operation flashpoint - strana 7
Počet nájdených inzerátov OPERATION FLASHPOINT
: 199 - strana 7

Predám zosilňovač Onkyo Integra A-8017. Zosilňovač je vo výbornom, plne funkčnom stave. Je to prvá séria zosilňovačov Onkyo Integra. Výborná phono sekcia... Veľmi pekne, dynamicky znejuci zosilnovač. Servo Operation, Diskrétne výstupné tranzistory, konzervatívne hodnotené, postavené keď Onkyo bolo na vrchole svojej hry, neporovnateľný vintage japonský dizajn, remeselné spracovanie, pozornosť k detailom, výkon a kvalita zvuku .
Super servo integrovaný stereo zosilňovač (1983-85)
Technické Údaje
Výstupný výkon: 80 wattov na kanál do 8Ω (stereo)
Frekvenčná odozva: 2Hz až 50kHz
Celkové harmonické skreslenie: 0,015 %
Faktor tlmenia: 50
Vstupná citlivosť: 0,28 mV (MC), 2,5 mV (MM), 150 mV (linka)
Odstup signálu od šumu: 68dB (MC), 80dB (MM), 84dB (linka)
Výstup: 150 mV (linka)
Polovodiče: 3 x IC, 51 x tranzistor, 26 x dióda
Rozmery: 435 x 142 x 392 mm
Hmotnosť: 11,5 kg

Predám Panasonic DMC-FZ50
10.1-megapixel high resolution CCD
LEICA DC VARIO-ELMARIT 12x optical zoom (35-420mm equiv.)
MEGA O.I.S.(Optical Image Stabilizer) system
Venus Engine III processor
Full photographic control
2.0-inch flip-out 207k high resolution LCD
High resolution electronic viewfinder
Fast startup and operation
TTL Flash hot-shoe

Predám PC zdroj silverstone ST1500-GS 1500W Strider Gold S Series. Používaný 1rok. Plne funkčný. Všetko príslušenstvo.
Pošlem na dobierku alebo osobne v Čadci/ Pardubice cz.
Na dvoch 12 V vetvách ponúkne tento model maximálne prúdové výstupy 70 A, vďaka čomu je vhodnou voľbou pre počítače s grafickými kartami najvyššej triedy. Tomu zodpovedá aj osem dostupných konektorov PCI Express, ktoré sú súčasťou jeho káblovej výbavy. Určite oceníte aj kompletnú odpojiteľnosť akýchkoľvek káblov, čo uľahčuje prietok vzduchu a chladenie komponentov v skrini. Povinnou súčasťou všetkých kvalitnejších zdrojov je aj aktívna korekcia PFC a viacnásobná ochrana pripojených zariadení – ani v tomto ohľade model ST1500-GS nezaostáva.
Parametre a špecifikácia:
Základné informácie:
Formát: ATX V2.3
Vstup: 90 ~ 264 V
Životnosť: 100 tisíc hodín
Maximálny prúdový odber:
+3,3 V: 25 A
+5 V: 25 A
+12 V1: 70 A
+12 V2: 70 A
-12 V: 0,3 A
+5 Vsb: 3,5 A
OCP (Over Current Protection/nadprúdová ochrana)
OVP (Over Voltage Protection/prepäťová ochrana)
UVP (Under Voltage Protection/ochrana pred podpätím)
OPP (Over Power Protection/ochrana pred preťažením)
OTP (Over Temperature Protection/ochrana pred prehriatím)
SCP (Short Circuit Protection/ochrana pred skratom)
NLP (No Load Operation/prevádzka s nulovým vyťažením)

Predám PS3 hry a PS4 hry:
Cena za kus 10,-eur:
The Last of Us Remastered PS4
Dead Space PS3
Dead Space 2 Limited Edition PS3
Dead Space 3 Limited Edition PS3
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City PS3
Resident Evil 5 PS3
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition PS3
Resident Evil 6 PS3
Resident Evil Revelations PS3
Resident Evil Revelations 2 PS3
Dead Alliance Day One Edition PS4
F.E.A.R. 2 PS3
F.E.A.R. 3 PS3
Killzone 3 PS3
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Platinum PS3
Battlefield 4 PS3
Battlefield 1 Revolution PS4
Call of Duty Ghosts PS3
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier PS3
Rage Anarchy Edition PS3
Fifa 19 PS4
Fifa 11 PS3
Fifa 18 PS4
PES 2016 PS4
Firewall Zero Hour PS4
Need for Speed: The Run Limited Edition PS3
Cena za kus 15,-eur:
Resident Evil 4 PS4
Resident Evil 7 VR PS4
The Evil Within 2 PS4
Metro Exodus PS4

Predám pár krát odskúšaný náhľadový monitor Feelworld F5 Monitor .
Monitor je v perfektnom stave.
Kupované 19.1.2021
Na monitore je fólia.
1× Micro HDMI Cable
1× Sunshade
1× Tilt Arm
1× Operation Manual
Displej: 5" IPS LED
Rozlišení displeje: 1920x1080
Poměr stran: 16:9
Jas: 450 cd/m²
Vstupy: HDMI
Výstupy: HDMI, sluchátka, napájecí (8,4 V)
Rozměry: 136x75,7x25,2 mm
Váha: 142,5 g (bez aku.)

Predam vo vybornom stave Plasma TV Samsung PS50B550 50". Bez podstavca, mozny uchyt na stenu.
Cena 150 Eur (znizena cena)
Iba osobny odber.
Technicke udaje:
Séria Séria 5
Video Cinema Progressive (režim Film) Áno
Skutočných 100Hz 100 Hz
Uhlopriečka obrazovky 50"
Rozlíšenie 1.920 x 1.080
Antireflexná vrstva Áno
Dynamický kontrastný pomer 2.000.000:1
Kontrastný pomer 40.000:1
600Hz Subfield Motion Áno
100Hz Áno
Cinema Smooth Nie
Film Mode (Cinema Progressive) Áno
Digitálny hrebeňový filter 3D
Digitálna redukcia šumu Áno
Audio Systém zvukových efektov SRS TruSurround HD a Dolby Digital Plus
Zvukový výkon (RMS) 10 W x 2
Funkcie Internet @ TV Nie
USB2.0 Áno (USB 2.0)
3D Nie
Technológia Anti Burn-in Áno (APS, Signální vzor, Šedý okraj)
Wireless LAN Adaptor Support Nie
Teletext (TTXT) 1 000 strán
Obraz v obraze Nie
Vypínací časovač Áno
Hodiny & zap./vyp. časovač Yes
Zastavenie obrazu Nie
Automatické ladenie Áno
Automatické vypnutie Áno
Intelligent Power Saving Áno
Automatické nastavenie hlasitosti Áno
Detail Settings Áno
LNA Plus Nie
Titulky Nie
Systém DTV Type DVB-T, DVB-T/C, MPEG4
Zabudovaný DTV Tuner Áno
Vstup & výstup (na boku) Slúchadlá 0
CI Slot Áno
S-Video Nie
Kompozitný (AV) 1
Vstup & výstup (vzadu) Euro Scart 2
Ethernet 0
PC vstup (D-sub) 1
PC Audio vstup (Mini Jack) 1
DVI Audio vstup 1 (mini jack)
Component (Y/Pb/Pr) 1
S-Video 0
Kompozitný (AV) Nie
Ethernet (LAN) Nie
Digital Audio (Optical) 1
RF vstup 1
Audio Out 1
3D Sync Out Nie
Scart 2
CI Slot Nie
Dizajn Typ Televízor SAMSUNG s krištáľovým dizajnom
Farba Platinovo čierna
Stand Type Sklo
Stand Neck Type Priehľadná sivá
Svetelný efekt Nie
Swivel (Left/Right) Áno (20° / 20°)
Napájanie Zdroj napájania AC 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Operation(Max.) Power Consumption 350 W
Operating(Average) Power Consumption 250 W
Príkon v pohotovostnom stave < 0.3="" w="">
Rozmery Rozmer zostavy (ŠxVxH) s podstavcom 1.240 x 822 x 290 mm
Rozmer zostavy (ŠxVxH) bez podstavca 1.240 x 766 x 74 mm

Predam nasledovne hry pre Xbox, Xbox 360 a niektore aj pre Xbox One, hry su vyskusane a funkcne, v kompletnom stave.
007 Agent Under Fire - 10 €
Amped Freestyle Snowboarding - 7 €
Blinx The Time Sweeper - 14 €
Commandos 2 - 9 €
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex - 22 €
Crash Nitro Cart - PREDANE
Dead or Alive 3 - 8 €
Deus Ex Invisible War - 12 €
Fable - 7 €
Half Life 2 - 13 €
Halo 2 - 5 €
Juiced - 12 €
Medal of Honor Rising Sun - 8 €
Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance - 19 €
Mission Impossible Operation Surma - 10 €
Need for Speed Carboon - 16 €
Need for Speed Undreground - 13 €
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - 14 €
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath - 14 €
PGR Project Gotham Racing 2 - 12 €
Prince of Persia Warrior Within - 6 €
Quantum Redshift - 10 €
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc - 12 €
Soul Calibur II - 12 €
Spartan Total Warrior - 8 €
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow - 6 €
SWAT Global Strike Team - 8 €
The Urbz Sims in The City - 7 €
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 - 5 €
True Crime New York City - 8 €
Unreal II The Awakening - 12 €
XIII - 12 €
Pri kupe 5 hier, je najlacnejsia gratis.
Slovenska posta 2,5€ pri platbe vopred / 3,50€ na dobierku.
Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Profi plutvy, velkost L. Neskutocny komfort - minimalizuju krce, vysoka obratnost vo vode a umoznuju aj chodenie na rozdiel od beznych plutiev. Velkost je vhodna skor na mensiu nohu/botku.
Combat swimmers and combat divers around the world have found productivity does not have to come at such a high cardiovascular price as other fins demand. Applying common sense, careful engineering and high quality materials, requirements for mission success are exceeded. Force Fins are far more comfortable. Energy is delivered from the fin to extend time in the water without fatigue. Combat swimmers wearing Force Fins experience dramatic extension of in-water operation time with a shorter recovery interval required between immersions. More energy is reserved for operations. What makes Force Fins better than other fins?
Toes-free foot pocket reduces cramping and leverages power from strongest kicking muscles.
Open toe pocket unique to Force Fin forces the entire leg to do the kicking work.
Foot points and flexes with each kick, a mechanic like walking.
Muscle fatigue and cramping is significantly reduced.
Small, snappy, effective blade is perfect size, shape and configuration for turbulent free, lessening sound signature, while fast movement of water.
Force Fin blade is optimized for maximum surface area contact with the water, matching propulsion of fins twice its size.
Up-curved wing tips combined with high performance polyurethane material for highest rebound, or SNAP, results in lower surface air consumption rate (SAC), or better efficiency and directional control of water for optimum thrust.
Force Fins move more water, generating more thrust on the recovery than one can generate from kicking any other fin up and down.
Force Fin is easier to negotiate in cramped interior spaces, such as helo, small boat, SDV or during submerged craft penetrations.
Upcurved-fin tips are easier to walk on docks, for rocky shore entries and on shipboard. This unique design feature also provides for less impact force flet on the diver’s ankles when deploying from helicopters and large ship gunwales.

MB 35164 The 101st........10,-
MB 3565 Operation milk....9,-
MB 3598 LRDG Africa.......7,-
MB 3207 French Cuirassier 1/32 ...8,-
Miniart 35069 British car..6,-
Zvezda 3609 Soviet DSHK....8,-
ICM 35615 French crew......7,-
Trumpeter 00431 PLA Tank crew...7,-
Doplnky k dioráne 1/35:
Miniart 35531 Metal bridge.....5,-
Miniart 35539 Vilage accessories..6,-
Miniart 35553 European cart......8,-
MMK RZ35017 Cargo with Jeep resin kit...7,-

48MP – 9280 X 5220
Video Frame rate: 4K(4:3)@24fps / 2K@30fps / 1080P@60fps
CMOS: SONY 1/2.33 inch
CMOS pixel: 1.33um x 1.33um
Color setting: Auto
White balance: Auto / one button calibration / Manual
EV: Auto / Manual
Camera mode HDMI output: 1080P @60 FPS
Grid line: 8 horizontal lines, 8 vertical lines
TF card: 4GB (Up to 128GB max)
Cross line: Overlap or Cancel
Lens jack: Standard C
Power: 5V-12V/1A
Size: 68x68x35mm
Weight: 180g
Working temperature: 0-70℃
Remote Control Instruction:
1.+ KEY: Zoom in / - KEY: Zoom out
2.UP: EV+; DOWN: EV-
3.OK: Confirm button or Start recording
5.Mode: Camera / Video / Playback mode change button
6.The bottom button is to take photos
7.Left & Right: Not in use.
Function key operation introduction:
POWER: This camera is plugged in and powered on. Press and hold for 3 seconds to shut down normally, and then short press for 1 second to restart. After the red indicator light is on, you hear a beep sound and the system is turned on successfully.
MODE key: Short press for 1 second to switch to video mode after power on, then short press for 1 second to switch to photo and video clip preview mode, and short press again to return to photo mode;
MENU button: Short press for 1 second after power on, enter the menu page, you can select various functions through UP/DOWN, and then press OK to enter the selected menu
a ) Chinese and English language settings: press the UP/DOWN key to select, and then press the OK key to confirm;
b ) Grid line setting: press the UP/DOWN key to select, then press the OK key to enter, and then press the UP/DOWN key to select the cross line ruler on or off, 8 lines on and off, each line Direction position color thickness, then press OK key to change the direction/position/color/thickness of the line, press MENU again to return to the previous level of the menu;
c ) Exposure setting: Press UP to increase/DOWN to select automatic exposure or manual exposure mode, and press OK to confirm;
d ) Exposure value setting: In automatic exposure mode, enter and select +-0.3/0.71.0/1.3/1.7/2.0 exposure value as needed;
e ) White balance: After entering, you can choose automatic/manual/one-key white balance. If the light source is adjusted, the color may be deviated. You can put a piece of white paper to select the one-key white balance to correct the color; in special applications, it can also be passed Manual mode to adjust the value of R red and B green;
f ) Color: color or black and white can be selected according to needs;
g ) Light source frequency: 50Hz and 60Hz can be selected according to the situation of each country;
h ) Sharpness: choose strong/standard/soft three i) Contrast setting: choose high/medium/low according to needs;
i ) Video size: 2K24fps/1080P 60fps/720P 60fps three formats can be selected according to needs;
j ) Mirror function: You ca

Na predaj Ant Miner Bitmain Z15 420 Ksol + zdroj
Model : Z15
Algorithm | Cryptocurrency : EquiHash | ZEC
Hashrate(KSol/s): 420
Power on wall(Watt) : 1510
Power efficiency on wall @25°C (J/Ksol) : 3.60
Hardware Configuration
Network connection mode RJ45 Ethernet 10/100M
Miner Size (Length*Width*Height, w/o package), mm(1-1) 245*132.5*290
Net weight, kg(2-1) 5.90
Environment Requirements
Working temperature(°C) 0(MIN) ----- 25(TYP) -------- 40(MAX)
Storage temperature(°C) -40(MIN) 25(TYP) 85(MAX)
Operation humidity(non-condensing), RH 5%(MIN) 95%
špekulanti nevolať, na e-maily neodpovedám ani sms, len volať !!

Predam ASIC iPollo V1 Mini SE Plus
model 2022
cisto novy original krabici, nerozbaleny, precleny, tichy,zo sietovim zdrojom
funguje aj na Wi-fi oproti kartovim rigom hyper ucinny a maly
Crypto Algorithm / coin
Hashrate(MH/s) 400(±10%)
Operation temperature(℃)10-25
Power consumption(W) 232(±10%)
Memory: Design memory-6.0 GB, available memory-5.8 GB

Predam ASIC iPollo V1 Mini SE Plus
Kupovaný je 1/2023
Odber Bratislava.
Crypto Algorithm / coin
Hashrate(MH/s) 400(±10%)
Operation temperature(℃)10-25
Power consumption(W) 232(±10%)
Memory: Design memory-6.0 GB, available memory-5.8 GB

The godfather -15€
Tom clansy's the division-25€
Tom clansy's endwar-9€
Sniping games of all time(3v1)code of honor 3,sas decide tomorow,terorist takedown3 2-19€
The tipyng of dead-10€
Gods land of infinity+demá-8€
Half life generation (4v1)-29€
Sniper ghost Warrior -8€
Sniping games of all time 2(4v1 the royale marines comando,operation thundrerstorm, battlestrike, terorist takedown3)-20€
Code of honor conspiraci Island-9€
Na cenách sa dá dohodnúť.

Predám moju 550i auto je mechanicky aj vizuálne vo velmi peknom stave. Auto je po veľkom servise, vymenené sviečky (Bosch), výmené cievky (Eldor), motorový olej a filtre, prevodový olej a filter, olej v xDrive, olej v prednom a zadnom diferenciáli. Termostat bol vymenený za 90°C. Celý motor bol vymenený v 06/2015 s faktúrou, turbá menené pred 50 000 km. Prevodovka je vyladená softvérom xHP. Disky letné Originál BMW 351M a zimné Disky Originál BMW 237, pneumatiky jazdené jednu sezónu, obe. Zabezpečenie VAM R1, 2x kľúč, originál dokumentácia k autu. Ak máte ďalšie otázky, zavolajte alebo napíšte e-mail. STK platná do 24.09.2024. Dôvod predaja kúpa novšieho modelu alebo kúpa F10 535i.
Najazdené km: 180156
1CD Brake Energy Regeneration
223 Dynamic Damper Control
229 Dynamic Drive
230 Eu Specific Additional Equipment
248 Steering Wheel Heating
255 Sports Leather Steering Wheel
2HM Alloy Wheels Radial Spoke 237
2PA Locking Wheel Bolts
2TB Sport Automatic Transmission
2VA Adaptive Drive
316 Automatic Tailgate Operation
322 Comfort Access System
323 Soft Close Automatic System For Doors
358 Climate Comfort Windscreen
415 Sunblind For Rear Window
416 Sunblinds
423 Floor Mats, Velour
428 Warning Triangle
430 Interior And Exterior Mirror Packa
431 Interior Rr Vw Mirror W Aut Anti-d
455 Active Seat F Driver And Front Passenger
456 Comfort Seats, Electric. Adjustable
464 Skibag
465 Through-load System
488 Lumbar Support Driver/front Passenger
494 Seat Heating F Driver/front Passenger
4CE Fine-wood Trim Fineline Anthracite
4NB Aut.air Conditioning 4-zone Control
4UR Ambient Light
502 Headlight Washer System
508 Park Distance Control (pdc)
522 Xenon Light
524 Adaptive Headlights
548 Speedometer With Kilometer Reading
571 Boosted Power Supply
5AC Autom. High-beam Headlights Control
609 Navigation System Professional
610 Head Up Display
644 Prep. For. Mob. Ph. Bluet. Interf.
676 Hifi Loudspeaker System
698 Area-code 2
6VC Control Combox
7NH Service Inclusive 5/100
851 Language Version German
863 Europe/dealer Directory
8AK Slovakian / On-board Documentation
8KA Oelservice Int. 30.000 Km/24 Months
8TF Active Protection For Pedestrians
8TL Daytime Lights Front And Rear Aktiv
8TN Daytime Driving Lights Selectable B
8V5 Sicker Ncap Rum/slowak/tsche

Na predaj PC hry pre deti:
Atari kids 2006
Dora the Explorer back pack adventure
Freddie Fish: The Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
Zapper: One Wicked Cricket!
Spy Fox: "Dry Cereal"
Putt Putt Enters the Race
Atari 80 Classic Games in One
Pajama Sam 3: You are what you eat from your head to your feet
Operation: Surgery Has Never Been So Silly!
Na predaj tiež Grafické štúdio, Robin Hood, Dobrý farmár, Ice Land 2 a ďalšie - viď foto. Cena za všetky 10€. Väčšina CD neboli nikdy použité.

BIOSHOCK (kovový obal) - 10 eur
FALLOUT 3 - 12 eur
LOST PLANET - 10 eur
HALO 3 ODST - 8 eur
JUST CAUSE - 8 eur
MAX PAYNE 3 - 10 eur
RED DEAD REDEMPTION UNDEAD NIGHTMARE (neoriginálny obal) - 10 eur
SABOTEUR - 10 eur
Need for speed: Shift - 10 eur
Need for speed: Most wanted - 10 eur
MotoGP 06 - 10 eur
Kinect Adventures - 5 eur
Kung fu - High impact: 10 eur
PowerUp Heroes - 10 eur

Zdravím ponúkam na predaj túto hru.
Je v 100% mal som ju dlhé roky ako zberateľský kúsok vo vitríne.
Hra je nezohnateľná !!
Dôvod predaja : Mám už viacero kópií tejto hry.
Cena 20€ + poštovné.

Predám domáci počítač, vhodný aj na hry - doplnená RAM na 8GB + herná graf.karta.
HP Workstation Z210 CMT, i7-2600, 8GB DDR3, 240GB SSD 2,5", 500GB HDD 3,5", DVD-RW, HD 2000
Operation system: Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64-bit digital
+ herna graficka karta NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030

Brand: Atlas Copco XAHS 237
Year of manufacture: 2012
Hours of use: 4,528 h
Engine Manufacturer: Deutz
Movement type Portable
Compressor type Screw compressors
Oil Oil injected
Carrier type Box
Warranty: 3 months
Equipment Portable, Tank, Battery, Control Panel, Steel canopy, Aftercooler
Certificates CE
Other information Atlas Copco XAHS 237 full CE compliant.
Are you ready to buy a Fully reconditioned, and fully prepared Used machine with Warranty from Atlas Copco.
Then look at this XAHS 237 for the next best thing to New from Atlas Copco.
ATLAS COPCO XAHS 237+ Pressure 12 Bar + Flow 14.3 m3/min
Another Fantastic opportunity to buy direct from Atlas Copco with WARRANTY this Fully prepared and ready to work Machine.
This machine has now been fully reconditioned both technically, and cosmetically and a full 1000 hour running service completed.
All Atlas Copco warranty machines are delivered in a turn key solution, with all the required repairs and service carried out, ready to work.
This is a truly stunning machine both technically and cosmetically.
Ready to work now, with an Atlas Copco Used Warranty, with Global delivery and aftercare support provide through our Atlas Copco Global operation’s .