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happy hippo - strana 28

Počet nájdených inzerátov HAPPY HIPPO : 736 - strana 28

Ozdoby na tortu Mickey a Minnie Mouse
IHNEĎ K ODBERU!!! 4-dielny set, postavičky Mickey a Minnie Mouse, zlatý zápich Happy Birthday, farebné balóniky podľa vlastného výberu
Toaletné vône, parfumy, vonavky
Predám toaletné parfumy, vody z oriflame Damske Parfumy Volare{30025}-50ml=8,90eur/ks Scent Sational-50ml {34519} =6,90eur+posta Volare moments{35661} =parfum50ml=9,00eur+posta Eclat Blanc 50ml{43141}=orientalna kvetinova[mandarínky akord, zimná ruža, pižmo] 8,90eur +posta=PReDaNA Love potion blosson {38526}-75ml=4,90eur=predane Lucia bright aura{33960}=50ml=8,99eur Womens colection Radiant peony{38521}=6,90eur=predana Womens collection powdery mimosa{38514} =6,90eur+posta=Predana Be happy 50ml {38914} citrusovo korenista[červený pomaranč, kurkuma, santalové drevo] 5,90eur+posta=PREDANA Chill out 50ml{42377} kvetinovo drevitá pizmova[levanduľa, vanilka, cédrové drevo] =5,90eur+posta SE blazing warmth parfum 75ml{38571}kvetinovo drevitá aromaticka=12,00eur+posta Sensity Pink Bloom 200ml kolinska{34525}=3,90eur+posta Womens collection Innocent White lilac-50ml kvetinová vôňa orgovánu a pizma[zelené listy, biely orgován, skrutec] =9,90eur +posta Disney Princess 100ml =3,99eur Sig Signature ure her parfum 50ml =orientálna kvetinová vona[ružové korenie, kvietky levandule, santalové drevo] 20,00eur+posta Enigma 10,90eur +posta Lucia 42785=8,99eur=predana Eclat Nuit 40788 parfum cena 15,00eur+posta Eclat femme weekend 50ml= 9,90eur+posta Friends world {33962} 50ml= 8,90eur+posta Eclat Amour 50ml =8,99eur+posta Magnetista 8ml=kabelkove balenie 4,20eur+posta Amber elixír Mystery parfum 50ml =10,00eur+posta GG good as gold{38533}jparfum 50ml=13,00eur+posta Giordani gold woman{38531} parfum 50ml=13,00eur+posta Divine sada v darčekovej krabici parfem 50ml + krém na ruky 50ml=16,00eur +posta Love potion sensual Ruby {44300}=parfumova voda (kvetinová gurmánske, červené bobule, akord rubinovej čokolády, cédrové drevo} =50ml=13,00eur+posta Oh sweet dulce de leche{44288}, orientálna vanilková sladká vôňa, 50ml=9,90eur+posta Panske Glacier Fire - 100ml{35669}=drevitá aromaticka[mäta, čierny citrón, akord dreva] 8,90eur=PREDANE Born to Fly him-75ml{34490}=5,90eur+posta Leader - 100ml{33953}=6,90eur+posta=predane Citrus tonic mens collection 75ml{30058}=7,90eur+posta Ascendant intense 75ml =orientálna korenistá vona[čierny kardamon, jantár a červená guarana] =10,00eur+posta=predane Mister Giordani 33654 75ml= 9,99eur+posta Eclat Toujours 75ml= 9,9eur+posta=PREDANE Mens collection Dark Word 42518 =75ml,toaletna voda =8,90eur+posta Glacier Air {38379} toaletná voda 100ml(aromaticka svieža vôňa grape, akord aquozone, guajakove drevo) =9,90eur+posta V prípade záujmu sa informujte o dostupnosti
predam foliovnik Happy Green Fóliovník 2x3 m, biely + je natrený zakladnou farbou na pozink+vrchna zelena,je zabaleny nepoužity.cena 100eur
Predaj 2/3 podielu vlastníctva pozemkov v Modre - časť Harmó
Description in English is below. Realitná kancelária RE/​MAX ponúka exkluzívne na predaj pozemky nachádzajúce sa v katastrálnom území mesta Modra na svahoch Malých Karpát v lokalite Harmónia. Pôvodný vinohrad, ktorý sa tu nachádzal, bol počas posledných niekoľkých dekád zarastený náletovou drevinou. Celková plocha ponúkaných pozemkov je 17 356 m2 s možnosťou výstavby RD na ploche 8 234 m2. Pre viac informácií budem rád, ak ma budete kontaktovať. V cene nehnuteľnosti je zahrnutý kompletný realitný a právny servis.​ Financovanie je možné aj prostredníctvom hypotekárneho úveru a s jeho vybavením Vám radi bezplatne pomôžeme. Real estate agency RE/MAX offers exclusively for sale land located in the cadastral territory of the town of Modra on the slopes of the Small Carpathians in the locality Harmónia. The original vineyard, which was located here, has been overgrown with woody growth during the last few decades. The total area of the offered land is 17 356 m2 with the possibility of building a house on an area of 8 234 m2. For more information I will be glad if you contact me. The price of the property includes a complete real estate and legal service. Financing is also possible through a mortgage loan and we will be happy to help you with its arrangement free of charge.
Predaj 1/3 podielu vlastníctva pozemkov v Modre - časť Harmó
Realitná kancelária RE/​MAX ponúka exkluzívne na predaj pozemky nachádzajúce sa v katastrálnom území mesta Modra na svahoch Malých Karpát v lokalite Harmónia. Pôvodný vinohrad, ktorý sa tu nachádzal, bol počas posledných niekoľkých dekád zarastený náletovou drevinou. Celková plocha ponúkaných pozemkov je 17 356 m2 s možnosťou výstavby RD na ploche 8 234 m2. Pre viac informácií budem rád, ak ma budete kontaktovať. V cene nehnuteľnosti je zahrnutý kompletný realitný a právny servis.​ Financovanie je možné aj prostredníctvom hypotekárneho úveru a s jeho vybavením Vám radi bezplatne pomôžeme. Real estate agency RE/MAX offers exclusively for sale land located in the cadastral territory of the town of Modra on the slopes of the Small Carpathians in the locality Harmónia. The original vineyard, which was located here, has been overgrown with woody growth during the last few decades. The total area of the offered land is 17 356 m2 with the possibility of building a house on an area of 8 234 m2. For more information I will be glad if you contact me. The price of the property includes a complete real estate and legal service. Financing is also possible through a mortgage loan and we will be happy to help you with its arrangement free of charge.
MICHAL PALKO z realitnej kancelárie CASSOVIA REALITAS vám ponúka na prenájom 1,5 izbový byt na Kapitána Nálepku č.1. Ak hľadáte luxusný byt v Starom meste len 5 minút pešou chôdzou od Hlavnej ulice tak potom je táto ponuka práve pre Vás! Dispozičné riešenie bytu a technické info: Byt má výmeru 39m2. Pozostáva z: kuchyne prepojenej s obývačkou, samostatnej spálne a kúpeľne s toaletou. Poschodie: 6/8 s výťahom Zariadenie bytu: manželská posteľ, nočne stolíky, gauč, konferenčný stôl, TV, jedálenský stôl, vstavaná skriňa, kompletne zariadená kuchyňa vstavanými spotrebičmi vrátane umývačky riadu, práčka V blízkom okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Poloha tohto bytu je naozaj vynikajúca, pešou chôdzou sa dostanete za 5 minút na Námestie maratóna mieru a 1 minútu vám trvá cesta do potravín FRESH. Nákupné centrá: Merkúr, Fresh, Tip Top Reštaurácie: Happy, Maratón, Malá Praha, Santa Lucia, Pizza Domček a mnoho ďalsích Banky: Slovenská Sporiteľňa, ČSOB Školy: Technická Univerzita, UPJŠ - prirodovedecká, Základné Školy - Hroncová, Laca Novomestského, Materské školy: Boženy Nemcovej, Watsonova Fitnes Centrá: Oáza, Probody Byt je k dispozícii od 1.2.2023 Cena prenájmu je 650,- EUR. Platby za energie sú súčasťou nájomného. Dĺžka nájmu je minimálne jeden rok. Podmienkou je mesačný depozit. Ak vás táto ponuka zaujala, tak nás neváhajte kontaktovať: Michal Palko - - certifikovaný realitný maklér NARKS Poschodie: 6 Počet poschodí: 8 Počet izieb: 1,5 Obytná plocha: 39m² Celková rozloha: 39m² Úžitková plocha: 39m² Vlastníctvo: osobné Stav: po rekonštrukcii Internet: optika Káblová televízia: áno
Set dámskej a pánskej vône
Nový. Set obsahuje: 1️⃣ Dámsku vôňu Petit Attitude Happy Bug EDT 50 ml Zloženie vône: čerešňa, lekno, vanilka 2️⃣ Pánsku vôňu Scent Green Fougere EDT 30 ml Zloženie vône: levanduľa, muškátový olej, lesný mach Kuk aj na moje ďalšie inzeráty. Môžem poslať aj cez Packetu. Na dobierku pošlem až po obdržaní poštovného. Pri nákupe do 15 € treba pripočítať poštovné, pri nákupe nad 15 € poštovné hradím ja a pri nákupe nad 20 € darček. Za pochopenie ďakujem.
Skákacie hrady
VSETKO PRE VASU OSLAVU Prenajom stroja na výrobu cukrovej vaty. .Cukrová vata nemôže chýbať na žiadnej detskej oslave a radi si zamaškrtia aj dospelí. K stroju na výrobu cukrovej vaty si ďalej môžete objednať cukor Príchute : Ananás, malina, Jahoda ,pistácia, čučoriedka, kiwi, šmolková, pomaranč, jablko, broskyňa, banán, čerešňa, kokos, vanilka, citrón, modrá slivková jednoduché.Cena 40eur Prenájom skákacích hradov na súkromné-nekomerčné účely. Vhodné aj do interiéru (sála, KD, poprípade iná miestnosť v závislosti od Vašej priestorovej kapacity) 1 Super skákací hrad se sluneční clonou a skluzavkou Rozměr 4,8m x 3,9m. Výška 2,6m. Velikost 18,5m2, 2.Happy Hop Skákací hrad Obří skluzavka Rozměr 6m x 2,2m. Výška 2,9m. Velikost 13m2 Určeno až pro 4 dětí současně,cena na den 50eur,cena na víkend 70eur Bublifuk na prenajom na Vaše oslavy,disco... sa sám postará o nespočetné množstvo bublín, ktoré všetky deti tak milujú.na fotenie,,, 1 l naplne vydrží 2hod v cene.PLNE AUTOMATYCKý-25 eur
Všetko pre Vašu oslavu Bublifuk na prenajom na Vaše oslavy,disco... sa sám postará o nespočetné množstvo bublín, ktoré všetky deti tak milujú.na fotenie,,, 1 l naplne vydrží 2hod v cene.PLNE AUTOMATYCKý,cena 25eur. VSETKO PRE VASU OSLAVU Prenajom stroja na výrobu cukrovej vaty. .Cukrová vata nemôže chýbať na žiadnej detskej oslave a radi si zamaškrtia aj dospelí. K stroju na výrobu cukrovej vaty si ďalej môžete objednať cukor Príchute : Ananás, malina, Jahoda ,pistácia, čučoriedka, kiwi, šmolková, pomaranč, jablko, broskyňa, banán, čerešňa, kokos, vanilka, citrón, modrá slivková jednoduché.cena 40eur v cene 1 kg ochuteného cukru Prenájom skákacích hradov na súkromné-nekomerčné účely. Vhodné aj do interiéru (sála, KD, poprípade iná miestnosť v závislosti od Vašej priestorovej kapacity) 1 Super skákací hrad se sluneční clonou a skluzavkou Rozměr 4,8m x 3,9m. Výška 2,6m. Velikost 18,5m2, 2.Happy Hop Skákací hrad Obří skluzavka Rozměr 6m x 2,2m. Výška 2,9m. Velikost 13m2 Určeno až pro 4 dětí současně,cena 50eur den,70 víkend
Luxusné 2 a 3-izbové apartmány s výhľadom na Domašu
O PROJEKTE LUXURY KELCA Luxusné 2 a 3-izbové apartmány s výhľadom na Domašu Aj kvalitné bývanie má svoj vlastný príbeh. Začína sa výberom atraktívnej lokality a originálnym architektonickým projektom, pokračuje výstavbou a odovzdaním kľúčov od nového bytu a končí sa komfortným životom podľa vašich predstáv. A presne také sú Apartmány Luxury Kelca – príbeh, ktorý je predurčený k tomu, aby sa skončil happy-endom. Luxusné byty Luxury Kelca nie sú tuctovým projektom ani stavbou s bežnou architektúrou. Práve naopak, tento projekt v sebe kombinuje najmodernejšiu stavebnú technológiu s použitím kvalitných prírodných materiálov a premyslený dizajn. Informácie o apartmánoch :
Amigurumi bee toy, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi cute duck toy, hand-made duck toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Cute amigurumi owl, hand made toy, owl
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Lalafanfan boy duck, amigurumi toy duck, hand-made
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Lalafanfan Amigurumi cute girl duck, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi bunny, hand-made toy cute bunny
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi fish, toy fish, blue fish , hand-made
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi cute girl duck lalafanfan , hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi chicken, chicken toy, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Predam domcek
My Happy Family Sweet pre deti ako na foto ... Funkcny ... link na info