heavy rain - strana 8
Počet nájdených inzerátov HEAVY RAIN
: 1000 - strana 8

Horizon zero dawn 16€
Rise of tomb raider 15€
Heavy Rain + Beyound two souls 14€
Battlefield 1 8€
Diablo reaper of souls 18€
Gran turismo sport 16€
Call of duty Black ops 3 13€
Resident evil 2. 17€
Uncharted4 a thiefs end 7€
Star wars Battlefront 8€

Michael Jackson-Dangerous, Kansas-Point of Know Return,Kansas/ Power. Neil Young-The Monsato Years. Baker Gurvitz Army-Hearts on fire/Small Faces-Boxed One. Ohio Express-The Very Best of, TOTO- Antohology 1978-1988. Deep purple - Infinite. Neil Sedaka - Gratest Hits/Del Shannon-The Stoy del Shannon. Texas- Gratest Hits. Beatles-Past Master, sVol Txo Hey Jude. Barry Gibb-In the nox, deluxe edition. Easybeats-The bestof vol 2/Titanic-Titanic. Giorgio Moroder- De ja-vu/to be nubmer on. Eric Clapton- old sock/from the cradel. Show Waddy Waddy- Sweet Littelrock,nroll/Mud-the best of. Status qup-24titole, Beach boys-Gold Hits, Arena - The Best of, Journey-Biograhy no1, no2. Rose Tatto- Scared for life/ Ufo- no heavy pettind. Rush- the rock album/the rock album no. 2. Jon Secada- Jon Secada, Molly Hatchet-Lighting Strikes Twice, Bonfire- Glorious, Temple of lies,Robert Plant-Carry Fire, Gary Moore- Close at you get. Hard Rain- When the Good times Come. Motley Crue-Generation Swine. Guiet Riot - Metal Health. Vengeance - Polygram rock. Hraem Scarem-Polygram Rock. Poison-Native Tongue. Quiet Riot- RehabX. Without Warning - Step Beyond. Chrisde Burdh-Eastern Wind. Bay City Rollers- The Collection. Cliff Richard-The Classic, And The shadowx. Grand Funk Railroad- born To die , Goond Singi, good playin. Judas priest-Unliashed in the heat, Killing machine. Marillion-B, Sides Themselves/Marilion- Fugazi, marillion com. Pendragon: Once upon a time in England, Men xho climb mountains, Pure, Pasion, Fallen Dreams and angels as good al gold, Belive, The Window of life, Kowtov, The World, The Jewel, The Best of Pendragon. Y and T: Yesterday and Tody, Open Fire, Mean strak.. Mr. Big- Get over in, Teh sotries we could tell. Night Ranger-Hole in the sun. China-China. Saxon- Batterin Ram. TNT- Intuition. Quensryche: Hear in the now frontier, q2k, Empire, Promised Land, Queensrych, American Soldier. Bruce Dickinson: Balls to picasso, Accident of birth, Masters of metallian, The best of, The pover vol2, Tyranny of soul, The chemical wedding,Skunkworks, Tattoed Millionire. Rolling Stones: Single Collection 1969-1970, Sinhle Collection 1971-1972, Single Collection 1973-1974, Rolling Stones 12x5. Fleetwood Mac: The Blues sstory vol2. The blues story vol3. Ringo Starr: Postcards fromparadise, Beauecups of bules, From your past, The 4th, Vertical Man, Stop and smell roses, Sentimental Journej, Goodnight Vienna. Kontaktovať len telefonicky

Driveclub: predane
battlefield4: 8€
wwe2k19: predane
Heavy Rain & Beyond Two Souls 10€
Dirt 4: predane
Killzone ShadowFall 7€
Crash bandicoot N sane trilogy: 20€

Predám hry na playstation 4. Kontaktujte ma na Facebooku pod menom Nikolas Domin alebo na mail, ďakujem.
Gran Turismo Sport 15€
FIFA 21 20€
FIFA 17 10€
NHL 19 15€
Grand Thief Auto V 20€
The Heavy Rain & BEYOUND: Two Souls Collection 10€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 20€
Nioh 10€

Ponukam na predaj svoju zbierku hier:
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy: 20€
Crash CTR Nitro: 20€
FIFA 17: 5 €
FIFA 19: 5 €
GTA 5: 20 €
Heavy rain collection Beyond two soul: 10 €
MediEvil: 10€
UFC 2: 5 €
Uncharted Remastered: 10€
Uncharted 4: 10€
Uncharted The Lost Legacy: 10€
Vsetky hry su v bezchybnom stave.
V pripade zaujmu ma nevahajte kontaktovat :)

Predám hry na Playstation4 Ps4 Playstation 5 Ps5 posielam aj poštou alebo packetou + 4e poštovné.Hry často aktualizujem
American Fugitive - 12e
AOTENNIS 2 - 20e
Assassins Creed Odyssey - 17e 2x
Battlefield Hardline - 10e
Bloodborne - 10e
Concrete Genie (VR) - 10e
Cities Skylines - 20e
Constructor - 10e
Call Of Duty Black OPS 3 - 15e 2x
Call Of Duty Black OPS 4 - 15e
Call Of Duty WWII - 15e
Days Gone - 18e
Darksiders 2 - 14e
Desperados 3 - 12e
Devil MayCry 5 - 15e
Death Stranding - 13e 2x
Driveclub - 9e
Dragon ball Xenoverse - 10e
Dragonball Xenoverse 2 - 20e
Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen - 9e
Eve Valkyrie - 15e
Farcry 3 - 10e
Farcry 4 - 10e 2x
Farcry 5 - 10e 2x
Farcry New Dawn - 15e
Friday The 13TH The Game - 20e
Fifa 14 - 5e 2x
Fifa 15 - 5e 2x
Fifa 16 - 5e 3x
Fifa 17 - 10e (zabalená)
Fifa 18 - 8e 2x
Fifa 19 - 9e
Fifa 20 - 10e 2x
GTA 5 - 20e 2x
Gravity Rush 2 - 16e
Gran Turismo - 10e
Hidden Agenda - 10e
Hitman 2 - 17e
Infinity HRA + POSTAVICKY cca 12ks - 40e
Just Cause 3 - 10e
Killzone Shadow Fall - 10e 2x
Little Nightmares 2 - 18e
Little Nightmares Complete Edition - 12e
Left Alive - 10E
Lego Batman 3 - 15e
Mirror Edge Catalyst - 10e
Mafia 3 - 15e 2x
Mafia Definitive Edition - 15e
Metro Exodus - 15e
Monopoly Family Fun Pack - 15e
MediEvil - 20e
Mass Effect - 5e
No Man Sky - 10e
Plants vs Zombies GW2 - 15e
Resident Evil 6 - 15e
Re-Reckoning - 20e
SingStar Ultimate Party - 5e
Sebastian Rally EVO - 10e
Squadrons (VR)- 13e
Steep - 14e
Star Wars Battlefront - 10e 2x
Sniper Elite 5 - 40e
Sniper Elite 4 - 15e
Sudden 4 Strike - 15e
Subnautica Below Zero - 17e
Terminator - 10e (bez obalu)
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Siege - 5e 2x
Tom Clancy The Division - 8e
Tom Clancy The Division 2 - 10e
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon - 14e 2x
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Breakpoint - 15e
Tomb Raider Shadow Of The - 10e
Tomb Raider Rise of the - 10e
The Hunter Call Of The Wild - 17e
The Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls edition - 10e
The Crew - 10e
The Crew 2 - 15e
The Elder Scrolls - 10e
The Order 1886 - 10e
The Walking Dead - 15e
The Last Of Us - 10e
The Last Of Us 2 -20e
Uncharted - 10e 2x
Uncharted 4 - 10e 4x
Until Dawn - 15e
Watch Dogs - 8e 3x
Watch Dogs 2 - 10e
Wolfenstein 2 - 15e
WRC 10 PS5 - 30e

Predám hry na Playstation4 Ps4 Playstation 5 Ps5 posielam aj poštou alebo packetou + 4e poštovné.Hry často aktualizujem
American Fugitive - 12e
AOTENNIS 2 - 20e
Assassins Creed Odyssey - 17e 2x
Battlefield Hardline - 10e
Bloodborne - 10e
Concrete Genie (VR) - 10e
Cities Skylines - 20e
Call Of Duty Black OPS 3 - 15e 2x
Call Of Duty Black OPS 4 - 15e
Call Of Duty WWII - 15e
Days Gone - 18e
Darksiders 2 - 14e
Desperados 3 - 12e
Devil MayCry 5 - 15e
Death Stranding - 13e 3x
Driveclub - 9e
Dragon ball Xenoverse - 10e
Dragonball Xenoverse 2 - 20e
Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen - 9e
Eve Valkyrie - 15e
Farcry 3 - 10e
Farcry 4 - 10e 2x
Farcry 5 - 10e 2x
Farcry New Dawn - 15e
Friday The 13TH The Game - 20e
Fifa 14 - 5e 2x
Fifa 15 - 5e 2x
Fifa 16 - 5e 3x
Fifa 17 - 10e (zabalená)
Fifa 18 - 8e 2x
Fifa 19 - 9e
Fifa 20 - 10e 2x
Fifa 22 - 20e
GTA 5 - 20e 2x
God Of War - 10e
Gravity Rush 2 - 16e
Gran Turismo - 10e
Hidden Agenda - 10e
Hitman 2 - 17e
Horizon Zero Dawn - 10e
Infinity HRA + POSTAVICKY cca 12ks - 40e
Just Cause 3 - 10e
Killzone Shadow Fall - 10e 2x
Little Nightmares 2 - 18e
Little Nightmares Complete Edition - 12e
Left Alive - 10E
Lego Batman 3 - 15e
Mirror Edge Catalyst - 10e
Mafia 3 - 15e 2x
Mafia Definitive Edition - 15e
Metro Exodus - 15e
Monopoly Family Fun Pack - 15e
MediEvil - 20e
Mass Effect - 5e
No Man Sky - 10e
Plants vs Zombies GW2 - 15e
Resident Evil 6 - 15e
Re-Reckoning - 20e
Ratchet a Clank - 10e
SingStar Ultimate Party - 5e
Sebastian Rally EVO - 10e
Squadrons (VR)- 13e
Steep - 14e
Star Wars Battlefront - 10e 2x
Sniper Elite 5 - 40e
Sniper Elite 4 - 15e
Spider Man - 15e
Subnautica Below Zero - 17e
Terminator - 10e (bez obalu)
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Siege - 5e 2x
Tom Clancy The Division - 8e
Tom Clancy The Division 2 - 10e
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon - 14e 2x
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Breakpoint - 15e
Tomb Raider Shadow Of The - 10e
Tomb Raider Rise of the - 10e
The Hunter Call Of The Wild - 17e
The Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls edition - 10e
The Crew - 10e
The Crew 2 - 15e
The Elder Scrolls - 10e
The Order 1886 - 10e
The Walking Dead - 15e
The Last Of Us - 10e
The Last Of Us 2 -20e
Uncharted - 10e 2x
Uncharted 4 - 10e 4x
Until Dawn - 15e
Watch Dogs - 8e 3x
Watch Dogs 2 - 10e
Wolfenstein 2 - 15e
WRC 10 PS5 - 30e

Detroit become human 8 eur
Uncharted 4 8 eur
Ratchet a clank 8 eur
Beyond 2 souls + heavy rain 10 eur
Last of us Remastered 8 eur
Horizon Zero dawn 8 eur
V prípade akýchkoľvek otazok ohľadom hier ma neváhajte kontaktovať.

Predam nasledovne hry pre PS3, hry sú odskušané a funkcne.
Batman Arkham Asylum - 10 €
Batman Arkham City - 10 €
Borderlands - 6 €
Borderlands 2 - 5 €
Dead Island - 8 €
Duke Nukem Forever - 7 €
Fallout 3 - 6 €
Fallout New Vegas - 7 €
Final Fantasy XIII - 8 €
Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City - PREDANE
Grand Theft Auto IV GTA IV - PREDANE
Grand Theftauto Episodes from Liberty City - PREDANE
Heavenly Sword - 8 €
Heavy Rain - 6 €
Killzone 2 - 5 €
Killzone 3 - 6 €
Max Payne 3 - 10 €
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - 10 €
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 8 €
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PREDANE
Tomb Raider - PREDANE
Tomb Raider Underworld - 7 €
Turok - 7 €
Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis.
Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku.
Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM
Pete Townshend: White city(the Who) 10€
Tom Waits: Small change 20€
Camel: Rain dances 12€
Camel: the Snow gaase 12€
Spider: Rock n roll gypsies 10€
Boomtown Rats(Bob Geldof): A tonnic for the troops 5€
Third World: You've got the power 10€
Third World: Rock the world 10€
Third World: All the way strong 10€
Century S.B.: Look to the future 15€
Aswad: Not satisfied 15€
A. More: Flying Doesn't Help 7€
Average White Band: AWB 8€
Hoodoo Gurus: Kinki 10€
Heartland: Heartland 15€
History of rock: John Mayall's Bluesbreakers,Small faces,Them 12€
T.Rex: Ride a white swan 10€
Any Trouble: Where Are All The Nice Girls? 7€
Any Trouble: Where Are All The Nice Girls? official bootleg 5€
Slammer: Insanity addict 9€
Stranglers : Feline 6€
a Statement EP 4€
Lock Up: Something Bitchin This Way Comes 7€
Victory: Culture killed the native 5€
the SUMMIT: compilation 4€
Heavy Metal - compilation (2xLP) 15€
Platne sú v dobrom až vynikajúcom stave. Sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM.
Možnosť zaslať po prevode na účet, na Dobierku,aj osobný odber v RK,DK,MT...Viac info ako aj kontakt mailom...
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...
Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.

Predám hry na PS4. Všetky funkčné, bez škrabancov. Pošlem aj na dobierku, poštovné 3€.
Assassins Creed Syndicate - 10€, Assassins Creed Origins - 12€, Dishonored - 10€, Days Gone - predané, Mark McMorris Infinite Air - predané , NHL 23 - predané , Carmageddon Max damage - 15€, Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition - 15€, Until dawn - predané, MediEvil - 12€, Mafia Definitive edition - 12€, Lords of the Fallen - 10€, Heavy Rain / Beyond two souls - 10€, Singstar Ultimate party - 5€, Singstar Celebration - 5€, Ghost Recon Breakpoint - predané , Horizon Zero Dawn Complete edition - 7€, NHL 16 - predané

Predám PS4 Pro plnefunkčne k tomu jeden ovladač.
možem pridať účet+ 60€ s hrami ktore sa môžu hrať po zakupeni pluska :
Batman arham city
Bioshock infinite
Bioshock the collection
COD:black ops 4
COD: black ops 3
COD: modern warfare 2
Dead by daylight
Detreid become human
Dirt rally 2.0
Farming simulator 19
final fantasy VII remake
Heavy rain
Just cause 4
Mass efect legendary edition
Shadow of war
mortal kombat X
Mortal sheel
Outlast 2
Rise of the tomb raider
Shadow of the colossus
Shadow of the tomb raider
Sniper elite 4
Star wars battlefront 2
Star wars squadrons
Stranded deep
Street fight V
Uncharted nathan drake collection
Zombie army 4
Days gone
Uncharted 4
The last of us remarsted
Gta 5
Dying light
The forest
Litle nightmares

Far cry new dawn - 10€
Beyond two souls a heavy rain - 15€
Cyberpunk 2077 (neotvoreny) - 25€
Osobny odber.

Predám hry na Playstation4 Ps4 Playstation 5 Ps5 posielam aj poštou alebo packetou + 4e poštovné.Hry často aktualizujem
American Fugitive - 12e
AOTENNIS 2 - 20e
Assassins Creed Odyssey - 17e
Darksiders 2 - 14e
Desperados 3 - 12e
Devil MayCry 5 - 15e
Death Stranding - 13e
Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen - 9e
Eve Valkyrie - 15e
Fifa 16 - 5e
Fifa 17 - 10e (zabalená)
Gravity Rush 2 - 16e
Hidden Agenda - 10e
Horizon Zero Dawn - 10e
Infinity HRA + POSTAVICKY cca 12ks - 40e
Just Cause 3 - 10e
Killzone Shadow Fall - 10e
Little Nightmares 2 - 18e
Little Nightmares Complete Edition - 12e
Left Alive - 10e
Mirror Edge Catalyst - 10e
MediEvil - 20e
Resident Evil 6 - 15e
Re-Reckoning - 20e
SingStar Ultimate Party - 5e
Squadrons (VR)- 13e
Steep - 14e
Star Wars Battlefront - 10e
Subnautica Below Zero - 16e
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Wildlands - 14e
The Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls edition - 10e
The Elder Scrolls - 10e
The Walking Dead - 15e
Uncharted - 10e
Uncharted 4 - 10e 2x
Until Dawn - 15e
Watch Dogs - 8e 2x
Watch Dogs 2 - 10e
WRC 10 PS5 - 30e

Predám hry na Playstation4 Ps4. Preferujem osobny odber. Postov posielam iba pri platbe vopred. Zoznam hier aktualizujem, dostupne iba tie, co su v popise.
Far Cry 4 5 EUR - predane
Far Cry 5 10 EUR - predane
Far Cry New Dawn 10 EUR - predane
Far Cry Primal 10 EUR - predane
Shadow of Mordor 5 EUR - predane
Until Dawn 5 EUR
Dayz 20 EUR - predane
Call of Duty WWII 15 EUR - predane
The Order 1886 10 EUR
Fallout 4 5 EUR - predane
Shadow of War 5 EUR
Heavy Rain/Beyond 10 EUR

Predám hry Heavy Rain+Beyond two Souls-10€. Tomb Raider 20year celebration-7€. Hidden Agenda-6€. Hry sú top stave ako nové.Posielam aj na dobierku 3,90€.Volat alebo písať na email, WhatsApp.

Mám na predaj PS4 Slim 500gb v záruke do marca 2023.
Je v 100% stave bez akýchkoľvek škrabancov, poškodení. Vyzerá ako nová.
Mám k nej kompletné príslušenstvo - krabica, neodbalené slúchadlo, hdmi kábel, napájací kábel, konzola, ovládač, kábel k ovládaču.
Hrané na nej bolo minimálne nakoľko nie je na to čas.
Len seriózny záujem
Osobný odber Šaľa alebo dobierka.
Fotky priložím do mailu
Len seriózny záujem
Mám k nej na predaj hry:
Assasins creed Valhalla - 17€
Horizon Zero Down Complete Edition - 10€
Last of us remastered - 9€
Last of us Part II- Nová neodbalená - 20€
God of War - Nová neodbalená - 15€
Uncharted Nathan Drake Colection - 10€
Bloodborne - 9€
Beyond The Souls/Heavy Rain - 9€
Marvel Spider Man - 17€
Final Fantasy 15 Special Edition (steelbook)- 18€
Matterfall - 5€
Mám v ponuke aj iné konzoly
Mal som v pláne si spraviť takú menšiu výstavu konzol na poličke, ale nejako som na to zmenil názor.

Ponúkam na predaj originál hry pre hernú konzolu Playstation 4 Ps4 v dobrom stave.
Zoznam hier :
Ghost Of Tsushima : 17€
Call of Duty Modern Warfare - 23€
GTA V - 16€
Watch Dogs 2 - 9€
Mortal Kombat X - 10€
Heavy Rain Collection - 13€
Anthem - 7€
Assasins Creed Odissey - 9€(obal bez potlače)
Cyber Punk 2077 - 14€(obal bez potlače)
Red Dead Redemtion 2 - 18€
The Last of Us 2 - 17€
Battlefield V - 11€
Sims 4 - 7€
Crash N Sane Trilogy - 19€
Mafia Trilogy - 19€
UFC 3 - 13€
Snoopys - 13€
Spiderman Miles Morales - 29€
Gran Turismo 7 - 33€
Spiderman - 16€
Dark Souls 3 - 12€
Gran Turismo Sports Cz - 8€
Assasins creed Unity - 9€
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 - 12€
Dead Strading - 11€
Fifa 22- 19€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon - 9€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Breakpoint - 9€
NBA2K18- 7€
Days Gone - 15€
Steep - 7€
Horizon Zero Complet Edition - 8€
Po dohode možnosť poslať poštou alebo cez zasielkovnu.
V rámci okresu a okolia viem priniesť na adresu.
Ak vás moja ponuka zaujala tak ma neváhajte kontaktovať..

Predám PS3 hry nakoľko sa mi poškodila PS3 a nemám pre ne využitie... Osobne Čadca alebo poštou...
Far Cry 3
Mass Effect 2
Uncharted 3
Top Spin 3
South Africa 2010
Heavy Rain
Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Assassins Creed 2
Just Cause 2
Saints Row 4