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holz her

Počet nájdených inzerátov HOLZ HER : 589

Sophie Kinsella - Remember Me?
Predam knihu Sophie Kinsella - Remember Me? Lexi wakes up in a hospital bed after a car accident, thinking it's 2004 and she's a twenty-five-year old with crooked teeth and a disastrous love life. But, to her disbelief, she learns it's actually 2007 - she's twenty-eight, her teeth are straight, she's the boss of her department - and she's married! To a good-looking millionaire! How on earth did she land the dream life? She can't believe her luck - especially when she sees her stunning new home. She's sure she'll have a fantastic marriage once she gets to know her husband again. He's drawn up a 'manual of our marriage', which should help. But as she learns more about her new self, chinks start to appear in the perfect life. All her old colleagues hate her. A rival is after her job. Then a dishevelled, sexy guy turns up...and lands a new bombshell. What the **** happened to her? Will she ever remember? And what will happen if she does?
Pásová brúska HOLZ-HER 2410 s brúsnym rámom Festool
Predám profesionálnu pásovú brúsku HOLZ-HER 2410 spolu s novým brúsnym rámom Festool. Brúska je prakticky identická s pásovou brúskou Festool BS 75, keďže firma Holz-Her bola predchodcom značky Festool. To znamená, že aj prípadné nahradné diely alebo spotrebný materiál pasujú na túto brúsku od značky Festool. O zhodnosti oboch brúsok svedčí aj fakt, že sa na brúsku dali namontovať originálne nové konzoly od Festool potrebné na zasadenie do brúsneho rámu. Pásová brúska je plne funkčná, vo veľmi dobrom stave, brúsny rám je úplne nový, ešte nepoužívaný. Súčasťou brúsky sú aj originálne hliníkové konzoly pre použitie brúsky ako stacionárnej a adaptér na odsávanie prachu Festool. K brúske priložím aj praktický univerzálny kovový kufor na náradie. Popis a technické údaje: - Neunavujúca práca vďaka vyváženej polohe ťažiska pozdĺžne uloženého motora - Hospodárna práca vďaka vysokému výkonu motora - Brúsna podložka z grafitu zaručuje najlepšie výsledky brúsenia. - Bezpečné brúsenie veľkých plôch ( S brúsnym rámom nasadíte brúsku BS 75 na povrch bezpečne a jemne. Náradie sa nevzprieči a vďaka pruženiu kief sa vedie ľahko a presne. Výška povrchu obrobku sa môže plynule nastaviť. A jedným pohybom môžete pásovú brúsku nadvihnúť o 4 mm do odkladacej polohy.) - Stacionárne použitie (pomocou hliníkových stacionárnych konzol okamžite zmeníte mobilnú pásovú brúsku na stacionárnu jednotku. Optimálne tak možno obrábať malé obrobky. - Motor a guľôčkové ložisko sú chránené ložiskovým mostíkom tlmiacim vibrácie, pásový kryt je vyrobený z odolného hliníka vytvoreného tlakovým odlievaním. Vďaka tomu je pásová brúska HOLZ-HER 2410 dlhodobou investíciou aj pri intenzívnom používaní. Technické údaje: - Príkon  850 W - Rýchlosť pásu v záťaži 380 m/min - Dĺžka x šírka pásu 533 x 75 mm - Brúsna plocha 135 x 75 mm - Ø prípojky na odsávanie prachu 27/36 mm - Dĺžka kábla 4,00 m - Hmotnosť výrobku 4,80 kg
The Carrie Diaries
Meet Carrie Bradshaw before ‘Sex and the City!’ The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins. 416 stran 333g
The Sunday Lunch Club
Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?
The Sunday Lunch Club
Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?
How To Make Friends With The Dark
Kathleen Glasgow - How To Make Friends With The Dark Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** The story of an awful, universe-gone-mad-mistake, and one girl's emotional battle for clarity and forgiveness. Tiger's mother has always been her whole world, but now she's sixteen her mother's control over everything in her life is suffocating. Just when Tiger feels she can no longer bear the way her life is managed, the unimaginable happens and her mother dies. As she slowly begins to make a way for herself, Tiger creates a new kind of family, some related and some not, who will love her and travel forward with her. This is how you make friends with the dark.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Romantic, liberating and totally addictive, the Fifty Shades trilogy will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever... E L James When literature student Anastasia Steele interviews successful entrepreneur Christian Grey, she finds him very attractive and deeply intimidating. Convinced that their meeting went badly, she tries to put him out of her mind – until he turns up at the store where she works part-time, and invites her out. Unworldly and innocent, Ana is shocked to find she wants this man. And, when he warns her to keep her distance, it only makes her want him more. But Grey is tormented by inner demons, and consumed by the need to control. As they embark on a passionate love affair, Ana discovers more about her own desires, as well as the dark secrets Grey keeps hidden away from public view... hmotnost 346g 514 stran kniha ma vadu: po stranku 15 je lepena paskou a jedna strana 13-14 chyba.
Stolár, výrobca nábytku, obsluha nárezového centra
Prijmeme do jednozmenného pracovného pomeru stolára, výrobcu nábytku, obsluhu nárezového centra Náplň práce: - čítanie výkresovej dokumentácie na základe ktorej sa vyrába nábytok - manuálne výrobné činnosti (práca s DTD, dyhou, kovaním) - obsluha stolárskych strojov a zariadení (formátovacia píla, nárezové centrum HOLZ-HER, olepovačka hrán HOLZ-HER, manipulácia s el. ručným náradím) Všeobecné spôsobilosti: - komunikácia - manuálna zručnosť - samostatnosť, spoľahlivosť, flexibilita - tímová práca - vodičské oprávnenie skupiny B Prax v odbore aspoň 2 roky Mzda podľa dohody Viac informácií pri osobnom stretnutí alebo telefonicky
Olepovacka hran HOLZ HER 1410
Predám starsi olepovaci stroj Holz HER 1410.Stroj je plne funkcny.Dlzka stroja 5m.
Predám CNC Holz-Her Evolition 7405
Predám vertikálne obrábacie centrum Holz-Her Evolution 7405 s čítačkou čiarových kódov v automatickom režime. K CNC je možné dokúpiť aj odsávaciu jednotku ACWORD CNC FT 502 s automatickým spúšťaním a plátenými vreciami.
Vertikálna píla Holz-her 1215 Super Cut
Vertikálna píla Holz-her 1215 Super Cut 22. 12. 7454 cena 3239 euro Dĺžka horizontálneho rezu mm 5300 Vertikálna dĺžka rezu mm 2200 Skórovacia jednotka SuperCut Priemer píly 300 mm Spúšťací nosník pre malé predmety Samonivelačná podpera valčeka Stylus Pravítka x 2 Nástroj na rezanie opakujúcich sa prvkov Veľmi dobrý technický stav označenie CE Technická dokumentácia + návod na použitie v poľskom jazyku
Vertikálna píla Holz-her 1215 Super Cut
Vertikálna píla Holz-her 1215 Super Cut 23.01.7465 cena netto 3444 euro Dĺžka horizontálneho rezu mm 5300 Vertikálna dĺžka rezu mm 2200 Skórovacia jednotka SuperCut Priemer píly 300 mm Spúšťací nosník pre malé predmety Samonivelačná podpera valčeka Stylus Pravítka x 2 Nástroj na rezanie opakujúcich sa prvkov Veľmi dobrý technický stav označenie CE Technická dokumentácia + užívateľský manuál v poľskom jazyku
Vertikálna píla HOLZ-HER
Vertikálna píla HOLZ-HER 23. februára 7489 vertikálny - horizontálny rez maximálna výška rezu 2100 mm maximálna šírka rezu 5200 mm výsuvné podpery pre malé diely Pripojím výfuk Technická dokumentácia
Vertikálna píla HOLZ-HER 1220 Automatic
Vertikálna píla HOLZ-HER 1220 Automatic id 23/02/7491 cena netto 23.900 Vertikálny horizontálny rez SUPERCUT Posuv píly - automatické alebo ručné rezanie Dĺžka horizontálneho rezu 5 300 mm Vertikálna dĺžka rezu 2 200 mm Horizontálny posuv píly Vertikálny posuv píly Hlavný motor 4 kW Posuv max 24 m/min Podpora valčekov Stop Zaťahovacie rebro pre krátke kusy Dĺžka stroja 6 400 mm Celkový príkon 4,6 kW označenie CE Dokumentácia v poľštine, manuál, elektrické schémy
Vertikálna píla HOLZ-HER
Vertikálna píla HOLZ-HER 23. februára 7489 cena netto 10500 vertikálny - horizontálny rez maximálna výška rezu 2100 mm maximálna šírka rezu 5200 mm výsuvné podpery pre malé diely Pripojím výfuk Technická dokumentácia
Vertikálna píla Holz-her 1215 Super Cut
Vertikálna píla Holz-her 1215 Super Cut 22. 12. 7454 cena 3239 Dĺžka horizontálneho rezu mm 5300 Vertikálna dĺžka rezu mm 2200 Skórovacia jednotka SuperCut Priemer píly 300 mm Spúšťací nosník pre malé predmety Samonivelačná podpera valčeka Stylus Pravítka x 2 Nástroj na rezanie opakujúcich sa prvkov Veľmi dobrý technický stav označenie CE Technická dokumentácia + návod na použitie v poľskom jazyku
American War
Omar El Akkad - American War Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** An audacious and powerful debut novel: a second American Civil War, a devastating plague, and one family caught deep in the middle - a story that asks what might happen if America were to turn its most devastating policies and deadly weapons upon itself. Sarat Chestnut, born in Louisiana, is only six when the Second American Civil War breaks out in 2074. But even she knows that oil is outlawed, that Louisiana is half underwater, and that unmanned drones fill the sky. When her father is killed and her family is forced into Camp Patience for displaced persons, she begins to grow up shaped by her particular time and place. But not everyone at Camp Patience is who they claim to be. Eventually Sarat is befriended by a mysterious functionary, under whose influence she is turned into a deadly instrument of war. The decisions that she makes will have tremendous consequences not just for Sarat but for her family and her country, rippling through generations of strangers and kin alike.
T. Christian Miller/Ken Armstrong - Unbelievable. Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** She said she was raped. Police said she lied. She was made to retract the report - but the nightmare only got worse. On 11 August 2008, eighteen-year-old Marie reported that a masked man had broken into her home and raped her. Within days, police - and even those closest to Marie - became suspicious of her story. Confronted by these minor inconsistencies and doubt, Marie broke down and said her story was a lie. The police charged her with making a false report. Two years later, Colorado detective Stacy Galbraith was assigned to a case of sexual assault. It bore an eerie resemblance to a rape that had taken place months earlier in a nearby town. Joining forces with the detective on that case, Edna Hendershot, the two soon discovered they were dealing with a serial rapist. As their investigation deepened, it became clear that numerous police departments had extremely similar cases on their hands - and that Marie's story bore an eerie resemblance to the cases they were investigating. Unbelievable is a chilling tale of doubt, lies, and the hunt for justice, unveiling the disturbing reality of how sexual assault is investigated and the long history of skepticism toward its victims. Previously published as A False Report
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne - Am I Normal Yet? Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list... But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne - Am I Normal Yet? Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list... But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?