paul and shark - strana 44
Počet nájdených inzerátov PAUL AND SHARK
: 1000 - strana 44

Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM
Goombay Dance Band: Born to win 12€
Dexys Midnights Runners:
Searching for the young soul rebels 6€
Simply red: Men and women 10€
Bhundu Boys: Shabini 10€
The Real Sounds: Wende Zako 10€
The Bhundu Boys And African Herb [EP] 7€
Alan Parsons project: Pyramid 7€
Brotrhers in rhythm (2xLP) 10€
Altered Images: Pinky blue 10€
John Waite: No brakes 8€
James Ingram: It's Your night 8€
Drifters: There goes my first love 8€
Jean Michael Jarre: Oxygen 10€
Vangelis: Heaven and hell 8€
Vangelis: Chariots of fire 8€
Vangelis: Soil festivities 10€
Vangelis: China 10€
Mike Oldfield: Incantations 2xLP 12€
Diamonds In Darkness / Midnight music 10€
Marillion: B´sides themselves 10€
Marillion: Real to real 7€
Hollies: Five three one double seven o four 10€
Geraint Griffiths: Madras 6€
Roy Thomas: From mighty oaks 10€
Chris Reves: A breefelimbase 6€
Phil Asher-Focus: Having your fun 4€
Scars: Author! Author! 15€
Meteors: PsychoBilly 25€
Soulmate: Summerland 6€
David Birne: Red momo (obal na prednej strane poškodený) 6€
Lloid Cole and the Commotions: Mainstream 6€
Golden Avatar: A change of heart 8€
Platne sú v dobrom až vynikajucom stave. Sú vyčistné ULTRAZVUKOM.
Možnost zaslat na dobierku,prevod na ucet,alebo prevziat osobne,aj v Rk,Dk,Mt. Viac info,ako aj komtakt mailom.
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...
Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.

Dáme do dlhodobého prenájmu krásny, svetlý, dvojizbový byt koncipovaný ako 2KK s
celkovou výmerou 52m2 + 12,2m2 lodžia. Byt sa nachádza v novostavbe bytového komplexu
„Pri radnici“ v centre mesta na 5. nadzemnom podlaží. Unikátna poloha pár krokov od
Hlavnej ulice, avšak stále vo veľmi kľudnej lokalite v bezprostrednej blízkosti zelene. Byt je kompletne zariadený novým nábytkom po 1 podnájomníkovi.
Kuchyňa s obývačkou je vybavená značkovou, na mieru zhotovenou kuchynskou linkou s novými, úspornými, značkovými spotrebičmi (sporák, indukčná varná doska,
chladnička s mrazničkou, umývačka riadu, digestor), pohodlná sedacia súprava, TV stena s komodou.
V spálni je moderná posteľ s úložným priestorom a novými kvalitnými matracmi doplnená nočnými stolíkmi.
V spálni sa tiež nachádza veľmi praktická vstavaná skriňa. Vstupná chodba je vybavená
vešiakovou stenou s odkladacím priestorom. V komore je k dispozícii úložný regál.
Priestranná lodžia orientovaná na juho-západ do vnútrobloku poskytuje krásne výhľady a je
na ňu prístup z oboch miestností bytu. K bytu prináleží 1 parkovacie miesto v podzemnej
garáži a pivnica, pričom ich prenájom je súčasťou ceny nájmu.
Celková cena nájmu vrátanie služieb je 700 EUR/mesiac.
Za prenájom sa neplatí provízia, avšak od budúceho nájomcu sa vyžaduje vratná kaucia vo
výške 2 mesačných nájmov. Domáci miláčikovia nie sú povolení. V prípade záujmu alebo ak
potrebujete ďalšie informácie, volajte prosím po 14 hod.
Long term rent available of stunning, cozy 2 bedroom apartment 52m2 big with additional 12,2m2 terrace. The apartment is situated in a newly built development project “Pri radnici” in a direct city center on the 5th floor. Unique location, few steps from a historical Main street but still in a very quiet neighborhood surrounded by green parks. Apartment is fully furnished with a new furniture. Kitchen with living room is equipped with quality fitted kitchen unit with brand new power saving appliances (stove, induction plate, fridge with freezer, dishwasher), comfortable sofa, Television shelf with wardrobe. Bedroom has a modern king size bed with extra storage and very good quality new mattresses accompanied by bedside nights. Very practical built-in fitted closet is also part of the bedroom. Entrance hall is supplied with a coat hanger closet.
Storage room has a rack already set up. The spacious terrace with a south-west orientation offers stunning views and is accessible from both rooms of the apartment. 1 parking slot in a basement and storage cellar are also part of the apartment and the rent is included in a total price. The total all in price (rent, service charges) is 700 EUR/month. There is no provision fee, however a 2 month rent refundable deposit would be required.
Pets are not allowed. If you´re interested or need more info, please call after 2 PM.

Typ: 2-izbový byt
Ulica: Baleary
Obec: Palma de Mallorca
Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Seberíniho Vám ponúka
na predaj
duplex mestský dom v areáli golfových ihrísk v Palme de Mallorca.
Zastavaná plocha je 225 m2, má 5 izieb, 3 kúpeľne , jedna z nich je v hlavnej spálni a 1 WC, obývaciu izbu s otvorenou kuchyňou, v suteréne sa nachádza ďalšia obývacia izba s garážou 30 m2. . Terasa s východom z jedálne cca 20 m2 a ďalšia terasa v prednej časti 17 m2, ako aj solárium 30 m2, klimatizácia, dlažby a hliníkové žalúzie.
Palma de Mallorca je hlavné mesto a hlavný prístav ostrova Mallocka a hlavné mesto autonómneho spoločenstva Baleáry v Španielsku. Leží na južnom pobreží ostrova v Zátoke Paliem / wikipedia /
Duplex townhouse in the area of schools and golf courses with 225 m2 built, it has 3 bathrooms (one of them en suite) and 1 toilet, living room with open kitchen, in the basement there is another living room with a 30 m2 garage. . Terrace with exit from the dining room of about 20 m2 and another terrace in the front of 17 m2 as well as a solarium of 30 m2, air conditioning, tile floors and aluminum shutters.
Status: aktívne
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: novostavba
Celková plocha: 225 m2
Úžitková plocha: 225 m2
Počet kúpeľní: 3
Terasa: áno
Terasa plocha: 67 m2

Samostatný 2 podlažný rodinný dom - novostavba priamo pod lesom v tichej lokalite, plocha domu je 270 m, dom je 5 izbový a je zariadený nábytkom vrátane kuchynskej linky so spotrebičmi.
Dispozícia domu tvorí:
- na prízemí vstupná chodba, šatník, obývačka, samostatná kuchyňa s jedálenskou časťou, kúpeľňa s WC
- poschodie domu tvoria 4 spálne a kúpeľňa a samostatné WC
K domu patrí terasa a samostatná garáž pre 1 auto + parkovanie priamo pred domom pre druhé auto. K domu patrí menšia záhradka, dom sa nachádza v spoločnom uzatvorenom objekte, kde sú ďalšie dva rodinné domy.
Cena 1 700 €/mesiac + energie 300 EUR
Separate 2-storey family house - new construction directly under the forest in a quiet location, the house area is 270 m, the house has 5 rooms and is furnished with furniture, including a kitchen unit with appliances.
The layout of the house consists of:
- on the ground floor, entrance hall, wardrobe, living room, separate kitchen with dining area, bathroom with toilet
- the floor of the house consists of 4 bedrooms and a bathroom and a separate toilet
The house includes a terrace and a separate garage for 1 car + parking right in front of the house for a second car. The house has a small garden, the house is located in a common closed building where there are two other family houses.
Price 1,700 EUR/month + energy 300 EUR

For english scroll down
Karloveský dvoj-izbák hľadá nového nájomcu!
Jána Stanislava je adresa na ktorej okrem radovej panelovej výstavby stojí aj táto už zabývaná novostavba.
Obyvatelia tohto domu si pochvaľujú štedré spoločné priestory a rýchlu dostupnosť na všetky miesta ktoré vedia vybaviť bez auta.
Umiestnenie bytu na 1. nadzemnom podlaží poteší tých ktorým sa nechce čakať na výťah.
K užívaniu je pripravených celkovo 48m + samotný balkón
*Západná orientácia
*Súkromné ihrisko pre majiteľov
*Bohatý úložný priestor v podobe 2 x rolldoor
*Veľká pivnica
*Balkón s dvoma vstupmi
*Kúpeľňa s toaletou a vaňou
*Vlastné parkovacie miesto v garáži
*Električka na pešo 3 minúty
*Preferovaný sú záujemcovia bez detí a zvierat
*Voľný od 1. Júna
*V blízkosti cyklotrasa, billa
Cena prenájmu pre 2 osoby predstavuje 650 EUR:
387 nájom
170 správca
25 el. energia
18 internet
50 garáž
Platí sa tiež mesačný vratný depozit a polovičná provízia za sprostredkovanie.
2 - room apartment is on the hunt for the new tenant!
Jána Stanislava is the address where, in addition to the row panel construction, there is also this already occupied new building.
The residents of this house praise the generous common spaces and quick access to all the places they can access quickly without a car.
The location of the apartment on the 1st above-ground floor will please those who do not want to wait for the elevator.
A total of 48m + the balcony itself are ready for use
*West - sunny orientation
*Private playground for owners
*Exceptional storage space in the form of 2 x rolldoor wardrobe
*Large cellar
*Balcony with two entrances
*Bathroom with toilet and bathtub
*Own parking space in the garage
*Tram distance 3 minutes on foot
*Preference is given to tennants without children and animals
*Available from June 1
*Near the Cycle path, billa store
The rental price for 2 people is 650 EUR:
387 rent
170 building fees
25 El. energy
18 internet
50 Garage
There is also a monthly refundable deposit and half commission to be paid on the day of moving.

Doprajte si nekonečný výhľad na mesto, Dunaj a Karpaty z 29.posch.
Exkluzívny byt s recepciou 24/7,.s drevenými parketami, kuchyňou so všetkými zabudovanými spotrebičmi (chladnička, mikrovlnka, rúra, varná doska, umývačka, digestor), podsvietenim a nábytkom na mieru, komplet zariadený, stačí sa nasťahovať. Vhodný aj na investíciu s možnosťou výhodného prenájmu (1300€/mes.).
Byt je na 29.posch,/35,otočený na východ, má 60m2 z toho 4,80m2 balkón + pivnica 2m2. Parkovacie miesto k dispozícii za 25tis.
Kolaudácia budovy Klingerka prebehla v r.2022.
Byt je neobývaný, má obývaciu časť spojenú s kuchyňou, vychádza sa z neho na priestranný balkón s betónovou dlažbou na terčoch, spálňa má takisto krásny výhľad na Dunaj cez presklenný balkón, kúpeľna v bežovo-bielom prevedení spojená s wc. Na chodbe a v spálni sú vstavané skrine.
Vysoký štandart bytu: veľké hlinníkové okná, bezpečnostné dvere, rekuperácia, predpríprava na stropné chladenie.
Úžasná lokalita pri Eurovei, pešia dostupnosť k Dunaju, SND, do centra, na autobusovú stanicu Nivy,...
V okolí je ihrisko, lokalita sa dynamicky rozvíja a je top lokalitou v Bratislave.
Treat yourself to an endless view of the city, the Danube from the 29th floor.
Amazing location walking distance to the center, Danube, shopping center Eurovea, bus station,...The location is the most modern, is developing dynamically and is a top location in Bratislava.
Exclusive apartment with a 24/7 reception, with wooden parquet floors, a kitchen with all built-in appliances (fridge, microwave, oven, hob, dishwasher, hood) and custom-made furniture, fully furnished, just move in or rent it!
The apartment is on the 29th floor,/35, facing east, has 60m2 of which 4.80m2 balcony + 2m2 cellar. Parking space available for 25,000€.
The approval of the Klingerka building took place in 2022.
Costs: €190/month.
The apartment is uninhabited, it has a living room connected to the kitchen, it leads to a spacious balcony with concrete paving on the targets, the bedroom also has a beautiful view of the Danube through a glass balcony, a beige and white bathroom connected to the toilet. There are built-in wardrobes in the hallway and bedroom.
High standard of the apartment: large aluminum windows, security doors, recuperation, preparation for ceiling cooling.

Doprajte si nekonečný výhľad na mesto, Dunaj a Karpaty z 29.posch.
Exkluzívny byt s recepciou 24/7,.s drevenými parketami, kuchyňou so všetkými zabudovanými spotrebičmi (chladnička, mikrovlnka, rúra, varná doska, umývačka, digestor) a nábytkom na mieru, komplet zariadený, stačí sa nasťahovať. Vhodný aj na investíciu s možnosťou výhodného prenájmu (1300€/mes.).
Byt je na 29.posch,/35,otočený na východ, má 60m2 z toho 4,80m2 balkón + pivnica 2m2. Parkovacie miesto k dispozícii za 25tis.
Kolaudácia budovy Klingerka prebehla v r.2022.
Byt je neobývaný, má obývaciu časť spojenú s kuchyňou, vychádza sa z neho na priestranný balkón s betónovou dlažbou na terčoch, spálňa má takisto krásny výhľad na Dunaj cez presklenný balkón, kúpeľna v bežovo-bielom prevedení spojená s wc. Na chodbe a v spálni sú vstavané skrine.
Vysoký štandart bytu: veľké hlinníkové okná, bezpečnostné dvere, rekuperácia, predpríprava na stropné chladenie.
Úžasná lokalita pri Eurovei, pešia dostupnosť k Dunaju, SND, do centra, na autobusovú stanicu Nivy,...
V okolí je ihrisko, lokalita sa dynamicky rozvíja a je top lokalitou v Bratislave.
Treat yourself to an endless view of the city, the Danube from the 29th floor.
Amazing location walking distance to the center, Danube, shopping center Eurovea, bus station,...The location is the most modern, is developing dynamically and is a top location in Bratislava.
Exclusive apartment with a 24/7 reception, with wooden parquet floors, a kitchen with all built-in appliances (fridge, microwave, oven, hob, dishwasher, hood) and custom-made furniture, fully furnished, just move in or rent it!
The apartment is on the 29th floor,/35, facing east, has 60m2 of which 4.80m2 balcony + 2m2 cellar. Parking space available for 25,000€.
The approval of the Klingerka building took place in 2022.
Costs: €190/month.
The apartment is uninhabited, it has a living room connected to the kitchen, it leads to a spacious balcony with concrete paving on the targets, the bedroom also has a beautiful view of the Danube through a glass balcony, a beige and white bathroom connected to the toilet. There are built-in wardrobes in the hallway and bedroom.
High standard of the apartment: large aluminum windows, security doors, recuperation, preparation for ceiling cooling.

Dobry den, ako majitelia ponukame na prenajom priestranny slnecny 3-izbovy byt s krasnym vyhladom vo vybornej lokalite sirsieho centra Kosic. V okoli je kompletna obcianska vybavenost - skolky, školy, obchody, restauracie, zastavky MHD priamo pod blokom, parky, do centra mesta je to cca 10 minut chodze. Technicka Univerzita a Lekarska fakulta UPJS su cca 5 minut chodze.
Byt s loggiou v celkovej vymere cca 72m2 sa nachadza na 11. poschodi (z 12) v zrekontruovanom bytovom dome, prenajima sa zariadeny a je pripraveny k nastahovaniu. Ma 3 samostatne, nepriechodne izby - obyvacka a 2x spalna, plne vybavenu kuchynu, kupelnu, samostatnu toaletu a v byte je k dispozicii aj prakticka komora. Bytovy dom disponuje dvoma vytahmi - osobny a nakladny. Parkovanie je v rezidentskej lokalite c. 7. Internet po dohode
850EUR/mesiac vratane energii (pre 2 osoby) + 900EUR depozit.
Pre viac info ma, prosim, nevahajte kontaktovat emailom, sms alebo telefonicky.
Hello, for rent is a sunny, cozy 2-bedroom apartment with beautiful view in a great location close to the city centre. Location offers a high variety of amenities - kindergartens, schools, shops, restaurants, public transportation, parks, city centre approx. 10 mins walk. Technical University and Faculty of Medicine UPJS approx. 5 mins walk.
The 72m2 apartment with a loggia is located at 11th floor (out of 12) in a renovated apartment house with 2 lifts. It's furnished and ready to move in. The apartment has 3 separate rooms - living room and 2 bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, separate WC and offers also a storage room. Public parking is available - residential zone #7. Internet can be offered upon agreement.
850EUR/month all-in (2 persons) + 900EUR deposit.
For more info, pls don't hesitate to reach back to me via email , text or by phone.

Book in English to learn and improve your English. Level Elementary B. Price per book:
Knihy v anglictine, cena za knihu.

Predám originálne CD albumy . Každý kus v cene 1,00€. Niektoré CD majú známky používania prípadne nedostatok na booklete. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
PERCY SLEDGE - His Greatest Hits - New Recorded
BOYZONE - Said and Done
ORANGE BLUE - Forever / Best Of
LIT - A Place In The Sun
BOYZ II MEN - Evolution
AZ YET - Az Yet
STRETCH - Elastique
NAWFEL - Nawfel
DREADZONE - Biological Radio
SUCH A SURGE - Der Surge Effekt
MICHELE CENTOZA – Michele Centonza
OST - S*x & The City
CHRISTINA - Freier Fall
MARLA GLEN - In Concert
MARLA GLEN - Our World
STEFANIE HEINZMANN - Stefanie Heinzmann
ARCADE FIRE - Neon Bible
JJ72 - JJ72
DARIUS - Dive In
NO ANGELS - Now...Us!
BO DIDDLEY - Greatest Hits
BREATHE - All That Jazz
THE LIGHTNING SEEDS - Cloudcuckooland
COUNTING CROWS - August And Everything After
D12 - D12 World
US 5 - Here we Go
THE LAND - Ixelles
ROGER WHITTAKER - The Collection
SONYA HUNTER - Headlights & Other Constellations

(pri väčšom počte plagátov je možná aj zľava)
Kontakt: adrianaparizova@
- Justin Bieber (aj s Hailey) , Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, Zendaya, Hero ( sú aj s Josephine), Bars and Melody, Cole Sprouse, Lili Reinhart, Kj APA, Madelaine Petsch, Charles Melton, Riverdale, Michael Jordan, Demi Lovato (aj s Nickom mám), Stranger things, Karol Sevilla, Alex Gaskarth, Grindelwaldove zločiny, Harry Potter, Pewdiepie, Piráti z Karibiku, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik,Harry Styles, One Direction, Alan Walker, Charlie Puth, Vlado Weiss, Zoella, Ashley Purdy, Michemical romance, Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Cameron Boyce, Sabrina Carpenter, Ed Sheeran, Andy Sixx, Avengers, Chris Evans,
-Explo, Moma, Gogo, Shopaholic Nicol, Lady Felan, Dominika Mirgová, Sima, Separ, Gregor Miler, Naši, Max Bolf, Prázdniny, Ján Koleník, Simpsonovci, Červené pásky, Pán profesor, Kali, Adam Ďurica, Rytmus, Ego, Oteckovia, Braňo Deák, Edyn, Pil C, Vlado Kobielsky, Backstage, Husia Koža, Ektor, Zoči voči,
-Cameron Dallas, Shay Mitchell, Pretty Little Liars, Five seconds of summer, Harley Quinn, Jednotka samovrahov(mega plagát-4€),Suicide Squad, Dolan Twins, Metallica, The Vampire Diaries, Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley, The Originals, Christian Collins, Oliver Sykes, Mariano di Valo, Dylan O´Brien, 30 seconds to Mars, Rafael Silva, Dominic Sherwood, Teen Wolf, H2O, Miley Cyrus, Imagine Dragons, Dylan, Asking Alexandria, Star Wars, Hayes and Nash, Melanie Martinez, The 100, Fal Out Boy, Mackenzie Ziegler, Marilyn Manson, Hooten & the Lady, Andy Biersack, Zac Efron, Nick & Amanda, Everything, Martin Garrix, Linkin Park, Magcon tour, Girls generation, All time low, Freddie Mercury, Captain America, Tyler Oposey, Ellie Goulding, Lady Gaga, Slipknot,Martin Reway, Charlie Heaton, Super natural, Brendon Urie, Halsey, Scot Eastwood, Twenty one pilots, Cara Delevingne, Finn, The Vamps, Theoz, Gotham, American Satan, Matthew Espinosa, Andy Black, Black veil Brides, Jared Padalecki, Marc Marguez, The Chainsmokers, Shadowhunters, Maluma, Panic at the disco, Reed Royal, Roadtrip tv,
-BTS, Jin, Jungkook, Got 7, Jimin, EXO, Wanna one, Red Velvet, Girls generation,Suga, Big Bang, Black Pink,
+ázijské skupiny- rozvrh hodín

Predám originálne CD albumy. Všetky CD sú vo veľmi dobrom stave , prípadne uvedené priamo pri CD. Pre viac info , foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
MEAT LOAF - Bat Out Of Hell - 4,00€
NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY HORSE - Sleeps With Angels - 4,00€ PREDANE
PAUL WELLER - Live Wood (Japan version s OBI štítkom) - 8,00€
BOB MOULD - Black Sheets Of Rain - 4,00€
CUTOFF Feat. THEA AUSTIN (original voice of Rhythm Is A Dancer) - Dont Stop - 4,00€
JUST FRIENDS - Friends Forever - 2,00€
EPMD - Unfinished Business - 6,00€ (Misprint) PREDANE
DJ BOBO - Magic - 2,00€ (cd má vlásočnice)
THE ALAN PARSON PROJECT - Tales Of Mystery And Imagination - 3,00€
BETH ORTON - Trailer Park - 2,00€
ALANIS MORISSETTE - Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie - 2,00€
BRYAN ADAMS - So Far So Good - 3,00€
BOB DYLAN - Under The Red Sky - 4,00€
U2 - Boy - 3,00€ PREDANE
U2 - October - 3,00€
U2 - The Hoshua Tree - 3,00€
GENE LOVES JEZEBEL - Kiss Of Life - 2,00€
BRUCE HORNSBY & THE RANGE - A Night On The Town - 2,00€
LUKA BLOOM - Turf - 2,00€
CURTIS STIGERS - Curtis Stigers - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania)
BETTE MIDLER - The Best Bette - 3,00€
MAROON 5 - Songs About Jane - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania)
EDIE BRICKELL & NEW BOHEMIANS - Shooting Rubberbands At The Stars - 3,00€
MICHAEL BUBLE - Christmas (Deluxe Special Edition) - 4,00€ (nové len rozbalené)
OLETA ADAMS - Circle Of One - 2,00€
EMILIA - Big Big World - 2,00€
ZAZ - Zaz - 2,00€
JOE COCKER - Cocker - 3,00€
JOE COCKER - Organic - 3,00€ PREDANE
SIMPLE MINDS - Real Life - 3,00€
EXTREME - Waiting For The Punchline - 2,00€ (booklet popísaný ceruzkou)
STEPHAN EICHER - Engelberg - 2,00€
RAINBIRDS - Call Me Easy Say Im Strong Love Me My Way It Aint Wrong - 2,00€
RAINBIRDS - Rainbirds - 2,00€
MADONNA - Confessions On A Dancefloor - 2,00€ PREDANE
ROD STEWART - My Favourite Songs - 3,00€
JAMES BLUNT - Back To Bedlam - 3,00€
B WITCHED - Awake And Breathe - 3,00€

Prehistoric belief (Mike Williams) 15 eur
Power, Infuence and Persuasion (Harvard Business Essentials) 10 eur
Mind Control 101 (Dantalion Jones) 10eur
Body language, reading people and mind reading secrets (Cain Marko) 10 eur
Getting to yes (ROger Fisher, William Ury) 4 eur
Co-opetition (Adam M.Brandenburger,Barry J. Nalebuff) 5 eur
NLP a practical Guide ( Neil Shah ) 4 eur
Mindful compassion (Paul Gilbert, Choden) 8 eur
Awake into the world (Michael Stone) 8 eur
Spolu za vsekty 65 EUR alebo dohoda

ASIA ALPHA - Geffen records - 1983 - 15 eur
Billy IDOL - Whiptash Smile - Chrysalis Records 1986 - 20 Eur
Giles REAVES - Wunjo - MCA Records - 1986 - 10 Eur
HUEY LEWIS and THE NEWS - FORE! - Chrysalis Records - 1986 - 15 eur
JULIAN LENNON - Virgin Records - 1984 - 7 eur
MIDGEURE - THE GIFT - Chrysalis Records - 1985 - 20 Eur
NIK KERSHAW - THE RIDDLE - MCA Records - 1985 - 20 Eur
PAUL SIMON - Negotiations and love songs 1971-1986 - Supraphon 1990 - 20 Eur
THE BEATLES - Love Songs - EMI RECORDS/Balkanton - 1977 - 20 Eur

predam LP platne ROCK METAL
judas priest - killing machine 20e PREDANE
led zeppelin - physical graffiti 3LP JAPAN PREDANE
vengeance - arabia 15e PREDANE
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Led Zeppelin – The Song Remains The Same 2LP PREDANE
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joe beck - watch the time 12e
chicago 7 13e
victory - dont get mad get even 12
the motors - I 10e
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mike oldfield 20e
santana 10
ten years after 20e
gods 13e PREDANE
malmsteen 15e
van halen - fair warning 13e PREDANE
van halen - diver down 15e PREDANE
warlock 15e
zz top 14e
magnum - the eleventh hour 20e PREDANE
ted nugent - gonzo 15e
ted nugent - scream dream 11e
uriah heep 15e
bayon 8e
kiss - elder 20
bonfire 14e
paul brett 11
roger daltrey 10e
kosmos 20
snif n the tears 10
sky 8
seventh wave - things to come 11e
samson 12
night ranger 15e
new eyes 14e
london 15e PREDANE
judas priest - british steel PREDANE
led zeppelin II 28e
led zeppelin III 28e
edgar winter PREDANE
black sabbath 30e
fleetwood mac PREDANE
queen the game 25
naima 12e
naima II 13e
queen works 25e
queen hot space 25e
queen greatest hits 30e

Predám MAXI VINYL 12"inch 80roky,90 roky aj 2000...cena za 1ks 2€ nad ,pri kúpe všetkého dohoda,na dobierku neposielam!!!
Možná výmena za iné maxi ks za ks len 90 roky a vyššie.
N-SYNC-Pop 2x max
DA BLITZ-Take me back 199
YAHE 1-For then people/sound and melody 2002
TALL PAUL-Everybody rockstar 2x maxi 2001
AMY GRANT-Every heartbeat 1991
S express-hey music lover 1989
AMAZULU-Only love 1986
ALISHA-Stargazing 1986
ESPAŇA BOOT MIX-vol.1-1987
LABI SIFFRE-Listen to the voices 1988
STEPHANIE-Live your life 1986
BOY MEETS GIRL-Waiting for a star to fall 1988-predane
READY FOR THE WORLD-Oh sheila 1985
LOS BRAVOS-Black is black 1986
BEAU GUARD with TOO TOUGH m.c.-All system go
MODERN ROMANCE-Everybodys salsa 1981
ANDREA-00seven/Mona lisa 1986
SILVER POZZOLI-From you to me 1986
HAZZEL DEAN-They say its gonna rain 1985
PAISLEY PEOPLE-Hot metal-metal guru-get it on 1985
A SPLIT SECOND-Take this and shove it
HELICOPTER JACKSON-The booty song 2003

John Miles-His VeryBest, Mick Ronson-Play Dont Worry, Stranglers-Essential, Kim Carnes- Live At Savoy, Magnum- Magnum 1998, Andy Scott ex SWEET - Thirty Years, David Essex-Best Of, Alan Price- Anthology, Barry Blue-Greatest Hits, Del Shannon- The Definitive Collection, E.L.O.ô Olé, Wings-Wild Life, Red Rose Speedway, Paul Mc Cartney-Drving Rain, Chaos and Creation in the backyard, Nex, Press to play, Memory Almost full, Olivia Newton John - Simply the best, cliff Richard-Dressed for the ocassion, Rare EP -tracks 1961-1991, The Rock EConnection, Royal Guardsmen - Best of, Supertramp-Supertramp, Marbles-Marbles, _Runaway - Greatest Hits, Kenny Loggins-Full Sail, Outside From The redwoods, Alaln Parsons Project - 01-17, Gary U.S. Bonds- The bes of, Mott the hoople - Mad Shadows, Biran Capers, Mott the Hoople, Krokus- Fire and Gasolina, Sammy Hagar- Hallelujah. Kontaktovať len telefonicky

Predám MAXI VINYL 12"inch 80roky,90 roky aj 2000...cena za 1ks 2€ ,pri kúpe všetkého dohoda,na dobierku neposielam!!!
Možná výmena za iné maxi ks za ks len 90 roky a vyššie.
N-SYNC-Pop 2x max
DA BLITZ-Take me back 199
YAHE 1-For then people/sound and melody 2002
TALL PAUL-Everybody rockstar 2x maxi 2001
AMY GRANT-Every heartbeat 1991
S express-hey music lover 1989
AMAZULU-Only love 1986
ALISHA-Stargazing 1986
ESPAŇA BOOT MIX-vol.1-1987
LABI SIFFRE-Listen to the voices 1988
STEPHANIE-Live your life 1986
BOY MEETS GIRL-Waiting for a star to fall 1988
READY FOR THE WORLD-Oh sheila 1985
LOS BRAVOS-Black is black 1986
BEAU GUARD with TOO TOUGH m.c.-All system go
MODERN ROMANCE-Everybodys salsa 1981
ANDREA-00seven/Mona lisa 1986
SILVER POZZOLI-From you to me 1986
HAZZEL DEAN-They say its gonna rain 1985
PAISLEY PEOPLE-Hot metal-metal guru-get it on 1985
A SPLIT SECOND-Take this and shove it
HELICOPTER JACKSON-The booty song 2003

pri objednavke do 20e budem uctovat 1e za balne
Belinda Carlisle – Heaven On Earth Ger 1987 VG/VG 9e
Belinda Carlisle – Runaway Horses Ger 1989 VG/VG+ 9e
Bola Sete Workin' On A Groovy Thing US 1971 VG/G+ 10e
Bros - Push Hol 1988 VG+/VG+ 9e
Bruce Springsteen – The River 2LP Hol 1980 VG+/VG+ 15e
Colosseum – Colosseum Live 2LP Ger 1971 prve 2 strany su EX, pekne hraju. Posledna strana ma skrabanec a asi 4 bodky, ktore sposobuju asi 3 skocenia a miestami hlasne pukanie 10e
Culture Club - Kissing To Be Clever Ger 1982 VG+/VG+ 9e
Culture Club - Waking Up With The House On Fire Ger 1984 VG+/VG+ 8e
Dire Straits – Communiqué GDR 1979 VG/VG 10e
D Straits – Dire Straits Ger 1984 VG/VG+ 13e
Duran Duran – Notorious Hol 1986 VG+/VG 10e
Falco - Emotional Ger 1986 VG+/VG+ 12e
House Of Pain – House Of Pain UK 1992 VG/VG+ 40e
John Farnham – Whispering Jack Ger 1986 EX/VG+ 10e
Johnny Winter – Serious Business Pol 1986 VG+/VG 5e
Joni Mitchell Don Juan's Reckless Daughter 2LP US 1977 VG+/VG 14e
Kim Wilde – Another Step US 1986 VG+/VG+ 10E
Leonard Cohen – Various Positions EU 1984 VG+/VG+ 20e
Leonard Cohen – Greatest Hits Hol 1975 VG/VG 10e
Leonard Cohen – I'm Your Man Hol 1988 VG+/VG+ 16e
Lynyrd Skynyrd – Skynyrd's First And... Last US 1978 VG+/VG 16e
Men Without Hats - Folk Of The 80's Swe 1984 VG/VG 9e
Mental As Anything – Fundamental Hol 1985 VG/VG+ 7e
Mr. Mister – Welcome To The Real World Ger 1985 VG+/VG 8e
Neil Young & Crazy Horse – Live Rust 2LP Ger 1979 VG/VG+ 18e
New Kids On The Block – Hangin' Tough Hol 1988 VG+/EX 10e
Paul Simon – Hearts And Bones sca 1983 VG+/VG+ 8e
Phil Collins – Hello, I Must Be Going Scand 1982 VG+/VG+ 10e
Santana Borboletta Juh 1975 VG/chyba obal 2e
Smokie – Greatest Hits Ita 1977 VG+/VG 9e
Survivor – Greatest Hits Ger 1990 VG+/EX 35e
Suzanne Vega Suzanne Vega Ger 1985 VG+/VG+ 10e
S Vega Days Of Open Hand Hol 1990 VG+/VG+ 12e
S Vega Solitude Standing Ger 1987 VG+/VG+ 12e
The Beatles – Beatles' Greatest Hol 1975 VG+/VG 13e
The Boomtown Rats – The Fine Art Of Surfacing Ger 1979 VG/VG 7e
The Undertones The Sin Of Pride EU 1983 VG/VG+ 8e
Tina Turner Private Dancer Hol 1984 VG+/VG+ 10e
V/A - American Dreams 2LP UK 1985 VG/VG 10e
Whitney Houston – Whitney Ger 1987 VG/VG+ 9e
Yes 90125 Ger 1983 VG+/VG 9e
ZZ Top – Eliminator CS 1986 EX/EX 12e

Píšte len na mail.
54. Marika Gombitová - Mince Na Dne Fontán 2LP – vg+ 5€
55. Marika Gombitová - Môj Malý Príbeh – vg+ 5€
56. Marika Gombitová - №5 – vg+ 5€
57. Marika Gombitová - Slnečný Kalendár – vg+ 5€
58. Marsha Hunt - Marsha Hunt – nm 10€
59. Ravel* / Mussorgsky* - Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra – nm 6€
60. Michael Smith (14) - Geomusic – nm 5€
61. Michał Urbaniak Constellation - In Concert – nm 15€
64. Pablo Infernal - Lightning Love – nm 16€
65. Paul Butterfield's Better Days - It All Comes Back – nm 13€
67. Pavol Hammel & Prúdy - 1966–1975 – mm 15€
69. Výběr* - Výběr – nm 10€
71. Ricky Harsh - II – nm 15€
72. Rudolf Dašek - Dialogy – nm 10€
73. Santana - Carlos Santana – nm 10€
74. SBB - SBB – nm 20€
75. SBB - SBB (3) Pamięć – nm 15€
76. SBB - Ze Słowem Biegnę Do Ciebie. SBB (4) – nm 15€
77. Stanislav Hložek Petr Kotvald* - Holky Z Naší Školky – vg+ 5€
78. Stevie Ray Vaughan And Double Trouble* - Soul To Soul – nm 10€
79. Talking Heads - Little Creatures – nm 10€
80. Tangerine Dream - Poland (The Warsaw Concert) 2LP – nm 15€
81. Scott*, Stivín*, Dašek* - Rozhovory – nm
88. Weather Report - Weather Report – nm 15€
89. Whitesnake - 1987 ¬– nm 10€
90. Wojciech Karolak - Easy! – nm 30€
91. Yes - Na Samém Kraji Útesu ¬– nm 15€
92. Zbigniew Namysłowski - Zbigniew Namysłowski – nm 15€
93. Zbigniew Namysłowski Quintet - Kujaviak Goes Funky – nm 15€
94. Edvard Grieg Supraphon – nm 5€
95. Chopin Supraphon - nm 5€
96. Groke´s Clan – Vicious Circles (white LP) – nm 15€
97. Ice cream men – When time was yours – nm 15€
98. Tangerine dream – Cyclone - vg+ 5€
99. Tangerine dream – Live Encore - vg+ 5€
100. Johny Winter – Still Alive And Well - vg++ 10€
101. Allman Brothers Band – Beginnings - vg++ 15€