael Granlund -Nashville
Hodnotené-Gradované Hokejové Kartičky ,a Memo Karty
1990 Score #439 Martin BRODEUR RC HOF Pro Gem-Mt10: 120€ 2005 ITG Passing the Torch Memorabilia Brodeur / Roy DUAL JERSEY: 55€ 2001-02 ITG Ultimate Memorabilia 2nd Edition Dominik Hasek H.O.F : 88€ 1990 Score Canadian #439 Martin BRODEUR RC HOF: 25€ 2016 Leaf Metal Pre-Production Proof Clear Red 1/1 HOF Bobby Hull: 50€ 2019-20 Leaf ITG Used Auto Brett Hull /25 HOF: 65€ 1989-90 OPC O-Pee-Chee Joe Sakic RC - Quebec BGS 8.5: 50€ 2017 ITG SUPERLATIVE SEASONS 1966-67 HOWE/ HALL/ HORTON/ MIKITA /KEON/GOYETTE Memorabilia:80€ 1987 Topps #127 Denis SAVARD PSA9 HOF: 44€ Všetky ceny sú už aj z poštovným! Platba Vopred na účet. Kontakt cez email. Pre záujemcov: može sa stať že moja odpoveď bude v spame.
na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov
#2820 Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. v novostavbe PRIMA PARK - byt o výmere 78,5 m2 - 2x loggia 7,4 m2 a 7,9 m2 - pivnica 3,75 m2 - vonkajšie parkovacie miesto Dispozícia bytu: byt sa nachádza na 6. a 7. poschodí bytového domu, ktorý má iba 2 vchody. Na 6. poschodí je vstupná hala so vstavanými šatníkmi, obývačka spojená s kuchyňou a východom na veľkú priestrannú loggiu orientovanú na juho-západ a kúpeľňu s pračkou, WC a umývadlom. V obývačke je na mieru nábytok, kuchyňa má vstavané spotrebiče. Na oknách sú vonkajšie žalúzie. Na 7. poschodí sú 2 samostatné spálne a kúpeľňa s vaňou, umývadlom a WC. Byt je kompletne klimatizovaný. Cena 367,000 € …………………………………… We offer for sale a 3-rooms maisonette in Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. in the new PRIMA PARK building - apartment with an area of ​​78.5 m2 - 2 loggias of 7.4 m2 and 7.9 m2 - cellar 3.75 m2 - outdoor parking space Layout of the apartment: the apartment is located on the 6th and 7th floors of an apartment building, which has only 2 entrances. On the 6th floor there is an entrance hall with built-in wardrobes, a living room connected to the kitchen and an exit to a large, spacious loggia oriented to the south-west and separately with a washing machine, toilet and sink. The living room has custom-made furniture, the kitchen has built-in appliances. There are external blinds on the windows. On the 7th floor there are 2 separate bedrooms and a bathroom with a bathroom, sink and toilet. The apartment is completely renovated. Price €367,000 Kontact: Adrian
na prenájom pekná garsónka v centre mesta Košice
Ponúkam na prenájom garsónku v centre mesta Košíc, len na skok od Dómu svätej Alžbety. Garsónka sa nachádza na prízemí, v tehlovom historickom dome. Dispozične sa skladá z oddelenej predsiene, izby a kúpeľne so sprchovým kútom a WC, s celkovou rozlohou 28 m2. Garsónka je plne zariadená, vhodná pre maximálne 2 osoby, ihneď voľná. Cena prenájmu dohodou. Dĺžka prenájmu min. 1 rok. V prípade záujmu o bližšie informácie ma prosím kontaktujte telefonicky a dohodneme aj obhliadku bytu. For rent, studio apartment on Orlia Street in Košice. We offer a studio apartment for rent in the city centre, just a stone's throw from St. Elizabeth's Cathedral. The studio is located on the ground floor in a historic brick house. Layout consists of a separate hall, bedroom and bathroom with a shower corner and toilet, with a total area of ​​28 m². The studio is fully furnished, suitable for a maximum of 2 people, available immediately. Min. rental period of 1 year. Rental price by agreement. If you are interested in more information, please contact me by either phone number listed below and we will also arrange a tour of the apartment. +421911 0897 625, +42
na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul
#2817 Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. v novostavbe PRIMA PARK - byt o výmere 78,5 m2 - 2x loggia 7,4 m2 a 7,9 m2 - pivnica 3,75 m2 - vonkajšie parkovacie miesto Dispozícia bytu: byt sa nachádza na 6. a 7. poschodí bytového domu, ktorý má iba 2 vchody. Na 6. poschodí je vstupná hala so vstavanými šatníkmi, obývačka spojená s kuchyňou a východom na veľkú priestrannú loggiu orientovanú na juho-západ a kúpeľňu s pračkou, WC a umývadlom. V obývačke je na mieru nábytok, kuchyňa má vstavané spotrebiče. Na oknách sú vonkajšie žalúzie. Na 7. poschodí sú 2 samostatné spálne a kúpeľňa s vaňou, umývadlom a WC. Byt je kompletne klimatizovaný. Cena 370 000 € …………………………………… We offer for sale a 3-rooms maisonette in Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. in the new PRIMA PARK building - apartment with an area of ​​78.5 m2 - 2 loggias of 7.4 m2 and 7.9 m2 - cellar 3.75 m2 - outdoor parking space Layout of the apartment: the apartment is located on the 6th and 7th floors of an apartment building, which has only 2 entrances. On the 6th floor there is an entrance hall with built-in wardrobes, a living room connected to the kitchen and an exit to a large, spacious loggia oriented to the south-west and separately with a washing machine, toilet and sink. The living room has custom-made furniture, the kitchen has built-in appliances. There are external blinds on the windows. On the 7th floor there are 2 separate bedrooms and a bathroom with a bathroom, sink and toilet. The apartment is completely renovated. Price €370,000 Kontact: Adrian
Hokejove kartičky artifacts a sky box metal universe
Predám hokejové kartičky 2022-23 artifacts a 2021-22 sky box metal universe. Kucherov 0.50€ Killorn 0.50€ Stamkos 0.50€ Farabee 0.40€ Swayman 0.80€ Hall 0.40€ McAvoy 0.50€ Pastrnak 1€ Dahlin 0.40€ Cozens 0.50€ Jokiharju 0.40€ Ovechkin 1€ Backstrom 0.50€ Wilson 0.50€ Mantha alternate jersey 1€ Ovechkin alternate jersey 1.50€ Lapierre RC 1€
LEGO 75954 Harry Potter Great Hall
Lego vo vynikajúcom stave. Pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty.
Hokejove kartičky UD 2019-20 seria 1 - 1.časť
Predám hokejove kartičky UD 2019-20.Cena za kus je 20 centov. 2 William Nylander - Toronto Maple Leafs 9 Charlie Coyle - Boston Bruins 10 Jake DeBrusk - Boston Bruins 16 Conor Sheary - Buffalo Sabres 18 Sam Reinhart - Buffalo Sabres 19 Rasmus Dahlin - Buffalo Sabres 20 Zach Bogosian - Buffalo Sabres 21 Anthony Cirelli - Tampa Bay Lightning 22 Nikita Kucherov - Tampa Bay Lightning 23 Yanni Gourde - Tampa Bay Lightning 24 Tyler Johnson - Tampa Bay Lightning 26 Alex Killorn - Tampa Bay Lightning 27 Victor Hedman - Tampa Bay Lightning 28 Dylan Larkin - Detroit Red Wings 29 Frans Nielsen - Detroit Red Wings 32 Mike Green - Detroit Red Wings 33 Darren Helm - Detroit Red Wings 34 Bobby Ryan - Ottawa Senators 35 Chris Tierney - Ottawa Senators 37 Anthony Duclair - Ottawa Senators 38 Jean-Gabriel Pageau - Ottawa Senators 39 Thomas Chabot - Ottawa Senators 43 Frank Vatrano - Florida Panthers 46 Max Domi - Montreal Canadiens 48 Jesperi Kotkaniemi - Montreal Canadiens 49 Phillip Danault - Montreal Canadiens 50 Jordan Weal - Montreal Canadiens 52 Jeff Petry - Montreal Canadiens 54 Teuvo Teravainen - Carolina Hurricanes 55 Warren Foegele - Carolina Hurricanes 56 Nino Niederreiter - Carolina Hurricanes 57 Dougie Hamilton - Carolina Hurricanes 59 Evgeny Kuznetsov - Washington Capitals 60 Tom Wilson - Washington Capitals 61 T.J. Oshie - Washington Capitals 62 Lars Eller - Washington Capitals 64 John Carlson - Washington Capitals 66 Cam Atkinson - Columbus Blue Jackets 67 Josh Anderson - Columbus Blue Jackets 68 Oliver Bjorkstrand - Columbus Blue Jackets 69 Alexander Wennberg - Columbus Blue Jackets 71 Seth Jones - Columbus Blue Jackets 72 Nolan Patrick - Philadelphia Flyers 74 Sean Couturier - Philadelphia Flyers 75 James van Riemsdyk - Philadelphia Flyers 76 Oskar Lindblom - Philadelphia Flyers 78 Taylor Hall - New Jersey Devils 79 Kyle Palmieri - New Jersey Devils 80 Jesper Bratt - New Jersey Devils 81 Blake Coleman - New Jersey Devils 82 Damon Severson - New Jersey Devils 84 Chris Kreider - New York Rangers 85 Pavel Buchnevich - New York Rangers 86 Jesper Fast - New York Rangers 87 Ryan Strome - New York Rangers 91 Mathew Barzal - New York Islanders 92 Josh Bailey - New York Islanders 94 Cal Clutterbuck - New York Islanders 95 Leo Komarov - New York Islanders 96 Nick Leddy - New York Islanders 97 Patric Hornqvist - Pittsburgh Penguins 98 Nick Bjugstad - Pittsburgh Penguins 99 Bryan Rust - Pittsburgh Penguins
Hokejove kartičky UD 2021-22 seria 2 - 1.časť
Predám hokejove kartičky UD 2021-22 seria 2,cena za kus je 20 centov. 251 Maxime Comtois - Anaheim 252 Ryan Getzlaf - Anaheim 253 Hampus Lindholm - Anaheim 254 Rickard Rakell - Anaheim 255 Kevin Shattenkirk - Anaheim 256 Sam Steel - Anaheim 257 Lawson Crouse - Arizona 259 Barrett Hayton - Arizona 261 Johan Larsson - Arizona 262 Ilya Lyubushkin - Arizona 263 Brandon Carlo - Boston 264 Connor Clifton - Boston 265 Trent Frederic - Boston 266 Taylor Hall - Boston 268 Mike Reilly - Boston 269 Zemgus Girgensons - Buffalo 270 Henri Jokiharju - Buffalo 271 Colin Miller - Buffalo 272 Casey Mittelstadt - Buffalo 273 Victor Olofsson - Buffalo 274 Kyle Okposo - Buffalo 275 Mikael Backlund - Calgary 276 Dillon Dube - Calgary 277 Elias Lindholm - Calgary 280 Christopher Tanev - Calgary 281 Juuso Valimaki - Calgary 282 Jesper Fast - Carolina 283 Jake Gardiner - Carolina 284 Nino Niederreiter - Carolina 285 Brady Skjei - Carolina 286 Andrei Svechnikov - Carolina 287 Teuvo Teravainen - Carolina 288 Vincent Trocheck - Carolina 289 Kirby Dach - Chicago 290 Calvin de Haan - Chicago 291 Brandon Hagel - Chicago 292 Patrick Kane - Chicago 293 Connor Murphy - Chicago 294 Jonathan Toews - Chicago 295 Andre Burakovsky - Colorado 296 Bowen Byram - Colorado 297 Tyson Jost - Colorado 298 Nathan MacKinnon - Colorado 299 Valeri Nichushkin - Colorado 301 Oliver Bjorkstrand - Columbus 302 Vladislav Gavrikov - Columbus 303 Boone Jenner - Columbus 305 Patrik Laine - Columbus 306 Alexandre Texier - Columbus 307 Jamie Benn - Dallas 309 Roope Hintz - Dallas 310 Esa Lindell - Dallas 311 John Klingberg - Dallas 312 Joe Pavelski - Dallas 313 Tyler Bertuzzi - Detroit 314 Robby Fabbri - Detroit 315 Sam Gagner - Detroit 317 Dylan Larkin - Detroit 318 Michael Rasmussen - Detroit 323 Ryan Nugent-Hopkins - Edmonton 333 Andreas Athanasiou - Los Angeles 337 Gabe Vilardi - Los Angeles 338 Jonas Brodin - Minnesota 339 Matt Dumba - Minnesota 340 Joel Eriksson Ek - Minnesota 341 Kevin Fiala - Minnesota 342 Ryan Hartman - Minnesota 344 Joel Armia - Montreal 345 Jonathan Drouin - Montreal 346 Artturi Lehkonen - Montreal 349 Nick Suzuki - Montreal
Luxusný byt v centre Košíc na prenájom/ flat for rent
Prenájmem priestranný 4-izbový byt na Tomášikovej ulici v Košiciach blízko centra, UPJŠ, Technickej univerzity, Veteriny. Byt má 113m2 a je plne zariadený s 3 izbami, obyvačka, kuchyňa, jedáleň/pracovňa, toaleta, kúpelňa, chodba, pivnica, pavlač, parkovacie miesto. Cena nájmu je 950,-€ za mesiac vrátane energií, TV a internetu. Depozit je vo výške dvojmesačného nájmu. We rent a 4-bedroom flat in Tomasikova st. in Košice close to the city cetre, the University of Veterinary medicine and Technical Un. The flat is spacious 113m2, has 3 bedrooms, dining room/office, living room, kitchen, toilet, bathroom, hall, own parking place, furnished. The price is 950€ per month, bills included, two month deposit. Internet is included.