joolz day plus - strana 23
Počet nájdených inzerátov JOOLZ DAY PLUS
: 1000 - strana 23
![Kočik JOOLZ Day+ a Cybex iSize Cloud vajicko s bazou](
Predam kocik JOOLZ Day +, vo farbe Timeless Taupe so vsetkymi komponentmi ako je sietka na hmyz, prsiplast, slnecnik, vajicko Cybex iSize Cloud, nastavce na vajicko Cybex, zimnym fusak a prebalovacou taskou.
Kocik bol pouzivany cca pol roka, je vo vybornom stave, okrem skriabancov od nakladania do auta mu nieje nic, nieje rozhegany, nevrzga. Vnutro sedacej casti je vycistene, vanicka tiez. Kocik je zlozeny do sportovej casti, vanicka je k nemu rozlozena. Kocik predavam ako celok so vsetkymi vecami k nemu. Prebalovacia taska nema ziadne poskodenia je ako nova, zimny fusak je tiez ako novy, vycisteny. Sietka na hmyz nebola ani raz pouzita, slnecnik asi 3x, prsiplast bol pouzivany ale nema ziadne poskodenie.
Ku kociku predavam aj vajicko Cybex s bazou isofix, pouzivanu 7 mesiacov bez znamok poskodenia, baza bola pouzivana minimalne.
![joolz day vaňa a bugina, kociar](
Kvalitný značkový kociar s príslušenstvom
Pôvodná cena 800
Športový kočík z kolekcie Studio je vhodný pre deti vo veku od 6 mesiacov do hmotnosti 15 kg. Kočík má hlinikovú konštrukciu. Predné kolesá sú otočné s možnosťou aretácie a zadné kolesá sú nafukovacie. K športovému kočíku je dodávaná aj pláštenka + nákupný košík. ľahká konštrukcia s pohodlným systémom skladania - po zložení kočík získa kompaktné rozmery predné otočné kolesá s možnosťou aretácie odpruženie všetkých kolies športová sedačka upevniteľné v oboch smeroch jazdy - polohovateľná do 3 pozíci odnímateľné madielko nastaviteľná opierka nôh nastaviteľná výška rukoväte - potiahnutá ekokožou vhodný ako travel systém so sedačkou Maxi Cosi
Rozloženého kočíka: 62cm x 80cm x 112cmZloženého kočíka: 45cm x 62cm x 85cm
Konštrukcie: 7 kgŠportovej sedačky: 4,9 kg
Balenie obsahuje športový kočík Joolz Day madlo nákupný košík pláštenku
![Predám kočík Joolz Day 3](
Predám kočík Joolz Day 3, trojkombinacia, vo veľmi dobrom stave, minimálne opotrebovaný a plne funkčný.
Ku kočíku je originál taška a rukavice na zimu.
Ku kočíku pridám zdarma vajíčko, vhodné do auta a aj kompatibilné s kočíkom samozrejme.
Cena 500€ komplet. Pri osobnom odbere možná rozumná dohoda.
![Joolz Day+ V ROČNEJ ZÁRUKE](
Predám dvojkombináciu kočíka Joolz day+ ktorý je ešte v ročnej záruke. Kočík je používaný len 6mesiacov z toho používana iba vanička. Na konštrukcii viď foto su mierne škrabančeky ktorým sme sa nedokázali vyhnúť ale nieje ich pomerne ani vidno. Športová časť nieje ani raz použitá. Ku kočíku prislúcha pláštenka a adaptéry. Pri rýchlom jednaní dohoda možná.
![Kočík joolz day+](
Predám JOOLZ Day+ kompletný set - Marvellous Green ????
Kočar ma bežne známky používania viď. Mensie škrabance od nakladania vykladania do auta inak v peknom čistom stave. Hlboká časť používaná 5 mesiacov športová časť necelý rok .
V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok poprípade podrobnejšom popise a foto kľudne správa ????
Ešte v záruke - kupovaný 9/21 , začali sme používať 12/21
![Joolz day 3](
Dobrý deň ponúkam na predaj kočík Joolz day 3,
Je to trojkombinácia ,ku kociku ponúkam komplet výbavu ,fusak ,rukavice na kočík ,uv clonu ,plaštenku ,tašku nástavce na vajíčko + vajíčko Maxi-Cosi
![predam knihy v anglickom jazyku](
predam knihy v anglickom jazyku, vsetky su takmer ako nove, neposkodene:
- John Christopher - The Possessors, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Anonymous - A Real Diary - Go Ask Alice, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Michael Moorcock - The Sleeping Sorceress , cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Mary Shelley - Frankenstein, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Hobbit, cena 8 eur
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers, 2.cast, 400 stran, cena je 5 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - Digital Fortress, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code, cena je 6 eur plus postovnte
- Lisa Jackson - You Don´t Want to Know, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Augusten Burroughs - Running with Scissors, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Faye Kellerman - Stalker, cena je 6 eur
- Jack Kerouac - On the Road, cena je 6 eur
- John Green, David Levithan - Will Grayson, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- Margaret Murphy - Now you see me, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Return of the King (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Sean Wilsey - Oh, The Glory of it all, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Ake Edwardson - Sun and Shadow, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- George R.R.Martin - A Game of Thrones, cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Howard Liss - The Giant Book of Strange but True Sports Stories, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Robert Daley - Year of the Dragon, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
![predam knihy v anglickom jazyku](
predam knihy v anglickom jazyku, vsetky su takmer ako nove, neposkodene:
- John Christopher - The Possessors, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Anonymous - A Real Diary - Go Ask Alice, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Michael Moorcock - The Sleeping Sorceress , cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Mary Shelley - Frankenstein, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Hobbit, cena 8 eur
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers, 2.cast, 400 stran, cena je 5 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - Digital Fortress, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code, cena je 6 eur plus postovnte
- Lisa Jackson - You Don´t Want to Know, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Augusten Burroughs - Running with Scissors, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Faye Kellerman - Stalker, cena je 6 eur
- Jack Kerouac - On the Road, cena je 6 eur
- John Green, David Levithan - Will Grayson, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- Margaret Murphy - Now you see me, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Return of the King (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Sean Wilsey - Oh, The Glory of it all, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Ake Edwardson - Sun and Shadow, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- George R.R.Martin - A Game of Thrones, cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Howard Liss - The Giant Book of Strange but True Sports Stories, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Robert Daley - Year of the Dragon, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
![predam knihy v anglickom jazyku](
predam knihy v anglickom jazyku, vsetky su takmer ako nove, neposkodene:
- John Christopher - The Possessors, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Anonymous - A Real Diary - Go Ask Alice, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Michael Moorcock - The Sleeping Sorceress , cena 4 eur plus postovne
- Mary Shelley - Frankenstein, cena 4 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Hobbit, cena 8 eur
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers, 2.cast, 400 stran, cena je 5 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - Digital Fortress, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code, cena je 6 eur plus postovnte
- Lisa Jackson - You Don´t Want to Know, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Augusten Burroughs - Running with Scissors, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Faye Kellerman - Stalker, cena je 6 eur
- Jack Kerouac - On the Road, cena je 6 eur
- John Green, David Levithan - Will Grayson, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- Margaret Murphy - Now you see me, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Two Towers (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- J.R.R.Tolkien - The Return of the King (tvrda vazba s obalom), cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Sean Wilsey - Oh, The Glory of it all, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Ake Edwardson - Sun and Shadow, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- George R.R.Martin - A Game of Thrones, cena je 10 eur plus postovne
- Howard Liss - The Giant Book of Strange but True Sports Stories, cena je 6 eur plus postovne
- Robert Daley - Year of the Dragon, cena je 7 eur plus postovne
- Michael Crichton: Jurassic Park, 6eur
- Michael Crichton: Timeline, 6eur
- Michael Crichton: Airframe, 6 eur
- Michael Crichton: A Novel, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Rainmaker, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Pelican Brief, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Street Lawyer, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Summons, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Firm, 6 eur
- John Grisham: The Runaway Jury, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Testament, 6eur
- John Grisham: A Painted House, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Brethren, 6eur
- John Grisham: The Innocent Man, 6eur
- Stephen King: The Shawshank Redemption, 6eur
- Stephen King: Nightmares and Dreamscapes, 6eur
- Irvine Welsh: Trainspotting, 6eur
- J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 6eur
![CD predaj: hard'n'heavy, metal,rock...](
Znížené ceny:
RAINBOW: Rising 1976 6€
RAINBOW: Catch the Rainbow-The Anthology 2CD 2003 10€
KANSAS: The Best Of 1984 5€
KANSAS: Dust in the Wind Live 2001 4€
STYX: Icon 2010 7€
FOREIGNER: The Best Of Ballads 1998 6€
FOREIGNER: Records 1982 6€
DEF LEPPARD: Hysteria 2017 (new) 8€
STEELHEART: Steelheart 1 1990 7€
MR.BIG: The Best Of the Ballads 2000 6€
EUROPE: Definitive Collection 1997 7€
TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 9€
THIN LIZZY: Whiskey in the Jar 1994 7€
DAVID GILMOUR: On An Island 2006 8€
JACK BRUCE: Shadows in the Air 2001 8€
SUPERTRAMP: Some things never change 1997 5€
CINDERELLA: The Greatest Hits 2005 7€
BBM(BRUCE,BAKER,MOORE): Around the Next Dream 1994 8€
JOHN LENNON: The Collection 1989 9€
THE DOORS: L.A.Woman 2011 2CD 9€
THE POLICE: Outlandos d'Amour 1978 6,5€
THE POLICE: Regatta de Blanc 1979 6,5€
STING: Ten Summoner's Tales 1993 6,5€
STING: The Last Ship 2003 6,5€
WARRANT: Ultraphobic 1995 6€
NIRVANA: In Utero 1993 7€
NIRVANA: Sliver-The Best Of the Box 2005 7€
KURT COBAIN: Montage Of Heck 2015 9€
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND: Everyday 2001 7,5€
KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD: Ledbetter Heights 1995 6,5€
GREEN DAY: American Idiot 2004 6€
GREEN DAY: Dookie 1994 6€
GREEN DAY: Insomniac 1995 6€
GREEN DAY: International Superhits! 2001 6€
BRUCE DICKINSON: Scream for me Sarajevo 2018 8€
GAMMA RAY: Land Of the Free 2002 7,5€
HANSEN & FRIENDS: XXX-Three Decades in Metal 2016 8,5€
BULLET: Storm Of Blades 2014 6€
BULLET: Highway Pirates 2011 6€
RONNY MUNROE(Metal Church): The Fire Within 2009 6€
GRIM REAPER: Best Of 1999 9€
SOULFLY: Primitive 2000 7€
AIRBOURNE: Breakin' Outta Hell 2016 8€
AIRBOURNE: Boneshaker 2019 8,5€
RAGE: Carved in Stone/Speak Of the Dead 2CD 2016 10,5€
LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY: Prometheus 2015 8€
NEVERMORE: This Godless Endeavor 2005 7€
PRIMAL FEAR: Seven Seals 2005 7€
PAGANS MIND: Heavenly Ecstasy 2011 7€
CHINCHILLA: Madness 2000 6,5€
SAVIOUR MACHINE: Live in Deutschland 2CD 2002 10,5€
CIRCUS MAXIMUS: Havoc 2016 6,5€
TARJA: In the Raw 2019 8€
GENERATION AXE(Vai,Malmsteen,Wylde...)
Live in China 2019 10€
Pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty, ďakujem.
![CD Pop/Rock/Hard Rock 3](
Enya Shepherd moons 4,00 €
Europe The collection 6,00 €
Europe The final countdown 5,00 €
Europe The final countdown (RM,nový) 6,00 €
Europe Prisoners in paradise 6,00 €
Evanescence Fallen 5,00 €
Firebird Firebird 5,00 €
Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 €
Firehouse 3 7,00 €
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 €
Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 €
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 €
Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 €
Foreigner Double vision 8,00 €
Foreigner Head games 8,00 €
Foreigner 4 6,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 €
Foreigner Agent provocateur 7,00 €
Foreigner Inside information 8,00 €
Foreigner Unusual heat 6,00 €
Foreigner Mr.Moonlight 6,00 €
Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 €
Frontline The state of rock 10,00 €
Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 €
Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 €
Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 €
Gary Moore After the war 6,00 €
Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 €
Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 €
Gary Moore After hours 6,00 €
Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 €
Genesis Genesis 5,00 €
Genesis Invisible touch 5,00 €
Genesis We can't dance 5,00 €
George Michael Faith 4,00 €
George Michael Listen without prejudice 4,00 €
George Michael Listen without prejudice (japan) 5,00 €
George Michael Older 4,00 €
George Michael Ladies and gentlemen - the best of.. (2CD) 8,00 €
George Michael Twentyfive - Greatest hits (2CD) 6,00 €
Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 €
Giant Time to burn 10,00 €
Great White Can’t get there from here 8,00 €
Great White Sail away 8,00 €
Green Day Dookie 4,00 €
Green Day Nimrod 4,00 €
Green Day American idiot 6,00 €
Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 €
Greta Van Fleet From the fires (nový) 9,00 €
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 9,00 €
Gun Swagger 5,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident (nový) 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 €
Heart Brigade 5,00 €
Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 €
HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 €
HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 €
HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 €
HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth 8,00 €
Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
![CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 3](
Genesis Duke 8,00 €
Genesis Genesis 6,00 €
Genesis Invisible touch 6,00 €
Genesis We can't dance 5,00 €
Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 €
Green Day Dookie 4,00 €
Green Day Nimrod 4,00 €
Green Day American idiot 6,00 €
Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 €
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 10,00 €
Greta Van Fleet The battle at garden's gate (digi,nový) 10,00 €
Gun Swagger 5,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 €
Heart Bad animals 7,00 €
Heart Brigade 5,00 €
Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 €
HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 €
HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 €
HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 €
HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth (nový) 8,00 €
Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 €
Chickenfoot Chickenfoot (digipak) 6,00 €
Chickenfoot III (digipak, 3D glasses) 8,00 €
China Sign in the sky 12,00 €
Chris Cornell Carry on (nový) 8,00 €
INXS X 6,00 €
INXS Kick (japan) 6,00 €
INXS Welcome wherever you are 5,00 €
INXS Definitive 5,00 €
James Christian Meet the man (nový) 9,00 €
James Christian Craving (nový) 9,00 €
Jerry Cantrell Boggy depot 9,00 €
Joe Satriani The extremist 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Time machine (2CD) 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Crystal planet 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Black swans and wormhole wizzards 8,00 €
Joe Satriani Shockwave supernova (nový) 8,00 €
Journey Escape 8,00 €
Journey Trial by fire 8,00 €
Journey Arrival 8,00 €
Journey Greatest hits 6,00 €
Kick Sweet lick of fire 8,00 €
Kip Winger From the moon to the sun (Irond) 8,00 €
Kiss Rock and roll over (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Dynasty (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Unmasked 8,00 €
Kiss Creatures of the night (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Hot in the shade (nový) 8,00 €
Kiss Sonic boom 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Hollywood vampires 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Waking the dead 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku
![CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 3](
Genesis Duke 8,00 €
Genesis Genesis 6,00 €
Genesis Invisible touch 6,00 €
Genesis We can't dance 5,00 €
Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 €
Green Day Dookie 4,00 €
Green Day Nimrod 4,00 €
Green Day American idiot 6,00 €
Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 €
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 10,00 €
Greta Van Fleet The battle at garden's gate (digi,nový) 10,00 €
Gun Swagger 5,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 €
Heart Bad animals 7,00 €
Heart Brigade 5,00 €
Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 €
HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 €
HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 €
HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 €
HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth (nový) 8,00 €
Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 €
Chickenfoot Chickenfoot (digipak) 6,00 €
Chickenfoot III (digipak, 3D glasses) 8,00 €
Chris Cornell Carry on (nový) 8,00 €
INXS X 6,00 €
INXS Kick (japan) 6,00 €
INXS Welcome wherever you are 5,00 €
INXS Definitive 5,00 €
James Christian Meet the man (nový) 9,00 €
James Christian Craving (nový) 9,00 €
Jerry Cantrell Boggy depot 9,00 €
Joe Satriani The extremist 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Time machine (2CD) 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Crystal planet 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Black swans and wormhole wizzards 8,00 €
Joe Satriani Shockwave supernova (nový) 8,00 €
Journey Escape 8,00 €
Journey Trial by fire 8,00 €
Journey Arrival 8,00 €
Journey Greatest hits 6,00 €
Kick Sweet lick of fire 8,00 €
Kip Winger From the moon to the sun (Irond) 8,00 €
Kiss Rock and roll over (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Dynasty (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Unmasked 8,00 €
Kiss Creatures of the night (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Hot in the shade (nový) 8,00 €
Kiss Sonic boom 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Hollywood vampires 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Waking the dead 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku
![Predám LP Pat Metheny - Day Trip / Tokyo Day Trip Live](
Predám LP Box Pat Metheny w/ Christian McBride & Antonio Sanchez – Day Trip / Tokyo Day Trip Live
Obsahuje 3LP
Rozbalený. Stav Near Mint...kontaktovať prosím mailom...
![CD predaj: hard'n'heavy, metal,rock...](
Znížené ceny:
RAINBOW: Rising 1976 6€
RAINBOW: Catch the Rainbow-The Anthology 2CD 2003 10€
KANSAS: Dust in the Wind Live 2001 4€
STYX: Icon 2010 7€
FOREIGNER: The Best Of Ballads 1998 6€
DEF LEPPARD: Hysteria 2017 (new) 8€
STEELHEART: Steelheart 1 1990 7€
MR.BIG: The Best Of the Ballads 2000 6€
HOUSE OF LORDS: House of Lords 1 2000 (1988) + bonus track 9€
TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 9€
THIN LIZZY: Whiskey in the Jar 1994 7€
SUPERTRAMP: Some things never change 1997 5€
CINDERELLA: The Greatest Hits 2005 7€
JOHN LENNON: The Collection 1989 9€
THE DOORS: L.A.Woman 2011 2CD 9€
STING: The Last Ship 2003 6,5€
STING: ...All This Time 2001(special ed.) 9€
NIRVANA: In Utero 1993 7€
NIRVANA: Sliver-The Best Of the Box 2005 7€
KURT COBAIN: Montage Of Heck 2015 9€
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND: Everyday 2001 7,5€
KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD: Ledbetter Heights 1995 6,5€
GREEN DAY: American Idiot 2004 6€
GREEN DAY: Dookie 1994 6€
GREEN DAY: Insomniac 1995 6€
GREEN DAY: International Superhits! 2001 6€
HANSEN & FRIENDS: XXX-Three Decades in Metal 2016 8,5€
BULLET: Storm Of Blades 2014 6€
BULLET: Highway Pirates 2011 6€
RONNY MUNROE(Metal Church): The Fire Within 2009 6€
GRIM REAPER: Best Of 1999 9€
SOULFLY: Primitive 2000 7€
AIRBOURNE: Breakin' Outta Hell 2016 8€
AIRBOURNE: Boneshaker 2019 8,5€
RAGE: Carved in Stone/Speak Of the Dead 2CD 2016 10,5€
LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY: Prometheus 2015 8€
NEVERMORE: This Godless Endeavor 2005 7€
PRIMAL FEAR: Seven Seals 2005 7€
PAGANS MIND: Heavenly Ecstasy 2011 7€
CHINCHILLA: Madness 2000 6,5€
SAVIOUR MACHINE: Live in Deutschland 2CD 2002 10,5€
CIRCUS MAXIMUS: Havoc 2016 6,5€
aktuálne len tituly v texte!!
Pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty, ďakujem.
![CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 3](
Genesis Duke 8,00 €
Genesis Genesis 6,00 €
Genesis Invisible touch 6,00 €
Genesis We can't dance 5,00 €
Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 €
Green Day Dookie 4,00 €
Green Day Nimrod 4,00 €
Green Day American idiot 6,00 €
Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 €
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 10,00 €
Greta Van Fleet The battle at garden's gate (digi,nový) 10,00 €
Gun Swagger 5,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 €
Heart Bad animals 7,00 €
Heart Brigade 5,00 €
Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 €
HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 €
HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 €
HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 €
HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth (nový) 8,00 €
Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 €
Chickenfoot Chickenfoot (digipak) 6,00 €
Chickenfoot III (digipak, 3D glasses) 8,00 €
Chris Cornell Carry on (nový) 8,00 €
INXS X 6,00 €
INXS Kick (japan) 6,00 €
INXS Welcome wherever you are 5,00 €
INXS Definitive 5,00 €
Jerry Cantrell Boggy depot 9,00 €
Joe Satriani The extremist 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Time machine (2CD) 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Crystal planet 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Black swans and wormhole wizzards 8,00 €
Joe Satriani Shockwave supernova (nový) 8,00 €
Journey Escape 8,00 €
Journey Trial by fire 8,00 €
Journey Arrival 8,00 €
Journey Greatest hits 6,00 €
Kick Sweet lick of fire 8,00 €
Kip Winger From the moon to the sun (Irond) 8,00 €
Kiss Rock and roll over (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Dynasty 7,00 €
Kiss Unmasked 8,00 €
Kiss Creatures of the night (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Hot in the shade (nový) 8,00 €
Kiss Sonic boom 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Hollywood vampires 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Waking the dead 8,00 €
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![CD Rock/Hard Rock/AOR 3](
Genesis Duke 8,00 €
Genesis Genesis 6,00 €
Genesis Invisible touch 6,00 €
Genesis We can't dance 5,00 €
Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 €
Green Day Dookie 4,00 €
Green Day Nimrod 4,00 €
Green Day American idiot 6,00 €
Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 €
Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 10,00 €
Greta Van Fleet The battle at garden's gate (digi,nový) 10,00 €
Gun Swagger 5,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident 6,00 €
Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 €
Heart Bad animals 7,00 €
Heart Brigade 5,00 €
Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 €
HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 €
HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 €
HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 €
HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 €
Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth (nový) 8,00 €
Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 €
Chickenfoot Chickenfoot (digipak) 6,00 €
Chickenfoot III (digipak, 3D glasses) 8,00 €
INXS X 6,00 €
INXS Kick (japan) 6,00 €
INXS Welcome wherever you are 6,00 €
INXS Definitive 5,00 €
Jerry Cantrell Boggy depot 9,00 €
Joe Satriani The extremist 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Time machine (2CD) 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Crystal planet 7,00 €
Joe Satriani Black swans and wormhole wizzards 8,00 €
Joe Satriani Shockwave supernova (nový) 8,00 €
Journey Escape 8,00 €
Journey Trial by fire 8,00 €
Journey Arrival 8,00 €
Journey Greatest hits 6,00 €
Kick Sweet lick of fire 8,00 €
Kip Winger From the moon to the sun (Irond) 8,00 €
Kiss Rock and roll over (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Creatures of the night (nový) 7,00 €
Kiss Hot in the shade (nový) 8,00 €
Kiss Sonic boom 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Cocked & loaded 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Hollywood vampires 8,00 €
L.A. Guns Waking the dead 8,00 €
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