hard disk - strana 37
Počet nájdených inzerátov HARD DISK
: 1000 - strana 37

Na predaj ocelova konstrukcia haly 12 x 45 x 4,5 m, vyrobca Hard Jeseniky. Hala je v demontovanom stave. K hale je mozne dokupit trapezovy plech, ktory tvoril oplastenie (nie novy). Je mozne ju oplastit aj npr. sendvicovym panelom. Vhodna ako sklad, hangar, mastal, sennik, zivocisna vyroba atd. K hale komplet dokumentacia od výrobcu.
Cena haly 25 000 €.
Predám aj časť haly. Šírka je pevná 12 metrov a vzdialenost medzi stlpmi je 4,5 metra.
Dovoz viem zabezpecit.
Vymením za traktorbager, nakladné auto alebo iný stavebný stroj.

JERONIMO „Cosmic Blues „ /Bellaphon 1970/blues rock/garage rock/hard rock ,LP made in Germany,skvely stav,inc.Heya, Na Na Hey Hey ,
posielam :/ihned!/
JERONIMO „Cosmic Blues „ /Bellaphon 1970/blues rock/garage rock/hard rock ,LP made in Germany,skvely stav,inc.Heya, Na Na Hey Hey ,
posielam :/ihned!/
posielam :/ihned!/ Postovne: . 2.80 /doporucene pri platbe vopred na ucet/,dobierka: 4.00, doporucujem zasielkovnu

Dodge Ram 5.7 Bighorn 2021, 23225km, STK 05/2025 pekný stav, diaľkový štart, veľké rádio + NAVI, R22 z limited, nové PNEU, automatická 4x4, alebo manuálny režim: rýchla a pomalá 4x4, USB a USB-C porty, Android Auto a Apple CarPlay, vyhrievaný volant a vyhrievané sedačky, automatická klimatizácia, možnosť vybrať si prekrytie kabíny HARD TOP ako na foto, alebo klasický kryt korby – ako na posledné foto. HARD TOP z auta je na predaj, pokiaľ by mal niekto záujem.
Alarm, ABS, ESP(VDC), DSC(DTC), Isofix, Deaktivácia airbagov
Hmlové svetlomety, Imobilizér, Palubný počítač, Ťažné zariadenie, Tempomat, Kožený interiér, Fólie,
Parkovacia kamera, TV, LCD panel, Bluetooth, LED denné svietenie, Dotyková obrazovka
Alternatíva k Ford F150, Ford Ranger
Pre viac info a foto ma kontaktujte tel./mail/whatspp
Uvedená cena je bez DPH

The GUN „Gun“ /Epic 1968/ fantasticky hard rock/psychedelic rock,inc.Race With The Devil, LP made in USA, top st,
posielam :/ihned!/ Postovne: . 2.80 /doporucene pri platbe vopred na ucet/,dobierka: 4.00, doporucujem zasielkovnu

SCORPIONS „Virgin Killer „ /RCA 1984/ hard rock, LP made in Italy , top st ,
posielam :/ihned!/
posielam :/ihned!/ Postovne: . 2.80 /doporucene pri platbe vopred na ucet/,dobierka: 4.00, doporucujem zasielkovnu

Predám sumcový rybársky prút Fin-Nor Offshore Hard Work 2,70m, 300g. Prút určený pre ťažké ryby ako sumec, treska a halibut. Má neskrotnú silu, odolnosť a samozrejme mimoriadne nízku hmotnosť a penová rukoväť

Zaujimavé sovietske vydanie
Vinyl ako nový, obal v horšom stave
A1 Вечер Трудного Дня = A Hard Day's Night 2:31
A2 Мне Стоило Знать = I Should Have Known Better 2:42
A3 Если Я Полюблю = If I Fell 2:17
A4 Как Счастлив Я Танцевать С Тобой = I'm Happy Just To Dance With You 1:54
A5 Я Люблю Ее = And I Love Her 2:27
A6 Скажи Мне, Почему = Tell Me Why 2:07
A7 Любовь Не Купишь = Can't Buy Me Love 2:10
B1 Когда Угодно = Any Time At All 2:09
B2 Я Буду Рыдать = I'll Cry Instead 1:43
B3 Слова, Что Сказаны Сегодня = Things We Said Today 2:34
B4 Не Смей! = You Can't Do That 2:33
B5 Я Вернусь = I'll Be Back 2:21


Uriah Heep-Spellbinder-7eur
Ted Nugent-spitfire-7eur
Electic Light Orchestra-Part II-Last Train to
UFO-CD+DVD-Broadcast rarities-10eur
Yngwie Malmsteen-Facin the animal-5eur
Argent-Hold your head up-7eur
Wishbone Ash-2 cd-Collection-10eur
Robert Palmer-Live at the apollo-7eur
Reospeedwagon-Find your own way home-6eur
Peter frampton-Friends-Love taker-7eur
The Kinks-Sleepwalker-7eur
Marc Bolan-Misty Mist-6eur
T.Rex-A beard of stars-6eur
Suzi Quatro-What Goes Around-Greateslatest7eu
Sweet-Live in Denmark-7eur
Status Quo-Best-6eur
Eagles-On the Borrder-/Papierovom obale/-5eur
Roy Orbison_Pretty Woman-5eur
Saga-Steel Umbrellas-7eur
The Four Horsemen-nobody said it was easy-6eu
ZAR-Hard to the beat-6eur
U2-Achtung Baby-5eur
Black Star Riders-All Hell breaks Loose-6eur
Celtic Rock-4eur
Mysteria-3cd box-Best-Vangelis,Jarre,M.Gore,
Paganini-Best of-3eur
Paganini-24 Caprices,Op1-3eur
Baroque Masterpieces-Best-3eur
Kniha-Historie glam rocku-708 stran-10eur

OS: Windows 10 pro x64
Bedna: HAF XM 922
Mobo: Asus P8Z77-V LX
CPU: i7-3770K
CHladič CPU: Noctua NHD-14
GPU: Sapphire Radeon NITRO+ RX 580 4GB
Hard Disc: SSD Samsung EVO 250 GB
HDD Hitachi 80 GB
RAM: Team Xtreem 2x8gb 1333 MHz
PSU: Seasonic M12II620 Evo Edition 80+Bronze
Ventilat.:2x16cm+2x20cm Noctua/Coolermaster
PC skrina je komplet prerobena ci uz to povazujete za plus alebo minus. Spodny sivy ventilator je extra - vyrezal som otvor a pridal prachovy filter (ani to nezistite ked je ventilator namontovany). Priecka na 6 hard discov aj dekel na kable su nenavratne prec kvoli prietoku vzduchu a cervenemu led ohnostroju. Bocny panel bol povodne nepriehladny ten je tak isto bye bye. Teraz je tam skleneny panel narezany na mieru ktory zvnutra drzi magneticka paska a zvonka to maskuje nasprejovany cierny pas. Skrina je naozaj vkusna:). Dalej: procesor je po delide! To znamena ze namiesto povodnej Intelackej nekvalitnej pasteky s lepidlom je tam aplikovany tekuty kov (kto nevie nech googli). Procesor dlhodobo a stabilne bezi na frekvencii 4,5 GHz pri 1,235V - teplota v plnom vykone PRIME95 len 59°C-64°C.

aktuálne len tituly v texte!
ASTRALASIA: Blue Spores 2014 18€
JIMMY PAGE & THE BLACK CROWES: Live at the Greek 2CD 1999 14€
JIMMY PAGE: Outrider 1988 6€
OZZY OSBOURNE: Down to Earth 2001 7€
OZZY OSBOURNE: Live & Loud 2CD 1995 11€
FAITH NO MORE: Album of the Year 1997 5€
TALK TALK: The Collection 2003 6€
KISS: Unplugged 1996 5€
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND: Listener 1999 Supported 2CD 10€
CREAM: The Very Best Of 1995 Hungary 5€
DAYS OF THE NEW: The Same 1997 7€
BRAD GILLIS (Night Ranger): Alligator 2001 6€
CANDLEBOX: Lucy 1995 4€
COUNTING CROWS: August and Everything After 1993 4€
COUNTING CROWS: Hard Candy 2002 5€
TOM COCHRANE: Mad Mad World 1991 5€
CD Maxi Single:
NIRVANA: Lithium 1992 4€
FRISBIE & THE FOOTBALL STARS: What a Happy Day 1999 2€
THE STONE ROSES: The Same 1989 5€
NEIL YOUNG: Unplugged 1993 6€
THERAPY?: Nurse 1992 (jzp) 4€
THE CHARLATANS: Live it Like you Love It 4€
R.E.M.: The Best Of 1991 4€
MORCHEEBA: Fragments Of Freedom 2000 (zzp) 3€
MORCHEEBA: Charango 2002 3€
WORKING CLASS HERO: A Tribute to John Lennon 1995 4€
Unoficial CD z mojej starej zbierky:
PINK FLOYD: Wish you were here 1994 3€
PINK FLOYD: The Wall 1+2 1994 2xCD 5€
QUEEN: AT the BBC 1995 (1973) 6€
OZZY OSBOURNE: The Very Best 1996 3€
KISS: The Very Best 1990 3€
TEARS FOR FEARS: Tears roll Down 1992 3
JIMI HENDRIX: Gold 1996 3€
STING & THE POLICE: The Very Best Of 3€
GARY MOORE: The Very Best 1997 3€
DIRE STRAITS: The Very Best Of 3€
U2: Singles Collection vol.1 2€
MANIC STREET PREACHERS: Singles Coll. '99 3€
R.E.M.: The Very Best 1996 2€
LENNY KRAVITZ: Best 1996 3€
INXS: Singles Collection 1997 (jzp) 2€
CHUMBAWAMBA: Millenium Hits 2000 2€
CHUMBAWAMBA: Tubthumper 1997 2€
THE HARD ROCK: Platinum 2CD 4€
GROOVES 2: Acid Jazz, Funk, Dance 2€
GROOVE ARMADA: Best Trips 2001 3€

Predam damsky mestsky bike specialized hard rock, vybava shimano gs200, 21 rychlosti. Bike je do posledneho srobu v povodnom originalnom stave, plaste su povodne, vsetko funkcne nastavene, rafiky araya made in japan. Cena 150 euro

Buckcherry Black butterfly 8,00 €
Coldplay X&Y 4,00 €
Coldplay A rush of blood to the head 6,00 €
Coldplay Viva la vida or death and all his friends 5,00 €
Contagious The calling 8,00 €
Coverdale - Page Coverdale - Page (japan) 8,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Crash Test Dummies God shuffled his feet 6,00 €
Damn Yankees Damn Yankees 8,00 €
Damn Yankees Don't tread 8,00 €
Danger Danger Four the hard way 15,00 €
Dangerous Toys Dangerous Toys 12,00 €
David Gilmour On an island (digibook) 7,00 €
David Gilmour Rattle that lock (digibook) 7,00 €
David Wilcox Underneath 2,00 €
Deep Purple In rock - Anniversary edition 8,00 €
Deep Purple Fireball 7,00 €
Deep Purple Machine head 9,00 €
Deep Purple Nobody's perfect 5,00 €
Deep Purple Come hell or high water 5,00 €
Deep Purple Infinite 6,00 €
Dire Straits Brothers in arms 6,00 €
Dire Straits On every street 6,00 €
Dreadful Shadows Beyond the maze (2CD,nový) 4,00 €
Elán 3000 10,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Evanescence The open door (digipak) 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Echoes, silence, patience & grace 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foo Fighters Wasting light 7,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner 4 6,00 €
Foreigner Head games 8,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 6,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Foreigner Unusual heat 7,00 €
Foreigner Mr.Moonlight 8,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 10,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 €
Gary Moore After the war 6,00 €
Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 €
Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 €
Gary Moore After hours 6,00 €
Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III (Atlantic 7567-82678-2) 7,00 €
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 7567-81528-2 1989) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy 7,00 €
Led Zeppelin Physical graffiti (2CD) 10,00 €
Led Zeppelin Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin In through the out door (Swan Song 7567-92443-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 €
Led Zeppelin Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 €
Lillian Axe Lillian Axe (digipak) 15,00 €
Lillian Axe Love + war (digipak) 15,00 €
Linkin Park Hybrid theory 6,00 €
Linkin Park Meteora 5,00 €
Linkin Park Meteora 8,00 €
Linkin Park A thousands suns 6,00 €
Linkin Park The hunting party 6,00 €
Linkin Park The hunting party (nový) 8,00 €
Lou Gramm Long hard look 8,00 €
Lou Gramm Ready or not 8,00 €
Lou Gramm Band Lou Gramm Band 8,00 €
Lynch Mob Wicked sensation 10,00 €
Lynch Mob Rebel (digipak,nový) 13,00 €
Lynyrd Skynyrd Edge of forever 12,00 €
Lynyrd Skynyrd God & guns 12,00 €
Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dyin' breed 12,00 €
Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 €
Mama Kin In the city (supercase,nový) 12,00 €
Mark Knopfler Golden heart 6,00 €
Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 6,00 €
Mark Knopfler The ragpicker's dream 6,00 €
Mark Knopfler Shangri-la 6,00 €
Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 €
Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 €
Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 5,00 €
Mike Oldfield The songs of distant earth 6,00 €
Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 €
Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 €
Mitch Malloy Mitch Malloy 15,00 €
Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 €
Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 €
Naro Glass mountain 10,00 €
Naro Press play 10,00 €
Nelson After the rain 6,00 €
Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 5,00 €
Nirvana Bleach 6,00 €
Nirvana Nevermind 5,00 €
Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 €
Nirvana In utero 6,00 €
Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York 9,00 €
Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 €
Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 €
Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 €
Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Richard Marx Rush street 5,00 €
Richard Marx Repeat offender (japan) 6,00 €
Richard Marx Paid vacation 5,00 €
Richard Müller LSD 15,00 €
Richard Müller Richard Müller a hosté (digipak) 5,00 €
Richie Sambora Stranger in this town 5,00 €
Richie Sambora Undiscovered soul 6,00 €
Robby Valentine Robby Valentine (japan) 15,00 €
Robert Plant Now and zen 8,00 €
Robert Plant Fate of nations 8,00 €
Rockhead Rockhead 12,00 €
Roger Waters Amused to death 8,00 €
Skin Tag Beauty mark 8,00 €
Slash's Snakepit It's five o'clock somewhere 6,00 €
Slash Slash 7,00 €
Slash Apocalyptic love 7,00 €
Slash World on fire (gatefold) 8,00 €
Slash Living the dream (nový) 9,00 €
Soundgarden Superunknown 6,00 €
Street Legal Thunderdome 6,00 €
Survivor Too hot to sleep 10,00 €
Survivor Greatest hits 6,00 €
Takara Taste of heaven (japan) 15,00 €
Temple of the Dog Temple of the Dog 8,00 €
The Answer Everyday demons 4,00 €
The Beatles Please, please me 7,00 €
The Beatles With the Beatles 7,00 €
The Beatles A hard day's night 7,00 €
The Beatles Beatles for sale 7,00 €
The Beatles Help! 6,00 €
The Beatles Rubber soul 3,00 €
The Beatles Rubber soul 7,00 €
The Beatles Revolver 7,00 €
The Beatles Sgt.Pepper lonely hearts club band (book,slipcase) 8,00 €
The Beatles The Beatles (white album) (2CD) 12,00 €
The Beatles Abbey road 7,00 €
The Beatles Let it be 7,00 €
The Black Crowes Shake your money maker 6,00 €
The Black Crowes The southern harmony and musical companion 6,00 €
The Black Crowes The southern harmony and musical companion (japan) 8,00 €
The Black Crowes Three snakes and one charm 6,00 €
The Black Crowes By your side 7,00 €
The Black Crowes Amorica (digipak) 8,00 €
The Cranberries Bury the hatchet 6,00 €
The Cranberries Stars 5,00 €
The Cure Boys don’t cry 7,00 €
The Cure Wish 7,00 €
The Cure Disintegration 7,00 €
The Cure Wild mood swings 5,00 €
The Cure Bloodflowers 6,00 €
The Darkness Permission to land 5,00 €
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