inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

imperium mafie v atlantic city

Počet nájdených inzerátov IMPERIUM MAFIE V ATLANTIC CITY : 1000

Lis ohraňovací-  HACO Atlantic HTP 32160 - Y2
Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 1 Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 2 Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 3 Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 4 Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 5 Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 6 Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 7 Ohraňovací lis HACO Atlantic ATP 32160 - 8 Nabídka CNC ohr. lisu Atlantic ATP 32160 Y2,r.v.2015, 160t, 3200mm, Easy Band - 2D. Velmi dobrý stav. Nastavení rovnoběžnosti mezi suportem a stolem a hloubky pomocí elektrohydraulického ovládání Robosoft Digitální ovládání EasyBEND 2D grafika Zadní doraz na kuličkových šroubech zdvih 500 mm, programovatelný po 0,1 mm Programovatelný pracovní tlak, zdvih a rychlost otevírání suportu Automat. programování návratu suportu Hydraulický ohýbací stůl řízený CN Stůl pro rektifikované nástroje 2 podpěry pro plechy Nožní ovládání Odpovídá normám CE ATP M odlestandardní ohraňovací lisy > Zadní doraz XR nebo XR-Z1/Z2 > Světelná závora DSP MOŽNOSTI ATP Vysoká úroveň technologie, konkurenceschopné ceny Model Pracovní délka Kapacita Vzdálenost mezi množství Husí krk Výška otevíracího zdvihu stolu šířka stůl Rychlost přiblížení* Maximální pracovní rychlost Rychlost stoupání Výkon motoru Délka +/- Šířka +/- Výška +/- W osm+ / - Závod zadního zastavení ATP mm kN mm mm mm mm mm mm mm/s mm/s mm/s kW mm mm mm kg mm 32160 3200 1600 10 100 11 3500 1650 2580 10 000 500
DVD Impérium mafie v Atlantic City
Predávam 2. sériu seriálu Impérium Mafie v Atlantic City na DVD v perfektnom stave. Osobný odber, pošta alebo zásielkovňa (Packeta). Pozrite si aj ďalšie moje inzeráty. Uprednostňujem mailovú komunikáciu, na neznáme čísla späť nevolám.
CD Frontline,Freedom Call,Foreigner,Forcefield,Foghat	atd
Fischer Z-"Going deaf for a living" 35:47 1980 EMI CDP 7 46685 2 500Kč Flame -"Flame" 59:36 1992 Giant 9 24451-2 350Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Bare trees" 37:17 1972 Reprise 2278-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Behind the mask"54:28 1990 Warner Bros. 9 26111-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Fleetwood Mac" 43:00 1975 Reprise 2281-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac-"Heroes are hard to find" 39:41 1974 Reprise 2196-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Kiln house" 34:33 1970 Reprise 6408-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Mystery to me" 48:13 1973 Reprise 9 25982-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Penguin" 36:39 1973 Reprise 7599-26178-2 YS 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Rumours" 40:05 1977 Warner Bros. 3010-2 400Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Time" 60:58 1995 Warner Bros. 9 45920-2 300Kč Flies On Fire -"Flies on fire" 38:54 1989 ATCO 7 91284-2 800Kč Flies On Fire-"Outside looking inside" 41:18 1991 ATCO 7 91675-2 300Kč Flotsam and Jetsam -"Cuatro" 51:55 1992 MCA MCAD-10678 250Kč FM -"Aphrodisiac" 58:42 1992 Music For Nations CDMFN 141 350Kč FM -"Indiscreet" 40:12 1986 CBS - Portrait 466339 2 300Kč FM -"Tough it out" 47:17 1989 Epic 465589 2 350Kč Foghat -"Energized" 40:04 1974 Rhino - Bearswille 8122-70883-2 550Kč Foghat -"Fool for the city"35:39 1988 Bearsville-Jasrac VDP-28049 700Kč(Japan) Foghat -"Stone blue" 39:05 1978 Rhino - Bearsville RNCD 70881 500Kč Fool's Garden -"Dish of the day" 45:53 1995 Intercord INT. 845.263 250Kč Force of Evil -"1." 47.59 2003 Diamond Records DR 011 300Kč Forcefield II.-"Let the wild run free" 44:29 1990 President PCOM 1110 500Kč Forcefield III, -"The talisman"56:01 1988 President PCOM 1095 500Kč Forcefield IV. -"To oz and back"43:19 1990 Bellaphon 290.07.141 450Kč Foreigner -"4." 42:35 1981 Atlantic 250 796 250Kč Foreigner-"Agent provocateur" 42:33 1984 Atlantic 7 81999-2 250Kč Foreigner-"Double vision" 37:57 1978 Atlantic 250 476 250Kč Foreigner -"Foreigner" 39:29 1984 Atlantic A2 19109 250Kč Foreigner -"Head games" 40:52 1979 Atlantic R2 78198 3250Kč Foreigner -"Inside information" 44:44 1987 Atlantic A2 81808 250Kč Foreigner-"Unusual heat" 51:31 1991 Atlantic - Popron50 120-2 250Kč Forte -"Division" 47:32 1994 Massacre MASS CD 035 300Kč Fortress -"Refuge" 44:35 1994 Phenomenal PNR-8828 1500Kč (na disgos 70-80Eur)
CD Yes
Yes -"Yes" 1969 Atlantic 7567-82680-2 200Kč Yes -"Time and a word" 1970 Atlantic 7567-82681-2 200Kč Yes -"The yes album" 1971 Atlantic 240 106 250Kč Yes -"Fragile" 1972 Atlantic 250 009 250Kč Yes -"Close to the edge" 1972 Atlantic 250 012 200Kč Yes -"Relayer" 1974 Atlantic 7567-82664-2 200Kč Yes -"Going for the one" 1977 Atlantic 250 379 200Kč
CD Frontline,Freedom Call,Foreigner,Forcefield,Foghat	atd
Fischer Z-"Going deaf for a living" 35:47 1980 EMI CDP 7 46685 2 500Kč Flame -"Flame" 59:36 1992 Giant 9 24451-2 350Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Bare trees" 37:17 1972 Reprise 2278-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Behind the mask"54:28 1990 Warner Bros. 9 26111-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Fleetwood Mac" 43:00 1975 Reprise 2281-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac-"Heroes are hard to find" 39:41 1974 Reprise 2196-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Kiln house" 34:33 1970 Reprise 6408-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Mystery to me" 48:13 1973 Reprise 9 25982-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Penguin" 36:39 1973 Reprise 7599-26178-2 YS 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Rumours" 40:05 1977 Warner Bros. 3010-2 400Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Time" 60:58 1995 Warner Bros. 9 45920-2 300Kč Flies On Fire -"Flies on fire" 38:54 1989 ATCO 7 91284-2 800Kč Flies On Fire-"Outside looking inside" 41:18 1991 ATCO 7 91675-2 300Kč Flotsam and Jetsam -"Cuatro" 51:55 1992 MCA MCAD-10678 250Kč FM -"Aphrodisiac" 58:42 1992 Music For Nations CDMFN 141 350Kč FM -"Indiscreet" 40:12 1986 CBS - Portrait 466339 2 300Kč FM -"Tough it out" 47:17 1989 Epic 465589 2 350Kč Foghat -"Energized" 40:04 1974 Rhino - Bearswille 8122-70883-2 550Kč Foghat -"Fool for the city"35:39 1988 Bearsville-Jasrac VDP-28049 700Kč(Japan) Foghat -"Stone blue" 39:05 1978 Rhino - Bearsville RNCD 70881 500Kč Fool's Garden -"Dish of the day" 45:53 1995 Intercord INT. 845.263 250Kč Force of Evil -"1." 47.59 2003 Diamond Records DR 011 300Kč Forcefield II.-"Let the wild run free" 44:29 1990 President PCOM 1110 500Kč Forcefield III, -"The talisman"56:01 1988 President PCOM 1095 500Kč Forcefield IV. -"To oz and back"43:19 1990 Bellaphon 290.07.141 450K Foreigner-"Agent provocateur" 42:33 1984 Atlantic 7 81999-2 250Kč Foreigner-"Double vision" 37:57 1978 Atlantic 250 476 250Kč Foreigner -"Foreigner" 39:29 1984 Atlantic A2 19109 250Kč Foreigner -"Head games" 40:52 1979 Atlantic R2 78198 3250Kč Foreigner -"Inside information" 44:44 1987 Atlantic A2 81808 250Kč Foreigner-"Unusual heat" 51:31 1991 Atlantic - Popron50 120-2 250Kč Forte -"Division" 47:32 1994 Massacre MASS CD 035 300Kč Fortress -"Refuge" 44:35 1994 Phenomenal PNR-8828 1500Kč (na disgos 70-80Eur)
LEGO kompletne viac druhov
Ponukam lega z nasej zbierky, su kompletne vr. krabic a navodov : Lego Creator 31074 Pretekárske auto: 29,99 Lego Technic 42072 Zelené pretekárske auto - 34,99 Lego Creator 31056 Zelené rekreačné vozidlo -9,99 Lego City 60150 Dodávka s pizzou - 24,99 LEGO City 60148 pretekársky tím štvorkoliek - 17,99 LEGO City 60119 Prievoz - 35€ Lego 30228 Policajná štvorkolka - 6€ LEGO Juniors Road Repair Truck 10750 stavebnica - 10€ Lego City Autotransporter 60060 - 30€ LEGO City 60107 Hasičské auto s rebríkom - 20€ Stavebnica LEGO CITY 60118 Smetiarske auto-25€ LEGO City 60102 Letisko VIP servis - 50€ LEGO City Great Vehicles 60181 Lesný traktor -20€ LEGO City 60110 Hasičská stanica -80€ LEGO City Police 60176 Útek na divokej rieke - 10€ LEGO Movie 70841 Bennyho vesmírna skupina - 8€ LEGO City 60183 Ťahač na prepravu ťažkého nákladu -30€ LEGO City 60165 Vozidlo zásahovej jednotky 4x4- 25€ LEGO City 30356 Predavač Hot Dogov -10€ LEGO City Space Port 60225 Testovacia jazda - 20€ Pri odbere viac kusov mozna dohoda na cene, prosim kontakt cez mail - cislo neplatne...
Predám knihy s mafianskou tematikou
Na predaj: 1. Richard Condon: Sláva rodiny Prizziovcov 2. Salvatore Lupo: Dejiny mafie 3. Saverio Lodato: Zabil som Giovanniho Falconeho 4. Martin Smith: Rudé náměstí (čeština) 5. Clare Longriggová: Ženy mafiánu (čeština) 6. Stanislav Červinka: Až do posledního kmotra (čeština) 7. Peter Maas: Valachiho svědectví (čeština) 8. Jaroslav Bouček: Chobotnice - příběh sicilské mafie (čeština) 9. Polkehn/Szeponik: Mafie (čeština) 10. Gábor Gellért: Neviditeľná moc 11. V.P.Borovička: Mafie (čeština) 12. V.P.Borovička: Súmrak mafie Cena 2 eurá za kus plus poštovné alebo osobný odber v Košiciach, dohoda možná, navrhnite.
CD Pop/Rock/Hard Rock 4
Chickenfoot Chickenfoot (digipak) 6,00 € Chickenfoot III (digipak, 3D glasses) 8,00 € Chris Cornell Carry on (nový) 8,00 € Chris Rea The best of 4,00 € INXS X 6,00 € INXS Kick (japan) 6,00 € INXS Welcome wherever you are 5,00 € INXS Definitive 5,00 € James Christian Meet the man (nový) 10,00 € James Christian Craving (nový) 9,00 € Jerry Cantrell Boggy depot 9,00 € Joe Satriani The extremist 7,00 € Joe Satriani Time machine (2CD) 7,00 € Joe Satriani Crystal planet 7,00 € Joe Satriani Black swans and wormhole wizzards 8,00 € Joe Satriani Shockwave supernova (nový) 8,00 € Kick Sweet lick of fire 8,00 € Kiss Rock and roll over (nový) 7,00 € Kiss Dynasty (nový) 7,00 € Kiss Unmasked 8,00 € Kiss Creatures of the night (nový) 7,00 € Kiss Hot in the shade (nový) 8,00 € Kiss MTV unplugged (nový) 8,00 € Kiss Sonic boom 8,00 € Kraftwerk Computerwelt (no back cover) 3,00 € L.A. Guns Hollywood vampires 8,00 € L.A. Guns Waking the dead 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 240 031 Europe 1986) 10,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 6,00 € Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Presence (Swan Song SS 8416-2 Germany) 10,00 € Led Zeppelin Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Mothership (superbox,2CD) 7,00 € Led Zeppelin Mothership (digipak,2CD+DVD) 9,00 € Limp Bizkit Significant other 4,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 8,00 € Linkin Park A thousands suns 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party (nový) 8,00 € Lou Gramm Long hard look 8,00 € Lou Gramm Ready or not 8,00 € Lou Gramm Band Lou Gramm Band 8,00 € Lynch Mob Wicked sensation 10,00 € Lynch Mob Rebel (digipak,nový) 13,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Edge of forever 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd God & guns 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dyin' breed 12,00 € Madonna Like a virgin 5,00 € Madonna Like a prayer 4,00 € Madonna True blue 4,00 € Madonna Erotica 4,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Led Zeppelin & Queen
K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 240 031 Europe 1986) 10,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 6,00 € Led Zeppelin - Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Presence (Swan Song SS 8416-2 Germany) 10,00 € Led Zeppelin - Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Mothership (superbox,2CD) 7,00 € Led Zeppelin - Mothership (digipak,2CD+DVD) 9,00 € K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Queen - Queen I. 7,00 € Queen - Sheer heart attack 8,00 € Queen - Queen II. 8,00 € Queen - A night at the opera 4,00 € Queen - A night at the opera 7,00 € Queen - A day at the races 8,00 € Queen - News of the world 8,00 € Queen - Jazz 8,00 € Queen - The game 8,00 € Queen - Hot space 7,00 € Queen - The works 4,00 € Queen - A kind of magic 7,00 € Queen - The miracle 5,00 € Queen - Innuendo 7,00 € Queen - Made in heaven 6,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 3,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 7,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks (digibook,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Queen - Queen Rocks 8,00 € Queen - Greatest hits I.,II.,III. - Platinum collection (3CD) 12,00 € Queen - Live at Wembley '86 (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Rock Montreal (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Queen on fire - Live at the bowl (2CD) 9,00 € Freddie Mercury - The album 7,00 € Brian May - Back to the light 7,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku, aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu kontakt: zaxas@
CD Led Zeppelin & Queen
K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 240 031 Europe 1986) 10,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 € K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Queen - Queen I. 7,00 € Queen - Sheer heart attack 8,00 € Queen - Queen II. 8,00 € Queen - A night at the opera 4,00 € Queen - A night at the opera 7,00 € Queen - A day at the races 8,00 € Queen - News of the world 8,00 € Queen - Jazz 8,00 € Queen - The game 8,00 € Queen - Hot space 7,00 € Queen - The works 4,00 € Queen - A kind of magic 7,00 € Queen - The miracle 6,00 € Queen - Innuendo 7,00 € Queen - Made in heaven 6,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 3,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 7,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks (digibook,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Queen - Queen Rocks 8,00 € Queen - Greatest hits I.,II.,III. - Platinum collection (3CD) 12,00 € Queen - Live at Wembley '86 (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Rock Montreal (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Queen on fire - Live at the bowl (2CD) 9,00 € Freddie Mercury - The album 7,00 € Brian May - Back to the light 7,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku, aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu kontakt: zaxas@
CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 4
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 240 031 Europe 1986) 10,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 € Limp Bizkit Chocolate starfish and the hot dog flavored water 5,00 € Limp Bizkit Significant other 4,00 € Linkin Park Hybrid theory 6,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 5,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 8,00 € Linkin Park A thousands suns 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party (nový) 8,00 € Lou Gramm Long hard look 8,00 € Lou Gramm Ready or not 8,00 € Lou Gramm Band Lou Gramm Band 8,00 € Lynch Mob Wicked sensation 10,00 € Lynch Mob Rebel (digipak,nový) 13,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Edge of forever 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd God & guns 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dyin' breed 12,00 € Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 € Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 6,00 € Mark Knopfler Shangri-la 6,00 € Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 € Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 € Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 6,00 € Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 € Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 € Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 € Naro Glass mountain 10,00 € Naro Press play 10,00 € Nelson After the rain 6,00 € Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 5,00 € Nirvana Bleach 6,00 € Nirvana Nevermind 7,00 € Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 € Nirvana In utero 6,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York 8,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York (nový) 9,00 € Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 € Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 € Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 € Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
David Lane- Do srdca mafie
Predám knihu David Lane- Do srdca mafie za 1 €. Sevření italského jihu mafií, od Neapole, kde mafie ovládá produkci mozzarelly a byznys s toxickým odpadem, přes neméně prohnilou Kalábrii po Sicílii, kolébku Cosa Nostry, je stejně pevné jak dříve. David Lane během své poutavé cesty po městech a vesnicích italského jihu a díky nepřekonatelné znalosti Itálie podává živý a přitažlivý obraz o praktikách současné mafie... Kliknite na moje meno a pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty, zašlem aj na dobierku. Posielam poštou, alebo cez Packetu(Zásielkovňu).Píšte priamo na mail: maja19.maja75@, alebo volajte .
rôzne knihy na predaj
1. Hypnotizér - Lars Kepler / 8e 2. Zrkadlový muž - Lars Kepler / 8e 3. Sabotér - Michal Černý / 1e 4. Moja mafia - Jano Hargaš / 1e Jozef Karika 1. V tieni mafie / 5e 2. Čierny rok vojna mafie / 5e 3. Čierna hra vláda mafie / 5e 4. V tieni mafie II / 3e 5. Nepriateľ štátu / 5e Osobný odber v BA alebo poštou na dobierku.
Knihy 2
Ahojte, mam na predaj rozne knihy, cena dohodou. Pri odbere viacero knih, dohoda na cene ista. Klikni prosim na moje meno pre dalsie inzeraty, dakujem. Richard Carlson – Netrapte sa pre malickosti lebo vsetko su malickosti Richard Carlson – Netrapte sa pre malickosti v kruhu rodiny Richard Carlson – Netrapte sa a zarabajte Dale Carnegie – Ako uspesne predavat Zig Ziglar – Umenie uspesne predavat Bettger – Skola uspechu Tom Hodgkinson – Ako si uzivat zivot Erich J. Lejeune – Dokazes vsetko co chces Dale Carnegie – Ako si ziskat priatelov a posobit na ludi v digitalnom veku Milos Zapletal – Kniha hlavolamov Peter Krajcir – Encyklopedia krizovkara Roger Rougier – Rozvijime logicke mysleni Andrej Spetko – Na zdravie Szalay - Szalayova – Chovame terariove zvierata Amy Newmark - Deborah Norville – Nic nie je nemozne (Slepacia polievka pre dusu) Peter Doktorov – English is easy, Csaba is dead Steve Mills – Zivot a praca v USA Ivan Broz – Praha – New York zpatecni Skolsky atlas Ceskoslovenskych dejin Maria Trebenova – Liecive rastliny z Bozej zahrady Berry Verhoef – Encyklopedie piva Larousse – Anglicko slovensky obrazkovy slovnik pre skolakov Nemecko slovensky slovnik Collins Cobuild – Students dictionary anglicky vykladovy slovnik Longman – Active study dictionary anglicky vykladovy slovnik Kapesni atlas sveta London Londyn mapa mesta Anglictina do vrecka konverzacie City pack city guide Miami and The Keys City pack city guide Los Angeles City pack city guide Washington City pack city guide Chicago City pack city guide San Francisco 10 naj nej Dubrovnik 10 naj nej Berlin Stephen King – Svedectvi svedectvo Stephen King – Podpalacka Stephen King – Cujo Stephen King – Tretie oko Stephen King – Carrie Stephen King – Styri po polnoci Langolieri Tajne okno Tajna zahrada Stephen King – Cintorin Zvieratiek Rbitov zviratek Stephen King – Mrtva zona Stephen King – Mizeria Stephen King – Mrtva zona Stephen King – Cujo Stephen King – Misery (v anglictine) Stephen King – Green mile Zelena mila (v anglictine)
LEGO kompletne viac druhov
Ponukam lega z nasej zbierky, su kompletne vr. krabic a navodov : Lego Creator 31074 Pretekárske auto: 29,99 Lego Technic 42072 Zelené pretekárske auto - 34,99 Lego Creator 31056 Zelené rekreačné vozidlo -9,99 Lego City 60150 Dodávka s pizzou - 24,99 LEGO City 60148 pretekársky tím štvorkoliek - 17,99 LEGO City 60107 Hasičské auto s rebríkom - 20€ Stavebnica LEGO CITY 60118 Smetiarske auto-25€ LEGO City 60102 Letisko VIP servis - 50€ LEGO City Police 60176 Útek na divokej rieke - 10€ LEGO City 60183 Ťahač na prepravu ťažkého nákladu -30€ LEGO City 60165 Vozidlo zásahovej jednotky 4x4- 25€ LEGO City 30356 Predavač Hot Dogov -10€ LEGO City 60119 Prievoz - 35€ Pri odbere viac kusov mozna dohoda na cene, prosim kontakt cez mail - cislo neplatne...
CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 4
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 7,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 € Limp Bizkit Chocolate starfish and the hot dog flavored water 5,00 € Limp Bizkit Significant other 4,00 € Linkin Park Hybrid theory 6,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 5,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 8,00 € Linkin Park A thousands suns 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party (nový) 8,00 € Lou Gramm Long hard look 8,00 € Lou Gramm Ready or not 8,00 € Lou Gramm Band Lou Gramm Band 8,00 € Lynch Mob Wicked sensation 10,00 € Lynch Mob Rebel (digipak,nový) 13,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Edge of forever 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd God & guns 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dyin' breed 12,00 € Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 € Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 6,00 € Mark Knopfler The ragpicker's dream 6,00 € Mark Knopfler Shangri-la 6,00 € Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 € Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 € Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 6,00 € Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 € Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 € Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 € Naro Glass mountain 10,00 € Naro Press play 10,00 € Nelson After the rain 6,00 € Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 5,00 € Nirvana Bleach 6,00 € Nirvana Nevermind 7,00 € Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 € Nirvana In utero 6,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York 8,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York (nový) 9,00 € Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 € Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 € Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 € Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Led Zeppelin & Queen
K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 7,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 € K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Queen - Queen I. 7,00 € Queen - Sheer heart attack 8,00 € Queen - Queen II. 8,00 € Queen - A night at the opera 4,00 € Queen - A night at the opera 7,00 € Queen - A day at the races 8,00 € Queen - News of the world 8,00 € Queen - Jazz 8,00 € Queen - The game 8,00 € Queen - Hot space 7,00 € Queen - The works 4,00 € Queen - A kind of magic 7,00 € Queen - The miracle 6,00 € Queen - Innuendo 7,00 € Queen - Made in heaven 6,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 3,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 7,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks (digibook,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Queen - Queen Rocks 8,00 € Queen - Greatest hits I.,II.,III. - Platinum collection (3CD) 12,00 € Queen - Live at Wembley '86 (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Rock Montreal (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Queen on fire - Live at the bowl (2CD) 9,00 € Freddie Mercury - The album 7,00 € Brian May - Back to the light 7,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku, aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu kontakt: zaxas@
CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 4
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 7,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 € Limp Bizkit Chocolate starfish and the hot dog flavored water 5,00 € Limp Bizkit Significant other 4,00 € Linkin Park Hybrid theory 6,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 5,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 8,00 € Linkin Park A thousands suns 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party (nový) 8,00 € Lou Gramm Long hard look 8,00 € Lou Gramm Ready or not 8,00 € Lou Gramm Band Lou Gramm Band 8,00 € Lynch Mob Wicked sensation 10,00 € Lynch Mob Rebel (digipak,nový) 13,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Edge of forever 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd God & guns 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dyin' breed 12,00 € Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 € Mark Knopfler Golden heart 6,00 € Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 6,00 € Mark Knopfler The ragpicker's dream 6,00 € Mark Knopfler Shangri-la 6,00 € Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 € Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 € Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 6,00 € Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 € Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 € Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 € Naro Glass mountain 10,00 € Naro Press play 10,00 € Nelson After the rain 6,00 € Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 5,00 € Nirvana Bleach 6,00 € Nirvana Nevermind 7,00 € Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 € Nirvana In utero 6,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York 8,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York (nový) 9,00 € Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 € Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 € Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 € Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 4
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 7,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 € Linkin Park Hybrid theory 6,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 5,00 € Linkin Park Meteora 8,00 € Linkin Park A thousands suns 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party 6,00 € Linkin Park The hunting party (nový) 8,00 € Lou Gramm Long hard look 8,00 € Lou Gramm Ready or not 8,00 € Lou Gramm Band Lou Gramm Band 8,00 € Lynch Mob Wicked sensation 10,00 € Lynch Mob Rebel (digipak,nový) 13,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Edge of forever 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd God & guns 12,00 € Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dyin' breed 12,00 € Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 € Mark Knopfler Golden heart 6,00 € Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 6,00 € Mark Knopfler The ragpicker's dream 6,00 € Mark Knopfler Shangri-la 6,00 € Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 € Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 € Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 € Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 6,00 € Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 € Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 € Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 € Naro Glass mountain 10,00 € Naro Press play 10,00 € Nelson After the rain 6,00 € Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 5,00 € Nirvana Bleach 6,00 € Nirvana Nevermind 7,00 € Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 € Nirvana In utero 6,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York 8,00 € Nirvana MTV unplugged in New York (nový) 9,00 € Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 € Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 € Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 € Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Led Zeppelin & Queen
K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 7,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (Atlantic 7567-81525-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (Atlantic 7567-81526-2) 5,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III 6,00 € Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (Altlantic 1989 Europe) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Houses of the holy 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Presence (Swan Song 7567-92439-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Coda (Swan Song 7567-92444-2) 8,00 € Led Zeppelin - Mothership (superbox,2CD) 8,00 € K dispozícii sú albumy čo sú v zozname a nie na fotke.. Queen - Queen I. 7,00 € Queen - Sheer heart attack 8,00 € Queen - Queen II. 8,00 € Queen - A night at the opera 4,00 € Queen - A day at the races 8,00 € Queen - News of the world 8,00 € Queen - Jazz 8,00 € Queen - The game 8,00 € Queen - Hot space 7,00 € Queen - The works 4,00 € Queen - A kind of magic 7,00 € Queen - The miracle 6,00 € Queen - Innuendo 7,00 € Queen - Made in heaven 6,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 3,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks 7,00 € Queen - The cosmos rocks (digibook,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Queen - Queen Rocks 8,00 € Queen - Greatest hits I.,II.,III. - Platinum collection (3CD) 12,00 € Queen - Live at Wembley '86 (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Rock Montreal (2CD) 9,00 € Queen - Queen on fire - Live at the bowl (2CD) 9,00 € Freddie Mercury - The album 7,00 € Brian May - Back to the light 7,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku, aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu kontakt: zaxas@