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paul and shark - strana 30

Počet nájdených inzerátov PAUL AND SHARK : 1000 - strana 30

CD Dismember & Vader & Cradle of Filth
Od Dismember je k dispozícii (nie fotka): Dismember - Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 € Dismember - Dismember (nový) 15,00 € Od Vader je k dispozícii (nie fotka): Vader - The empire (nový) 10,00 € Vader - Tibi et igni (nový) 9,00 € Vader - Solitude in madness (nový) 12,00 € Od Cradle of Filth je dispozícii (nie fotka): Cradle of Filth - Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the beast 7,00 € Cradle of Filth - Midian 7,00 € Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day 5,00 € Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth - Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 9,00 Cradle of Filth - The manticore and other horrors 9,00 € Cradle of Filth - Cryptoriana - The seductiveness of decay (nový) 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu kontakt: zaxas@
Predám BMW 645ci Alpinweiss
Predám tento krásne zachovalý kúsok model e63 645ci 4,4 V8 245Kw r.2004 v bielej Alpinweiss farbe. Najazdené 26x xxx km. Momentálne treba spraviť akurát alternátor, to sa už rieši inak je auto plne pojazdné. Na cene sa dá dohodnúť. Editions And Packages S785 White Direction Indicator Lights Comfort And Interior Equipment S403 Glass Roof, Electrical S423 Floor Mats Velours S430 Interior/Outside Mirror With Auto Dip S431 Interior Mirror With Automatic-Dip S437 Fine Wood Trim S441 Smoker Package S442 Drink Holder S459 Seat Adjustment, Electric, With Memory S481 Sports Seat Multimedia S605 Telematics Preparation S609 Navigation System Professional S620 Voice Control S639 Preparation F Mobile Phone Cpl. USA/CDN S645 BMW US Radio S655 Satellite Tuner S672 CD Changer For 6 CDs S677 HiFi System Professional DSP S697 Area-Code 1 For DVD S698 Area-Code 2 For DVD Driver Assistance And Lightning S502 Headlight Cleaning System S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S522 Xenon Light S524 Adaptive Headlights S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S540 Cruise Control S563 Light Package S595 BMW LA Wheel, Ellipsoid Styling 121 Wheels And Drive S205 Automatic Transmission S217 Active Steering S229 Dynamic Drive S255 Sports Leather Steering Wheel Environment And Safety S302 Alarm System S319 Integrated Universal Remote Control S354 Windscreen, Green-Tinted Upper Strip S818 Battery Master Switch S823 Hot-Climate Version S845 Acoustic Fasten Seat Belt Reminder S853 Language Version, English S876 Radio Frequency 315 MHz S8SP Control Unit COP S877 Omission Of Non-Combined Operation Individual Equipment S760 High Gloss Shadow Line Other Equipment S1CA Selection Of COP-Relevant Vehicles S925 Dummy-SALAPA S992 Control Of Number-Plate Attachment SB110 SNMUW SA090 SK633 Retrofit, Bluetooth Telephone SOI11 Deactivation Of Seat Belt Warning, Driver SOI12 Deactivation Of Seat Belt Warning, Front Passenger
Bmw f30 335i manuál mperformance
Prodám bmw f30 335i mperformance, rv. 2013, najeto 138 000km Výbava: el.vyhřívané sportovní sedačky s dofukem,kamery 360 s parkovacími asistenty, audio harman kardon,keyless,hlídání jízdních pruhů,mrtvého úhlu i jedoucího auta před vámi,4 jízdní režimy(eco,comfort,sport,sport+)šíbr,ambientní osvětlení,head up display,vyhřívaný volant,vyhřívané zadní sedačky,tempomat,atd.. viz. níže Auto je díky výbavě velmi komfortní a mperformance balíčku zároveň pevné a přesné na řízení takže je jízda opravdu zábava a zároveň na delší trasy člověka neunavuje, na autě nejsou žádné úpravy, motoru ani podvozku vše originál včetně katalyzátoru. Originální dvourozměrné r19 kola. Reálná spotřeba od 7,5l do 10l/100km dle stylu jízdy.Auto je původem z usa, není potřeba žádných investic stačí sednout a jezdit. Pouze vážní zájemci. Aktuálně nová stk. Nemám zájem o výměny. Děkuji. Cena je 535 000kč. Editions And Packages S715 M Aerodynamics Package S337 M Sports Package S710 M Leather Steering Wheel S704 M Sports Suspension Comfort And Interior Equipment S496 Seat Heating, Rear S431 Interior Mirror With Automatic-Dip S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger S430 Interior/Outside Mirror With Auto Dip S465 Through-Loading System S4NE Blow-By Heater S4DM Accent Strips, Pearl-Effect Chrome S423 Floor Mats Velours S493 Storage Compartment Package S488 Lumbar Support, Driver And Passenger S4AB Fine Wood Trim Burr Walnut S459 Seat Adjustment, Electric, With Memory S481 Sports Seat S403 Glass Roof, Electrical S6AA BMW TeleServices S688 Harman/Kardon Surround Sound System S6NR Apps S655 Satellite Tuner S645 BMW US Radio S610 Head-Up Display S609 Navigation System Professional S6UH Traffic Information S6NF Music Interface For Smartphone S6VA CIC Assignment S615 Extended BMW Online Information S697 Area-Code 1 For DVD S6NL Connection Bluetooth + USB Devices Incl. S6AB Control, Teleservices S6WA Instrument Panel With Extended Scope S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S5AP Decoding Anti-Glare High-Beam Assistant S563 Light Package S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S5DS Emergency Release, Luggage Compartment S502 Headlight Cleaning System S522 Xenon Light S521 Rain Sensor S5AC High-Beam Assistant S575 Additional 12V Sockets S5DL Surround View S544 Cruise Control With Brake Function S5AD Lane Departure Warning S5AG Lane Change Warning S524 Adaptive Headlights Wheels And Drive S248 Steering Wheel Heater S2PF BMW LA Wheel, M Star Spoke 403 S2VB Tyre Pressure Display S216 Hydro Steering-Servotronic S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel S258 Tyres With Runflat Properties Environment And Safety S876 Radio Frequency 315 MHz S8TN Daytime Driv.Lights Adjus.Via Light Menu S8S4 Decoding, Variable Light Distribution S845 Acoustic Fasten Seat Belt Reminder S319 Integrated Universal Remote Control
Luxusný Apartmán na ostrove  Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca s v
Typ: 3-izbový byt Ulica: Baleary Obec: Palma de Mallorca Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Seberíniho  Vám ponúka na predaj  luxusný apartmán na Palma´s Paseo Maritimo s výhľadom na more a katedrálu zo všetkých izieb. Apartmán snúbi eleganciu a exkluzívny design vo vysokej kvalite. Nový projekt je situovaný pri mori s celkom 10 jedinečnými domami . Domy majú  2 alebo 3 spáľne s vlastnou kúpeľňou  a apartmány sú na  piatich poschodiach s iba 2 apartmánmi na poschodí, ktoré ponúkajú intímne a tiché prostredie. Majú klimatizáciu, podlahové kúrenie, výťah a práčovňu.  Apartmán má 2 spáľne a 2 kúpeľne. Plocha 112 m2. Luxury apartments for sale on Palma's Paseo Marítimo with views of the sea and the cathedral from all rooms. The homes combine elegance and exclusivity of design with high quality. The new construction project, located on the seafront, with a total of 10 unique homes with typologies of 2 and 3 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, is distributed in 5 heights with only 2 apartments per floor, offering an intimate and quiet environment. They have air conditioning, underfloor heating, elevator and laundry room.  Status: aktívne Vlastníctvo: osobné Stav: novostavba Celková plocha: 112 m2 Úžitková plocha: 112 m2
3 izbovy byt Srbska 8, Kosice
English below. Ako Vlastnik ponúkam na prenájom 3i byt na ul. Srbska, Kosice-Juh byt sa prenajima zariadený, nachadza sa na 4/4 poschodí bez výťahu. nefajciarsky byt ! Televizia k dispozicii Internet Telekom v cene OBČIANSKA VYBAVENOSŤ: Nemocnica, Škola, Školka, potraviny-Lidl a Fresh, Zastavky MHD a SAD, Centrum Mesta 15 min. Pešo, Bezproblemové parkovanie BYTOVÝ DOM: Bytovy Dom je kompletne zateplený, priestor na odkladanie bicyklov a kočíkov. Bezproblémový susedia, čistý slušný vchod. Orientácia bytu - východ – Západ. Pred domom sa nachadza oddychova zóna s detskym ihriskom. CENA a PLATBA: * 750,- EUR, v cene su energie a Internet * 1 mesacny depozit Ak vás táto ponuka zaujala, kontaktujte ma ohľadne obhliadky, prípadne ďalších informácií na t.č EN: As a landlord, I offer for rent a 3-room apartment on Street Srbska,in Kosice-South the apartment is for rent furnished, it is located on the 4/4 floor without an elevator. Non smoking flat! TV availabile Internet fee incluted CIVIL AMENITIES: Hospital, School, Kindergarten, food-Lidl and Fresh, public transport stops and SAD, City Center 15 min. On foot, Easy parking FLAT HOUSE: The apartment building is completely insulated, space for storing bicycles and strollers. Trouble-free neighbors, clean decent entrance. Orientation of the apartment - East - West. In front of the house there is a recreation area with a children's playground. PRICE and PAYMENT: * EUR 750, the price includes energy and Internet * 1 month deposit If you are interested in this offer, please contact me regarding a viewing or further information on tel. no.
veľký 2-izb. tehlový byt Košice Sever, ul. Obrancov mieru
Ponúkam na dlhodobý prenájom komplet zariadený zrekonštruovaný 2-izbový tehlový byt vo výbornej lokalite Košice - Sever (ulica Obrancov mieru). Byt je v tesnej blízkosti univerzity TUKE a Veteriny, aj blízko historického centra mesta (10 minút pešou chôdzou). V blízkosti sú zastávky električiek aj autobusov. Parkovanie v blízkosti je bezplatné a bezproblémové. Byt sa nachádza na 2 nadzemnom podlaží tehlového bytového domu s výťahom. Prešiel celkovou rekonštrukciou, má rozlohu 61 m2. K bytu prislúcha pivnica. Byt má 2 samostatné izby, kuchyňu, chodbu, kúpeľňu a samostatné WC. Cena mesačného nájmu je 650 € vrátane energií a internetu. Pri podpise zmluvy sa uhrádza nájom za 1 mesiac a vratný depozit vo výške 1 mesačného nájmu. Byt je voľný. V prípade otázok ma kontaktujte. I offer for long-term rent a fully furnished renovated 2-room apartment in an excellent location Košice - North (Obrancov mieru Street). The apartment is close to TUKE University and near the historic city center (10 minutes on foot). There are tram and bus stops nearby. Parking is free. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a brick apartment building with elevator. Apartment has approx. 61 m2. There are 2 separate rooms, kitchen, corridor, bathroom and separate toilet. Monthly rent is 650 € including energy and internet. The deposit and monthly rent are paid when the contract is signed. The apartment is free. If you have any questions please contact me.
Prenájom 2i aprtm, PARKovanie, FITNES a BAZÉN v cene,BEZ PRO
PASS REALITY ponúka exkluzívne na DLHODOBÝ ( minimálne na 1 rok ) prenájom 2 izbový apartmán s rozlohou 45 m2 v rezidenčnom KOMPLEXE. Obývačka je prepojená s plne vybaveným kuchynským kútom, ktorého súčasťou je aj varná doska,el.rúra, umývačka riadu, mikrovlnná rúr, chladnička a a digestor. V obývačke so sedačkou je TV s plochou obrazovkou. Vstup do spálne je z obývačky a je v nej veľa úložného priestoru vo vstavanej skrini. V kúpeľni je sprchovací kút, wc a umývadlo. Je možné domontovať tam aj automatickú práčku. Moderný apartmán je komplet zariadený ( nábytok je možné aj doplniť podľa dostupnosti ) tak, aby ste sa mohli bez starostí nasťahovať a užívať si pohodlie a širokú ponuku doplnkových služieb, ktorú v klasických prenájmoch INDE NENÁJDETE. K vášmu komfortu určite prispeje i možnosť využívať FITNESS & VONKAJŠÍ BAZÉN s neobmedzeným využitím posilňovne v cene nájmu. Výnimočnou je tento prenájom aj tým, že v LETE je možnosť zrelaxovať aj pri vonkajšom BAZÉNE s LEHÁTKAMI. Súčasťou ponuky je monitorované PARKOVANIE v areáli, príp. v garáži - podľa dostupnosti za príplatok. Za zvýhodnenú cenu je možné objednať si aj pravidelné upratovanie a výmenu posteľnej bielizne, služby taxi, kaderníctva, masáže. Vedľa 24 hod recepcie je reštaurácia a lobby bar s možnosťou príjemného posedenia aj na TERASE pri bazéne i v átriu. V ponuke sú aj chutné denné meníčka, ale aj štandardné reštauračné menu. V celom objekte, vrátane okolia bazénu, je k dispozícii vysokorýchlostný INTERNET. Apartmán môže slúžiť aj ako sídlo podnikania (DAŇOVO uznateľný náklad) a je možné evidovať ho aj na firmu ako KANCELÁRIU. K jeho atraktívnej polohe prispieva tichá lokalita s bezprostredným prístupom k dunajskej hrádzi, blízkou zastávkou MHD i s priamym napojením na mestský diaľničný obchvat a dopravné tepny vedúce do Prahy, Viedne, Budapešti i celého Slovenska. Ceny dvojapartmánov sú od 720 Eur/mes. v závislosti od typu a dostupnosti dvojapartmánu. Platby za energie sú mesačne na základe meračov samostatne za apartmán, čo bežne nepresahuje sumu 50, resp. 70 Eur/mes v lete, resp. v zime aj s kúrením. Províziu NEPLATÍTE! Kontakt: Ing. Daniela Heseková, + 802, PASS REALITY offers exclusively for LONG-TERM (minimum 1 year) rent 1 bedroomroom apartment with an area of ​​45 m2 in a residential complex. The living room is connected to a fully equipped kitchenette, which also includes a hob, electric oven, dishwasher, microwave, fridge and hood. A flat-screen TV is provided in the living room with sofa. The entrance to the bedroom is from the living room and there is plenty of storage space in the built-in wardrobe. Bathroom has a shower, toilet and sink. It is also possible to install an automatic washing machine. The modern apartment is completely furnished (furniture can also be added according to availability) so that you can move without worry and enjoy the comfort and a wide range of additio
Vienna Gate - Priestranný 2-izbový byt
Ponúkam na predaj slnečný 2-izbový apartmán s loggiou orientovaný na juhovýchod, ktorý sa nachádza na 6. (z 22) podlaží budovy Vienna Gate (kolaudácia bola v roku 2009). Apartmán má výmeru 86,58 m2 (z toho 5,64 m2 loggia) a pozostáva zo vstupnej haly, zrekonštruovanej kúpeľne, kuchyne s obývačkou, samostatnej prechodnej šatníkovej miestnosti a spálňou. Apartmán ma zabudovanú klimatizáciu, bytový dom je chránený strážnou službou a disponuje recepciou. K bytu prislúcha aj pivničná kobka o výmere 2,49 m2. Bytový dom Vienna Gate sa nachádza par minút od centra a rovnako má výborné napojenie na vlakové spojenie do Viedne. Priamo v polyfunkčnom objekte, respektíve v jeho blízkosti sa nachádzajú obchody s potravinami, drogéria, lekáreň, fitnes centrá a iné. Objekt rovnako disponuje plnou občianskou vybavenosťou. ----- Apartment with terrace at Vienna Gate complex for sale. The apartment is situated on the 6th floor (out of 22 floors) at the southeast corner of the Vienna Gate which was built in 2009. The 2-bedroom apartment has a total of 86,58 square meters (out of which 5,64 square meters belong to the terrace) and consists of an entrance hall, newly renewed bathroom, open kitchen with living room, bedroom and a walk-in closet. The apartment has a built-in air conditioning, the whole apartment complex is guarded by a 24/7 security service and has a reception. The apartment also comes with a cellar storage 2,49 square meters big. It takes only a couple of minutes to reach the city center from Vienna Gate by car and it is also a perfect place to journey to Vienna by train. The apartment complex has a grocery store, pharmacy, drug store, fitness centers and others.
Predam zbierku CD
Predam osobnu zbierku CD vo vybornom stave, citlive zaobchadzanie. Konecna cena bude klesat od poctu CD a druhu skupiny. Celkovy zoznam aj s coversheet obrazkami zaslem na dopyt. Alan Parsons Project ~Stereotomy Aloof ~Seeking Pleasure ~Wish you were here (Maxi) Amos Tori ~Boys For Pele Apollo Four Forty ~Electro Glide In Blue Blue Chip Orchestra ~Bolero, Suite Booth Tim, Angelo Badalamenti ~Booth and the Bad Angel Brand New Heavies ~Shelter Clannad ~Magical Ring Depeche Mode ~Condemnation/paris mix Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft ~Gold Und Liebe Dolby Thomas ~Premium Gold Collection Don Dorsey ~Bachbusters Doors ~A Film by Oliver Stone Dubstar ~Disgraceful Durutti Column ~Fidelity Everything But The Girl ~The Best of EBTG Farmer Mylene ~L'autre Fila Brazillia ~Luck Be A Weirdo Tonight Flock of Seagulls ~I Ran Garbage ~Garbage ~Version 2.0 Genesis ~Genesis ~Abacab Geneva ~Further Heaven 17 ~Penthouse And Pavement ~The Luxury Gap Human League ~Dare! ~Secrets Indochine ~Unita Japan ~Assemblage ~Tin Drum Kajagoogoo - Limahl ~Too Shy - The Singles And More Kosheen ~Kokopelli Laika ~Sounds of The Satellites Madonna ~Ray Of Light ~Something to Remember Mandalay ~Empathy ~Instinct Minogue Kylie ~Impossible Princess Morcheeba ~Charango ~Charango (Instrumental) ~Dive Deep ~Who Can You Trust? Mulu ~Smiles Like a Shark Nena ~Nena ~?(Fragezeichen) Ohm Square ~Ohmophonica Prefab Sprout ~A Life Of Surprises Republica ~Republica Roxy Music ~Flesh + Blood ~Heart Still Beating Simple Minds ~New Gold Dream ~Real to Real Cacophony Sleeper ~Pleased To Meet You Sneaker Pimps ~Becoming X Soft Moon ~Zeros Sparks ~Kimono My House Support Lesbiens ~Tune Da Radio Tante Elze ~Hmota Thompson Twins ~The Collections Trio ~Triologie - The Best Of Ultravox ~Systems Of Romance White Barry ~The Unlimited Love Collection White Town ~Women in Technology Yes ~The Very Best of Yes
[TOP] Hry na Playstation 2 (2+1 ZDARMA)
KONTAKT ▲ ▲ marko.inzeraty@ ------------------------------ Zdravím. Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Playstation 2. Ideálny typ na darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou. Hrou ako darček nič nepokazíte! Disky sú vyleštené na stroji opravu DVD – takže sú takmer v stave nových! ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ ZOZNAM + CENNÍK HIER SÚ NA FOTO ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■ ------------------------------------------------------------ Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre: Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá ------------------------------------------------------------ Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam: Athens 2004, Aggresive Inline Buzz: Mega Quiz, Brothers in Arms, Battlefield Crash Bandicoot, Call of Duty, Casper: Ghostly Trio, Charlie Angels, Championship Manager Def Jam: Fight For NY, Demolition Girl, Dropship United Peace Force, Deus Ex, Disney: Cars, Dynasty Warriors, Dinosaur Adventure Football Generation, FIFA, Ford Racing, Freakout Extreme Freeride, Formula, Fight Night, Finding Nemo God of War, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, GTA 3, GT-R Touring, GUN, Guitar Hero Harry Potter International Cue Club 2 Just Cause, Jak X, Jak and Dexter, Juiced Kingdom Hearts, Killzone LEGO Star Wars / Indiana Jones Medal of Honor, Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing, Monsters – Scare Island, Moto GP, Max Payne Need for Speed, Narnia, NHL, Nascar Open Season Runabout Power Ranger, Pro Evolution Soccer, Peter Jackson – King Kong, Psi-Ops, Prince of Persia Rugby, Ratchet and Clank, Robot Warlords, Red Faction Spiderman, SSX, Shark, Shrek, Scooby-Doo, Seek and Destroy Tourist Trophy, The Bouncer, The Sims, Tony Hawk, The Simpsons, The Godfather, The Getaway, True Crime NYC, Tom Clancy – Splinter Cell / Rainbow Six / Ghost Recon, The Lord of The Rings – The Return of The King / The Two Towers / The Third Age, The Suffering, The Incredibles, Tekken 5, This is Football, Tiger Woods, Test Drive Unlimited UFC Sudden Impact Worms 3D, World Poker Tour, Wipeout Fusion, WRC XG3: Extreme-G Racing ------------------------------------------------------------ Cena je platná pri osobnom odbere. Pri odbere cez poštu sa cena navýši o poštovné a balné.
The Shack
PWilliam Paul Young - The Shack. Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Mackenzie Allen Philips' youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation and evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later in the midst of his great sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend. Against his better judgement he arrives at the shack on a wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change Mack's world forever. In a world where religion seems to grow increasingly irrelevant THE SHACK wrestles with the timeless question, 'Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?' The answers Mack gets will astound you and perhaps transform you as much as it did him.
Predám LP 5
Dobrý deň predám tieto LP: Big suspense movie themes MFP50035 5e Les Uns et les autres (Jedni i Druzi) 2xLP RTI124 6e Geoff Love and his orchestra-big themes MFP50195 5e Melody of Brodway STALP7020 5e Ray Conniff and singers, ,my fair lady,marry poppins,, 5e The Pallisers,Dr.Who...themes 4e Who pays Ferryman? 4E Big War movie Themes 4e Love story 5e Annie – original motion picture soundtrack 3e Spijkerhoek – 6e The A Team – 5e The Graduate – songs by Paul Simon (Simon and Garefunkel) 6e The Great Gatsby - 6e Nashville – original motion picture soundtrack 5e The Sting – 5e The Golden Lady – 6e Lord of the rings 7e Young Billy Young - soundtrack western USA 1969 6e Jerome Morros - The Big Country – original soundtrack UK 6 Lemon Popsicle 5 – Baby Love soundtrack2xLP NL1986 7e TV Western themes – 5e Les Grands Westerns 2 LP 5e Famous Western film melodies 5e The Stud – soundtrack 6e Mikes Murder – 4e Deer Hunter – Lovec Jeleňov Robert de Niro 1979 10e Ennio Morricone – Once upon time in the west nl 7e West side story 4e Jonathan Livingston Seagull as told by Richard Harris Us1970 6e Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Neil Diamond UK 1973 5e
Adriano Celentano- La pubblica ottusita Afric Simone - Afric Simone Afric Simone- The best of Alexandru Andries- Country&Western Greatest Hits ALL Stars Band- Rock n roll Alphaville- Afternoons in Utopia Andy Taylor- Thunder Arp-Life- Jumbo jet Ashford&Simpson- Solid BACCARA- BACCARA Barbra Streisand- Guilty Barbra Streisand- Till I loved you Barbra Streisand- Grose erfolge Bee Gees- Best Bee Gees- Greatest Bee Gees- Living Eyes Black - Wonderful Life BOB DYLAN- HARD RAIN Bon Jovi- Slippery when wet Bon Jovi - New Jersey Bronski Beat- The age of consent Brook Benton- Singing the blues Corvina - Corvina Csuka monika- He! CULTURE CLUB- Colour by Numbers CULTURE CLUB- Waking up with the house on Fire David Bowie- Never let me down David Bowie- Lets dance Def Leppard - Hysteria Démis Roussos* - Souvenirs Dire Strait- On every street Dire Straits- Brothers in arms Dire Straits - Love over gold Dream Express- Just Wanna Dance Duran Duran- Seven and the ragged tiger Duran Duran - Notorious Ekseption – 5 Electric light orchestra- Balance of power Elton John Here and there Eric Clapton - Unplugged Erasure -It doesnt have to be- 12" maxisingel Erasure- Chains of love- 12" maxisingel Eros Ramazotti- In ogni Senso Europe- The final countdown Foreigner- 4 Francesco Napoli- Balla...the first dance Frederic Loewe- My fair lady G.E.S. - Super Oldies - Super Dancing Genesis – Abacab Henri Arland- Im Zauber Zartlicher Melodien Henri Seroka - Seroka '88 JACKSONS- Victory 1984 Janet Jackson ‎– Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814 Jozef Zsapka- Goden Era Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin Les compagnons de la Chanson Livin Blues- Live Livin blues Ljupka* - The Song Of My Sea Locomotiv GT - Mindenki Locomotiv GT- Locomotiv GT MADONNA - Like a prayer MADONNA- True blue Marillion- Fugazi Maryla Rodowicz - Gejsza Nocy Men at work- cargo Michael Jackson- Thriller Michael Jackson- BAD Mike Oldfield - Discovery Mike Oldfield Amarok Neoton Família - Neoton Disco New Kids On The Block- Step by Step New Kids On The Block- HITS Paul Mc Cartney- Tug of war Opus- Live is life Pixies - Bossanova Puhdys- Rock n roll Music Puhdys- Puhdys 11- Computer Karriere Puhdys- Puhdys live- dvojalbum Rod Stewart- Out of order THE WILD LIFE- soudtrack Tom Jones- the body and soul Salut To Ray Conniff Skorpio* - Ünnepnap Stars on 45 Taylor Dayne- Tell it to my heart The Bootles (2) - The Bootles The CARS- Door to door 1987 The Hollies-The Hollies The Monkees- Headquarters The Rubettes - The Rubettes The Who- Whos next Thomas Christoph- El condor pasa
Anglicke a Spanielake knihy
Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian myth /10€ Osho - Meditation / 6€ Allan Max Collins - Air force one /3€ Tom Clancy / The hunt for red october / 3€ Hal Lindsey - Satan is alive and well on planet earth / 3€ Paul Harrington - The secret of teen power /4€ Paulo Coelho - The Valkyries /8€ Paulo Coelho - Mannual of the warrior of life/8€ Richard Carlson - An hour to live an hour to love / 3€ Robert Louis Stevenson - El extrano caso del Dr. Jekyl y Mr. Hyde / 3€ Mary Sheley - Frankenstein - EN - / 3€ Gabriel Gancía Márquez - Crónica de una muerta anunciada - / 8€ Oxford - Basic English Dictionary / 3€ Francuzsko Slovensky slovnik / 8€ Homer - The Odyssey / 4€ Derren Brown - Tricks of the mind / 10€ Derren Brown - Happy /Why more or less everything is absolutelly fine / 10€ Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities / 3€ Bran Stoker - Drakula /ES/3€ Osho - The book of children / 8€ Joseph Heller - Catch 22 / 6€ Jack London - The call of the wild and white fang / 3€ Ayumu Takahashi - Love and Free/ 20 € Edward O´Thoole - Zen Gnosis / 6€ Abrazoz - / 6€
Knihy v anglictine a spanelstine
Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian Myth / 10€ Allan Max Collins - Air force one /3€ Tom Clancy / The hunt for red October / 3€ Hal Lindsey - Satan is alive and well on planet earth / 3€ Paul Harrington - The secret of teen power /4€ Paulo Coelho - The Valkyries /8€ Paulo Coelho - Mannual of the warrior of life/8€ Richard Carlson - An hour to live an hour to love / 3€ Robert Louis Stevenson - El extrano caso del Dr. Jekyl y Mr. Hyde / 3€ Mary Sheley - Frankenstein - EN - / 3€ Gabriel Gancía Márquez - Crónica de una muerta anunciada - / 8€ Oxford - Basic English Dictionary / 3€ Francuzsko Slovensky slovnik / 8€ Homer - The Odyssey / 4€ Derren Brown - Tricks of the mind / 10€ Derren Brown - Happy /Why more or less everything is absolutelly fine / 10€ Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities / 3€ Bran Stoker - Drakula /SP/3€ Osho - The book of children / 8€ Joseph Heller - Catch 22 / 6€ Jack London - The call of the wild and white fang / 3€ Ayumu Takahashi - Love and Free/ 20 € Edward O´Thoole - Zen Gnosis / 6€ Abrazoz - / 6€
Gramofonové platne LP 15
Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM ............................................. Louisiana Cajun: Special no,1" 5€ Balfa Brothers: Arcadian memories 10€ Neil Sedaka: A song 5€ Neil Sedaka: Live at the Royal fest.hall 8€ Neil Sedaka: Let's go stady again 5€ Alan Price: Rising sun 5€ Alan Price: Between Today and Yesterday 3€ Velvet waters - 18 instrumentals 5€ Group 64: Various artist 1964(mono) 3€ Temptation: Masterpiece 4€ Eddy Arnold: Turn the world around 6€ Jack the Lad: It´s...Jack the lad 6€ Jack the Lad: Rough Diamonds 6€ Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano 6€ Slim Whitman: 25 anniversary concert (2xLP) 6€ Pat Boone: the Lord's prayer 6€ Paul Robeson: Songs of my people 4€ And Thus They Went Along: Skladby autorov ZSSR naspievane hebrejsky (1969) EMI pharlophone sp31002 3€ New Seekers: Together again 5€ New Seekers: Look what they...6€ New Seekers: Circles 5€ New Seekers: We´d like to teach 5€ New Seekers: Hide&seekers 1964(mono) 4€ New Seekers: We´d like to teach 5€ Platne sú v dobrom až vynikajúcom stave,Sú vyčistení ULTRAZVUKOM. Možnosť zaslať na Dobierku,aj osobný odber,aj v Rk,Dk,Mt.Viac info a kontakt mailom... Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede. Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ... Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom. ............................................................................................................
Predam original LP v novych antistatickych obaloch
Predam original LP v novych antistatickych obaloch a oprane -vsetko povodné a orig. vydanie, 33-otackove,vinyl, Pia Zadora-Lets Dance Tonight,DMM MADONNA-Im Breathless Olivia Newton-John-Physical Barbra Streisand-Guilty Diana Ross-Ross Diana Ross-Why Do Fools Fall In Love Laura Branigan-Hold Me Jennifer Rush-Movin Jennifer Rush-International Version NENA-Nena NENA-Fragezeichen The Pointer Sister-The Best Of ,JUMP ABBA-I Love ABBA-Vyber ABBA-The Visitors Pet Shop Boys-Introspective Culture Club-Colour By Numbers Culture Club-Kissing To Be Clever Vangelis-Chariots Of Fire Commodores-United Demis Roussos-Forever and Ever Elton John-Sleeping With The Past Julio Iglesias-Momentos,LP High-End CX encoded recor. Stevie Wonder-The Woman in Red Talking Heads-Little Creatures New Kids On The Block-Step By Step New Kids On The Block-Hangin Touch PAUL YOUNG-No Parlez Jason Donovan-Ten Good Reasons BROS-Push Kaja Goo Goo-White Feathers LIMAHL-Dont Suppose Joe Jackson-Night And Day Rod Stewart-Foolish Behaviour Hot Chocolate-XIV Greatest Hits Shakin Stevens-Greatest Hits Santana s-Greatest Hits Ultravox-Rage In Eden Matt Bianco-Whose Side Are You On Level 42-Standing In The Light Level 42-Running in the Family Lionel Richie-Cant Slow Down Deep Purple-Machine Head Bon Jovi-New Jersey Nick Kamen-Move Until We Fly Supertramp-Breakfest In America Flying Pickets-Blue Money CHICAGO-Chicago XI The Alan Parsons Project-Tales Of Mystery And Imagination KUSCHEL ROCK 3-3XLP ,super stav KUSCHEL ROCK 4-3xLP,super stav,rozny interpreti HAIR-Original Soundtrack Recording,2xLP Saturday Night Fever-Bee Gees,The Original Movie Sound Track,2xLP STEREO a la carte- phase 4 stereo 20-kanal-Aufnahme, S 16800-P HIFI –STEREO –FESTIVAL 2 ,109578 PHILIPS-Super 88143DY Cena dohodou od poctu kusov a titulu od cca.6€.../ks,niektore su ako nove,BA-
MIX LP 5eur/ks
The BBC Presents 50 Years Of Popular Hits Olivia Newton John - The Rumour Olivia Newton John - First Impressions Scritti Politti - Provision Diana Ross - 1976 4e John Travolta/Olivia N.John - Two of a kind 4e Pete Seeger ‎– Pete Seeger 1976 Linda Ronstadt 1981 Oscar Peterson 1975 predané Showaddywaddy - Greatest hits Boogie Woogie-orig.nahrávky 30-40let Rainmakers - Tornado Formel Eins Brandaktuell 86 predané Bill Haley & The Comets - rock and roll Cliff Richard - Alway Guaranteed Oto Pestner - Najlepše filmske pjesme Barbara Streisand - Emotion Barbra Streisand - Takoví jsme byli Zvuky Parných Lokomotív - Von 01 bis 99 Mama´s Boys -Growing up the hard way A Chorus Line - OST Chris de Burgh-Man on the line predané Johnny Wakelin - Reggae Soul a RnR Locomotiv GT - 1980 Clouseau -HOEZO? Pic.LP Canzoniere Delle Lame - 1979 LIMAHL - Colour all my days ARISTA - VA (Lou Reed,I.Pop ,G.Dead,Kinks...) Three Dog Night-captured live at the forum predané Drupi - 1973 Chart Runners - V.A. (výber) Sailor - The secretary My Fair Lady-OST Over the Edge-OST Second Life - why Bucks Fizz-Are you ready The Osmonds - Around the world 2LP Ricchi & Poveri - I Think of You Middle of the road - Best of Middle of the Road - Acceleration Julian Lennon - Valotte Puhdys - 14 Puhdys - 10 wilde jahre Country Roads - VA PIRAMIS - EROTIKA The Shadows - Change of adress Rod Stewart - Out of order Zsuzsa Koncz - Ne Vagj Ki minden fat Gustav Brom - Learn to dance 1,3 Spyder Sympson - Hallo Bye Bye 20 x beat- výberovka(Neckář,Rodowicz,Illes,General) Peter,Paul and Mary - 1979 Maryla Rodowicz - Sing-Sing Kenny Ball,Chris Barber,Mr Acker Bilk - Das Beste von Scott Joplin - The Red Back Book The Benny Goodman Story CUBA que linda es CUBA 4e Francis Cabrel - Carte Postale predané Stan Kenton - 1976 Glen Campbell - 1975 4e Bill Haley the Comets - 1971 Ljupka -Dobro Jutro 3e Norrie Paramor - Elvis Presley - Elvis (výberovka) Elvis Presley - Rock and Roll-výber TOP CLUB 16-1988 sept-okt výber TOP CLUB 16-1988 nov-dec výber My Fair Lady-Alan Caddy Orchestra 5e Class of´55 (Johny Cash,Orbison,Perkins,Lewis) Billie Holiday - In memoriam Locomotiv GT - supraphon Dubrovački Trubaduri ‎– Dubrovački Trubaduri American Marches Everly Brothers - 2 x 10 výber Wings - Greatest Arp-Life ‎– Jumbo Jet Televisor
Predam original LP v novych antistatickych obaloch
Predam original LP v novych antistatickych obaloch a oprane -vsetko povodné a orig. vydanie, 33-otackove,vinyl, Pia Zadora-Lets Dance Tonight,DMM MADONNA-Im Breathless Olivia Newton-John-Physical Laura Branigan-Hold Me Jennifer Rush-Movin Jennifer Rush-International Version NENA-Nena NENA-Fragezeichen The Pointer Sister-The Best Of ,JUMP Sade-Stronger Than Pride ABBA-I Love ABBA-Vyber ABBA-The Visitors Culture Club-Colour By Numbers Culture Club-Kissing To Be Clever Commodores-United Demis Roussos-Forever and Ever John Farnham-Whispering Jack Julio Iglesias-Momentos,LP High-End CX encoded recor. Stevie Wonder-The Woman in Red Talking Heads-Little Creatures New Kids On The Block-Step By Step PAUL YOUNG-No Parlez Jason Donovan-Ten Good Reasons Righteous Brothers-Reunion -vyber Frank Sinatra-New York,New York -vyber Smokie-Greatest Hits Volume 2 -vyber Michael Jackson-Bad Billy Idol-Whiplash Smile BROS-Push Kaja Goo Goo-White Feathers Joe Jackson-Night And Day Rod Stewart-Foolish Behaviour Hot Chocolate-XIV Greatest Hits Shakin Stevens-Greatest Hits Santana s-Greatest Hits Ultravox-Rage In Eden Matt Bianco-Whose Side Are You On Level 42-Standing In The Light Level 42-Running in the Family Nick Kamen-Move Until We Fly Supertramp-Breakfest In America Flying Pickets-Blue Money CHICAGO-Chicago XI The Alan Parsons Project-Tales Of Mystery And Imagination KUSCHEL ROCK 3-3XLP ,super stav KUSCHEL ROCK 4-3xLP,super stav,rozny interpreti HAIR-Original Soundtrack Recording,2xLP Saturday Night Fever-Bee Gees,The Original Movie Sound Track,2xLP STEREO a la carte- phase 4 stereo 20-kanal-Aufnahme, S 16800-P HIFI –STEREO –FESTIVAL 2 ,109578 PHILIPS-Super 88143DY Cena dohodou od poctu kusov a titulu od cca.7€.../ks,niektore su ako nove,BA-090270563 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ......a 4x nove NEW zabalene LP 180g cena - Best of 60 za 12€,Essential 80 za 17€ , Best of Classic Rock za 15€ ,Elvis Presley za 20€ ,BA-