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paul rich - strana 2

Počet nájdených inzerátov PAUL RICH : 1000 - strana 2

Anglická audiokniha Wink(and Grow Rich) 1 & 2-Roger Hamilton
Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel. Kniha popisuje dynamiku bohatstva cez pribeh 9 rocneho chlapca, ktory chce pomoct svojmu otcovi a nastupi na cestu hladania, kde stretava ludi, ktori mu popisuju ako sa dopracovali k svojmu bohatstvu. Aj ked sposoby su rozne, spaja ich to, ze ich dany sposob bavi. Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics Format: 2 original CD od autora Viac o audioknihe: "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth. BA Ruzinov. Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur. Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu. --------- Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
Anglická audiokniha Wink(and Grow Rich) 1 & 2-Roger Hamilton
Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel. Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics Format: 2 original CD od autora Viac o audioknihe: "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth. BA Ruzinov. Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur. Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu. --------- Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
Predam elektricku gitaru značky , warrior . 24 pražcovu , snimače original . rovny krk , pekny metalovy zvuk . osobny odber Prešov . #metal #rock #solo #blackmetal
Paul Picot, model C - Type, Nový model
Dobrý den, ze sbírky na prodej si dovolím nabídnout originál, švýcarské hodinky hodinářské manufaktury Paul Picot, aktuální model C - Type s průměrem cifefníku 43mm, osazeny kaučukovým páskem Picot v plné délce zápěstí 22cm. Doporučená cena: 3358 .- EU Reference hodinek: Paul Picot 4118SGN.N Hodinky Picot zakoupeny v roce 2021 u autorizované dealera brandu Paul Picot v Italii, komplexní balení / kufřík, warranty brožura, manual /. Stav hodinek výborné, vhodné i jako dar. Cena FIXNÍ, korekci ceny neakceptuji, cena podléhá kurzu EU.
10 CC Profile. BEST 10CC How dare you bob dylan greatest hits bob dylan soundtrack bob dylan slow train coming bruce springsteen the river eagles one of these nights Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard Eric clapton another ticket guns n roses live chris rea wired to the moon joe cocker i can stand a little rain joe cocker jamaica , say you will joe cocker one night of sin joe cocker joe cocker joe cocker stingray joe cocker sheffield steel joe cocker civilised man joe cocker luxury you can afford living color vivid NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean NEKTAR Recycled OLDFIELD Mike Crises OLDFIELD Mike Discovery OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event PLANT Robert The principle of moments PREFAB SPROUT Jordan PROCOL HARUM The best of. BEST REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live RENAISSANCE Debut album. RENAISSANCE Novela RENAISSANCE Prologue RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior rod steward every picture tells a story rod steward a night on the town ROLLING STONES Tatoo you ROXY MUSIC Avalon ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day SAGA Heads or Tales SAGA Worlds Apart SANTANA Barboletta SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST SANTANA Marathon SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water SIMON & GARFUNKEL Greatest hits. BEST SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years SIMON Paul Graceland SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP SMITH Patti Wave SPARKS Kimono SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness SPOOKY TWO 1969 SPRINGFIELD Rick Tao 1985 STATUS QUO Quo STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat STEWART Rot Camouflange STRAWBS Bursting at the seams STRAWBS Hero and heroine STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits STYX Crystal ball STYX Equinos SWEET Fanny adams...1974 SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no. T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST TALKING HEADS Little creatures the eagles hotel california TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart TOTO Hydra TOWNSHEND Pete White city TRANSATLANTIC The Whirlwind TRIUMPH Just a Game TRIUMVIRAT NEW Pompeii U.K. Danger money U.K. U.K. UTOPIA Ra VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica VOLENWEIDER White winds WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII. WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST WEATHER REPORT Black market WEATHER REPORT Weather report WINWOOD Steve debut LP WISHBONE ASH Argus WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life YES Relayer YOUNG Paul No Parlez YOUNG Paul The secret of association
Predam knihy v češtine Paul McCartney paperback Harald Martin 7 eur Paul Du Noyer Paul McCartney 15 eur Philip Norman Paul McCartney Biografie 756 stran 10 eur Beatles Ilustrovana biografia za 19 eur Beatles po rozchode vlastnymi slovy/Lennon znamy neznamy/kdo zabil Lennona,Jak vznikali pisne 5 eur/ks Lennon v datech a obrazech 16 e George Martin Vsechno co potrebujes jsou usi 10 eur Love Me Do 50 osudovych dnu za 18 eur pozrite si aj moje ďalšie inzeráty kliknite na meno
Paul Davies: Mind of God
Paul Davies' "The Mind of God: Science and the Search for Ultimate Meaning" explores how modern science is beginning to shed light on the mysteries of our existence. Is the universe - and our place in it - the result of random chance, or is there an ultimate meaning to existence? Where did the laws of nature come from? Were they created by a higher force, or can they be explained in some other way? How, for example, could a mechanism as complex as an eye have evolved without a creator? Paul Davies argues that the achievement of science and mathematics in unlocking the secrets of nature mean that there must be a deep and significant link between the human mind and the organization of the physical world. In this quest for an ultimate explanation of the universe, he examines the origin of the cosmos, the possibility of other universes and the claim that we inhabit a kind of gigantic computer. The universe is, he concludes, no mere quirk of fate but a meaningful place for thinking beings. Through science, we can truly glimpse the mind of God. "Makes us re-examine the great questions of existence". ("The New York Times"). "The greatest achievement of the book is to provide an insight into the nature of science itself and the uncertainties that lie in the physical realm". (John Gribbin, "Sunday Times"). "For those brought up on a diet of Adam and Eve, "The Mind of God" will make surprising reading". ("Independent"). Paul Davies is Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, and co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative, both at Arizona State University. An internationally-acclaimed physicist, writer and broadcaster, Davies is the author of some twenty award-winning books, including "The Eerie Silence: Searching for Ourselves in the Universe", "The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?" and "About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution".
BEATLES - knihy + tričko
G. Thomas: Ilustrovaná biografie John Lennon, 224 str., tvrdá väzba, veľký formát, ako nová, 13€. K. Barry: Broukobol (preklad z anglického originálu 'Beatlebone'), 272 str., tvrdá väzba s prebalom, ako nová, 4€. M. Černá & J. Černý: Poplach kolem Beatles, 156 str., zachovalá. Rok vydania 1966, 1. vydanie, 15€. I. MacDonald: Revoluce v hlavě - Beatles, jejich písně a 60. léta, 398 str., tvrdá väzba, 12€. A. Matzner: Beatles - výpověd o jedné generaci, 288 str., 5€. J. O'Donnell: Den kdy se John setkal s Paulem - Začátek historie Beatles hodinu po hodině, 160 str., 7€. J.Baird, G.Giuliano: John Lennon - můj bratr (úvodné slovo Paul McCartney), 160 str., 4€. Spomienky sestry Johna Lennona. I. Molnár: Populárnejší než Ježiš Kristus?! Životopis Johna Lennona, 198 str. 6€. L. Crampton: Music Icons - LENNON, 192 str., trojjazyčná publikácia: anglicko-nemecko-česká, 8€. J. Woodall: John Lennon - Yoko Ono, 104 str., 5€, R. Benson: Paul McCartney - Odvrácená strana mýtu, 248 str., tvrdá väzba, 5€. P.A.Carlin: Paul McCartney - Jeden život, 358 str., tvrdá väzba, 9€. G. Guiliano: Paul McCartney - Blackbird, 280 str., tvrdá väzba s prebalom, 8€. G. Giuliano: George Harrison - Dark Horse, 224 str., tvrdá väzba s prebalom, 8€. Tričko The BEATLES, veľkosť S, málo nosené, pekné, zachovale, 10€.
Predám vzorky 5ml za super ceny
Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Extreme - 3€ Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Forever - 4€ Armaf Club de Nuit Milestone - 5€ Armaf El Cielo /Blue Voyage - 4€ Armaf Oddysey White Edition Limitka - 4€ Armani Code Absolu / A-List - 4,50€ Armani Stronger with You/SWY Absolutely - 6€ Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine - 10€ Banana Republic Amber & Cherry - 4€ Bvlgari Aqva Amara/Marine - 6€ Byredo Bal d'Afrique - 10€ Carner Barcelona D600/Palo Santo/Tardes - 7€ Carolina Herrera Bad Boy EDT - 4€ Carolina Herrera CH Men/Men Privé - 4€ Carolina Herrera 212 VIP Black Extra (coca-cola vibe) - 5€ Carven C'est Paris - 6€ Davidoff Cool Water Wave - 4€ Dior Fahrenheit Parfum - 7€ Dior Homme Cologne 2013 - 7€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Swimming in Lipari - 5€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Italian Love - 6€ Dolce & Gabbana The One Exclusive Royal Night - 6€ Etat Libre d'Orange Remarkable People - 6€ Faviol Severi Insomnia - 9€ Givenchy Play Intense - 6€ Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Coconut Fizz/Orange Soleila - 6€ Guerlain Ideal Cool/Exteme - 6.50€ Guerlain Habit Rouge Limited Edition 2017 - 8€ Guerlain LHomme Cool - 5€ Halloween Man X - 4€ Chanel Bleu de Chanel EDP - 7€ Jean Paul Gaultier Essence de Parfum - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Male - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le male Summer Stimulating - 4€ Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male - 5€ Jimmy Choo Man Ice - 4€ Joop Homme Ice - 5€ Lalique Pour Homme Equus - 6€ Lancome Hypnose Pour homme - 6€ Lattafa Bade'e Al Oud Amethyst/Oud for Glory - 6€ L'Artisan Parfumeur Figuier Premier Extreme - 6€ Le Couvent de Minimes Aqua Solis - 4,50€ Maison Francis Kurkdjian - Baccarat Rouge 540 EDP/Extrakt - 7€ (2ml) Mancera Red Tobacco - 7€ Masaki Matsushima M0C - 4€ Mercedes Benz Club Black - 4€ Mercedes Benz Select Night - 4€ Montale Ristretto Intense Cafe - 7€ Moschino Toy Boy - 5€ Mugler A*Men Pure Energy - 6€ Mugler A*Men Pure Havane - 6€ Mugler Angel Musé/Aura EDP - 6€ Nina Ricci L'Extase Rose Absolue - 6€ Paco Rabanne Pure XS Night - 6€ Paco Rabanne 1 Million Lucky/Privé/Parfum - 6€ Prada Amber PH Intense - 5€ Prada LHomme - 5€ Prada Iris Cedre - 6€ Raulph Lauren Red Extreme - 5€ Rochas Moustache - 5€ S. Ferragamo F Black/Uomo Signature - 5€ S. Ferragamo Intense Leather - 6€ Tiziana Terenzi Foconero - 7.50€ Tom Ford Noir - 6.50€ Trussardi Riflesso Blue Vibe Limited Edition - 3€ Valentino Uomo/Uomo Intense - 6€ Yves Saint Laurent Jazz - 5€ Yves Saint Laurent LHomme Ultime - 7.50€ Van Cleef & Arpels Rose Rouge - 6€ Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb Fresh/Infrared/Night Vision EDT/EDP- 6€ Možný predaj aj flakónu po dohode. Doveziem po trase ZH-TT. Pri predaji nad 5ks 2% zľava, nad 10ks 5%.
Bunda Paul&Shark  3XL
Bunda Paul&Shark Bundy, vetrovky prechodné / jarné, jesenné XXXL Pre pánov Paul&SharkTmavomodrá Veľmi málo nosena, športová značková bunda Paul&Shark. Top stav, poštovné +3€ Na dobierku neposielam až po prijatí platby na môj účet
10 CC Profile. BEST 10CC How dare you bob dylan greatest hits bob dylan soundtrack bob dylan slow train coming bruce springsteen the river eagles one of these nights Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard Eric clapton another ticket guns n roses live chris rea wired to the moon joe cocker i can stand a little rain joe cocker jamaica , say you will joe cocker one night of sin joe cocker joe cocker joe cocker stingray joe cocker sheffield steel joe cocker civilised man joe cocker luxury you can afford living color vivid NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean NEKTAR Recycled OLDFIELD Mike Crises OLDFIELD Mike Discovery OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event PLANT Robert The principle of moments PREFAB SPROUT Jordan PROCOL HARUM The best of. BEST REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live RENAISSANCE Debut album. RENAISSANCE Novela RENAISSANCE Prologue RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior Rod Stewart Every picture tells a story Rod Stewart A night on the town Rod Stewart Greatest hits Rod Stewart Out of Order Rod Stewart Camouflage ROLLING STONES Tatoo you ROXY MUSIC Avalon ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day SAGA Heads or Tales SAGA Worlds Apart SANTANA Barboletta SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST SANTANA Marathon SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water SIMON & GARFUNKEL Greatest hits. BEST SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years SIMON Paul Graceland SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP SMITH Patti Wave SPARKS Kimono SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness SPOOKY TWO 1969 SPRINGFIELD Rick Tao 1985 STATUS QUO Quo STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat STRAWBS Bursting at the seams STRAWBS Hero and heroine STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits STYX Crystal ball STYX Equinos SWEET Fanny adams...1974 SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no. T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST TALKING HEADS Little creatures the eagles hotel california TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart TOTO Hydra TOWNSHEND Pete White city TRANSATLANTIC The Whirlwind TRIUMPH Just a Game TRIUMVIRAT NEW Pompeii U.K. Danger money U.K. U.K. UTOPIA Ra VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica VOLENWEIDER White winds WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII. WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST WEATHER REPORT Black market WEATHER REPORT Weather report WINWOOD Steve debut LP WISHBONE ASH Argus WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life YES Relayer YOUNG Paul No Parlez YOUNG Paul The secret of association
Predám vzorky 5ml za bomba ceny
Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Extreme - 3€ Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Forever - 4€ Armaf Club de Nuit Milestone - 5€ Armaf El Cielo /Blue Voyage - 4€ Armaf Oddysey White Edition Limitka - 4€ Armani Code Absolu /A-List - 4,50€ Armani Stronger with You/SWY Absolutely - 6€ Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine - 9€ Banana Republic Amber & Cherry - 4€ Bvlgari Aqva Amara/Marine - 6€ Byredo Bal d'Afrique - 10€ Carner Barcelona D600/Palo Santo/Tardes - 7€ Carolina Herrera Bad Boy EDT - 4€ Carolina Herrera CH Men/Men Privé - 4€ Carolina Herrera 212 VIP Black Extra (coca-cola vibe) - 5€ Carven C'est Paris - 6€ Davidoff Cool Water Wave - 4€ Dior Fahrenheit Parfum - 7€ Dior Homme Cologne 2013 - 7€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Swimming in Lipari - 5€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Italian Love - 6€ Dolce & Gabbana The One Exclusive Royal Night - 6€ Etat Libre d'Orange Remarkable People - 6€ Faviol Severi Insomnia - 9€ Givenchy Play Intense - 6€ Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Coconut Fizz/Orange Soleila - 6€ Guerlain LHomme Cool/Ideal Extreme - 6€ Halloween Man X - 4€ Chanel Bleu de Chanel EDP - 7€ Jean Paul Gaultier Essence de Parfum - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Male - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le male Summer Stimulating - 4€ Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male - 5€ Jimmy Choo Man Ice - 4€ Joop Homme Ice - 5€ Lancome Hypnose Pour homme - 6€ Laura Baggioti Uomo Cedre - 3€ Lattafa Bade'e Al Oud Amethyst/Oud for Glory - 6€ L'Artisan Parfumeur Figuier Premier Extreme - 6€ Le Couvent de Minimes Aqua Solis - 4,50€ Mancera Red Tobacco - 7€ Masaki Matsushima M0C - 4€ Mercedes Benz Select Night - 4€ Montale Ristretto Intense Cafe - 7€ Mugler A*Men Pure Energy - 6€ Mugler A*Men Pure Havane - 6€ Mugler Angel Musé/Aura EDP - 6€ Nina Ricci L'Extase Rose Absolue - 6€ Paco Rabanne Pure XS Night - 6€ Paco Rabanne 1 Million Lucky/Privé/Parfum - 6€ Prada Amber PH Intense - 5€ Prada LHomme - 5€ Prada Iris Cedre - 6€ Raulph Lauren Red Extreme - 5€ Rochas Moustache - 5€ S. Ferragamo F Black - 5€ S. Ferragamo Uomo Signature - 5€ S. Ferragamo Intense Leather - 5€ Tiziana Terenzi Foconero - 7€ Tom Ford Noir - 7€ Tommy Bahama St. Sails - 6€ (US distribúcia) Trussardi Riflesso Blue Vibe Limited Edition - 3€ Valentino Uomo - 6€ Yves Saint Laurent Jazz - 5€ Yves Saint Laurent LHomme Ultime - 7.50€ Van Cleef & Arpels Rose Rouge - 6€ Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb Fresh/Infrared/Night Vision EDT/EDP- 6€ Možný predaj aj flakónu po dohode. Doveziem po trase ZH-TT. Pri predaji nad 5ks 2% zľava, nad 10ks 5%.
Grover Mechaniky Les Paul Gold
Predám Grover mechaniky Les Paul Gold - zdemontované z Epiphone Les Paul Custom r. 2020. Dôvod predaja - menil som za uzamykateľné. Gibson, Epiphone, Les Paul, Grover
Výpredaj vzoriek a odstrekov pánskych a dámskych vôní (5ML)
Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Extreme - 3€ Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Forever - 4€ Armaf Club de Nuit Milestone - 5€ Armaf El Cielo /Blue Voyage - 4€ Armaf Oddysey White Edition Limitka - 4€ Armani Code Absolu /A-List - 4,50€ Armani Stronger with You/SWY Absolutely - 6€ Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine - 9€ Banana Republic Amber & Cherry - 4€ Bvlgari Aqva Amara/Marine - 6€ Byredo Bal d'Afrique - 10€ Carner Barcelona D600/Palo Santo/Tardes - 7€ Carolina Herrera Bad Boy EDT - 4€ Carolina Herrera CH Men/Men Privé - 4€ Carolina Herrera 212 VIP Black Extra (coca-cola vibe) - 5€ Carven C'est Paris - 6€ Davidoff Cool Water Wave - 4€ Dior Fahrenheit Parfum - 7€ Dior Homme Cologne 2013 - 7€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Swimming in Lipari - 5€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Italian Love - 6€ Dolce & Gabbana The One Exclusive Royal Night - 6€ Etat Libre d'Orange Remarkable People - 6€ Faviol Severi Insomnia - 9€ Givenchy Play Intense - 6€ Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Coconut Fizz/Orange Soleila - 6€ Guerlain LHomme Cool/Ideal Extreme - 6€ Halloween Man X - 4€ Chanel Bleu de Chanel EDP - 7€ Jean Paul Gaultier Essence de Parfum - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Male - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le male Summer Stimulating - 4€ Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male - 5€ Jimmy Choo Man Ice - 4€ Joop Homme Ice - 5€ Lancome Hypnose Pour homme - 6€ Laura Baggioti Uomo Cedre - 3€ Lattafa Bade'e Al Oud Amethyst/Oud for Glory - 6€ L'Artisan Parfumeur Figuier Premier Extreme - 6€ Le Couvent de Minimes Aqua Solis - 4,50€ Mancera Red Tobacco - 7€ Masaki Matsushima M0C - 4€ Mercedes Benz Select Night - 4€ Montale Ristretto Intense Cafe - 7€ Mugler A*Men Pure Energy - 6€ Mugler A*Men Pure Havane - 6€ Mugler Angel Musé/Aura EDP - 6€ Nina Ricci L'Extase Rose Absolue - 6€ Paco Rabanne Pure XS Night - 6€ Paco Rabanne 1 Million Lucky/Privé/Parfum - 6€ Prada Amber PH Intense - 5€ Prada LHomme - 5€ Prada Iris Cedre - 6€ Raulph Lauren Red Extreme - 5€ Rochas Moustache - 5€ S. Ferragamo F Black - 5€ S. Ferragamo Uomo Signature - 5€ S. Ferragamo Intense Leather - 5€ Tiziana Terenzi Foconero - 7€ Tom Ford Noir - 7€ Tommy Bahama St. Sails - 6€ (US distribúcia) Trussardi Riflesso Blue Vibe Limited Edition - 3€ Valentino Uomo - 6€ Yves Saint Laurent Jazz - 5€ Yves Saint Laurent LHomme Ultime - 7.50€ Van Cleef & Arpels Rose Rouge - 6€ Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb Fresh/Infrared/Night Vision EDT/EDP- 6€ Odber nad 5ks 3% zľava, nad 10ks 10% zľava. Možnosť doviezť po trase Trnava - Nitra - Zlaté Moravce - Žarnovica a Žiar nad Hronom, alebo Packetou. Pozri aj moje ďalšie inzeráty.
Epiphone Les Paul VE + Combo Fender Mustang I
Predám elektrickú gitaru Epiphone Les Paul Vintage Edition vo farbe Worn Ebony, veľmi málo hraná, už sa nevyrába - cena 150 euro - môžete pozrieť: a gitarové kombo Fender Mustang I - cena 50 euro. Iba osobný odber v KE!
DVD Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney
Predám DVD: Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band (15,-€), Paul McCartney is live! in concert on the new world tour (20,-€), Sir Paul McCartney - Standing Stone (20,-€),3-DVD: Paul McCartney: the Years (40,-€) + poštovné.
10 CC Profile. BEST 10CC How dare you bob dylan greatest hits bob dylan soundtrack bob dylan slow train coming bruce springsteen the river eagles one of these nights Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard Eric clapton another ticket guns n roses live chris rea wired to the moon joe cocker i can stand a little rain joe cocker jamaica , say you will joe cocker one night of sin joe cocker joe cocker joe cocker stingray joe cocker sheffield steel joe cocker civilised man joe cocker luxury you can afford living color vivid NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean NEKTAR Recycled OLDFIELD Mike Crises OLDFIELD Mike Discovery OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event PLANT Robert The principle of moments PREFAB SPROUT Jordan PROCOL HARUM The best of. BEST REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live RENAISSANCE Debut album. RENAISSANCE Novela RENAISSANCE Prologue RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior Rod Stewart Every picture tells a story Rod Stewart A night on the town Rod Stewart Greatest hits Rod Stewart Out of Order Rod Stewart Camouflage ROLLING STONES Tatoo you ROXY MUSIC Avalon ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day SAGA Heads or Tales SAGA Worlds Apart SANTANA Barboletta SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST SANTANA Marathon SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water SIMON & GARFUNKEL Greatest hits. BEST SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years SIMON Paul Graceland SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP SMITH Patti Wave SPARKS Kimono SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness SPOOKY TWO 1969 SPRINGFIELD Rick Tao 1985 STATUS QUO Quo STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat STRAWBS Bursting at the seams STRAWBS Hero and heroine STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits STYX Crystal ball STYX Equinos SWEET Fanny adams...1974 SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no. T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST TALKING HEADS Little creatures the eagles hotel california TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart TOTO Hydra TOWNSHEND Pete White city TRANSATLANTIC The Whirlwind TRIUMPH Just a Game TRIUMVIRAT NEW Pompeii U.K. Danger money U.K. U.K. UTOPIA Ra VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica VOLENWEIDER White winds WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII. WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST WEATHER REPORT Black market WEATHER REPORT Weather report WINWOOD Steve debut LP WISHBONE ASH Argus WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life YES Relayer YOUNG Paul No Parlez YOUNG Paul The secret of association
Predám knihy v slovenčine, češtine a angličtine
Uvedené ceny sú bez poštovného. Zasielam poštou, platba len vopred, nie na dobierku. Cormac McCarthy: Dítě boží- PREDANÉ George R. R. Martin: Tufova dobrodružství - PREDANÉ Julian Barnes: Arthur a George 3,- Mika Waltari: Egypťan Sinuhe 3,- Nick Cave: A uzřela oslice anděla 5,- PREDANÉ Robert Harris: Otčina 5,- Joe Hill: Oblek mŕtveho 3,- P. J. Parrish: The Little Death 3,- José Saramago: Blindness 3,- Margaret Atwood: Alias Grace 3,- Orhan Pamuk: Moje meno je Červená 5,- Jorge Luis Borges: Rozhovory mŕtvych 3,- PREDANÉ Salman Rushdie: Bes 3,- Marianne Fredrikssonová: Kto kráča v temnotách 3,- Paul Auster: Kniha ilúzií 3,- Paul Auster: V krajině posledních věcí 3,- Paul Auster: Putovanie v skriptóriu 3,- Paul Auster: Brooklynské frašky 3,- PREDANÉ Harper Leeová: Postav hliadku 5,- Ned Beauman: Boxer, brouk 3,- Simon Urban: Plán N 3,- Jo Nesbo: Macbeth 7,- Peter Hoeg: Cit slečny Smilly pre sneh 3,- Arturo Pérez-Reverte: Dumasov klub 3,- Vikas Swarup: Miliardár 2,- John Irving: Štvrtá ruka 3,- John Irving: Modlitba za Owena Meanyho 7,- Jack London: Martin Eden 5,- Jonathan L. Howard: Nekromant Johannes Cabal 3,- PREDANÉ Franz Kafka: Proces 3,- PREDANÉ Charles Bukowski: Príbehy obyčajného šialenstva 5,- PREDANÉ Ján Rozner: Sedem dní do pohrebu 5,-
Predám gitaru Ibanez PGMM21 Paul Gilbert
Ibanez PGMM21 Paul Gilbert miKro, Metallic Light Green Podrobnosti Ideálny pre mladších / menších ľudí vďaka menšiemu telu / kratšiemu krku Skvelý tón s Ibanez Infinity R snímačmi Krásna rezonancia vďaka topoľovému tónu Paul Gilbert je kultový vzor „f-hole" na tele Rock von. Modeluje podľa gitary kytarovej gitary Paula Gilberta, gitaru Ibanez PGMM21 Paul Gilbert miKro vyzerá a znie brilantne. Má všetko, čo potrebujete na hranie na elektrickú gitaru, aj keď vy alebo vaše dieťa práve začínate. Jeho malý tvar tela ho robí pohodlným a ľahko sa drží, zatiaľ čo kratší krk vám umožní access všetkým poznámkam. Váš prvý krok stať sa hrdinom gitary. Táto malá gitara má všetky kvalitné funkcie, ktoré by ste očakávali od väčšej, drahšej gitary, takže nič vám nezastaví v hraní toho, čo chcete hrať. S snímačmi Ibanez Infinity R, ktoré prinášajú krištáľovo čistý zvuk prostredníctvom akéhokoľvek zosilňovača, zistíte, že môžete rýchlo vylepšiť svoje hranie a budete mať všetko, čo potrebujete na to, aby ste mohli hrať viac.
5ML vzorky a odstreky pánskych a dámskych vôní
Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Extreme - 3€ Abercrombie&Fitch First Instinct Forever - 4€ Afnan Blue Turathi (kópia svetoznámeho Bvlgari Tygar) - 6€ Armaf Club de Nuit Milestone - 5€ Armaf El Cielo /Blue Voyage - 4€ Armaf Oddysey White Edition Limitovaná edícia - 4€ Armani Code Absolu/A-List - 4,50€ Armani Stronger with You/SWY Absolutely - 6€ Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine - 9€ Banana Republic Amber & Cherry - 4€ Bvlgari Aqva Amara/Marine - 6€ Byredo Bal d'Afrique - 10€ Carner Barcelona D600/Palo Santo/Tardes - 7€ Carolina Herrera Bad Boy EDT - 4€ Carolina Herrera CH Men - 6€ Carolina Herrera CH Men Privé - 6€ Carolina Herrera 212 VIP Black Extra (coca-cola vibe) - 5€ Carven C'est Paris - 6€ Davidoff Cool Water Wave - 4€ Dior Fahrenheit Parfum - 7€ Dior Homme Parfum - 30€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Swimming in Lipari - 5€ Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Italian Love - 6€ Dolce & Gabbana The One Exclusive Royal Night - 6€ Etat Libre d'Orange Remarkable People - 6€ Faviol Severi Insomnia - 10€ (kopia ByKilian Black Phantom, ale má stonásobne lepšiu výdrž než Black Phantom) Givenchy Play Intense - 6€ (už sa nepredáva) Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Coconut Fizz/Orange Soleila - 6€ (Orange Soleila je lacnejšou kópiou Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine) Guerlain LHomme Ideal Cool - 6€ (už sa nedá nikde oficiálne zohnať) Guerlain LHomme Ideal EDP/Ideal Extreme - 6€ Halloween Man X - 4€ Hermes H24 EDP - 8€ Chanel Bleu de Chanel EDP - 7€ Jean Paul Gaultier Essence de Parfum - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le Beau Male - 6€ Jean Paul Gaultier Le male Summer Stimulating - 4€ Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male - 5€ Jimmy Choo Man Ice - 4€ Joop Homme Ice - 5€ Lancome Hypnose Pour homme - 6€ Laura Baggioti Uomo Cedre - 3€ Lattafa Bade'e Al Oud Amethyst - 6€ (kópia Initio Atomic Rose) Lattafa Bade'e Al Oud for Glory - 6€ (kópia Initio Oud for Greatness) L'Artisan Parfumeur Figuier Premier Extreme - 6€ Le Couvent de Minimes Aqua Solis - 4,50€ Mancera Red Tobacco - 7€ Masaki Matsushima M0C - 4€ Mercedes Benz Select Night - 4€ Montale Ristretto Intense Cafe - 7€ Mugler A*Men Pure Energy - 6€ Mugler A*Men Pure Havane - 6€ Mugler Angel Musé/Aura EDP - 6€ Nina Ricci L'Extase Rose Absolue - 6€ Paco Rabanne Pure XS Night - 6€ Paco Rabanne 1 Million Lucky/Privé/Parfum - 6€ Prada Amber PH Intense - 5€ Prada LHomme - 5€ Prada Iris Cedre - 6€ Raulph Lauren Red Extreme - 5€ S. Ferragamo F Black - 5€ S. Ferragamo Intense Leather - 5€ Tiziana Terenzi Foconero - 7€ Tommy Bahama St. Sails - 6€ (US distribúcia) Trussardi Riflesso Blue Vibe Limited Edition - 3€ Valentino Uomo - 6€ Yves Saint Laurent Jazz - 5€ Yves Saint Laurent LHomme Ultime - 7.50€ Van Cleef & Arpels Rose Rouge - 6€ Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb Fresh/Infrared/Night Vision EDT/EDP- 6€ (Fresh je ťažko zohnateľný, resp. sa už nevyrába)