jablkovy must - strana 10
Počet nájdených inzerátov JABLKOVY MUST
: 292 - strana 10
![Zelené šľapky na opätku](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/47/104515844925.jpg)
MUST HAVE kúsok tejto sezóny
Ty ešte nemáš tieto neprehľiadnuteľné krásky?
Tak šup šup -----> rýchlo objednávaj.
Sandálky dostupné len vo veľkostiach 37, 38, 39
Cena 21,90,-€
![ČIERNO ČERVENÉ DÁMSKE TENISKY S OSTŇAMI Veľkosť: 39, 40,](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/47/105125198902.jpg)
Veľkosť: 39, 40, 41
Cena: 15 EUR
Čierno červené tenisky s ostňami je must have kúsok ktorý oživý tvoj outfit do poslednej bodky. Výška platformy: 5 cmVeľkosť zodpovedá štandardnému číslovaniu.
![Regulátor výkonu spotrebičov na striedavý prúd – 4000W, 230V](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/34/109980492119.jpg)
High power 230V AC triac voltage regulator with temperature sensor overload protection.
4kW Triak Regulátor – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne; Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov
- Special anti snap-ON circuitry for smooth predictable switch-on characteristic
- Thermal switch for over-temperature shut-down (auto restart)
- **Fitted with 10Amp, 5×20mm internal fuse, for loads exceeding 2kW use a 16A fuse
- Output regulation range: ≈20V to mains supply*
- 25Amp high power triac device, BTA24-600B
- Maximum continuous load with passive convection cooling: ≤8.0A (≈2000W)
- Maximum continuous load with forced air cooling: ≤16.0A** (≈4000W)
- *For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply
- Large 20mm diameter control knob; Height 15mm
- Enclosure : 89mm×38mm×58mm; Aluminium chassis; Perforated steel cover
- 4-way screw terminal block, M3.5, pitch 9.5mm
- Kit includes: 10mm pot nut and washer, 0-100 graduated scale (aluminium, 40mm diameter)
- Weight 115g
Application notes:
- Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps;
fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors.
- Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device.
- ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump.
- Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth!
- I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application.
1ks 22.00€
Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@
Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 4.20€
![XBOX 360 Slim na ND](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/405/110250948822.jpg)
Predam nefunkcny XBOX 360 (svieti na cerveno) v rozobratom ale kompletnom stave. Bez prislusenstva.
Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie na mobil. Dakujem.
Preferujem osobny odber. Po dohode viem doviezt v ramci KE a okolia.
Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
![iPhone XR Nillkin transparent cover](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predam uplne novy este nevybaleny obal Nillkin pre iPhone XR. Na okrajoch ma perfektne bumpers ktore ochrania vas telefon. Najlepsi transparent cover.
Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred.
Prosim kontaktovat cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Dakujem.
Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
![Audio distribútor HIFI 2(4) vstupu 4(2) vystupy RCA HUB](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Audio distribútor TILEAR A2 HIFI 2 vstupu 4 výstupy, alebo 4 vstupu 2 výstupy RCA HUB. Perfektný stav, nové. Posielam na dobierku.
Zvyšuje počet prepínaných vstupov / výstupov pre vaše zosilňovače a HI-FI komponenty.
1. 2(4) input and 4(2) output.
2. Built-in mcu control circuit, perfectly control the impact sound of power on and power off, the static effect of power on and off.
3. With remote control
4. Frequency response 20-20kHz ± 0.1dB, distortion 0.0001%, output phase and input phase are the same
5. Brand new original NEC relay, lossless switching
6. Material fever: Japanese black diamond solid-state filter capacitor, electrodeless audio coupling capacitor, Tk audio audio coupling, extreme fever
7. Using gold-plated RCA socket, good contact, brushed aluminum shell, laser engraving.
8. Supply voltage: DC 12V, current: 1A or more than 1A is recommended (Not Include)
9. Approximate size: width 117 * height 35 * depth 107mm
Notice : This item Input can't connect to Amplifier Output, This Ouput Must Connect to Amplifier or Active Speaker
Package include :
1x A2 HIFI Lossless 2 Input 4 Output RCA HUB Audio Distributor
1x Remote Control
![XBOX 360 Slim na ND](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predam nefunkcny XBOX 360 (svieti na cerveno) v rozobratom ale kompletnom stave. Bez prislusenstva, teda aj bez zdroja.
Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie na mobil. Dakujem.
Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred.
Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
![mlynček na ovocie](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Stroj je vhodný na mletie rôznych druhov ovocia a zeleniny. • Jemnosť mletia je možné upraviť zmenou rôznych perforácií sita. K dispozícii sú 3 perforačné sitá, ktoré možno použiť v závislosti od druhu ovocia/zeleniny a požadovanej hrúbky mletia • Ideálne na výrobu dužiny na džús, mušt alebo džem. • Robustná a extrémne výkonná drviaca jednotka. V spodnej časti pomocných koliesok • Všetky kovové časti (lievik, drvič základne.) sú vyrobené z nehrdzavejúcej ocele (nehrdzavejúca oceľ AISI 304). údaje: Sitá s otvormi: otvor 7 mm, otvory 12 mm, 10 mm Objem štrbiny násypky: 70 litrov Výkon mletia: do 1500 kg/h (jablká) Rozmery: Š = 620 H = 750 = 1400 mm Hmotnosť: 75 kg EM výkon : 2,2kW Napätie: 230V alebo 400V
Ceny uvedené bez DPH
![predaj 50L bandasky ,barely s ušami dvojhrdly s vekom](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
predaj 50L bandasky ,barely s ušami dvojhrdly s vekom 2" a 3/4". Použiteľné na vodu, vino, kvas, mušt, PHM benzín , naftu či ine tekutiny.
Aj jednotlivo.
Cena od 6€ podla pouzitia.
Urobme si zasobu vody, vina , atd., krmiva alebo paliva nafta benzin ,olej ,PHM a pod ..
![Nothing but English - tutoring, teaching English](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Zdravím všetkých, ktorí sa potrebujú naučiť alebo zdokonaliť v angličtine.
Osobne sa zameriavam na výuku Cambridge English (A1-C2), všeobecnú angličtinu a špecifický obor angličtiny zvolený podľa Vašich potrieb, taktiež príprava na skúšky z AJ.
Učím/doučujem rôzne vekové kategórie.
Možnosť zamerania sa na britskú/americkú angličtinu, prispôsobenie sa prízvuku.
Pre mňa ako aj pre Vás je dôležitá prax, teória prichádza na druhé miesto.
Výuka prebieha on-line poprípade osobne v lokalite Žilina.
Všetko čo potrebujete je počítač, wifi a samozrejme Vy :).
V krátkosti o mne.
Mám dlhoročné skúsenosti z pobytu vo Veľkej Británii (Anglicko-prevažne Londýn, Škótsko, Severné Írsko).
Už 6 rokov nepretržite učím on-line, osobne či už individuálne alebo skupinovo, pre firmy, jazykové školy.
Nedávne pôsobisko Praha, aktuálne Žilina.
V prípade záujmu je k dostupe môj životopis, recenzie a certifikácie.
Cena je uvedená za hodinu výuky.
V prípade on-line výuky je platba potrebná vopred na účet. Potvrdenie o platbe je taktiež postačujúce.
V prípade otázok ma môžete kedykoľvek kontaktovať.
POZNAMKA: poprosim kontaktovat iba v pripade skutocneho zaujmu, ziadne plytvanie casu!
Hello guys,
Let me introduce myself a bit.
I've been working as a private on-line English tutor/teacher for alian and domestic clients at the moment and been in this field of work since 2017.
I tutor/teach within the broad age span six to around sixty years either individually or in a group and that is in person or via on-line platforms.
I'm in between C1-C2 level notably thanks to loads of years working and residing overseas in particular in the UK and it's parts like Scotland, England-London, The Northern Ireland.
On the subjects of tutoring/teaching particular English it is all the Cambridge levels (A1-C2), general, business English or majoring on the specific one chosen by you.
I am more empirical than hypothetical tutor/teacher what entirely pays off and the same I offer to you because in the end its not about references and certificates but about possessing the original practice from English speaking countries.
All you need is a good wifi, your drive and of course its you above all :).
In terms of paying if its an on-line tutoring the payment must be transferred beforehand or a statement of the paid amount is sufficiently enough.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any further questions.
CV, references and certificates are available on request.
NOTE: pls contact me only if your interest is real, no time wasters!
Looking forward hearing from you.
![Flipsky Dual 75100 14-84V 2x100A + BT](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Plne programovateľný sínusoý kontroler pre elektrické kolobežky (bicykle skateboarde čokoľvek). Vhodná náhrada napr za kontrolery Laotie ES18 ES19 Ti30 a ktorékoľvek iné.
Flipsky Dual 75100 With Aluminum PCB Based On VESC For Electric Skateboard / Scooter / Ebike Speed Controller + Flipsky Wireless Bluetooth Module 2.4G for VESC&VESC Tool Electric Skateboard
Size:L107mm x W103mm x H18.5mm
Voltage:14-84V (4-20S safey)
Current:continuous max 100A single,dual continuous max 200A,values depend on the mounting and ambient temperature around the device!
Support BLDC square wave mode control and FOC sine wave mode
Firmware: latest (firmware update supported)
Control Interface Ports:USB,CAN,UART
Supported Sensors:ABI,HALL,AS5047,AS5048A
Input Set Support:PPM,ADC,NRF,UART
Wire Size: 12AWG
Programmable: Yes
Regenerative Capacity: Yes
Here below video and blog links FYI.
Colour: Black
Material: PCB
Package Contents:
1 * Speed Controller
1 * BT module
Flipsky Wireless Bluetooth Module 2.4G for VESC&VESC Tool Electric Skateboard
Kindly Reminder: This bluetooth module can only support Android mobile device.
Used to communicating between the VESC and VESC Tool (mobile) over BLE. Note that the UART port on the VESC must be enabled with a baud rate of 115200 for this to work. The UART port on VESC can work only under 115200 baud
Operating voltage: 2.0V ~ 12V Onboard Chip: NRF51822
Actual use distance: The distance to communicate with VESC is about 15 meters
Frequency range: 2.4GHz
2.4 GHz multiprotololl RF receiver
ARM Cortex-M0 32 bit processor
256kB flash & 16kB RAM
PCB size:27mm x 13mm
2.0mm seven-pin four-wire connector length:90mm
Antenna length:145mm
net weight:3.5g
Type: V6
Colour: Black
Material: composite material
Cena 360€ + poštovné.
Na dobierku posielam až po prijatí zálohy(30% z ceny) na účet.
![Predam klarinet B YAMAHA ESTABISCHED 29569 1887 japan](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Japan ESTABISCHED N 1887 vo velmy v zachovalom stave. 29569 japan
Nástroj je doporučován učiteli hudebních škol pro svoji snadnou ovladatelnost, výborné ladění a snadný ozev, pomáhá žákům rozvíjet jejich schopnosti
Mazadlo na korek
Vintage Yamaha Clarinet *
klarinet B YAMAHA ESTABLISHED 29569 1887 japan
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Yamaha Wooden Custom CS G Clarinet *Established in 1887 JAPAN*w/Case*CSG at the best ...
Missing: 29569 | Must include: 29569
1,749.99 eur.
![CD Box Ten Years After,, Traffic.Foghat,,Deep Purple....](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám originálne CD Box v 100% stave.
TRAFFIC- 5x CD Box 2017….Mr.Fantasy,,Traffic,,John Barleycorn Must Die,,,,The low spark of high heeled boys,,Shoot out the fantasy factory…….15,- Eur
TEN YEARS AFTER – 3xCD Box EMI - Criklewood green,,,Watt,,,A space in time……12,- Eur
DEEP PURPLE-3x CD Box-Slaves and masters,,The band rages on,,Purpendicular…10,-
FOGHAT-5x CD Box-Foghat,,Energized,,Fool for the city,,Live,,Tight shoes…10,-
CD sú v 100% stave.
![Dámska modra oversize parka s kozušinou](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám krásnú oversize dámsku parku v štýlovom džínsovom prevedení. Velkosť S/M kludne sadne aj na väčšie číslo nakolko je to bundička oversize volný strih. Rozmery širka cez prsia je 6Ocm, dlžka 76cm. Bunda svetlomodrej farby s bielou kožušinou. Vyrobená z vysoko kvalitného materiálu a navrhnutá podľa najnovších módnych trendov. Kožušinka sa dá odopnúť, a možete nosiť bez. Vnútri je celá zateplená. Oversize bunda je totálny must have! Mimoriadne pohodlná, mäkká, vyrobená z materiálu najvyššej kvality. Vyzerajte módne a štýlovo každý deň! Bunda ma nastavitelne šnúrky, vdaka ktorým si môžete nastaviť bundičku a prispôsobiť postave ako potrebujete čo je veľkou výhodou. Zapínanie na zips. Dve vonkajšie vrecká. Šnúrka na stiahnutie. Hriať Ťa bude dokonale prepracovaná vnútorná podšívka, pas si stiahneš. Univerzálny kúsok na každodenné nosenie. Bundička je uplné nová s visačkou. Vhodná aj ako darček. Prípade záujmu rada premeriam. Jednoducho sa kombinuje a vo Vašom šatníku si určite nájde svoje miesto. Pozrite si celú moju ponuku stačí kliknuť dole pod obrázkom na Oblečko a zobrazí sa vám celá moja ponuka. CENA 79e s poštovným!!!!
![Sales representative U.S.](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Hľadáme nadšeného Sales reprezentanta, ktorý by sa podieľal na predaji našich služieb na americkom trhu.
- Potrebujeme človeka s výbornými komunikačnými schopnosťami (po anglicky), ktorý je priateľský, ľudský a má proklientský prístup.
- Dáme ti naše know-how, vďaka ktorým budeš schopný prinášať výsledky.
- Orientácia v Social Media Marketing (TikTok) sektore je veľkou výhodou, ale nie je podmienkou - všetko sa dá naučiť, stačí len chcieť
- 20% commission on succesfully closing client
- Very high earning potential (Hight Ticket Offers)
- Work from home
- Flexible schedule
- Leads will be provided
- We provide scripts and additional trainings (if you need it)
Náplň práce:
- Reaching out to cold leads through phone, e-mail and messaging (leads will be provided)
- Booking your own appointments
- Closing clients
- Experience with outbound sales and in hight ticket sales, cold calling
- Fluent in English
- comfortable with working in US timezone
- Motivated
- Experience with TikTok or with Social Media Advertising is not a must, but definitely a plus.
![Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Absolútny must-have pre fotografiu architektúry. Toto je svätý grál, ak chcete mať fotky dokonalo ostré s vyrovnanými vertikálami priamo na sajte. Nikdy som jeho kúpu neoľutoval.
Mám k nemu i Rogeti objímku - vďaka tejto kombinácii bude stitchovanie panorámy s TS-E bez jediného chybného pixelu.
![ZAHRANICNI INTERPRETI LP platne 6](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
BEACH BOYS Pet sounds Stereo
BOWIE David Legacy the best of
BOWIE David Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from mars....1972
BOWIE David Lets dance
BUSH Kate Lionheart
BUSH Kate The dreaming
BUSH Kate The sensual world 1990
CLAPTON Eric 461 Ocean Boulevard
CLAPTON Eric Behind the sun
COLLINS Phil Hallo i must be going
COLLINS Phil No jacket requied
COLLINS Phil But seriously
DAŠEK Rudolf Dialogy
DAŠEK+RUYICKA+WEGEHAUPT Mezipristáni-interlanding
ELTON John Captain fantastic and the Brown dirt Cowboy
ELTON John Breaking hearts
Ennio moricone Sound giganten
EURYTHMICS Be yorself tonight
FLEETWOOD MAC Then play on
FLEETWOOD MAC Tango in the night
GENESIS Selling england by the pound
GENESIS The lamb lies down on Broadway
GENESIS A Trick Of The Tail
GENESIS Wind and Wuthering
GENESIS And then there were three
GENESIS Invisible touch
Gershwin Rhapsody in blue
HARRISON George Cloud nine
IRON MAIDEN Piece of mind...1983
JETHRO TULL Minstrel in the gallery
JETHRO TULL Heavy horses
JETHRO TULL Thick as a Brick 1971
JETHRO TULL Storm watch
JETHRO TULL The broadsword and the beast
John Kincade When
KOCÁB Michal Povídali že mu hráli
LEVEL 42 Rumming of the family
MARILLION Script for a Jesters tear
MARILLION Misplaced chilhood
MARILLION Clutching at straws
MARILLION Seasons end
MARILLION The thieving magpie LIVE
MARLEY Bob and the WAILERS The legend Best of 1972-1981 BEST
MATT BIANCO Whose Side Are You On
McCARTNEY & WINGS All the best. BEST
McCARTNEY & WINGS Band of the run
McCARTNEY & WINGS Venus and Mars.....Japan press.......
McCARTNEY & WINGS Wings at the Speed of sound
McCARTNEY & WINGS London town
McCARTNEY & WINGS Back to the egg
McCARTNEY & WINGS Tug of war
McCARTNEY Paul Pipes of peace
McCARTNEY Paul Flowers in the dirth
McCARTNEY Paul Press to play
MEN AT WORK Bussines as usual
MIŠÍK Vladimír & ETC debut LP
NENA 99 Luftballons
Parker Davis Forderpreis
Peter Maffay Kein weg zu weit
POLICE Zenyatta mondatta
POLICE Synchronicity
YELLO- One second
![Knihy - vegetariánske, korenie, kokteily](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
--- Osobný odber BA, VK, DT, príp. podľa dohody. Pri rýchlom jednaní a odbere 2 a viac kusov dohoda možná. ---
Zelené Pečení - 3 €
501 Must-Drink Cocktails - 10 €
Koření - 3 €
The Ultimate Student Cookbook - 5 €
The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone - 20 €