inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

okres piešany - strana 15

Počet nájdených inzerátov OKRES PIEšANY : 1000 - strana 15

Audiofilné high-end rádio Micromega Minium FM + Dialkové
Ponúkam na predaj audiofilné rádio Micromega Minium FM s veľmi kvalitným príjmom a zvukovým podaním. FM príjimač sa dá ovládať diaľkovým ovládaním (ORIGINÁLNY ovládač je súčasnou balenia). Má malý škrabanček na hornom paneli, ktorý nájdete na fotkách. Inak je v plne funkčnom stave. Disponuje pamäťou 19 staníc. Cena je aj s diaľkovým ovládačom 145 EUR Odber BA Staré Mesto Možné zaslanie aj prostredníctvom kuriérskej služby, ale s ohľadom na momentálnu situáciu v súvislosti s koronavírusom iba s podajom u kuriéra a doručením na adresu. Služba stojí 9 eur. Ak nepoznáte túto značku, ide o uznávanú francúzsku firmu, ktorá vyrába audiofilné zariadenia. Viac info: CENA: 145 € aj s Orig. diaľkovým ovládaním v Nemeckom bazoši - 229 € bez diaľkového - TEST: The FM sound was much better than that from other mini systems, although the sensitivity was about the same (it could not pull in the weak stations any better than the less expensive unit). Obviously, though, the sound quality is the salient factor, and this is a good tuner in that regard. MICROMEGA: Za viac ako dvadsať rokov svojej existencie MICROMEGA vytvorila a vyrobila viacero Hi-Fi komponentov a zariadení, ktoré sú považované za najlepšie na svete. Platí to tak pre analógové, ako aj pre digitálne komponenty. Už v roku 1988 vyrobila MICROMEGA prvý CD prehrávač CDF1-Digital umiestnený na dvoch separátnych šasi – zvlášť pre CD mechaniku a zvlášť pre vysokokvalitný D/A prevodník. Kombinácia najvyššej úrovne vernosti v reprodukcii hudby, revolučnej estetiky, spoľahlivosti a užívateľskej prívetivosti, robí z MICROMEGA jednu z mála audio spoločností, ktoré skutočne pozdvihli svet Hi-Fi. Značku MICROMEGA nesú vysokokvalitné CD prehrávače, zosilňovače, FM tunery, streamery a ďalšie špičkové audio komponenty. V roku 2007 kupuje značku MICROMEGA francúzska elektronická firma Audis na čele s hudobným a Hi-Fi nadšencom Didierom Hamdim. Následne Audis začala vyrábať novú produktovú radu MICROMEGA vo svojom závode v Boissy-Saint-Léger, kde sídli centrum výskumu a vývoja, showroom a laboratóriá spoločnosti. "Výskum, inovácie a rozvoj sú jedným z najdôležitejších cieľov, ktoré v MICROMEGA máme“, hovorí majiteľ tejto francúzskej spoločnosti Didier Hamdi.
3 - KAESER M31 ,2012R
KAESER M31, 2012 rok výroba, 2151 motohodiny. Veľmi dobrý stav. CENA BEZ DPH. KAESER M31 compressor. Year of production 2012. Working hours 2151 h. Working pressure; 7 Bar. Very good condition. No leaks, low hours, good tyres Registration documents available, Many units available. We can arrange transport to any country in Europe Poľsko, 40 km od Námestovo. Tel. 555
5- KAESER M20 ,2011R
KAESER M20, 2011 rok výroba, 1402 motohodiny. Veľmi dobrý stav. CENA BEZ DPH. KAESER M20 compressor. Year of production 2011. Working hours 1402 h. Working pressure; 7 Bar. Very good condition. No leaks, low hours, good tyres Registration documents available, Many units available. We can arrange transport to any country in Europe Poľsko, 40 km od Námestovo. Tel. 555
► PINK FLOYD ► PULSE ► ► ORIGINÁL 2 CD ► NOVÉ a ZABALENÉ v originálnej fólii !!! ♥ NAJLEPŠIE OSOBNÝ ODBER V PREŠOVE... Tracklist: 1-1 Shine On You Crazy Diamond Written-By – Gilmour*, Wright*, Waters* 13:35 1-2 Astronomy Domine Written-By – Barrett* 4:20 1-3 What Do You Want From Me Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson*, Wright* 4:09 1-4 Learning To Fly Written-By – Moore*, Ezrin*, Gilmour*, Carin* 5:15 1-5 Keep Talking Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson*, Wright* 6:52 1-6 Coming Back To Life Written-By – Gilmour* 6:56 1-7 Hey You Written-By – Waters* 4:39 1-8 A Great Day For Freedom Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson* 4:30 1-9 Sorrow Written-By – Gilmour* 10:49 1-10 High Hopes Written-By – Gilmour*, Samson* 7:52 1-11 Another Brick In The Wall (Part Two) Written-By – Waters* 7:07 The Dark Side Of The Moon 2-1 Speak To Me Written-By – Mason* 2:30 2-2 Breathe Written-By – Gilmour*, Wright*, Waters* 2:33 2-3 On The Run Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters* 3:47 2-4 Time Written-By – Gilmour*, Mason*, Wright*, Waters* 6:46 2-5 Great Gig In The Sky Written-By – Wright* 5:52 2-6 Money Written-By – Waters* 8:54 2-7 Us And Them Written-By – Wright*, Waters* 6:57 2-8 Any Colour You Like Written-By – Gilmour*, Mason*, Wright* 3:21 2-9 Brain Damage Written-By – Waters* 3:45 2-10 Eclipse Written-By – Waters* 2:37 2-11 Wish You Were Here Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters* 6:35 2-12 Comfortably Numb Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters* 9:29 2-13 Run Like Hell Written-By – Gilmour*, Waters* 8:36
Regulátor výkonu spotrebičov/zariadení na striedavý prúd
1kW Triak Regulátor – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne; Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov. – SCR/Triac 1000W AC PWM Voltage Regulator, with illuminated ON/OFF switch, fuse and over-temperature thermal protection. - Output regulation range: 50V* to mains supply - Maximum continuous load: ≤4.5A (≈1000W) - Overload capability 6.5 Amps (overload duration limited by thermal conditions) - 500% instantaneous overload current withstand capacity, with 25Amp BTA24-600B-CDI Triac -*Minimum output voltage adjustable via an internal multi-turn trimmer pot - For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply - Illuminated ON/OFF rocker switch: Red as standard; (alt. Yellow/Blue/Green) - Large 20mm diameter Red/Black control knob; (alt. Blue/Black, White/Black) - 0 to 100 graduated scale for accurate adjustment - Screw-top fuse holder with 5 × 20mm fuse - Over-temperature thermal cut-out switch protected - 1 to 2 minute automatic reset - Accepts cable sized 4mmØ to 7mmØ - round 3 core1.00mm² csa recommended - Black ABS enclosure, 39 x 57 x 87 mm (H×W×L) - Height over control knob 55mm - Width excluding cable glands 74mm - Length including mounting tabs 111mm - Wiring guide/instructions included - Weight 142g Application notes: - Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps; fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors. - Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device. - ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump. - Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth! - I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application. 1ks 28.00€ Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@ Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 4.20€
Damska lyziarska bunda Arc'teryx Stingray Goretex, S
ORIGINALNA DAMSKA LYZIARSKA ARCTERYX VETROVKA, VELKOST S. MALO NOSENA, VYZERA AKO NOVA. POVODNA CENA 650 EUR. Original Arcteryx ski jacket, 3L Goretex, bought couple of years in a Arcteryx brand store. Was wearn couple of times but it has been a little bit small for me so not wearing it. Not aware of any defects. Womens lightly insulated waterproof Gore-Tex® ski and snowboard jacketThe Stingray Jacket by ARCTERYX is a lightly insulated, waterproof and breathable Gore-Tex® jacket with 3L softshell construction and on piste style and performance. With features, fit and design specifically refined for on area skiing and boarding, the Stingray by ARCTERYX is a versatile waterproof and breathable N70p Gore-Tex® hardshell with a brushed polyester backer that adds warmth, comfort and durability. Ski specific Features are geared for on piste performance no matter what the conditions. The N70p Gore-Tex® offers protection from the wind and snow, and the helmet compatible Drop Hood™ provides superior weather protection with exceptional visibility and stealthy, one-handed adjustability. A laminated powder skirt with gripper elastic seals out the snow, and pit zips with Arc’teryx WaterTight™ zippers add rapid ventilation with minimal bulk. Primary Use Ski/Snowboard Technical Features Waterproof Snow-shedding Windproof Breathable Lightly insulated Lightweight Durable Construction DWR finish (Durable Water Repellent) helps repel water from fabric surface Micro-seam allowance (1.6 mm) reduces bulk and weight Taped seams for added weatherproofness Soft, brushed lining adds light insulation Patterning Anatomical shaping for fit and comfort Gender specific patterning Articulated patterning for unrestricted mobility No-lift gusseted underarms Hood Configuration Laminated brim Adjustable hood drawcords Helmet compatible DropHood™ Zippers & Fly Configuration WaterTight™ full length front zip Pit zips with WaterTight™ zipper can be opened to vent heat rapidly Cuff & Sleeves Configuration Die-cut Velcro® cuff adjusters reduce bulk, and won't catch or tear off Hem Configuration Adjustable hem drawcord Drop back hem Laminated hem Pocket Configuration Two hand pockets with WaterTight™ zippers Internal mesh dump pocket Internal laminated pocket with zip Lower sleeve pocket with laminated zip Snowsport Features Powder skirt with gripper elastic and snap closure Lift pass loop Hidden Recco® reflector Weight: 565 g / 1 lb 3.9 oz (Size M) Machine wash in warm water (30°C) Double rinse Wash dark colours separately Do not use fabric softener Remove immediately Do not leave wet Tumble dry on medium heat
Regulátor výkonu spotrebičov na striedavý prúd – 230V, 1000W
1kW Triak PWM AC Regulator – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne; Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov. – 1000W SCR Voltage Triac Regulator Box. - Output regulation range: 50V** to AC mains supply - For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply - Maximum continuous load: ≤4.5A (≈1000W) - Non-repetitive 20 second load: 13Amps (≈3000W) -**Minimum output voltage adjustable via an internal multi-turn trimmer pot - Triac, BTA24-600B-CDI; rated current 25Amps - ABS enclosure, 87 x 57 x 39 mm - Width including mounting tabs 111mm - Cable glands accept cable sized 4mmØ to 7mmØ (round 3-core 1.00mm² csa recommended) Application notes: - Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps; fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors. - Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device. - ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump. - Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth! - I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application. 18.30€/ks Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@ Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 4.20€
Iphone Xr 64gb
Iphone Xr neverlock icloud clear in good condition If you have any questions contact me Telegram: ParaBlume Iphone Xr sa nezamyká icloud jasné v dobrom stave Ak máte nejaké otázky, kontaktujte ma Telegram: ParaBlume
WMW MODUL ZFWZ 500x8 Obrážečka odvalovací na čelní ozubení
Prodam WMW MODUL ZFWZ 500x8 Obrážečka odvalovací na čelní ozubení s prislusenstvom v cene. Typ/Model: ZFWZ 500x8 Výrobce: WMW VEB MODUL, Germany Popis: Ozubení vnější max. čelní modul: 8 max. průměr obráženého čelního kola: 500 mm min. průměr obráženého kola: 90 mm průměr stolu: 470 mm elektromotor: výkon: 9.25 kW rozměr stroje: délka x šířka: 2700 x 1530 mm výška: 1840 mm váha stroje: 6500 kg Accessories is available - set change gears, arbours, milling cutters, Manual book.. etc P.S: Any photos on your request by email. Stroj je plně funkční, výměnná kola,trny. Video of working machine at request by email. Meno: Andreas Telefon: +917 E-mail: info.almtrade@
Aretačná sada VAG TDi
Aretačná sada VAG TDi AUDI A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, TT, Q5 (98-11) SEAT Arosa, Ibiza, Cordoba, Altea/XL, Leon, Toledo, Alhambra (99-11) SKODA Fabia (II),Roomster, Octavia (II), Superb (II) (00-11) VW Lupo, Fox, Polo, Golf, Golf Plus, Bora, Jetta, Beetle, Scirocco,Passat, Sharan, Touran, Tiguan, Caddy, Transporter (98-11) Kódy motorov: 1.2 TDi – ANY, AYZ 1.4 TDi – AMF, ATL, BAY, BHC, BNM, BNV 1.9 TDi – AJM, AMG, ANJ, ARL, ARX, ASZ, ATD, ATJ, AUY,AVB, AVF, AVQ, AWX, AXB, AXC, AXR, BEW, BJB, BKC, BKE, BLS, BLT, BMT, BPX, BRB, BRM, BRU, BSU, BSV, BSW, BTB, BVK, BXE, BXF 2.0 TDi – AZV, BKD, BDJ, BDK, BGW, BHW, BKP, BLB, BMA, BMM, BMN, BMP, BMR, BNA, BPW, BRC, BRE, BRF, BRT, BSS, BUY, BUZ, BVE,BVF, BVG, BVH, BVW Nové motory Common Rail 1.6 TDi – CAYA, CAYB, CAYC 2.0 TDi – CAGA, CAGB, CAGC, CAHA, CAHB,CBAA, CBAB, CBAC, CBBA, CBDA, CBDB, CBDC, CBEA, CEGA.
Aretačná sada VAG 1.4 / 1.9 / 2.0 / 2.7 / 3.0 / 4.0 TDI
Predám elektrobicykel Corratec
Predám horský elektrobicykel (ebike) nemeckej značky Corratec. Veľmi bezpečný E-bike so širokými 27,5" kolesami. Engine: BOSCH Performance Whether trekking, all-mountain riding or commuting: The sporty Performance Line is the perfect choice for ambitious eBikers. The finely balanced, high-performance system with a maximum torque of 63 Nm transforms eBikers into explorers and adventurers and provides the required power at any moment. Max speed:25km/hPower:250wattTorque:63Nm JPowerful starting Innovative gear shifting concepts Battery: BOSCH Power Tube 500 W/h mám 3ks velkosť 44 2ks velkosť 54
Macbook Pro 16 M1 MAX / 64 GB / 2TB / 32 GPU
Na predaj nový Apple Macbook Pro 16 M1 Max Space Grey, 10‑Core CPU, 32‑Core GPU a 16‑Core Neural Engine. Namieru CTO konfigurácia: - 64 Gb RAM - 2 TB SSD - International English klávesnica So zárukou (kupovaný 04/22) ! Macbook s ľahkosťou zvláda akúkoľvek profesionálnu video/audio postprodukciu. Je iba rozbalený z krabice, a otestovaný. Všetko príslušenstvo samozrejme k dispozícii. Nová cena 4769,- Teraz za 4250,- Prosím iba seriózni záujemcovia. --- ENGLISH --- New Apple Macbook Pro 16 M1 Max Space Gray, 10-Core CPU, 32-Core GPU and 16-Core Neural Engine for sale. Custom configuration: - 64 GB of RAM - 2 TB SSD - International English keyboard With warranty (bought 04/22)! Macbook handles any professional video/audio post-production with ease. It is only unpacked from the box and tested. All accessories included. New price is 4769,- Now asking 4250,- Please only serious interest.
Panasonic - vyvojovy kit PAN9520 a PAN1781
Predam vyvojovy kit a rozsirovaciu dosku Panasonic PAN9520 a PAN1781 (ENW89857AXKF a ENW49D01AZKF). Panasonic PAN9520 Evaluation Kit is an all-inclusive and comprehensive kit that supports rapid prototyping with the Panasonic PAN9520 Embedded Wi-Fi® Module. The kit features an Arduino form factor board that has the PAN9520 RF module with 4MB or 1MB of flash memory, a 40MHz crystal oscillator, and a chip antenna onboard. The evaluation kit supports the Espressif Integrated Development Framework (ESP-IDF), which can be used to develop software for a variety of applications. ESP-IDF also has numerous software examples that can be utilized to speed up application development. The PAN9520 series supports both access and station mode for connection in most Wi-Fi applications. Panasonic PAN9520 Evaluation Kit comes with at least 43 programmable GPIOs that can be set for any preferable functionality such as sensors. Panasonic ENW89857AXKF Evaluation Board evaluates the PAN1781 BLUETOOTH® Low Energy (LE) module. This module features the nRF52820 single-chip controller, which is ideal for IoT wireless applications. The ENW89857AXKF evaluation board features an Arduino footprint and allows hardware access to the module pins as well as easy stacking of separate sensor test shields. This evaluation board features a segger J-link on-board debugger, FTDI UART-USB converter, native USB interface, Arduino UNO R3 header, and offers access to all modules. The ENW89857AXKF evaluation board also features two user buttons, two user LEDs, current measurement pins, and u.FL connector. This evaluation board operates at the 1.7V to 5.5V voltage range and -40°C to 85°C temperature range. Uplne nove, nepouzite. Cena 60€ + postovne, alebo osobny odber ZA.
STM32 X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 Expansion Board
Predam rozsirovaciu dosku X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 - dynamicky NFC/RFID tag postaveny na ST25DV04K. Doska kompatibilna s Arduino UNO V3 konektorom. The X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC expansion board is based on the ST25DV04K NFC Type V/RFID tag IC with a dual interface 4 Kbits EEPROM that also features an I²C interface. It can be powered by the pin of Arduino connector or directly by the received carrier electromagnetic field. X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 imageThe X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 expansion board is compatible with the Arduino™ UNO R3 connector pin assignment and can easily be plugged onto any STM32 Nucleo board. Various expansion boards can also be stacked to evaluate different devices operating together with the dynamic NFC tag. The board also features an antenna with a 54 mm ISO 24.2 diameter, single layer, copper etched on PCB. Uplne novy, nepouzity. Cena 5€ + postovne, alebo osobny odber ZA.
Prenájom 3 izbový byt s terasou v novostavbe Jégeho Alej
Ponúkame na prenájom úplne nový 3 izbový byt s terasou v novostavbe Jégeho Alej V na Jégeho ulici pri OC Central Byt sa nachádza v novej novostavbe Jégeho Alej V , čerstvo dokončený čaká na svojho prvého nájomníka. Rozloha bytu 82 m2 + balkón 10m2 + pivnica 3m2 + parking Byt je kompletne zariadený úplne novým kvalitným nábytkom a kuchyňa vybavená novými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, chladnička s mrazničkou, rúra , sporák, mikrovlnka) elektrické vonkajšie žalúzie v každej izbe. Obe spálne disponujú manželskou posteľou a šatníkmi s množstvom úložného priestoru. Výhodou je miestnosť v byte o výmere 5,5m2 , využitelná ako šatník alebo komora pre potraviny. Lokalita s výbornou dostupnosťou v širšom centre, blízko Zimný štadión O. Nepelu,športpark JAMA, OC Centrál, tržnica Trnavské mýto, trhovisko Miletičova. V okolí komplexná občianska vybavenosť. Hneď cez cestu Farmaceutická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Byt je vhodný pre 2-4 osoby . ( bez zvieratiek ) Pri podpise zmluvy sa platí následovné : - Nájom 1250 € vrátane energií , TV Internetu a parkovania - Depozit 1250 € - Právny servis / provizia RK Obhliadky možné kedykoľvek, napíšte mi správu. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte na tel cisle , email : bytikvbratislave@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brand new 3-room apartment with a terrace in the new Jégeho Alej V building on Jégeho street near OC Central The apartment is located in a new building in Jége Alej V, freshly completed and waiting for its first tenant. Apartment area 82 m2 + balcony 10 m2 + cellar 3 m2 + parking The apartment is completely furnished with brand new quality furniture and the kitchen is equipped with new appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator with freezer, oven, stove, microwave).electric external blinds in each room. Both bedrooms have a double bed and wardrobes with plenty of storage space. The advantage is the room in the apartment with an area of ​​5.5 m2, which can be used as a wardrobe or pantry for food. Location with excellent accessibility in the wider center, near O. Nepelu Winter Stadium, JAMA sports park, OC Centrál, Trnavské mýto market, Miletičova market. Comprehensive civic amenities in the vicinity. Just across the road, the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The apartment is suitable for 2-4 person. (without animals) When signing the contract, the following is payable: - Rent 1250 € including energies, utilities, TV, Internet and parking - Deposit 1250 € - Agency fee Viewings possible at any time, write me a message. Contact me via phone number or on email bytikvbratislave@
Prenájom 2 izbový byt v centre Starého Mesta , Medená ulica
Ponúkame na prenájom 2 izbový byt v historickom centre Starého Mesta na ulici Medená Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený nábytkom a spotrebičmi Rozloha bytu 60 m2 , 2.poschodie Byt je svetlý a vzdušný, pozostáva z predsiene, kde je veľký šatník s množstvom úložneho priestoru, samostatné WC a kúpeľňa s vaňou a práčkou, spálňa so vstavaným šatníkom , obývacia izba, kuchyňa s jedálňou a komorou. Kompletná občianska vybavenosť : v pešej dostupnosti potraviny , historické centrum Starého Mesta , OC EUROVEA... Byt je vhodný pre 1/2 osoby , pár . ( bez zvieratiek ) Pri podpise zmluvy sa platí následovné : Nájom 800 EUR vrátane energií a Internetu Depozit 800 EUR Právny servis / provizia RK 600 EUR K dispozícii ihneď. Obhliadky možné kedykoľvek, napíšte mi správu. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-room apartment in the historic center of the Old Town on Medená street The apartment is rented fully furnished with furniture and appliances Apartment area 60 m2, 2nd floor The apartment is bright and airy, consists of an entrance hall with a large wardrobe with plenty of storage space, a separate toilet and bathroom with a bathtub and a washing machine, a bedroom with a built-in wardrobe, a living room, a kitchen with a dining room and a pantry. Complete civic amenities: within walking distance of food, the historic center of the Old Town, OC EUROVEA... The apartment is suitable for 1/2 person, a couple. (without animals) When signing the contract, the following is payable: Rent 800 EUR including utilities energies and Internet Deposit 800 EUR Legal service /Agency fee 600 EUR Available immediately. Viewings possible at any time, write me a message or email
Neat SPORTALM Men Ski Jacket Grace M/L
Naozaj pekná nová pánska lyžiarska zimná oranžová bunda – Sportalm. Len párkrát vyskúšané, stav - NOVÉ. Plánujem ísť túto zimu do Thajska, tak to nevyužijem. Cena nového: 700 eur ( Predám za 149 Môžete to vidieť každý deň. :) ______________________________ Really nice new men ski winter orange jacket – Sportalm. Tried it couple times only, condition – NEW. Planning to go to Thailand this winter, so I won't use it. Price for new: 700 eur ( Selling for 149 You can see it any day. :)
Riadiace jednotky motora 1.2 TDI
Jednotka má vypnutý imobilizér. Stačí ju založiť a jazdiť. Pre naftové motory 1.2 TDI Kódy motora : ANY AYZ Osobný odber alebo zaslanie poštou/kuriérom na dobierku. Mám jednotky s číslami : AA AE BC K 0 0 0 0 045906019AA 045906019AE 045906019BC 045906019K Nenašli ste Vašu jednotku ? Napíšte mi alebo zavolajte. Určite nájdeme riešenie.
Regulátor výkonu spotrebičov na striedavý prúd – 4000W, 230V
High power 230V AC triac voltage regulator with temperature sensor overload protection. 4kW Triak Regulátor – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne; Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov - Special anti snap-ON circuitry for smooth predictable switch-on characteristic - Thermal switch for over-temperature shut-down (auto restart) - **Fitted with 10Amp, 5×20mm internal fuse, for loads exceeding 2kW use a 16A fuse - Output regulation range: ≈20V to mains supply* - 25Amp high power triac device, BTA24-600B - Maximum continuous load with passive convection cooling: ≤8.0A (≈2000W) - Maximum continuous load with forced air cooling: ≤16.0A** (≈4000W) - *For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply - Large 20mm diameter control knob; Height 15mm - Enclosure : 89mm×38mm×58mm; Aluminium chassis; Perforated steel cover - 4-way screw terminal block, M3.5, pitch 9.5mm - Kit includes: 10mm pot nut and washer, 0-100 graduated scale (aluminium, 40mm diameter) - Weight 115g Application notes: - Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps; fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors. - Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device. - ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump. - Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth! - I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application. 1ks 22.00€ Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@ Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 4.20€