it takes two ps4 - strana 23
Počet nájdených inzerátov IT TAKES TWO PS4
: 1000 - strana 23

Anthony McCarten - Darkest Hour
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
From the prize-winning screenwriter of The Theory of Everything, this is a cinematic, behind-the-scenes account of a crucial moment which takes us inside the mind of one of the world's greatest leaders - and provides a revisionist, more rounded portrait of his leadership. May, 1940. Britain is at war, European democracies are falling rapidly and the public are unaware of this dangerous new world. Just days after his unlikely succession to Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, faces this horror - and a skeptical King and a party plotting against him. He wonders how he can capture the public mood and does so, magnificently, before leading the country to victory. It is this fascinating period that Anthony McCarten captures in this deeply researched, gripping day-by-day (and often hour-by-hour) narrative. In doing so he revises the familiar view of Churchill - he made himself into the iconic figure we remember and changed the course of history, but through those turbulent and dangerous weeks he was plagued by doubt, and even explored a peace treaty with Nazi Germany. It's a scarier, and more human story, than has ever been told.

Introducing Your Child to Flavors from Around the World...
In 100 recipes from all over the world, this book takes us from first spoonfuls to first schooldays, exploring and adapting dishes that children are encouraged to try as soon as they're old enough to sit up and take notice. Elisabeth and Frances also come up with ideas to keep children interested, transforming mealtime from that old familiar battlefield into a playground where everyone can join the fun. Baby food is, after all, not just for the early years-it's the first step towards a lifetime of enjoyable food.

The Ultimate Cigar Book is a classic on the subject, covering everything from how cigars are made, to storage, etiquette, and accessories.
Richard Carleton Hacker’s category bestselling is often credited with helping to create a new generation of cigar aficionados. No other book contains as much detailed and factual information on virtually every facet of cigar making and cigar smoking. And now this trendsetting has been revised in this fourth edition for the aficionado of the future!
Forget 1492. This book starts out in B. C. (Before Columbus) and transports the cigar enthusiast on a fun and fact-filled adventure into virtually every realm of today’s popular and growing cigar smoking pastime. Written by one of the most knowledgeable and internationally-celebrated pipe and cigar authors of our time, Richard Carleton Hacker’s well-known wit and wisdom will keep the reader enthralled with every turn of the page, as he takes you on an information-packed would tour of cigars.
Starting off with a history of cigar smoking, the author then shows us how cigars are made today (handmade, handrolled, and machine made), divulges the secrets of finding the “perfect” cigar, and discusses the ritual of smoking and how to properly care for and store our cigars. From there the book lists a number of innovative cigar accessories, suggests which beers, wines, whiskeys, brandies, and cognacs go with what cigars, enlightens us with a chapter on cigar smoking celebrities, and concludes with the world’s first International Compendium of virtually every cigar brand known today, complete with histories and observations on taste, according to the author’s HPH (Highly Prejudiced Hacker-Scale) ratings. If that was not enough, there is even a dictionary of CigarSpeak!
The Ultimate Cigar Book is the most comprehensive, factual, and up-to-date book for the cigar smoker or for those who just want to learn more about the fascinating and popular world of cigar smoking.

JP Delaney - Believe Me. V anglickom jazyku. 111 × 180 × 31 mm
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
A British drama student, in New York without a green card, Claire takes the only job she can get: working for a firm of divorce lawyers, posing as an easy pick-up in hotel bars to entrap straying husbands. When one of her targets becomes the subject of a murder investigation, the police ask Claire to use her acting skills to help lure their suspect into a confession. But right from the start, she has doubts about the part she's being asked to play. Is Patrick Fogler really a killer... Or the only decent husband she's ever met? And is there more to this set-up than she's being told? And that's when Claire realizes she's playing the deadliest role of her life.

Owned by a sinner 5 eur
Five feet apart 2 eur
Qeen takes rose 5 eur
Opposite of always 2,50 eur
Hating Game 2 eur
cena knih plus postovne

Predám vinylové platne, rôzne žánre a interpreti. Zoznam nižšie. V prípade záujmu rád pošlem stav, fotky a cenu do mailu.
Cena dohodou.
• Beatles - Expedice R ’n‘ R
• Béres Ferenc - Virágénekek (lovesongs)
• Taneční Orchestr Čs. Rozhlasu - Alžbětinská Serenáda / Pár Vzpomínek
• Dániel Benkő - 16th Century Verse-Chronicles from Hungary -Históriás Énekek-
• Frankie Holiday - Népszerű Dallamok Gitáron (From Europe With Love)
• Gianna Nannini - Latin Lover
• Gianna Nannini - Puzzle
• Gianna Nannini & The Primadonnas - Tutto Live
• Halász Judit - Mákosrétes
• Helena Vondráčková - A Ty Se Ptáš Co Já (The Winner Takes It All) / Jarním Loukám
• Helena Vondráčková - Jak Mám Spát / Spí, Všecko Spí
• Helena Vondráčková - Když Zabloudíš, Tak Zavolej / Ša-ba-du-ej
• H. Vondráčková a J. Korn - Já Půjdu Tam A Ty Tam / Málo Mám Lásky Tvé
• Ivan Stanislav - Strýco Marcin - Strýco Marcin Koštuje
• Jana Petrů - Zítra Bude Hezký Den / U Nás V Podkroví
• Jaromír Mayer - Malý Přítel Z Města N / Mávala Mi Málo
• Jiří Helekal - Zítra Ráno / Láska Č.1
• Jitka Zelenková - Když Se Narodíme (M'innamoro Di Te) / Mít Svůj Kout
• Karel Gott - El Condor Pasa / Ma Belle Amie
• Katapult - Nebreč, Kdyby Za To Stál / Hlupák Váhá
• Korda György - Mondd, Hogy Szép Volt Az Este
• Lenka Filipová - Nesmíš (Jesse) / Zamilovaná (Je L'Aime À Mourir)
• Ludwig Van Beethoven, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Ladislav Slovák - Symphony No. 5 In C-Minor, Op. 67
• Marcela Holanová - Žárlím / To Zvládnem (Poster)
• Michal David - Nenapovídej / Proč Právě Já
• Michal David, Kroky F. Janečka - Líbezná (Tornerai, Tornero) / Mé Sny
• Olympic - Osmý Den / Vlak, Co Nikde Nestaví
• Pavel Bobek - Lásko, Mně Ubývá Sil / Pojď Dál A Zpívej
• Petr Rezek - S Písní Svou Přicházím / Přátelství
• Petra Zámečníková A Jiří Strnad - Lítáme V Tom • My Dva Se Najdem
• Radek Tomášek - Zpíval Jen Rokenrol, Nic Víc (Don't Play Your Rock'n Roll To Me) / Tentokrát Vážně Odcházím
• Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody
• Robin Gibb - How Old Are You?
• Petr Kotvald A Stanislav Hložek - Holky Z Naší Školky / Trápení
• P. Kotvald a S. Hložek* - Oh Suzi / Anna Maria
• Stanislav Hložek A Petr Kotvald*- Taková Je Láska Má (Making Love Of Nothing At All) / Co S Láskou (So Bad)
• Szivárvány Citerazenekar Mezőtúr - Szivárvány = Rainbow
• Tom Jones - The Very Best Of Tom Jones
• Trio Rio - I'm Still In Love With You
• Various - Karácsonyi Dalok (Christmas Songs)
• Various - Nejhezčí Dárek
• Vítězslav Nezval - Manon Lescaut
• Věra Špinarová - Kosmická Láska / Láskou Spálená
• Waldemar Matuška / Eva Pilarová - Don, Diri Don / Rekviem

JP Delaney - Believe Me. Rozmery: 111 × 180 × 31 mm
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
A British drama student, in New York without a green card, Claire takes the only job she can get: working for a firm of divorce lawyers, posing as an easy pick-up in hotel bars to entrap straying husbands. When one of her targets becomes the subject of a murder investigation, the police ask Claire to use her acting skills to help lure their suspect into a confession. But right from the start, she has doubts about the part she's being asked to play. Is Patrick Fogler really a killer... Or the only decent husband she's ever met? And is there more to this set-up than she's being told? And that's when Claire realizes she's playing the deadliest role of her life.

Hannah Tinti - The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
After years spent living on the run, Samuel Hawley and his daughter Loo finally settle in Olympus, Massachusetts. Hawley takes up fishing, while Loo struggles with friendship and first love, and tries to piece together the puzzle surrounding her mother's death. Haunting them both are the twelve scars Hawley carries on his body, from twelve bullets in his criminal past - a past that is about to spill over into Loo's present, with explosive consequences.

rok vydania 2005, detská literatúra
The story takes place at the time of Oliver Crowell during the 17th century in England, a historical fantasy set in London.
zasielam po prevode na účet, obyčajne alebo doporučene

Anthony McCarten - Darkest Hour
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
From the prize-winning screenwriter of The Theory of Everything, this is a cinematic, behind-the-scenes account of a crucial moment which takes us inside the mind of one of the world's greatest leaders - and provides a revisionist, more rounded portrait of his leadership. May, 1940. Britain is at war, European democracies are falling rapidly and the public are unaware of this dangerous new world. Just days after his unlikely succession to Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, faces this horror - and a skeptical King and a party plotting against him. He wonders how he can capture the public mood and does so, magnificently, before leading the country to victory. It is this fascinating period that Anthony McCarten captures in this deeply researched, gripping day-by-day (and often hour-by-hour) narrative. In doing so he revises the familiar view of Churchill - he made himself into the iconic figure we remember and changed the course of history, but through those turbulent and dangerous weeks he was plagued by doubt, and even explored a peace treaty with Nazi Germany. It's a scarier, and more human story, than has ever been told.

Predám vinylové platne, rôzne žánre a interpreti. Zoznam nižšie. V prípade záujmu rád pošlem stav, fotky a cenu do mailu.
Cena dohodou.
2 plus 1 - Easy Come, Easy Go
Accademia - Accademia Style
Anna Zentay, Róbert Rátonyi - Gyerünk Tubicám...
Beatles - Expedice R ’n‘ R
Béres Ferenc - Virágénekek (lovesongs)
Black - Wonderful Life
Bonnie Tyler - Hide Your Heart
Bucks Fizz - Are You Ready?
C&K Vocal - Balada O Zemi
Dániel Benkő - 16th Century Verse-Chronicles from Hungary -Históriás Énekek-
Dezider Szulcsányi And His Gipsy Band - Hungarian Melodies
Dionne Warwick - Friends
Eleni - Sound From Greece
Eszményi Viktória - eszményi
Frankie Holiday - Népszerű Dallamok Gitáron (From Europe With Love)
Gianna Nannini - Latin Lover
Gianna Nannini - Puzzle
Gianna Nannini & The Primadonnas - Tutto Live
H. Vondráčková a J. Korn - Já Půjdu Tam A Ty Tam / Málo Mám Lásky Tvé
Halász Judit - Mákosrétes
Helena Vondráčková - A Ty Se Ptáš Co Já (The Winner Takes It All) / Jarním Loukám
Helena Vondráčková - Jak Mám Spát / Spí, Všecko Spí
Helena Vondráčková - Když Zabloudíš, Tak Zavolej / Ša-ba-du-ej
Helena Vondráčková - Sblížení
István Horváth - Tüzet Raknak A Cigányok - Cigánydalok (Gipsy Songs)
István Horváth, Kálmán Vörös and his Gipsy Band - Hopp Te Zsiga!
Ivan Stanislav - Červená Čiapočka / Medovníkový Domček
Ivan Stanislav - Strýco Marcin - Strýco Marcin Koštuje
Jana Petrů - Zítra Bude Hezký Den / U Nás V Podkroví
Jaromír Mayer - Malý Přítel Z Města N / Mávala Mi Málo
Jiří Helekal - Zítra Ráno / Láska Č.1
Jitka Zelenková - Když Se Narodíme (M'innamoro Di Te) / Mít Svůj Kout
Karat - Die Sieben Wunder Der Welt
Karel Gott - El Condor Pasa / Ma Belle Amie
Karel Gott - Hlas Můj Nech Tu Znít (Recitál Karla Gotta)
Katapult - Nebreč, Kdyby Za To Stál / Hlupák Váhá
Korda György - Mondd, Hogy Szép Volt Az Este
Kovács Apollónia, Madarász Katalin, Gaál Gabriella - Cigánydalok - Gipsy Songs
László Imre - László Imre Énekel - Archív Felvételek (Historical Recordings)
Lenka Filipová - Nesmíš (Jesse) / Zamilovaná (Je L'Aime À Mourir)
Ludwig Van Beethoven, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Ladislav Slovák - Symphony No. 5 In C-Minor, Op. 67
Marcela Holanová - Žárlím / To Zvládnem (Poster)
Michal David - Nenapovídej / Proč Právě Já
Michal David, Kroky F. Janečka - Líbezná (Tornerai, Tornero) / Mé Sny
Olympic - Osmý Den / Vlak, Co Nikde Nestaví
P. Kotvald a S. Hložek* - Oh Suzi / Anna Maria
Pavel Bobek - Lásko, Mně Ubývá Sil / Pojď Dál A Zpívej
Pavol Hammel, Boris Filan - Divadielka V Tráve
Pécsi Géza - Kulcs A Muzsikához 8 - A Kamaraegyüttesek
Petr Kotvald A Stanislav Hložek - Holky Z Naší Školky / Trápení
Petr Rezek - S Písní Svou Přicházím / Přátelství
Petra Zámečníková A Jiří Strnad - Lítáme V Tom • My Dva Se Najdem
Plzeňský Lidový Soubor - České Lidové Písně = Czech Folk Songs
Pointer Sisters - So Excited

Predám ani raz neotvorenú knihu o copywritingu. Viac o knihe:
Great copy is the heart and soul of the advertising business. In this practical guide, legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman provides proven guidelines and expert advice on what it takes to write copy that will entice, motivate, and move customers to buy. For anyone who wants to break into the business, this is the ultimate companion resource for unlimited success.

Ahoj, predávam balíček 45 Euro House - Disco - Italo platní.. platne aj obaly sú v dobrom stave, niekde však môže chýbať origo obal a je nahradený za uni.. popisok alebo nálepka sa niekde môže objaviť..
Platba prevodom na účet alebo na paypal, poprípade osobný odber (BB-Malachov)..
..poštovné v cene, na dobierku neposielam..
Euro House Italo:
Alici - I Want Your Love
B.A.R. Feat. Roxy - Come Together
Baby Roots - Rock Me Baby
DJ VooDoo – El Verano - Elvissa
Drop The Bomb - Wild & Crazy Megamix Of Erasure Hits
Eartha Kitt - Where Is My Man
Edelweiss – Bring Me Edelweiss
Elvis Isn't Dead - Little Sister, Theme Fron L.S. 95' (House Mix)
Fine 69 Vs. Vic - French Kiss '98
Gate XX XXX Feat. Sally Kaniaru – Yuwaja
Gigi D'Agostino - Bla Bla Bla
Infinito - Funky Nassau
Loft - Summer Summer (Remix)
Marc Z Feat. Coco – Time Is On My Side
Molella & Phil Jay PresHeaven 17/Fast Eddie - With This Ring Let Me Go
On The Case Featuring Cousin Rachel - Shikisha
Petula Clark – Downtown '88
Rhythm Of Life - A Tropical Shower
Ritmo Ritmo featuring Ricardo DC – Matador
Sampled Mind Feat. Another Class - Don't You
Sir Prize - Time Is Alright For Love
Sir Prize – Don't Go Away
Stella Getz – Dr. Love
Techno Trax Megamix Vol. 2
Teeko X - We Got To Move
The Party – Summer Vacation
Tolga "Flim Flam" Balkan – The Best Of Joint Mix
X-Cite - It Takes You
Ya Red - Silent Cry
Cerrone - Back Track
Cisko Brothers - Guaglione (12", Promo)
Coo Coo - Up Side Down
Eddy Grant – Baby Come Back
Fun Fun – Happy Station (Scratch Version)
Kinkina - Jungle Fever (1987 Megamixes)
Laserdance - Cosmo Tron
Mito - Unit
Pee Bee Squad – Rugged And Mean, Butch & On Screen
Pointer Sisters - Goldmine
Sabrina – Boys (Summertime Love) Remixed
Secchi Featuring Orlando Johnson - I Say Yeah
Sonique - Let Me Hold You
Stars On 45 – Stars On 45 Volume 3
The Dysfunctional Psychedelic Waltons - All Over My Face
Togo Togo Feat. Jerome Leeds – The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Možný aj osobný odber Bratislava - Miletička.
Predám knihu v AJ
kúpou vhodnú ako darček
From #1 New York Times bestselling authors Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer, OFF THE PAGE is a tender and appealing YA novel filled with romance, humor, and adventure.
Delilah and Oliver shouldn’t be together. But they are together. And just as they’re getting used to the possibility that happily ever after may really, truly be theirs, the universe sends them a message they can’t ignore: they won’t be allowed to rewrite their story.
Delilah and Oliver must decide how much they’re willing to risk for love and what it takes to have a happy ending in a world where the greatest adventures happen off the page.
“Off the Page is just so sweet and magical. In high school, I would have given ANYTHING to crawl inside one of my favorite books to escape the real world. I wish!”—SARAH DESSEN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Saint Anything

For sale professional production line Vector bt-60 for the production of briquettes from straw sawdust as well as other raw materials. The production line is in perfect technical condition, hardly used, the Mtg counter is in the picture. Year of production 2011. Production line capacity for straw 350-500 kg/h, sawdust 500-700 kg/h. The press produces briquettes with a diameter Ø 60-70mm. The production line consists of; 1. Vector bt60 mechanical briquetting machine for briquettes, 18.5 kW engine, screw feeder 5.5 kW. 2. Control cabinet (briquetting press + silo) 1 pc. 3.Tor receive 6m briquettes. 4. Screw conveyor for raw material 1.5 kW. 5. Dry biomass silo with a capacity 2m3 with a 3kW scraper. 6. Cyclone, pneumatic tubes. 7.Mech mill 30kw. The BT-60 briquetting press is the only one on the market that can produce both briquettes and pellets from sawdust, straw and other waste. The transition from the production of briquettes to pellets is done by replacing the matrix from briquettes to pellets, which is a simple procedure that takes less than 1 hour.
I'm from Poland
If you have any questions, write on WhatsApp
![Vinylové platne LP/SP (rôzne žánre a interpreti) [1]](
Predám vinylové platne, rôzne žánre a interpreti. V prípade záujmu rád pošlem stav, fotky a cenu do mailu (priemerná cena jednej platne 5€).
2 plus 1 - Easy Come, Easy Go (VG+/VG+)
Accademia - Accademia Style (VG+/VG+)
Anna Zentay, Róbert Rátonyi - Gyerünk Tubicám... (VG+/VG+)
Beatles - Expedice R ’n‘ R (NM/VG+)
Béres Ferenc - Virágénekek (lovesongs) (NM/NM)
Black - Wonderful Life (NM/NM)
Bonnie Tyler - Hide Your Heart (VG+/VG+)
Bucks Fizz - Are You Ready? (VG+/VG+)
C&K Vocal - Balada O Zemi (VG+/VG+)
Dániel Benkő - 16th Century Verse-Chronicles from Hungary -Históriás Énekek (VG+/G+)
Dezider Szulcsányi And His Gipsy Band - Hungarian Melodies (VG+/VG+)
Dionne Warwick - Friends (NM/NM)
Eleni - Sound From Greece (VG+/VG+)
Eszményi Viktória - eszményi (NM/NM)
Frankie Holiday - Népszerű Dallamok Gitáron (From Europe With Love) (NM/VG+)
Gianna Nannini - Latin Lover (NM/NM)
Gianna Nannini - Malafemmina (VG+/VG+)
Gianna Nannini - Puzzle (VG+/VG+)
Gianna Nannini & The Primadonnas - Tutto Live (VG+/VG+)
H. Vondráčková a J. Korn - Já Půjdu Tam A Ty Tam / Málo Mám Lásky Tvé (VG/VG)
Halász Judit - Mákosrétes (VG+/VG)
Helena Vondráčková - A Ty Se Ptáš Co Já (The Winner Takes It All) / Jarním Loukám (VG+/VG+)
Helena Vondráčková - Jak Mám Spát / Spí, Všecko Spí (VG/F)
Helena Vondráčková - Když Zabloudíš, Tak Zavolej / Ša-ba-du-ej (VG+/VG+)
Helena Vondráčková - Sblížení (VG+/VG+)
István Horváth - Tüzet Raknak A Cigányok - Cigánydalok (Gipsy Songs) (VG+/VG+)
István Horváth, Kálmán Vörös and his Gipsy Band - Hopp Te Zsiga! (VG+/VG+)
Ivan Stanislav - Červená Čiapočka / Medovníkový Domček (VG+/VG+)
Ivan Stanislav - Strýco Marcin - Strýco Marcin Koštuje (VG+/VG+)
Jana Petrů - Zítra Bude Hezký Den / U Nás V Podkroví (VG+/VG)
Jaromír Mayer - Malý Přítel Z Města N / Mávala Mi Málo (NM/VG+)
Jiří Helekal - Zítra Ráno / Láska Č.1 (NM/VG+)
Jitka Zelenková - Když Se Narodíme (M'innamoro Di Te) / Mít Svůj Kout (VG/VG+)
Karat - Die Sieben Wunder Der Welt (VG/VG)
Karel Gott - El Condor Pasa / Ma Belle Amie (VG+/VG)
Karel Gott - Hlas Můj Nech Tu Znít (Recitál Karla Gotta) (VG/Generic)
Katapult - Nebreč, Kdyby Za To Stál / Hlupák Váhá (VG+/VG+)
Korda György - Mondd, Hogy Szép Volt Az Este (G+/G+)
Kovács Apollónia, Madarász Katalin, Gaál Gabriella - Cigánydalok - Gipsy Songs (VG+/VG+)

Predám spoloč.hry Disney Villainous, hry sú ako nové nepoškodené, karty boli v obaloch (obaly nie súsúčasťou hry)
Disney Villainous The worst takes it all- 52eur
Disney Villainous Despicable plots -40eur
Disney Villainou Evil comes prepared -40eur
Ceny sú uvedené pri osobnom odbere v Banskej Bystrici, inak posielam zasielkovňou (Packeta) a to na výdajne miesto na dobierku +5eur alebo bez dobierky ale platba vopred +3,50 k cene.
Pri záujme ma kontaktujte mailom/sms

Ponúkam na predaj slnečný 2-izbový apartmán s loggiou orientovaný na juhovýchod, ktorý sa nachádza na 6. (z 22) podlaží budovy Vienna Gate (kolaudácia bola v roku 2009).
Apartmán má výmeru 86,58 m2 (z toho 5,64 m2 loggia) a pozostáva zo vstupnej haly, zrekonštruovanej kúpeľne, kuchyne s obývačkou, samostatnej prechodnej šatníkovej miestnosti a spálňou.
Apartmán ma zabudovanú klimatizáciu, bytový dom je chránený strážnou službou a disponuje recepciou.
K bytu prislúcha aj pivničná kobka o výmere 2,49 m2.
Bytový dom Vienna Gate sa nachádza par minút od centra a rovnako má výborné napojenie na vlakové spojenie do Viedne. Priamo v polyfunkčnom objekte, respektíve v jeho blízkosti sa nachádzajú obchody s potravinami, drogéria, lekáreň, fitnes centrá a iné. Objekt rovnako disponuje plnou občianskou vybavenosťou.
Apartment with terrace at Vienna Gate complex for sale.
The apartment is situated on the 6th floor (out of 22 floors) at the southeast corner of the Vienna Gate which was built in 2009. The 2-bedroom apartment has a total of 86,58 square meters (out of which 5,64 square meters belong to the terrace) and consists of an entrance hall, newly renewed bathroom, open kitchen with living room, bedroom and a walk-in closet.
The apartment has a built-in air conditioning, the whole apartment complex is guarded by a 24/7 security service and has a reception.
The apartment also comes with a cellar storage 2,49 square meters big.
It takes only a couple of minutes to reach the city center from Vienna Gate by car and it is also a perfect place to journey to Vienna by train. The apartment complex has a grocery store, pharmacy, drug store, fitness centers and others.

Red Dead Redemption || …….20€
Watch_Dogs 2 …..10€
Crash … predane !!!!
Mafia Triology ….30€
The Division 2 ….10€
CALL OF DUTÝ infinite warfare …15€
Grant Turismo….10€
The Division …10€
The LAST OFUS ….10€
Battlefield 1 … 10€
The Hunter …10€
FIFA 19 ….10€
FARCRY 5…15€
Ratchcet clank …10€
Joystick na ps4 …20€
Predám tieto hry v 100 stave … po dohode viem poslat aj kuriérom GLS … volať alebo sms …. Na email nereaguje.!!!!