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novy ruzinov - strana 19

Počet nájdených inzerátov NOVY RUZINOV : 1000 - strana 19

Na predaj 2i byt na Tomášikovej ulici v Ružinove
Ponúkame Vám na predaj kompletne zariadený 2-izbový byt s celkovou úžitkovou plochou 45,15 m2, umiestnený na 8. poschodí/12 vo vchode s 2 výťahmi, orientovaný na severovýchod, v obľúbenej tichej lokalite Ružinov, Tomášikova ulica, pri Hoteli Bratislava. K bytu prináleží pivnica o výmere 2 m2. BYT: Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby s dvomi vstavanými rolldoor skriňami a vstupom do obývačky spojenej s kuchyňou ako aj do priestrannej kúpeľne s vaňou a samostatným oknom. V kuchyni sa nachádza rohová kuchynská linka s minimálne používanými vstavanými spotrebičmi (elektrická varná doska, digestor, elektrická rúra, umývačka riadu a vstavaná chladnička s mrazničkou). V kuchynskej časti sa nachádza aj jedálenský stôl so stoličkami pre 3 osoby. V obývačke je veľká kožená rozkladacia sedacia súprava vyrobená na mieru, konferenčný stolík a obývací nábytok. V byte sa ďalej nachádza samostatná spálňa orientovaná na východ s manželskou posteľou a 2 nočnými stolíkmi, vstavanou skriňou a pracovným stolom. Byt je bez tiarch, v ponuke kompletne zariadený a pripravený k nasťahovaniu. BYTOVÝ DOM: Ide o 17 ročnú kvalitnú zateplenú tehlovo-panelovú stavbu, skolaudovanú v roku 2005. Vstup do bytového domu je cez elektrický vrátnik (na čip). V bytovom dome sa nachádzajú 2 výťahy (štandardný a veľký) a k dispozícii je aj spoločná miestnosť na bicykle/kočíky. Vo vnútrobloku bytového domu sa nachádza uzavretý udržiavaný park so súkromným detským ihriskom, pinpongovým stolom, lavičkami, atď., len pre obyvateľov domu (na čip). Vstup priamo z vchodu. LOKALITA: V blízkom okolí je kompletná občianska vybavenosť - školy, škôlky, kaviarne, reštaurácie, obchody, vrátane obchodného domu RETRO, Dom kultúry Ružinov, Hotel Bratislava, Park Andreja Hlinku, zdravotnícke zariadenia, Poliklinika Ružinov, nemocnica, pošta, kostol, lekáreň priamo v bytovom dome atď. Byt má vynikajúcu dostupnosť, v blízkosti sú zastávky autobusov, električiek aj trolejbusov.
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 8
Olympos Mons Conquistador 10,00 € Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 € Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 9,00 € Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 9,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 € Ozzy Osbourne No more tears 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 € Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 € P.O.D. Payable of death 4,00 € Pagan's Mind Enigmatic : Calling 12,00 € Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 € Pearl Jam Vitalogy (digipak) 8,00 € Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 7,00 € Pearl Jam Yield (digipak) 7,00 € Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 € Pink Cream 69 One size fits all (japan) 9,00 € Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 € Pink Cream 69 Endangered (digipak) 8,00 € Pink Cream 69 Ceremonial (nový) 10,00 € Point of Power It's about time 10,00 € Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 € Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 € Poison Native tongue 7,00 € Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 € Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 € Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 € Pretty Maids Pandemonium (Irond) 9,00 € Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 9,00 € Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 € Primal Fear Live in the USA 8,00 € Primal Fear New religion (nový) 10,00 € Primal Fear 16.6 [Before the devils knows you're dead] (nový) 10,00 € Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 € Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 € Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 € Queensrӱche Operation:mindcrime 7,00 € Queensrӱche Empire 6,00 € Queensrӱche Empire (2CD) 9,00 € Quiet Riot Rehab (nový) 7,00 € Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 € Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 € Rage Reign of fear 12,00 € Rage Black in mind 9,00 € Rage End of all days 9,00 € Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 € Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 € Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 € Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 € Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 4
Kvelertak Nattesferd (digipak) 8,00 € Kvelertak Meir (nový) 8,00 € Lake of Tears Illwill (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Legion of the Damned Malevolent rapture (CD+DVD) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Ravenous plague 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Slaves of the shadow realm (digibook,CD+DVD,nový) Machine Head The blackening (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Machine Head Through the ashes of empires (2CD) 7,00 € Machine Head Unto the locust 7,00 € Malevolent Creation The 13th beast (Fono) 7,00 € Marduk Those of the unlight (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Plague angel (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Marduk Rom 5:12 (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Wormwood (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Mastodon The hunter (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Mastodon Once more 'round the sun 9,00 € Mastodon Emperor of sand 9,00 € Moonspell Irreligious 7,00 € Moonspell Sin/Pecado 7,00 € Moonspell Extinct (nový) 9,00 € Moonspell Hermitage (mediabook,nový) 10,00 € Musica Diablo Musica Diablo 7,00 € Naglfar Pariah (Fono) 8,00 € Napalm Death Words from the exit wound (Earache 1998 UK) 10,00 € Nervosa Victim of yourself (nový) 9,00 € Nevermore Dead heart in a dead world 8,00 € Nile At the gate of Sethu (nový) 8,00 € Novembre Materia 5,00 € Obituary The end complete (nový) 10,00 € Obituary Frozen in time ( 15,00 € Oceans The sun and the cold (digipak,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Orphaned Land The never ending way of Orwarior 7,00 € Orphaned Land Unsung prophets and dead messiahs (nový) 7,00 € Ov Hell The underworld regime (Indie Recordings/Soyuz) 12,00 € Overkill Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € Pain Coming home (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Pantera Cowboys from hell 6,00 € Pantera Vulgar display of power 6,00 € Pantera Far beyond driven 6,00 € Pantera The great southern trendkill 5,00 € Pantera Official Live 101 Proof 6,00 € Pantera Reinventing hell - the best of Pantera (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Panzer Send them all to hell (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 7
Metallica Metallica 7,00 € Metallica Load 7,00 € Metallica Reload 7,00 € Metallica Death magnetic (digipak) 6,00 € Michael Schenker Fest Resurrection (nový) 9,00 € Mob Rules Among the gods 8,00 € Mob Rules Radical peace (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Molly Hatchet Devil's canyon 8,00 € Molly Hatchet Silent reign of heroes 8,00 € Morifade Domination (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Motörhead Overkill 8,00 € Motörhead Bomber (digipak,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Motörhead Ace of spades 8,00 € Motörhead Iron fist (nový) 9,00 € Motörhead March ör die (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead 1916 6,00 € Motörhead 1916 (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead Overnight sensation 8,00 € Motörhead Snake bite love 8,00 € Mötley Crüe Dr.Feelgood 8,00 € Mötley Crüe Saints of Los Angeles 8,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 7,00 € MSG In the midst of beauty 8,00 € Mundanus Imperium The spectral spheres coronation 5,00 € Mustasch Powerhouse 5,00 € Mystic Prophecy Savage souls 8,00 € Neal Morse Sola scriptura 10,00 € Neal Morse ? 10,00 € Neal Morse One 10,00 € Neal Morse Momentum 10,00 € Neal Morse Sola gratia (digi,CD+DVD,nový) 12,00 € Neal Morse Band Innocence & danger (2CD,nový) 10,00 € Nightwish Angels fall first 7,00 € Nightwish Oceanborn (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster 6,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Century child 6,00 € Nightwish Century child (nový) 8,00 € Nightwish Over the hills and far away (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Dark passion play (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 7,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Toxicity 6,00 € System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone The burning (digipak) 6,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 7,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone The burning (digipak) 6,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 7
Metal Church The human factor ( 15,00 € Metallica Kill'em all 7,00 € Metallica ...and justice for all 5,00 € Metallica ...and justice for all 7,00 € Metallica Metallica 7,00 € Metallica Garage Inc. (2CD) 5,00 € Metallica Garage Inc. (2CD) 8,00 € Metallica Load 5,00 € Metallica Load 7,00 € Metallica Reload 7,00 € Metallica Death magnetic (supercase) 6,00 € Metallica Death magnetic (digipak) 6,00 € Metallica self-destruct (digipak,2CD) 6,00 € Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock Spirit on a mission (special edition,nový) 9,00 € Michael Schenker Fest Resurrection (nový) 9,00 € Molly Hatchet Devil's canyon 8,00 € Molly Hatchet Silent reign of heroes 8,00 € Morifade Domination (digipak,nový) 5,00 € Motörhead Overkill 8,00 € Motörhead Bomber (digipak,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Motörhead Ace of spades 8,00 € Motörhead 1916 6,00 € Motörhead 1916 (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead March ör die (nový) 7,00 € Motörhead Bastards 10,00 € Motörhead Overnight sensation 8,00 € Motörhead Snake bite love 8,00 € Motörhead Best of (2CD,nový) 8,00 € Mötley Crüe Saints of Los Angeles 9,00 € Mr.Big Lean into it 7,00 € MSG In the midst of beauty 8,00 € Mundanus Imperium The spectral spheres coronation 5,00 € Mustasch Powerhouse 5,00 € Neal Morse Sola scriptura 10,00 € Neal Morse ? 10,00 € Neal Morse One 10,00 € Neal Morse Momentum 10,00 € Neal Morse Sola gratia (digi,CD+DVD,nový) 12,00 € Neal Morse Band Innocence & danger (2CD,nový) 10,00 € Nightwish Angels fall first 7,00 € Nightwish Oceanborn (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster 6,00 € Nightwish Wishmaster (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Century child 6,00 € Nightwish Century child (nový) 8,00 € Nightwish Over the hills and far away (nový) 7,00 € Nightwish Once 7,00 € Nightwish Dark passion play (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 3
EvilOne Militia of death (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Exodus The atrocity exhibition - exhibit A (nový) 9,00 € Fear Factory Obsolete 6,00 € Fear Factory Archetype 8,00 € Fear Factory Genexus (nový) 8,00 € Gojira L'enfant sauvage (nový) 8,00 € Gojira L'enfant sauvage (digipak,CD+DVD) 9,00 € Headhunter Parasite of society (bonus,slipcase,nový) 10,00 € Hearse Armageddon mon amour 3,00 € Hypocrisy Arrival 12,00 € Children of Bodom Hate crew deathroll 7,00 € Children of Bodom Are you dead yet ? 6,00 € Children of Bodom Blooddrunk (nový) 8,00 € Children of Bodom Halo of blood (digipak,CD+DVD) 9,00 € Children of Bodom Hexed (nový) 10,00 € Children of Bodom Hexed (digipak,nový) 12,00 € Ill Niňo Confession 2,00 € Immolation Atonement (nový) 10,00 € Immortal All shall fall 9,00 € Immortal Northern chaos gods (digipak) 10,00 € In Flames Whoracle 8,00 € In Flames Colony 9,00 € In Flames Come clarity 7,00 € In Flames Come clarity (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € In Flames A sense of purpose 7,00 € In Flames A sense of purpose (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € In Flames Sounds of a playground fading (special edition digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € In Flames I, the mask (nový) 9,00 € Insomnium One for sorrow (nový) 10,00 € Katatonia Dance of december souls (nový) 10,00 € Katatonia Tonight's decision (digipak) 7,00 € Katatonia Last fair deal gone down (digi,10-panel, EU) 8,00 € Katatonia Dead end kings (digipak,Mazzar,nový) 10,00 € Katatonia Dead end kings (slipcase) 10,00 € Kreator Pleasure to kill / Flag of hate (N 0037-3 Ger) 12,00 € Kreator Pleasure to kill / Flag of hate (N 0341-2 Ger) 10,00 € Kreator Coma of souls (N 0158-2) 10,00 € Kreator Renewal ( 13,00 € Kreator Outcast 8,00 € Kreator Violent revolution 11,00 € Kreator Phantom antichrist 10,00 € Kreator Gods of violence (digibook,CD+DVD) 11,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Mastercutor (nový) 8,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € U.D.O. Steelfactory (nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € UFO Sharks 10,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Unisonic Light of dawn 7,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 7,00 € Van Halen Women and children first 6,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen 3 8,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Viper Evolution (japan) 10,00 € Viper Theatre of fate (japan) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Inside the electric circus 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Helldorado 8,00 € W.E.T. Retransmission (Irond) 8,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 7,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 7,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 6,00 € Warlock True as steel 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf The black flame 7,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Magnum opus (japan) 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 3
Def Leppard On through the night (nový) 6,00 € Def Leppard High'n'dry 7,00 € Def Leppard Hysteria (nový) 8,00 € Def Leppard Adrenalize 7,00 € Def Leppard Adrenalize (digipak) 9,00 € Def Leppard Euphoria (special case) 9,00 € Def Leppard Slang (2CD) 8,00 € Def Leppard X 8,00 € Def Leppard Def Leppard 8,00 € Def Leppard Retro active 7,00 € Def Leppard Best of 6,00 € Def Leppard Vault 6,00 € Demons & Wizards Demons & Wizards 8,00 € Demons & Wizards Touched by the crimson king 10,00 € Dio Holy diver (Mercury 811 021-2) 8,00 € Dio Sacred heart (nový) 7,00 € Dio Dream evil (nový) 8,00 € Dio Lock up the wolves (nový) 7,00 € Dio Angry machines (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Dio Killing the dragon ( 12,00 € Distorted Wonderland Distorted Wonderland 8,00 € Dope Stars Inc. Gigahearts 3,00 € Doro Force majeure 9,00 € Doro True at heart 7,00 € Doro Angels never die 6,00 € Doro Calling the wild 7,00 € Doro Live 5,00 € Doro A whiter shade of pale (17 tracks best of) 5,00 € Dragonforce Ultra beatdown 6,00 € Dragonforce Maximum overload 7,00 € Dream Theater A view from the top of the world (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Edguy Mandrake 8,00 € Edguy Hellfire club 7,00 € Edguy Rocket ride (digibook) 8,00 € Edguy Tinnitus sanctus (digipak,2CD) 9,00 € Edguy Space police - Defenders of the crown (digibook,2CD) 9,00 € End Of Green The painstream (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Enforcer From beyond (digi) 9,00 € Enforcer Zenith (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Epica Requiem for the indifferent (nový) 8,00 € Extreme Extreme 7,00 € Extreme II Pornografitti 7,00 € Extreme III Sides to every story 6,00 € Extreme Waiting for the punchline 8,00 € Fair Warning Go! 8,00 € Fair Warning 4 (nový) 5,00 € Fair Warning Rainmaker 8,00 € Fair Warning Sundancer (nový) 8,00 € Faith No More Real thing 6,00 € Faith No More Angel dust 6,00 € Faith No More Live at the Brixton Academy 5,00 € Faith No More King for a day fool for a lifetime 6,00 € Faith No More Album of the year 6,00 € Fates Warning Perfect symmetry 10,00 € Fates Warning Inside out 10,00 € Fates Warning A pleasant shade of gray 8,00 € Fates Warning FWX 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 9,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 9,00 € Stratovarius Destiny ( 10,00 € Stratovarius Infinite 5,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Toxicity 6,00 € System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
Tygers of Pan Tang Spellbound (nový) 12,00 € U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 8,00 € Van Halen Fair Warning 10,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P Unholy terror ( 15,00 € W.A.S.P. Babylon (nový) 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Dominator (nový) 9,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 8,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 10,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 7,00 € Warrant Dog eat dog 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion Pride 7,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
Tygers of Pan Tang Spellbound (nový) 12,00 € U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 8,00 € Van Halen Fair Warning 10,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P Unholy terror ( 15,00 € W.A.S.P. Babylon (nový) 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Dominator (nový) 9,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 8,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 10,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion Pride 7,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 4
Kvelertak Nattesferd (digipak) 8,00 € Kvelertak Meir (nový) 8,00 € Lake of Tears Illwill (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Legion of the Damned Malevolent rapture (CD+DVD) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Ravenous plague 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Slaves of the shadow realm (digibook,CD+DVD,nový) Machine Head The blackening (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Machine Head Through the ashes of empires (2CD) 7,00 € Machine Head Unto the locust 7,00 € Malevolent Creation The 13th beast (Fono) 7,00 € Marduk Those of the unlight (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Plague angel (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Marduk Rom 5:12 (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Wormwood (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Mastodon The hunter (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Mastodon Once more 'round the sun 9,00 € Mastodon Emperor of sand 9,00 € Moonspell Irreligious 7,00 € Moonspell Sin/Pecado 7,00 € Moonspell Hermitage (mediabook,nový) 10,00 € Musica Diablo Musica Diablo 7,00 € Naglfar Pariah (Fono) 8,00 € Napalm Death Words from the exit wound (Earache 1998 UK) 10,00 € Nervosa Victim of yourself (nový) 9,00 € Nevermore Dead heart in a dead world 8,00 € Nile At the gate of Sethu (nový) 8,00 € Novembre Materia 5,00 € Obituary The end complete (nový) 10,00 € Obituary Frozen in time ( 15,00 € Oceans The sun and the cold (digipak,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Orphaned Land The never ending way of Orwarior 7,00 € Orphaned Land Unsung prophets and dead messiahs (nový) 7,00 € Ov Hell The underworld regime (Indie Recordings/Soyuz) 12,00 € Overkill Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € Pain Coming home (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Pantera Cowboys from hell 6,00 € Pantera Vulgar display of power 6,00 € Pantera Far beyond driven 6,00 € Pantera The great southern trendkill 5,00 € Pantera Official Live 101 Proof 6,00 € Pantera Reinventing hell - the best of Pantera (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Panzer Send them all to hell (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
originál  Apple Power Adaptery
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CD Death/Black/Thrash 4
Kvelertak Nattesferd (digipak) 8,00 € Kvelertak Meir (nový) 8,00 € Lake of Tears Illwill (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Legion of the Damned Descent into chaos (nový) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Malevolent rapture (CD+DVD) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Ravenous plague 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Slaves of the shadow realm (digibook,CD+DVD,nový) Machine Head The blackening (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Machine Head Through the ashes of empires (2CD) 7,00 € Machine Head Unto the locust 7,00 € Malevolent Creation The 13th beast (Fono) 7,00 € Marduk Those of the unlight (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Plague angel (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Marduk Rom 5:12 (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Wormwood (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Mastodon The hunter (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Mastodon Once more 'round the sun 9,00 € Mastodon Emperor of sand 9,00 € Moonspell Irreligious 7,00 € Moonspell Sin/Pecado 7,00 € Moonspell Hermitage (mediabook,nový) 10,00 € Musica Diablo Musica Diablo 7,00 € Naglfar Pariah (Fono) 8,00 € Nervosa Victim of yourself (nový) 9,00 € Nevermore Dead heart in a dead world 8,00 € Nile At the gate of Sethu (nový) 8,00 € Novembre Materia 5,00 € Obituary Frozen in time ( 15,00 € Oceans The sun and the cold (digipak,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Orphaned Land The never ending way of Orwarior 7,00 € Orphaned Land Unsung prophets and dead messiahs (nový) 7,00 € Ov Hell The underworld regime (Indie Recordings/Soyuz) 12,00 € Overkill Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € Pain Coming home (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Pantera Cowboys from hell 6,00 € Pantera Vulgar display of power 6,00 € Pantera Far beyond driven 6,00 € Pantera The great southern trendkill 5,00 € Pantera Official Live 101 Proof 6,00 € Pantera Reinventing hell - the best of Pantera (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Panzer Send them all to hell (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 11
Tygers of Pan Tang Spellbound (nový) 12,00 € U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 € U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 € UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 € Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 € Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 € Van Halen Van Halen II 8,00 € Van Halen 1984 6,00 € Van Halen 5150 7,00 € Van Halen OU812 6,00 € Van Halen Balance 6,00 € Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 € Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 € Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 € Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 € Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 € Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 € Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 € Vixen Vixen 8,00 € Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 € Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 € W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 € W.A.S.P. Babylon (nový) 9,00 € W.A.S.P. Dominator (nový) 9,00 € Warlock Burning the witches 8,00 € Warlock Hellbound (nový) 10,00 € Warlock Triumph and agony 7,00 € White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 € White Lion Pride 7,00 € White Lion The best of 6,00 € Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 € Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 € Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 € Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 € Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 € Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Within Temptation The dance 6,00 € Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 € Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 € Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 € Within Temptation The unforgiving 8,00 € Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 € Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Death/Black/Thrash 4
Kvelertak Kvelertak 7,00 € Kvelertak Nattesferd (digipak) 7,00 € Kvelertak Meir (nový) 7,00 € Lake of Tears Illwill (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Legion of the Damned Descent into chaos (nový) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Malevolent rapture (CD+DVD) 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Ravenous plague 8,00 € Legion of the Damned Slaves of the shadow realm (digibook,CD+DVD,nový) Machine Head The blackening (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Machine Head Through the ashes of empires (2CD) 7,00 € Machine Head Unto the locust 7,00 € Malevolent Creation The 13th beast (Fono) 7,00 € Marduk Those of the unlight (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Plague angel (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Marduk Rom 5:12 (CD-Maximum) 8,00 € Marduk Wormwood (nový,slipcase) 10,00 € Mastodon The hunter (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Mastodon Once more 'round the sun 9,00 € Mastodon Emperor of sand 9,00 € Moonspell Irreligious 7,00 € Moonspell Sin/Pecado 7,00 € Moonspell Hermitage (mediabook,nový) 10,00 € Musica Diablo Musica Diablo 7,00 € Naglfar Pariah (Fono) 8,00 € Nervosa Victim of yourself (nový) 9,00 € Nevermore Dead heart in a dead world 8,00 € Nile At the gate of Sethu (nový) 8,00 € Novembre Materia 5,00 € Oceans The sun and the cold (digipak,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Orphaned Land The never ending way of Orwarior 7,00 € Orphaned Land Unsung prophets and dead messiahs (nový) 7,00 € Ov Hell The underworld regime (Indie Recordings/Soyuz) 12,00 € Overkill Ironbound (digipak) 13,00 € Pain Coming home (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 € Pantera Cowboys from hell 6,00 € Pantera Vulgar display of power 6,00 € Pantera Far beyond driven 6,00 € Pantera The great southern trendkill 5,00 € Pantera Official Live 101 Proof 6,00 € Pantera Reinventing hell - the best of Pantera (CD+DVD) 7,00 € Panzer Send them all to hell (digipak) 8,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 3
Def Leppard On through the night (nový) 6,00 € Def Leppard High'n'dry 7,00 € Def Leppard Adrenalize 7,00 € Def Leppard Adrenalize (digipak) 9,00 € Def Leppard Euphoria (special case) 9,00 € Def Leppard Slang 7,00 € Def Leppard Slang (2CD) 8,00 € Def Leppard X 8,00 € Def Leppard Def Leppard 8,00 € Def Leppard Retro active 7,00 € Def Leppard Best of 6,00 € Def Leppard Vault 6,00 € Demons & Wizards Demons & Wizards 8,00 € Demons & Wizards Touched by the crimson king 9,00 € Dio Holy diver (Mercury 811 021-2) 8,00 € Dio Sacred heart (nový) 7,00 € Dio Dream evil (nový) 8,00 € Dio Lock up the wolves (nový) 7,00 € Dio Angry machines (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Distorted Wonderland Distorted Wonderland 8,00 € Dope Stars Inc. Gigahearts 3,00 € Doro Force majeure 9,00 € Doro Doro 6,00 € Doro Angels never die 6,00 € Doro Calling the wild 7,00 € Doro Fight 7,00 € Doro Live 5,00 € Doro A whiter shade of pale (17 tracks best of) 5,00 € Dragonforce Maximum overload 7,00 € Dream Evil The book of heavy metal 8,00 € Dream Evil Evilized 8,00 € Eagleheart Reverse (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Edguy Mandrake 8,00 € Edguy Hellfire club 7,00 € Edguy Rocket ride (digibook) 8,00 € Edguy Tinnitus sanctus (digipak,2CD) 9,00 € Edguy Space police - Defenders of the crown (digibook,2CD) 9,00 € End Of Green The painstream (digipak,nový) 6,00 € Enforcer From beyond (digi) 9,00 € Enforcer Zenith (digipak,nový) 8,00 € Epica Requiem for the indifferent (nový) 8,00 € Extreme Extreme 7,00 € Extreme II Pornografitti 7,00 € Extreme III Sides to every story 6,00 € Extreme Waiting for the punchline 8,00 € Fair Warning Go! 8,00 € Fair Warning 4 (nový) 5,00 € Fair Warning Sundancer (nový) 8,00 € Fair Warning Talking ain't enough - Live in Tokyo (digipak,3CD,nový) 9,00 € Faith No More Real thing 6,00 € Faith No More Angel dust 6,00 € Faith No More Live at the Brixton Academy 5,00 € Faith No More King for a day fool for a lifetime 6,00 € Faith No More Album of the year 6,00 € Fates Warning Inside out 10,00 € Fates Warning FWX 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Dio & Rainbow
Od Dio sú k dispozícii albumy v zozname (nie na fotke): Dio - Holy diver (Mercury 811 021-2) 8,00 € Dio - The last in line (Vertigo 822 336-2,nový) 8,00 € Dio - Sacred heart (nový) 7,00 € Dio - Dream evil (nový) 8,00 € Dio - Lock up the wolves (nový) 7,00 € Dio - Angry machines (digibook,2CD,nový) 10,00 € Dio - Master of the moon ( EU,nový) 12,00 € Od Rainbow sú k dispozícii albumy v zozname (nie na fotke): Rainbow - Richie Blackmore's Rainbow (RM,nový) 8,00 € Rainbow - Long live rock'n'roll (RM,nový) 7,00 € Rainbow - On stage (RM) 7,00 € Rainbow - Down to earth (Polydor 823 705-2) 8,00 € Rainbow - Down to earth (RM,nový) 8,00 € Rainbow - Difficult to cure (RM,nový) 9,00 € Rainbow - Straight between the eyes (RM,nový) 8,00 € Rainbow - Bent out of shape (nový) 6,00 € Rainbow - Stranger in us all 9,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku komplet zoznam CD na predaj (cca 1500ks) pošlem na mail