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ordinary sk - strana 2

Počet nájdených inzerátov ORDINARY SK : 49 - strana 2

The Dig
John Preston - The Dig Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** In the long hot summer of 1939 Britain is preparing for war. But on a riverside farm in Suffolk there is excitement of another kind: Mrs Pretty, the widowed farmer, has had her hunch proved correct that the strange mounds on her land hold buried treasure. As the dig proceeds against a background of mounting national anxiety, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary find... John Preston's recreation of the Sutton Hoo dig - the greatest Anglo-Saxon discovery ever in Britain - brilliantly and comically dramatizes three months of intense activity when locals fought outsiders, professionals thwarted amateurs, and love and rivalry flourished in equal measure.
Sérum na riasy a obočie
Nové, neotvorené ???? The Ordinary multipeptidové sérum na riasy a obočie 12/1ks
CD predaj: Hard Rock, AOR, prog, oldies...
TOXIC SMILE: 4x krásny neo-prog Germany 1.M.A.D. 2011 6€ 2.RetroTox Forte 2004 6€ 3.I'm Your Saviour 2011 6€ 4.Extension 2017 DVD 6€.všetky spolu 22€ 5CD Original Album Classics/Series:15€/krabička 5ks REO SPEEDWAGON 2011 TOTO 2011 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA/JEFF LYNE 2016 CHEAP TRICK 2011 GOTTHARD 2015 AMERICA 2011 QUIET RIOT 2015 FAITH NO MORE 2011 JETHRO TULL 2014 ALICE COOPER 2012 JOE SATRIANI 2013 FLEETWOOD MAC 2012 MODERN TALKING 2011 THE DOOBIE BROTHERS 2011 KEITH JARRETT 2015 JEFF BECK 2015 JON & VANGELIS: Short Stories 2017 7€ STEVE VAI: Passion & Warfare 1990 7€ STEVE VAI: Sex & Religion 1993 7€ ABBA: Super Trouper 1980 6,5€ ABBA: GOLD - Greatest Hits 1992 7€ FALCO: The Final Curtain - Best Of 1999 9€ KINGDOM COME: Outlier 2013 9€ PHIL COLLINS: Both Sides 1993 6€ PHIL COLLINS: No Jacket Required 1985 7€ PHIL COLLINS: ...Hits 1998 8€ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: RATM (+3x bonus) 2012 7€ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Evil Empire 1996 7€ SLADE: Till Deaf do us Part 1992 6€ LED ZEPPELIN: II (unoficial, jzp) 1969 3,5€ LED ZEPPELIN: III (zzp) 1970 3€ YES: 90125 1983 5€ ASIA: Classic Asia 2001 5€ BEE GEES: Still Waters 1997 6€ ELO (ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA): Time 1981 6€ ELO: The Best Of 1994 5€ THE NOTTING HILLBILIES: 1990 6€ Missing...presumed having a good time ERIC CLAPTON: I Still Do 2016 8€ PETER GABRIEL: Ovo 2000 8€ TOM PETTY & THE HEARTBREAKERS: Greatest Hits 1993 8€ JOE COCKER: No Ordinary World 1999 6€ JOE COCKER: Sheffield Steel 1982 7€ LITA FORD: The Best Of 1992 (jzp) 6€ SIMPLY RED: Blue 1998 8€ BOY GEORGE & CULTURE CLUB: Best Of - Spin Dazzle 1992 7€ BONEY M.: The Best Of 1997 6€ EARTH,WIND & FIRE: Gratitude 1975 7,5€ KIM WILDE: Never Say Never 2006 7€ KIM WILDE: Best Of The 80's 2000 6€ JOE STRUMMER (CLASH): The Future is Unwritten 2007 6,5€ GODSMACK: Faceless 2003 7€ INCUBUS: Make Yourself 1999 unoficial (jzp) 3€ SUPERSHINE:(Doug Pinnick-King's X): Supershine 2000 7€ METHODS OF MAYHEM: The Same 1999 5 KERBDOG: Kerbdog 1994 5€ KARAT: Schwanenkönig 1995 6,5€ NEIL YOUNG: Silver & Gold 2000 7€ GERARD: Gerard 1984 Japan (prog) 10€ DIEFANTASTISCHENVIER: Unplugged 2000 6€ klikni na meno a pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty, ďakujem.
Predam high-adherence silicone primer 30 ml, neotvorene balenie
predám knihy
predám čítané knihy you deserve each other - 6,55 poučka o podstate predvidatelnosti Katherin - 4,50 Charles Bukowski tales of ordinary madness - 5,00 the hatmakers- 4,20 the Decameron - 6,00 life too short - 6,55 V cene knih nie je zaratane poštovné v pripade zaujmu ma kontaktujte sms alebo emailom
U2 i+e Live in Paris - Super Deluxe Edition - Nové
Dobrý den Všem, redukuji sbírku U2 věcí , podívejte se i na mé další inzeráty třeba se Vám bude něco hodit. Průběžně budu přidávat další věci které mám duplicitně. Nebo napište co sháníte mám toho od U2 opravdu dost :-) U2: Innocence + Experience (Super Deluxe Edition) - 2DVD+Blu-ray Parádní box navíc obsahuje - exkluzivní USB žárovku, čtyřiašedesátistránkovou knihu, individuálně očíslovanou psí známku, set speciálních koncertních šablon, několik pohlednic, samolepky a placky. Track list: 1. PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER 2. THE MIRACLE (OF JOEY RAMONE) 3. VERTIGO 4. I WILL FOLLOW 5. IRIS (HOLD ME CLOSE) 6. CEDARWOOD ROAD 7. SONG FOR SOMEONE 8. SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY 9. RAISED BY WOLVES 10. UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD 11. THE FLY 12. INVISIBLE 13. EVEN BETTER THAN THE REAL THING 14. MYSTERIOUS WAYS 15. ELEVATION 16. EVERY BREAKING WAVE 17. OCTOBER 18. BULLET THE BLUE SKY 19. ZOOROPA 20. WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME 21. PRIDE (IN THE NAME OF LOVE) 22. WITH OR WITHOUT YOU 23. STEPHEN HAWKING 'GLOBAL CITIZEN' 24. CITY OF BLINDING LIGHTS 25. BEAUTIFUL DAY 26. MOTHER & CHILD REUNION 27. BAD 28. ONE 29. PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER (WITH EAGLES OF DEATH METAL) 30. I LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME (EAGLES OF DEATH METAL) BONUS MATERIAL 1. CEDARWOOD ROAD – A GAVIN FRIDAY NARRATION 2. OUT OF CONTROL (DECEMBER 6TH 2015 – PARIS) 3. THE FUTURE BETTER HURRY UP 4. THE ELECTRIC CO. (NOVEMBER 11TH 2015 - PARIS) 5. i + e - BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE DIRECTOR 6. BAD / PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER (WITH PATTI SMITH - DECEMBER 6TH 2015 - PARIS) 7. THE WANDERER 8. THE TROUBLES 9. MUSIC VIDEOS 1. ORDINARY LOVE 2. INVISIBLE 3. THE MIRACLE (OF JOEY RAMONE) 4. EVERY BREAKING WAVE - A FILM BY AOIFE MCARDLE 5. SONG FOR SOMEONE (DIRECTED BY VINCENT HAYCOCK) 6. SONG FOR SOMEONE (BEHIND THE SCENES) 7. SONG FOR SOMEONE (DIRECTED BY MATT MAHURIN) Osobně předám v Ostravě nebo po dohodě pošlu bezpečně zabalené :-)
Andrzej Sapkowski - The Witcher - The last wish (EN)
1. diel série, nová, nečítaná Introducing Geralt the Witcher - revered and hated - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the Witcher video games and a major Netflix show. Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth. Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series. The Last Wish is the perfect introduction to this one-of-a-kind fantasy world.
CD predaj: Hard Rock, AOR, prog, oldies...
TOXIC SMILE: 4x krásny neo-prog Germany 1.M.A.D. 2011 6€ 2.RetroTox Forte 2004 6€ 3.I'm Your Saviour 2011 6€ 4.Extension 2017 DVD 6€. všetky spolu 20€!! 5CD Original Album Classics/Series:15€/Box 5ks REO SPEEDWAGON 2011 TOTO 2011 BONEY M 2015 AMERICA 2011 QUIET RIOT 2015 FAITH NO MORE 2011 JETHRO TULL 2014 ALICE COOPER 2012 JOE SATRIANI 2013 FLEETWOOD MAC 2012 MODERN TALKING 2011 THE DOOBIE BROTHERS vol.1 & vol.2 2011 KEITH JARRETT 2015 JON & VANGELIS: Short Stories 2017 6€ STEVE VAI: Passion & Warfare 1990 7€ ABBA: Super Trouper 1980 6,5€ ABBA: GOLD - Greatest Hits 1992 7€ FALCO: The Final Curtain - Best Of 1999 8€ KINGDOM COME: Outlier 2013 8€ PHIL COLLINS: Both Sides 1993 6€ PHIL COLLINS: No Jacket Required 1985 7€ SLADE: Till Deaf do us Part 1992 6€ LED ZEPPELIN: II (unoficial, jzp) 1969 3,5€ ASIA: Classic Asia 2001 5€ BEE GEES: Still Waters 1997 6€ ELO (ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA): Time 1981 6€ ELO: The Best Of 1994 5€ THE NOTTING HILLBILIES: 1990 6€ Missing...presumed having a good time PETER GABRIEL: Ovo 2000 8€ TOM PETTY & THE HEARTBREAKERS: Greatest Hits 1993 8€ JOE COCKER: No Ordinary World 1999 6€ JOE COCKER: Sheffield Steel 1982 7€ SIMPLY RED: Blue 1998 8€ BOY GEORGE & CULTURE CLUB: Best Of - Spin Dazzle 1992 7€ BONEY M.: The Best Of 1997 6€ EARTH,WIND & FIRE: Gratitude 1975 7€ KIM WILDE: Never Say Never 2006 7€ KIM WILDE: Best Of The 80's 2000 6€ JOE STRUMMER (CLASH): The Future is Unwritten 2007 6,5€ GODSMACK: Faceless 2003 7€ INCUBUS: Make Yourself 1999 unoficial (jzp) 3€ SUPERSHINE:(Doug Pinnick-King's X): Supershine 2000 7€ KERBDOG: Kerbdog 1994 5€ KARAT: Schwanenkönig 1995 6€ NEIL YOUNG: Silver & Gold 2000 7€ GERARD: Gerard 1984 Japan (prog) 10€ DIEFANTASTISCHENVIER: Unplugged 2000 6€ klikni na meno a pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty, ďakujem.
The Dig
John Preston - The Dig Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** In the long hot summer of 1939 Britain is preparing for war. But on a riverside farm in Suffolk there is excitement of another kind: Mrs Pretty, the widowed farmer, has had her hunch proved correct that the strange mounds on her land hold buried treasure. As the dig proceeds against a background of mounting national anxiety, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary find... John Preston's recreation of the Sutton Hoo dig - the greatest Anglo-Saxon discovery ever in Britain - brilliantly and comically dramatizes three months of intense activity when locals fought outsiders, professionals thwarted amateurs, and love and rivalry flourished in equal measure.
CD na predaj
Ozzy Osbourne - Ordinary man Skillet - Unleashed BTS - The best
Kozmetika za super ceny
Vsetko je nove a neotvorene, pretriedila som svoje kozmeticke zasoby a tieto veci nevyuzijem. S dlhou exspiraciou - mozem poslat viac informacii na vyziadanie. 1. The Inkey List PHA toner 9€ 2. Yves Rocher SPF50+ 30 ml 8.50€ THE ORDINARY 1. Aminokyseliny + B5 8.50€ 2. Cerveny peeling aha 30% + bha 2% 3. Alpha arbutin + kyselina hyaluronova 10.50€ 4. Kyselina mliecna 10% 8€ 5. Kyselina azealova 10% 30 ml 9€ KOREJSKA KOZMETIKA 1. Benton snail bee serum 18€ 2. Purito BHA dead skin hydratacny krem 13.50€ 3. Haruharu krem black rice 14.50€ 4. Iunik propolis vitamin sleeping mask 10.50€
Párkrát použité krémy na akné lekárenských značiek Avéne,Bioderma. Pleťová voda od značky Ordinary s kys.glykolovou,krém s kys.azelaovou na rozjasnenie a zjednotenie pleti a proti nedokonalostiam.Mne stoja na polici.Ponúknite
OZZY OSBOURNE - 7xCD Pôvodné vydania
V ponuke na predaj !!! OZZY OSBOURNE - "Blizzard Of Ozz" Jet Records 1985 CD CDJET 234 ℗ 1980 Original Sound Recordings 29,-€ RARITA !!! V ponuke na predaj !!! OZZY OSBOURNE - "Diary Of A Madman" Pôvodné vydanie na CD od Jet Records 1985 ℗ 1981 len LP a MC - Original Sound Recordings 29,-€ RARITA !!! V ponuke na predaj !!! OZZY OSBOURNE - "No Rest for the Wicked" press CD Epic Records © 1988 29,-€ RARITA !!! V ponuke na predaj !!! OZZY OSBOURNE - "No More Tears" press CD Epic © 1991 Kultový album od OZZYho !!! 25,-€ PECKA! V ponuke na predaj !!! OZZY OSBOURNE - "Ozzmosis" press CD Epic © 1995 Obsahuje aj orig.sticker na krabičke! 25,-€ PECKA! V ponuke na predaj !!! OZZY OSBOURNE - "Down To Earth" press CD Epic © 2001 Obsahuje aj orig.sticker na krabičke! 25,-€ PECKA! Nové CD v ponuke na predaj !!! OZZY OSBOURNE - "Ordinary Man" press CD Epic / Sony Music © 2020 15,-€ Výborné!
The Ordinary séra
Predám nové, neotvorené balenia sér. Marine Hyaluronics, Lactic Acid 10% a AHA BHA peeling solution. V ponuke je aj Niacinamide+Zinc a Hyaluronic Acid. Cena je za kus.
When God was a Rabbit
Sarah Winman - When God Was a Rabbit Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** When God Was a Rabbit is an incredibly exciting debut from an extraordinary new voice in fiction. Spanning four decades, from 1968 onwards, this is the story of a fabulous but flawed family and the slew of ordinary and extraordinary incidents that shape their everyday lives. It is a story about childhood and growing up, loss of innocence, eccentricity, familial ties and friendships, love and life. Stripped down to its bare bones, it's about the unbreakable bond between a brother and sister.
1.SYLOSIS-Dormant heart 2Lp 20€ 2.KISS-Gene Simmons album 23€ 3.A PALE HORSE NAMED DEATH -And hell will follow me STAV VG/VG,VG 18€ 4.DEAFHEAVEN-Ordinary,corrupt human 2Lp 20€ 5.NE OBLIVISCARIS-16€ 6.TOY DOLLS-Wakey wakey 20€ 8.CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER-Speak your peace 20€ 9.SLAYER-Live Intrusion 1995 15€ 10.CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER-Stream of Consciousness 20eur 11.RAMONES-Animal boy 20eur 12.ATTAK-Zombies 19eur 15.BLACK SABBATH-Forbidden 24eur 16.TOOL-Live Dallas 1993 20eur 18.MC5-Power Trip picture disc -demos outtakes 22eur 20.JOY DIVISION-Unreleased pleasures 20eur 21.THE CURE-Disintegration demos 23eur 22.THE CURE-Three imaginary boys demos 23eur 23THE JAM-THIS IS THE MODERN WORLD clear vinyl limited 20eu Dobierka 4.50 Staci adresa a posielam