peek and cloppenburg - strana 24
Počet nájdených inzerátov PEEK AND CLOPPENBURG
: 1000 - strana 24

Twain, Mark: The Innocents Abroad, 2010 (*nova): 16€
Morand, Paul: The Allure of Chanel, 2008 (*nova): 16€
Gernsheim, Alison: Victorian and Edwardian Fashion, 1981: 16€
Palmer, Alexandra: Dior (A New Look, A New Enterprise 1947 - 1957), 2009: 16€
Givhan, Robin: The Battle of Versailles, 2015 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€
Weber, Caroline: Queen of Fashion, 2006 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€
Picardie, Justine: Coco Chanel (The Legend and the Life), 2010 (*zachovala): 6€
De La Haye, Amy: Chanel (The Couturiere at Work), 1995 (*dobry stav): 14€
Napias, Jean-Christophe: The World According to Karl, 2018 (*ako nova): 16€
Mankoff, Bob: How About Never? Is Never Good For You? (My Life in Cartoons. Memoir), 2015 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Technology Cartoons, 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons, 1999 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Literary Cartoons, 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Medine, Leandra: Man Repeller (Seeking Love, Finding Overalls), 2013 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Connor,Steven: A Philosophy of Sport, 2011 (*ako nova): 14€
Mechikoff, Robert: A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education, 2005 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Evans, Cadel: Close to Flying, 2010 (*niektore casti su oznacene zvyraznovacom, inak dobry stav): 14€
Evans, Cadel: The Long Road to Paris, 2011(*velmi dobry stav):14€
Woodland, Les: Cycling's 50 Craziest Stories (* par riadkov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 14€
Weiss, Eben: Bike Snob, 2010(*par znaciek perom, ako nova): 14€
Barber, Charles: York Notes on William Shakespeare Henry V, 1992 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Weisberger, Lauren: The Devil Wears Prada, 2003 (*niektore vety su podciarknute perom, dobry stav): 12€
Bryson, Bill: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, 2007 (*niektore vety su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€
Meyer, Stephenie: Breaking Dawn, 2008 (*par slov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Hartman, Taylor: Color Your Future, 1999 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Hartman, Taylor: The Color Code, 1998 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€
Staggs, Sam: Born to be Hurt, 2010 (*par podciarknuti zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 12€
Kinsella, Sophie: Shopaholic & Baby,2007 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Clarke, Stephen (Dial M for Merde), 2008 (*dobry stav): 12€
Truscott, Peter: Putin's Progress, 2004 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, dobry stav): 12€
Binet, Laurent: HhhH, 2013 (*nova): 12€
Marx, Patricia: Him Her Him Again, 2007 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Clarke, Stephen: Talk to the Snail, 2006 (*par viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€
Sachs, Gunter: The Astrology File, 1999 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, velmi dobry stav): 12€

Predám výkonné sieťové úložisko, NAS, podporujúci až štyri 2,5 alebo 3,5 palcové disky.
Pomocou 4-diskového úložného serveru ZYXEL NAS540 získate ľahký prístup k veľkému množstvu dokumentov a multimediálnych súborov z mobilných zariadení všade tam, kde je k dispozícii pripojenie na internet. Jednoducho ho môžete zosynchronizovať s mobilnými zariadeniami pomocou populárnych cloudových aplikácií.
Zariadenie ZYXEL NAS540 je vybavené dvojjadrovým procesorom s frekvenciou 1,2 GHz a pamäťou s veľkosťou 1 GB. Vďaka výkonnému procesoru dokáže plniť aj náročné úlohy. Dva LAN porty s možnosťou agregácie liniek zaisťujú optimálnu rýchlosť prenosu dát a k dispozícii sú aj rýchle USB porty 3.0, ktoré ponúkajú komunikáciu s externými pamäťovými zariadeniami. Úložisko je vybavené aj slotom pre SD kartu a podporuje technológie SDXC.
- CPU: FreeScale Dual Core Cortex-A9 1.2 GHz
- Memory: DDR3 1GB
- 4x 2.5" or 3.5" SATA hard disk the max support up to 64 TB (16 TB x4)
- Hot swappable HDD support
- 2x Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 connectors
- 3x USB 3.0 ports
- 1x SDXC card read (Up to 128 GB)
- Network protocol: CIFS/SMB for Windows, NFS for Linux/Unix, AFP for Mac, DHCP client, PPPoE, Network Time Protocol (NTP), iSCSI.
- Network applications: Media server, Twonky media server with DLNA 1.5 and UPnP AV, iTunes server, Logitech media server, Photo album server
- Web service: WebDAV, FTP server, phpMyAdmin/MySQL/PHP, RSS client & server, Print server (CIFS), Remote access support (DyDNS)
- iOS and Android application: Zyxel Drive, zCloud, ownCloud
- Network application management: User & group management, Package management for setting up applications
- Network security: Support HTTPS and FTPES (FTP over explicit TLS/SSL), Encrypted NAS to NAS remote replication, Encrypted NAS to external disk archive backup
- Backup support: One-touch copy/sync button for external USB capable devices backup, Backup planner, Instant/Scheduled backup, NAS to NAS synchronization/archive backup, Rsync, NAS to external USB hard disk backup
- Download/Upload support: Auto-download from FTP/HTTP/P2P download service (Torrent file supported), Scheduled download, Auto-upload photos and videos
- Power control: Internal disk hibernation support, Scheduled power on/off/reboot, Wake-on-LAN support, System automatically resume after power outage, APC USB UPS monitoring and auto shutdown
Server je veľmi výkonný, nabitý funkciami, možnosti servera sú rozšíriteľné pomocou doinštalovania ďalších balíčkov aplikácií (rovnako ako pri Synology).
Pri serióznom jednaní pridám štartovací 500GB disk ZADARMO.

Ahoj. Volám sa Daniel a som z USA. Môj prvý (a jediný) jazyk je angličtina. Angličtinu pre jazykovú školu učím odkedy som sa pred 5 rokmi presťahoval na Slovensko. Keďže nehovorím po slovensky, radšej učím ľudí ktorí trochu po anglicky vedia, ale ak si úplný začiatočník a si zvedavý, môžeme vyskúšať pár hodín a uvidíme, ako to pôjde.
V prípade záujmu si môžete zarezervovať kurz na nižšie uvedenom odkaze. Momentálne učím len online a poobede.
Hello. My name is Daniel and I am from the USA. My first (and only) language is English. I've been teaching English for a language school ever since I moved to Slovakia 5 years ago. As I don't speak Slovak, I prefer to teach people with some English but if you're a complete beginner and are curious, we can try a few classes and see how it goes.
If you are interested you can book a class at the below link. I only teach online and in the afternoons currently.

Dobrý deň.
Predám uvedené hry v koláži. Ceny nájdete na každej hre. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte. V prípade záujmu pošlem aj zoznam v PDF.
Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€
Pri kúpe:
3-4 hry -5%
5-6 hier -10%
7-9 hier -15%
10 a viac hier -20%
An American Tail 7 €
BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle 8 €
Ben 10 Protector of Earth 8 €
Bionicle 7 €
Britney´s dance beat 5 €
Bust-A-Bloc 8 €
Casper: And the ghostly trio 10 €
Cel Damage Overdrive 8 €
Crazy Frog Racer 9 €
Crazy Frog Racer 2 10 €
Disney Golf 12 €
Dog´s Life 8 €
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 8 €
Finding Nemo PLATINUM 8 €
Football Mania 18 €
Charlie and the chocolate factory 7 €
Charlottes Web 7 €
Jet Ion GP 7 €
Lego Drome Racers 13 €
Lemony Snickets a serious of Unfortunate events 7 €
Madagascar 8 €
Metal Slug 3 12 €
Music 3000 10 €
Open Season 8 €
Play it Pinball 14 €
Power Rangers Dino Thunder 15 €
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc 10 €
Rayman M 10 €
Robots 7 €
Roller coaster world 6 €
Savage Skies 10 €
Sega Bass Fishing Duel 12 €
Shrek 2 9 €
Shrek The Third 10 €
Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure 10 €
Tak and The Power of Juju 7 €
Taz Wantd 10 €
The Cat in the Hat 7 €
The Golden Compas 8 €
The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe 10 €
The Incredibles (disney) 12 €
The Simpsons Game 10 €
The Simpsons Road Rage 12 €
The Simpsons Skateboartding 12 €
The Sims 7 €
The Sims (Platinum) 10 €
The Sims The Urbz: Sims in the City 10 €
The Sims Bustin´out 9 €
The Sims Bustin´out (Platinum) 9 €
The Sims 2 Pets 9 €
The Spiderwick Chronicles 7 €
Theme Park World 8 €
Top Trumps: Dogs and Dinosaurs 10 €
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 10 €
Transformers the Game 10 €
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue 7 €
Wallace ang Gromit The Curse of the Were.Rabbit 8 €
Woody Woodpecker 10 €
Worms 4: Mayhem 10 €
FightBox 8 €
Fight Night 2004 10 €
Fight Night Round 2 10 €
Fight Night Round 3 10 €
Knockout Kings 2001 10 €
Rocky Legends 10 €
Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) 12 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 7 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 6 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth 7 €
SmackDown Shut Your Mouth (Platinum) 8 €
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 €
Bournout 3 Take Down 9 €
Crescent Suzuki Racing 7 €
Driver 3 8 €
Formula ONE 2001 Limited Edition Pack 10 €
Formula ONE 2001 Limited Edition Pack 10 €
Formula ONE 05 9 €
Formula ONE 2003 12 €
Gran Turismo 3 8 €
Gran Turismo 3 Platinum 9 €
Gran Turismo 4 10 €
Grooverider Slot Car Racing 8 €
Juiced 8 €
Le Mans 24 Hours 8 €
Lotus Challen

Predam pekny snowboard NITRO dlzka 146 cm. Viazanie SP s kovovou patkou a kovovymi klipsnami (lepsie, nez plastove ;) ). Rocker - camber. Super stav. Cena 120 eur
Powercore - Tip-to-tail poplar wood provides strength with the perfect amount of board feel and flex.
Optimal Matrix Laminates - Proven configuration of bi-axial fiberglass engineered for effortless turns and a forgiving flex.
FH Base - The best elements of sintered and redline base material blended into one ultra fast base.
Profile Tip - Tapered at the tips of the board to disperse energy and reduce swing weight. Progressive Sidecut - Smooth and easy turn initiation with powerful exit acceleration.

Dobrý deň predám tieto LP:
George Baker Selection – Paloma Blanca NL1975 7e
Jay and The Americans – The very best of NL1975 7e
Simon and Garefunkel – Bridge over the troubled water NL1970 7e
Simon&Garefunkel – Sounds of silence 4e
Simon&Garefunkel – The concert in central park .. iba jedno LP 4e
The great made famous by Simon &Garefunkel 4e
Art Garefunkel – Breakaway 3e
Chuck Berry – Flashback iba jedno LP 4e
The Hollies – The very best of USA 1975 8e mono/stereo
Hollies- Hollies NL1974 6e
24 Tangos and Pasos 2LP 8e
Moon beams - 16 golden songs 1978 (Scot McKenzie,Sailor,Mash) 5e
Julio Iglesias- A flor de piel Spain1976 8e
Demis Roussos - USA1978 10e
Bobby Brown – Dont be cruel 7e
Paolo Conte – Collezione NL1978 8e
Dean Martin – Most beautiful songs 2LP 10e
Barry Manilow – If I should love again USA1981 8e
Paul Anka – My way UK 7e
The Shadows – 20Golden hits NL1977 7e
Don Williams – A Touch of NL1980 7e
Roots of Reggae 2LP NL1981 10e
Aphrodites child – Greatest hits NL 8e
Village People – Go west NL1979 7
Pop sound 70 - 5e
The Holy city – NL 10e
Boudewijn de groot concert 2LP NL 8e
Manitas De Plata – Et ses guitares gitanes NL1972 6e
Rod Stewart – Foot Loose and Fancy Free – UK1977 + knižka 6e
Don Johnson – Heart Beat NL1976 5e
Shakin Stevens – Shaky Supraphon 6e
Billy Joel – Innocent man NL1983 5e
Malando and his grand tango orchestra – Blue tango NL 6e
Malando Wereldsuccessen – 30 Tangos 2LP NL 8e
Edmundo Ros Wereldsuccessen 2LP 8e

Predám nový XSPC RayStorm CPU Waterblock for Intel
XSPC has released their best ever performing water block, with a unique new look and powerful cooling for multi-core processors. Supports Sockets 1150, 1156, 1155, 1366 and 2011.
Designed for Multi Core CPU
High Performance Copper Base 56x56x3mm
CNC Cut Acetal Top
G1/4 Threads
4x 3mm LED Holes
Compatible with Most Compression Fittings
Supports Sockets 1150, 1156, 1155, 1366 and 2011
Supplied with mounting hardware, 1150/1156/1155, 1366, and 2011, twin blue LED, allen key, and K2 thermal paste.
• Možný osobný odber. Posielam poštou/ (+ poštovné).
• Kompletná ponuka inzerátov sa Vám zobrazí po kliknutí na moje meno.
• Kontaktovať na janojelcha@ alebo

Meditacny vankus YOGISHA (PC 52e) na sedenie 13cm vyska vacsi 30cm priemer, pohanka, 2 zipsy, fialova farba. Vonkajsi obal odolna bio bavlna.
Preferujem osobny odber Bratislava Stare mesto, inak postovne naklady pre Vas.
Pozri aj moje dalsie inzeraty.
This meditation cushion is 13 cm high, the standard size, and also the most commonly used meditation cushion. It is the ideal height for many people and also a recommended height for beginners.
The Yogisha meditation cushions are made of a super strong, wear-resistant organic cotton. The cushions are filled with buckwheat chaff, a relatively light but sturdy natural material. In the outer cover there is an inner cover made of a finer cotton, so the pillow does not leave dust on the floor.
Both covers are provided with a zipper. Refilling super easy: just open the two zippers. There are also separate refill bags with buckwheat chaff for sale at Yogisha. The outer cover is (hand) washable.
Our meditation cushions are handcrafted in an ethical and sustainable way in The Netherlands. They are of excellent quality, carefully finished, and produced with locally sourced raw materials. This makes our meditation cushions somewhat more expensive than most meditation cushions that you find online, which are mostly imported from India. At Yogisha we try to source as many products as possible close to home. With this we can guarantee the quality and we put as little pressure the environment as possible.

Anglické knižky na prípravu na jazykovú skúšku.
British and American history
British and American literature
British and American life and institutions .
Všetky knihy nové, len prelistované.
Od: Eliška Morkesová. Všetky sú čisto len v angličtine.
Kus za 1 €. Spolu za 3 €. Kontaktujte ma len mailom!!!

Ponúkam na prenájom 2i byt s parkovacím miestom v Košiciach
- Rezidencia Lago, ul. Galaktická (novostavba – v byte ešte nikto nebýval, kolaudácia 2022)
- obytná plocha 61,40 m2 plus terasa s výmerou 17,60 m2, 4/6 poschodie, podlahové kúrenie
- súkromný uzavretý areál s detským ihriskom a vonkajšími fitness strojmi
- rezidencia sa nachádza pri rieke Hornád, odkiaľ vedie cyklistický chodník k jazeru
- v blízkosti do 400 m - potraviny, električková a autobusová zastávka, materská a základná škola...
Cena zahŕňa:
- nájom + energie
- parkovacie miesto
- TV a internet (1 Gbit/s)
- služby ako upratovanie spoločných priestorov, záhradník, zimná údržba a pod.
V byte nie je dovolené fajčenie a domáce zvieratá.
V prípade záujmu, ďalších informácii alebo fotiek ma môžete kontaktovať emailom na martina.sincakova@
I offer for rent a 2-room apartment with a parking space in Košice
- Residence Lago, Galakticka street (brand new construction - no one has lived in the apartment yet, finalized 2022)
- living area 61.40 m2 plus terrace with an area of 17.60 m2, 4/6 floor, floor heating
- private closed area with children's playground and outdoor fitness machines
- the residence is located by the Hornad river, from where the cycling track leads to the lake
- within 400 m - groceries, tram and bus stop, kindergarten and primary school...
The price includes:
- rent + energy
- parking space
- TV and Internet (1 Gbit/s)
- services such as cleaning common areas, gardener, winter maintenance, etc.
Smoking and pets are not allowed in the apartment.
If you are interested, require more information or photos, you can contact me by email at martina.sincakova@

PCIe karta pre 2 ks SATA SSD - HW RAID
K dispozícii sú 2 ks PCIe karta Sonnos Fusion Dual 2.5-inch SSD RAID (1ks za 100 eur)
K dispozícii sú 4 ks Samsung EVO 850 2TB (1ks za 150 eur)
Všetko spolu (2 karty, 4 disky) - 650 eur
Predávam aj samostatne.
Parametre karty:
Mac Compatibility
Mac Pro 5,1(4) (Mid 2010 & Mid 2012)
Mac Pro 7,1 (2019)
macOS 10.12.6+(5)
macOS Monterey Compatible
Windows Compatibility
Computer with available full-length, full-height PCIe slot (PCIe 3.0 slot is preferred)
Windows 11, 10
Windows Server 2019, 2016 (64-bit editions)
Linux Compatibility
Computer with PCIe slots
Linux Kernel 5.4.0+
Ubuntu 20.04.1+
Thunderbolt Compatibility
Mac (M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max, Intel®) computer via a Thunderbolt PCIe card expansion system with available full-length PCIe slot
Windows computer via a Thunderbolt PCIe card expansion system with available full-length PCIe slot
Linux computer via a Thunderbolt PCIe card expansion system with available full-length PCIe slot
Part Number
Form Factor
Full-height, full-length PCIe card
Bus Interface
PCI Express 3.0 x2
Internal Connectors
Two SATA for 2.5-inch SSDs
External Connector
One USB-C port (10Gbps USB 3.2 Gen 2)
SSDs Supported
SATA 6 Gb/s
Boot Support
Supported Drive Configurations
S.M.A.R.T. Status Data Reporting Support
USB-C Port Specifications
Peripherals Supported
Industry standard USB 3.2 Gen 1, 2 & 2x2; USB 3.1 Gen 1 & 2; USB 3.0, 2.0, and 1.1
Thunderbolt 3-only peripherals are NOT supported
Bus-powered Peripherals Supported
3.0A advertised using USB CC (Channel Configuration)
Up to 15W for operation or charging
Cables Supported
USB-C 10Gbps
USB-C 5Gbps
Thunderbolt 3 40Gbps (0.5- and 0.7-meter only)
Thunderbolt 3 20Gbps
USB Chipset
ASMedia 3142
ASMedia 1352R
USB Standard
Complies with OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface), EHCI (Enhanced Host Controller Interface), and xHCI (eXtensible Host Controller Interface) standards
USB attached SCSI protocol supported under macOS 10.12+, Windows 10
Number of Devices Supported
Up to 31
Hot Plug
Supports hot-pluggable and hot swappable device connection
Boot Support
No computers support booting at this time
RoHS 3 (Directive 2015/863)
IEC62368-1 and IEC62368-2 Safety
Package Contents
Fusion Dual 2.5-inch SSD RAID PCIe Card
Drive mounting screws

Golden, Arthur: Memoirs of a Geisha, 1998 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Ackerman, Diane: A Natural History of the Senses, 2000 (*niektore casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou): 9€
Kinsella, Sophie: Twenties Girl, 2009 (*dobry stav): 9€
Plato: Phaedrus and Letters VII and VIII (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, velmi dobry stav): 9€
Schine, Cathleen: The Love Letter, 1998 (*dobry stav): 9€
Truss, Lynn: Eats, Shoots & Leaves, 2007 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Taraborelli, Randy: Madonna (An Intimate Biography), 2001 (*dobry stav): 12€
Coelho, Paulo: The Alchemist, 1995 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 8€
Saint Augustine: Confessions, 1998 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Freud, Sigmund: The Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious, 2002 (*niektore casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, dobry stav): 9€
Young, Toby: How to Lose Friends & Alienate People, 2001 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
James, Henry: Daisy Miller, 1986 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Williams, Tennessee: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Other Plays, 1976 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Warner, Brad: Hardcore Zen, 2003 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Homer: The Odyssey, 1991 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Izzo,Kim & Marsh, Ceri: The Fabulous Girl's Guide to Decorum, 2002 (*niektore casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Levi, Primo: If This is a Man + The Truce, 2001 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Sartre, Jean-Paul: Modern Times (Selected Non-Fiction), 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
King, Teri: Aries, 2002 (*niektore casti su farebne podciarknute, inak velmi dobry stav): 8€
Johnson, Rachel: Notting Hell, 2007 (*par viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€
Homer: The Iliad, 1998 (*niektore casti nesu stopy po podciarknuti vyblednutym zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€
Montesquie: Persian Letters, 1993 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€
Fest, Joachim: Inside Hitler's Bunker, 2002 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 9€
Kinsella, Sophie: Shopaholic & Sister, 2004 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Becker, Jurek: Jakob the Liar, 1999 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Krumgold, Joseph: And Now Miguel, 1984 (*ako nova): 12€
Block, Mervin: Writing Broadcast News, 1997 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, inak velmi dobry stav): 14€
Marx, Patricia: The Skinny, 1999 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€
Kalbfeld, Brad: Broadcast News Handbook, 2001 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, dobry stav): 12€
Kushi, Michio: Nine Star Ki, 1991 (*par viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry

Kathleen Glasgow - How To Make Friends With The Dark
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
The story of an awful, universe-gone-mad-mistake, and one girl's emotional battle for clarity and forgiveness. Tiger's mother has always been her whole world, but now she's sixteen her mother's control over everything in her life is suffocating. Just when Tiger feels she can no longer bear the way her life is managed, the unimaginable happens and her mother dies. As she slowly begins to make a way for herself, Tiger creates a new kind of family, some related and some not, who will love her and travel forward with her. This is how you make friends with the dark.

10 kíl vážiaci luxusný box set kultovej Mangy v aglickom jazyku.
cez 2,500 strán, 6 kníh s hlavným príbehom + bonusový materiál v 7-mej knihe.
Všetko v krásne spracovanej dizajnovej ""truhle"", ktorá skrášli zbierky každého fanúšika, zberateľa, čitateľa komiksu.
""In 1982, Kodansha published the first chapter of Akira, a dystopian saga set in Neo-Tokyo, a city recovering from thermonuclear attack where the streets have been ceded to motorcycle gangs and the rich and powerful run dangerous experiments on destructive, supernatural powers that they cannot control. Today, it remains a touchstone for artists, writers, filmmakers, and fans, retaining all the brutal impact and narrative intensity it had when Otomo first unleashed it onto the world, and is presented here in six beautiful hardcover volumes.""
Retail cena je 250USD, momentálne vypredané, prípadne skrz Brexit nezohnateľné.
Moja cena za zabalený kus (fotky rozbalenej sú tiež moje, ten kus už nemám): 175€
Osobne Gáň (Galanta), prípadne poštou kamkoľvek si zaplatíte. Min. poštovné vopred ako záruka prebratia. Každý komiks balim s dostatočnou ochranou počas prepravy proti prípadným nárazom aj vlhkosti.

Kniha je vo výbornom stave, nečítaná. Je v anglickom jazyku. Preferujem komunikáciu cez mail.
O knihe:
Featuring The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle, this collection of inspired essays, stories and sketches established Washington Irving’s reputation as one of America’s foremost authors. Irving’s timeless characters, including Ichabod Crane, Rip Van Winkle and the headless Hessian trooper, jostle for space alongside 31 equally atmospheric and lyrical works in this haunting anthology from one of America’s most distinctive literary voices.

Predám nový tónovaný balzam HYALURONIC HAPPIKISS s kyselinou hyalurónovou od britskej luxusnej značky Charlotte Tilbury.
Odtien Happipetal - broskyňovo-nude.
Použité 1x - vzorka na ruku - vydezinfikované.
Vrátene originál obalu.
Cena 12 eur (pôvodne 32 eur) + poštovné (v BA možný osobný odber).
It’s MAKEUP MAGIC meets SKINCARE SCIENCE, with potent ingredients that leave lips LOOKING PLUMPER, SMOOTHER and more HYDRATED, whilst giving a HAPPY GLOW to the lips.
Hyaluronic Happikiss is a HYALURONIC INFUSED LIP MASK + PLUMP-EFFECT LIPSTICK GLOSS BALM!Hyaluronic Acid: a hydrating ingredient for PLUMPER, SMOOTHER LOOKING lips.
C-Peptide: A MIRACLE ingredient used to help maintain the youthful appearance of the lips. It firms and REDUCES THE APPEARANCE OF FINE LIP LINES.
Super-soft Polymers: Designed to CARE FOR YOUR LIPS.
Glossy Ester: A high water-holding ingredient that gives lips a HIGH-SHINE EFFECT. It moisturises lips, leaving lips looking glossy and dewy.
Hydrating Butters: RESPONISIBLY HARVESTED from Amazonian Rainforest trees. A natural hydrator for the lips with impressive replenishing and NOURISHING properties.
Passioline ‘Passion fruit seed oil’ Butter: SUSTAINABLY SOURCED ingredient known for its replenishing and CONDITIONING properties.
Glossy Pigments: to create a HIGH-SHINE FINISH with medium coverage.Happipetal matches perfectly with Lip Cheat in Hot Gossip
The results of clinical trials revealed…
Lips are VISIBLY SMOOTHER by 181% after 28 days**Hyaluronic Happikiss provides 24 HOUR HYDRATION!***Lips are HYDRATED by 129% after 1 HOUR!***Hyaluronic Happikiss visibly PLUMPS THE LOOK OF LIPS by 169% after 28 days!**

Ponúkam knihu v angličtine - Jodi Picoult - House Rules.
Jacob Hunt is a teen with Asperger's syndrome. He's hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, though he is brilliant in many ways. But he has a special focus on one subject - forensic analysis. A police scanner in his room clues him in to crime scenes, and he's always showing up and telling the cops what to do. And he's usually right.
But when Jacob's small hometown is rocked by a terrible murder, law enforcement comes to him. Jacob's behaviors are hallmark Asperger's, but they look a lot like guilt to the local police. Suddenly the Hunt family, who only want to fit in, are directly in the spotlight. For Jacob's mother, Emma, it's a brutal reminder of the intolerance and misunderstanding that always threaten her family. For his brother, Theo, it's another indication why nothing is normal because of Jacob.
And over this small family, the soul-searing question looms: Did Jacob commit murder?

Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, ako nové, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 5 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Na požiadanie pošlem detailnejšie fotky kníh. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte.
K dispozicií nasledovné tituly:
Esio Trot
Fantastic Mr Fox
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
The Witches
Danny the Champion of the World
James and the Giant Peach
The Magic Finger
The Giraffe and Pelly and Me
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Twits
George´s Marvellous Medicine
Going Solo
Boy Tales of Childhood

rozbalené nepoužívané
Are you looking for a cost effective, enterprise-class controller for internal attached drives? The HPE Smart Array E208i-p SR Gen10 Controller, supporting 12 Gb/s SAS and PCIe 3.0, provides a cost effective storage solution with enterprise-class reliability supporting RAID 0, 1, 5, and 10 and software-defined storage (SDS). This controller has eight internal SAS lanes, allowing connection to SAS or SATA drives, supports Mixed Mode operations of RAID and HBA simultaneously, and offers encryption for data-at rest on any drive. This controller occupies a PCIe expansion slot.

Ponúkam úspornú PC zostavu Intel so Serverovou grafikou AMD Instinct Mi8. Grafika má rýchlu hybrid video memory (HBM) s 4096bit zbernicou a dosahuje vynikajúce 2D parametre. 3D ma na urovni NVIDIA GTX1070.
:=> Doska Asrock E3 V5 WS, chipset C232
:=> Samsung 16GB DDR4 RAM
:=> Procesor Xeon 4-jadro 8-vlkakno
:=> Grafika AMD Radeon Instinct Mi8 4GB HBM
:=> SSD 240GB s WIN10 PRO
:=> HDD 320GB 2,5` 5400 otáčok
:=> Skrinka na výber s RGB alebo bez, podľa priložených obrázkov
Špecifikácie procesor:
-Socket: 1151
-Počet jadier: 4
-Počet vlákien: 8
-Základná frekvencia procesora: 3,50 GHz
-Cache: 8MB Intel® Smart Cache
-TDP: 80 W
Špecifikácie základnej dosky:
Server-Grade LAN chip support
Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit / Server 2012 R2 64-bit / Server 2012 64-bit / Server 2008 R2 64-bit support
ASRock Super Alloy
Supports the Intel® Xeon® E3-1200 v5 Processor and 7th and 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors (Socket 1151)
Supports DDR4 2133 & ECC UDIMM memory modules
2 PCIe 3.0 x16, 3 PCIe 3.0 x1
Supports AMD Quad CrossFireX™
7.1 CH HD Audio (Realtek ALC892 Audio Codec), ELNA Audio Caps
6 USB 3.1 Gen1 (2 Front, 4 Rear)
Supports Full Spike Protection, ASRock Live Update & APP Shop
Špecifikácie grafiky:
The Radeon Instinct MI8 IS professional graphics card by AMD. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the Fiji graphics processor, in its Fiji XT variant, the card supports DirectX 12. The Fiji graphics processor is a large chip with a die area of 596 mm² and 8,900 million transistors. It features 4096 shading units, 256 texture mapping units, and 64 ROPs. AMD has paired 4 GB HBM memory with the Radeon Instinct MI8, which are connected using a 4096-bit memory interface. The GPU is operating at a frequency of 1000 MHz, memory is running at 500 MHz (1000 Mbps effective).
Being a dual-slot card, the AMD Radeon Instinct MI8 draws power from 1x 8-pin power connector, with power draw rated at 175 W
Materská doska
Grafická karta
core quad
core duo
amd fx
Thread ripper
Herný systém
Herný PC
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