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Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty
Yuval Noah Harari, author of the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon Sapiens, returns with an equally original, compelling, and provocative book, turning his focus toward humanity’s future, and our quest to upgrade humans into gods.
Over the past century humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague, and war. This may seem hard to accept, but, as Harari explains in his trademark style—thorough, yet riveting—famine, plague and war have been transformed from incomprehensible and uncontrollable forces of nature into manageable challenges. For the first time ever, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together. The average American is a thousand times more likely to die from binging at McDonalds than from being blown up by Al Qaeda.
What then will replace famine, plague, and war at the top of the human agenda? As the self-made gods of planet earth, what destinies will we set ourselves, and which quests will we undertake? Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century—from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution. This is Homo Deus. With the same insight and clarity that made Sapiens an international hit and a New York Times bestseller, Harari maps out our future.

Tvrdá väzba, v angličtine.
Twilight tempted the imagination... New Moon made readers thirsty for more... Eclipse turned the saga into a worldwide phenomenon... And now? The book that everyone has been waiting for... Breaking Dawn. In the much anticipated fourth book in Stephenie Meyer´s love story, questions will be answered and the fate of Bella and Edward will be revealed.
Autor: Stephenie Meyer
Vydavateľstvo: Atom
Hmotnosť (g): 900
Stav: čítaná, kozmetické chyby (napr. papierový obal má známky používania)
Cena (€): 4
K cene je potrebné pripočítať poštovné podľa aktuálneho cenníka Slovenskej pošty. Na dobierku po neprebratých dobierkách neposielam. Nevymieňam. Telefónne číslo je vymyslené.

Lukas je 4 mesačné mačiatko. Je to samostatná jednotka s vrtuľou v zadku. Zastaví sa len keď spí,
ale aj to zvykne hýbať nôžkami a mrnčať. K cudzím ľuďom je opatrný, hladkanie nevyhľadáva, ale keď
to musí byť, tak znesie. Najlepšie by mu bolo v kolektíve iných zvieratiek, ale ako jedináčik bude
určite prítulnejší. Je to veselé klbko života, ktoré miluje hračky a lovenie múch. V predkoch
predpokladáme jazvečíka, nakoľko zatiaľ rastie prevažne do dĺžky. Lucas určite nie je vhodný k
starším ľuďom a v takomto malom veku ani k bábätkám. Lucas je veterinárne ošetrený, je testovaný,
odčervený a 1 x zaočkovaný. Na svoj domov čaká v Kysuckom Novom Meste. Kocúrik si hľadá ten najlepší
domov, kde bude členom rodiny, u ľudí, ktorí vedia, že mačička je záväzok aj na 15 rokov a treba sa
jej venovať....áno mačička plzne, áno bude skákať po linke, áno treba pravidelne čistiť záchodik
a môže byť, že čo to poškrabe....je to živý tvor, nie plyšová hračka. Kontakt: správou na stránku
Tul/k/áčik alebo tel.č. .Adopčný poplatok je 30 EUR.

Smart TV Android TV 4K Thomson 43"
Má len 7 mesiacov. Predávam ho, pretože odchádzam z krajiny. Dodáva sa so všetkým originálnym balením a materiálmi, vrátane originálnej faktúry!
Ide o Android TV s rozlíšením 4K (Ultra HD) a HDR.
Dokáže inštalovať aplikácie z Playstore, má už NetFlix a Youtube a ešte oveľa viac.
Dokáže čítať videá a iné médiá aj z USB ako počítač.
= 220 EUR, alebo najlepšia ponuka.
Vyzdvihnutie v Bratislave, blízko Patrónskeho Pivovaru.
Pre priamu a rýchlejšiu komunikáciu ma prosím kontaktujte.
Požiadajte ma o môj úplný zoznam položiek na !
Smart TV Android TV 4K Thomson 43"
Only 7 months old. I sell it because I am leaving the country. It comes with all original package and materials, including the original invoice!
It is Android TV, with 4K (Ultra HD) resolution and HDR.
It can install applications from Playstore, it has already NetFlix and Youtube and much more inside.
It can read videos and other media also from USB like a computer.
= 220 EUR, or best offer.
Pick up in Bratislava, close to Patronsky Pivovar.
Please get in touch with me for direct and faster communication.
Ask me for my complete list of items on !

CD / Zoznam a ceny v texte / No6
Pozrite aj ďalšie naše inzeráty. Ďakujeme AZM.
Foto je ilustračné. Zoznam a ceny dole v texte. Aktuálne v čase podania inzerátu!!
Poštovné na zakúpený tovar účtujeme podľa hmotnosti zásielky.
Tovar posielame aj do ČR.
Looper - Up A Tree / CD .. 3.00 €
Luther Vandross - Give Me The Reason / CD .. 3.00 €
M People - Bizarre Fruit II / 2CD .. 3.00 €
M People - Elegant Slumming / CD .. 3.00 €
Madness - Divine Madness / CD .. 3.00 €
Madonna - Confessions On A Dance Floor / CD .. 3.00 €
Madonna - GHV2 (Greatest Hits Volume 2) / CD .. 3.00 €
Madonna - Like A Virgin / CD .. 3.00 €
Madonna - Ray Of Light / CD .. 3.00 €
Madonna - Something To Remember / CD .. 3.00 €
Mamma Mia! - The Musical Based On ABBA (Special Edition) / CD .. 3.00 €
Mamma Mia! - The Musical Based On The Songs Of ABBA (Original Cast Recording) / CD .. 3.00 €
Mamma Mia! (The Movie Soundtrack Featuring The Songs Of ABBA) / CD .. 3.00 €
Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go / CD .. 3.00 €
Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours / CD .. 3.00 €
Mariah Carey - Merry Christmas / CD .. 3.00 €
Mariah Carey - MTV Unplugged EP / CD .. 3.00 €
Maroon 5 - Songs About Jane / CD .. 3.00 €
McAlmont & Butler - The Sound Of... McAlmont & Butler / CD .. 3.00 €
McFly - Greatest Hits / CD .. 3.00 €
McFly - Motion In The Ocean / CD .. 3.00 €
McFly - Wonderland / CD .. 3.00 €
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell / CD .. 3.00 €
Melanie C - Northern Star / CD .. 3.00 €
Metallica - Frantic / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Mica Paris - So Good / CD .. 3.00 €
Michael Bolton - The One Thing / CD .. 3.00 €
MIKA - Life In Cartoon Motion / CD .. 3.00 €
MIKA - The Boy Who Knew Too Much / CD .. 3.00 €
Miley Cyrus - Bangerz / CD .. 3.00 €
Miley Cyrus - Breakout / CD .. 3.00 €
Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed / CD .. 3.00 €
Miley Cyrus - The Time Of Our Lives / CD .. 3.00 €
Mis-Teeq - Lickin' On Both Sides / CD .. 3.00 €
Mogwai - Kicking A Dead Pig - Mogwai Songs Remixed / CD .. 3.00 €
More Dirty Dancing (More Original Music From The Hit Motion Picture "Dirty Dancing") / CD .. 3.00 €
Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten / CD .. 3.00 €
Neil Diamond - Home Before Dark / CD .. 3.00 €
Nelly Furtado - Loose / CD .. 3.00 €

Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?

Predam pekne cyklo tretry / topanky MAVIC Ksyrium elite, velkot cislo 39 1/3. Dlzka vnutornej vlozky je 25,5 cm. Super stav, cena 50 eur
The Ksyrium Elite is our best seller in the women’s road bike shoe range – a classic shoe that’ll work for 90% of your riding.
In terms of comfort and power the balance is just right. The Endofit™ tongue surrounds your foot, giving you what we call The Glove Effect. And the soles of your feet are perfectly supported by our Ergo Fit 3D Ortholite® inner soles.
Outside, the Ergo ratchet system locks the foot in place, while the composite outersole gives you the same levels of power transfer as much more expensive shoes on the market.
They look good too: thin straps, white soles and two classic colour combinations – black with a textile feel or white leather-look – mean you can stay elegant while still riding hard.

CD / Zoznam a ceny v texte / No3
Pozrite aj ďalšie naše inzeráty. Ďakujeme AZM.
Foto je ilustračné. Zoznam a ceny dole v texte. Aktuálne v čase podania inzerátu!!
Poštovné na zakúpený tovar účtujeme podľa hmotnosti zásielky.
Tovar posielame aj do ČR.
Delilah - From The Roots Up / CD .. 3.00 €
Diana Ross - The Force Behind The Power / CD .. 3.00 €
Dodgy - Ace A's + Killer B's / CD .. 3.00 €
Dogs Die In Hot Cars - Please Describe Yourself / CD .. 3.00 €
Dolly Parton - A Life In Music: The Ultimate Collection / CD .. 3.00 €
Dolly Parton - The Best Of / CD .. 3.00 €
Duffy - Rockferry / CD .. 3.00 €
Dusty Springfield - The Look Of Love / 2CD .. 3.00 €
East 17 - Up All Night / CD / Special Edition / Moving Image .. 3.00 €
Echobelly - On / CD .. 3.00 €
Ed Sheeran - X / CD .. 3.00 €
Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid / CD .. 3.00 €
Emeli Sandé - Long Live The Angels / CD / nové .. 3.00 €
Eminem - Relapse / CD .. 3.00 €
Enigma - Age Of Loneliness / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Enigma - The Eyes Of Truth / CD Singel .. 3.00 €
Enrique Iglesias - Enrique / CD .. 3.00 €
Enrique Iglesias - Enrique Iglesias / CD .. 3.00 €
Enrique Iglesias - Escape / CD .. 3.00 €
Enrique Iglesias - Greatest Hits / CD .. 3.00 €
Enrique Iglesias - Insomniac / CD .. 3.00 €
Erasure - Wild! / CD .. 3.00 €
Estelle - Shine / CD .. 3.00 €
Eurythmics - Greatest Hits / CD .. 3.00 €
Eurythmics - Ultimate Collection / CD .. 3.00 €
Faithless - Forever Faithless (The Greatest Hits) / CD .. 3.00 €
Frank Sinatra - 20 Classic Tracks / CD .. 3.00 €
Frank Sinatra - Frank Sinatra / CD .. 3.00 €
Frank Sinatra - Sinatra And Swingin' Brass / CD .. 3.00 €
Frank Sinatra - Songs For Young Lovers/Swing Easy / CD .. 3.00 €
Frank Sinatra - The Frank Sinatra Collection / CD .. 3.00 €
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. - Eee-O 11: The Best Of The Rat Pack / CD .. 3.00 €
Franz Ferdinand - Tonight: Franz Ferdinand / CD .. 3.00 €
Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better / CD .. 3.00 €
Gabrielle - Find Your Way / CD .. 3.00 €
Genesis - Live The Way We Walk (Volume One The Shorts) / CD .. 3.00 €
Genesis - Live The Way We Walk (Volume Two The Longs) / CD .. 3.00 €
Genesis - We Can't Dance / CD .. 3.00 €
George Michael - Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1 / CD .. 3.00 €
George Michael - Songs From The Last Century / CD .. 3.00 €

Predám elektrickú kolobežku,chikerboy konfort Urban najazdené 1300km,nejde zapnúť šikovný si ju dá dokopy,nová zadná duša,ma pár múch ony display som kúpil neukazuje rýchlosť a batériu keď ešte išla vieme sa ešte dohodnúť buď výmena za niečo zaujímavé,nová stála 882€ nech niekomu sikovnemu poslúži,fakt nemám nato čas,sinovy som to kúpil,a bojí sa natom ísť.

Paula Hawkins - The Girl on the Train
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She's even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. 'Jess and Jason', she calls them. Their life - as she sees it - is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy. And then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough. Now everything's changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she's only watched from afar. Now they'll see; she's much more than just the girl on the train...

4eur/ks - Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka, Meno ruže, Bitúnok č. 5, Krátky list na dlhú rozlúčku, Zápisky Malteho Lauridsa, Ľahostajní, Senilita, Kráľovstvo z tohto sveta, Boh múch, búrka, Katova pieseň, Miláčik a iné poviedky, Exit západ, Ranná horúčka, Alamut
3eur/ks- Bezosudovosť, Hra o život, Zóna sinistra, Dve ženy v Prahe, Partizánova dcéra, Traja mušketieri,Hrabal- Ostro sledované vlaky, Tři novely
6eur- Modrý vrch

Charles Martin - The Mountain Between Us. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
What if your life depended on a stranger? On a stormy winter night, two strangers wait for a flight at the Salt Lake City airport. Ashley Knox is an attractive, successful writer, who is flying East for her much anticipated wedding. Dr Ben Payne has just wrapped up a medical conference and is also eager to return home. When the last outgoing flight is cancelled due to a forthcoming storm, Ben finds a charter plane that can take him around the weather front. And when the pilot says the single engine prop plane can fit one more, Ben offers the seat to Ashley. Then the unthinkable happens and the plane crashes into the High Uintas Wilderness - one of the largest stretches of harsh and remote land in the United States. Ben, who has broken ribs, and Ashley, who suffers a terrible leg fracture, along with the pilot's dog, are faced with a battle to survive. How will they make it out of the wilderness and if they do, will they ever be the same again?

Predám funkčný digitálny fotoaparát Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-WX1 s pamäťovou kartou, puzdrom, v krabici s originálnym príslušenstvom. Fotoaparát má už pár múch - tlačidlo na približovanie (T) je potrebné silnejšie stlačiť aby fungovalo a tiež sem-tam nesprávne exponuje fotku. Má 10 MegaPixelov, 5x optický zoom, výborný širokouhlý 24mm objektív so super svetelnosťou 2,4F. Najlepšie osobný odber v Spišskej Novej Vsi prípadne v Prešove.

Andy Weir - The Martian
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he's sure he'll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he’s alive—and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old "human error" are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn't ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills—and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit—he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?

The Ultimate Cigar Book is a classic on the subject, covering everything from how cigars are made, to storage, etiquette, and accessories.
Richard Carleton Hacker’s category bestselling is often credited with helping to create a new generation of cigar aficionados. No other book contains as much detailed and factual information on virtually every facet of cigar making and cigar smoking. And now this trendsetting has been revised in this fourth edition for the aficionado of the future!
Forget 1492. This book starts out in B. C. (Before Columbus) and transports the cigar enthusiast on a fun and fact-filled adventure into virtually every realm of today’s popular and growing cigar smoking pastime. Written by one of the most knowledgeable and internationally-celebrated pipe and cigar authors of our time, Richard Carleton Hacker’s well-known wit and wisdom will keep the reader enthralled with every turn of the page, as he takes you on an information-packed would tour of cigars.
Starting off with a history of cigar smoking, the author then shows us how cigars are made today (handmade, handrolled, and machine made), divulges the secrets of finding the “perfect” cigar, and discusses the ritual of smoking and how to properly care for and store our cigars. From there the book lists a number of innovative cigar accessories, suggests which beers, wines, whiskeys, brandies, and cognacs go with what cigars, enlightens us with a chapter on cigar smoking celebrities, and concludes with the world’s first International Compendium of virtually every cigar brand known today, complete with histories and observations on taste, according to the author’s HPH (Highly Prejudiced Hacker-Scale) ratings. If that was not enough, there is even a dictionary of CigarSpeak!
The Ultimate Cigar Book is the most comprehensive, factual, and up-to-date book for the cigar smoker or for those who just want to learn more about the fascinating and popular world of cigar smoking.

Predám originálne CD:
YOU ME AT SIX: Take Off Your Colours 2xcd deluxe M-/M- 1€
YOU ME AT SIX: Sinners Never Sleep M-/M- 3€
ROTEN ROSEN (T.HOSEN): Wir Warten auf Christkind EX/VG 4€
ARZTE: Die Bestie in Menschengesttalt EX/EX 9€
CURE: Mixed Up UK M-/EX 8€
CURE: 4:13 Dream EUR M-/EX 5€
POGUES: Rum Sodomy and the Lash + 6 bonusov M-/EX 7€
POGUES: The Very Best of EX/EX 5€
POGUES: The Rest of the Best EUR EX-/EX 3€
R.E.M.: Document 17 skladieb VG+/EX 3€
R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi M-/EX 3€
KILLING JOKE: Laugh? I Nearly Bought One M-/M- 8€
MADNESS: The Heavy Heavy Hits 23 skl best of M-/EX 4€
ULTRAVOX: Vienna 2xCD EX/M- 9€
CHARLATANS: Melting Pot M-/EX 2€
SHADOW REICHENSTEIN: Its Monster Rock M-/M- 8€
KEMURI: Senka - Senrui M-/EX 4€
SHAME: Songs of Praise EX/EX 6€
SEX DEVIANTS: Za jinej svet M/M 6€
X-CORE: In Hell M/M 3€
JERRY HARRISON (T. HEADS): Walk on Water VG+/VG+ 3€
PUNK / VOICE OF GENERATION - PUNK COVERS: Anti Pasti Vibrators Vice Squad One Way System GBH A.Upstarts Eater Drones... EX/M- 5€
LOS FASTIDIOS: Ora basta EP M/M 5€
STONE ROSES: The Very Best of M-/M- 6€
BLITZKRIEG BOYS: Back From Nowhere EX/M- 8€
COCTEAU TWINS: Victorialand M-/M 10€
CHINA CRISIS: What Price Paradise M/M- 9€
CREATURES: A bestiary of M/M 10€
MORRISSEY: Years of Refusal M/M 8€
HORRORS: Strange House M/M 7€
SHAMEN: Strange Day Dreams M-/EX 10€
RESIDENTS: God in Three Persons EX/M- 15€
GREEN DAY: 1,039 / Smoothed Out Slappy Hours M-/VG+ 6€
BOW WOW WOW: Go Wild - the Best of M-/EX 7€
Pošlem na dobierku (+ 3€ poštovné).
Alebo doporučene - platba vopred na účet (poštovné 2€).
Alebo osobný odber v Devínskej Novej Vsi (okraj Bratislavy).
Inzerát je aktuálny až do zmazania.
Pozrite aj ďalšie moje inzeráty, je tam viac platní.
M - disk je ako NOVÝ
EX - VÝBORNÝ, s miernymi stopami používania
VG - VELMI DOBRÝ, mnohokrát hraný s výraznejšími stopami používania, ale bez vplyvu na kvalitu záznamu.
Znamienko + alebo - označuje stavy medzi vyššie uvedenými. Napríklad VG+ naznačuje, že menej náročný
poslucháč, by uvedenú platňu mohol označiť EX, naopak EX- by náročnejší poslucháč mohol označiť za VG.

Dobrý deň,
Predám na mieru skladaný herný notebook od Pcspecialist cca 5 rokov starý, vo výbornom stave.
pár múch sa nájde ako jemné vynechávanie klávesnice "R" a "V"
jedná sa o stále kvalitny setup, ktorý si radno poradí aj s kvalitnejšími hrami .
Apex, overwatch, 60fps, League 80
má zabudovanú bohužial len 60hz obrazovku.
Ntb je čisto preinštalovaný s originálnym win. po kúpe dám aj win čislo
parametre ntb sú na fotke.
Na smsky neodpovedám, len po telefonickom dohovore.

Snímače Jackson Humbucker pre 4 strunnú basu.
Minimálne použíté, top stav!
Painstaking voiced and full of fat, punchy tones, the Jackson high-output bass humbucking pickups give you plenty of low-end punch without too much top-end sizzle.
cena 35EUR s poštovným

plechová cedule: Britský propagační plakát RAF - Vítězství v bitvě o Británii
„Never Was So Much Owed by So Many to So Few.“ — Winston Churchill
„Nikdy v historii lidských konfliktů nevděčilo tak mnoho(lidí), tak málu(letcům RAF),
za tak mnoho(vítězství v bitvě o Británii)!“ — Winston Churchill
Vítězství v bitvě o Británii, Winston Churchill 16. srpna 1940, k Hastingsi Ismaymu,
při odjezdu z RAF Uxbridge poté, co sledovali bitvu z operačního sálu.
+ dopravné od 4 EUR přes Zásilkovna
Velikost: 30cm x 20cm
Materiál: kov
Další plechové cedule viz. další mé inzeráty.