peek and cloppenburg bratislava - strana 34
: 1000 - strana 34

Dobrý deň,
Predám knihy s náboženskou tematikou:
Alberta MEUSOVÁ a kol.. Počúvaj dieťa moje : Príručka pre výchovu v rodine. Slovenský ústav sv. Cyrila a Metóda v Ríme, Rím, 1980. (3 Eur);
Modlitebná knižka pre deti. Lúč, Bratislava, 2009. (5 Eur);
Alojz KOSTELANSKÝ: Môj modlitebníček. Ružomberok, 2007. (3 Eur);
Svetielko : Moja obrázková modlitebná knižka (modlitby, básne piesne). Kon-Press, Trnava, 2005. (3 Eur);
Modlitby za nenarodené deti. Donum vitae a Spolok sv. Cyrila a Metóda, Michalovce, 1992. (2 Eur);
Svätý ruženec. (Súbor 15 kartičiek). Slovenský ústav svätého cyrila a Metóda, Rím, 1985. (3 Eur);
Radovan MELIŠKOV: Ruženec o Panne Márii Sedembolestnej. Nitra, 2014. (2 Eur);
Modlitby. Alfa, Bratislava, 1992. (2 Eur);
Modlitby v 14 jazykoch. Hnutie kresťanských rodín, Košice, 1990. (5 Eur);
Tom FORREST: Modlitby za novú evanjelizáciu. Seminár biskupa J. Vojtaššáka v Spišskej Kapitule, Spišská Kapitula, 1990. (3 Eur);
Vijeme kyticu Panne Márií kráľovnej mája. (2 Eur);
Krížová cesta. (2 Eur);
Karol WOJTYLA: Krížová cesta. Genezis, Prešov, 1990. (5 Eur);
František RÁBEK: Krížová cesta, Nitra, 1999. (2 Eur);
Krížová cesta nenarodených detí. Úrad pre apoštolát ochrany života v Košickej arcidiecéze, Košice, 2020. (2 Eur);
Mariana KOMOROVÁ: Sklenená ovečka. Spolok svätého Vojtecha, Trnava, 1995. (3 Eur);
Jozef BRANECKÝ: Fráter Johannes. Spolok svätého Vojtecha, Trnava, 1993. (3 Eur);
Daniela PALKOVÁ: Poštopkané srdcom. Spolok svätého Vojtecha, Trnava, 1999. (3 Eur);
Ľudovít HLAVAČ: Svetlo vo tmách. Spolok svätého Vojtecha, Trnava, 2008. (3 Eur);
Svätá Faustina : Ilustrovaný životopis. Spoločnosť Katolíckeho apoštolátu - Palotíni, Spišská Nová ves, 2006. (3 Eur);
Mária Lucia BECCALOSSIOVÁ: Dievča spod Ánd. Saleziánske katechetické stredisko, Bratislava, 1992. (3 Eur);
Kent M. KEITH: Paradoxné prikázania : Ako nájsť zmysel bytia v bláznivom svete. Ikar, Bratislava, 2002. (5 Eur);
Danielle BEANOVÁ: Materinské dúšky šťastia. Dobrá kniha, Trnava, 2007. (5 Eur);
Stopy radosti ze života. (Český jazyk). karmelitánske nakladatelství, Kostelní Vydři, 1995. (4 Eur);
New testament : Psalms and Proverbs. International Bible Society, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1984. (Anglická kniha). (3 Eur);
Evanjelium podľa Lukáša : The Gospel of Luke. (Slovensko anglická kniha). Slovenská Biblická spoločnosť, Banská Bystrica, 1992. (3 Eur).
Cena je v zátvorke za každým titulom. K cene knihy je potrebné pripočítať poštovné podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty.
Preferujem platbu vopred na účet. Po dohode odosielam aj na dobierku (na Slovensko).
Ďakujem za ponuky.

Prenajmem kryté parkovacie miesto v Lokalite Račianske Mýto, Račianska, Šancová, preferujem prenájom dlhodobý osoby alebo aj firma. Cena je final aj s poplatkom. Možná zľava pri rýchlom jednaní.
Jedna sa o cisto nove a najbezpecnejsie parkovisko. Parkovisko je chranene najmodernejsim kamerovym systemom kde je aj 24h/7 sukromna SBS spolocnost, ktora fyzicky strazi vstup aj podzemne poriestory na parkovanie. V pripade akehokolvek problemu vedia hned zakrocit. Prenajmem 1 miesto na parkovanie so službami v cene. (Zaujemca bude mat presne vyhradene miesto na parkovanie.)
LOKALITA: Bratislava - Centrum mesta - Urban residence - oproti zástavke Ursínyho na Račianskej ulici.
It is purely new and safest parking. The parking lot is protected by the most modern camera system where there is also a 24h / 7 private SBS company that physically guards the entrance and underground parking spaces. In case of any problem they can take action immediately. Rent 1 premium parking space with services included. (The interested person will have a reserved parking space.) It is a premium wide space for comfortable parking even with a car - there is no need to worry that someone will damage your car, because parking is a physical barrier and parking is separated from standard places comfortably get off.
LOCATION: Bratislava - City center - Urban residence - opposite Ursiny's stop on Racianska street.
PRICE: 160€ / month
MAIL: karol.voltemar@
CENA: 140€/mesiac
MAIL: karol.voltemar@
Najmodernejší kamerový systém
Automatické rozpoznávanie evidenčného čísla Vyhradené parkovacie miesto Čipová karta na použitie v prípade poškodeného alebo znečisteného evidenčného čísla Nonstop bezpečnostná služba (na vrátnici) Deratizácia priestorov Elektrická energia garáže Elektrický požiarny systém Garážová brána/Rampa Havarijná služba garáže Požiarna ochrana Upratovanie garáže Vzduchotechnika Zrážková voda

Ponúkame Vám na prenájom 4 izbový byt na Tichej, ulica, Bratislava I, Staré mesto.
Úžitková plocha bytu je 125m2 + terasa 17.2m2 + záhradka 27,91m2.
Byt sa prenajíma zariadený.
Byt pozostáva z predsiene, kúpeľne s vaňou a WC, kúpeľne so sprchovým kútom a WC, 2 spální, pracovne, technickej miestnosti, obývačky spojenej s kuchyňou a jedálňou s výstupom do predzahrádky.
Kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená spotrebičmi zn. BOSH. Byt má samostatné kúrenie, hliníkové žalúzie, alarm, vstavané skrine.
Parkovanie: garážové státie.
Byt sa nachádza vo výbornej lokalite Starého Mesta s pekným výhľadom. V okolí je dobrá občianska vybavenosť.
CENA: 1250 eur/mesiac + energie
We offer for rent a 4-rooms apartment at Tichej, street, Bratislava I, Staré mesto.
The useful area of the apartment is 125m2 + terrace 17.2m2 + garden 27.91m2.
The apartment is rented furnished.
The apartment consists of an entrance hall, bathroom with bathtub and toilet, bathroom with shower and toilet, 2 bedrooms, office, utility room, living room connected to the kitchen and dining room with access to the front garden.
The kitchen is fully equipped with appliances BOSH. The apartment has independent heating, aluminum blinds, alarm, built-in wardrobes.
Parking: garage parking.
The apartment is located in an excellent location in the Old Town with a nice view. There are good civic amenities in the vicinity.
PRICE: 1250 euros/month + energy

I am selling a three-story building in the center of Bratislava in its original condition.
I'm sorry RK Don't call me.
I have a reason for that. Thank you.
The object in question is 5 min. from TESCA and consists of three buildings.
1. three floors, area 1293 m2 (of which the cellar is 300 m2).
2. three floors, area 480 m2.
3. three floors, 682 m2.
All together, the usable area is 2456 m2 + terraces of 6 m2 and 66 m2.
Possibility of extension of 2-3 floors.
A building permit has been issued for it.
Use: apartments, offices, shops...
For sale is the asset deal as well as the 100% share of the company, which was founded exclusively for the management of the property in question and for all permits for reconstruction.

Typ: 3-izbový byt
Ulica: Seberíniho
Obec: Bratislava-Ružinov
Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Vám ponúka
na predaj
apartmán v Palma de Mallorca v rezidenčnej budove s bazénom, detským kútikom a soláriom.
Rozloha apartmánu je 91 m2, má dve spálne a kúpeľku.
Apartment in Amanecer in a residential building, with a communal pool, children's area and solarium, the apartment has two bedrooms and a bathroom with a constructed area of 91 m2 and is about 15 years old
Status: aktívne
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: po rekonštrukcii
Celková plocha: 91 m2
Úžitková plocha: 91 m2
Počet izieb: 3
Garáž: áno
Terasa: áno
Terasa plocha: 7 m2

Ponúkame Vám na predaj 2 izbový byt v komplexe Tri veže, Bratislava-Nové Mesto, Bajkalská ul.
Byt o výmere 62,19 m2 + loggia (4,5 m2) sa nachádza v strednej veži na 15. poschodí /23.
Orientácia bytu je juho-západná.
V obývačke je klimatizačná jednotka, v spálni mobilná klimatizácia.
Obývačka je spojená s kuchyňou, s východom na priestrannú loggiu.
V suteréne domu sa nachádza parkovacie státie.
Komplex 3 veže ponúka pre majiteľov bytov bezplatné využívanie fitness centra, 24/7 recepciu, obchody a reštaurácie, blízkosť centra a taktiež obchvatu.
Cena 270 000€ + 25 000€ parkovacie státie
We offer for sale a 2-rooms apartment in the Three Towers complex, Bratislava-Nové Mesto, Bajkalská ul.
The apartment with an area of 62.19 m2 + loggia (4.5 m2) is located in the middle tower on the 15th floor /23.
The orientation of the apartment is south-west.
There is an air conditioning unit in the living room, and a mobile air conditioning unit in the bedroom.
The living room is connected to the kitchen, with an exit to a spacious loggia.
There is a parking space in the basement of the house.
The 3-tower complex offers apartment owners free use of the fitness center, 24/7 reception, shops and restaurants, proximity to the center and the bypass.
Price €270,000 + €25,000 parking space

Typ: 3-izbový byt
Ulica: Seberíniho
Obec: Bratislava-Ružinov
Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Vám ponúka
na predaj
situovaný na ulici Calle Aragon na rohu, s dostupnosťou 1 Q roku 2024.
Veľkosťou 71,25 m2 ponúka dve spálne a dve kúpeľky, zariadená a vybavená kuchyňa. Apartmán má balkón, komunitné solárium.
Calle Aragon on the corner of new construction homes, delivery period first quarter 2024, apartments from €380,000 of 71.25 m2 built, with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, furnished and equipped kitchen, balcony, elevator and community solarium
Status: aktívne
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: novostavba
Celková plocha: 84 m2
Úžitková plocha: 84 m2
Počet izieb: 3
Výťah: áno
Terasa: áno
Terasa plocha: 5 m2

Prenájom priestranného zariadeného 2 izbového bytu. Byt sa nachádza na 8 poschodí na Nam. Hraničiarov v bytovom dome Dominant, novostavba z roku 2008. Byt je vhodný pre nefajčiarov, bez domácich miláčikov, 1 osobu alebo pár.
V bytovom dome je banka/bankomat ČSOB, Tesco Express, DM drogérie a zubná ambulancia. V blízkosti bytu je dostupné MHD, reštaurácie Slovanská piváreň, Petržalská Klubovňa, Pizza Mizza, Micho Gusto café y tapas. Z bytu je to na skok na hrádzu a cez cestu do Lesopark Starý háj.
Celková rozloha bytu je 80m2 = 56m2 byt + 24m2 balkon.
Dispozícia bytu: predsieň 8m2, samostatná spálňa 16m2, kuchyňa s komorou 9m2 prepojená s obývačkou 18m2, kúpeľňa, samostatne WC a balkón 24 m2.
Byt sa prenajíma zariadený.
Cena je 550 Eur + 190 Eur zálohové platby za energie (2 osoby). Internet je 10 Eur. V bytovom dome poskytuje TV a internet VNET.
Cena nájmu spolu je 750 eur / mesiac.
Depozit je jeden mesačný nájom. Provízia sa neplatí.
Byt je voľný od 01.05.2023. RK prosím nevolať.
Spacious, fully equipped 2 rooms apartment located close to Nam Hraniciarov. The apartment is situated on the 8th floor in the building built in 2008. Suitable for non-smokers, without pets, 1 person or a couple.
The ground floor of the building has a bank + ATM, grocery store (Tesco Express), drugstore ( DM drogerie), home decor store and dental clinic. Plenty restaurants/pubs in nearby: Slovanská piváreň, Petržalská Klubovňa, Pizza Mizza, Micho Gusto café y tapas, Petržalské langoše (legendary street food), all within 5 minutes walk. Park (Lesopark Starý háj), ideal for running, is literally across the street. You can get to the bike trail that goes along the Danube river in 5 minutes on bike. The bike trail connects Vienna with Bratislava and Budapest.
Excellent location for getting around the city. Public transport 100m from the apartment. Direct bus to the city center (6 min), direct bus to the main bus station (14 min), direct bus to Bratislava airport (30 minutes), bus connection (one change) to the main train station (17 min). From the city center you can take a direct bus to Vienna Airport (45 min).
The total area of the apartment is 80m2, 56m2 apartment, 24m2 balcony.
Layout of the apartment: entrance hall 8 m2, separate bedroom 16 m2, kitchen with pantry 9 m2 connected to the living room 18 m2, bathroom, separate toilet and large balcony 24 m2.
The apartment is fully furnished ready to move in.
The price is 550 Euros + 190 Euros for utilities (electricity bills, tap water, heating, trash, cleaning of the building). The internet connection is 10 Euros..
The total rental price is 750 euros/month. The deposit is one month's rent. There is no commission.
You can move in starting 1. May 2023 . The landlord speaks English.

Prenájom 3-izbového bytu (v tichom, tehlovom dome) na 3. poschodí so samostatnými izbami (74 m2) s príslušenstvom (samostatná kúpelňa a WC, zásobáreň a šatník, dve loggie) a s výťahom v centre Bratislavy na Medenej ulici 27.
Cena 625 Euro /mesiac + média.
3-room apartment for rent in the center of Bratislava
Renting a 3-room apartment (in a quiet, brick house) with separate rooms (74 m2) with accessories (separate bathroom and toilet, storage room and wardrobe, two loggias) on 3 floors and with an elevator in the center of Bratislava on Medena Street 27.
Price 625 EUR/month + utilities
Cena 625 Eur/mesiac
Price 625 Euros/Month

Popis v slovencine som nenasiel tak aspon takto...
DAC mi sluzil 5 rokov a je v 100% technickom stave.
The TEAC UD-H01 brings high-end digital-to-analog conversion to an affordable package for component or computer audio playback. Three digital inputs are provided: coaxial, optical, and a USB 2.0 input for connection to Mac or Windows computers. These connect to a premium-quality Burr Brown PCM1795 dual DAC with up to 192kHz/32-bit audio resolution for the highest-quality sources. The device can receive data asynchronously meaning the timing signal is included reducing jitter to the absolute lowest level. Input sources can even be up-converted to higher sampling rates for smoother audio quality.
For output to powered speakers or an amplifier, a Muse 8920 dual operation line amplifier terminates to gold-plated phono or balanced XLR outputs. The output circuit is completely independent in the left and right sides for optimum channel separation and clear stereo imaging. A stereo headphone amp is also provided with independent volume control.
The perfect system for playback of high-res computer formats like FLAC, WAV and Apple Lossless, the TEAC UD-H01 enables high-quality audio playback in your home or office.

Predam 150W aktivny streaming reproduktor Bluesound Pulse 2i. Iba rozbaleny a odskusany, original balenie. Iba osobne v BA a okolie. Poprosim pisat cez kontaktny formular dole.
The most complete powered streaming speaker available, combining Bluetooth, and multi room capabilities the PULSE 2i fills large spaces with rich, clear high-res audio. When it comes to your music, don’t settle for anything less than high-fidelity.
Bluesound’s flagship all-in-one, multi-room speaker.
Top-performing drivers deliver a powerful listening experience greater than other all-in-one speakers.
Bluesound’s innovative amp technology ensures flawless music playback without any distortion.
Dual band Wi-Fi and support for 2-way Bluetooth aptX™ HD ensures music playback without interruption.
Control how and where you listen to your music with the intuitive BluOS Controller app.
Control it with the optional Bluesound RC1 Remote Controller
Stream to multiple Bluesound players throughout the entire home.
Connect Bluesound to your Amazon Echo with the skill in the Alexa app and use Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant to control Players around the home.
AirPlay 2 lets you play music or podcasts from wireless speakers throughout your house — all in sync.

Original Roland Sands, nesedeli na moju motorku (miskomunikacia s RSD a zla objednavka).
Traction and ground clearance are key when riding hard. We took our experience with road racing, mashed it up with classic RSD style and out came the RSD Traction Billet Harley Foot Pegs. Shorter than traditional pegs and wider for more surface contact with your boot, they allow maximum lean and grip when ripping.
CNC machine billet aluminum
Interchangeable RSD Logo Badges
Road Race styled knurling
Foot pegs have veen shortened for more ground clearance
Sold as a pair

below the text in English
Realitná kancelária RE/MAX "EXKLUZÍVNE" ponúka na predaj budovu v meste Nitra, katastrálne územie Mlynárce, na Rastislavovej ulici. Budova sa nachádza v uzavretom areáli s výborným prístupom na rýchlostnú cestu R1, vzdialeného 500m a len 2,2km od priemyselnej zóny JLR. V pešej dostupnosti 300m sa nachádza autobusová zastávka MHD Nitra a vlaková zastávka vzdialená 600m, čo výrazne zjednodušuje dostupnosť pre pracujúcich.
V cene nehnuteľnosti je spoluvlastnícky podiel na prístupovej ceste.
Na nehnuteľnosť je vypracovaný znalecký posudok z roku 2021 a kryje požadovanú cenu za nehnuteľnosť.
Možnosť zriadiť v budove výrobu a zároveň na 3 NP vybudovať ubytovanie pre zamestnancov.
Vypracovaná je projektová štúdia na ubytovňu s kladným vyjadrením mesta Nitra na zmenu účelu užívania existujúcej stavby – administratívna budova na ubytovacie zariadenie – prestavba.
Budova disponuje 3.NP a 1.PP, keby sa zmenil účel užívania na ubytovacie zariadenie, je zamýšľaná celková kapacita objektu 172 lôžok. Ubytovanie v objekte bude riešené bunkovým systémom, ktorý bude pozostávať z dvoj a troj lôžkových izieb.
• Zastavaná plocha objektu o plošnej výmere 757 m2
• Podlažná plocha o plošnej výmere 3028 m2
• Výška budovy 13,10 m
• Obostavaný priestor 9916,7 m3
Obvodové múry: železobetónová konštrukcia
Kúrenie: radiátory + plynový kotol
Siete: elektrina, voda, plyn, kanalizácia
V prípade viacerých záujemcov bude nehnuteľnosť predaná najvýhodnejšej ponuke podľa preferencií majiteľa.
Uvedená cena je vrátane provízie realitnej kancelárie
RE/MAX, kompletného právneho servisu, autorizovaných zmlúv a poplatkov spojených s prevodom vlastníckych práv.
Všetky ďalšie informácie u makléra (dokumenty, vyjadrenia MÚ Nitra, projekty...).
Sale of a building in Nitra with the possibility of conversion into a hostel .
Real estate agency RE / MAX offers for sale a building in the city of Nitra, cadastral area Mlynárce, on Rastislavova street. The building is in an enclosed area with excellent access to the R1 expressway, 500 meters away and only 2.2 km from the JLR industrial zone. Within walking distance of 300m there is a public transport bus stop Nitra and a train stop 600m away, which greatly simplifies accessibility for employees.
The ownership share on the access road is also included in the price of the property.
An expert opinion has been prepared for the real estate from 2021 and covers the required price for the real estate.
Possibility to set up production in the building and at the same time build accommodation for employees on the 3rd floor.
A project study has been prepared for a hostel with a positive statement from the city of Nitra to change the purpose of using the existing building - an administrative building for an accommodation facility - reconstruction.
The building has the three upper floo

Salman Rushdie - Quichotte. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
In a tour-de-force that is a modern masterpiece about the quest for love and family, Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie has created a dazzling Don Quixote for the modern age. Inspired by the Cervantes classic, Sam DuChamp, mediocre writer of spy thrillers, creates Quichotte, a courtly, addled salesman obsessed with television, who falls in impossible love with the TV star Salman R. Together with his (imaginary) son Sancho, Quichotte sets off on a picaresque quest across America to prove worthy of her hand, gallantly braving the tragicomic perils of an age where 'Anything-Can-Happen'. Meanwhile his creator, in a midlife crisis, has equally urgent challenges of his own. Just as Cervantes wrote Don Quixote to satirize the culture of his time, Rushdie takes the reader on a wild ride through a country on the verge of moral and spiritual collapse, with the kind of storytelling magic that is the hallmark of his work. The fully realized lives of DuChamp and Quichotte intertwine in a profoundly human quest for love and a wickedly entertaining portrait of an age in which fact is so often indiscernible from fiction.

Ponukam novy WiFi Smart vypinac / ovladac zaluzii v prevedeni so sklenenym povrchom a 3 dotykovymi tlacidlami.
1.Smart Home Automation:With the powerful functional smart curtain switch,we are easily able to transform our house into a smart one.Intelligently control our curtains in a much easier and smarter way.Besides,it can work with smart curtain motor or roller shutter to realize automation for all curtains at home.Simply add motorized shades or other similar devices to your smart home with Smart Curtain Motor!(Note:the curtain motor is not included in the package,you need a self-purchase of it at we Moes.)
2. Control from Anywhere:Control the curtains anytime from anywhere with your phone using 'Smart Life' APP.Close the curtain automatically when you are away from home.
3. Hands-Free Voice Control:Compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home to voice your curtains, lead you a more smart and convenient life.
4. Multi-scenario Matching:Match different kinds of curtains such as window blinds/rolling blinds/venetian blinds. Install the Smart Curtain Switch in a lot of places, like office/ study/ bedroom/ living room ect., even control the Awning in your yard.
5. Schedules&Counterdown:Set schedules to control the curtains on your own timetable. Automatically open your curtain at the time you get up and close the curtain when you go to bed. When you take a nap, set a counterdown to open the curtains to wake you up.

Huawei CE6870-24S6CQ-EI 24x 1G/10G SFP+ & 6x 40G/100G QSFP28 ports switch
With dual AC power supply and rack mount ears
Refurbished, Fully tested (All ports tested 1/10Gbit + 40/100Gbit with transceivers and Link UP test), 100% Good working Condition, Newest available software and patch
There can be few scratches on the cover of the switches, but it's only esthetical.
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 8.191 (CE6870EI )
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI CE6870-24S6CQ-EI uptime is 0 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes
Patch Version: V200R019SPH030
CE6870-24S6CQ-EI: 10GE Deep Buffer TOR Switch
1. 24-port 10GE SFP+ , and 6-port 100GE QSFP28, 4GB deep buffer
2. Rich data center features: M-LAG, VxLAN, TRILL, EVPN, iStack, SVF, FCoE, OpenFlow

Ponúkam na predaj raritné hry z PS 1. Hry sú vo výbornom stave. Pri hrách je uvedené či ide o Platinovú (P) alebo Neplatinovú (N) verziu.
South Park(N) 30€
Vigilante 8 (N) 30€
Resident Evil(N) 50€
Resident Evil 3 (N) 50€
GTA 1 (P) 35€
GTA 2 (N) 40€
GTA London 1969 (N) 30€
Spiderman 2(P) 30€
Tekken 1 (N) 30€
Tekken 2 (N) 25€
Tekken 3 (P,N) 40€
Alien Trilogy(N) 25€
Doom(N) 25€
Ape Escape(N) 25€
Syphon Filter 1 (N) 35€
Syphon Filter 2 (N,P) 35€
Syphon Filter 3 (P) 35€
Final Fantasy VIII (P) 27€
Final Fantasy IX (P) 25€
Final Fantasy IX (N) 30€
Command and Conquer(N) 25€
Medal of Honor 1 (N) 25€
Medal of Honor 2 (N) 25€
Italian Job(N) 20€
Men in Black(N) 20€
Heart of Darkness(N) 25€
Oddworld:Oddysee(N,P) 25€
Oddworld:Exoddus(N) 23€
Chase the Expres(N,P) 23€
Duke Nukem:Time to Kill(N) 20€
Duke Nukem:LoB(N) 20€
Area 51 (N) 20€
Tomb Raider 1 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 2 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 3 (N,P) 25€
Tomb Raider 4 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 5 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 3 + 4 (N) 45€
Syndicate Wars(N) 20€
Simpsons Wrestling(N) 20€
Jurský park(P) 20€
Populous(N) 15€
Incredible Crisis(N) 17€
Mission Impossible(N) 17€
Hidden and Dangerous(N) 15€
007 Racing(P) 15€
007 Tomorrow Never Dies(N) 13€
Kensei Sacred Fist(N) 15€
Firestorm Thunderhawk 2 (P) 12€
Rugrats po 10€
Rainbow Six(N) 15€
Rainbow Six Lone Wolf(N) 10€
Crash Bandicoot 1 (P) 45€
Wacky Races+B. Bunny and Taz(N) 45€
Spyro the Dragon 1 (N,P) 38€
Spyro 2 (N,P) 35€
Spyro 3 (N,P) 35€
Harry Potter 1 (N) 25€
Harry Potter 2 (N) 30€
Tarzan(N) 25€
Lion King Simba´s Mighty Adv.(N) 25€
Lord of the Jungle(N)–NOVÝ 25€
Bomberman(N) 25€
Frogger(N) 25€
Shrek Treasure Hunt(N) 23€
Asterix & Obelix Take on Caesar(N) 20€
Rayman 1 (P) 20€
Rayman 2 (P) 20€
Toy Story 2 (P,N) 20€
Treasure Planet(N) 20€
Stuart Little 2 (N) 20€
Hugo 2 (N) 20€
Disney´s Dinosaur(N) 20€
Inspector Gadget(N) 20€
Monsters inc. Scare Island(P) 18€
Magical Racing Tour(N) 20€
Jungle Book(N) 17€
Aladdin In Nasira´s Revenge(P) 15€
Worms(P) 15€
Worms World Party(N) 15€
Mickey´s Wild Adv.(P) 15€
Buster and The Beanstalk(N) 15€
Flintstones (N) 15€
Scooby-Doo(N) 15€
Dalmatines(N) 15€
CROC 1 (N) 15€
Casper(N) 15€
Mulan(N) 13€
Goldie(N) 13€
A Bugs Life(N) 13€
Magic Carpet(N) 10€
Actua Ice Hockey(N) 25€
Formula 1 98 (N) 25€
Tony Hawk´s 1 (N,P) 24€
Tony Hawk´s 3 (N,P) 25€
EURO 2000 (N) 15€
Gran Turismo 1 (P) 17€
4x4 World Trophy(N) 15€
Colin McRae Rally(N) 15€
This is Football(N) 15€
Cool Boarders 3 (P) 15€
Micro Machines v3 (P) 15€
MTV Snowboarding(N) 17€
Driver(N) 15€
Driver 2 (N,P) 18€
Toca(P) 15€

Prelám hudobné CD 10 Eur kus.
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Predám šatku
Rosslyn Queen's Cross Baby Wrap
Krásna Oscha.
Táto šatka sa už nevyrába.
Úplne nová, opraná raz na 30° v jemnom denkmite.
Luxusné zloženie: čistý bambus a organická bavlna, takže je super v každom ročnom období :)
Pred opraním tuším 250g/m2
Raz naviazaná.
Retail: 165€.
Predám za 100€.
Pri rýchlom jednaní dohoda možná.
Možnosť kúpiť na splátky.
Rosslyn Queen's Cross Baby Wrap
Soft pinks fades through rich to light tones on this stunning pure bamboo and organic combed cotton wrap, as a black welt boldly showcases our Mackinthosh inspired design.
Thick, with a good balance of grip and glide this is a wonderful toddlerworthy wrap. Breathable and cushy with a hint of shimmer this wrap is great for all seasons and will soften a quickly with wear to become soft enough for tiny ones too.
Pre viac info mi napíšte správu..
Predávam ju, pretože ju nevyužijeme a je škoda, aby stála táto kráska v skrini, možno čaká práve na vás :)

My name is Yari, I'm Italian, 36 years old - I don't really speak Slovak (just a few words), but I speak English.
I play the bass-guitar - I have a Fender Jazz reissue of 1962 - and I would like to find an easy-going band to join.
I have several year of experience but I haven't practiced much in a while.
I would like to start playing again on a regular basis to have fun. But, I'm not a good fit for professionals or committing projects. I'm not looking for compensations and I will not invest money for recordings or promotions. I'm willing to pay my share for the rehearsal room, if needed and reasonable.
My favorite genres are: Pop, Rock, Blues and R&B.
I'm very happy to listen to your ideas, please contact via email.
Best regards