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kožené bundy different - strana 23

Počet nájdených inzerátov KOžENÉ BUNDY DIFFERENT : 1000 - strana 23

Boss Katana 100 MKII
Na predaj, kúpene v Thoman, 27.08.2022, je to respektive nový, použité len skúšobni, predaj len spolu, Katana 100, footswitch Roland GA.FC,6, a čierny cover, (obal). Cena: 400,00 Eur, , alebo Electric Guitar Combo Power: 100W Equipped with 12" custom speakers 5 Amp types: Clean, Crunch, Lead, Brown & Acoustic 5 Independent effects: Booster, Mod, FX, Delay and Reverb - 3 of them simultaneously 4 Memory slots for amplifiers and effects settings plus panel setting Power Amp input for the use of multi-effect devices Power Control (0.5 / 50/100 watts) for fully turned amp sound at any volume Controls: Amp Type, Gain, Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, Booster / Mod, Delay / FX, Reverb, Master & Power Control, Sounds Updated Boss Tone Studio sound customisation software with over 60 different Boss effects, channel and global EQs, customisable routing, and more (free on ) Dimensions (W x D x H): 530 x 248 x 484 mm Weight: 14.8 kg Suitable footswitch: Boss GA-FC Art.431181 (not included) Suitable dust cover: Art.438090 (not included)
Predám manuálne vintage objektívy Canon FD + príslušenstvo
Predám sadu manuálnych / analógových objektívom Canon FD, ktoré sú veľmi obľúbené u amatérskych filmárov a fotografov, vďaka svojej robustnej konštrukcii, optickým vlastnostiam a charakteru. Ide o originálne objektívy od výrobcu Canon a jedná sa o vyššiu triedu s vysokým ratingom na portáli . Ide o tieto objektívy: - Canon New FD 35-105mm f/3.5 Macro, filter Kenko Skylight 72mm, cena: 150 EUR -- rating: 8.6 z 10 -- telo zachovalé, zaostrovanie a zoomovanie plynulé -- sklá čisté, bez prachu a plesne - Canon New FD 85mm f/1.8, filter Canon Skylight 52mm, cena: 350 EUR -- rating: 8.9 z 10 -- telo zachovalé, zaostrovanie plynulé -- sklá čisté, bez prachu a plesne - Canon New FD 50mm f/1.4, filter Canon Skylight 52mm, cena: 100 EUR -- rating: 9.2 z 10 -- telo zachovalé, zaostrovanie plynulé -- sklá čisté, bez prachu a plesne - Canon New FD 35mm f/2.0, filter Tiffen Sky 52mm, cena: 350 EUR -- rating: 9.1 z 10 -- viditeľné mierne známky používania na tele, mierna vôľa zaostrovacieho prstenca (podľa servisného technika je to dané výrobnými toleranciami, nie opotrebovaním) -- sklá čisté, bez prachu a plesne - Canon New FD 28mm f/2.0, cena: 200 EUR -- rating: 9.0 z 10 -- telo zachovalé, mierna vôľa zaostrovacieho prstenca -- na vnútronom optickom člene je už vyparená antireflexná vrstva, opticky to však na fotografiách/videu nevidno -- po okrajoch vnútorného optického člena ja taktiež niekoľko zrniečok prachu, nezasahujú však do zorného poľa - Canon New FD 28mm f/2.8, cena: 100 EUR -- rating: 8.1 z 10 -- telo zachovalé, zaostrovanie plynulé -- sklá čisté, bez prachu a plesne Všetky objektívy boli pred predajom vyčistené a premazané v servisnom stredisku Canon. Sú vybavené prednou a zadnou krytkou, clonový prstenec kliká (aj keď je možné ho v servise dekliknúť pre plynulé zmeny clony pri filmovaní). Ďalej predávam nasledovné príslušenstvo: - step-up krúžky Cordvision Cine Ring pre zjednotenie rozmeru filtrov na 77mm, vonkajší priemer 80m, cena spolu: 120 EUR -- 5ks 52mm-77mm -- 1ks 72mm-77mm -- - predná (push-on) krytka ARRI 80mm pre Cine Ring, 6ks, cena spolu: 110 EUR -- - rýchloupínacie magnetické adaptéry Xume pre rýchlu výmenu filtrov 77mm, cena spolu: 140 EUR -- 6ks lens adapter -- 2ks filter holder -- Pri nákupe všetkého spolu ponúkam: - zľavu 10% - gumenú sln. clonu Genustech GNDF72HOOD - adaptér Canon FD – Micro 4/3 - objektív Canon FD 50mm f/1.8 na náhradné diely, bez krytiek, s optickou vadou
CD ALBUMY 1,00€ / kus č.2
Predám originálne CD albumy . Každý kus v cene 1,00€. CD majú známky používania prípadne nedostatok na booklete. Všetky CD sú hodnotené vizualne. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky. AKTUÁLNE LEN CD V ZOZNAME MELISSA ETHERIDGE - Never Enough ANASTACIA - Anastacia JOE COCKER - One Night Of Sin THE RAINBOW - Family Album CELINE DION - A New Day Has Come TASMIN ARCHER - Great Expectations PETER SARSTEDT - The Very Best Of OF MONSTERS AND MEN - My Heads Is An Animal ORBIENT - Music For The ISS FAUNA FLASH - Fusion HURTS - Happiness SOUL II SOUL - Club Classics vol. one TOTO CUTUGNO - Gold Serie SONGS FROM ALLY McBEAL ALED JONES - Whenever God Shines His Light BLOC PARTY - Silent Alarm BLUE - All Rise CELINE DION - All The Way....A Decade Of Songs BILL MONROE - The Essential Collection THE DORIS DAY Collection DAVID GRAY - White Ladder DESTINYS CHILD - Destinys Child GWEN STEFANI - Love Angel Music Baby IMAGINATION - The Love Songs JOOLS HOLLAND - Small World Big Band ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Escapology ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Intensive Care ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Sing When You´re winning TAKE THAT - Progress BEN KWELLER – Ben Kweller BEATSTEAKS - Smack Smash BOYZONE - A Different Beat DELIRIOUS - Mezzamorphis DELIRIOUS - World Service DARREN HAYES - Spin EARTH AFFAIR - Chapter One DELIRIOUS - Audio Lessonover FURY IN THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE - Dancing In The Sunshine Of The Dark FURY IN THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE - Down There (cd singel) ECHT - Live Bei Overdrive HELO - Helo BED & BREAKFAST - Stay Together FRA LIPPO LIPPI - The Colour Album GSC - Open Universe GWEN MARS – Driving A Million HEAVEN 17 - Teddy Bear , Duke & Psycho JACK DE MARSEILLE – Magic Garden JAMIE WALTERS - Ride CHRISTINA - Freier Fall D12 - D12 World DARIUS - Dive In DREADZONE - Biological Radio DUSTY SPRINGFIELD - Reputation LIT - A Place In The Sun MICHELE CENTOZA – Michele Centonza MIXED EMOTIONS - Deep From The Heart MY BRIGHTEST DIAMOND - Tear It Down THE BADGE - The Badge THE RAPSODY - Overture TIN STAR - The Thrill Kisser TOM JONES - Live THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH - Choke THE LAND - Ixelles THE LIGHTNING SEEDS - Cloudcuckooland US 5 - Here we Go SMITH & MIGHTY - Big World Small World SOHNE MANNHEIMS - Barrikaden Von Eden SUPER FURRY ANIMALS - Hermans Love´s Pauline (cd singel) YEAH YEAH YEAHS - Date With The Night JJ72 - JJ72 THE BLOW MONKEYS - Springtime For The World THE SCRIPT - Science & Faith TEENAGE FANCLUB - Grand Prix SONYA HUNTER - Headlights & Other Constellations REAMONN - Wish Live STRETCH - Elastique SUCH A SURGE - Der Surge Effekt
Kožená bunda zn.Different
Predám koženú dlhú bundu.Farba šedo čierna. Veľkosť M. Na stihlejsiu postavu.Pevny kvalitný materiál,bez poškodenia. Veľmi pekný strih,efektna Posielam na dobierku.Cena plus poštovné tarifa SK pošty. Pozri ďalšie moje ponuky Zľava na druhý produkt možná
MC originál kazety IMT Smile, Lucie, Van Halen...
Foto1: PETER NAGY a deti /7€ I.M.T. SMILE - Nech sa páči /7€ LUCIE - Černý kočky mokrý žáby /7€ MARIE ROTTROVÁ – Mezi námi (1986) /7€ RUSTY FACE (Bardejov) - 99 /10€ (nové, zabalené) D.T.N.L (Trnava)- Prenatal Number (1997) /7€ INGOLA - Reč 2 tiel /6€ DUŠAN HERGOTT - Mama /2€ JOZEF ZSAPKA - Homage To Beatles (opus 1986)/7€ NATALIA OREIRO /predané NATALIA OREIRO /predané THALIA - Por Amour /7€ Foto2: ADRIENA BARTOŠOVÁ - Blue Afternoon /5€ GIL - Here I am /4€ ATEENS - The ABBA Generation /5€ M PEOPLE - Bizarre Fruit /7€ NESCAFÉ - Open Up /predané HARRY CONNICK jr. - To See You (súčasný jazz) /5€ ANDREA BOCELLI - Romanza /5€ JESUS CHRIS SUPERSTAR - soundtrack /5€ PULP - Different Class /7€ THE BELOVED - Conscience /5€ IAN McNABB - Head Like a Rock /4€ PETER HAMMILL - Nadir´s Big Chance /7€ Foto3: DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES - Big Bam Boom /4€ ROBERT PALMER - Addictions Volume I /6€ THE CARS - The Cars Greatest Hits /7€ CHRIS DE BURGH - At The End Of A Perfect Day /5€ VAN HALEN - 1984 (PL) /4€ WHITNEY HOUSTON - The Bodyguard (PL) /3€ *komunikácia mailom, zasielam poštou, packetou, osobne v KE*
Knihy: Fantastika, zahady, zname osobnosti, socializmus
Predam nasledujuce knizne tituly, pekny stav, vnutri bez poskodeni, prebaly/dosky mierne opotrebovane, pripadne vacsie nedostatky uvadzam nizsie: 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. Stvorenie sa este neskoncilo - F. L. Boschke; Obzor 1971: € 4 5. - 6. Nevysvetlene zahady (Svet divu, tajemstvi a zahad) - Ch. Forth; Dialog 2001: € 3 7. Ja - M. Kopecky; Eminent 1996: € 5 8. Hana a Petr Ulrychovi, Pulstoleti 1964 - 2014, CPress, 2015 (cesky jazyk, horne rohy osuchane / skrcene): € 4 9. Pan Werich z Kampy - J. Suchy, O. Suchy; Ikar, 2011: € 8 10. - 11. Mate radi Matusku? - P. Brazda; VPL 1967 (slovensky jazyk, bez prebalu, flak na doskach a titulnej stranke): € 4 12. Voskovec & Werich, Dialogy pres zeleznou oponou - F. Ciger, K. Kolis, BVD, 2012 (cesky j., peciatka knihkupectva): € 15 13. Guns N' Roses LIVE! - M. St. Michael (fotograficky zaznam z koncertov s plagatom uprostred); Champagne Avantgarde 1992 (mierne stopy po ohnuti spodneho rohu na prvych stranach, plagat je este osadeny v brozurke - papier je v miestach ohybu akoby popraskany/osuchany): € 15 14. Nejsem agentka Scullyova - M. Butt; PRAH 1998 (spodna cast stran /cca 1cm/ ku koncu knihy mierne zvlnena/asi po namoceni papiera): € 3 15. Michael Jackson, Zivy a nebezbecny - A. Grant (fotograficky zaznam z turne Dangerous s plagatom uprostred); Champagne Avantgarde 1992 (stopy po pokrceni papiera na doskach a prvej strane, plagat je este osadeny v brozurke - papier je v miestach ohybu jemne osuchany): € 15 16. Sinead O'Connor - So different/Taka odlisna - D. Hayes; Champagne Avantgarde 1991 (slovensky jazyk, mierne opotrebovane dosky): € 5 17. Zda sa, ze sme torpedovani - V. Zuffa; Obzor 1973 (opotrebovany/lepeny prebal): € 8 18. Bohemske casy - S. Bednar; VPL 1967 (opotrebovany/lepeny prebal): € 4 19. Kapitan Repkin odchadza (Jan Nalepka) - V. Salgovic; Obzor 1968: € 8 20. Prace, blahobyt a stesti lidstva II. dil - H. G. Wells; F. Strnad, Praha (predna a zadna predsadka + dvojstrana zo zaciatku knihy lepena v spoji, peciatka): € 5 21. - 22. Prestavba a nove myslenie pre nasu krajinu a cely svet - M. S. Gorbacov; Pravda 1987 (natrhnuty/lepeny prebal, mensi flak na prebale a prednych doskach): € 5 23. Slovensky sen - M. Scevovichova, R. Kyska; Forza Music 2010: € 4 24. Kronika Komika 1 - S. Stepka, Ikar, 2003: € 15 25. Tajomstvo Atlantidy - H. Brennan; Remedium, 2007: € 7 26. Vojnove 40. roky - J. Sebo; Marencin PT, 2013: € 7 27. Budovatelske 50. roky - J. Sebo, Ikar 2010: € 8 28. Najlepsie z mojho zivota - J. Sebo; Marencin PT, 2014: € 8 Poprosim osobny odber Petrzalka, resp. postou po uhrade na ucet. Dakujem.
VAG-K+CAN COMMANDER 1.4 - ÚPRAVA KM/Odometer/PIN CENA 30€ Obsahuje procesor PIC18F258 tj. pracuje s diagnostickým programom CASCADE 0.9.3 (v balení na CD) K-line i CANBUS komunikácia. Nástroj na úpravu tachometrov, odometrov, čítanie PIN kódu immobilizera, prispôsobenie kľúčov, CAN BUS diagnostika atd. u vozidiel konecernu VW,ŠKODA,SEAT,AUDI. Podporuje najväčšie množstvo panelov jak u starších vozidiel K line, tak aj u najnovších vozidiel komunikujúcich cez CANBUS. Tzn. pracuje s vozidlami od roku cca 1996 do 2007. Obsahuje i modul eeprom motor, tzn. umožňuje nastavovať kilometre, čítať PIN kody,vypínať immobilizér v motorových jednotkách EDC15 a ME7. Špeciálne funkcie: 1. Špeciálne funkcie - nastavenie tachometrov i v motor.jednotkách EDC15(Odometer-nezávisle počítadlo KM v RJ) 2. Špeciálne funkcie - čítanie Security Access Code/Login WFS. 3. Špeciálne funkcie - čítanie/zápis immobilizéra data. 4. Špeciálne funkcie - čítanie /zápis eeprom prístrojoviek k line i canbus 5. Špeciálne funkcie - VAG MMI TV Activation. 6. Špeciálne funkcie - čítanie/zápis EEPROM of Engine Control Units BOSCH VAG-EDC15x, VAG- ME7.1.1, VAG-Cartronic ME7.8,Porsche. 7. Špeciálne funkcie - Custom memory reading from different units like ECUs, EZS-Kess Vie načítať a zapísať crypto eeprom u prístrojovke BOSCH RB4 u audi A4 2001-. Tzn. je možné meniť km cez kabel. Podporované jednotky pre nastavenie tachometov: * Audi Q7 (CAN) * Audi A2 (K) * Audi A3 (CAN) up to 2007 ! * Audi A3 VDO/M73 up to 2003 (K) * Audi A4 VDO/M73 (K) * Audi A4 BOSCH - RB4 clusters (CRYPTO eeproms R/W by OBDII) * Audi A6 VDO (K) * Audi A6 (CAN) * Audi Allroud (K) up to 2004 * Audi A8 (K) VDO93xx * Audi A8 (CAN) up to 2007 ! * Audi TT (K) * Seat Alhambra (K) * Seat Altea (CAN) * Seat Arosa (K) * Seat Cordoba after 1999 (K) * Seat Ibiza VDO after 1999 (K) * Seat Leon (K+CAN) * Seat Toledo (K+CAN) * Skoda Octavia (K) * Skoda Octavia II (CAN) * Skoda Superb (K) * Skoda Roomster (K) * Skoda Scout (CAN) * Skoda Fabia (K) * VW Bora (K) * VW Beetle (K) * VW Caddy (CAN) * VW EOS (CAN) * VW Golf4 VDO/Motometer/BOSCH RB * VW Golf5 VDO (CAN) * VW Golf5 VISETEON * VW Crossgolf (CAN) * VW Individual (CAN) * VW Jetta (K+CAN) * VW Passat B5/B6 (K+CAN) * VW Polo VDO/Motometer (K) * VW Sharan (K) * VW T4/T5 VDO (K) * VW Touaran VDO (CAN) Podporované jednotky na vyčítanie PIN kódu immobilizera Audi A2 Audi A3 (CAN) up to 2007 ! Audi A3 VDO/M73 up to 2003 (K) Audi A4 VDO (K) Audi A4 BOSCH (K) up to 2001 Audi A4 after 2000 - petrol engines = 1.8 Audi A6 VDO (K) Audi A6 (CAN) petrol engines Audi Allroad (K) up to 2004 Audi Allroad (CAN) petrol engines Audi A8 up to 2001 Audi A8 from 2001 to 2002 2.5TDI Audi A8 (CAN) 2003+ petrol Audi TT (K) Audi Q7 petrol engines Seat Altea (CAN) S
LP Platne
Predám tieto LP platne, boli skladované v poličke v suchom sprostredí no ich vekom sú, aké sú. Gombitová, Elán a Boney M. hrané veľa krát. New Seekers a Maywood celkom v slušnom stave. Elán - Osmy Svetadiel Marika Gombitová - Voľné miesto v srdci Boney M. - Gotta go home The New Seekers - Tell me Maywood - Different worlds Cena je 4e/ks prípadne dohodou. Písať SMS, po dohode si zavoláme. Pozri aj daľšie inzeráty.
Predám rockové a metalové CD
Triumvirat - Spartacus Triumvirat - Old loves die hard Triumvirat - Pompeii Pulp - Different class Pulp - We love life Pulp - Countwodn 2-CD Pink Floyd – The final cut Candlemass – Chapter IV Candlemass – From the 13th sun Nirvana – Incesticide Saga – Generation 13 Saga – Full circle Saga – House of cards Kreator – Enemy of god Rainbow – Long live rock 'n' roll Bullet for my Valentine – The Poison Bullet for my Valentine – Temper temper Bullet for my Valentine – Scream aim fire Pearl Jam – Vitalogy Tormentor – Recipe Ferrum! Blind Guardian – Tales from the twilight world Pretty Maids – Stripped Chris Rea – The road to hell Borknagar – Epic My Dying Bride – As the flowers withers My Dying Bride – The llight at the end of the world CD zasielam po pripísaní (nie odoslaní) dohodnutej sumy môj na účet, alebo odovzdám osobne v Košiciach. K cene CD sa pripočítava cena doporučeného poštovného podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty. Na dobierku nezasielam. Pre ďalšiu ponuku si pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty.
16Amp  SPDT ╍ Mikrospínače s kladkou, 'long lever' 1.23N
Omron Snap-Action, Roller-Lever Microswitch, two different models: Cena (Mikrospínače): D3V-166M-1C5 1+ 3.70€/ks... D3V-166--1C5 1+ 4.00€/ks... --------------- Specification: - 16Amp 250Volt AC contact rating - Contact material: Silver alloy - Electrical life, minimum 100,000 operations - Mechanical durability 10,000,000 operations - SPDT switch, stable in 1 position - Snap-action - 0.25inch "quick-connect", faston terminals, 6.35x0.8mm - Operating force/Release force: 1.23N/0.14N; 125gf/14gf; 4.4ozf/0.5ozf - Stainless-steel lever with oilless polyacetal resin roller - Hinge position: standard inboard captive hinge, or type "M" lever, mounted external, straddling body - Clip-on "M" type levers can be relocated to a high leverage position - Thermoplastic resin case for 105°C max operating temperature - Dimensions: Industry standard size "Miniature Micro Switch" body 27.8x15.9x10.3mm - Weight ≈8.05g Highly reliable industry standard three terminal SPDT 16 Amp V3 switches. Long lever with roller. --------------- Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@ Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 3.65€
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
Tygers of Pan Tang Spellbound (nový) 12,00 € U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 8,00 € Van Halen Fair Warning 10,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P Unholy terror ( 15,00 € W.A.S.P. Babylon (nový) 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Dominator (nový) 9,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 8,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 10,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 7,00 € Warrant Dog eat dog 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion Pride 7,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
Pánsky kožený kabát
Original, kvalitná koža. Stav: ako nový,nepoškodený, velmi málo nosený. Značka: Different. Velkost: M. obvod pása: 110cm, dlžka rukáva: 60cm, dlžka kabáta: 64cm. Cena + poštovné.
Kožená kabát
Predám pánsky kožený kabát Different veľ.52
Amigurumi bee toy, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi cute duck toy, hand-made duck toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Cute amigurumi owl, hand made toy, owl
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Lalafanfan boy duck, amigurumi toy duck, hand-made
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Lalafanfan Amigurumi cute girl duck, hand-made toy
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!
Amigurumi bunny, hand-made toy cute bunny
Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:) All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique. All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another. I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material! All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions. 100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love Package: All toys are packed in the box. We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:) Washing: You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air. Delivery: We have global delivery to any country. The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order. All taxes due in your country will be paid by you. Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!