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nový variant - strana 27

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VW Golf 6 MK6 Variant 4Motion 1.6TDI interier dily
Volkswagen Golf 6 STYLE edition LY3D Tornadorot 1.6TDI 77kW 2012 4x4, 4Motion sedacky - Titanschwarz 0) Palubní deska palubka 5K1857181B 5K1858295E + Airbag spolujezdce 607043600B -PRODANO. 1) sedacka prava predni vyhrivani 1K4881106NT 1K9881022HH - 3000 Kč 2) sedacka leva predni vyhrivani 1K4881105NT - PRODANO. 3) sada zadni sedacky operky + sedak -PRODANO. 4) zamek pas pravy predni 1K4857756L -PRODANO 5) zamek pas levy predni 1K4857755M -PRODANO 6) stropni slunecni stinitko ridic- PRODANO 7) strop svetlo zadní 1K0947291H - 500 Kč 8) strop svetlo panel 3C0867489C 1K0868837F 1K0947133E -PRODANO 9) tapec levy predni 1K4867011JS 1K4868109 - PRODANO 10) tapec levy zadni 1K9867211BA -PRODANO. 11) tapecirung pravy predni 1K4867012JM -PRODANO. 12) tapecirunk pravy zadni 1K9867212DB - 1000 Kč 13) roleta kufru kufr rollo rolo 1K9867871A - 2.800 Kč. 14) vypln kufru leva + prava 1K9867427P 1K9867428AD - 800 Kč / ks 15) podlaha vypln kufru sada 3ks - 2000 Kč 16) drzak piti 1K0862532G 1K0862533G -PRODANO 17) kastlik 1K1857135 1K1857290 -PRODANO. 18) loketni operka polohovatelna 1K5864251C, 1K5 864 251 C -PRODANO. 19) popelnik 5K0857961A -PRODANO. 20) 4 kusy koberce koberec rohozka rohozky Volkswagen VW Golf 6 Variant. Sada prednich rohozek je ORIGINAL Volkswagen 1K1061502A, 1K1 061 502 A. Rohozky jsou neposkozene, v dobrem stavu a jsou vhodne pro VW Golf 6 i VW Golf 5. Kratky i provedeni Variant. 2 kusy zadnich rohozek je neoriginal a jsou nove. Byly pouzity v aute pouze 1x na cestu Praha - Brno a zpet. Cena za sadu. Cena za 4 kusy - 600 Kc. Platba v mene €. Levna a rychla kuryrni preprava zasilek z CZ na Slovensko.
BOSCH 0  Štartér Audi, Seat, VW,
Uvedená cena štartu je pri vymene kus za kus. Bez vymeny cena + 10€. KOMPATIBILITA S OSOBNÝMI AUTAMI AUDI AUDI A3 Hatchback (8L1) (Rok výroby 09.1996 - 05.2003, 101 - 180 PS, Benzín, nafta) SEAT Córdoba I Sedan (6K1, 6K2) (Rok výroby 02.1993 - 10.2002, 75 - 129 PS, Benzín) SEAT Toledo I Hatchback (1L) (Rok výroby 05.1991 - 03.1999, 73 - 115 PS, Benzín) SEAT Ibiza II (6K1) (Rok výroby 03.1993 - 02.2002, 75 - 129 PS, Benzín) SEAT Inca (6K9) (Rok výroby 11.1995 - 05.1998, 75 PS, Benzín) SEAT Alhambra I (7V8, 7V9) (Rok výroby 04.1996 - 03.2010, 115 - 150 PS, Benzín) SEAT Córdoba I Vario (6K5) (Rok výroby 09.1996 - 12.2002, 75 - 101 PS, Benzín) SEAT Toledo II Sedan (1M2) (Rok výroby 10.1998 - 05.2006, 75 - 180 PS, Benzín) SEAT Leon I Hatchback (1M1) (Rok výroby 11.1999 - 06.2006, 75 - 209 PS, Benzín) SKODA SKODA Octavia I Hatchback (1U2) (Rok výroby 09.1996 - 12.2010, 75 - 150 PS, Benzín) SKODA Octavia I Combi (1U5) (Rok výroby 07.1998 - 12.2010, 75 - 150 PS, Benzín VW VW Passat B3/B4 Sedan (3A2, 35i) (Rok výroby 02.1988 - 08.1996, 75 - 150 PS, Benzín) VW Passat B3/B4 Kombi (3A5, 35i) (Rok výroby 02.1988 - 05.1997, 75 - 150 PS, Benzín) VW Golf III Cabrio (1E7) (Rok výroby 07.1993 - 05.1998, 75 - 115 PS, Benzín) VW Golf II Hatchback (19E, 1G1) (Rok výroby 02.1986 - 07.1991, 84 - 98 PS, Benzín) VW Golf III Hatchback (1H1) (Rok výroby 10.1991 - 09.1997, 55 - 150 PS, Benzín) VW Golf III Kombi (1H5) (Rok výroby 07.1993 - 04.1999, 60 - 115 PS, Benzín) VW Sharan I (7M8, 7M9, 7M6) (Rok výroby 09.1995 - 03.2010, 115 - 150 PS, Benzín, Benzin/plyn (LPG)) VW Polo III Classic (6V2) (Rok výroby 11.1995 - 09.2001, 75 - 116 PS, Benzín) VW Polo III Variant (6V5) (Rok výroby 05.1997 - 09.2001, 101 PS, Benzín) VW Golf IV Hatchback (1J1) (Rok výroby 08.1997 - 06.2005, 75 - 180 PS, Benzín) VW Golf IV Variant (1J5) (Rok výroby 05.1999 - 06.2006, 75 - 150 PS, Benzín) VW Golf IV Cabrio (1E) (Rok výroby 06.1998 - 06.2002, 75 - 115 PS, Benzín) VW New Beetle Hatchback (9C1, 1C1) (Rok výroby 01.1998 - 09.2010, 100 - 150 PS, Benzín) VW Bora Sedan (1J2) (Rok výroby 10.1998 - 05.2005, 75 - 150 PS, Benzín) VW Vento (1H2) (Rok výroby 11.1991 - 09.1998, 55 - 115 PS, Benzín) VW Caddy II Van (9K9A) (Rok výroby 11.1995 - 05.1997, 75 PS, Benzín) VW Bora Variant (1J6) (Rok výroby 05.1999 - 05.2005, 75 - 150 PS, Benzín) VW New Beetle Cabrio (1Y7) VW Golf V Hatchback (1K1) (Rok výroby 08.2006 - 11.2008, 116 - 193 PS, Benzín) VW Caddy II Kombi (9K9B) (Rok výroby 11.1995 - 05.1997,
Predám na golf 6 variant diely..
Predám diely golf 6 variant.. Bratislava.. 4ks dvere kompletne, 4ks tapacire, Zámky, motorceky, stahovacky, predné práve svetlo na variant originál vw hella.. halogen, , štartér 1.6tdi 77kw.. Manuál prevodovka 5.stupnova..zlý volič rýchlosti je na nej, dá sa to vymeniť držia to 2 sroby, ináč plne funkčná 198.tisic km.. ., váha vzduchu, páčky smeroviek stieračov, spetak spolujazdec.. Bratislava volať
Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.9 TDI Manager
Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.9 TDI Manager Nové rozvody, nový ľavý a pravý predný blatník, vymenené piate dvere(bez korozie),nový prah ľavá strana. Pri 220 000 menená spojka a turbo. Financovanie na mieru schválené do hodiny už od 0% akontácie. TECHNICKÉ ÚDAJE r.v.: 05/2008, 1896cm³, 77kW (104 PS), Pohon: Predných kolies, Manuál (5 st.), Diesel, EURO 4, 5 dv. (5-miestne), Šedá tm., SPOTREBA VOZIDLA (L/100KM) V meste: 6.6, mimo mesta: 4.5, kombinovaná: 5.2 BEZPEČNOSŤ Alarm, Airbag 8X, EBD/EBV, Posilňovač riadenia, ABS, ESP(VDC), ASR(TC,EDS), Isofix, Deaktivácia airbagov KOMFORT Centrálne uzamykanie, El. predné a zadné okná, El. zrkadlá, CD menič, Automatická dvojzónová klimatizácia, Rádio, Multifunkčný volant, Lakťová opierka STAV VOZIDLA Servisná knižka, Nebúrané, Možný úver, Úplná servisná história OSTATNÉ Metalíza, Disky z ľahkej zliatiny, Hmlové svetlomety, Imobilizér, Palubný počítač, Strešné okno, Ťažné zariadenie, Tempomat, Dažďový senzor, Svetelný senzor, Parkovacie senzory vzadu, Panoramatická strecha DOPLNKOVÉ INFORMÁCIE KU VÝBAVE 12 V zásuvka v batožinovom priestore, Determálne sklá (zelené), Komfortné sedadlá vpredu, Nárazníky lakované vo farbe karosérie, Odkladacie priestory v dverách a držiaky na 1l flaše, Sklápatelné delené zadné operadlá, Tretie brzdové svetlo, Trojbodové bezpecnostné pásy s napínacmi na predných seadlách, Ukazovatel vonkajšej teploty, Výškovo a pozdlžne nastavitelný volant, Výškovo nastavitelné sedadlo vodica a spolujazdca s beder. opierkami, ĎALŠIE INFORMÁCIE Nezrovnalosti v inzeráte sú vyhradené. Vozidlo sa nachádza v Spišských Tomášovciach. V prípade záujmu volajte na číslo . Nové rozvody, nový ľavý a pravý predný blatník, vymenené piate dvere(bez korozie),nový prah ľavá strana. Pri 220 000 menená spojka a turbo. Financovanie na mieru schválené do hodiny už od 0% akontácie. Pre živnostníkov s financovaním do 15 tisíc eur aj bez dokladovania príjmu. Stačí ak ste zamestnaný alebo podnikáte 3 mesiace EK platná do: 2024-12-22. STK platná do: 2024-11-02. Podobné modely: Audi A4, Škoda Octavia, Škoda Superb, Seat Leon, Fiat Tipo, VW Passat, Volkswagen Passat, Ford Mondeo, Ford Focus, Hyundai i30, Hyundai i40, Kia Ceed, Kia C´eed, Kia ProCeed, Toyota Auris, Toyota Corolla, Opel Astra, Renault Clio, Renault Megane, Renault Mégane, Citroen C5, VW Golf, VW Golf 6, Volkswagen Golf 6. Najazdené km: 365561
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 8
Olympos Mons Conquistador 10,00 € Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 € Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 9,00 € Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 9,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 € Ozzy Osbourne No more tears 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 € P.O.D. Payable of death 4,00 € Pagan's Mind Enigmatic : Calling 12,00 € Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 € Pearl Jam Vitalogy (digipak) 8,00 € Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 7,00 € Pearl Jam Yield (digipak) 7,00 € Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 € Pink Cream 69 One size fits all (japan) 9,00 € Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 € Pink Cream 69 Endangered (digipak) 8,00 € Pink Cream 69 Ceremonial (nový) 10,00 € Point of Power It's about time 10,00 € Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 € Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 € Poison Native tongue 7,00 € Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 € Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 € Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 € Pretty Maids Pandemonium (Irond) 9,00 € Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 9,00 € Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 € Primal Fear Live in the USA 8,00 € Primal Fear New religion (nový) 10,00 € Primal Fear 16.6 [Before the devils knows you're dead] (nový) 10,00 € Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 € Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 € Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 € Queensrӱche Operation:mindcrime 7,00 € Queensrӱche Empire 6,00 € Queensrӱche Empire (2CD) 9,00 € Quiet Riot Rehab (nový) 7,00 € Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 € Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 € Rage Reign of fear 12,00 € Rage Black in mind 9,00 € Rage End of all days 9,00 € Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 € Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 € Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 € Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 € Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 4
Kvelertak Nattesferd (digipak) 8,00 € Kvelertak Meir (nový) 8,00 € Lake of Tears Illwill (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Legion of the Damned Malevolent rapture (CD+DVD) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Ravenous plague 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Slaves of the shadow realm (digibook,CD+DVD,nový) Machine Head The blackening (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Machine Head Through the ashes of empires (2CD) 7,00 € Machine Head Unto the locust 7,00 € Malevolent Creation The 13th beast (Fono) 7,00 € Marduk Those of the unlight (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Plague angel (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Marduk Rom 5:12 (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Wormwood (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Mastodon The hunter (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Mastodon Once more 'round the sun 9,00 € Mastodon Emperor of sand 9,00 € Moonspell Irreligious 7,00 € Moonspell Sin/Pecado 7,00 € Moonspell Extinct (nový) 9,00 € Moonspell Hermitage (mediabook,nový) 10,00 € Musica Diablo Musica Diablo 7,00 € Naglfar Pariah (Fono) 8,00 € Napalm Death Words from the exit wound (Earache 1998 UK) 10,00 € Nervosa Victim of yourself (nový) 9,00 € Nevermore Dead heart in a dead world 8,00 € Nile At the gate of Sethu (nový) 8,00 € Novembre Materia 5,00 € Obituary The end complete (nový) 10,00 € Obituary Frozen in time ( 15,00 € Oceans The sun and the cold (digipak,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Orphaned Land The never ending way of Orwarior 7,00 € Orphaned Land Unsung prophets and dead messiahs (nový) 7,00 € Ov Hell The underworld regime (Indie Recordings/Soyuz) 12,00 € Overkill Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € Pain Coming home (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Pantera Cowboys from hell 6,00 € Pantera Vulgar display of power 6,00 € Pantera Far beyond driven 6,00 € Pantera The great southern trendkill 5,00 € Pantera Official Live 101 Proof 6,00 € Pantera Reinventing hell - the best of Pantera (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Panzer Send them all to hell (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 7
Metallica Metallica 7,00 € Metallica Load 7,00 € Metallica Reload 7,00 € Metallica Death magnetic (digipak) 6,00 € Michael Schenker Fest Resurrection (nový) 9,00 € Mob Rules Among the gods 8,00 € Mob Rules Radical peace (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Molly Hatchet Devil's canyon 8,00 € Molly Hatchet Silent reign of heroes 8,00 € Morifade Domination (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Motörhead Overkill 8,00 € Motörhead Bomber (digipak,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Motörhead Ace of spades 8,00 € Motörhead Iron fist (nový) 9,00 € Motörhead March ör die (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead 1916 6,00 € Motörhead 1916 (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead Overnight sensation 8,00 € Motörhead Snake bite love 8,00 € Mötley Crüe Dr.Feelgood 8,00 € Mötley Crüe Saints of Los Angeles 8,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 7,00 € MSG In the midst of beauty 8,00 € Mundanus Imperium The spectral spheres coronation 5,00 € Mustasch Powerhouse 5,00 € Mystic Prophecy Savage souls 8,00 € Neal Morse Sola scriptura 10,00 € Neal Morse ? 10,00 € Neal Morse One 10,00 € Neal Morse Momentum 10,00 € Neal Morse Sola gratia (digi,CD+DVD,nový) 12,00 € Neal Morse Band Innocence & danger (2CD,nový) 10,00 € Nightwish Angels fall first 7,00 € Nightwish Oceanborn (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster 6,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Century child 6,00 € Nightwish Century child (nový) 8,00 € Nightwish Over the hills and far away (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Dark passion play (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 7,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Toxicity 6,00 € System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone The burning (digipak) 6,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 7,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone The burning (digipak) 6,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 7
Metal Church The human factor ( 15,00 € Metallica Kill'em all 7,00 € Metallica ...and justice for all 5,00 € Metallica ...and justice for all 7,00 € Metallica Metallica 7,00 € Metallica Garage Inc. (2CD) 5,00 € Metallica Garage Inc. (2CD) 8,00 € Metallica Load 5,00 € Metallica Load 7,00 € Metallica Reload 7,00 € Metallica Death magnetic (supercase) 6,00 € Metallica Death magnetic (digipak) 6,00 € Metallica self-destruct (digipak,2CD) 6,00 € Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock Spirit on a mission (special edition,nový) 9,00 € Michael Schenker Fest Resurrection (nový) 9,00 € Molly Hatchet Devil's canyon 8,00 € Molly Hatchet Silent reign of heroes 8,00 € Morifade Domination (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Motörhead Overkill 8,00 € Motörhead Bomber (digipak,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Motörhead Ace of spades 8,00 € Motörhead 1916 6,00 € Motörhead 1916 (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead March ör die (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead Bastards 10,00 € Motörhead Overnight sensation 8,00 € Motörhead Snake bite love 8,00 € Motörhead Best of (2CD,nový) 8,00 € Mötley Crüe Saints of Los Angeles 9,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 7,00 € MSG In the midst of beauty 8,00 € Mundanus Imperium The spectral spheres coronation 5,00 € Mustasch Powerhouse 5,00 € Neal Morse Sola scriptura 10,00 € Neal Morse ? 10,00 € Neal Morse One 10,00 € Neal Morse Momentum 10,00 € Neal Morse Sola gratia (digi,CD+DVD,nový) 12,00 € Neal Morse Band Innocence & danger (2CD,nový) 10,00 € Nightwish Angels fall first 7,00 € Nightwish Oceanborn (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster 6,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Century child 6,00 € Nightwish Century child (nový) 8,00 € Nightwish Over the hills and far away (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Once 7,00 € Nightwish Dark passion play (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 3
EvilOne Militia of death (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Exodus The atrocity exhibition - exhibit A (nový) 9,00 € Fear Factory Obsolete 6,00 € Fear Factory Archetype 8,00 € Fear Factory Genexus (nový) 8,00 € Gojira L'enfant sauvage (nový) 8,00 € Gojira L'enfant sauvage (digipak,CD+DVD) 9,00 € Headhunter Parasite of society (bonus,slipcase,nový) 10,00 € Hearse Armageddon mon amour 3,00 € Hypocrisy Arrival 12,00 € Children of Bodom Hate crew deathroll 7,00 € Children of Bodom Are you dead yet ? 6,00 € Children of Bodom Blooddrunk (nový) 8,00 € Children of Bodom Halo of blood (digipak,CD+DVD) 9,00 € Children of Bodom Hexed (nový) 10,00 € Children of Bodom Hexed (digipak,nový) 12,00 € Ill Niňo Confession 2,00 € Immolation Atonement (nový) 10,00 € Immortal All shall fall 9,00 € Immortal Northern chaos gods (digipak) 10,00 € In Flames Whoracle 8,00 € In Flames Colony 9,00 € In Flames Come clarity 7,00 € In Flames Come clarity (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € In Flames A sense of purpose 7,00 € In Flames A sense of purpose (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € In Flames Sounds of a playground fading (special edition digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € In Flames I, the mask (nový) 9,00 € Insomnium One for sorrow (nový) 10,00 € Katatonia Dance of december souls (nový) 10,00 € Katatonia Tonight's decision (digipak) 7,00 € Katatonia Last fair deal gone down (digi,10-panel, EU) 8,00 € Katatonia Dead end kings (digipak,Mazzar,nový) 10,00 € Katatonia Dead end kings (slipcase) 10,00 € Kreator Pleasure to kill / Flag of hate (N 0037-3 Ger) 12,00 € Kreator Pleasure to kill / Flag of hate (N 0341-2 Ger) 10,00 € Kreator Coma of souls (N 0158-2) 10,00 € Kreator Renewal ( 13,00 € Kreator Outcast 8,00 € Kreator Violent revolution 11,00 € Kreator Phantom antichrist 10,00 € Kreator Gods of violence (digibook,CD+DVD) 11,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
VW Golf mk3 1.9tdi Variant
Predam VW Golf mk3 Variant,1996,1.9tdi 81kw,docasne odhlaseny,treba este dokoncit karoseriu,inak komplet po GO,preinvestovanych cez 5000€,nove riadenie,napravy,turbo,brzdy (predok z g60,zadok kotuc,trubky),novy stelovak Vogtland,nova spojka,starter,zhavice,rozvody,baterka,novy vyfuk,r17 kolesa,tazne,modra palubovka,kozenny interier,novy volant z Lupa,klima,central,pc,tempomat,Vento predok (nove svetla ,Mattig maska,Hella trio),nove prahy plastove original k tomu,nove original VR6 lipko k tomu
VW Passat Variant B6, 2.0Tdi, 103kw 8v, 6MT, Dual A/con
Rozpredam na diely - Passat B6 Variant kod farby LD5Q prevodovka 6 st. manual - 250e android audio - 100e alu kola R16 + nove gumy matador - 250e naraznik zadny - 100e crashpad + airbag spolujazdca - 50e stlpik riadenia komplet + airbag vodica- 100e ABS kocka - 40e hlavny brzdovy valec - 40e predna, zadna napravnica - dohoda predne dvere komplet cele spolujazdec - dohoda prave zadne dvere komplet - dohoda koberec - 30e zadne svetla zad. dveri - 15e kus nadobka ostrekovacov - 15e kompresor klimy - 80e ovladanie klimy - 30e stredovy tunel - 30e kabel a kostra na starter - 10e starter - 30e alternator - 40e vackovy hriadel - 100e novy blok motora - 150e silentblok motora pravy novy - 80e silentblock prevodovky novy - 30e a iné... Pri rýchlom a serióznom jednaní dohoda možná! Na maily neodpovedam!
Nový zámok kufrových dverí VW GOLF 7 variant
Predám nový zámok kufrových dverí na Volkswagen Golf VII variant-combi, 2013-2020. Je to originál diel VW Group. OE číslo dielu 5G0 827 505C 9B9. Diel je nový, nepoužitý, cena je 75€. Pošlem aj na dobierku.
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Mastercutor (nový) 8,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € U.D.O. Steelfactory (nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € UFO Sharks 10,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Unisonic Light of dawn 7,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 7,00 € Van Halen Women and children first 6,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen 3 8,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Viper Evolution (japan) 10,00 € Viper Theatre of fate (japan) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Inside the electric circus 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Helldorado 8,00 € W.E.T. Retransmission (Irond) 8,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 7,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 7,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 6,00 € Warlock True as steel 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf The black flame 7,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Magnum opus (japan) 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 3
Def Leppard On through the night (nový) 6,00 € Def Leppard High'n'dry 7,00 € Def Leppard Hysteria (nový) 8,00 € Def Leppard Adrenalize 7,00 € Def Leppard Adrenalize (digipak) 9,00 € Def Leppard Euphoria (special case) 9,00 € Def Leppard Slang (2CD) 8,00 € Def Leppard X 8,00 € Def Leppard Def Leppard 8,00 € Def Leppard Retro active 7,00 € Def Leppard Best of 6,00 € Def Leppard Vault 6,00 € Demons & Wizards Demons & Wizards 8,00 € Demons & Wizards Touched by the crimson king 10,00 € Dio Holy diver (Mercury 811 021-2) 8,00 € Dio Sacred heart (nový) 7,00 € Dio Dream evil (nový) 8,00 € Dio Lock up the wolves (nový) 7,00 € Dio Angry machines (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Dio Killing the dragon ( 12,00 € Distorted Wonderland Distorted Wonderland 8,00 € Dope Stars Inc. Gigahearts 3,00 € Doro Force majeure 9,00 € Doro True at heart 7,00 € Doro Angels never die 6,00 € Doro Calling the wild 7,00 € Doro Live 5,00 € Doro A whiter shade of pale (17 tracks best of) 5,00 € Dragonforce Ultra beatdown 6,00 € Dragonforce Maximum overload 7,00 € Dream Theater A view from the top of the world (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Edguy Mandrake 8,00 € Edguy Hellfire club 7,00 € Edguy Rocket ride (digibook) 8,00 € Edguy Tinnitus sanctus (digipak,2CD) 9,00 € Edguy Space police - Defenders of the crown (digibook,2CD) 9,00 € End Of Green The painstream (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Enforcer From beyond (digi) 9,00 € Enforcer Zenith (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Epica Requiem for the indifferent (nový) 8,00 € Extreme Extreme 7,00 € Extreme II Pornografitti 7,00 € Extreme III Sides to every story 6,00 € Extreme Waiting for the punchline 8,00 € Fair Warning Go! 8,00 € Fair Warning 4 (nový) 5,00 € Fair Warning Rainmaker 8,00 € Fair Warning Sundancer (nový) 8,00 € Faith No More Real thing 6,00 € Faith No More Angel dust 6,00 € Faith No More Live at the Brixton Academy 5,00 € Faith No More King for a day fool for a lifetime 6,00 € Faith No More Album of the year 6,00 € Fates Warning Perfect symmetry 10,00 € Fates Warning Inside out 10,00 € Fates Warning A pleasant shade of gray 8,00 € Fates Warning FWX 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 9,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 9,00 € Stratovarius Destiny ( 10,00 € Stratovarius Infinite 5,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Toxicity 6,00 € System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
Tygers of Pan Tang Spellbound (nový) 12,00 € U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 8,00 € Van Halen Fair Warning 10,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P Unholy terror ( 15,00 € W.A.S.P. Babylon (nový) 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Dominator (nový) 9,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 8,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 10,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 7,00 € Warrant Dog eat dog 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion Pride 7,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
Tygers of Pan Tang Spellbound (nový) 12,00 € U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 8,00 € Van Halen Fair Warning 10,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P Unholy terror ( 15,00 € W.A.S.P. Babylon (nový) 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Dominator (nový) 9,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 8,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 10,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion Pride 7,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 4
Kvelertak Nattesferd (digipak) 8,00 € Kvelertak Meir (nový) 8,00 € Lake of Tears Illwill (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Legion of the Damned Malevolent rapture (CD+DVD) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Ravenous plague 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Slaves of the shadow realm (digibook,CD+DVD,nový) Machine Head The blackening (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Machine Head Through the ashes of empires (2CD) 7,00 € Machine Head Unto the locust 7,00 € Malevolent Creation The 13th beast (Fono) 7,00 € Marduk Those of the unlight (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Plague angel (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Marduk Rom 5:12 (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Wormwood (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Mastodon The hunter (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Mastodon Once more 'round the sun 9,00 € Mastodon Emperor of sand 9,00 € Moonspell Irreligious 7,00 € Moonspell Sin/Pecado 7,00 € Moonspell Hermitage (mediabook,nový) 10,00 € Musica Diablo Musica Diablo 7,00 € Naglfar Pariah (Fono) 8,00 € Napalm Death Words from the exit wound (Earache 1998 UK) 10,00 € Nervosa Victim of yourself (nový) 9,00 € Nevermore Dead heart in a dead world 8,00 € Nile At the gate of Sethu (nový) 8,00 € Novembre Materia 5,00 € Obituary The end complete (nový) 10,00 € Obituary Frozen in time ( 15,00 € Oceans The sun and the cold (digipak,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Orphaned Land The never ending way of Orwarior 7,00 € Orphaned Land Unsung prophets and dead messiahs (nový) 7,00 € Ov Hell The underworld regime (Indie Recordings/Soyuz) 12,00 € Overkill Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € Pain Coming home (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Pantera Cowboys from hell 6,00 € Pantera Vulgar display of power 6,00 € Pantera Far beyond driven 6,00 € Pantera The great southern trendkill 5,00 € Pantera Official Live 101 Proof 6,00 € Pantera Reinventing hell - the best of Pantera (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Panzer Send them all to hell (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@