inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

oppo find n cena - strana 27

Počet nájdených inzerátov OPPO FIND N CENA : 1000 - strana 27

predam samsung monte
Dotykový telefón vybavený WiFi pripojením a rýchlymi 3G dátami pre využitie na prístup na komunitné servery ako je Facebook alebo My Space.Využitie nájde vďaka 3,5 jacku aj ako hudobný prehrávač. Na dobierky neposielam, bez prislusenstva - nabija sa klasickym microUSB konektorom, doma ho uz ma prakticky kazdy, iba osobne. konštrukcia: klasická s dotykovým displejom, OS: vlastný, TouchWiz 2.0 Plus, procesor: ??? frekvencie: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz + UMTS + HSDPA, rozmery: 109 x 54 x 12 mm, hmotnosť: 92 gramov (zistená: 93 gramov), displej: aktívny, dotykový (kapacitný), TFT 262 144 farieb, 240 x 400 b., 39 x 65 mm, uhlopriečka 3'', aktívny pohotovostný režim (widgety), fotoaparát: 3,2 Mpix, zrejme aj autofókus, záznam videí (320 x 240 b., 15 fps), pamäť: 195 MB + microSDHC (do 16 GB), správy: SMS, MMS, e-mail, RSS, globálny prenos dát: GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA (do 3,6 Mbps), lokálny prenos dát: Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR, kábel (microUSB), mass storage, Wi-Fi,hudba: MP3/AAC prehrávač, 3,5 mm jack, FM rádio (s RDS), A2DP, rozpoznávanie hudby (Find Music), ostatné 1: Java, internetový prehliadač, videohovor, ostatné 2: GPS, akcelerometer, batéria: 1 000 mAh.
Canon EOS M50 + 15-45mm kit
Canon EOS M50, I’m selling this camera that I bought just some months ago in April 2022, the reason is that I don’t use it, it has been used only 3 times since I bought it, looks like new, doesn’t have any bumps or scratches and it’s totally functional 10/10. The camera includes a big pack where you can find all you can see in the pictures, everything have a box and plastics like a brand new one. I can sell it in person if we can meet in Bratislava city or send it to yo ur place if we agreed on a deal, send me an email or sms if you’re interested on it. (I don’t speak Slovak so well so please try to use English if you decide to call me) Description of the camera: The EOS M50 is a compact interchangeable lens camera for aspiring photographers and vloggers looking for an easy way to boost the quality of their photos and videos. With clear, high-resolution 4K UHD 24p video, you can capture the incredible details and cinematic moments of your life at home or wherever your adventures take you. Snap vibrant, eye-catching photos with a 24.1 Megapixel (APS-C) CMOS Sensor using the built-in Electronic Viewfinder or Vari-angle Touchscreen LCD that’s also perfect for vlogging so you can see what you’re recording without having the screen prevent you from adding an external microphone and/or tripod. Thanks to the fast and improved Dual Pixel CMOS Autofocus system, you can quickly lock focus on your subject to make sure you don't miss the action. See how the EOS M50 can easily deliver the high-quality photos and videos you've always imagined.
Predám fitness náramok RIVAROCK
Originál, zabalený, nikdy nepoužitý náramok s hodinkami: Funkcia náramku: * optický senzor pre snímanie údajov o tepovej frekvencii (nevyužíva žiadny hrudný pás) * ovládanie pomocou jediného dotykového tlačidla * zobrazenie času, dátumu a dňa (synchronizuje sa s mobilným zariadením, nie je potreba nastavovať) * krokomer (zobrazenie počtu prejdených krokov) * odhad spálených kalórií * meranie prejdenej vzdialenosti * meranie tepovej frekvencie * orientačné meranie krvného tlaku * športový režim s prehľadom krokov, tepovej frekvencie, spálenými kalóriami a dĺžkou trvania * notifikácia prichádzajúcich hovorov, SMS a správ (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype, Vıber, Linkedin a ďalšie) * Find My Phone (spustí alarm na mobilnom zariadení) * prebudenie displeja gestom (zdvihnutím ruky tak, ako by ste sa pozerali na klasické hodinky) Technický popis: * displej: 0,96" IPS, farebný, rozlíšenie 160 x 80 px * batéria: Li-ion 80 mAh * výdrž batérie: až 10 dní v režime krokomera, 4 dni pri intenzívnom používaní * doba nabíjania: cca 1,5 hodiny * dĺžka náramku: 145-215 mm * rozmery tela: 45 x 22 mm * materiál: TPU (náramok), ABS plast (telo displeja) * stupeň ochrany: IPX4 (odolný proti striekajúcej vode, nevhodný pre plávanie) * hmotnosť: 24 g * nabíjací kábel USB súčasťou balenia
Garmin vivomove 3 luxe
Predávam hodinky Garmin vivomove luxe 3 nosene menej ako mesiac. V skvelom stave, nosené s ochrannou fóliou na display. S krabicou, nabijackou originál kožený remienok, predávam aj s remienkom z chirurgického ocele. A náhradné fólie na display. V prípade otázok ma neváhajte kontaktovať. Hidden Display The display only appears when you need it. Interact with the touchscreen, and the hands dynamically move away. Smart Notifications Receive emails, texts and alerts right on your watch, when paired with a compatible smartphone. Fitness Tracking See your daily steps, floors climbed, intensity minutes and more. Body Battery Track your body’s energy levels so you can find the best times for activity and rest. Stress Tracking Stress tracking can tell if you’re having a calm, balanced or stressful day. Relax reminders will even prompt you to do a short breathing activity. Heart Rate Estimated wrist-based heart rate constantly samples your heart rate and will alert you if it stays high while you’re at rest. It also helps gauge how hard you work during activities. Hydration Tracking Log your daily water intake as a reminder to stay hydrated. Sleep Tracking Get a full picture of how you’re sleeping with a breakdown of your light, deep and REM sleep stages, as well as Pulse Ox.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Romantic, liberating and totally addictive, the Fifty Shades trilogy will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever... E L James When literature student Anastasia Steele interviews successful entrepreneur Christian Grey, she finds him very attractive and deeply intimidating. Convinced that their meeting went badly, she tries to put him out of her mind – until he turns up at the store where she works part-time, and invites her out. Unworldly and innocent, Ana is shocked to find she wants this man. And, when he warns her to keep her distance, it only makes her want him more. But Grey is tormented by inner demons, and consumed by the need to control. As they embark on a passionate love affair, Ana discovers more about her own desires, as well as the dark secrets Grey keeps hidden away from public view... hmotnost 346g 514 stran kniha ma vadu: po stranku 15 je lepena paskou a jedna strana 13-14 chyba.
Harry Potter
Predám knihy Harry Potter. Harry Potter: A History of Magic - 24€ Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - 5€ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 5€ Metlobal v priebehu vekov - 4€ V prípade záujmu ma prosím kontaktujte na mail.
Minelab Equinox 800
Predám detektor kovov Equinox 800.Cca pol roka dozadu menena jednotka za novu takze rok a pol zaruka.K detektoru mam zakladnu cievku plus malu separacnu cievku.Dalej mam k detektoru vodeodolne sluchadla na hladanie v rieke,jazere,mori.Po dohode pridam aj dohladavacku pro find 35 a dalsie drobne prislusenstvo(ryl,lopatka,kapsicka). Zatial nemam predstavu o cene,ponuky prosim zasielat emailom alebo v sms.Nebranim sa aj vymene za nieco zaujimave.Foto doplnim.
Peugeot 508 SW 2.0 BlueHDI 181k Allure
Objem valcov: 1997cm3, Rok výroby: 3/2016, Výkon: 133kW/181PS, Najazdených km: 164000, Prevodovka: Automat (6 st.), Farba: Strieborná sv. metalíza, Diesel, Výbava: Alarm, Airbag 6X, EBD/EBV, Posilňovač riadenia, ABS, ESP(VDC), ASR(TC,EDS), MSR, ADS, DSC(DTC), Brzdový asistent(BAS), Isofix, Indikátor tlaku v pneu,Centrálne uzamykanie, El. predné a zadné okná, El. zrkadlá, Automatická dvojzónová klimatizácia, Diaľkové ovládanie, Rádio, Rádio/CD+MP3, Multifunkčný volant, Lakťová opierka, Head-up display, Bezkľúčové štartovanie, Klimatizovaná priehradka,Disky z ľahkej zliatiny, Hmlové svetlomety, Imobilizér, Palubný počítač, Navigačný systém, Parkovací asistent, Strešný nosič, Tempomat, Kožený interiér, Tónované sklá, Vyhrievané spätné zrkadlá, Dažďový senzor, Svetelný senzor, Stop&Start systém, Parkovacie senzory vzadu, Bezkľúčové otváranie dverí, Panoramatická strecha, Bluetooth, LED denné svietenie,Prvý majiteľ, Servisná knižka, Garážované, Nebúrané, Možný leasing, Možný úver, TOP stav, Kontrola originality, Úplná servisná história,Kožený paket, Asistent rozjazd u do kopca. Navigačný systém Peugeot WIP SMEG+ s farebnou dotykovou LCD obrazovkou s vysokým rozlíšením a PEUGEOT Connect Apps A4A (Apps for Automotive) - Hlasovým ovládaním a mapou Európy + Rádio CD RDS so 6 reproduktormi a systémom priestorového zvuku ARKAMIS s možnosťou prehrávania CD + Mp3 + WMA, TriTuner, BlueTooth® + Prípojka RCA Audio a zabudovaným HDD pre uloženie multimédií, PEUGEOT Link MyPeugeot s funkciami - Internet, údržba a výstrahy, Find My Car, Last Mile Guidance, dojazd, štatistiky o ceste atď., BlueTooth® HandsFREE sada pre pripojenie mobilného telefónu, BlueTooth® AUDIO - Možnosť prehrávania hudby streamom cez BlueTooth, Audio AUX-In vstup a Audio USB-In vstup pre prehrávanie MP3 z USB, Tlačidlo SOS pre privolanie pomoci v prípade havárie (V núdzovej situácii navigácia s telefónom umožňuje okamžitú automatickú lokalizáciu vozidla, vyvolanú spustením pyrotechnických zádržných systémov alebo stlačením červeného tlačid la SOS. Vzápätí sa vytvorí priame spojenie medzi vami a platformou Peugeot URGENCE, ktorá podľa potreby spustí vhodné záchranné akcie), Panoramatická strecha s antireflexnou vrstvou a elektricky zaťahovateľnou protislnečnou clonou, Pack Visibilité - Automatická aktivácia stieračov (Dažďový senzor), Predné svetlá pre denné svietenie s LED (Light Emitting Diode) technológiou, Bezkľúčový prístup Peugeot KEYLESS ENTRY + Bezkľúčové štartovanie tlačidlom Peugeot KEYLESS GO atď. Poznámky: ** Na vozidle bol vykonaný aktuálne servis v hodnote 500 EUR (výmena rozvodov + vodná pumpa) ** VOZIDLO JE RIADNE REGISTROVANÉ V SR ** PO KONTROLE ORIGINALITY ** ZMLUVNE GARANTOVANÝ STAV KM ** MOŽNÝ OKAMŽITÝ ODBER ** Vozidlo bolo pred predajom kompletne skontrolované po technickej aj vizuálnej stránke a je predávané bez akýchkoľvek technických vád, či poškodení. Vozidlo po 1. majiteľovi s 12 mesačnou zárukou na skryté vady.
Anglicke vianocne knihy - citane
Anglicke vianocne citanie pre malunkavcov a ich rodicov... Vsetko su HB (tvrde dosky) Niektore maju vpisane venovania - spytajte sa, ak je to problem. Ceny (vypisane v poradi podla detailnych foto): *** Kingfisher Book of Classic Christmas Stories 7 € A Christmas Journey - 5,50 € Santa Paws - 3,50 € Magical Christmas Tales 5 € *** Magical Christmas Tales 5 € The Littlest Reindeer 4 € My treasury Of Christmas Carols and Stories 7E Snowy Friends citana 3.50 E (na konci je sada novych necitanych) *** .Andersen The Snow Queen HB 5,50 € The Christmas Bear Lift-the-Flap 4.50 Christmas Stories to Share - 6 € Harvey Slumfenburger's Christmas Present 3 *** Christina Butler The First Snow 6,50 € Merry Christmas Big Hungry Bear 5 € Can you find 1001 Christmas things 3,50 € The Night Before Christmas HB + CD 6,50 € *** Emma Chichester Clark - Blue Kangaroo 3.00 When Magic Really Happens 4,50 € Snow Friends Sparkling Glitter Book 4.00 Santa's Magic key HB 6.50 (nova, stiahnuta z predajne, znamky skladovania) Christmas Wishes 3.00 One Snowy Night dotykova / chlpatkova 5.00 *** Snowy friends / Winter Tales / Snowtime Stories nove. necitane, makky vankusikovy obal. 4.00E / kus alebo cela sada za 10.00. *** Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline ???? Postovne podla aktualneho sadzobnika slovenskej posty: alebo zasielkovna - balik do 5kg za 3.30E Na dobierku neposielam. Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline. Kludne sa pytajte, ak mate otazky. Posielame aj do okolitych krajin cez zasielkovnu a platba mozna aj v CZK / HUF. Moje hodnotenia ako predajcu najdete na modrom konikovi ako Babatkoling. Dakujem.
predám obraz FIND THEM
predám veľký obraz od KOSTAA akryl na plátne, 2016
Smartfón Samsung Galaxy A52 v nadčasovom čiernom prevedení ponúka 6,5" super Amoled displej s Full HD+ rozlíšením, 2400 x 1080 pixelov. Obnovovacia frekvencia displeja je 90 Hz. O plynulý chod telefónu sa postará 8-jadrový procesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G s frekvenciou 2.2 GHz v kombinácii s operačným systémom Android 11 a 8 GB RAM. Internú pamäť s veľkosťou 256 GB je možné rozšíriť kartou Micro SD. Výdrž zaručí batéria s kapacitou 4500 mAh s rýchlym nabíjaním o výkone 25 W. Telefón disponuje zadným štvoritým fotoaparátom 64 Mpx + 8 Mpx + 5 Mpx + 2 Mpx a prednou 32 Mpx kamerou. Vo výbave nájdete USB-C, 3,5 mm jack, Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi, NFC, GPS, LTE, Dual SIM. Samozrejmosťou je aj odolnosť voči vode podlá certifikátu IP67. O bezpečnosť sa zase postará odomykanie tvárou alebo čítačkou odtlačkov prstov v displeji. Jediné, čo sú škrabance a bez krabice! Samsung Galaxy A52 smartphone in timeless black version offers 6.5 "Super AMOLED display with Full HD+ resolution, 2400 x 1080 pixels. The display recovery frequency is 90 Hz. Combined with Android 11 and 8 GB RAM. 256GB internal memory can be expanded by Micro SD card. Surface battery with a capacity of 4500 mAh with fast charging of 25 W. + 5 Mpx + 2 Mpx and front 32 Mpx camera. In the equipment you will find USB-C, 3.5 mm jack, Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi, NFC, GPS, LTE, Dual SIM. Of course there is also water resistance IP67 certificate . Safety is taken care of by unlocking the face or fingerprint reader in the display. The only thing that is scratches and without a box!
CD Frontline,Freedom Call,Foreigner,Forcefield,Foghat	atd
Fischer Z-"Going deaf for a living" 35:47 1980 EMI CDP 7 46685 2 500Kč Flame -"Flame" 59:36 1992 Giant 9 24451-2 350Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Bare trees" 37:17 1972 Reprise 2278-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Behind the mask"54:28 1990 Warner Bros. 9 26111-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Fleetwood Mac" 43:00 1975 Reprise 2281-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac-"Heroes are hard to find" 39:41 1974 Reprise 2196-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Kiln house" 34:33 1970 Reprise 6408-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Mystery to me" 48:13 1973 Reprise 9 25982-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Penguin" 36:39 1973 Reprise 7599-26178-2 YS 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Rumours" 40:05 1977 Warner Bros. 3010-2 400Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Time" 60:58 1995 Warner Bros. 9 45920-2 300Kč Flies On Fire -"Flies on fire" 38:54 1989 ATCO 7 91284-2 800Kč Flies On Fire-"Outside looking inside" 41:18 1991 ATCO 7 91675-2 300Kč Flotsam and Jetsam -"Cuatro" 51:55 1992 MCA MCAD-10678 250Kč FM -"Aphrodisiac" 58:42 1992 Music For Nations CDMFN 141 350Kč FM -"Indiscreet" 40:12 1986 CBS - Portrait 466339 2 300Kč FM -"Tough it out" 47:17 1989 Epic 465589 2 350Kč Foghat -"Energized" 40:04 1974 Rhino - Bearswille 8122-70883-2 550Kč Foghat -"Fool for the city"35:39 1988 Bearsville-Jasrac VDP-28049 700Kč(Japan) Foghat -"Stone blue" 39:05 1978 Rhino - Bearsville RNCD 70881 500Kč Fool's Garden -"Dish of the day" 45:53 1995 Intercord INT. 845.263 250Kč Force of Evil -"1." 47.59 2003 Diamond Records DR 011 300Kč Forcefield II.-"Let the wild run free" 44:29 1990 President PCOM 1110 500Kč Forcefield III, -"The talisman"56:01 1988 President PCOM 1095 500Kč Forcefield IV. -"To oz and back"43:19 1990 Bellaphon 290.07.141 450Kč Foreigner -"4." 42:35 1981 Atlantic 250 796 250Kč Foreigner-"Agent provocateur" 42:33 1984 Atlantic 7 81999-2 250Kč Foreigner-"Double vision" 37:57 1978 Atlantic 250 476 250Kč Foreigner -"Foreigner" 39:29 1984 Atlantic A2 19109 250Kč Foreigner -"Head games" 40:52 1979 Atlantic R2 78198 3250Kč Foreigner -"Inside information" 44:44 1987 Atlantic A2 81808 250Kč Foreigner-"Unusual heat" 51:31 1991 Atlantic - Popron50 120-2 250Kč Forte -"Division" 47:32 1994 Massacre MASS CD 035 300Kč Fortress -"Refuge" 44:35 1994 Phenomenal PNR-8828 1500Kč (na disgos 70-80Eur)
CD na predaj
Predám originálne japonské/EU/USA Digipaky/CD. Len pre zberateľov/vážnych záujemcov. Dôvod predaja: prechádzam na digitálne verzie albumov. Pri odbere viac CD spolu, sa na cene určite dohodneme: - jesu - Heart Ache & Dethroned - 2xCD (Daymare Recordings + Dethroned 1xbonus) 2010 22€ - jesu - Silver - CD (Daymare Recordings + 2xbonus) 2006 15€ - jesu - Lifeline - CD (Daymare Recordings + 2xbonus) 2007 15€ - jesu - Why We Are Not Perfect - CD (Daymare Recordings + 1xbonus) 2008 15€ - Envy/jesu - split - CD/Gatefold Cardboard Sleeve (Daymare Recordings) 2008 15€ - jesu - Opiate sun - CD (Caldo Verde Records) 2009 15€ - jesu - Everyday I Get Closer To The Light From Which I Came - 2xCD Digipak (Daymare Recordings + 2xbonus) 2013 22€ - GREYMACHINE - Disconnected - CD (Daymare Recordings + 1xbonus) 2009 19€ - Pale Sketcher - Jesu: Pale Sketches Demixed - CD (Ghostly International) 2010 12€ - Mark Kozelek - Find Me, Ruben Olivares - Live in Spain CD (Caldo Verde Records) 2009 15€ - GODFLESH - Streetcleaner - CD Reissue (Earache Records + 4xbonus) 1989/1994 14€ - GODFLESH - Pure - CD (Earache Records) 1992 14€ - SCORN - Vae Solis - CD (Earache Records) 1992 14€ - RADIOHEAD - Pablo Honey - CD (Parlophone) 1993 6€ Pozrite si prosím aj moje ostatné inzeráty - kliknite na moje meno
Specialized Stumpjumper Carbon M
Ahoj predám Specialized Stumpjumper Carbon veľkosť M v top stave. Men's Stumpjumper Comp Carbon 29 - 12-speed Technical Info You’ve landed on a Specialized product. Welcome! Continue Men's Stumpjumper Comp Carbon 29 - 12-speed | Gloss Chameleon / Hyper 2019 Men's Stumpjumper Comp Carbon 29 - 12-speed Color Gloss Chameleon / Hyper Size Guide Find In-Store Don't worry, S-Works doesn't get to have all of the fun—the new Stumpjumper Comp Carbon 29 features the same frame as the S-Works, with a full 11m carbon chassis and rear-end. Only here, we've included a solid list of no-fuss components, including a SRAM NX Eagle 12-speed groupset for the everyman's budget… Read More Wishlist Reviews Technical Specifications FRAMESET FRAME FACT 11m carbon chassis and rear-end, asymmetrical design, 29 Trail Geometry, SWAT™ Door integration, threaded BB, fully enclosed internal cable routing, 12x148mm dropouts, sealed cartridge bearing pivots, replaceable derailleur hanger, 140mm of travel SUSPENSION FORK FOX FLOAT Rhythm 34, GRIP Damper, 51mm offset, 2-position sweep adjust, 15x110mm, tapered alloy steerer, 150mm of travel REAR SHOCK FOX FLOAT DPS Performance, Rx Trail Tune, rebound and 3-position compression adjust, 210x50mm COCKPIT GRIPS Specialized Sip grip, half-waffle, S/M: regular thickness, L/XL: XL thickness STEM Specialized Trail, 3D-forged alloy, 4-bolt, 6-degree rise HANDLEBARS Specialized Trail, 6061 alloy, 8-degree backsweep, 6-degree upsweep, 27mm rise, 780mm, 31.8mm clamp SEATPOST X-Fusion Manic, infinite adjustable, two-bolt head, bottom mount cable routing, remote SRL LE lever, 34.9mm, S: 125mm, M/L/XL: 150mm of travel SADDLE Body Geometry Phenom Comp, hollow Cr-Mo rails, 143mm SEAT BINDER Specialized bolt-type, alloy, 38.6mm BRAKES FRONT BRAKE SRAM Guide R, hydraulic disc, organic pads, Guide S4 4-piston caliper, 200mm REAR BRAKE SRAM Guide R, hydraulic disc, organic pads, Guide S4 4-piston caliper, 180mm
Anglická audiokniha Wink(and Grow Rich) 1 & 2-Roger Hamilton
Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel. Kniha popisuje dynamiku bohatstva cez pribeh 9 rocneho chlapca, ktory chce pomoct svojmu otcovi a nastupi na cestu hladania, kde stretava ludi, ktori mu popisuju ako sa dopracovali k svojmu bohatstvu. Aj ked sposoby su rozne, spaja ich to, ze ich dany sposob bavi. Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics Format: 2 original CD od autora Viac o audioknihe: "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth. BA Ruzinov. Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur. Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu. --------- Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
FOR RENT 2-room apartment PRENÁJOM 2izb. byt Palisády - Konv
Ponúkame na prenájom - we offer to rent. The text in English you will find below. Ponúkame na prenájom 2-izb. byt v obnovenej kultúrnej pamiatke (obnova v r.2017), vo Feiglerovom dome na Konventnej ulici v Starom Meste - Palisády, je súčasťou bloku budov od rohovej historickej Auly Cervantes. Byt má 51m2 a nachádza sa na 2.p. bytového domu s výťahom. Orientácia na svetové strany - príjemná južná strana. K bytu prislúcha priestranný balkón pozdĺž spálne a obývačky o výmere 10,50m2. Dispozičné riešenie bytu: vstupná predsieň/lobby o výmere 5,50m2, kúpeľňa 4,39m2, kuchyňa 6,86m2, obývacia izba 16,87m2 a spálňa 17,41m2. Byt je čiastočne zariadený: v spálni – rolldor, dvojposteľ s úložným priestorom, kozmetický stolík so stoličkou, v obývačke – sedačka skonferenčným stolíkom, TV nábytok plus TV, police na knihy, v kuchyni – kuchynská linka so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (chladnička, mraznička, elektrický sporák, umývačka riadu, indukčná varná doska, digestor), jedálenský pult s dvomi stoličkami, v kúpeľni automatická práčka, elektrický radiátor. Stav bytu: kvalitné drevené okná s interiérovými žalúziami a sieťkami proti hmyzu, drevené vstupné dvere, plávajúce podlahy, kuchynská linka so značkovými vstavanými spotrebičmi, veľká vstavaná skriňa v predsieni a v spálni, kúpeľňa spoločná s WC, v kúpeľni je vaňa, umývadlo a elektrický radiátor. Nájom: 780,- eur plus energie pre dve osoby, kaucia: vo výške 1M nájomného pri podpise nájomnej zmluvy, dĺžka nájmu minimálne 12 mesiacov, vhodný ideálne pre pracujúci pár, nefajčiari, bez domácich miláčikov. We offer for rent 2-room apartment in historical building renovated in 2017, named after architect Feigler. It is centrally located in the Old Town of Bratislava – Palisády, not far from the Michal´s gate, allowing to access all locations rapidly by foot, bike or public transport. The apartment is on the 2-nd floor, a lift is available, and its orientation is to the South and to the quiet inner courtyard. Its size is 51 square metres plus a generous balcony of 10 square metres. It has a lobby, living room combined with the kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom with bath and toilet. The apartment is partially furnished: 2x wardrobe, double bed with storage space, small desk and chair, sofa with a coffe table, TV table plus TV, bookshelves, kitchen unit with built-in appliances (fridge with freezer, electric oven, induction hob, hood, dishwasher), bar counter with 2 bar chairs, washing machine, electric heater in bathroom. The apartment is ideal for a working couple, no smoking, no pets. Price of rent: 780,- euro plus utilities, security deposit amounting 1 month rent against the signing of the rental contract for minimum 12 months. The apartment is available immediately.
Zara Tight Heeled Boots
Last year my husband got a gift but it was too big. We couldn't find the opportunity to change it because of the intensity. Never worn, in box. I do not speak Slovak and English so please contact us by message or mail. Size 37.
Predam cd:Rock,N,Roll-Blues-Hard-Progres Rock,Clasika
Argent-Hold your head up-6eur Beatles-Gold-5eur Bolan Marc-Misty mist-5eur Black Star Riders-All hell breaks loose-5eur Budgie-predane Bachman Turner Overdrive-Head on-7eur-predane Beach Boys-Pet sounds-6eur-predane Baker Gurvitz Army-Freedom-Audi+Video cd-7eur Creedence Clearwater Revival-Pendulum-predane P.Collins+G.Moore+R.Argent-predane Crosby+Stills+Nash+Young-2cd-predane Crosby+Still+Nash+Young-Deja vu-7eur-predane Cooper Alice-Dragontown-5eur Clarke Gilby-/ex Guns,N,Roses/-99 live-5eur -Rubber-5eur -Swag-5eur Deep Purple-DVD+CD-Phoenix Rising-predane Darkness-Permission to land-4eur Electric Light Orchestra-Part II-5eur Electric Light Orchestra-On the-predane Eagles-On the border-5eur Frampton Peter-Love taker-5eur Foreigner-Mr.moonlight-5eur Foghat-2cd -Rock,N,Roll+Energized-predane Four horsemen-Nobody said it was easy-5eur Grand Funk-Were an american band-7eur-predane Kinks-Sleepwalker-6eur Kravitz Lenny-Lenny-5eur Kansas-Point of know return-5eur-predane Malmsteen yngwie-Facing the animal-7eur Magnum-Best-5eur Night Ranger-2cd-Live acoustic-6eur Palmer Robert-live New York city-5eur Royal Hunt-Eyewitnesss-5eur -Paradox-5eur Reospeedwagon-Find your own way home-5eur Roth Lee David-Your filthy little mouth-5eur Orbison Roy-Best-4eur Scorpions-2cd-Live 2011-8eur-predane Scorpions-Pure instinct-5eur Sheavy-Celestial Hi-Fi-5eur Shadow Gallery-Digital ghosts-5eur Shadow King-Shadow King-5eur Showaddywaddy-Trocadero-5eur Sweet-Funny Funny 1971-5eur Sweet-live in Denmark-5eur Status Quo-Best-5eur Saga-Steel umbrellas-5eur Toto-Toto-5eur -isolation-5eur Tyrannosaurus Rex-A beard of stars-5eur UFO-DVD+CD-Broadcast rarities-7eur Uriah Heep-Spellbinder-5eur U2-Achtung baby-5eur Zar-Hard to the beat-5eur Wishbone ash-Colection-5eur Wolfmother-Wolfmother-5eur Quatro Suzi-What goes around-5eur Paganini-24 capriess op.1-5eur Paganin-Best of-5eur Mozart Amadeus-Superstar-5eur Johann Strauss-Popular melodies-5eur Baroque Mastepie-Best-Macello,Handel,Albinoni Corelli,Pachelbel-5e Mikulaš jelínek-2cd-Reminisceces-5eu/Zabalene vo folie/ Mysteria-3cd-Vangelis,Jarre,Hammer,Gore-6eur Celtic Rock-3eur
Predám cd Heavy,Speed,Power, Trash,Black,Death,Hard Core
Cd: Killers/ex-Paul Diano-Iron Maiden/-Best-5eur Helloween-Wals of jericho-6eur Helloween-Master of the rings-6eur Grave Digger-2cd-Let your heads roll-8eur Malmsteen Yngwie-Facing the animal-6eur Royal hunt-Eyewitness-5eur Royal Hunt-Paradox-5eur Shadow King-shadow King-5eur Shadow Gallery-Gigital ghosts-6eur Black Star Riders-All hell breaks loose-6eur Sheavy-Celestial Hi-Fi-5eur Extreme-Collection-4eur Jackyl-Push come to shove-4eur Axxis-Matters of survival-5eur Keel-Streets of Rock,N,Roll-5eur Imperious Rex-Speed demon-4eur Destiny-Future of the past-4eur Morgana lefay-morgana lefay-4eur Elegy of madness-The bridge of sighs-4eur Evansence-The open door-5eur Liv Kristine-Deus ex machina-5eur My ruin-The horror of beauty-4eur Pretenders-Loose screw-4eur Atoms for peace-bez obalu-3eur Foo Fighters-one by one-5eur Weezer-Pinkerton-4eur Levellers-Green blade rising-4eur Independent days-2cd-backyard babes-5eur Angelika express-Alltag fur alle-3eur Gigantor-3eur Propain-Run for cover-5eur Kreator-Past life trauma-7eur-predane Torment-Withhout god blessing-4eur Trivium-Vengeance falls-4eur Labyrinth-Labyrinth-4eur Dark tranquillity-Damage done-4eur Bleeding through-The truth-4eur The agonistOnce only imagined-6eur Ono-Path-3eur Try to breathe-To find a compúromise-3eur Peace Mind-Values between o and-3eur Subway to sally-bastard-6eur Cemetary-Phantasma-6eur Candlemass-2cd-Dactylis glomerata+Abstrakt algebra II-8eur Slovensky+Česky-Hard Core,Trash,Death: ČAD-Čertova kovadlina-6eur 5-symbols-About me maybe about you-5eur Locomotive-Locomotive-6eur-predane X core-In hell-5eur Mikina-zimna-Death-Nova-velkosť-L-25eur
CD Frontline,Freedom Call,Foreigner,Forcefield,Foghat	atd
Fischer Z-"Going deaf for a living" 35:47 1980 EMI CDP 7 46685 2 500Kč Flame -"Flame" 59:36 1992 Giant 9 24451-2 350Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Bare trees" 37:17 1972 Reprise 2278-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Behind the mask"54:28 1990 Warner Bros. 9 26111-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Fleetwood Mac" 43:00 1975 Reprise 2281-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac-"Heroes are hard to find" 39:41 1974 Reprise 2196-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Kiln house" 34:33 1970 Reprise 6408-2 250Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Mystery to me" 48:13 1973 Reprise 9 25982-2 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Penguin" 36:39 1973 Reprise 7599-26178-2 YS 300Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Rumours" 40:05 1977 Warner Bros. 3010-2 400Kč Fleetwood Mac -"Time" 60:58 1995 Warner Bros. 9 45920-2 300Kč Flies On Fire -"Flies on fire" 38:54 1989 ATCO 7 91284-2 800Kč Flies On Fire-"Outside looking inside" 41:18 1991 ATCO 7 91675-2 300Kč Flotsam and Jetsam -"Cuatro" 51:55 1992 MCA MCAD-10678 250Kč FM -"Aphrodisiac" 58:42 1992 Music For Nations CDMFN 141 350Kč FM -"Indiscreet" 40:12 1986 CBS - Portrait 466339 2 300Kč FM -"Tough it out" 47:17 1989 Epic 465589 2 350Kč Foghat -"Energized" 40:04 1974 Rhino - Bearswille 8122-70883-2 550Kč Foghat -"Fool for the city"35:39 1988 Bearsville-Jasrac VDP-28049 700Kč(Japan) Foghat -"Stone blue" 39:05 1978 Rhino - Bearsville RNCD 70881 500Kč Fool's Garden -"Dish of the day" 45:53 1995 Intercord INT. 845.263 250Kč Force of Evil -"1." 47.59 2003 Diamond Records DR 011 300Kč Forcefield II.-"Let the wild run free" 44:29 1990 President PCOM 1110 500Kč Forcefield III, -"The talisman"56:01 1988 President PCOM 1095 500Kč Forcefield IV. -"To oz and back"43:19 1990 Bellaphon 290.07.141 450K Foreigner-"Agent provocateur" 42:33 1984 Atlantic 7 81999-2 250Kč Foreigner-"Double vision" 37:57 1978 Atlantic 250 476 250Kč Foreigner -"Foreigner" 39:29 1984 Atlantic A2 19109 250Kč Foreigner -"Head games" 40:52 1979 Atlantic R2 78198 3250Kč Foreigner -"Inside information" 44:44 1987 Atlantic A2 81808 250Kč Foreigner-"Unusual heat" 51:31 1991 Atlantic - Popron50 120-2 250Kč Forte -"Division" 47:32 1994 Massacre MASS CD 035 300Kč Fortress -"Refuge" 44:35 1994 Phenomenal PNR-8828 1500Kč (na disgos 70-80Eur)