pablo ice cold - strana 7
Počet nájdených inzerátov PABLO ICE COLD
: 1000 - strana 7

Predám Cold steel Counter point 1, Nôž je prakticky ako nový málo nosený, má ešte brúsenie od výroby, stále reže papier.

Dobrý predám, Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. Je tam možnosť aj ubgrade na PS5. Plne funkčne teraz kupované pôvodná cena 38€
Cena pevná
Platí do zmazania
Preferujem osobný odber
Pripadne poštovné+2€ predom

Predám raz prejdenú hru na Xbox ONE a Xbox SERIES X - Call of Duty COLD WAR. Možná výmena za CoD Vanguard.
V prípade záujmu píšte cez formulár alebo na obchodnevychod@


Predam novy noz Cold Steel,dlzka noza je 27 cm,v zlozenom stave 15,5 cm,zatvaraci,krabica,nepouzity,cena 15 eur,viem poslat aj na dobierku,tel. email 34tomo343@

Predam novu macetu CONQUEROR Cold Steel,celkova dlzka je 44,5 cm,dlzka cepele 31,5 cm,puzdro,nepouzite,cena je 25 eur,mozem zaslat aj na dobierku,tel. email pali7371@

intake system with air intake Project R1 for vehicles with 1.8 TSI & 2.0 TSI EA888 Gen3 engine.
Provides maximum performance along with a bright visual addition to your under-hood space.
The special design of the air intake without restrictive partitions allows you to direct cold air directly to the filter without heating and mixing with hot air from the engine compartment.
The housing has a dynamic air intake technology, thanks to the incoming flow of cold air, this is an undeniable advantage compared to traditional intake systems, as well as open ones from other tuners.
It comes complete with a proprietary R1 "Twin Air" filter. (one of the best filters according to the test results, an article about our filters)
Optionally, you can purchase an inlet pipe, it completely replaces the standard inlet pipe of the OEM intake, removing all partitions and narrowing thereby reducing turbulence and allowing a larger volume of air to reach turbocharging faster, which is especially important at stage 2-3 and higher.
It is installed in standard fasteners and air intakes on the panel.
Improved performance
Improves airflow efficiency
Allows you to increase the sensitivity of the throttle
Possibility of installation with a replacement restrictor
There is a damper corrugation to compensate for the rolling of the engine
Support for Stage 3 and above
Mounting to the panel in the standard holes (two channels) with screws
Significant superiority over sawn air intakes, "zero" in the standard box, and aftermarket air intakes.

Predám použitou chladiacu vitrínu na torty Adda Cold 2 GN UNIS COOL je určená na predaj širokého sortimentu chladeného občerstvenia napríklad bagiet, sendvičov, zákuskov, nápojov ai. Pri malej zastavanej ploche nutnej na umiestnenie vitríny ponúka veľkú predajnú kapacitu vďaka 3 výstavným policiam

Bordelands III: 10€
CD: Modern warfare: 23€
CD: WWII: 12€
CD: Black ops cold war: 25€
CD: Vanguard: 32€
CD: Black OPS III: 10€
CD: Black ops IV: 12€
Dying light: The following (an hanced edition): 15€
Doom eternal: 10€
Pack 1: (Bordelands III, CD Modernwarfare, CD: WWII, Doom eternal): 49€
Pack 2: (Dying light, CD: Black ops cold war, CD: Black OPS III a IV): 59€

Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM
Basement Jaxx: Fly life extra 15€
New Order: Confusion / Everything's Gone Green / Waiting For The Sirens' Call 15€
Sister Sledge: We are family 5€
the Cure: Close to me 15€
Defected Presents Def Mix Classics (Part Two)disk 2. 3€
Defected -Hatiras: Spaced Invader 2xEP 7€
Swain & Collingwood: Never Be The Same 4€
Berlin: Like flames 4€
Midge Ure: Cold,cold heart 4€
Rude RKade: Beautiful 4€
Huff & Puff: Help me make it 4€
Nick Jones Acei Carter: Soul movement 4€
Holly Valance: State of mind 4€
Editechnique: Dirty kissing 5€
Lyszak: the Remixes 4€
Back to Back: Remixes pt.2 4€
Was (not Wass): I feel better than James Brown 4€
Beamish & Fly: Stoaked 4€
Robert Armani: Circus bells 4€
Deetron: Fuse Presents Deetron (Sampler 1) 4€
Stunk of Punk: If you feel it 4€
the B 52: Funplex remixes 4€
FC/Kahuna: Nothing is wrong 4€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Welcome to the pleasure dome 4€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Two tribes 5€
Breathe: say hello 4€
Stylus Trouble: Future child/Voodoo nights 4€
Ralph Sliwinski: Pox box 4€
the EVE of the war 4€
Kyla: Do you mind 4€
Louie Vega Presents Anané – Nos Vida / Mon Amour 6€
Patrick L: Things I Wanna Do 6€
Tom Neville feat.Jellybone: Buzz junkie 4€
Platne sú v dobrom až velmi dobrom stave. Sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM.
Možnosť zaslať na Dobierku,prevod na ucet,aj osobný odber, aj v Rk,Dk,Mt...Viac info ako aj kontakt mailom...
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...
Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.

Predám knihu Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Toshikazu Kawaguchi.
V dobrom stave.
Prosím kontaktovať emailom alebo cez SMS.

Predam len noseny noz cold steel espada nikdy nerezal najväčší skladaci seriovo vyrabany noz na svete 42.5 cm povodna cena 520€

Predám nepoužitú mozaiku zn. ABK (talianske), COLD LUX+, rozmer 30x30 cm, cena za 1 kus: 30 EUR. Celkovo ponúkam 60 ks (5,4 m2).

predám tieto nevyužité kvalitné nože zn. BUCK a Cold Steel (ešte zabalený v krabičke). nemajú žiadne náznaky používania. Predávam ich spolu za 150. Preferujem os. odber v BA