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just cause 2 - strana 4

Počet nájdených inzerátov JUST CAUSE 2 : 1000 - strana 4

Nové CD v ponuke na predaj !!! JUST BEFORE DAWN - "In The Realm Of Ash And Sorrow" Raw Skull Recordz © 2021 Peckový OLD SCHOOL DEATH METAL !!! Venované death metal vocals legendám Lars Goran Petrov (ENTOMBED) R.I.P. Svenson Gross (FLESHCRAWL) R.I.P. Obsahuje kultový cover song ""Drowned"" z albumu ENTOMBED - "Left Hand Path" 22,-€ Nové zapečatené! Nové CD v ponuke na predaj !!! JUST BEFORE DAWN - "An Army At Dawn" Raw Skull Recordz © 2020 Vocals : Ralf Hauber (REVEL IN FLESH) Vocals : Jonny Pettersson (WOMBBATH) OLD SCHOOL DEATH METAL !!! For fans BOLT THROWER,HAIL OF BULLETS,MEMORIAM ... 22,-€ PECKA !!! Nové zapečatené !!! Nové CD v ponuke na predaj !!! JUST BEFORE DAWN - "The Dead And Those About To Die" press CD Chaos Records © 2015 EP Limited Edition Vocals : Jonny Pettersson (WOMBBATH) OLD SCHOOL DEATH METAL !!! For fans BOLT THROWER,HAIL OF BULLETS,MEMORIAM ... 35,-€ PECKA !!! Nové zapečatené !!! Dovoz Mexico!
XBOX 360 HRY (4+1/6+2 ZDARMA)
DO KONCA TÝŽDŇA AKCIA 4+1/6+2 ZDARMA* Zdravím ! Rozpredávam moju zbierku hier na XBOX 360. Všetky hry sú plne funkčné a odskúšané. HRY sú na VIACERÝCH fotkách aj s cenami. Vhodné aj ako darček :) Bezdrôtový ovládač - 29€ Kinect senzor - 29€ Neváhajte ma kontaktovať kedykoľvek telefonicky. Pri výbere hier rád poradím :) — Odber v MARTINE alebo BRATISLAVE a teda kdekoľvek po tejto trase — Posielam bezpečne aj poštou (aj dobierkou) s doručením vždy nasledujúci deň. Zoznam hier je vypísaný nižšie (kompletne všetky hry s cenami si viete pozrieť na 2.-10. fotke inzerátu). — HRY NA KINECT — Dance central Just dance Sports Motionsports Rush Kinectimals Joyride Carnival Kung fu Rabids Disneyland Zumba Fitness Training Gunstringer, a mnoho ďalších… — HRY PRE DETI — LEGO Batman, piráti, movie, marvel, avengers, Indiana jones Disney Cars Rio Smurfs Angry birds Sonic Turbo Bolt Banjoo Pacman Spiderman Marvel Portal Avatar Toy story Monopoly Minecraft Rayman Starwars, a mnoho ďalších … — Športove hry FIFA NHL NBA Madden Skate Hunt Golf Cricket Tekken Mortal kombat Rugby Wrestling a mnoho ďalších … — ZÁVODNÉ HRY Need for speed Forza Mx vs atv Mud Ride Driver Race Dirt Wrc — OSTATNÉ HRY: Assault horizon Alarmstufe rot Alan wake Assassin’s creed Batman Battlefield Blackwater Borderlands Brothers Brink Brutal legends Bulletstorm Call of duty COD Crackdown Crysis Dantes Darkness Darksiders Diablo Dead space Island Destiny Deus ex Devil Dishonored Dragon age Enemy front Fable Fallout Far cry Final fantasy Flashpoint Gear of war Grand theft auto GTA Halo Hitman Hour Hunted Injustice Just cause Kane and linch La noire Left 4 dead Lord of the rings Lost planet Mafia 2 Max payne Medal of honor Metalrising Metro Ninja Oblivion Prince of persia Prototype Rage Reckoning Red faction Red dead redemption Resident evil Ride of hell Shadow of mordor Saints row Silent hill Sniper Thief Tombraider Titanfall Tom clancy’s Splinter cell Watchdogs Zaklínač a mnoho ďalších…
[TOP] Hry na Playstation 3 (2+1 ZDARMA)
KONTAKT ▲ ▲marko.inzeraty@ ------------------------------ Zdravím. Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Playstation 3. Ideálny typ na vianočný darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou. Hrou ako darček na Vianoce nič nepokazíte! ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ------------------------------------------------------------ Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre: Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá ------------------------------------------------------------ Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam: Assassin Creed, After Hours, Army of Two, Anarchy Reigns, Alien Isolation Battlefield, Beyond Two Souls, Band Hero, Batman, Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Blazing Angels, Burnout Paradise Call of Duty, Call of Juarez, Colin McRae Dirt, Crysis Doom, Devil May Cry, Dishonored, Driver San Francisco, Dead Island, DJ Hero, Dungeon Siege, Diablo, Dragon Age, Disney – UP / Cars / Epic Mickey, Duke Nukem, Darksiders, Dead Rising, Def Jam, Deus Ex, Dynasty Warriors, Dance, Dead Space FIFA, Far Cry, F1 (Formula), Farming Simulator, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Fast and Furious, Fight Night Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), God of War, Guitar Hero, Grid Harry Potter, Heavy Rain, Heavy Fire, Homefront inFamous Just Dance, Just Cause, Journey Killzone, Kingdoms of Amalur, Kane and Lynch LEGO – Marvel / Star Wars / Batman / Movie, Lost Planet, Lair, Little Big Planet Minecraft, Midnight Club, Medal of Honor, Motorstorm, Mafia 2, Mindjack, Mass Effect, Mirror Edge, Madden NFL, MotoGP, Mercenaries, Metal Gear, Move Fitness, Modnation Racers NBA, NHL, Need for Speed, Naruto Shippuden Operation Flashpoint, Overlord Pro Evolution Soccer, Payday, Pure Football, Prototype, Plants vs Zombies, Prince of Persia Ratchet and Clank, Red Dead Redemption, Resistance, Resident Evil, Red Faction, Ridge Racer, Rocksmith, Remember Me, Rocket Sports Spiderman, Silent Hill, Singstar, Shadow of Colossus, Saints Row, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skate, Sacred, Superbike, Shrek, Skylanders, Sports Champions, SEGA The Godfather, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, The Lord of The Rings, The Fight, The Orange Box, The Evil Within, The Club, The Darkness, Tomb Raider, Turning Point, Top Spin, Turok, Time Crisis, Test Drive, Transformers, Tiger Woods, Tom Clancy – Splinter Cell / HAWX / Endwar / Ghost Recon / Rainbow Six Uncharted, Unreal Tournament, UFC Trainer Virtua Tennis Watch Dogs, Wonderbook, Warhammer XCOM, Yakuza, Zumba
[TOP] Hry na Xbox 360 (2+1 ZDARMA)
KONTAKT ▲ ▲marko.inzeraty@ ------------------------------ Zdravím. Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Xbox 360. Ideálny typ na vianočný darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou. Hrou ako darček na Vianoce nič nepokazíte! ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ Hry sú plne funkčné, zánovné. Na požiadanie viem poslať fotky/videá akéhokoľvek typu. ■ Do určitej vzdialenosti môžem doniesť alebo môžem poslať na dobierku. ------------------------------ Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre: Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá Pre rýchlejšiu orientáciu prikladám krátky zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam. Kompletný zoznam spolu s cenníkom je na foto č.2 – foto č.10 Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam: Assassin's creed, Anarchy Reigns, Alpha Protocol, Ace Combat, Alan Wake, Alone in the Dark, Arcania Brutal Legend, Battlefield, Batman, Brink, Borderlands, Beijing, Bulletstorm, Bioshock, Blood Drive, Battle Chess, Bionic Commando, Bayonetta, Burnout Paradise, Blacksite Call of Duty, Crysis, Cabela, Crackdown, Colin McRae Dirt Dead Island, Destiny, Deus Ex, Dragon Age, Dungeon Siege, Darksiders, Dishonored, Def Jam, Devil May Cry, Dynasty Warriors, Dead Rising, Dancing, Driver San Francisco Fantastic Four, Final Fantasy, FIFA, Far Cry, Forza Motorsport + Horizon, Farming Simulator, Fight Night, Fable, Flatout Grand Theft Auto (GTA), Gears of War, Guitar Hero Hunted, HALO, Homefront Just Cause, Juiced KINECT – Adventures / Sports / Motionsports / Dance Central / Just Dance / Star Wars / Kung fu Panda / Get Fit With Mel B / Adidas / Nike / Michael Phelps / Gunstringer / Blackwater / Steel Battalion / Rise of Nightmares / Zumba Rush / UFC / Your Shape / Grease / Fantastic Pets / Kinectimals / Black Eyed Peas / Michael Jackson / Game Party / Sesame Street / Cross Board 7 / Disneyland / Carnival Games / Dr. Kawashimas / Joy Ride / Summer Stars, Kung Fu Panda, Kane and Lynch, LEGO – Indiana Jones / Star Wars / Marvel Superheroes, Lips, Lost Planet Minecraft, Moto GP, Mafia 2, Midnight Club, Madden NFL, Mirror Edge, Metal Gear Rising, Mercenaries, Mass Effect NHL – 07-12, NBA 08,13,15, Ninja Blade, Ninety-Nine, Need for Speed Carbon Overture Guilty Gear, Overlord Pure Football, PES 2009-2010, Prince of Persia, PURE, Prototype, Perfect Dark Zero, Pocketbike Racer, Project Gotham Racing Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, Rise of The Tomb Raider, Risen 2, RAGE, Rocksmith Saints Row, South Park, Skate, SSX, Screamride, Skylanders, Stranglehold, Summer Stars, Sacred, Sleeping Dogs,
[TOP] Hry na Playstation 3 (2+1 ZDARMA)
KONTAKT ▲ ▲ marko.inzeraty@ ------------------------------ Zdravím. Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Playstation 3. Ideálny typ na vianočný darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou. Hrou ako darček na Vianoce nič nepokazíte! ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO Č.2 - FOTO Č.10 ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ------------------------------------------------------------ Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre: Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá ------------------------------------------------------------ Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam: Assassin Creed, After Hours, Army of Two, Anarchy Reigns, Alien Isolation Battlefield, Beyond Two Souls, Band Hero, Batman, Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Blazing Angels, Burnout Paradise Call of Duty, Call of Juarez, Colin McRae Dirt, Crysis Doom, Devil May Cry, Dishonored, Driver San Francisco, Dead Island, DJ Hero, Dungeon Siege, Diablo, Dragon Age, Disney – UP / Cars / Epic Mickey, Duke Nukem, Darksiders, Dead Rising, Def Jam, Deus Ex, Dynasty Warriors, Dance, Dead Space FIFA, Far Cry, F1 (Formula), Farming Simulator, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Fast and Furious, Fight Night Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), God of War, Guitar Hero, Grid Harry Potter, Heavy Rain, Heavy Fire, Homefront inFamous Just Dance, Just Cause, Journey Killzone, Kingdoms of Amalur, Kane and Lynch LEGO – Marvel / Star Wars / Batman / Movie, Lost Planet, Lair, Little Big Planet Minecraft, Midnight Club, Medal of Honor, Motorstorm, Mafia 2, Mindjack, Mass Effect, Mirror Edge, Madden NFL, MotoGP, Mercenaries, Metal Gear, Move Fitness, Modnation Racers NBA, NHL, Need for Speed, Naruto Shippuden Operation Flashpoint, Overlord Pro Evolution Soccer, Payday, Pure Football, Prototype, Plants vs Zombies, Prince of Persia Ratchet and Clank, Red Dead Redemption, Resistance, Resident Evil, Red Faction, Ridge Racer, Rocksmith, Remember Me, Rocket Sports Spiderman, Silent Hill, Singstar, Shadow of Colossus, Saints Row, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skate, Sacred, Superbike, Shrek, Skylanders, Sports Champions, SEGA The Godfather, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, The Lord of The Rings, The Fight, The Orange Box, The Evil Within, The Club, The Darkness, Tomb Raider, Turning Point, Top Spin, Turok, Time Crisis, Test Drive, Transformers, Tiger Woods, Tom Clancy – Splinter Cell / HAWX / Endwar / Ghost Recon / Rainbow Six Uncharted, Unreal Tournament, UFC Trainer Virtua Tennis Watch Dogs, Wonderbook, Warhammer XCOM, Yakuza, Zum
XBOX 360 HRY (4+1/6+2 ZDARMA
DO KONCA TÝŽDŇA AKCIA 4+1/6+2 ZDARMA* Zdravím ! Rozpredávam moju zbierku hier na XBOX 360. Všetky hry sú plne funkčné a odskúšané. HRY sú na VIACERÝCH fotkách aj s cenami. Vhodné aj ako darček :) Bezdrôtový ovládač - 29€ Káblový ovládač - 19€ Kinect senzor - 29€ Neváhajte ma kontaktovať kedykoľvek telefonicky. Pri výbere hier rád poradím :) — Odber v MARTINE alebo BRATISLAVE a teda kdekoľvek po tejto trase — Posielam bezpečne aj poštou (aj dobierkou) s doručením vždy nasledujúci deň. Zoznam hier je vypísaný nižšie (kompletne všetky hry s cenami si viete pozrieť na 2.-10. fotke inzerátu). — HRY NA KINECT — Dance central Just dance Sports Motionsports Rush Kinectimals Joyride Carnival Kung fu Rabids Disneyland Zumba Fitness Training Gunstringer, a mnoho ďalších… — HRY PRE DETI — LEGO Batman, piráti, movie, marvel, avengers, Indiana jones Disney Cars Rio Smurfs Angry birds Sonic Turbo Bolt Banjoo Pacman Spiderman Marvel Portal Avatar Toy story Monopoly Minecraft Rayman Starwars, a mnoho ďalších … — Športove hry FIFA NHL NBA Madden Skate Hunt Golf Cricket Tekken Mortal kombat Rugby Wrestling a mnoho ďalších … — ZÁVODNÉ HRY Need for speed Forza Mx vs atv Mud Ride Driver Race Dirt Wrc — OSTATNÉ HRY: Assault horizon Alarmstufe rot Alan wake Assassin’s creed Batman Battlefield Blackwater Borderlands Brothers Brink Brutal legends Bulletstorm Call of duty COD Crackdown Crysis Dantes Darkness Darksiders Diablo Dead space Island Destiny Deus ex Devil Dishonored Dragon age Enemy front Fable Fallout Far cry Final fantasy Flashpoint Gear of war Grand theft auto GTA Halo Hitman Hour Hunted Injustice Just cause Kane and linch La noire Left 4 dead Lord of the rings Lost planet Mafia 2 Max payne Medal of honor Metalrising Metro Ninja Oblivion Prince of persia Prototype Rage Reckoning Red faction Red dead redemption Resident evil Ride of hell Shadow of mordor Saints row Silent hill Sniper Thief Tombraider Titanfall Tom clancy’s Splinter cell Watchdogs Zaklínač a mnoho ďalších…
playstation 4 hry + príslušenstvo
predám ps4 hry a príslušenstvo v top stave. všetko je odskúšané a plne funkčné. Nabíjacia stanica - 15€ ovládač - 35€ pri odbere 6 hier je jedna zadarmo Ceny sú uvedené v pravom dolnom rohu na kazdej hre v € crash bandicoot tom clancy’s, resident evil, assassin’s creed, call of duty, battlefield, days gone, far cry, farming simulator, the crew 2, need for speed, driveclub, f1, ride 2, mx & atv, rocket league riders republic, rally, tennis, steep, NBA, fifa, nhl, ufc, just dance, ungravel, subnautica, lego, five nights at freddy’s, singstar, overcooked, Ratchet and clank, plants vs zombies, hasbro family pack, transformers, horizon zero dawn, Detroit become human, death stranding, the last of us, God of war, until dawn, bloodborne, uncharted, wolfenstein, cyberpunk, Sniper contracts, metal gear solid, Batman, spiderman, dying light, mafia, doom, diablo, Sniper elite 4, pay day 2, dead by daylight, overwatch, the walking dead, watch dogs, final fantasy, kingdomcome deliverance, destiny, fallout 4, deadlight, valkyrie, player unknown battlegrounds, hustle kings, titanfall 2, just cause 3, injustice 2, gravity rush, star wars battlefront, mass effect, nioh, hidden agenda, predator hunting grounds, infamous second son, rage 2, the dwarves, kingdom hearts 3, L.A noire, the last guardian, murdered, hunt showdown, shadow of war, killzone shadow fall, pure pool, shadows awakening, the order, the elder scrolls,
[TOP] Hry na Playstation 3 (2+1 ZDARMA)
KONTAKT ▲ ▲ marko.inzeraty@ ------------------------------ Zdravím. Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Playstation 3. Ideálny typ na vianočný darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou. Hrou ako darček na Vianoce nič nepokazíte! ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ------------------------------------------------------------ Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre: Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá ------------------------------------------------------------ Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam: Assassin Creed, After Hours, Army of Two, Anarchy Reigns, Alien Isolation Battlefield, Beyond Two Souls, Band Hero, Batman, Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Blazing Angels, Burnout Paradise Call of Duty, Call of Juarez, Colin McRae Dirt, Crysis Doom, Devil May Cry, Dishonored, Driver San Francisco, Dead Island, DJ Hero, Dungeon Siege, Diablo, Dragon Age, Disney – UP / Cars / Epic Mickey, Duke Nukem, Darksiders, Dead Rising, Def Jam, Deus Ex, Dynasty Warriors, Dance, Dead Space FIFA, Far Cry, F1 (Formula), Farming Simulator, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Fast and Furious, Fight Night Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), God of War, Guitar Hero, Grid Harry Potter, Heavy Rain, Heavy Fire, Homefront inFamous Just Dance, Just Cause, Journey Killzone, Kingdoms of Amalur, Kane and Lynch LEGO – Marvel / Star Wars / Batman / Movie, Lost Planet, Lair, Little Big Planet Minecraft, Midnight Club, Medal of Honor, Motorstorm, Mafia 2, Mindjack, Mass Effect, Mirror Edge, Madden NFL, MotoGP, Mercenaries, Metal Gear, Move Fitness, Modnation Racers NBA, NHL, Need for Speed, Naruto Shippuden Operation Flashpoint, Overlord Pro Evolution Soccer, Payday, Pure Football, Prototype, Plants vs Zombies, Prince of Persia Ratchet and Clank, Red Dead Redemption, Resistance, Resident Evil, Red Faction, Ridge Racer, Rocksmith, Remember Me, Rocket Sports Spiderman, Silent Hill, Singstar, Shadow of Colossus, Saints Row, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skate, Sacred, Superbike, Shrek, Skylanders, Sports Champions, SEGA The Godfather, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, The Lord of The Rings, The Fight, The Orange Box, The Evil Within, The Club, The Darkness, Tomb Raider, Turning Point, Top Spin, Turok, Time Crisis, Test Drive, Transformers, Tiger Woods, Tom Clancy – Splinter Cell / HAWX / Endwar / Ghost Recon / Rainbow Six Uncharted, Unreal Tournament, UFC Trainer Virtua Tennis Watch Dogs, Wonderbook, Warhammer XCOM, Yakuza, Zum
Hry na PS4
Deadpool - 45€ Just Dance - 10€ Tom Clancy's The Division Golden - 20€ Tom Clancy's The Division - 15€ Just Cause 3 - 10€ Firewall - 10€ Platba predom na účet. Na dobierku neposielam. Kontakt prosím mailom, číslo vymyslené.
[TOP] Hry na Xbox 360 (2+1 ZDARMA)
KONTAKT ▲ ▲marko.inzeraty@ ------------------------------ Zdravím. Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Xbox 360 Ideálny typ na darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou! Hrou ako darček nič nepokazíte! ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ------------------------------------------------------------ Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre: Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá ------------------------------------------------------------ Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam: Assassin's creed, Ace Combat, Alan Wake, Arcania Brutal Legend, Battlefield, Batman, Brink, Borderlands, Beijing, Bulletstorm, Bioshock, Bayonetta, Burnout Paradise, Blacksite Call of Duty, Crysis, Cabela, Crackdown, Colin McRae Dirt Dead Island, Destiny, Deus Ex, Dragon Age, Dungeon Siege, Darksiders, Dishonored, Def Jam, Devil May Cry, Dynasty Warriors, Dead Rising, Driver San Francisco Fantastic Four, Final Fantasy, FIFA, Far Cry, Forza Motorsport + Horizon, Farming Simulator, Fight Night, Fable, Flatout Grand Theft Auto (GTA), Gears of War, Guitar Hero HALO, Homefront Just Cause, Juiced KINECT – Adventures / Sports / Motionsports / Dance Central / Just Dance / Star Wars / Kung fu Panda / Get Fit With Mel B / Adidas / Nike / Michael Phelps / Gunstringer / Blackwater / Steel Battalion / Rise of Nightmares / Zumba Rush / UFC / Your Shape / Grease / Fantastic Pets / Kinectimals / Black Eyed Peas / Michael Jackson / Game Party / Sesame Street / Cross Board 7 / Disneyland / Carnival Games / Dr. Kawashimas / Joy Ride / Summer Stars, Kung Fu Panda, Kane and Lynch LEGO – Indiana Jones / Star Wars / Marvel Superheroes, Lips, Lost Planet Minecraft, Moto GP, Mafia 2, Midnight Club, Mirror Edge, Mercenaries, Mass Effect NHL, NBA, Need for Speed Overture Guilty Gear, Overlord PES 2009-2010, Prince of Persia, PURE, Prototype, Project Gotham Racing Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, Rise of The Tomb Raider, Risen 2, Saints Row, South Park, Skate, SSX, Skylanders, Summer Stars, Sacred, Sleeping Dogs, Street Fighter The Sims 3, Tron, The Club, The Elder Scrolls Skyrim, The Godfather 2, The King of Fighters, The Orange Box, The Serious Sam, The Walking Dead, Tony Hawk, Top Spin, Transformers, Two Worlds, Tour de France, The Adventures of Tintin, Terminator, Tom Clancy – Endwar / Ghost Recon / Splinter Cell / Rainbow S
playstation 4 hry a príslušenstvo
predám ps4 hry a príslušenstvo v top stave. všetko je odskúšané a plne funkčné. Nabíjacia stanica - 15€ ovládač - 35€ sluchadla - 10€ HDD 4tb - 60€ pri odbere 6 hier je jedna zadarmo Ceny sú uvedené v pravom dolnom rohu na kazdej hre v € crash bandicoot tom clancy’s, resident evil, assassin’s creed, call of duty, battlefield, days gone, far cry, farming simulator, the crew 2, need for speed, driveclub, f1, ride 2, mx & atv, rocket league riders republic, rally, tennis, steep, NBA, fifa, nhl, ufc, just dance, ungravel, subnautica, lego, five nights at freddy’s, singstar, overcooked, Ratchet and clank, plants vs zombies, hasbro family pack, transformers, horizon zero dawn, Detroit become human, death stranding, the last of us, God of war, until dawn, bloodborne, uncharted, wolfenstein, cyberpunk, Sniper contracts, metal gear solid, Batman, spiderman, dying light, mafia, doom, diablo, Sniper elite 4, pay day 2, dead by daylight, overwatch, the walking dead, watch dogs, final fantasy, kingdomcome deliverance, destiny, fallout 4, deadlight, valkyrie, player unknown battlegrounds, hustle kings, titanfall 2, just cause 3, injustice 2, gravity rush, star wars battlefront, mass effect, nioh, hidden agenda, predator hunting grounds, infamous second son, rage 2, the dwarves, kingdom hearts 3, L.A noire, the last guardian, murdered, hunt showdown, shadow of war, killzone shadow fall, pure dark souls need for speed
Hry na Playstation 4 Ps4 PS5
Predám hry na Playstation4 Ps4 Playstation 5 Ps5 Po dohode posielam aj poštou alebo packetou + 4e poštovné,možnosť osobného odberu v Nitre SÚ IBA TIE ČO SÚ V POPISE American Fugitive - 12e AOTENNIS 2 - 20e Assassins Creed Odyssey - 17e Darksiders 2 - 14e Desperados 3 - 12e Devil MayCry 5 - 15e Death Stranding - 13e Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen - 9e Eve Valkyrie - 15e Fifa 16 - 5e (bez obalu) Fifa 17 - 8e (zabalená) FIFA 18 - 9€ FIFA 20 - 10€ 2x FIFA 22 - 20€ Gravity Rush 2 - 16e Hidden Agenda - 10e Horizon Zero Dawn - 10e 2x Infinity HRA + POSTAVICKY cca 12ks - 40e Just Dance 2019 - 12€ Just Cause 3 - 10e Killzone Shadow Fall - 10e Little Nightmares 2 - 18e Little Nightmares Complete Edition - 12e Left Alive - 10e Mirror Edge Catalyst - 10e MediEvil - 20e NHL 19 - 13€ NHL 20 - 15€ Re-Reckoning - 20e Spider man - 15€ Syberia 3 - 10€ SingStar Ultimate Party - 4e Squadrons (VR)- 12e Steep - 14e Star Wars Battlefront - 9e Subnautica Below Zero - 15e Tomb Raider - 10€ Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Wildlands - 14e Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Breakpoint - 15e The Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls edition - 10e The Elder Scrolls - 10e The Walking Dead - 15e Uncharted 4 - 10e 2x Until Dawn - 15e Watch Dogs - 8e 2x Watch Dogs 2 - 10e 2x Steelbook Fifa 20 - 20e Pes 19 - 20e Mafia - 22e Sleeping Dogs - 22e RDR 2 - 25e Gran Turismo Sport - 25e
predam dve hry na Sony Playstation 4. spolu alebo samostatne PS4 Just Dance 2017 15 eur PS4 Just Dance 2022 25 eur
Ps 3 slim (500gb) + 21 hier
Predávam plne funkčnú hernú konzolu ps3. Príslušenstvo : napájaci kabel , Jeden custom SONY bezdrôtový ovládač , mini USB kabel na nabijanie ovládača . Kinect s kamerou 20€. Hry : Rayman legends 10€ Rayman origins Predane Dirt 3 Predane NHL 2K10 Predane The sims3 Predane Just dance 2016 6€ Just Dance 2018 8€ Just Dance 4 5€ Fifa 12 5€ Fifa 17 Predane Fifa street Predane Battlefield 4 6€ Resistance 2 8€ Grand Turismo 5 Predane F1 racestars 6€ Call of Duty Ghosts 8€ God of war 7€ God of war ascension 8€ Mirro's edge 9€ Gta V (Gta 5) Predane (bez obalu) Gta IV episodes of Liberty cities 6€ (bez ballad of gay Tony CD) Kontaktujte ma skôr cez email ako cez telefóne číslo (správy) : kolenickaadrian@
Hry pre Nintendo WiiU
Predam nasledovne hry pre Nintendo Wii U, hry su odskusane a funkcne Assassin’s Creed III - 10 € Batman Arkham City Armoured Edition - 18 € Bayonetta 2 - 20 € Captain Toad Treasure Tracker - 20 € Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - 18 € Just Dance 2014 - 10 € Just Dance 2016 - 15 € Just Dance 4 - 15 € Lego City Undercover - 15 € LEGO Jurassic World - 15 € LEGO Marvel Avengers - 15 € Mario and Sonic at the Winter Games Sochi 2014 - 22 € Mario Kart 8 - 15 € Mario Party 10 - 26 € New Super Luigi U - 36 € New Super Mario Bros. U - 20 € NintendoLand - 16 € Paper Mario Color Splash - 25 € Pokken Tournament - 16 € Splatoon - 16 € Sports Connection - 14 € Super Mario Maker (krabička vratane 96 stranovej knižky) - 26 € Super Smash Bros. for WiiU - 16 € Yoshi’s Woolly World - 26 € ZombiU - 15 € Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis. Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku. Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku. Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.
Xbox 360 kinect hry 2.
Predam kinekt hry na xbox 360 Just Dance 2014 - 20€ Just Dance 3 - 25€ Just Dance 2015 - 25€ Spongebob Surf & Skate Roadtrip - 30€ Kinectimals - 15€ Michael Jackson experience - 12€ Zumba Fitness - 15€ Zumba Fitness - 20€ Get fit with Mel B - 10€
Hry pre Nintendo WiiU
Predam nasledovne hry pre Nintendo Wii U, hry su odskusane a funkcne Assassin’s Creed III - PREDANE Batman Arkham City Armoured Edition - 18 € Bayonetta 2 - 20 € Captain Toad Treasure Tracker - 20 € Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - PREDANE Just Dance 2014 - PREDANE Just Dance 2016 - 15 € Just Dance 4 - 15 € LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham - PREDANE Lego City Undercover - 15 € LEGO Jurassic World - PREDANE LEGO Marvel Avengers - 15 € LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - 15 € LEGO Movie Videogame - 15 € Mario and Sonic at the Winter Games Sochi 2014 - PREDANE Mario Kart 8 - 15 € Mario Party 10 - 26 € Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash - 19 € New Super Luigi U - PREDANE New Super Mario Bros. U - 20 € NintendoLand - 16 € Paper Mario Color Splash - PREDANE Pokken Tournament - PREDANE Rabbids Land - 18 € Rayman Legends - 18 € Resident Evil Revelations - 38 € Splatoon - PREDANE Sports Connection - PREDANE Super Mario 3D Worlds - 20 € Super Mario Maker (krabička vratane 96 stranovej knižky) - 26 € Super Smash Bros. for WiiU - 16 € Wii Fit U - PREDANE Yoshi’s Woolly World - 26 € ZombiU - 15 € Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis. Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku. Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku. Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.
Kinect hry na xbox 360
Dobierkou nie je problém Ak by mal niekto záujem mám sj kinect 19,eur Just dance 3 za 25 eur Just dance 2014 -35 Just dance 2015 za 40 eur- Zumba 12 eur, Zumba Rush -17 eur Spongebob-25 eur UFC-12 eur Joy ride 12 eur, Motionsports 10 eur , Dance centra 1 za 12 eur Dance central 2 za 15 eur Game party 15 eur Disnyland 15 eur Adventures 10 eur Yoostar 2 za 7 eur The Gunstringer 10 eur Spongebob-25 eur Fighters Uncaged 10 eur Ea actice 2 -19 eur Yorshape-10eur Journey-10 eur Kinect Sports-13 eur Body and Brian connection-12 eur Power up heroes-15 eur Kinect sports -13 eur Rabbit-15 eur Kinectimal-15
21 hier na PS3
Predávam Kinect s kamerou 20€. Hry : Rayman legends Predane Rayman origins Predane Dirt 3 Predane NHL 2K10 Predane The sims3 Predane Just dance 2016 6€ Just Dance 2018 8€ Just Dance 4 5€ Fifa 12 5€ Fifa 17 Predane Fifa street Predane Battlefield 4 6€ Resistance 2 8€ Grand Turismo 5 Predane F1 racestars Predane Call of Duty Ghosts 8€ God of war Predane God of war ascension Predane Mirro's edge 9€ Gta V (Gta 5) Predane (bez obalu) Gta IV episodes of Liberty cities 6€ (bez ballad of gay Tony CD) Iba osobný odber Kontaktujte ma iba cez Email : kolenickaadrian@
Just dance  xbox 360
Just dance 3-22 eur Just dance 2014 35 eur. Dance central 12 eur Dance central 2- 17 eur Lets dance 18 eur Michael Jackson-15 eur