ozone alliance - strana 5
Počet nájdených inzerátov OZONE ALLIANCE
: 252 - strana 5

Ponúkam na predaj viac ako 600 hier na playstation 2. Sú vo výbornom stave. CELÝ ZOZNAM je dostupný na tomto odkaze:
Crash Bandicoot 2 40€
Crash Bash 40€
Zombie attack 25e
Metal Slug 3 20€
GTA San Andreas 15€
GTA Vice City 15€
GTA Liberty City st. 18€
God of War 1 20€
Tekken 4 15€
Tekken 5 20€
Tekken Tag Tournament 13€
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance 20€
Mortal Kombat Deception 20€
Resident Evil Code Veronica X 15€
Mafia 16€
Quake 3 15€
Godfather 15€
Transformers po 13€
Wolfenstein 15€
Black 12€
Tomb Raider Anniversary 14€
Tomb Raider Legend 14€
Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness 14€
Tomb Raider Underworld 20€
Hitman 2 12€
Hitman Contracts 12€
Mummy Returns 10€
Commandos 1, 2 od 10€
Call of Duty 1,2 po 10€
COD 3 13€
Prince of Persia po 10€
Battlefield 2 10€
Soulcalibur III 11€
Spiderman 1 11€
Spiderman 2 12€
Spiderman 3 14€
Devil May Cry 2 9€
Devil May Cry 3 10€
Indiana Jones 10€
The Simpsons The Game 15€
Simpsons Skateboarding 12€
Simpsons Road Rage 10€
Van Helsing 10€
Pan prstenov od 8€
TMNT 1 12€
TMNT 2 12€
Fight Night Round 3 9€
X-men 8€
G.I.JOE 8€
Metal Gear Solid 2 8€
Canis Canem Edit 10€
Medal of Honor po 9€
X-men 2 9€
Naruto od 8€
Max Payne 2 8€
007 James Bond po 6€
Getaway 1 6€
Getaway 2 8€
Pimp My Ride 13€
Need For Speed od 10€
Gran Turismo 4 13€
Gran Turismo 3 10€
WRC Rally Evolved 12€
WRC 3 12€
WRC 4 14€
Colin McRae Rally 04 12€
Colin McRae Rally 05 15€
Driver 3 10€
Formula One 04 10€
Formula One 05 13€
SSX on tour 10€
Burnout od 7€
Moto GP 4 11€
ATV OffRoad Fury 3 7€
Crash Bandicoot od 20€
Spyro A New Beginning 15€
Spyro Eternal Night 17€
Asterix a Obelix XXL 2 20€
Madagaskar 1 12€
Madagaskar 2 14€
Donald Duck PK 15€
Cars (Auta - Disney) 13€
Cars Master – National 15€
Cars Race-O-Rama 18€
Monsters, Inc. Scare Island 13€
Ice Age 2 13€
Garfield 2 10€
Chicken Little 10€
Looney Tunes 10€
Wall-e 10€
Casper 10€
SpongeBob Movie 12€
Shrek 2 10€
Shrek 3 11€
Open Season 10€
Ratchet Gladiator 15€
Rachet and Clank 1 17€
Ratchet 2 20€
Ratchet 3 20€
Sonic od 10€
Bolt 10€
Rayman po 10€
Hlada sa Nemo 10€
Surf´s Up 10€
Harry Potter od 10€
Lego Star Wars 1, 2 po 13€
Lego Football Mania 13€
Lego Batman 17€
Incredibles 10€
Scooby Doo And the Spooky Swamp 20€
Jak and Dexter od 9€
Tony Hawks od 7€
PES 2010 9€
PES 2011 13€
PES 2013 20€
FIFA 11 14€
FIFA 12 17€
FIFA 14 40€
NHL 07 CZ 12€
NHL 08 CZ 15€
NHL 09 CZ 20€
Sims 2 12€

Predám kolesá vhodné na malotraktor. Obuté úplne nové šípové pneumatiky Alliance AS323 rozmer 7.50-16 + tretí náhradný disk k tomu. Rozteč 4x130.

Mám na predaj zbierku PC hier, ktoré neboli nikdy hrané a boli zakúpené len čisto do zbierky. Niektoré hry majú pribalený aj CD kľúč, ktorý nebol nikdy použitý! Niektoré hry stačí len nainštalovať cez pridaný disk a hrať. Hry sú v 90% až 100% stave.
1. GUN - 10€
2. The First Templar (Special Edition) - 10€
3. Sniper: Ghost Warrior - 5€
4. Painkiller Collection (4 časti v jednom) - 10€
5. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - 10€
6. Rage - 10€
7. Call of Juarez - 7€
8. Call of Juarez 2 - 10€
9. Homefront - 10€
10. Singularity - 25€
11. Ultimate Alliance - 25€
12. Kane & Lynch: Dead Man - 10€
13. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones - 15€
14. Prince of Persia Limited Edition - 15€
15. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - 4€
16. Hard Reset Extended Edition - 7€
17. MXGP - 5€
18. MX vs. ATV Unleashed - 5€
19. Nail'd - 7€
20. FUEL - 10€
21. Bionic Commando - 10€
22. Spec Ops The Line - 10€
23. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - 10€
24. The Bureau Xcom Declasified - 10€
25. The Suffering - 10€
Detailnejšie fotky hier zašlem cez email, ak budete mať o nejakú záujem. Hry pošlem aj na dobierku, ku ktorým sa pripočítava cena poštovného. Balné neplatíte! Pri kúpe požadujem zaslanie čiastky za poštovné vopred na môj účet. Pri kúpe 5 a viacerých hier zľava! Môžete si pozrieť aj moje ďalšie inzeráty kliknutím na moje meno.
Kontaktovať ma môžete cez kontaktný formulár, pomocou emailu.

Zdravím, upratujem v knižnici a rád by som posunul niekoľko knižiek ďalej. Všetky sú vo výbornom stave a neboli ani raz čítané.
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (Sean Williams)
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived (Paul S. Kemp)
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule of Two (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories (John Jackson Miller)
Cena za kus 5€.
Osobný odber v Košiciach alebo odošlem poštou. Kontaktuje ma prostredníctvom formulára, číslo je vymyslené.

Predám konzolu Sony PS VITA. TOP stav, ako nová. Mám na predaj aj:
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 25€
Legends of War 20€
Ridge Racer 20€
Fifa Football 15€
God of War Collection 35€
Uncharted: Golden Abyss 20€
Killzone: Mercenary 20€
ModNation Racers: Road Trip 15€
Unit 13 20€
Fifa 13 15€
Fifa 14 15€
Fifa 15 20€
Football Manager Classic 2014 20€
MLB 12 The Show 20€
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 20€
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition 20€
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 25€
The Sly Trilogy 25€
P4G: Persona 4 Golden 25€
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 30€
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster 20€
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance 20€
Lumines: Electronic Symphony 20€
Virtue’s Last Reward 20€
Reality Fighters 20€
Minecraft: PS Vita Edition 20€
Angry Birds: Star Wars 20€
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale 20€
Little Deviants 20€
PlayStation Vita Pets 20€
Little Big Planet 15€
Lego Harry Potter 20€
Lego The Hobbit 20€
Lego Jurrasic World 20€
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 20€
Fifa 15 Legacy Edition 20€
Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition 15€
Resistance: Burning Skies 25€
Borderlands 2 30€
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy 25€
The Amazing Spider-Man 25€
Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified 20€
Mortal Kombat 30€
Sonic: All Stars Racing: Transformed 25€
Lego Ninjago: Nindroids 20€
Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin 20€
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril 20€
Soul Sacrifice 20€
Wipeout 2048 20€
Rayman Origins 20€
Rayman Legends 20€
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 20€
The Jack and Daxter Trilogy 25€
Phineas an Ferb: Day of Doofenshmitz 20€
Lego: The Movie Videogame 20€
Lego: Marvel Avengers 20€
Nickelodeon: SpongeBob Hero Pants 20€
Looney Tunes: Galactic Sports 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 5 20€
Asphalt: Injection 20€
Everybody’s Golf 15€
Gravity Rush 25€
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Tetris: Ultimate 20€
Tearaway 20€
Smart as... 15€
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ 30€
Spy Hunter 30€
MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship 30€
Lego: Lord of the Rings 20€
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 25€
Invizimals: The Resistance 20€
Lego Chima: Laval’s Journey 20€
F1 2011 25€
Street Fighter X Tekken 25€
Farming Simulator 18 30€
Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz 35€
MotoGP 13 35€
The Walking Dead 35€
New Little King’s Story 35€
Kód na 3 skvelé AR hry: Cliff Diving, Fireworks, Table Football + AR kartičky 20€
Pamäťové karty:
4GB 15€
8GB 25€
16GB 35€
32GB 60€
Púzdro na hry 5€
Púzdro na Vitu Sony 15€
Tvrdené púzdro na Vitu 20€
VITA + krabica 115€

predam LP platne viac kusov 5-EURO
predam LP platne viac kusov platna,gramofon
Elan Hodina slovenciny 10e
Elan 3 - 10e
Elan Detektivka 10e
Elan Nebezpecny naklad 10e
Elan Nie sme zli 10e
Marika Gombitova Slnecny kalendar
Marika Gombitova Mince na dne fontan 2LP
Marika Gombitova Moj maly pribeh
Madonna True blue PREDANE
Madonna Like a virgin
Madona Like a prayer 10e
Bedrich Smetana Ma vlast(2xLP) (10euro)
Modern Talking the 5 album 8e
Modern Talking the 4 album 8e
Modern Talking the 2 album 8e
Modern Talking the 3 album 8e
Modern Talking the 1 album 8e
Kotvald Hlozek V pohode
Kotvald Hlozek Holky z nasi skolky
Ricchi & Poveri Mamma maria
AlBano & Romina Power Aria pura
Marie Rottrova Duvernosti
Marie Rottrova Mezi nama 8e
Petra Janu 88 live
Petra Janu Petra11
Helena Vondrackova Ode mne k tobe
Team Team 10e
Team Prichyteny pri zivote 10e
Kroky Frantiska Janecka Po cestach ruzovych
Breakdance 2
Jiri Korn Zpivat jako dest
Jiri Korn Hej...(poslouchej)
Expres Skupina Jiriho Brabce
v prave poledne COUNTRY hudba z filmu
Zelenaci Pod lisci skalou
Zuzana Homolova Cas odchadza z domu
Helena Vondrackova Zrychleny dech
Pulnoc Sametove podzemi (15euro)
UB 40 Rat in the kitchen 10e
mezzoforte Garden party PREDANE
Bara Basikova Doba ledova PREDANE
Karel Cernoch Popelky
Level 42 Running in the family
Vaso Patejdl Lov na city 10e
Karthago Senkifoldjen
V moto-rock B moto-pock
Lionel Richie Dancing on the ceiling 9e
Pepita Favorit
Peter Nagy Chran si svoje blaznovstva
Team c4 - 25e
Dvaja Hudba z filmu fontana pre zuzanu 15e
Sunflower Neoton family
play to me that famous tango
Puhdys Rock and roll music
Boney M Gotta go home
Boney M Nightflight to venus PREDANE
The steve miller band Abracadabra 8e
Taylor Dayne Tell it to my heart
Streisand Guilty
Zodiac Disco alliance
Elvis Elvis
Elvis Moody blue
Elvis Rock and roll
Elvis Pure gold
Stevie Wonder Greatest hits
Black Wonderful life 10e
Limahl Dont suppose
Eddy Grant At his best PREDANE
Kim Wilde Catch as catch can
Bananarama Greatest hits
CC Catch - welcome to the heatrbreak hotel
+ mnoho dalsich platni,zoznam poslem do mailu
telefon robert matres

Predám 2 kusy lesné pneumatiky ALLIANCE FOREST 23,1-26, dezén 50%, r.v. 2019, neprerazené, vrátane duší.

Gardena sada a akumulátorom a nabíjačkou PBA, 18 V / 45 2,5 Ah+ AL 1830 CV Vhodné pre 18 v zariadenia GARDENA Power for All Alliance. Nová zabalená.

Adapéry na náradie Bosch proffesional 18v pre batérie
-Parkside x20Vteam
-Makita LXT 18v
-milwakee M18
-Bosch for all alliance 18
-Einhell PowerX-change
-Dewalt xR 18v
-Festool/Protool 18v
-Black+Decker power connect 18v
-Stanley fatmax 18v
-starší typ parkside performance brushless 20v
33e kus + možná množstevná zľava
V prípade že vaša batéria nie je v zozname neváhajte ma kontaktovať

Adapéry na náradie Milwakee M18 pre batérie
-Parkside x20Vteam
-Makita LXT 18v
-Bosch professional 18v
-Bosch for all alliance 18
-Einhell PowerX-change
-Dewalt xR 18v
-Festool/Protool 18v
-Black+Decker power connect 18v
-Stanley fatmax 18v
-starší typ parkside performance brushless 20v
33e kus + možná množstevná zľava
V prípade že vaša batéria nie je v zozname neváhajte ma kontaktovať

Kazde CD je original.
Posielam dobierkou.
Cena 10e za CD
Kontakt iba mail.
audioslave - out of exile
praet rain
rage - reflections of shadow
liege lord - burn to my touch
alice cooper - dragon town
jack panzer - the fourth judgement
fire down under riot
metalium - stage of trumph
saxon - unleash the beast
centvrion - arise of the ampire
symphony x - paradise lost
symphony x - twilight in olympus
voice prediction
iomim fused
slaughter - revolution
liquid monster
jack panzer - chain of commann
jack panzer - casting the stones
jack panzer - dessident alliance
dianno - nomad
ufo - sharks
antithesis - dying fo life
pegazus - wings of destiny
weinhold - bellow the line
holy mother - my world war
slaughter - stick into it to ya
porta - infery
another world
edguy - kingdom of maddness
hammer heroes
firewind - forge by fire
pain - dancing with death
virgin stell - the mariage of heaven and hell part 1
sleeping gods - new sensation
the eyes of alice cooper - brutal planet
zandelle - twilight on humanity
guns n roses - chinese democrasy
squealer - made of eternity
slaughter - fear no evil
hollow - modern cathedral
anwill - pound for pound
elegy - manifestation of fear
holy mother - toxic rain
gillian ian
glenn hughes - joe lin turner
ufo - you are here
warior - the code of life
primal - fear
virgin stelle - the mariage of heavea and hell part 2
rage - unity
zandelle - vengeance rising
doctor butcher
leather - shock waves
molly hatchet - wariors of the rainbow bridge
dragon lord - black wings of destiny
the wariors - war is hell
chastain - in an outrage
judas priest - screaming for vengeance
judas priest - nostradamus
halford - crucible
slaughter - back to reality
hell star - burning star
rage - end of all days
metal church - the wait of the world
mistyc prophercy - fireangel
blaze - two originals of blaze
tarantula - chemomarsh
ozzy osbourne - black rain
damage plan - new found power
defenestration - one inch God
halford - resurection
slaughter - the wild life
never more - the politist of estasy
power God - evolution part 2
power God - nemesis
holy mother - criminal after life
badlands - wodoo hihgway
12 stones
agent steel - order of the iluminaty
never more - this Godless endeavour
jack panzer - the age of mastery
rage - reflection of shadow
celtic frost - monohtheyst
ufo - covenant
over kill - kill box 13
retarted fish - u have one unheard message
rage - sound chaser
metal church - master piece
jack panzer - thank to throne
icedearth - something wicked this way comes
never more - enemies of reality
never more - deathheart in dead world
destiny end - breed deep the dark
ian parrys - consortium project
burning s

Predam rôzne plienky PAMPERS
V balíku je 110 kusov
PAMPERS ACTIVE BABY 6 mám 2 baliky
v balíku je 96 kusov
PAMPERS Sleap & play 5
V balíku 42 ks mám 2 balíky a jeden načatý 25ks
PAMPERS Premium Care 4 iba 34 kusov
Celková ochrana pred pretečením počas dňa aj noci, Plienky s rýchloschnúcim jadrom, ktoré okamžite absorbuje tekutinu, Dve manžetky pomáhajú predchádzať pretečeniu okolo nožičiek, Flexibilné bočné krídelká sa pohodlne prispôsobia pásu dieťatka, SKIN HEALTH ALLIANCE schválené Alianciou pre zdravie pokožky (zistite viac na ), Povrchová vrstva hebká ako bavlna dotýkajúca sa detskej pokožky (neobsahuje bavlnu), Extra vrstva pre pocit sucha rovnomerne odvádza vlhkosť a udržiava ju mimo pokožky dieťatka, Vďaka obrázkom rozoznáte prednú a zadnú časť

Predame kultivacne kola. Alliance 480/95r50, 380/95r 38. Pouzite jednu sezonu, vhodne pre maseey ferguson 8xxx, valtra s3xx, fendt 9xx. 12000 s dph

na predaj nove, nerozbalene sety:
75170 LEGO Star Wars Rebels The Phantom 250 eur
75020 LEGO Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 450 eur
75144 LEGO Star Wars Snowspeeder 370 eur
66449 Lego Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1 /obsahuje sety 5014/ - 260 eur
10198 LEGO Star Wars Tantive IV - 480 eur
10144 LEGO Star Wars Sandcrawler - 480 eur
75002 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars AT-RT - 70 eur
75135 LEGO Star Wars Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor - 120 eur
9491 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Geonosian Cannon - 80 eur
75154 LEGO Star Wars Rogue One TIE Striker - 120 eur
75164 LEGO Star Wars Rogue One Rebel Trooper Battle Pack - 25 eur
7661 LEGO Star Wars Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring - 330e
75015 LEGO Star Wars Corporate Alliance Tank Droid 150e
75045 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon 300e
75013 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Umbaran MHC Mobile Heavy Cannon 200e
9525 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter 330e
v pripade zaujmu poslem aktualne foto setu.
odber kurier dpd alebo packeta.

Predám predné kolesa značky ALLIANCE v rozmeroch 14,9-24 8 platnové nepopraskané, neporezané na diskoch. Dezén cca 30%.
Cena za pár 300€, viac info. volať.
Predám zadné kolesa značky BKT v rozmeroch 18,4-34 10 platnové nepopraskané neporezané na diskoch. Dezén cca 30%.
Cena za pár 500€, viac info. volať.
Vhodné pre traktor Zetor crystal a Zetor fortera alebo na Ukt.
Pneumatiky pre traktor zetor zts crystal ursus fortera urll 8011 8045 8111 8145 8211 8245 10011 10045 10111 10145 10211 10245 12011 12045 12111 12145 12211 12245 16045 16145 16245.

na predaj nove, nerozbalene sety:
75170 LEGO Star Wars Rebels The Phantom 250 eur
75020 LEGO Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 450 eur
75144 LEGO Star Wars Snowspeeder 370 eur
66449 Lego Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1 /obsahuje sety 5014/ - 260 eur
10198 LEGO Star Wars Tantive IV - 450 eur
10144 LEGO Star Wars Sandcrawler - 450 eur
75002 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars AT-RT - 70 eur
75135 LEGO Star Wars Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor - 120 eur
9491 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Geonosian Cannon - 80 eur
75154 LEGO Star Wars Rogue One TIE Striker - 120 eur
75164 LEGO Star Wars Rogue One Rebel Trooper Battle Pack - 25 eur
7661 LEGO Star Wars Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring - 330e
75015 LEGO Star Wars Corporate Alliance Tank Droid 150e
75045 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon 300e
75013 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Umbaran MHC Mobile Heavy Cannon 200e
9525 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter 330e
v pripade zaujmu poslem aktualne foto setu.
odber kurier dpd alebo packeta.

Ponúkam na predaj viac ako 600 hier na playstation 2. Sú vo výbornom stave. CELÝ ZOZNAM je dostupný na tomto odkaze:
Crash Bandicoot 2 40€
Crash Bash 40€
Zombie attack 25e
Metal Slug 3 20€
GTA San Andreas 15€
GTA Vice City 15€
GTA Liberty City st. 18€
God of War 1 25€
Tekken 4 15€
Tekken 5 20€
Tekken Tag Tournament 13€
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance 20€
Mortal Kombat Deception 20€
Resident Evil Code Veronica X 15€
Mafia 16€
Quake 3 15€
Godfather 15€
Transformers po 13€
Wolfenstein 15€
Black 12€
Tomb Raider Anniversary 14€
Tomb Raider Legend 14€
Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness 14€
Tomb Raider Underworld 20€
Hitman 2 12€
Hitman Contracts 12€
Mummy Returns 10€
Commandos 1, 2 od 10€
Call of Duty 1,2 po 10€
COD 3 13€
Prince of Persia po 10€
Battlefield 2 10€
Soulcalibur III 11€
Spiderman 1 11€
Spiderman 2 12€
Spiderman 3 14€
Devil May Cry 2 9€
Devil May Cry 3 10€
Indiana Jones 10€
The Simpsons The Game 15€
Simpsons Skateboarding 12€
Simpsons Road Rage 10€
Van Helsing 10€
Pan prstenov od 8€
TMNT 1 12€
TMNT 2 12€
Fight Night Round 3 9€
X-men 8€
G.I.JOE 8€
Metal Gear Solid 2 8€
Canis Canem Edit 10€
Medal of Honor po 9€
X-men 2 9€
Naruto od 8€
Max Payne 2 8€
007 James Bond po 6€
Getaway 1 6€
Getaway 2 8€
Pimp My Ride 13€
Need For Speed od 10€
Gran Turismo 4 13€
Gran Turismo 3 10€
WRC Rally Evolved 12€
WRC 3 12€
WRC 4 14€
Colin McRae Rally 04 12€
Colin McRae Rally 05 15€
Driver 3 10€
Formula One 04 10€
Formula One 05 13€
SSX on tour 10€
Burnout od 7€
Moto GP 4 11€
ATV OffRoad Fury 3 7€
Crash Bandicoot od 20€
Spyro A New Beginning 15€
Spyro Eternal Night 17€
Asterix a Obelix XXL 2 20€
Madagaskar 1 12€
Madagaskar 2 14€
Donald Duck PK 15€
Cars (Auta - Disney) 13€
Cars Master – National 15€
Cars Race-O-Rama 18€
Monsters, Inc. Scare Island 13€
Ice Age 2 13€
Garfield 2 10€
Chicken Little 10€
Looney Tunes 10€
Wall-e 10€
Casper 10€
SpongeBob Movie 12€
Shrek 2 10€
Shrek 3 11€
Open Season 10€
Ratchet Gladiator 15€
Rachet and Clank 1 17€
Ratchet 2 20€
Ratchet 3 20€
Sonic od 10€
Bolt 10€
Rayman po 10€
Hlada sa Nemo 10€
Surf´s Up 10€
Harry Potter od 10€
Lego Star Wars 1, 2 po 13€
Lego Football Mania 13€
Lego Batman 17€
Incredibles 10€
Scooby Doo And the Spooky Swamp 20€
Jak and Dexter od 9€
Tony Hawks od 7€
PES 2010 9€
PES 2011 13€
PES 2013 20€
FIFA 11 14€
FIFA 12 17€
FIFA 14 40€
NHL 07 CZ 12€
NHL 08 CZ 15€
NHL 09 CZ 20€
Sims 2 12€

Zdravím, upratujem v knižnici a rád by som posunul niekoľko knižiek ďalej. Všetky sú vo výbornom stave a neboli ani raz čítané.
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (Sean Williams)
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived (Paul S. Kemp) - PREDANÁ
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan (Drew Karpyshyn) - PREDANÁ
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule of Two (Drew Karpyshyn)
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (Drew Karpyshyn) - PREDANÁ
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories (John Jackson Miller)
Cena za kus 5€.
Osobný odber v Košiciach alebo odošlem poštou. Kontaktuje ma prostredníctvom formulára, číslo je vymyslené.