peak and clockenburg - strana 14
Počet nájdených inzerátov PEAK AND CLOCKENBURG
: 1000 - strana 14

Nová (s visačkami), nenosená bunda Peak Performance M Pact Jacket, velkosť M, farba Citrine / Motion Grey, HiPe Core Plus®, 10.000/10.000. Bežná akciová cena 200+ EUR, poštovné v cene.
Viac info a fotiek:

Predam dva krat pouzite lyziarky Tecnica Zero G Peak velkost 28/28,5. Nesedi mi velkost. Povodna cena 530 eur. Popis:
Skialpinistické lyžiarky Tecnica Zero G Peak 22/23 sú prvé lyžiarky na skialp od tejto firmy s hmotnosťou pod 1000 g. Prichádzajú v úplne novom dizajne, ktorý doteraz nebol použitý u žiadnej inej lyžiarky Tecnica. Sú extrémne ľahké a výborné na výšľap, pričom pri aj tak nizkej hmotnosti a pohodlí si zachovali výkon a tuhosť pri zjazde. Skelet lyžiarky má dizajn s polovičným prekrytím, čo umožňuje lepšie obaliť nohy lyžiara. Navyše s technológiou C.A.S. a papučou C.A.S. Light sa môže skelet tepelne prispôsobiť konkrétnemu chodidlu. Pri tomto tvarovaní sa aplikuje metóda Bootfiting a u nás v Adamsporte ju realizujeme priamo na predajni. V oblasti chodidla pod papučou sa nachádza dvojitá uhlíková doska, ktorá zvyšuje torznú pevnosť a stabilitu a nachádza sa priamo v podrážke. Skelet lyžiarky je široký 99 mm a komín umožňuje pohyb v rozsahu 75°. Spevnenie nohy zabezpečuje jednoduchý systém upínania pomocou 2 klipsní a 40mm popruhu na suchý zips Power Lock.

Predam tuto skvelu vetrovku / bundu na zimu ci uz na športovanie, lyzovanie, bežky, alebo prechadzky.
STAV: 10/10
Veľkosť: M. ( cca 178-188cm)
Pánska zimna lyžiarska bunda z nepremokavého a vetruodolného materiálu. Rovný strih, fixná kapucňa, ktorá je veľkostne kompatibilná s lyžiarskou helmou, kĺbovo vytvarované lakte, priestranné vrecká s funkčným umiestnením.
Sťahovanie kapucne, nastaviteľná šnúrka na spodnom leme, nastaviteľný lem rukávov pomocou pásikov na suchý zips. Potlač Peak Performance na hrudi, potlač loga P na rukáve. Materiál obsahuje membránu Gore-tex,
Technologie GORE-TEX® / RECCO®
Vodeodolnosť 28.000mm H2O
povodna cena: velmi vysoka

Predám teplákovú mikinu od Peak and performance.
Je to väčšie S menšie M
Alebo aj damska ako oversize.
Stav veľmi dobrý.

Predam aktívne reproboxy 2ks + stojany + obaly. Active 15" Loudspeaker
1000 Watt Class D amplifier
15" woofer and 1.5" compression driver
Built-in DSP with Display
Frequency Range: 42 Hz - 20 kHz
250 Watt continuous and 1000 Watt Peak power
96dB SPL, Peak SPL: 127dB
2x XLR/1/4" Jack Mic/Line Input
XLR Output
Dispersion: 90° x 60°
Dimensions: 685 x 423 x 383mm
Weight: 17,3 Kg

Talian s 25 ročnými medzinárodnými obchodnými skúsenosťami Vám ponúka možnosť pomôcť a poskytnúť Vám podporu pri Vašich obchodných aktivitách, obchodných stretnutiach, prekladoch zo slovenčiny do taliančiny a naopak z taliančiny do slovenského jazyka.
Ponúkam možnosť naplánovať a zorganizovať pre Vás obchodné stretnutia, prieskum potenciálnych obchodných partnerov alebo špecifický prieskum trhu a iné aktivity podľa dohôd.
Po dohode ponúkam aj možnosť pracovných ciest mimo SR(možnosť aj podpory anglického, českého a čiastočne ruského jazyka).
Nerobim Úradne overené preklady
mail : tmichele1969@
Residente in Slovacchia dal 1997 , con 25 anni di esperienza commerciale a livello Internazionale specializzato soprattutto nei Paesi dell’Est Europa (Rep. Ceca, Slovacchia, altri Paesi) offre l'opportunità di supporto per le vostre attività lavorative sia all’estero sia in Italia riguardanti : incontri di lavoro con partner stranieri, videocall, traduzioni dalla lingua Slovacca alla lingua Italiana e dall’Italiano allo Slovacco.
Offro anche la possibilità di pianificare e organizzare per voi incontri lavorativi direttamente in Slovacchia e altri paesi, ricerche di potenziali partner commerciali o specifiche ricerche di mercato e altre attività collaborative secondo accordi.
I Paesi in cui opero solitamente sono Slovacchia, Rep Ceca, Italia
Previo accordi sono disponibile anche ad effettuare viaggi e trasferimenti
Lingue conosciute :
Italiano Madrelingua
mail : tmichele1969@
Resident in Slovakia since 1997, with 25 years of commercial experience in international contexts specialized especially in Eastern European countries (Czech Republic , Slovakia other countries), offers the opportunity to help and support your work activities both abroad and in Italy concerning : business meetings with foreign partners, videocalls, translations from Slovak into Italian and from Italian to Slovak language.
I also offer the possibility to plan and organize business meetings for you directly in Slovakia, Rep. Czech or other countries, research of potential business partners or specific market research and other collaborative activities according to agreements.
The countries I usually work in are Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy
By prior arrangement, I am also available to make trips and transfers
mail : tmichele1969@
Known languages :
Italian Native speaker

Talian s 25 ročnými medzinárodnými obchodnými skúsenosťami Vám ponúka možnosť pomôcť a poskytnúť Vám podporu pri Vašich obchodných aktivitách, obchodných stretnutiach, prekladoch zo slovenčiny do taliančiny a naopak z taliančiny do slovenského jazyka.
Ponúkam možnosť naplánovať a zorganizovať pre Vás obchodné stretnutia, prieskum potenciálnych obchodných partnerov alebo špecifický prieskum trhu a iné aktivity podľa dohôd.
Po dohode ponúkam aj možnosť pracovných ciest mimo SR(možnosť aj podpory anglického, českého a čiastočne ruského jazyka).
Nerobim Úradne overené preklady
mail : tmichele1969@
Residente in Slovacchia dal 1997 , con 25 anni di esperienza commerciale a livello Internazionale specializzato soprattutto nei Paesi dell’Est Europa (Rep. Ceca, Slovacchia, altri Paesi) offre l'opportunità di supporto per le vostre attività lavorative sia all’estero sia in Italia riguardanti : incontri di lavoro con partner stranieri, videocall, traduzioni dalla lingua Slovacca alla lingua Italiana e dall’Italiano allo Slovacco.
Offro anche la possibilità di pianificare e organizzare per voi incontri lavorativi direttamente in Slovacchia e altri paesi, ricerche di potenziali partner commerciali o specifiche ricerche di mercato e altre attività collaborative secondo accordi.
I Paesi in cui opero solitamente sono Slovacchia, Rep Ceca, Italia
Previo accordi sono disponibile anche ad effettuare viaggi e trasferimenti
Lingue conosciute :
Italiano Madrelingua
mail : tmichele1969@
Resident in Slovakia since 1997, with 25 years of commercial experience in international contexts specialized especially in Eastern European countries (Czech Republic , Slovakia other countries), offers the opportunity to help and support your work activities both abroad and in Italy concerning : business meetings with foreign partners, videocalls, translations from Slovak into Italian and from Italian to Slovak language.
I also offer the possibility to plan and organize business meetings for you directly in Slovakia, Rep. Czech or other countries, research of potential business partners or specific market research and other collaborative activities according to agreements.
The countries I usually work in are Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy
By prior arrangement, I am also available to make trips and transfers
mail : tmichele1969@
Known languages :
Italian Native speaker

The Cambridge English Course 1 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 24-02-14/2, ISBN 80-04-55047-9, ISBN 80-0425920-0
The Cambridge English Course 1 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2312013, ISBN 80-04-26-396-8
The Cambridge English Course 2 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-69/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25924-3
The Cambridge English Course 2 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-70/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25925-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-27879-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-35788-8
cena:dohodou, osobní jednání

Predám zvukovú kartu Sound Blaster SB0060 5.1 surround sound, Dolby Digital 5.1, s MIDI/GAME portom pre JoyStick. Rozhranie PCI
The Sound Blaster Live!TM brings cinema-quality sound to your movies, music, and games with digital 5.1 clarity.
Driven by the powerful EMU10K1TM Digital Signal Processor, you will experience the highest quality sound reproduction with real-time audio and effects.
The Sound Blaster Live! includes Creative PlayCenterTM with a full 320kbps encoder and 9X MP3 acceleration, making it fast and easy to create, customize, and listen to quality MP3/WMA files.
With the ability to connect to Dolby Digital and multi-channel digital speaker systems or analog audio devices, you can experience true 5.1 surround sound with all PC audio entertainment.
Creative Multi-Speaker SurroundTM (CMSS) mode lets you experience 5.1 audio from a stereo signal, or enjoy movies in Dolby Digital 5.1 audio when connected to digital 6-channel speakers or analog Dolby Digital-ready home stereo receivers.
EAN: 73
Predáva sa s káblikom ako je na obr. za 9€ prip.dohoda. Odber ideálne v KE. Ponuky píšte na e-mail/SMS, lebo hovory nie je možnosť vybavovať ihneď.

Odskusany, funkcny, mini znamky pouzivania.
Vsetky specifikacie na stiahnutie TU:
Faster Wireless Speeds
Dual-Band Wireless for Seamless Performance
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac wireless LAN for a complete range of wireless compatibility
Gigabit WAN and LAN ports for high-speed wired connections
USB port to connect storage drives and printers for sharing
Four internal antennas with 11ac technology to ensure comprehensive home coverage
Remotely view and manage your network over the Internet
Access your network through a mobile app
Mobile Apps
mydlink™ Lite app helps you access, manage and view your network remotely
Shareport™ Mobile app lets you stream and share media files and documents across your network
QRS Mobile app lets you set up your network using a mobile device without a computer
WPA & WPA2 wireless encryption protects the network from intruders
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) securely adds devices to your network at the push of a button

- Complies with EEE 802.3, 802.3u and 802.3x standards
- Supports 32-bit, 33MHz PCI Local Bus Master Version 2.2/2.1
- Supports 10/100Mbps auto-negotiation and Full/Half Duplex mode
- Supports ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) and Wake on LAN power management functions
- Easy Plug&Play installation - auto setup of IRQ and I/O address
- Built-in FIFO buffers eliminate the need for external memory
- LED indicators to identify network link/activity
- Compatible with Windows 98SE/2000/XP/Vista, Mac OS 10.4.x and Linux OS

Predám BMW E90 320d, rok výroby: 2005, motor: M47 120kW, prevodovka: 6st. manuál, 430 000km,
Editions And Packages
S710 M Leather Steering Wheel
Comfort And Interior Equipment
S403 Glass Roof, Electrical
S423 Floor Mats Velours
S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit
S430 Interior/Outside Mirror With Auto Dip
S431 Interior Mirror With Automatic-Dip
S441 Smoker Package
S481 Sports Seat
S493 Storage Compartment Package
S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger
S4AD Interior Trim Strips, Brushed Aluminium
S4AE Armrest Front, Retractable
S609 Navigation System Professional
S612 BMW Assist
S620 Voice Control
S633 Preparation, Mobile Phone, Business
S6AA BMW TeleServices
Driver Assistance And Lightning
S502 Headlight Cleaning System
S507 Park Distance Control (PDC), Rear
S520 Fog Lights
S521 Rain Sensor
S522 Xenon Light
S534 Automatic Air Conditioning
S548 Kilometre Speedo
S563 Light Package
Wheels And Drive
S200 Diesel Particulate Filter
S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel
Environment And Safety
S320 Deleted, Model Lettering
S321 Exterior Parts In Vehicle Colour
S354 Windscreen, Green-Tinted Upper Strip
S801 National Version Germany
S851 Language Version German
S863 Dealer List Europe
S879 On-Board Literature, German
S8SP Control Unit COP
Other Equipment
S1CA Selection Of COP-Relevant Vehicles
SB080 Battery 80 Ah, Plant
Auto vlastním 3,5 roka, za ten čas som menil na aute rozvody, termostaty, vodna pumpa + nová chladiaca, 4ks žhaviče s original riadiacou jednotkou a káblom, separátor oleja, predné+ zadné brzdy, komplet predná aj zadná náprava nová tlmiče+pruziny sachs mpacket, ramena lemforder, nova geometria, hlavná remenica Corteco, napínacia kladka, obidva remene, nova baterka, novo napustená klimatizácia, ccc modul zrepasovany, predné svetlá preleštené, alternator zrepasovany, nový intercooler
Olej som menil po 10 000km, olej Mobil1 5W-30 a filtre Mann,
Viac info telefonicky, možná výmena za E60 530d, 535d
Pri rýchlom serióznom jednaní dohoda na cene

Rhys Thomas - The Unlikely Heroics of Sam Holloway. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Sam Holloway has survived the worst that life can throw at you. But he's not really living. His meticulous routines keep everything nice and safe - with just one exception. Three nights a week, Sam dons his superhero costume and patrols the streets. It makes him feel invincible - but his unlikely heroics are getting him into some sticky situations. Then a girl comes along and starts to shatter the walls Sam has built around himself. Now, he needs to decide if he's brave enough to take off the mask, and to confront the grief he's been avoiding for so long. Hilarious and heart-warming, this is a story about grief, loneliness, and the life-changing power of kindness.

Set in the aftermath of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, this action-packed prequel to the hotly anticipated videogame Battlefront II introduces the Empire's elite force: Inferno Squad. After the humiliating theft of the Death Star plans and the destruction of the battle station, the Empire is on the defensive. But not for long. In retaliation, the elite Imperial soldiers of Inferno Squad have been called in for the crucial mission of infiltrating and eliminating the Partisans-the rebel faction once led by notorious Republic freedom fighter Saw Gerrera. Following the death of their leader, the Partisans have carried on his extremist legacy, determined to thwart the Empire-no matter the cost. Now Inferno Squad must prove its status as the best of the best and take down the Partisans from within. But the growing threat of being discovered in their enemy's midst turns an already dangerous operation into a do-or-die acid test they dare not fail. To protect and preserve the Empire, to what lengths will Inferno Squad go . . . and how far beyond them?The Rebellion may have heroes like Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker. But the Empire has Inferno Squad.
Jazyk - Anglický, v nepoškodenom stave :)

Na predaj publikácia Family and Social Change in Socialist and Post-Socialist Societies, Change and continuity in Eastern Europe and East Asia - Zsombor Rajkai, BRILL, 2014. Publikácia celá v anglickom jazyku, vynikajúci stav, nepoškodená, je veľmi dobrým zdrojom napr. pri záverečných prácach (plná grafov a štatistík). Cena: 10 eur. Osobný odber v Košiciach, v prípade odoslania cena 10 eur + poštovné. V prípade záujmu volajte alebo píšte mail.

Sprievodca Prahou úplně nová, perfektní velikost právě do ruky 22x13cm pro procházku, 610 fotografii, mapa, 65 ilustrácií s histórií, ukazuje největší zaujímavosti, top restaurace, obchody, zábava, v angličtině, 272 strán. 2ks k dispozici. Nová v obchodě v ČR cca 16eur.
Dodanie: tovar mám v Prahe, takže v Poprade alebo trasa Praha-Poprad 1xmesačne alebo pošta/zasielkovna/dobierka z ČR kedykoľvek (2eur plus záloha poštovné na účet pred zasláním).
Handbook Eyewitness Prague travel guide
New, not used, perfect size 22x13cm to hand while walking, 610 pictures, map, 65 illustrations with history, top interesting recommended places to visit, restaurants, shops, entertainment, in Enlish, 272 pages. 4pcs available. This guide presents the best things to do in Prague - from crossing the beautiful Charles Bridge at dawn to sampling superb Czech beers - are showcased with fantastic photography, unique illustrations and detailed descriptions. Soak up the history of the Little Quarter, its buildings almost unchanged since the 18th century, discover majestic churches and cathedrals, the atmospheric Jewish Quarter, and colourful Golden Lane. DK Eyewitness Travels reviews of shops, restaurants and hotels in Prague - along with detailed maps and great ideas for walks and itineraries - will help you plan your perfect trip. Price in shop in ČR 15eur.
Delivery: book in Prague, so in a way Prague to Poprad or in Poprad 1x/month. Then in Prague or post/zasielkovna/payment when pick up (2eur plus post costs, payment in advance).

Predám knihy Harry Potter všetkých 7 dielov po anglicky. Knihy boli čítané, ale stále sú v zachovanom dobrom stave. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix som už v takom stave od niekoho odkúpila. Posielam cez poštu alebo Zásielkovňu. V cenách nie je zahrnuté poštovné. Platba iba vopred prevodom na účet. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte na email.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 8€
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 9,50€
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7€
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 10€
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 10€

Predam anglicku beletriu, hlavne young-adult. Vsetky knizky su vo vybornom stave, niektore uplne nove. K cene treba priratat este postovne, popripade mozny osobny odber v Bratislave.
Sarah J Maas - Court of Thorns and Roses - PREDANA
Sarah J Maas - Court of Mist and Fury - PREDANA
Sarah J Maas - Court of Wings and Ruin - PREDANA
Rainbow Rowell - Wayward Son - 6.5€ (pevna vazba)
Rosamund Hodge - Cruel Beauty - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Ellie Marney - Every Breath - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Kresley Cole - Poison Princess - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Michelle Hodkin - Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Sarah Rees Brennan - Unspoken - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Stephanie Perkins - Anna and the French Kiss - 3€
Stephanie Perkins - Lola and the Boy Next Door - 3.5€
Stephanie Perkins - Isla and the Happily Ever After - 3.5€
Simone Elkeles - Chain Reaction - 4.5€ (pevna vazba)
Tammara Webber - Easy - 3.5€
Katie McGarry - Pushing the Limits - 3€
Katie McGarry - Dare You To - 3€
Katie McGarry - Crash into you - 6€ (pevn vazba)
Katie McGarry - Take me on - 6€ (pevn vazba)
Moira Young - Blood Red Road - 3.5€
Moira Young - Rebel Heart - 3.5€
Kerstin Gier - Ruby Red - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Kerstin Gier - Sapphire Blue - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Kerstin Gier - Emerald Green - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Kerstin Gier - Dream a Little Dream - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Bloodlines - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Golden Lily - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Indigo Spell - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Fiery Heart - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Anne Bishop - Written in Red - 7.5€ (pevna vazba)
Anne Bishop - Murder of Crows - 7.5€ (pevna vazba)
Diana Gabaldon - Outlander - 9€ (pevna vazba)