inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

peek and cloppenburg - strana 34

Počet nájdených inzerátov PEEK AND CLOPPENBURG : 1000 - strana 34

Opierka na noh Maxi-Cosi Rodi Footrest
Predám foot rest maxi cosi, opierku na nohy na dlhé cesty proti krčom v nohách, na dovolenky. Dá sa polohovať. Dá sa však použiť aj bežne. Pôvodna cena bola 40 eur, Objednávali sme ju z Nemecka What is the purpose of the Maxi-Cosi Rodi XR foot rest? This convenient foot rest is easily mounted to the Rodi XR and offers children from around 3.5 to 6 years of age extra comfort during their transition to a larger car seat. While travelling, children can put their feet up comfortably. Quite enviable, isn’t it? It’s ideal for longer journeys, for example when going on a summer holiday. In most cases, maximum travelling comfort will ensure relaxed small passengers. And this way, the parents can relax as well, and everyone will arrive at the holiday destination happy and rested.
CD predaj: grunge, rock, metal...
Aktuálne len tituly v texte!: PEARL JAM: Binaural 2000 8€ PEARL JAM: Ten 1992 9€ PEARL JAM: Riot Act 2002 (jzp) 8€ PEARL JAM: Pearl Jam 2006 8€ PEARL JAM: Yield 1998 (unoficial) jzp 3€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Dirt 1992 (jzp) 7€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Spacelift 1990 (jzp) 7€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Alice in Chains 1995 (jzp) 7€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Nothing Safe 1999 (zzp) 5€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Live 2000 (jzp) 7€ JERRY CANTRELL(Alice in Chains): Boggy Depot 1998 9€ GREEN RIVER: Dry as a Bone/Rehab Doll 1990 9€ TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 7€ MOTHER LOVE BONE: The Same 1992 (jzp) 7€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: N*4 1999 (jzp) 6€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: Shangri La Dee Da 2001 8€ PARADISE LOST: Paradise Lost 2005 8€ PARADISE LOST: Believe in Nothing 2001 8 PARADISE LOST: Host 1999 (jzp) 7€ A PERFECT CIRCLE: Mer de Noms 2000 9€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Toxicity 2001 (jzp) 7€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Steal this Album! 6€ (jzp) 2002 KORN: Greatest Hits Vol.1 CD/DVD 2004 9€ LIMP BIZKIT: Significant Other 1999 (jzp) 6 LIMP BIZKIT: Maximum Bizkit 2000 7€ LIMP BIZKIT: Chocolate St*rfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water 2000 6€ LIMP BIZKIT: Three Dollar Bill, Valls 1997 (jzp) 7€ BLACK SABBATH: Past Lives 2CD 2002 11 UNION(J.Corabi,B.Kulick): The Blue Room 1999 (nz) 10€ MEGADETH: Youthanasia 1994 7€ MEGADETH: The World Needs a Hero 2001 (unoficial) 2€ MARILLION: A Singles Collection 1992 8€ VAN HALEN: The Best Of Both Worlds 2CD 2004 9€ RAMMSTEIN: Reise, Reise 2004 8€ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Township Rebellion (Live USA) 1993 jzp 6€ THE CULT: Beyond Good and Evil 2001 7€ THE CULT: Pure Cult 1993 8€ THE BLACK CROWES: The Southern 1992 Harmony and Musical Companion 5€ THE VERVE: Urban Hymns 1997 4€ THE VERVE: The Singles 92-98 2004 4€ VELVET REVOLVER: Contraband 2004 6€ STRAMONIO: Seasons of Imagination 2003 10€ INCUBUS: Morning View 2001 4€ PUDDLE OF MUD: Come Clean 2001 6€ OFFSPRING: Smash 1994 (zzp) 4€ SEX PISTOLS: Filthy Lucre Live 1996 9€ LEFTFIELD: Rhythm and Stealth 1999 5€ PRODIGY: Breathe 1996 4€ RADIOHEAD: OK Computer 1997 4€ jzp- jemné známky používania zzp- značné známky používania
NR - Báb, priemyselný pozemok 3,9 ha, schválený územný plán,
960-24 Na prenájom priemyselný pozemok o celkovej rozlohe 38 970 m2 (3,97 ha), k. ú. Veľký Báb. Pozemok je súčasťou komerčnej zóny v obci Báb pri Nitre o celkovej rozlohe cca 35 ha určených pre výrobu, sklady a technickú infraštruktúru, pričom predmetný pozemok je zahrnutý v územnom pláne obce. Nachádza sa pri rýchlostnej ceste R1 vedľa čerpacej stanice Jurki. Táto komerčná zóna nadväzuje na komerčnú zónu vedľajšej obce Veľké Zálužie. Elektrická energia (22 kW), voda cca 100 m od pozemku, plyn strednotlak na hranici pozemku. Kanalizácia nie je riešená. Prístupová cesta obecná. Dlhodobý prenájom - min. 3 roky a viac. NAŠE CENY SÚ VRÁTANE PROVÍZIE ZA KOMPLETNÝ SERVIS A SÚ SCHVÁLENÉ MAJITEĽOM. For rent industrial land with a total area of 38 970 m2 (3,97 acres) catastral area Veľký Báb. The land is part of the commercial zone in the village Veľký Báb near Nitra with total area of approximately 35 acres for the production, storage and technical infrastructure and this land is included in the local plan of the village. Located near the highway R1, next to the petrol station Jurki. Electric power (22 kW), water about 100 metres from the land, medium pressure of the gas situated on the border. Canalization not solved. Access road falls under the administration of the municipality. Long time rent, minimum 3 years and more. If you have an interest, please contact: Mr. Nagy , nagy@ OUR PRICES INCLUDE FEES FOR A FULL SERVICE AND ARE APPROVED BY THE OWNER
Knihy psychologia, filozofia, financie, ostatne
Predam knihy: PSYCHOLOGIA Stuchlik, J.: Neofaticke polyglotie psychotiku (20€) Marek, A.M.: Psychologie (10€) - PREDANE Nakonecny, M.: Socialni psychologie (10 €) - PREDANE Svoboda, Krejcirova, Vagnerova: Psychodiagnostika deti a dospivajicich (30 €) - PREDANE Svoboda, M.: Psychologicka diagnostika dospelych (10 €) - PREDANE PEDAGOGIKA Obdrzalek, Z.: Skola a jej manazment (3€) - PREDANE FILOZOFIA Husserl, E.: Krize evropskych ved a transcendentalni fenomenologie (20€) Husserl, E.: Ideje k ciste fenomenologii I+II (30€, len spolu) - PREDANE Husserl, E.: Logicka zkoumani I+II/1+II/2 (35€, len spolu) - PREDANE Ricoeur, P.: Filosofie vule I+II (35€, len spolu) Ricoeur, P.: O sobe samem jako o jinem (15€) Deleuze, G.: Zahyb. Leibniz a baroko (10€) Deleuze, G.: Proust a znaky (5€) Kant. I.: K vecnemu mieru (2€) - PREDANE Heidegger, M.: Aristotelova Metafyzika IX 1-3 (10€) - PREDANE Storig, H.J.: Male dejiny filosofie (15€) Cmorej, P.: Uvod do logickej syntaxe a semantiky (3€) Tugendhat E., Wolf, U.: Logicko - semanticka propedeutika (5€) Sokol, J.: Čas a rytmus (5€) Cibulka, J.: Smysl a fakticita (5€) Foucault, M.: Slova a veci (10€) Nida-Rumelin, J.: Slovnik soucasnych filosofu - 10€ Cernik - Vicenik - Visnovsky: Prakticke usudzovanie, konanie a humanitna interpretacia (5€) Sivak, J.: Husserl a Merleau-Ponty (5€) - PREDANE Davidson, D.: Cin, mysel, jazyk (2€) - PREDANE Saussure, F. de: Kurs obecne lingvistiky (15 €) FINANCIE Schroeder, A.: Snehova koule - W.Buffett a skola zivota (20€) - nova, zatavena vo folii Elita - Najbohatsi ludia v dejinach (5€) CFA Institute Level I (2008) Vol. 1 - 6 (40€ - komplet) vol 1: Ethical and Professional Standards ans Quantitative Methods vol 2: Economics vol 3: Financial Statement Analysis vol 4: Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management vol 5: Equity and Fixed Income vol 6: Derivatives and Alternative Investments OSTATNE Koukolik, F.: Lidsky mozek (2.vyd.) - 25 € Minimalismo - vyd. Feierabend - 10€ Sex po Slovensky - poviedky - 4€ Roman, A.: Polemika o viere - 2€ Ambrus, Rehak: Moc a nabozenstvo - 2€ Odber osobne v BA alebo postou. Dobierka mozna po uhrade postovneho vopred. Postovne zadarmo neposkytujem.
Gramofonové platne LP 12
Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM ............................................. Big Fun: A pocketful of dreans(plagat) 10€ Messiah: 21 century Jesus 8€ Attitudes: Good news 10€ Cameo: Machismo 10€ M.C.Shan: Play it again,Shan 10€ Thompson Tweens: Into the gap {+poster} 8€ Supertramp: the Autobiography of 8€ Supertramp: Even in the quietest moments 5€ Supertramp: Crime of the century 8€ Supertramp: ...Famous last words 8€ Supertramp: Breakfast in America 8€ Jon the Dentist: Pyramid (2xLP) 10€ Feargal Sharkey: Feargal Sharkey 10€ Level 42: World machine 8€ Loggins and Messina: Loggins and Messina 8€ Loggins and Messina: Nattive sons 8€ Moody Blues: Seventh sojourn 9€ Moody Blues: A question of balance 10€ Moody Blues: In search of the lost chord 9€ 10CC: Bloody tourist 8€ 10CC: the Original soundtrack 6€ China Crisis: Working with fire and steel 7€ China Crisis: Difficult shapes & passive rhythms 5€ Shakin Stevens: Shaky 5€ Shakin Stevens: Give me your heart tonight 5€ Platne sú v dobrom až vynikajucom stave. Su vycistene ULTRAZVUKOM. Moznost zaslat na dobierku,prevod na ucet,alebo prevziat osobne,aj v Rk,Dk,Mt. Viac info,ako aj komtakt mailom Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede. Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ... Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.
Nové LP
Predám LP, viď zoznam. Všetky sú nové (nehraté), na niektorých obaloch sú povrchové chybičky krásy. Vo viacerých prípadoch ide o vydania, ktoré nie je jednoduché zohnať, čomu zodpovedá aj cena. Približné hodnoty nájdete na , podľa vydania. Poprosím o emailovú komunikáciu. V prípade záujmu pošlem bližšie info a detailné fotky. Animals As Leaders - Animals As Leaders / 6561910043-2 / 160 € Animals As Leaders - Weightless / none / 25 € Beneath The Massacre - Dystopia / 56191 / 25 € Beneath The Massacre - Marée Noire / 6561910087-2 / 30 € BTBAM - BTBAM / VR224 / 35 € BTBAM - Alaska / VR262 / 45 € BTBAM - Colors / VR351 / 45 € Birds Of Passage - Without The World / DEN115 / 20 € Birds Of Passage - Winter Lady / DEN115 / 20 € Birds Of Passage and I've Lost ‎- I Was All You Are / HEAT026, CC002 / 30 € Birds Of Passage and Leonardo Rosado - Dear And Unfamiliar / DEN107 / 20 € Black Cobra - Invernal / LORD146 / 25 € Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Bon Iver / CAD3117 / 20 € Brother Sun, Sister Moon - Brother Sun, Sister Moon / DEN124 / 25 € Cold War Kids - Dear Miss Lonelyhearts / DWT70362I / 20 € Dälek - Gutter Tactics / EJRC050 / 45 € Earth - Angels Of Darkness, Demons Of Light I /LORD128 / 70 € Earth - Angels Of Darkness, Demons Of Light II / LORD149 / 70 € El Grupo Nuevo De Omar Rodriguez Lopez - Cryptomnesia / RLPE001 / 20 € Frank Turner - England Keep My Bones / EPITAPH 87163-1 / 18 € Hacride - Lazarus / OS 001 / 50 € Hands - Give Me Rest / FCD103 / 35 € Iron Reagan - Crossover Ministry / RR7357 / 20 € Isis + Aereogramme - In The Fishtank 14 / FISH14 / 18 € Logs - Hogz / DEN127 / 18 € Lost Soul - Immerse In Infinity / EVIL-004-LP / 40 € Lykke Li - I Never Learn / 825646306039 / 20 € The Atlas Moth ‎- An Ache For The Distance / BPR-11 / 40 € The Eye Of Time - The Eye Of Time / DEN92 / 25 € The Faceless - Planetary Duality / SUM080 / 150 € The Samuel Jackson Five - The Samuel Jackson Five / DEN130 / 20 € Ulver ‎- Perdition City (Music To An Interior Film) / TRICK 007 / 160 € Ulver - Shadows Of The Sun / TE089 / 100 € Ulver ‎- Themes From William Blake's The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell / TRICK 001 / 150 € Ulver - Lyckantropen Themes (Original Soundtrack For The Short Film By Steve Ericsson) / TRICK024 / 80 € Wovenhand - Live At Roepaen / GRLP 761 / 20 €
Notebook HP x360 2021
Laptop HP x360: Procesor: AMD ryzen 5 5000 series Grafika AMD RADEON Pamäť: 512 gb PAMÄŤ RAM: 8 GB Výkonný notebook, nie na hranie, ale na prácu/štúdium (napríklad pre grafikov). Vydrží nabitý 6-8 hodín, obrazovka je jasná a lesklá, dotykový displej. Môže sa používať ako tableta. Zvuk je veľmi dobrý Bang & Olufsen. Notebook je starý 4-5 mesiacov, vo výbornom stave, všetko funguje a je aktualizovaný na Windows 11. Obsahuje: notebook a nabíjačku. Toto je dokonca ULTRABOOK strednej triedy, tenký a ľahký! Laptop HP x360: Processor: AMD ryzen 5 5000 series AMD RADEON Graphics Memory: 512gb RAM: 8GB Powerful laptop, not for gaming but for work/study (for example, for graphic designers). Keeps a charge 6-8 hours, the screen is clear and glossy, touch screen. It can be used as a tablet. The sound is very good Bang & Olufsen. Notebook is 4-5 months old, in excellent condition all works and updated with Windows 11. Includes: laptop and charger. This is even a mid-range ULTRABOOK, slim and lightweight! Žiadam vás, aby ste kontaktovali Whatssap a je to žiaduce v angličtine
CD Pop/Rock/Hard Rock 3
Enya Shepherd moons 4,00 € Europe The collection 6,00 € Europe The final countdown 5,00 € Europe The final countdown (RM,nový) 6,00 € Europe Prisoners in paradise 6,00 € Evanescence Fallen 5,00 € Firebird Firebird 5,00 € Firehouse Hold your fire 7,00 € Firehouse 3 7,00 € Foo Fighters Foo Fighters 5,00 € Foo Fighters One by one (CD+DVD) 5,00 € Foo Fighters Skin and bones 4,00 € Foo Fighters In your honour (2CD) 8,00 € Foreigner Double vision 8,00 € Foreigner Head games 8,00 € Foreigner 4 6,00 € Foreigner Agent provocateur 2,00 € Foreigner Agent provocateur 7,00 € Foreigner Inside information 8,00 € Foreigner Unusual heat 6,00 € Foreigner Mr.Moonlight 6,00 € Freddie Mercury The album 7,00 € Frontline The state of rock 10,00 € Gamalon Aerial view 10,00 € Gary Moore Victim of the future (RM) 8,00 € Gary Moore Corridors of power (RM) 8,00 € Gary Moore Wild frontier 6,00 € Gary Moore After the war 6,00 € Gary Moore Still got the blues 6,00 € Gary Moore Scars (nový) 4,00 € Gary Moore After hours 6,00 € Gary Moore Back to the blues 8,00 € Genesis Genesis 5,00 € Genesis Invisible touch 5,00 € Genesis We can't dance 5,00 € George Michael Faith 4,00 € George Michael Listen without prejudice 4,00 € George Michael Listen without prejudice (japan) 5,00 € George Michael Older 4,00 € George Michael Ladies and gentlemen - the best of.. (2CD) 8,00 € George Michael Twentyfive - Greatest hits (2CD) 6,00 € Giant Last of the runaways 10,00 € Giant Time to burn 10,00 € Great White Can’t get there from here 8,00 € Great White Sail away 8,00 € Green Day Dookie 4,00 € Green Day Nimrod 4,00 € Green Day American idiot 6,00 € Green Day 21st century breakdown 6,00 € Greta Van Fleet From the fires (nový) 9,00 € Greta Van Fleet Anthem of the peaceful army (nový) 9,00 € Gun Swagger 5,00 € Guns'n'Roses Appetite for destruction 6,00 € Guns'n'Roses Lies 6,00 € Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion I 6,00 € Guns'n'Roses Use your illusion II 6,00 € Guns'n'Roses The spaghetti incident (nový) 6,00 € Guns'n'Roses Chinese democracy 6,00 € Heart Brigade 5,00 € Hex Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice 15,00 € HIM Greatest lovesongs vol 666 6,00 € HIM Razorblade romance 6,00 € HIM Deep shadow and brilliant highlights 6,00 € HIM And love said no.. the best of HIM (digipak,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Hugo (Valentine) Hugo (japan) 8,00 € Hugo (Valentine) Time on earth 8,00 € Hurricane Slave to the thrill ( 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
Prenájom rodinného domu so záhradou na Bellovej ulici na Kol
Rodinný dom v centre Koliby v tichej lokalite, plocha 250 m2, 3 podlažný dom, dom je po úplnej rekonštrukcii, 6 izbový s galériou, priestranná obývacia izba s jedálenskou časťou s východom na terasu a do okrasnej záhrady, samostatná kuchyňa so zabudovanou chladničkou a umývačkou riadu, 3 kúpelne a 3 WC + bidet, samostatná práčovňa v suteréne /pračka + sušička/, okrasná záhrada, garáž na diaľkové ovládanie pre 2 auta + parkovanie vo dvore - brána na diaľkové ovládanie, svetlý priestranný dom v peknom a tichom prostredí Koliby, voľný od 1.12.2022. Cena: 2 000 €/mesiac + energie. Family house in the center of Koliba in quiet locality, useabe area 250 m2, 3 floors house, the house is completely renovated, 6 rooms with gallery, spacious living room with dining area with exit to the terrace and ornamental garden, separate kitchen with built-in refrigerator and dishwasher, 3 bathroom and 3 toilets + bidet, separate laundry in the basement / washing machine + dryer /, ornamental garden, garage for remote control for 2 cars + parking in the yard - remote control gate, bright spacious house in a nice and quiet environment Koliby, available from 1.12.2022. Price: 2.000 € / month + energy.
CD Pop/Rock/Hard Rock 8
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 6,00 € The Offspring Conspiracy of one (japan,+OBI) 6,00 € The Offspring Splinter 5,00 € The Outpatience Anxious disease 8,00 € The Parlor Mob And you were a crow 8,00 € The Prodigy Experience 6,00 € The Prodigy Music for the jilted generation 6,00 € The Prodigy Always outnumbered,never outgunned 6,00 € The Prodigy Invaders must die 6,00 € The Prodigy The fat of the land 6,00 € The Prodigy The day is my enemy 5,00 € The Prodigy The day is my enemy (nový) 7,00 € The Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 5,00 € The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5,00 € The Rolling Stones A bigger bang 5,00 € The Rolling Stones A bigger bang (CD+DVD) 7,00 € The Who Ultimate collection (digipak,3CD) 9,00 € Thunder Back street symphony 8,00 € Thunder Behind closed doors 7,00 € Thunder Laughing on judgement day 4,00 € Thunder Giving the game away 7,00 € Thunder Bang! 8,00 € Thunder Rip it up (nový) 8,00 € Tom Petty Let me up (I've had enough) 6,00 € Tom Petty Full moon fever 6,00 € Tom Petty Into the great wide open 6,00 € Tommy Lee TommyLand: The ride 5,00 € Toto IV 6,00 € Toto The seventh one 6,00 € U2 War 6,00 € U2 The unfogettable fire 6,00 € U2 The Joshua tree 6,00 € U2 Rattle and hum 5,00 € U2 Achtung baby 6,00 € U2 Achtung baby (nový) 7,00 € U2 Achtung baby (digipak) 6,00 € U2 All that you can't leave behind 5,00 € U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 4,00 € U2 18 singles (superbox) 7,00 € U2 The best of 1980-1990 5,00 € U2 The best of 1990-2000 6,00 € Under Suspicion Under Suspicion 7,00 € Unruly Child Can't go home 8,00 € Ultravox Quartet 5,00 € Uriah Heep Salisbury 7,00 € Uriah Heep Demons and wizards 7,00 € Uriah Heep The magician's birthday 7,00 € Uriah Heep Firefly 7,00 € Uriah Heep Innocent victim 7,00 € Uriah Heep Into the wild (Irond) 8,00 € Uriah Heep Living the dream (Irond) 8,00 € Vangelis 1492 Conquest in paradise 5,00 € Vangelis Oceanic 8,00 € Velvet Revolver Contraband 6,00 € Visage Visage 6,00 € Voodoo Six First hit for free (nový) 6,00 € Whitesnake Come and get it 6,00 € Whitesnake Live.. In the heart of the city 6,00 € Whitesnake Restless heart 8,00 € Whitesnake Good to be bad (box,2CD,poster,foto,sticker,nový) 8,00 € ZZ Top Eliminator 5,00 € ZZ Top Afterburner 5,00 € ZZ Top Recycler 6,00 € Y&T Down for the count 10,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku
Gramofonové platne LP 11
Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM ............................................. Simply Red: Men and women 8€ Surface: Surface 8€ Bhundu Boys: Shabini 10€ The Real Sounds: Wende Zako 10€ The Bhundu Boys And African Herb [EP] 7€ Alan Parsons project: Pyramid 7€ Air Supply: Making love...the very best of 8€ Brotrhers in rhythm (2xLP) 10€ John Waite: No brakes 8€ James Ingram: It's Your night 8€ Drifters: There goes my first love 8€ Mike Oldfield: Incantations 2xLP 12€ Jean Michael Jarre: Oxygen 10€ Vangelis: Heaven and hell 8€ Vangelis: Chariots of fire 8€ Marillion: B´sides themselves 10€ Marillion: Real to real 7€ Hollies: Five three one double seven o four 10€ Geraint Griffiths: Madras 6€ Roy Thomas: From mighty oaks 10€ Chris Reves: A breefelimbase 6€ Phil Asher-Focus: Having your fun 4€ Scars: Author! Author! 15€ Meteors: PsychoBilly 25€ Soulmate: Summerland 6€ David Birne: Red momo (obal na prednej strane poškodený) 6€ Lloid Cole and the Commotions: Mainstream 6€ Golden Avatar: A change of heart 8€ Platne sú v dobrom až vynikajucom stave. Sú vyčistné ULTRAZVUKOM. Možnost zaslat na dobierku,prevod na ucet,alebo prevziat osobne,aj v Rk,Dk,Mt. Viac info,ako aj komtakt mailom. Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede. Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ... Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom. ...................................................................................................
Bluetooth Hands free sada  SOLAR
Nove LCD display, caller ID, digital and English subtitles; Voice can be opened to enroll in Chinese or English One button operation to achieve answer, redial, reject, hang up, and support for voice dialing; Phone book function, support 600 address book import; Store the final answer of 10 phone numbers; Built-in DSP noise reduction and echo cancellation Solar charger, cigarette lighter, USB charging a variety of ways High quality Li-ion battery, standby time 300 hours. Size: 100mm (length) x 55mm (width) x 18mm (thick) Specifications: Bluetooth version: 2.0 Frequency range: 2.4GHz spectrum Transmit frequency: 87.5-108MHz Operation distance: 0-10m Car charger input voltage: DC 12-24V Talking time: Up to 12 hours Standbytime: Up to 9 days Color: Black and silver Solar panel size: 62 x 39mm Product Size: 110 x 57 x 18mm Product weight: 70g Package size: 260 x 122 x 49mm
Predam toto neotvorene serum s vitaminom C a kyselinou mliecnou, dovod netiham spotrebovat vsetku kozmetiku kt mam doma. Objem 30 ml. Formulated with 15% L-ascorbic acid and lactic acid, this innovative formula targets discolouration in three ways: by removing over-pigmented surface cells, clearing and illuminating skin tone, and fighting against environmental aggressors to reveal a remarkably even and radiant complexion. #azijska #korejska #kozmetika #skii Kontaktujte ma prosim mailom, telefonne cislo je vymyslene.
AB BLE Gateway V4
Pre toho, kto potrebuje za zlomok pôvodnej ceny. Nové. AB BLE Gateway V4 is a BLE to network gateway and bridge. BLE gateway reads advertsiment data such as iBeacon, Eddystone or customized format data and sends to LAN/internet server. Gateway supports Ethernet and WiFi connection. User can configure the transmit period and server information through a simple HTTP API.
Predám 2-izb byt vo vychytenej lokalite na Andreja Mráza 8
#2688 Predám 2-izbivý byt vo vychytenej lokalite na Andreja Mráza 8. Byt sa nachádza na 4.poschodí. Keďže bytovka prešla nedávnou rekonštrukciou, nachádza sa v nej nový výťah pre 8 osôb. Vlastníci majú čip od hlavného vchodu, a bytovka je zateplená s novou fasádou. Byt má 57m2, v rámci ktorých je aj balkón, do ktorého sa vchádza cez spálňu. Z kuchyne sa dá ísť na novú primontovanú lodžiu, ktorá má rozmer 2m2. Byt prešiel rekonštrukciou, pričom v celom byte boli robené stierky + plávajúca podlaha. WC + kúpeľna prešli komplet rekonštrukciou. V blízkom okolí sa nachádza škola a škôlka, spolu s dvoma ihriskami. Taktiež je v okolí obchodný dom “kocka”, reštaurácia Amici, Tesco Express, Billa a trochu ďalej aj Lidl. Veľmi blízko bytu sa nachádza aj električková trať a zastávka autobusu/trolejbusu. Cena:231 999 € …………………………………. We will offer for sell a 2-rooms apartment in a nice location at Andreja Mráza 8. The apartment is located on the 4th floor. Since the apartment building has undergone recent renovation, it has a new elevator for 8 people. The owners have a chip from the main entrance, and the apartment building is insulated with a new facade. The apartment has 57 m2, including a balcony, which is accessed through the bedroom. From the kitchen you can go to the new attached loggia, which has a size of 2m2. The apartment underwent renovation, while screeds + floating floor were made throughout the apartment. WC + bathroom were completely renovated. There is a school and a kindergarten in the immediate vicinity, along with two playgrounds. Also nearby is the Tesco Express, Billa and a little further on Lidl. There is also a tram line and a bus/trolley bus stop very close to the apartment. Price:231 999 € Kontact:
Prenájom 3 izbový byt s terasou v novostavbe Jégeho Alej
Ponúkame na prenájom úplne nový 3 izbový byt s terasou v novostavbe Jégeho Alej V na Jégeho ulici pri OC Central Byt sa nachádza v novej novostavbe Jégeho Alej V , čerstvo dokončený čaká na svojho prvého nájomníka. Rozloha bytu 82 m2 + balkón 10m2 + pivnica 3m2 + parking Byt je kompletne zariadený úplne novým kvalitným nábytkom a kuchyňa vybavená novými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, chladnička s mrazničkou, rúra , sporák, mikrovlnka) elektrické vonkajšie žalúzie v každej izbe. Obe spálne disponujú manželskou posteľou a šatníkmi s množstvom úložného priestoru. Výhodou je miestnosť v byte o výmere 5,5m2 , využitelná ako šatník alebo komora pre potraviny. Lokalita s výbornou dostupnosťou v širšom centre, blízko Zimný štadión O. Nepelu,športpark JAMA, OC Centrál, tržnica Trnavské mýto, trhovisko Miletičova. V okolí komplexná občianska vybavenosť. Hneď cez cestu Farmaceutická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Byt je vhodný pre 2-4 osoby . ( bez zvieratiek ) Pri podpise zmluvy sa platí následovné : - Nájom 1250 € vrátane energií , TV Internetu a parkovania - Depozit 1250 € - Právny servis / provizia RK Obhliadky možné kedykoľvek, napíšte mi správu. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte na tel cisle , email : bytikvbratislave@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brand new 3-room apartment with a terrace in the new Jégeho Alej V building on Jégeho street near OC Central The apartment is located in a new building in Jége Alej V, freshly completed and waiting for its first tenant. Apartment area 82 m2 + balcony 10 m2 + cellar 3 m2 + parking The apartment is completely furnished with brand new quality furniture and the kitchen is equipped with new appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator with freezer, oven, stove, microwave).electric external blinds in each room. Both bedrooms have a double bed and wardrobes with plenty of storage space. The advantage is the room in the apartment with an area of ​​5.5 m2, which can be used as a wardrobe or pantry for food. Location with excellent accessibility in the wider center, near O. Nepelu Winter Stadium, JAMA sports park, OC Centrál, Trnavské mýto market, Miletičova market. Comprehensive civic amenities in the vicinity. Just across the road, the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The apartment is suitable for 2-4 person. (without animals) When signing the contract, the following is payable: - Rent 1250 € including energies, utilities, TV, Internet and parking - Deposit 1250 € - Agency fee Viewings possible at any time, write me a message. Contact me via phone number or on email bytikvbratislave@
Na prenájom 3-i byt/ 3-bedroom flat for rent - Karlova Ves B
Do prenájmu 3– izbový novo-zrekonštruovaný byt (50 m2) s výťahom na 3. poschodí na začiatku Karlovej Vsi na Jurigovom námestí (električky č. 4 a 9). Novo-zrekonštruovaný byt (viď foto) pozostáva z obývačky s novým nábytkom, prepojenej so samostatnou kuchyňou vybavenou novou chladničkou a umývačkou riadu, zo spálne s novým nábytkom, z malej izby, z novej kúpeľne so sprchovacím kútom, WC, predsiene + komora. Cena vrátane energií mesačne 650,- Eur pre 2 osoby, (cena bez TV, internetu). Ideálne pre pracujúci bezdetný pár. Prosíme len nefajčiarov a bez zvieratiek. V prípade záujmu kontaktujte . Ponuka platí do vymazania inzerátu. Bez realitiek, ďakujeme. ---------------------------------------------------------- Offering for rent newly-reconstructed and newly-furnished 3-bedroom apartment (50 m2) in Karlova Ves – Jurigovo Námestie (trams number 4 and 9), 3rd floor, lift available. The new apartment (see pictures) consists of living room with new furniture, small room, separate kitchen incl. new washing machine, dishwasher and fridge, bathroom with shower, WC, small hall + storage. 650 euros/month incl. utilities. Location: Jurigovo Námestie, Karlova Ves. Ideal for a working couple without kids. Please non-smokers only and no pets. If interested, please contact . The offer is valid until the ad is deleted. No agencies please.
3 izb moderný byt v lukratívnej lokalite
#2677 3 izbový moderný byt s priestrannou terasou o výmere 50 m2 v lukratívnej lokalite Hradného kopca s výhľadom aj z interiéru aj exteriéru, ul. Fialkové údolie, tichá rezidenčná časť Bratislavy, byt poskytuje súkromie rodinného domu, byt sa nachádza v terasovom bytovom komplexe situovaný na 6. posch. bez výťahu, kolaudácia stavby cca v 70-tich rokoch, každý byt má svoj samostatný vstup + samostatnú technickú miestnosť s plynovým kotlom,  orientovaný na tri svetové strany so slnečnou oddychovou terasou orientovanou na juh s výhľadom na Dunaj, mesto a okolitú prírodu, byt je zrekonštruovaný, je klimatizovaný, má vlastné kúrenie ako aj dobrú dispozíciu s oddelenou dennou a nočnou časťou, k bytu prináleží samostatná garáž s napájaním a nabíjaním na elektrické autá, Popis bytu: 6.posch./bez výťahu, výmera bytu 130 m2 + 50 m2, Lokalita: byt je situovaný v rezidenčnej časti Bratislavy Hradného vrchu, poloha bytu zaručuje spojenie dvoch benefitov a to pokojného rodinného bývania a blízkosti chránenej krajinnej oblasti lesoparku Horský park v Bratislave, bezproblémové a rýchle spojenie do centra mesta autom aj MHD ako aj bezproblémová dostupnosť na diaľničný obchvat, v blízkosti dobrá občianska vybavenosť, školy, škôlky, rôznorodé reštaurácie, obchody s potravinami, supermarkety,  Cena pri nájme: 2,000.-EUR + energie ………………………. 3-rooms modern apartment with a spacious terrace of 50 m2 in the lucrative location of Hradné kopec with a view both from the interior and exterior, ul. Fialkové udolie, a quiet residential part of Bratislava, the apartment provides the privacy of a family house, the apartment is located in a terraced apartment complex located on the 6th floor. no elevator, approval of the building approx. in the 70s, each apartment has its own separate entrance + separate technical room with a gas boiler, oriented to three sides of the world with a sunny relaxation terrace facing south with a view of the Danube, the city and the surrounding nature, the apartment is renovated, it is air-conditioned, has its own heating as well as a good layout with a separate day and night area, the apartment includes a separate garage with power supply and charging for electric cars, Description of the apartment: 6th floor/no elevator, apartment area 130 m2 + 50 m2, Rent price: EUR 2,000 + energy Kontact:
Na prenajom Garsónka na prízemí na Starom meste v Bratislave
#2673 Na prenajom Garsónka o výmere 24m2 na prízemí na Grosslingovej v Starom meste v Bratislave, so samostatným vstupom z dvora. Priestor je vhodný na bývanie aj podnikanie, nakoľko je zapísaný na LV ako kancelária. Prenajíma sa zariadený. Vybavenie: kuchynská linka, sporák so sklokeramickou varnou doskou, digestor, chladnička, 2 jednolôžkové postele, stôl s 2 stoličkami. V kúpeľni je vaňa a práčka. Všetkým nájomníkom je k dispozícii zelená záhrada s prístreškom a posedením na grilovanie a stojanom na bicykle.  Cena garsónky je 530,-Eur s energiami na mesiac (pri 1 osobe, +30-Eur pri 2 osobách) Garsónka je dostupná od 1.11.2022 …………………………………….. For rent Studio with an area of ​​24 m2 on the ground floor at Grosslingová in the Old Town in Bratislava, with a separate entrance from the yard. The space is suitable for living and doing business, as it is registered with the Land Register as an office. Furnished for rent. Equipment: kitchen unit, stove with ceramic hob, hood, refrigerator, 2 single beds, table with 2 chairs. The bathroom has a bathtub and a washing machine. All tenants have access to a green garden with a shelter and seating area for grilling and a bicycle rack. The price of a studio apartment is EUR 530 including utilities per month (for 1 person, + EUR 30 for 2 persons) The studio is available from November 1, 2022. Kontact:
1 bedroom apartment - 44 m2, balcony, parking space, cellar
We offer for rent a spacious sunny one-room apartment in private ownership with an area of ​​44 m2 + balcony 3.70 m2 + cellar 4 m2 + 1 parking space The apartment is located on the 1st floor of the recently approved apartment building "Jelšina" in the newly established modern residential district NOVÉ ZLATOVCE on Odevná Street in Trenčín, which offers urban living with complete civic amenities within easy reach and at the same time living in a quiet location surrounded by greenery. Energy certificate of the apartment building: A0 Elevator, disabled access Layout of the apartment/accessories: - Spacious hallway - Living room with kitchen - Bathroom with bathtub and skylight - Separate toilet - Wardrobe - Balcony - A cellar in the basement of an apartment building Equipment of the apartment: - Kitchen with built-in appliances - Dishwasher - Combined refrigerator and freezer - induction hob - Security doors Civic amenities: - bus stop -1 min - city center - 10 min on foot/5 min by car - dam and river Váh – 5 min - school, kindergarten – 5 min - shopping network, restaurants – 5 min - health center – 5 min - highway feeder - 6 min Monthly rent: EUR 390 plus a deposit for utilities The monthly rent includes: - Rent - Use of the cellar - 1 x parking space Rent is due on the 1st of the month The deposit is in the amount of 3 monthly rents Notice period: 3 months The apartment is available from November 1, 2022 The apartment is intended for non-smokers. Pets are not acceptable 390 eur plus 100 eur energy costs per month see propositions of the flat on youtube: