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new beetle - strana 40

Počet nájdených inzerátov NEW BEETLE : 1000 - strana 40

Modern C++ Programming Cookbook,  C++17
Predám knihu 'Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Recipes to explore data structure, multithreading, and networking in C++17 (English Edition)' Délka tištěné verze: 590 stránek Jazyk: angličtina Vydavatel: Packt Publishing Datum vydání: 15 května 2017 Rozměry: 19.05 x 3.38 x 23.5 cm ISBN-10: 1786465183 Kniha je ako nová. Na slovensku sa predava za 60-80eur. Over 100 recipes to help you overcome your difficulties with C++ programming and gain a deeper understanding of the working of modern C++ About This Book Explore the most important language and library features of C++17, including containers, algorithms, regular expressions, threads, and more, Get going with unit testing frameworks Boost.Test, Google Test and Catch, Extend your C++ knowledge and take your development skills to new heights by making your applications fast, robust, and scalable. Who This Book Is For If you want to overcome difficult phases of development with C++ and leverage its features using modern programming practices, then this book is for you. The book is designed for both experienced C++ programmers as well as people with strong knowledge of OOP concepts. What You Will Learn Get to know about the new core language features and the problems they were intended to solve Understand the standard support for threading and concurrency and know how to put them on work for daily basic tasks Leverage C++'s features to get increased robustness and performance Explore the widely-used testing frameworks for C++ and implement various useful patterns and idioms Work with various types of strings and look at the various aspects of compilation Explore functions and callable objects with a focus on modern features Leverage the standard library and work with containers, algorithms, and iterators Use regular expressions for find and replace string operations Take advantage of the new filesystem library to work with files and directories
New era
New bag new era
Krabicka USB3.0 pre 2.5” SATA HDD/SSD
Predam krabicku pre 2.5” SATA HDD/SSD s USB3.0. Uplne nova, este nevybalena. Nepotrebuje externe napajanie, velmi pekny dizajn, ziadne skrutky, velmi sikovne. Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
Nokia 4.2 dual SIM
Predam minimalne pouzivany mobil Nokia 4.2 dual SIM. Ziadne viditelne znamky pouzivania, ako novy. Obsahom balenia je telefon s 5G glass, kryt, Micro USB nabíjačka a krabica. Android 11, qualcomm Snapdragon 439, osemjadrový procesor 2.0 GHz, grafický procesor Adreno 505, 161 g, display 5.71", 3GB RAM, pamäť 32 GB, Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, LTE, FM rádio, podpora micro SD do 400 GB. Preferujem osobny odber, postou az po vyplateni urcitej ciastky na ucet. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat emailom a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
Krabicka pre 2.5” SATA HDD/SSD s USB3.0
Predam BLUEENDLESS MR23S krabicku pre 2.5” SATA HDD/SSD s USB3.0. Nepotrebuje externe napajanie, velmi pekny dizajn, ziadne skrutky, velmi sikovne. Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
Predam vykonny ADSL/VDSL WiFi router ASUS DSL-AC55U. Uplne novy v originalnom baleni. Technicke informacie: S dokladom o kupe, v zaruke. Osobne, v okoli viem aj doviezt. Postou iba pri zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. / ac1200 wifi 5G router xdsl dsl adsl vdsl vdsl2 wan fiber 1GBit network smerovac asus 802.11ac 802.11n / Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
iPhone XR Nillkin transparent cover
Predam uplne novy este nevybaleny obal Nillkin pre iPhone XR. Na okrajoch ma perfektne bumpers ktore ochrania vas telefon. Najlepsi transparent cover. Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
Novy Bivak Mivardi New Dynasty XL
Predám úplne nový bivak Mivardi New Dynasty XL ešte v krabici. Pevna pogumovaná podlaha, materiál M-Tec 410 s vodným stĺpcom 10 000 mm. Naozaj silný a kvalitný bivák. Osobný odber Levice, alebo viem polať aj s kurierom na moje náklady. Rozmery: 335 x 295 x 170 cm výška: 175 cm Viac info: Inzerát je aktuálny až do zmazania.
New 52 JL komiksy v angličtine
Predám New 52 justice league Vol.1(mäkká väzba)vol.2-6,forever evil,trinity war,Justice league of America vol.2 (pevné väzby)a darkside war saga omnibus Jedná sa o celu new 52 sériu Justice league od geoffa johnsa s JL of america ktore dopĺňa príbeh. Okrem prvého dielu sú všetky ostatné časti "first printing". Nikde nieje nič natrhnure, väzby sú v poriadku a celkovo sú všetky booky vo veľmi dobrom stave Cena za celý set je 65€ Prípade záujmu pošlem aj viac fotiek.
Predám čisto novú, nepoužívanú šiltovku PATRIOTS od značky New Era. Šiltovka bola kupovaná priamo v USA.
Hry na Nintendo DS, 2DS, 3DS
Predám hry na Nintendo DS/2DS/3DS Všetky hry sú EUR krabičkové verzie a plne funkčné. Steeldiver - 14€ Lego Marvel Super Heroes - 15€ - predané! Lego Movie - 14€ Lego Jurassic World - 8€ (obal taliansky, hra v piatich jazykoch s titulkami) World Rally Championship - 11€ Super Smash Bros - 20€ Fire Emblem Warriors - 20€ čisto nová neotvorená hra zabalená vo fólii (hra len pre New Nintendo 3DS alebo New Nintendo 2DS) Mario & Sonic London olympic game - 16€ Super Mario 3D land - 16€ Angry birds Star Wars - 18€ Angry birds Trilogy - 13€ Rayman and Rabbids Family Pack - 16€ (3 hry na jednom cartridge: Rabbids Rumble, Rayman origins a Rabbids 3D) Winter Sports - 13€ Planes - 11€ Frozen - 11€ Cooking mama Bon Apetit - 18€ Mario Maker - 15€ - Predané! Phineas & Ferb 2D dimension - 11€ Spyro - A new beginning - 17€ Spyro - Dawn of the dragon - 17€ Mario Slam Basketball - 18€ The Simpsons game - 17€ Mario & Sonic Winter Olympic Game - 12€ Crash of theTitans - 17€ Crash Boom Bang - 6€ - len cartridge bez krabičky. Brothers in Arms DS - 11€ - trochu natrhnutý papierový obal na prednej strane Mario Kart DS - 9€ - len cartridge bez krabičky. Posielam Slovenskou poštou prvou triedou (na druhý deň máte hry doma) 3€. Zásielkovňa 3€ (SK) a 3,50€ (CZ). V prípade dobierky 5€. Pri kúpe troch hier - poštovné zdarma. Pri kúpe štyroch hier - hra Lego Jurrasic World zdarma. Posielam po pripísaní poštovného alebo celej sumy na účet. Pre viac info a foto ma kontaktujte mailom. Číslo je vymyslené. Ďakujem
iPhone 11 Nillkin transparent cover
Predam uplne novy este nevybaleny obal Nillkin pre iPhone 11. Na okrajoch ma perfektne bumbers ktore skvele ochrania vas telefon. Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
Dc komiksy a jeden marvel
Predám nasledujúce komiksy Immortal hulk ohc-10€ JLA earth 2 deluxe edition-10€ Before Watchman deluxe edition-10€ Detective comic 1000 deluxe edition- PREDANÉ Judas coin deluxe edition-8€ Blackest night-10€ Hellblazer-10€ Batman war games set-45€ Batman officer down-20€ Batman the dark knight detective vol.1-65€ Batman the dark knight detective vol.2-55€ Batman long halloween,dark victory,haunted knight set-25€ Batman/spawn- PREDANÉ New 52 flash vol.7 pevná väzba-10€ New 52 green lantern new guardians pevné väzby 1,2,3 set-30€ V prípade záujmu kľudne pošlem viac fotiek.
Rohový PC stolík RAFAEL NEW
Predam rohový PC stolík RAFAEL NEW je kvalitný multifunkčný písací stôl, ktorý sa vyznačuje veľkou pracovnou plochou a dostatkom úložného priestoru. Používaný cca 3 roky, ma nedostatky:obuchany,  poškrabany. Viac viem poslať fotiek v správe. Rozmery pracovnej časti sú 138x64x76,6 cm. Rozmery úložného priestoru sú 139,3x33,2x73,5 cm. Šírka a výška jedného úložného priestoru v regále je 63x36 cm. Hrúbka materiálu je 18 mm. Nosnosť stolíka je cca 20 kg. Povodna cena 219€. Predávam za 130€ + zadarmo kancelárska stolička(nejde piest). Pri rýchlom jednaní dohoda možná. LEN OSOBNÝ ODBER!!!! NEPOSIELAM POŠTOU, KURIÉROM!!! Kupovaný:
Hry pre deti na XBOX360 s RGH
Predam 2x64GB USB kluc s hrami pre deti na XBOX360 s RGH. Hry obsahuju vsetky doplnky ako napr. dalsie levely, pribehy, postavy, auta, trate apod. XBOX360 musi mat RGH upravu, teda Aurora alebo Freestyle menu. Ak neviete, ci mate upravu RGH, kontaktujte ma emailom. Samozrejme poskytnem aj nazorny navod ako v Aurora menu skopirovat hry z USB na HDD XBOXu a nastavit pre spustenie. Hry: Crash Bandicoot - Wrath of Cortex\ Crash Mind over Mutant\ Crash of the Titans\ Crash Tag Team Racing\ Crash Twinsanity\ Disney Epic Mickey 2\ Disney Infinity 3.0\ Disney Mickey Castle of Illusion\ Disney Universe\ DuckTales Remastered\ Goat Simulator\ Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal\ MineCraft Complete Edition\ Minecraft Story Mode The Complete Adventure\ Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures 1\ Pac-Man Ghostly Adventures 2\ Rayman Legends\ Rayman Origins\ Shrek Forever After\ Sonic & Knuckles\ Sonic 4 Episode 1\ Sonic 4 Episode 2\ Sonic Adventure 1\ Sonic Adventure 2\ Sonic CD\ Sonic Generations\ Sonic Sega Racing\ Sonic the Fighters\ Sonic the Hedgehog\ Sonic Transformed\ Sonic Unleashed\ Spongebob Heropants\ The Peanuts Movie Snoopys Grand Adventure\ The Smurfs 2\ Turbo Super Stunt Squad\ Where the Wild Things Are\ Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
41487-Dražba kolesového nakladača NEW HOLLAND W270B
Spoločnosť U9, a.s. ponúka na predaj Kolesový nakladač NEW HOLLAND W270B. Parametre: Značka a typ vozidla: Kolesový nakladač NEW HOLLAND W270B Výrobca: CNH Italia S.p.A Dátum prvej evidencie (rok výroby): 2008 Zdvihový objem valcov motora: 10800 cm3 Maximálny výkon motora/otáčky: 216 kW/2100 Predpísané palivo: benzín automobilový BA 96 olovnatý Prevádzková hmotnosť: 12000 kg Celková hmotnosť: 24000 kg Dátum prvej evidencie v SR: neuvedený Dátum prvého uvedenia do prevádzky: nezistený, zohľadnený: 1.1.2009 Dátum, ku ktorému je vypočítaná hodnota: 21.11.2022 Evidenčné číslo: BEZ Farba vozidla: ŽltáTechnický preukaz č: bez Osvedčenie OEV č: bez Platnosť TK: nepovinná Platnosť emisnej kontroly: nepovinná V prípade záujmu nás neváhajte kontaktovať. 
Mivardi New Dynasty 2-3 Man
Predám úplne nový bivak Mivardi New Dynasty 2-3 Man ešte v krabici. Pevna pogumovaná podlaha s vodným stĺpcom 10 000 mm. Naozaj silný a kvalitný bivák. Osobný odber Levice, alebo viem polať aj s kurierom na moje náklady. Rozmery: 321 x 295 x 165cm Viac info: Inzerát je aktuálny až do zmazania.
novy dres nhl new jersey devils Tatar velkost 54 - XL ,,, vsetko na drese je vysite cena 65€ + posta nhl dres new jersey devils nhl tatar 90
Kryty na baterie pre XBOX 360 ovladace
Predam 2 nove nahradne cierne kryty na baterie pre XBOX360 ovladace. Preferujem osobny odber, pripadne postou po zaplateni postovneho vopred. V okoli viem aj doviezt. Prosim kontaktovat emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie mobil. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. / XBOX360 SLIM RGH OBAL KRYT MICROSOFT / Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!
1TB HDD pre XBOX360 s RGH
Predam a nainstalujem 1TB harddisk do XBOX 360 S/E s RGH upravou. Nahram aj hry podla zelania. Ak neviete, ci mate upravu RGH, kontaktujte ma emailom, vysvetlim ako to zistit. Prosim kontaktovat najprv emailom cez kontaktny formular a nie telefonicky. Cislo je vymyslene kvoli podvodnikom. Dakujem. Due to the new legal provisions, the sale is made without any warranty, guarantee or return. Since this is a private sale, I cannot assume any guarantee under new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and acknowledges this with his purchase! According to the new EU law, this addition must appear under every online sale, otherwise the seller is also liable as a private person for a whole year for the goods sold!