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pc all in one - strana 37

Počet nájdených inzerátov PC ALL IN ONE : 1000 - strana 37

VINTAGE VINYL- mam aj vela dalsich platni okrem tu uvedenych, ak hladate nieco konkretne, nevahajte ma kontaktovat. XVII Album Supraphonu Atemlos- Disco nonstop Baccara BANANARAMA- The greatest hits collection, OPUS 1990, nehrana platna MINT BARBRA STREISAND- Emotion NM Barry Manilow Bob Fridl- Abeceda Boom crash opera Das Album- Rock bilanz 1983 Den zen/Den muzu Demis Roussos- Souvenirs DIANA ROSS- Swept Away VG+ Eddy Grant- At his best Ed Korey Konecny- Lovely lady liberty Eikichi Yazawa- Flash in Japan Ej mlhosu mlhosu Ella Fitzgerald a Louis Armstrong ELVIS- Promised Land- Opus- 1980- MINT EURYTHMICS- We Too Are One- NEAR MINT Far Corporation Division one- The album Felix Slovacek FOREIGNER- 4- FOREIGNER- Inside Information- Genesis- Invisible touch Glenn Miller- Pure gold Hot chocolate- Every is a winner Chiefs of relief Jean Cocteau, Jaroslava Adamová - Lidský Hlas Jimi Hendrix Jiri Korn LP02 Jitka Zelenkova- Zazemi Joe Cocker- Joe Cocker John Williams- The river Karel Cernoch- Je to jasny Kate Bush- The whole story Ladislav Staidl- Muzikoterapie Luxed Lane- Mixed and Pickles Malovany dzbanek- Jiri Aplt Marta Kubisova- Lampa Marta Kubisova- Songy a Balady MIKE OLDFIELD- Discovery NM Mike Oldfield Earth moving Mike Oldfield - Five miles out Nazareth- Malice in wonderland ORLIK- Oi PAUL MC CARTNEY- Tug of war- Paul Mc Cartney- All the best RICK ASTLEY- Whenever you need somebody ROCKLET- vyberovka ROCKMAPA 1- vyberovka ROCKMAPA 2- vyberovka Silver Convention / Penny McLean / Ramona Wulf / Linda G. Thompson ‎– Success Svatek melodii TALKING HEADS- Little Creatures- NEAR MINT THE SISTERS OF MERCY- VISION THING Traditional Jazz Salon 85 Vaclav Hybs a jeho hoste Various - Hit Parade Volume 13 Various - Rock'N'Roll Greats WHAM- Make it big WANASTOWI VJECI- LZI SEX A PRACHY Yes - Na Samém Kraji Útesu HANA HEGEROVA- Recital- Panton 1981 Simek/Grossmann- Navstevni den 2 Simek/Grossmann- Navstevni den 3 SPIRITUAL KVINTET - Sibenicky- MINT Vidiek- Nechajte si ju Vodnansky Skoumal- Vecirek rozpadlych dvojic vienna guess what? viktor laszlo she village people go west village people cant stop the music village people renaissance village people live and sleazy village people fox on the box village people macho man visage the unvil west side story wham make it big Yazawa Flash in Japan zodiac zodiac Zora Jandova Tisickrat
Scars Like Wings
Erin Stewart - Scars Like Wings Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Everyone has scars. Some are just easier to see... 16-year-old Ava Gardener is heading back to school one year after a house fire left her severely disfigured. She's used to the names, the stares, the discomfort, but there's one name she hates most of all: Survivor. What do you call someone who didn't mean to survive? Who sometimes wishes she hadn't? When she meets a fellow survivor named Piper at therapy, Ava begins to feel like she's not facing the nightmare alone. Piper helps Ava reclaim the pieces of Ava Before the Fire, a normal girl who kissed boys and sang on stage. But Piper is fighting her own battle for survival, and when Ava almost loses her best friend, she must decide if the new normal she's chasing has more to do with the girl in the glass-or the people by her side. The beautiful, life-affirming debut from Erin Stewart that's being called the YA answer to Wonder. Perfect for fans of Jandy Nelson, Nicola Yoon and John Green.
Herní sluchátka Fnatic React PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox ONE/Xbox
KLASICKÁ PREDAJNÁ CENA 60 € 53mm meniče pre PRESNÝ smerový zvuk s individuálnymi zvukovými komorami pre basy a stredné/vysoké frekvencie. [ALL DAY GAMING] Prémiové veľké a mäkké náušníky z proteínovej kože. Náušníky a čelenka sú vyplnené nadrozmernou pamäťovou penou pre skvelú zvukovú izoláciu bez tlaku na hlavu. [BROADCASTER MIC] Krištáľovo čistá komunikácia s veľkým odnímateľným mikrofónom. Prepínač stlmenia jedným dotykom a ovládanie hlasitosti na kábli pre okamžité ovládanie. [BUILT TO LAST] Náhlavná súprava s kovovým rámom je dostatočne pevná a odolná, aby vydržala dlhé herné sedenie a bola vyrobená tak, aby bola odolná proti hnevu. [KOMPATIBILITA VIAC PLATFORM] Vhodné pre všetky zariadenia s 3,5mm rozhraním. Podporuje PC / SWITCH / Playstation 4 / XBOX ONE / Wii U / Mac / Mobile.
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne - Am I Normal Yet? Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list... But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?
Predám PS3 hry
Predám nasledovné PS3 hry za uvedené ceny: Foto 1: Vampire Rain Altered Species - 25,-€ Stormrise - 4,-€ Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard - 5,-€ Bionic Commando - 4,-€ Dance on Broadway - 4,-€ One Piece Unlimited World (Nemecký cover, hra v angličtine) - 15,-€ Final Fantasy XIII - 8,-€ Anarchy Reigns - 4,-€ Resistance 2 - 8,-€ Wolf Among Us - 15,-€ The Walking Dead: Season Two - 15,-€ Playstation Move Starter Disc - 3,-€ Foto 2: Singstar Take That - 3,-€ Ratchet & Clank All 4 one - 15,-€ Folklore (skopírovaný/vytlačený corer art)- 35,-€ Damnation - 8,-€ Moto GP 09/10 - 5,-€ Battlefield 4 Steelbook + Hra - 15,-€ SIREN BLOOD CURSE - 40,-€ Resistance: Fall of Man - 5,-€ Devil May Cry HD Collection - 15,-€ The Saboteur - 10,-€ Dungeon Siege III - 5,-€ Zašlem aj na dobierku cez zásielkovňu, poštovné od 2,50€ (pri platbe na účet)
Vyše 400 SP a LP platní na predaj - časť 3. (SP)
Predám vyše 400 SP a LP platní. Ak platňu nájdete na obrázku, ale nie v texte, bola už predaná. Každá SP platňa je za 1 EUR a LP platňa od 5 EUR. Kompletný zoznam zašlem e-mailom. Preferujem kontakt cez e-mail. Možný osobný odber v BA alebo odošleme poštou. K poštovnému pripočítavame balné 1 EUR. Odosielame cez slovenskú poštu alebo zásielkovňu. V tejto časti inzerátu ponúkam nasledovné SP platne: Studánečka + Pochopíš mý vrásky | Felix Slováček, Ladislav Štaidl se svým orchestrem Ona se brání + Stůj, občane! | Karel Černoch, Juventus The talk of all the U.S.A. + Tweedle dee, tweedle dum | Middle of the road George Baker Selection - Think + Rosita | B. Darin, W H. Bouwens Tu semplicitá + Solo tu | Matia Bazar 9 to 5 + Modern girl | Sheena Easton Have you never been mellow + Water under the bridge | Olivia Newton-John, Cliff Richard Waiting for your love + Before the next teardrop falls | Freddy Fender Beer barrel polka + Dick and Jane | Bobby Vinton One man woman/One woman man + Let me get to know you | Paul Anka My melody of love + I'll be loving you | Bobby Vinton Mad dog + lonely people | Beckley, Peek & Peek El Condor Pasa + Nejdu spát | Naďa Urbánková a Inkognito San Francisco + Požehnej, Bože můj | Karel Gott Lásko má + Zazpívám si ratata | Jiří Korn (You're) having my baby + Papa | Paul Anka Baby, vítej k nám + Bílá pláž | Flamingo Railway coach ballad + Kolibaj sie kolibaj | Maryla Rodowicz Otvárajte kasíno + Choď spať | Peter Vašek a Dušan Ružička, Darina Cesnaková a Peter Sedlák
Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 Tiny
Core i5 6500T 2.5GHz/16GB RAM/256GB SSD Intel HD Graphics/Win 10 Pro 64-bit Verzia Tiny ThinkCentre M900 Tiny sa vyznačuje skutočne malými rozmermi. Ponúka rôzne riešenia montáže vrátane podpory štandardných držiakov VESA a konfigurácií Tiny-in-One, vďaka ktorým sa váš počítač premení na priestorovo úsporné modulárne zariadenie All-In-One. Miniatúrne stolové počítače sa zmestia prakticky kamkoľvek, no napriek tomu poskytujú spoľahlivý výkon na podnikovej úrovni. S podporou technológie Intel® vPro™ Počítač M900 Tiny ponúka technológiu Intel® vPro™ na zjednodušenie správy podnikových počítačov a na úsporu nákladov. Integrované funkcie správy technológie Intel vPro umožňujú správcom IT prístup do vášho počítača na diaľku, dokonca aj keď je systém vypnutý, vďaka čomu môžu vykonať diagnostiku a potrebné opravy, automatizovať aplikovanie bezpečnostných opráv a aktualizácií, aby bol váš systém vždy pripravený na prácu. Stable Image Platform Program Stable Image Platform Program (SIPP) od spoločnosti Intel uľahčuje často komplikovaný proces prechodu z jednej generácie technológie na nasledujúcu. Voliteľne jednoduché používanie Jedinečné riešenie od spoločnosti Lenovo – prístup do vášho počítača Tiny bez náradia – prináša možnosti pohodlného servisu a minimálnych odstávok. Podpora viacerých monitorov Maximalizujte produktivitu s podporou troch nezávislých monitorov. Väčšia pracovná plocha a jednoduchší prechod medzi aplikáciami na viacerých monitoroch pomáhajú znižovať početnosť chýb a zlepšujú produktivitu. Podpora zapnutia prostredníctvom klávesnice Aj ak sa toto kompaktné zariadenie rozhodnete namontovať na zadnú stranu monitora, môžete ho pohodlne zapínať spredu stlačením klávesovej skratky Alt + P na klávesnici pripojenej prostredníctvom rozhrania USB. Zariadenie je kompatibilné aj s bezdrôtovými klávesnicami.
Predám CD
Predám CD - One direction up all night /10€ - One direction Midnight Memories /10€ - Zayn Malik Nobody is listening /10€ - Niall Horan Flicker /10€ - Billie Eilish Happier than ever /10€ Kontaktovať len na email
predám LP platne J. Iglesias,R.Stewart,D.Summer a iné..
predám nasledujúce LP platne od J.Iglesias,R.Stewart,D.Summer vačšina vo výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem podrobný popis a foto,cena za kus v texte pozri aj ostatné inzeráty Iglesias Julio - Er war ja nur ein zigeuner/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Iglesias Julio - Featuring forever&ever/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Iglesias Julio - Momentos/stav:výborný/cena = 7€ Iglesias Julio - Schenk mir diene Liebee/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Iglesias Julio - Starry nighte/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Iglesias Julio - Un hombre solo/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Iglesias Julio - Und das Meer singt sein Lied/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Iglesias Julio - Wienacht s-abend mit J.Iglesias/stav:výborný/cena = 7€ Iglesias Julio - Zartlichkeitene/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ --------------------------------------------- Rod Stewart - Camouflage/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€ Rod Stewart - Coast to coast/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€ Rod Stewart - Oh lala faces/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€ Rod Stewart - Out Of Order/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 6€ -------------------------------------------- Summer Donna - All System Go/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Summer Donna - Bad girls(dvojalbum) /stav:výborný/cena = 8€ Summer Donna - Greatest Hits.Volume one/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Summer Donna - Greatest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Summer Donna - Live and More(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 12€ Summer Donna /stav:výborný/cena = 5€ --------------------------------------------- Shakin Stevens – Shaky/stav:výborný/cena = 4€ Shakin Stevens - Take one/stav:výborný/cena = 7€ Shakin Stevens - The Bop Wont Stop/stav:výborný/cena = 7€ Shakin Stevens & The Sunsets/stav:výborný/cena = 9€ -------------------------------------------- Ross Diana - Baby itś me/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Ross Diana - Swept Awaay/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Ross Diana - The Boss/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Ross Diana - Why Do Fools Fall In Love/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Ross Diana/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ --------------------------------------------- Hot Chocolate - 20 Hottest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Hot Chocolate - Every 1,s a Winer/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 5€ Hot Chocolate - Going Through The Motions/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Hot Chocolate - Love shot/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Hot Chocolate - man to man/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Hot Chocolate /stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Predám originálne CD albumy. Všetky CD sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, prípadne uvedené priamo pri CD. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky. THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS - Daydream - 3,00€ MADNESS - The Liberty Of Norton Folgate - 3,00€ RAZORLIGHT - Up All Night - 3,00€ R.E.M. - Up - 3,00€ PREDANE KENNY G - The Moment - 3,00€ LA ROUX - La Roux - 3,00€ SPICE GIRLS - Spice World - 3,00€ SUGABABES - One Touch - 2,00€ JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - Justified - 3,00€ RANDY NEWMAN - Land Of Dreams - 3,00€ TYREE COOPER - Nation Of Hip House - 8,00€ MARK RONSON - Version - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) JET FLOWER - We Walk Alike - 3,00€ JUSTICE - Audio, Video , Disco - 2,00€ WALKING ON CARS - Everything This Way - 2,00€ PAUL SMITH - Margins - 2,00€ FRANK BLACK - 93-03 - 5,00€ (2CD) DAVE & ANSEL COLLINS - The Heavy, Heavy, Monster Sounds Of Dave & Ansel Collins - 2,00€ VINCENZO – Wherever I Lay My Head - 4,00€ WINK - Herehear - 2,00€ ODYSSEY - Oddysey - 2,00€ WESTLIFE - ...Allow Us To Be Frank - 2,00€ WESTLIFE - Turnaround - 2,00€ WESTLIFE - Coast To Coast - 2,00€ LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY - Postcards From Heaven - 2,00€ TAKE THAT - The Circus - 2,00€ TAKE THAT - Beautiful World (Special Edition) - 2,00€ TAKE THAT - The Ultimate Collection - Never Forget - 3,00€ PREDANE THE PIGEON DETECTIVES - Wait For Me - 2,00€ ELEMENTS OF CRIME – Try To Be Mensch - 2,00€ GIANLUCA GRIGNANI - Destinazione Paradiso - 2,00€ THE RAKES - Capture / Release - 2,00€ PAUL WELLER - Wake Up The Nation - 3,00€ THE LIGHTNING SEEDS - Like You Do...Best Of The Lightning Seeds - 2,00€ WILL YOUNG - Keep On - 2,00€ STEPS - Step One - 2,00€ PREDANE KIM CARNES - I Won´t Call You Back - 2,00€ JOSHUA KADISON - Delilah Blue - 2,00€ SASHA - Surfin On A Backbeat - 2,00€ VIOLETTA - Hoy Somos Mas - 2,00€ PREDANE
CD Pop/Rock/Hard Rock 8
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 € The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 € The Offspring Splinter 5,00 € The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 € The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 € The Prodigy Experience 6,00 € The Prodigy Music for the jilted generation 6,00 € The Prodigy Always outnumbered,never outgunned 6,00 € The Prodigy Invaders must die 6,00 € The Prodigy The fat of the land 6,00 € The Prodigy The day is my enemy 5,00 € The Prodigy The day is my enemy (nový) 7,00 € The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 € The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 € The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 € The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 € The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 € Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 € Thunder Behind closed doors 7,00 € Thunder Laughing on judgement day 4,00 € Thunder Giving the game away 7,00 € Thunder Bang! 8,00 € Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 € Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 € Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 € Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 € Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 € Toto IV 6,00 € Toto The seventh one 6,00 € U2 War 6,00 € U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 € U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 € U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 € U2 Achtung baby 6,00 € U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 € U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 € U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 € U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 € U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 € U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 € U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 € Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 € Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 € Ultravox Quartet 5,00 € Uriah Heep Salisbury 7,00 € Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 € Uriah Heep The magician's birthday 7,00 € Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 € Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 € Uriah Heep Into the wild (Irond) 8,00 € Uriah Heep Living the dream (Irond) 8,00 € Vangelis 1492 Conquest in paradise 5,00 € Vangelis Oceanic 8,00 € Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 € Visage Visage 6,00 € Voodoo Six First hit for free (nový) 6,00 € Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 € Whitesnake Live.. In the heart of the city 6,00 € Whitesnake Restless heart 8,00 € Whitesnake Good to be bad (box,2CD,poster,foto,sticker,nový) 8,00 € ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 € ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 € ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 € Y&T Down for the count 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku
CD - heavy metal predaj
Kazde CD je original. Posielam dobierkou. Cena 10e za CD Kontakt iba mail. audioslave - out of exile praet rain rage - reflections of shadow liege lord - burn to my touch alice cooper - dragon town masterplan jack panzer - the fourth judgement fire down under riot metalium metalium - stage of trumph saxon - unleash the beast centvrion - arise of the ampire symphony x - paradise lost symphony x - twilight in olympus voice prediction iomim fused slaughter - revolution liquid monster jack panzer - chain of commann jack panzer - casting the stones jack panzer - dessident alliance dianno - nomad amaranthe ufo - sharks antithesis - dying fo life pegazus - wings of destiny weinhold - bellow the line holy mother - my world war slaughter - stick into it to ya porta - infery another world edguy - kingdom of maddness hammer heroes firewind - forge by fire pain - dancing with death virgin stell - the mariage of heaven and hell part 1 sleeping gods - new sensation the eyes of alice cooper - brutal planet zandelle - twilight on humanity guns n roses - chinese democrasy squealer - made of eternity slaughter - fear no evil hollow - modern cathedral anwill - pound for pound elegy - manifestation of fear holy mother - toxic rain gillian ian glenn hughes - joe lin turner ufo - you are here warior - the code of life primal - fear virgin stelle - the mariage of heavea and hell part 2 rage - unity zandelle - vengeance rising doctor butcher engine leather - shock waves molly hatchet - wariors of the rainbow bridge dragon lord - black wings of destiny the wariors - war is hell chastain - in an outrage judas priest - screaming for vengeance judas priest - nostradamus halford - crucible slaughter - back to reality hell star - burning star rage - end of all days metal church - the wait of the world mistyc prophercy - fireangel blaze - two originals of blaze tarantula - chemomarsh ozzy osbourne - black rain damage plan - new found power defenestration - one inch God halford - resurection slaughter - the wild life never more - the politist of estasy power God - evolution part 2 power God - nemesis holy mother - criminal after life badlands - wodoo hihgway 12 stones agent steel - order of the iluminaty never more - this Godless endeavour jack panzer - the age of mastery rage - reflection of shadow celtic frost - monohtheyst ufo - covenant over kill - kill box 13 retarted fish - u have one unheard message rage - sound chaser metal church - master piece jack panzer - thank to throne icedearth - something wicked this way comes never more - enemies of reality never more - deathheart in dead world destiny end - breed deep the dark ian parrys - consortium project burning s
Predám cd Heavy,Speed,Power, Trash,Black,Death,Hard Core
Cd: Killers/ex-Paul Diano-Iron Maiden/-Best-5eur Helloween-Wals of jericho-6eur Helloween-Master of the rings-6eur Grave Digger-2cd-Let your heads roll-8eur Malmsteen Yngwie-Facing the animal-6eur Royal hunt-Eyewitness-5eur Royal Hunt-Paradox-5eur Shadow King-shadow King-5eur Shadow Gallery-Gigital ghosts-6eur Black Star Riders-All hell breaks loose-6eur Sheavy-Celestial Hi-Fi-5eur Extreme-Collection-4eur Jackyl-Push come to shove-4eur Axxis-Matters of survival-5eur Keel-Streets of Rock,N,Roll-5eur Imperious Rex-Speed demon-4eur Destiny-Future of the past-4eur Morgana lefay-morgana lefay-4eur Elegy of madness-The bridge of sighs-4eur Evansence-The open door-5eur Liv Kristine-Deus ex machina-5eur My ruin-The horror of beauty-4eur Pretenders-Loose screw-4eur Atoms for peace-bez obalu-3eur Foo Fighters-one by one-5eur Weezer-Pinkerton-4eur Levellers-Green blade rising-4eur Independent days-2cd-backyard babes-5eur Angelika express-Alltag fur alle-3eur Gigantor-3eur Propain-Run for cover-5eur Kreator-Past life trauma-7eur-predane Torment-Withhout god blessing-4eur Trivium-Vengeance falls-4eur Labyrinth-Labyrinth-4eur Dark tranquillity-Damage done-4eur Bleeding through-The truth-4eur The agonistOnce only imagined-6eur Ono-Path-3eur Try to breathe-To find a compúromise-3eur Peace Mind-Values between o and-3eur Subway to sally-bastard-6eur Cemetary-Phantasma-6eur Candlemass-2cd-Dactylis glomerata+Abstrakt algebra II-8eur Slovensky+Česky-Hard Core,Trash,Death: ČAD-Čertova kovadlina-6eur 5-symbols-About me maybe about you-5eur Locomotive-Locomotive-6eur-predane X core-In hell-5eur Mikina-zimna-Death-Nova-velkosť-L-25eur
Xbox One S 1TB ALL DIGITAL,1 ovl + Minecraft + Crash + NFS
Predám hernú konzolu Xbox One S so zabudovaným 1TB HDD, 1 bezdrôtovým originálnym ovládačom. V konzole je nainštalovaných až 5 hier: Minecraft, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Need for Speed, Plants vs. Zombies a Unravel. Konzola je vyčistená (prach, nečistoty, UV dezinfekcia plastov a ovládačov, prípravok na ošetrenie plastov, a pod.), plne funkčná a starostlivo pripravená pre každého záujemcu. Nedajte sa oklamať, stavte na istotu. Neplaťte zbytočne viac! Ďalšie vami vybrané hry Vám priamo nainštalujem, aby ste nemuseli čakať desiatky minút na inštaláciu Vami vybraných hier. Vyskladajte si vašu ideálnu konzolu podľa vašich predstáv: - druhý ovládač (ovládač zo Series S/X) 40€ - farby podľa aktuálnej dostupnosti - pohybový senzor Kinect 80€ a potrebný adaptér 30€ - 13 mesačné predplatné Xbox Gamepass Ultimate so stovkami hier 60€ (možnosť využit aj na PC alebo mobile) Skvelý darček (nie iba pre deti) alebo len tak pre radosť. Ak váhate, alebo si neviete vybrať z mojej pestrej ponuky, kontaktujte ma. Možnosť dokúpiť hry s výraznou množstevnou zľavou na Xbox, Kinect, ale aj kompatibilné z Xbox 360. Zoznam hier pošlem na vyžiadanie, zbierka obsahuje samozrejme hry ako Forza, GTA, Minecraft, Red Dead Redeption, Just Dance, Kinect Sports Rivals a stovky ďalších. Konzola podporuje samozrejme aj množstvo bezplatných hier ako Fortnite, Rocket League, Call of Duty Warzone... Preferujem osobný odber, v prípade potreby doveziem, ukážem a samozrejme poradím v prípade akýchkoľvek otázok. Dobierka možná po dohode cez Zásielkovňu alebo GLS kuriéra. Vždy starostlivo zabalené v krabici podľa aktuálnej dostupnosti.
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne - Am I Normal Yet? Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list... But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?
Mike Oldfield- Tubular Bells SBB 1978 Supraphon SBB 2 nowy horyzont SBB 3 pamiec SBB Memento y banalnym tryptykiem Scorpions Tokyo tapes STING The dream of the blue turtles STING Soul cages SUPERTRAMP Even in the quietest moments SUPERTRAMP Breakfast in Amerika TEARS FOR FEARS Song from the big chair Tchaikovski Klavierkonzert U 2 The Unforgettable fire U 2 The Joshua tree URIAH HEEP The best of. BEST URIAH HEEP High and mighty 1976 URIAH HEEP Demons and wizards 1972 URIAH HEEP Innocent victim VAN HALEN Women and childre first VAN HALEN 5150 Various Shining stars WHITESNAKE 1987 WHO Whos next...1971 WHO Who are you WONDER Stevie Innervisions WONDER Stevie Hotter than july YES Yesterdays YES The yes album YES Fragile YES Close to the edge YES Going for the one YES Tormato YES Drama YES Big generator YES 2 x LP Box 2 Originals of Yes ZAPPA Frank Sheik Yerbouti ZAPPA Frank One size fits all KLIKNI DOLE NA VINTAGE VINYL A POZRI AJ DALSIE MOJE INZERATY !!!
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10 CC Profile. BEST 10CC How dare you bob dylan greatest hits bob dylan soundtrack bob dylan slow train coming bruce springsteen the river eagles one of these nights Eric clapton 45 ocean boulevard Eric clapton another ticket guns n roses live chris rea wired to the moon joe cocker i can stand a little rain joe cocker jamaica , say you will joe cocker one night of sin joe cocker joe cocker joe cocker stingray joe cocker sheffield steel joe cocker civilised man joe cocker luxury you can afford living color vivid NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean NEKTAR Recycled OLDFIELD Mike Crises OLDFIELD Mike Discovery OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event PLANT Robert The principle of moments PREFAB SPROUT Jordan PROCOL HARUM The best of. BEST REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live RENAISSANCE Debut album. RENAISSANCE Novela RENAISSANCE Prologue RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior Rod Stewart Every picture tells a story Rod Stewart A night on the town Rod Stewart Greatest hits Rod Stewart Out of Order Rod Stewart Camouflage ROLLING STONES Tatoo you ROXY MUSIC Avalon ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day SAGA Heads or Tales SAGA Worlds Apart SANTANA Barboletta SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST SANTANA Marathon SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water SIMON & GARFUNKEL Greatest hits. BEST SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years SIMON Paul Graceland SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP SMITH Patti Wave SPARKS Kimono SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness SPOOKY TWO 1969 SPRINGFIELD Rick Tao 1985 STATUS QUO Quo STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat STRAWBS Bursting at the seams STRAWBS Hero and heroine STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits STYX Crystal ball STYX Equinos SWEET Fanny adams...1974 SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no. T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST TALKING HEADS Little creatures the eagles hotel california TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart TOTO Hydra TOWNSHEND Pete White city TRANSATLANTIC The Whirlwind TRIUMPH Just a Game TRIUMVIRAT NEW Pompeii U.K. Danger money U.K. U.K. UTOPIA Ra VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica VOLENWEIDER White winds WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII. WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST WEATHER REPORT Black market WEATHER REPORT Weather report WINWOOD Steve debut LP WISHBONE ASH Argus WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life YES Relayer YOUNG Paul No Parlez YOUNG Paul The secret of association
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PREDÁM 2,5 ročnú práčku vo veľmi dobrom stave, vrchom plnenú. Pôvodná cena 430 eur. zhora plnená práčka • kapacita 7 kg • energetická trieda A • 1 400 ot/min • 10 rokov záruka na invertorový motor •soft otváranie bubna, Wi-Fi, komunikácia s mobilom • technológie One Fi Extra – práčku možno ovládať na diaľku a sťahovať nové funkcie a cykly • funkcia Kg Mode Plus – prispôsobí spotrebu vody a dĺžku cyklu podľa množstva bielizne • funkcia All in One – revolučný systém pre pranie bieleho a farebného prádla dohromady • funkcia Rýchle pranie – čisté prádlo za 30 min • bezpečnostný systém – ochrana proti úniku vody, proti prepenenia, bezpečnostný zámok, Dovod predaja kúpa vačšej práčky. IBA OSOBNY ODBER V HUMENNOM.
Scars Like Wings
Erin Stewart - Scars Like Wings Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Everyone has scars. Some are just easier to see... 16-year-old Ava Gardener is heading back to school one year after a house fire left her severely disfigured. She's used to the names, the stares, the discomfort, but there's one name she hates most of all: Survivor. What do you call someone who didn't mean to survive? Who sometimes wishes she hadn't? When she meets a fellow survivor named Piper at therapy, Ava begins to feel like she's not facing the nightmare alone. Piper helps Ava reclaim the pieces of Ava Before the Fire, a normal girl who kissed boys and sang on stage. But Piper is fighting her own battle for survival, and when Ava almost loses her best friend, she must decide if the new normal she's chasing has more to do with the girl in the glass-or the people by her side. The beautiful, life-affirming debut from Erin Stewart that's being called the YA answer to Wonder. Perfect for fans of Jandy Nelson, Nicola Yoon and John Green.