jak and daxter - strana 10
Počet nájdených inzerátov JAK AND DAXTER
: 1000 - strana 10
![Psychológia, motivácia, partnerské vzťahy - časť 1/2](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Pravidlá úspechu. Ako sa dostať z miesta, kde ste, tam, kde chcete byť (Jack Canfield, Janet Switzer) - 9,50 €
- stav 100 %
Dokážeš všetko, čo chceš. Sila je v tebe (Erich J. Lejeune) - 7,50 €
- stav 100 %
Proměň jej ve spřízněnou duši. Průvodce šťastnějším životem (Arielle Ford) - 14 €
- stav 100 %
Kouzelná láska (Marianne Williamson) - 13,50 €
- oškretá dolná hrana chrbáta a zadnej dosky, prebal a textová časť sú ako nové
Vzkvétání. Nové poznatky o podstatě štěstí a duševní pohody (Martin Seligman) - 14,60 €
- 408 strán, pevné dosky, raz prečítaná, čistá, nepopísaná
Nikdy sa nevzdávaj! Ako s neochvejným odhodlaním prekonávať životné prekážky (Joyce Meyer) - 5 €
- kresťanská autorka, vydavateľ Slovo života International Bratislava, stav 100 %
Sila myšlienok. 12 stratégií, ako vyhrať boj v mysli (Joyce Meyer) - 5 €
- kresťanská autorka, vydavateľ Slovo života International Bratislava, na niektorých stranách je podčiarkované mäkkou ceruzkou
Jak být vnímán podle vlastní představy. A jak toho chcete dosáhnout? (Glyn Bedington) - 5 €
- raz prečítaná, na vnútornej strane zadnej dosky je meno pôvodnej majiteľky
Sebevědomí. Jak získat sebejistotu a neztratit cit (Peter Lauster) - 5 €
- stav 100 %
Chovejte se jako kočka. První kniha inspirovaná kočkou, která Vám poradí, jak si každý den užívat život (Stéphane Garnier) - 8 €
- malý formát, na vnútornej strane prednej dosky je natrhnutý okraj papiera, textová časť je ako nová
Sila srdca (Baptist de Pape) - 14 €
- stav 100 %
Objavte svoj talent. Určite ich máte viac (Juraj Málik) - 5 €
- tlač na kriedovom papieri, stav 100 %
Správny muž (John Gray, Arjuna Ardagh) - 5 €
- stav 100 %
Láska na prvý pohľad. Prečo milujem práve teba (Suzi Malinová) - 6,50 €
- veľký formát, raz prečítaná, bezchybný stav
Ľúbim svojho partnera, ale... 7 krokov, ako do vášho vzťahu vrátiť vášeň (Andrew G. Marshall) - 7,50 €
- vynikajúci stav, na predsádke je nalepené papierové srdce a prelepené meno pôvodnej majiteľky
Jaký osud čeká váš vztah? (Louise Helene) - 9,90 €
- raz prečítaná, čistá, nepopísaná
Jak sbalit ženu. Praktická příručka technologie lovu (Tomáš Baránek) - 16,50 €
- vydanie z roku 2005, stav 100 %
Taktiky lásky. Nejprodávanější učebnice technik, jak získat lásku toho, koho milujete (T. W. McKnight, R. H. Phillips) - 7,50 €
- stav 100 %
Návod na obsluhu lásky (Renáta Názlerová) - 8,50 €
- stav 100 %
Mám všetky knihy (aj tie, ktoré nemajú fotku). Ceny sú bez poštovného, posielam iba poštou a len na dobierku. Kontaktovať mailom.
Predám sériu Znovu. Iba spolu. Knihy sú v CZ jazyku. Cena už aj s poštovným je 40€
Allie Harperová se kvůli studiu stěhuje do Woodshillu a touží po jediném – začít znovu od začátku. Proto se jí úplně nelíbí, když jí nezbyde nic jiného než spolubydlet s arogantním grázlíkem. Kaden White je sice neuvěřitelně atraktivní, ale se svým potetovaným tělem a nestydatým chováním také ten poslední, s kým by Allie chtěla sdílet byt. A k tomu ještě hned na začátku vymyslí seznam pravidel, z nichž to nejdůležitější zní: V žádném případě spolu nikdy neskončíme v posteli! Allie si však záhy uvědomí, že Kaden toho v sobě skrývá mnohem více, než si původně myslela. A čím lépe se navzájem poznávají, tím těžší pro ni je odolat vzájemné přitažlivosti. Román získal ziskal prestizni cenu Lovelybooks 2016 v kategorii "Liebesromane"
Dawn si užívá života na univerzitě ve Woodshillu. Vyučování ji baví, daří se jí psát novely, jak si vždy vysnila, a našla dobrou partu skvělých přátel. Jen jedno jí kazí náladu… Spencer. Spencer Cosgrove je úžasný a vtipný kamarád, ale zároveň také nesmírně přitažlivý muž. A má o Dawn zájem. Ona se však už s nikým zaplést nechce. Jak to ale udělat, když ani jí není Spencer lhostejný?
Měl to být jen společný projekt – ale srdce jí říká něco jiného.
Sawyer Dixonová je mladá, docela drsná – a sama. Od smrti rodičů si k sobě nikoho nepustí blíž. To se ale změní, když se seznámí s Isaacem Grantem. Nerdovské brýle s tlustou obroučkou, dost divně oblečený, vlastně je úplný opak jejího obvyklého typu.
Isaac, kterého už nebaví být single, jednoho dne poprosí Sawyer o pomoc. Uzavřou spolu dohodu: Sawyer z Isaaca udělá drsňáka, aby měl větší úspěch nejen u holek, za to si nechá fotky z jeho přeměny, které použije pro svůj studijní projekt.
S čím ale Sawyer nepočítá, jsou intenzivní city, které se mezi ní a Isaacem rozhoří...
Everly Pennová nevěří na lásku. Celé roky musela přihlížet, jak její matka trpí otcovým násilnickým chováním a jak stále více ztrácí sebe samu. Zážitky z dětství ji natolik traumatizovaly, že se rozhodla nikdy nezamilovat. To se však změní, když potká Nolana Gatese. Nolan je okouzlující, inteligentní a sexy a je to jediný člověk, před nímž Everly může být sama sebou – bez masky, kterou nosí před ostatními.
Ale Nolan je její vyučující. Je jedno, jak dobře si rozumí a jak moc ji dokáže rozesmát svým zvláštním humorem. Everly ví, že je pro ni absolutní tabu. A přesto je bezmocná proti pocitům, které v ní vyvolávají jeho slova.
Když se Jude Livingstonové v Los Angeles zhroutí sny, utíká za svým bratrem do Woodshillu, kde se chce znovu postavit na vlastní nohy. Jenže netuší, že jedním ze spolubydlících v bratrově domě je i její bývalý přítel Blake, kterému zlomila srdce. Blake jí hned na začátku dává jasně najevo, že mezi nimi už nikdy nemůže nic být. A ačkoli se toho Jude snaží držet
![SABATON Heroes on tour Earbook](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Jak nové. výborný stav, raz pustené
2 BR + 2 DVD + CD
Svieža a nadrozmerná earbook (28 x 28 cm) vr. 2 BluRay + 2 DVD + 1 CD. Ich koncerty vo Wackene a na festivale v ich rodnom meste vo Falune boli veľkými vrcholmi turné »Heroes«, a preto sa kapela rozhodla nahrať tieto vystúpenia do masívneho živého balíka DVD/CD s názvom »Heroes On Tour«! Basgitarista Pär Sundström povedal: „Vždy sme sa snažili byť kapelou, ktorú ľudia radi vidia naživo, a to z jednoduchého dôvodu, prečo radi hráme naživo. Dúfame, že s týmto DVD/Bluray vydaním sa s vami podelíme o niečo z tohto pocitu. Nahrali sme dve relácie pre prípad, že by vám jedna nestačila!“
Švédski heavymetaloví hrdinovia Sabaton nahrali naživo na festivale Wacken Open Air v Nemecku v roku 2015. Basgitarista Par Sundstrom sa vyjadril: Vždy sme chceli byť kapelou, ktorú ľudia radi vidia naživo, a to z jednoduchého dôvodu, prečo radi hráme naživo. Dúfame, že s týmto vydaním sa s vami podelíme o nejaký ten pocit.
Cd skladby:
1. The March To War
2. Ghost Division
3. To Hell And Back
4. Carolus Rex
5. No Bullets Fly
6. Resist And Bite
7. Far From The Fame
8. Panzerkampf
9. Gott Mit Uns
10. The Art Of War
11. Soldier Of 3 Armies
12. Swedish Pagans
13. Screaming Eagles
14. Night Witches
15. Primo Victoria
16. Metal Crue
Blu-ray 1 / Dvd 1: Wacken 2015
1. The March To War
2. Ghost Division
3. To Hell And Back
4. Carolus Rex
5. No Bullets Fly
6. Resist And Bite
7. Far From The Fame
8. Panzerkampf
9. Gott Mit Uns
10. The Art Of War
11. Soldier Of 3 Armies
12. Swedish Pagans
13. Screaming Eagles
14. Night Witches
15. Primo Victoria
16. Metal Crue
17. Noch Ein Bier
18. The Art Of War-with Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague
19. The Final Solution-with Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague
Blu-ray 2 / Dvd 2: Sabaton Open Air 2015
1. The March To War
2. Ghost Division
3. To Hell And Back
4. Carolus Rex
5. Panzer Battaliony
6. Wolfpack
7. Attero Dominatus
8. 7734
9. Unioin
10. The Art Of War
11. Saboteurs
12. Coat Of Arms
13. En Livstid I Krig
14. Resist And Bite
15. Swedish Pagans
16. Night Witches
17. Primo Victoria
18. Metal Crue
![Predam PLAYSTATION VITA Oled verzia + 71 hier](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predam PLAYSTATION VITA Oled verzia PCH-1004. Konzola je v krasnom zachovalom stave, komplet prislusenstvo + 128GB micro SD karta. Na karte sa nachadzaju tieto hry:
GTA San Andreas
GTA Vice City
GTA Chinatown
GTA Liberty city stories
GTA Vice city stories
Max Payne
Mass Effect
Crazy Taxi
Mario Kart
Half Life + Couter Strike 1.6
Quake 3
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Dead Space
Crash Bandicoot 1
Crash Bandicoot 2
Crash Bandicoot 3
Crash Team Racing
Sonic SMS 2
Sonic SMS 2
Prince of Persia Retro
Super Mario
Assassins Creed III Liberation
Arkham Origins Blackgate
Borderlands 2
Call of Duty Black ops
Tomb Raider 1,2
Fifa 15
Final Fantasy X HD remaster
Worms Revolution Extreme
Gravity Rush
Jak and Daxter Collection
Killzone Mercanary
Lego Marvels Avengers
Lego Harry Potter
Lego Marvel
Lego Movie
Lego Batman 3
F1 2011
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Street Fighter x Tekken
Resistance Burning Skies
Rayman Legends
Rayman Origins
Ratchet and Clank Collection
God of War Collection
NFS Most Wanted
NFS ProStreet
NFS Undeground Rivals
NFS Carbon
NFS Shift
Ninja Gaiden 2 Plus
MotoGP 14
Metal Gear Solid HD
Little big planet
Little Deviants
Tekken 6
Prince of Persia The Forgotten sands
Prince of Persia Rival Swords
Prince of Persia Revelations
Castlevania Chronicles
Castlevania Symphony of
Buzz Brain of the World
Buzz Mater Quiz
Buzz Quiz World
Bomberman Party Edition
V pripade zaujmu reagujem na email, cislo vymyslene.
Osobny odber Poprad, alebo Packeta pri uhrade postovneho 5,-Eur vopred na ucet.
![PS3 Slim ( 1TB ) + Ovládač ( Upravená konzola HEN )](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Zdravím , ponúkam na predaj svoju upravenú hernú konzolu Playstation 3 . Konzola je upravená , takže spúšťa záložné kópie hier . Hry môžete ZADARMO sťahovať cez program priamo do konzoly . Je tam veľa nainštalovaných hier PS3 , PS2 , PS1 hier ( celý zoznam pošlem len vážnemu záujemcovi ) , taktiez je tam ešte mnoho miesta aby ste si mohli stiahnuť hry ktoré len vy budete chcieť . Pre viac info píšte cez dole uvedený formulár alebo ma kontaktujte telefonicky ( Na SMS nereagujem ! ) . Vážnemu záujemcovi vysvetlím ako sťahovať a spúšťať hry ( nič zložité ) . Cena je pevná nezjednavam a nevymienam !
Cena : 150€
Obsah :
- PS3 Slim 1TB
- Originál Dualshock ( ovládač )
- Sieťový kábel
- HDMI kábel
- Nainštalované hry PS3 / PS2 , PS1 ( Hry ako napr. Crash bandicoot , Ratcheta and Clank , GTA 4 , GTA 5 , Tekken 6 , Jak and Daxter , Minecraft , FIFA 19 , HHL 16 , The Last of Us , veľa dielov Need for Spred , F1 2014 , GTA SAN Andreas , God od War , Uncharted a mnoho ďalších hier )
Poštou odosielam len pri zálohe za poštovné ( podľa výberu doručenia ) vopred na účet .
Výber doručenia :
- Balík na poštu : 9.50€
- Kuriér na adresu : 10.50€
![Tante Hertha´s Viennese Kitchen](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/91/302797539.jpg)
This beautiful book, based on the original notebook and recipe journal of a 1900s "Viennese Baroness", takes readers on a journey through fin de siecle Viennese high society. With over 100 original recipes, all of which have been tested and brought up to date for the modern cook, it is not only a beautiful collection of recipes but is also a fascinating look at the life of a turn-of-the-century family. Filled with anecdotes and personal stories to bring the recipes to life, this book will be a charming insight into a bygone era. The classic recipes will cover a range of dishes both savoury and sweet, with a strong emphasis on the desserts and pastries for which Vienna is famed. It includes chapters such as Starters, Soups, Meat Dishes, Side Dishes, Biscuits & Cookies, Sweet Pastries, Cakes & Gateaux, Tortes and Puddings. In addition there are beautiful photographs of Vienna throughout the book, capturing the architecture, cafe culture and beauty of this elegant city.
Podoblek pod suchy oblek na potapanie, ako novy, velkost L, jediny dovod predaja - zla velkost na mna. Je slusne hruby, vhodny aj do chladnejsej vody.
Seemann Subtech 100. Innovative and warmInnovative under suit made of 3 materials, for neoprene and tri-laminate suits.The outer lining is a water repellent, breathable polyester fabric. It gives durability and comfort and easy donning.The inner lining is made of high quality anti peeling double fleece.This material transports wetness away from your skin and provides excellent insulation.The polyester wadding gives additional panels at the left arm and shoulder ensure fast deflation, independent of valve type and position.Easy donning through 2 mm SCS neoprene wrists.The anatomically shaped neoprene ankles are also made of 2 mm neoprene.2 big hip pockets, 1 zipped pocket at the chest, hand loops, durable two-way spiral zipper elasticized waist.
![Prisoners of Geography](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/239/4303164074.jpg)
Tim Marshall - Prisoners of Geography
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Yes, to follow world events you need to understand people, ideas and movements - but if you don't know geography, you'll never have the full picture. If you've ever wondered why Putin is so obsessed with Crimea, why the USA was destined to become a global superpower, or why China's power base continues to expand ever outwards, the answers are all here. In ten chapters (covering Russia; China; the USA; Latin America; the Middle East; Africa; India and Pakistan; Europe; Japan and Korea; and the Arctic), using maps, essays and occasionally the personal experiences of the widely travelled author, Prisoners of Geography looks at the past, present and future to offer an essential insight into one of the major factors that determines world history. It's time to put the 'geo' back into geopolitics.
![The Great Zimbabwe (2012) - Spoločenská hra](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/403/813792637.jpg)
nova / nerozbalena
The Great Zimbabwe is a game about building a trade based civilization in ancient Africa. It has been inspired by the old kingdoms surrounding the Great Zimbabwe, a world heritage site in southern Africa. Far into the previous century, colonial governments denied that a civilization that produced such impressive monuments and beautiful artwork could have been African in origin. But of course, this civilization was African, and the country of Zimbabwe itself was proudly named after this impressive cultural heritage. As always in our games, we have used this history for inspiration; however, first and foremost we wanted to create a highly playable and replayable Splotter game, so in many cases we took liberties with historical names, periods and artwork. In the game, players strive to build the most impressive monuments to one god of their choice. They can choose this god themselves-- each of the twelve gods offers a unique blessing, but each also requires a different amount of work to win the game. Building the monuments is done by developing a logistics network stretching across the region. Through this network, players produce and obtain ritual goods to raise their monuments and bring honour to the god of their choice.
![Kryty iPhone 11 Pro, XR (70% off)](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/33/8975723175.jpg)
Ideal od Sweden iPhone 11 Pro - Úplne nový nepoužívaný (krabica)
Odporúčaná predajná cena cez 35€
moja cena 9€
(● Claret Agate compels with rhythmic movements of rich colour for a spectacular agate-inspired composition. Agate stone was first discovered in modern-day Sicily and today is one of the most adored stones for it’s captivating and elegant appearance.
● Made from strong but flexible plastic
● Microfiber lining to prevent scratches
● Compatible with IDEAL OF SWEDENs QI chargers
● Part of Accessories of Attraction and magnetically compatible with our wallets and mounts
● Swedish design, always on trend
● Gold details to add a luxurious feel
● Perfectly fits your phone to provide protection and a great look )
SPIGEN iPhone XR Liquid Air - Vyskúšané na telefóne raz - používam iné
odporúčaná predajná cena - 20€
moja cena - 7€
Stav nového - bez obalu
(● Flexible case resistant to fingerprint smudges
● Slim and form-fitted to stay pocket-friendly
● Modern geometric engravings enhances grip
● Mil-grade certified with Air Cushion Technology®
● Supports wireless charging and compatible with )
X-Doria Defense Ultra for iPhone XR - úplne nové
odporúčaná predajná cena - 35€
moja cena 10€
(- elegantný luxusný dizajn
- ochrana pri páde z výšky 4 metre
- vyvýšený okraj krytu pre ochranu obrazovky
- spĺňa a prevyšuje vojenský štandard ochrany pri páde MIL-STD-810G
- integrovaný zvukový kanál pre najlepší zvukový zážitok
- vedecky dokázaná ochrana pri náraze DropShield
- ochrana okrajov kovovými pásmi
- vnútorná gumená vrstva absorbujúca náraz a pevná vonkajšia vrstva z polykarbonátu
- vonkajší obal z eloxovaného hliníku
- obal nezabraňuje bezdrôtovému nabíjaniu
- jednoduché nasadenie)
Quad lock iPhone 11 Pro
odporúčaná predajná cena 30€
moja cena 20€
![Milan Kundera - Identity](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/239/9418934557.jpg)
Predam novu knihu Milan Kundera - Identity.Sometimes - perhaps only for an instant - we fail to recognise a companion; for a moment their identity ceases to exist, and thus we come to doubt our own. The effect is at its most acute in a couple where our existence is given meaning by our perception of a lover, and theirs of us. With his astonishing skill at building on and out from the significant moment, Kundera has placed such a situation and the resulting wave of panic at the core of the novel. In a narrative as intense as it is brief, a moment of confusion sets in motion a complex chain of events which forces the reader to cross and recross the divide between fantasy and reality. Profound, sad and disquieting but above all a love story, Identity provides further proof of Kundera's astonishing gifts as a novelist.
![Wilder Girls](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/239/13909865356.jpg)
Rory Power - Wilder Girls. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty
A feminist Lord of the Flies about three best friends living in quarantine at their island boarding school, and the lengths they go to uncover the truth of their confinement when one disappears. This fresh, new debut is a mind-bending novel unlike anything you've read before. It's been eighteen months since the Raxter School for Girls was put under quarantine. Since the Tox hit and pulled Hetty's life out from under her. It started slow. First the teachers died one by one. Then it began to infect the students, turning their bodies strange and foreign. Now, cut off from the rest of the world and left to fend for themselves on their island home, the girls don't dare wander outside the school's fence, where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. They wait for the cure they were promised as the Tox seeps into everything. But when Byatt goes missing, Hetty will do anything to find her, even if it means breaking quarantine and braving the horrors that lie beyond the fence. And when she does, Hetty learns that there's more to their story, to their life at Raxter, than she could have ever thought true.
![ZAHRANICNI INTERPRETI LP platne 6](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/402/17143226508.jpg)
BEACH BOYS Pet sounds Stereo
BOWIE David Legacy the best of
BOWIE David Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from mars....1972
BOWIE David Lets dance
BUSH Kate Lionheart
BUSH Kate The dreaming
BUSH Kate The sensual world 1990
CLAPTON Eric 461 Ocean Boulevard
CLAPTON Eric Behind the sun
COLLINS Phil Hallo i must be going
COLLINS Phil No jacket requied
COLLINS Phil But seriously
DAŠEK Rudolf Dialogy
DAŠEK+RUYICKA+WEGEHAUPT Mezipristáni-interlanding
ELTON John Captain fantastic and the Brown dirt Cowboy
ELTON John Breaking hearts
Ennio moricone Sound giganten
EURYTHMICS Be yorself tonight
FLEETWOOD MAC Then play on
GENESIS Selling england by the pound
GENESIS The lamb lies down on Broadway
GENESIS A Trick Of The Tail
GENESIS Wind and Wuthering
GENESIS And then there were three
GENESIS Invisible touch
Gershwin Rhapsody in blue
HARRISON George Cloud nine
IRON MAIDEN Piece of mind...1983
JETHRO TULL Minstrel in the gallery
JETHRO TULL Heavy horses
JETHRO TULL Thick as a Brick 1971
JETHRO TULL Storm watch
JETHRO TULL The broadsword and the beast
John Kincade When
KOCÁB Michal Povídali že mu hráli
LEVEL 42 Rumming of the family
MARILLION Script for a Jesters tear
MARILLION Misplaced chilhood
MARILLION Clutching at straws
MARILLION Seasons end
MARILLION Holidays in eden
MARILLION The thieving magpie LIVE
MARLEY Bob and the WAILERS The legend Best of 1972-1981 BEST
MATT BIANCO Whose Side Are You On
McCARTNEY & WINGS All the best. BEST
McCARTNEY & WINGS Band of the run
McCARTNEY & WINGS Venus and Mars.....Japan press.......
McCARTNEY & WINGS Wings at the Speed of sound
McCARTNEY & WINGS London town
McCARTNEY & WINGS Back to the egg
McCARTNEY & WINGS Tug of war
McCARTNEY Paul Pipes of peace
McCARTNEY Paul Flowers in the dirth
McCARTNEY Paul Press to play
MEN AT WORK Bussines as usual
MIŠÍK Vladimír & ETC debut LP
NENA 99 Luftballons
Parker Davis Forderpreis
Peter Maffay Kein weg zu weit
POLICE Zenyatta mondatta
POLICE Synchronicity
![Arc'teryx Proton LT Hoody Womens, dark titanite, Size XS](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/90/20223711122.jpg)
Originalna, nova este s vysackami bunda znacky Arcteryx vo velkosti XS. Zial mi je mala. Povodna cena 250 EUR.
The Proton Hoody is equipped with a breathable insulation package to manage the dynamic needs of mountain pursuits and perform as a self-regulating mid layer for a variety of high output activities. Breathable insulation means excess heat and moisture can pass through the combination of air permeable fabrics and insulation. In addition to being extremely air permeable, the Fortius™ Air 20 face fabric has unrivaled hardwearing durability, over 60 times more durable in abrasion tests than the industry standard. Coreloft™ Compact 80 synthetic insulation in the body maintains excellent stretch recovery. The No Slip Zip™ keeps the main zipper from self-opening and the helmet compatible insulated hood gives additional warmth. Put it on, leave it on and stay focused on the activity.
Technical Features
Air permeable
Abrasion resistant
Water resistant
Wind resistant
Fortius™ Air 20 face fabric effectively balances air permeability and weather resistance with lightweight durability
Air permeable Coreloft™ Compact 80 insulation regulates a comfortable micro climate
Coreloft™ Compact 60 insulated helmet compatible hood gives additional warmth
Cuff & Sleeves Configuration
Stretch-knit cuffs
Design & Fit
Women's specific design for optimal fit and performance
Trim fit for athletic performance
Fabric Treatment
DWR (Durable Water Repellent) finish repels moisture
Hem Configuration
Dual lower hem adjusters
Drop back hem
Hood Configuration
Helmet compatible
Insulated hood
Adjustable hood drawcords
Pocket Configuration
Two insulated hand pockets with zippers
Chest pocket with zip
Zippers & Fly Configuration
No Slip Zip™ front zipper
Dual back flaps on main zipper prevent wind penetration
![Scan Lycom TI chipset FireWire 800/400 PCIe Adaptor Card](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/3/22392357999.jpg)
Ableconn PEX-FW107 1394b & 1394a 3-Port PCI Express (PCIe) Low Profile FireWire Host Adapter Card - TI XIO2213 Chipset
Add two 1394b FireWire 800 ports and one 1394a port to your Mac Pro or Windows system.
* Connector:
- 2x P1394b (9-pin) and 1x 1394a-2000 (6-pin)
- PCI Express x1 Male
- 1x SP4 (4-pin; small drive power) Male
* Chipset: TI XIO2213
* Software:
- No driver installation is required on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.
* Data transfer rate:
- Support 1394 data transfer rate up to 800 Mbps
* Fully Supports Provisions of IEEE P1394b-2002, IEEE 1394a-2000 and 1394-1995 Standard
* Fully compliant with 1394 Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) Spec 1.1 and Rev 1.2 Draft
* Two Bilingual 1394b 9-pin Ports at S800 or S400b speed
* One 1394a-2000 Fully Compliant 6-Pin Port at S400, S200, S100 speed
* On Board Molex mini 4Pin Power connector to provide sufficient 1394 1.5A/12V bus power from PC power supply
* Supports Plug and Play
* Compliant with PCI Express Specification, revision 1.1
* 1-lane 2.5Gbps PCI Express host interface
* Low Profile PCIe Form Factor
* Regular size PCIe bracket on board and an additional Low Profile bracket included
* Fully RoHS compliant.
* Made in Taiwan
Package Contents
* Ableconn 1394b & 1394a 3-Port PCIe FireWire Host Adapter
* 1 x Y Power Cable (LP4 Molex to LP4 +SP4)
* One (1) low profile PCIe bracket
dobierka: 3€
E-mail: bazos123@
![EMG H4 a H4A chrome](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/53/30091180256.jpg)
Prodám pasivní snímače typu humbucker EMG H4 a H4A, zakoupené v akci na Aleximu. Kompletní balení, (vč. schémat) jsem pouze rozbalil a zkontroloval. Z následného projektu časem sešlo, tím pádem nebylo možné snímače vrátit. Snímače na sobě mají ochranou fólii. Viz. fotky a faktura.
Prodávám za původní cenu po slevě. Cena je pevná. Možno odkoupit i zvlášť (94,5Eur).
Pro kontakt preferuji e-mail:vymetalMLP@
Orig. popis "The H4 is our best selling passive humbucker. Combining the power of our active 81 with the soul of a passive PAF, the tone is well balanced, with tight bass, glassy mids, and crunchy highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing over wound coils loaded with ceramic bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. This pickup is most often used in the bridge position where it shines with excellent range, responsiveness and sweet harmonics. If you want a big rock or heavy modern sound, this is the pickup for you."
"Endowed with warmth, body and clarity, the H4A is a very versatile pickup and is perfect for everything from blues to rock to metal. The tone is very well-balanced, with solid bass, pronounced mids, and fat highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing vintage wound coils loaded with Alnico V bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. The H4A is most often used in the neck position, and is commonly used in conjunction with its cousin, the H4, for a perfect balance of tones. The H4A shines with superb clarity, full body, and delicate responsiveness which will suit almost any style or mood"
![športove sanie Project-R1 air intake mqb 1.8-2.0](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/14/33211344522.jpg)
intake system with air intake Project R1 for vehicles with 1.8 TSI & 2.0 TSI EA888 Gen3 engine.
Provides maximum performance along with a bright visual addition to your under-hood space.
The special design of the air intake without restrictive partitions allows you to direct cold air directly to the filter without heating and mixing with hot air from the engine compartment.
The housing has a dynamic air intake technology, thanks to the incoming flow of cold air, this is an undeniable advantage compared to traditional intake systems, as well as open ones from other tuners.
It comes complete with a proprietary R1 "Twin Air" filter. (one of the best filters according to the test results, an article about our filters)
Optionally, you can purchase an inlet pipe, it completely replaces the standard inlet pipe of the OEM intake, removing all partitions and narrowing thereby reducing turbulence and allowing a larger volume of air to reach turbocharging faster, which is especially important at stage 2-3 and higher.
It is installed in standard fasteners and air intakes on the panel.
Improved performance
Improves airflow efficiency
Allows you to increase the sensitivity of the throttle
Possibility of installation with a replacement restrictor
There is a damper corrugation to compensate for the rolling of the engine
Support for Stage 3 and above
Mounting to the panel in the standard holes (two channels) with screws
Significant superiority over sawn air intakes, "zero" in the standard box, and aftermarket air intakes.
![Fifty Shades of Grey](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/239/36056921061.jpg)
Romantic, liberating and totally addictive, the Fifty Shades trilogy will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever...
E L James
When literature student Anastasia Steele interviews successful entrepreneur Christian Grey, she finds him very attractive and deeply intimidating. Convinced that their meeting went badly, she tries to put him out of her mind – until he turns up at the store where she works part-time, and invites her out. Unworldly and innocent, Ana is shocked to find she wants this man. And, when he warns her to keep her distance, it only makes her want him more.
But Grey is tormented by inner demons, and consumed by the need to control. As they embark on a passionate love affair, Ana discovers more about her own desires, as well as the dark secrets Grey keeps hidden away from public view...
hmotnost 346g
514 stran
kniha ma vadu: po stranku 15 je lepena paskou a jedna strana 13-14 chyba.
T. Christian Miller/Ken Armstrong - Unbelievable. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
She said she was raped.
Police said she lied.
She was made to retract the report - but the nightmare only got worse.
On 11 August 2008, eighteen-year-old Marie reported that a masked man had broken into her home and raped her. Within days, police - and even those closest to Marie - became suspicious of her story. Confronted by these minor inconsistencies and doubt, Marie broke down and said her story was a lie. The police charged her with making a false report. Two years later, Colorado detective Stacy Galbraith was assigned to a case of sexual assault. It bore an eerie resemblance to a rape that had taken place months earlier in a nearby town. Joining forces with the detective on that case, Edna Hendershot, the two soon discovered they were dealing with a serial rapist. As their investigation deepened, it became clear that numerous police departments had extremely similar cases on their hands - and that Marie's story bore an eerie resemblance to the cases they were investigating.
Unbelievable is a chilling tale of doubt, lies, and the hunt for justice, unveiling the disturbing reality of how sexual assault is investigated and the long history of skepticism toward its victims. Previously published as A False Report
![1980 Volkswagen transporter t3 (hightop)](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/75/39230860481.jpg)
(English Below)
Pôvodne poštová dodávka zo Švajčiarska, prerobená na obytný automobil a dodávku pre 8 osôb.
V súčasnosti má 1,9 dieselový motor prerobený v roku 2017 asi 80 000 km. 5 stupňová manuálna prevodovka. Predám tiež prerobený 2.0 TDI (115 k), ktorý sa dá namontovať na bus. (Pozri obrázky)
- Maľované v roku 2015
- Technické výmeny 2019-2021 - Celý brzdový systém, tlmiče, kotúče, rotory, lanko akcelerátora, lanko tachometra, lanko núdzovej brzdy, svetlá, batéria, svetlá riadiacej konzoly vymenené za LED a digitálnu dosku, hmlové svetlá vpredu aj vzadu
- Interiérové práce 2019-2022 - Všetky dverové panely vymenené za nové panely, otvorené stenové priestory obložené, všetky dvere a panely sú izolované zvukovou a tepelnou izoláciou, nainštalovaná rock and roll posteľ, nainštalovaná posuvná lavica, vpredu nainštalované sedadlá z Alhambry z roku 2010. Všetky sedadlá prečalúnené. Záclony. Nainštalovaný ventilátor MaxAir. Nainštalovaná pomocná elektrina, 3 zásuvky, 4 zásuvky USB, snímač batérie, svetlá, poistky. Kábel na nabíjanie batérie z motora. Súčasťou dodávky môže byt pomocná batéria 12v 180Ah 1000A, ktorú vlastním.
- Obsahuje aj nový zvukový systém s reproduktormi Pioneer.
Originally a Post van, converted to a camper and 8 Passenger van.
Currently has a 1.9 Diesel motor rebuilt in 2017 about 80,000 km. 5 speed manual transmission. Also selling a rebuilt 2.0 TDI (115 Hp) which can be installed to the van. (See pictures)
- Painted in 2015
- Technical replacements 2019-2021 - Entire brake system, Tie rods, discs, Rotors, Accelerator cable, Speedometer Cable, Emergency brake cable, lights, battery, Control console lights replaced with Led and Digital board, Fog Lights in front and back
- Interior work 2019-2022 - All door panels replaced with new panels, open wall spaces paneled, All doors and panel insulated with sound and temperature insulation, Rock and roll bed installed, Sliding bench installed, Seats from a 2010 Alhambra installed in the front. All seats reupholstered. Curtains. MaxAir ventilator installed. Aux electricity installed, 3 Outlets, 4 USB outlets, Battery sensor, lights, fuses. Cable to charge battery from motor. Aux Battery 12v 180Ah 1000A can be included.
- Also includes a new sound system with Pioneer Speakers.