inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

peek and cloppenburg sk - strana 28

Počet nájdených inzerátov PEEK AND CLOPPENBURG SK : 1000 - strana 28

P: SADY LEGO POLYBAG – Friends, City, Disney, Marvel ...
! Aktuálne do zmazania ! Ponúkam Vám na predaj sady LEGO polybagov, drobných LEGO setov, ktoré sú nové, nerozbalené. Dôvod predaja je zrušenie mojej zbierky, predávam len celé sady jednotlivých tém, nerozpredávam na kusy. Ďakujem SADA FRIENDS – 40€ (8 polybagov): 1. 30409 Emma's Bumper Cars (2019) 2. 30410 Mia's Water Fun (2019) 3. 30411 Chocolate Box & Flower (2020) 4. 30412 Park Picnic (2020) 5. 30413 Flower Cart (2021) 6. 30414 Emma's Magical Box (2021) 7. 30416 Market Stall (2022) 8. 30417 Garden Flower and Butterfly (2022) SADA CITY – 55€ (11 polybagov): 1. 30361 Fire ATV (2019) 2. 30366 Police Car (2020) 3. 30367 Police Helicopter (2020) 4. 30369 Beach Buggy (2020) 5. 30370 Diver (2020) 6. 30566 Fire Helicopter (2021) 7. 30567 Police Water Scooter (2021) 8. 30568 Skater (2021) 9. 30569 LEGO Stand (2021) 10. 30588 Kids' Playground (2022) 11. 30590 Scarecrow (2022) SADA CREATOR – 48€ (8 polybagov): 1. 30182 Santa (2012) 2. 30550 Easter Bunny (2020) 3. 30575 Train (2020) 4. 30565 Birthday Clown (2021) 5. 30582 Birthday Bear (2022) 6. 30583 Easter Bunny (2022) 7. 30584 Train (2022) 8. 30641 Panda (2023) SADA DISNEY – 35€ (6 polybagov): 1. 30553 Elsa's Winter Throne (2019) 2. 30555 Poppy's Carriage (2020) 3. 30387 Bob Minion with Robot Arms (2021) 4. 30391 Rapunzel's Boat (2021) 5. 30558 Raya and the Ongi (2021) 6. 30559 Elsa and Bruni's Forest Camp (2022) SADA MARVEL – 20€ (3 polybagy): 1. 30452 Iron Man and Dum-E (2019) 2. 30443 Spider-Man Bridge Battle (2022) 3. 30652 Doctor Strange's Interdimensional Portal (2023) SADA HARRY POTTER – 18€ (3 polybagy): 1. 30420 Harry Potter and Hedwig (2020) 2. 30392 Hermione's Study Desk (2021) 3. 30435 Build Your Own Hogwarts Castle (2022) SADA MIX – 35€ (6 polybagov): 1. 30529 Mini Master-Building Emmet (2019) 2. 30341 Monkie Kid's Delivery Bike (2020) 3. 30464 El Fuego's Stunt Cannon (2020) 4. 30390 Dinosaur Market (2022) 5. 30432 The Turtle Beach (2022) 6. 30593 Lloyd Suit Mech (2022) SADA XTRA – 22€ (3 polybagy): 1. 40368 Christmas Accessories (2019) 2. 40375 Sports Accessories (2020) 3. 40464 Chinatown (2021) LEGO CLASSIC – 6€ (1 polybag): 1. 30510 90 Years of Play (2022) Ideálne je osobné stretnutie v Prešove, prípadne to môžem poslať bezpečne zabalené cez slovenskú poštu, alebo PACKETU, avšak až po uhradení ceny vybraných LEGO setov a poštovného, na dobierku neposielam.
- 2 izbovy - Podkrovný atypicky - Terasa - Romantické -
2-izbový podkrovný byt s balkónom a terasou. Podstrešná novostavba pri VIVO! - Blízko CENTRÁL. Mestská ul. BA III.- Nové Mesto Kompletne vkusne zariadený. Lokalita a budova je v tichom prostredí. Vlastné kúrenie, plynový kotol. Klimatizovaný. Samostatná kuchyňa. Vstup na terasu je zo spáľne. Z kuchyne je vstup na samostatný balkón. Spálňa a terasa je orientovaná na západ do tichého dvora. Štýlová obývačka so strešnými oknami a podkrovím. Byt je otvorený vzdušný podkrovný špecifický priestor bez dverí so vstupmi na terasu a balkón. Všetky izby sú prepojené bez dverí, aj kuchyňa. Dvere sú len do kúpeľne a WC. Je preto vhodný pre jednu osobu, alebo pár bez detí. V cene sú všetky energie, INTERNET a KTV. Blízko NTC, VIVO! (POLUS), CENTRÁL, AT&T… CENA: nájomné 630 EUR/mesiac + energie 120 = 750 EUR/mesiac VRÁTANE ENERGIÍ, INTERNETU, KTV. MOBIL/ WhatsApp/Viber :, NETreal.TK **ja 2-bedroom attic apartment with balcony and terrace. Roofing new building at Polus. BA III. Mestská str. BA III.- Nové Mesto Complete and newly furnished. Separate kitchen. Exit to the terrace from the bedroom. Bedroom and terrace faces west into the quiet courtyard. Stylish living room with skylights and attic. The price of all energy, INTERNET and KTV. Near NTC, POLUS, CENTRÁL, AT&T... PRICE: rent 750 EUR / month including utilities, internet, KTV. MOBIL/ WhatsApp/Viber :, NETreal.TK ** dvoj izbový dvojizbovy dvoj – izbovy 2-izb 2 izbovy podkrovný tehlovy dom terasa s terasou s balkonom balkon podkrovne podlažie tichá lokalita romanticke byvanie inšpirativny priestor atypicky
3.izbový byt Terasa | 3 bedroom flat near New Hospital
Trieda SNP, Košice II – TERASA, 3/7 p., 55 m2, + loggia 7 m2, špajza, 1x nový výťah (2021). Ponúkaná nehnuteľnosť prešla kompletnou rekonštrukciou v roku 2012. Okná bytu sú orientované na dve svetové strany. VÝHODY nehnuteľnosti: -v celom byte znížené stropy s bodovými svetlami -svetlý a slnečný byt -vyhľadávaná a obľúbená lokalita vďaka svojej polohe a občianskej vybavenosti -murované jadro -pražský byt - príležitosť upraviť si byt podľa vlastných predstáv -plastové okná - indukčná doska Lokalita: výborná lokalita v širšom centre, pri Novej Nemocnici, vzdialená od OC Galéria cca 5 minút autom, kompletná občianska vybavenosť v pešom dosahu, hneď pri dome je škôlka, školy, detské ihriská, zeleň, … Energetický certifikát budovy : B —— ENGLISH We are offering 3 bedroom flat at street SNP 4 in close proximity to the hospital Nová Nemocnica. Flat is located in an excellent location close to centre. The flat has an area of 55m2 and is divided into an entrance hall connected to the kitchen and living room, two separate rooms and a bathroom with the toilet. The apartment is being sold as furnished. In the vicinity of the apartment there is a shopping center Galeria with all services, bus and tram stops. Security doors. The apartment is suitable for medical or technical university students due to the proximity of the faculties and the hospital.
CD Cradle of Filth
k dispozícii sú CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Cradle of Filth - Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the beast 6,00 € Cradle of Filth - Midian 7,00 € Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day 5,00 € Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine 8,00 € Cradle of Filth - Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 Cradle of Filth - The manticore and other horrors 8,00 € Cradle of Filth - Hammer of the witches 9,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu kontakt: zaxas@
Luxusný Apartmán na ostrove  Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca s v
Typ: 3-izbový byt Ulica: Seberiniho Mestská časť: Nivy Obec: Bratislava-Ružinov Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Seberíniho  Vám ponúka na predaj  luxusný apartmán na Palma´s Paseo Maritimo s výhľadom na more a katedrálu zo všetkých izieb. Apartmán snúbi eleganciu a exkluzívny design vo vysokej kvalite. Nový projekt je situovaný pri mori s celkom 10 jedinečnými domami . Domy majú  2 alebo 3 spáľne s vlastnou kúpeľňou  a apartmány sú na  piatich poschodiach s iba 2 apartmánmi na poschodí, ktoré ponúkajú intímne a tiché prostredie. Majú klimatizáciu, podlahové kúrenie, výťah a práčovňu.  Apartmán má 2 spáľne a 2 kúpeľne. Plocha 112 m2. Luxury apartments for sale on Palma's Paseo Marítimo with views of the sea and the cathedral from all rooms. The homes combine elegance and exclusivity of design with high quality. The new construction project, located on the seafront, with a total of 10 unique homes with typologies of 2 and 3 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, is distributed in 5 heights with only 2 apartments per floor, offering an intimate and quiet environment. They have air conditioning, underfloor heating, elevator and laundry room.  Status: aktívne Vlastníctvo: osobné Stav: novostavba Celková plocha: 112 m2 Úžitková plocha: 112 m2
Generator Tektronix TSG 271
Predam Generator Tektronix TSG 271,vyrobene v USA Oregon,cena 32€. Popis: Description The Tektronix TSG271 PAL Television Generator provides a comprehensive set of test signals integrated with a high stability master sync generator. The TSG271 is well suited for operational applications as well as equipment performance verification and maintenance. Additional Features: Precise 12-Bit Digitally Derived Test Signals SCH Phase Accuracy, Guaranteed by Use of a Single DAC Conforms to EBU Statements D23 and D25 Stable Internal Reference, Ideal for Master Sync Operation Reliable Slave Operation Through Use of Digital Genlock Separate Front Panel Genlock and Sync Timing Controls Applications: Test Signal and Sync Generation for Broadcast and Post Production Equipment Maintenance Digital Composite Plant Operations
- POŠKODENÝ SOCKET - Osobný odber alebo Dobierka cez poštu - 7 € Produkt: Chipset: Intel® Z390 chipset Rozmerový formát: ATX Form Factor (24.3 cm x 30.4 cm) Podpora pre procesory: Intel® Core ™ 9000 Series family / 8th Gen Intel® Core ™ / Pentium® Gold / Celeron® processors Pätica procesora: LGA 1151 Pozícia na pamäti: 4 x DDR4 SDRAM memory slots, Dual-Channel mode Podpora pre pamäte: DDR4 SDRAM 4400 (OC) / 4300 (OC) / 4266 (OC) / 4200 (OC) / 4133 (OC) / 4000 (OC) / 3866 (OC) / 3733 (OC) / 3600 (OC) / 3466 (OC) / 3400 (OC) / 3333 (OC) / 3300 (OC) / 3200 (OC) / 3000 (OC) / 2800 (OC) / 2666/2400/2133 MHz Max.veľkosť operačnej pamäte: 64 GB Podpora pre pamäte typu: non-ECC, XMP Grafická karta: * 1 x HDMI ™ port 1.4, maximálne rozlíšenie 4096x2160 @ 24Hz * 1 x DisplayPort port 1.2, maximálne rozlíšenie 4096X2304 @ 60Hz Zvuková karta: Realtek® ALC892 Codec, 7.1-Channel High Definition Audio (podpora S / PDIF output) Sieťová karta: * 1 x Intel® I219-V Gigabit LAN controller * 1 x Intel® I211-AT Gigabit LAN controller Rozširujúce sloty: * 3 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots (support x16 / x4 / x1 modes) * 2 x PCIe 3.0 x1 slots RAID radič: * RAID 0, RAID1, RAID 5 and RAID 10 for SATA storage devices * RAID 0 and RAID 1 for M.2 PCIe storage devices SATA: 6x SATA 6Gb / s ports M.2: * M2_1 supports up to PCIe 3.0 x4 and SATA 6Gb / s, 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices * M2_2 Supports up to PCIe 3.0 x4 and SATA 6Gb / s, 2242/2260/2280 storage devices Firewire: Nie USB: * 4x USB 3.1 Gen2 (SuperSpeed USB 10Gbps) ports (1 Type-C and 3 Type-A ports na zadnom paneli) * 4x USB 3.1 Gen1 + (SuperSpeed USB) ports cez interný USB connectors * 6x USB 2.0 (High-speed USB) ports (2 Type-A ports na zadnom paneli, 4 ports cez interný USB connectors) Interné porty: * 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector * 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector * 1 x 4-pin ATX 12V power connector * 6 x SATA 6Gb / s connectors * 2 x USB 3.1 Gen1 + connectors (supports additional 4 USB 3.1 Gen1 + ports) * 2 x USB 2.0 connectors (supports additional 4 USB 2.0 ports) * 1 x 4-pin CPU fan connector * 1 x 4-pin Water Pump connector * 5 x 4-pin system fan connectors * 1 x Serial port connector * 1 x Front panel audio connector * 2 x System panel connectors * 1 x Chassis Intrusion connector * 1 x TPM module connector * 2 x 4-pin RGB LED connectors * 1 x 3-pin RAINBOW LED connector Externé porty: * PS / 2 Combo Port * LAN Port * HD Audio Connectors * USB 2.0 Port * DisplayPort * HDMI Port * USB 3.1 Gen2 Type A * USB 3.1 Gen2 Type A + C * Optical S / PDIF OUT
Bubenik, Drumemer, bro where are you ??
Hi folks, Our lovely drummer is leaving the band, so we are looking for a Bro Number 4! If you are interested to play indie-un-pop genre with us, please write me. We are 23-26 years band existing approximately 1 year and playing our songs. Having 1-2 gigs per month in Bratislava. Furthermore, planning to travel to some festivals during the summer and much more in the future. The ideal candidate(not strict requirements): - a good musician. - a good person and would like hanging out with us. - is mobile (able to travel with drum-kit, playing on streets) - seriously taking music and ready to work much on one track. - creative (can take a part on the songwriting). We do already have a rehearsal spot in istrochem with drum kit in it (so it is not necessary to bring yours to rehearsals, but we will need some for the gigs). You could check out our insta page ( ) to have the image and also I can send you some additional tracks. Looking forward to have a new bro.
3.izbový byt Terasa || 3 bedroom flat near New Hospital
Trieda SNP, Košice II – TERASA, 3/7 p., 55 m2, + loggia 7 m2, špajza, 1x nový výťah (2021). Ponúkaná nehnuteľnosť prešla kompletnou rekonštrukciou v roku 2012. Okná bytu sú orientované na dve svetové strany. VÝHODY nehnuteľnosti: -v celom byte znížené stropy s bodovými svetlami -svetlý a slnečný byt -vyhľadávaná a obľúbená lokalita vďaka svojej polohe a občianskej vybavenosti -murované jadro -pražský byt - príležitosť upraviť si byt podľa vlastných predstáv -plastové okná - indukčná doska Lokalita: výborná lokalita v širšom centre, pri Novej Nemocnici, vzdialená od OC Galéria cca 5 minút autom, kompletná občianska vybavenosť v pešom dosahu, hneď pri dome je škôlka, školy, detské ihriská, zeleň, … Energetický certifikát budovy : B __________________________________________ ENGLISH We are offering 3 bedroom flat at street SNP 4 in close proximity to the hospital Nová Nemocnica. Flat is located in an excellent location close to centre. The flat has an area of 55m2 and is divided into an entrance hall connected to the kitchen and living room, two separate rooms and a bathroom with the toilet. The apartment is being sold as furnished. In the vicinity of the apartment there is a shopping center Galeria with all services, bus and tram stops. Security doors. The apartment is suitable for medical or technical university students due to the proximity of the faculties and the hospital. Feel free to call in case of any questions
3i byt Srbská, Košice
English below. Ako Vlastnik ponúkam na prenájom 3i byt na ul. Srbska, Kosice-Juh byt sa prenajima zariadený, nachadza sa na 4/4 poschodí bez výťahu. OBČIANSKA VYBAVENOSŤ: Nemocnica, Škola, Školka, potraviny-Lidl a Fresh, Zastavky MHD a SAD, Centrum Mesta 15 min. Pešo, Bezproblemové parkovanie BYTOVÝ DOM: Bytovy Dom je kompletne zateplený, priestor na odkladanie bicyklov a kočíkov. Bezproblémový susedia, čistý slušný vchod. Orientácia bytu - východ – Západ. Pred domom sa nachadza oddychova zóna s detskym ihriskom. CENA a PLATBA: * 750,- EUR, v cene su energie a Internet * 1 mesacny depozit Ak vás táto ponuka zaujala, kontaktujte ma ohľadne obhliadky, prípadne ďalších informácií na t.č EN: As a landlord, I offer for rent a 3-room apartment on Street Srbska,in Kosice-South the apartment is for rent furnished, it is located on the 4/4 floor without an elevator. CIVIL AMENITIES: Hospital, School, Kindergarten, food-Lidl and Fresh, public transport stops and SAD, City Center 15 min. On foot, Easy parking FLAT HOUSE: The apartment building is completely insulated, space for storing bicycles and strollers. Trouble-free neighbors, clean decent entrance. Orientation of the apartment - East - West. In front of the house there is a recreation area with a children's playground. PRICE and PAYMENT: * EUR 750, the price includes energy and Internet * 1 month deposit If you are interested in this offer, please contact me regarding a viewing or further information on tel. no.
Predám pražský byt v lokalite Košice (ID: 104290)
Moderný pražský byt, ktorý si viete upraviť podľa vlastných predstáv. Trieda SNP, Košice II – TERASA, 3/7 p., 55 m2, + loggia 7 m2, špajza, 1x nový výťah (2021). Ponúkaná nehnuteľnosť prešla kompletnou rekonštrukciou v roku 2012. Okná bytu sú orientované na dve svetové strany. VÝHODY nehnuteľnosti: -v celom byte znížené stropy s bodovými svetlami -svetlý a slnečný byt -vyhľadávaná a obľúbená lokalita vďaka svojej polohe a občianskej vybavenosti -murované jadro -pražský byt - príležitosť upraviť si byt podľa vlastných predstáv -plastové okná - indukčná doska Lokalita: výborná lokalita v širšom centre, pri Novej Nemocnici, vzdialená od OC Galéria cca 5 minút autom, kompletná občianska vybavenosť v pešom dosahu, hneď pri dome je škôlka, školy, detské ihriská, zeleň, … Energetický certifikát budovy : B —— ENGLISH We are offering 3 bedroom flat at street SNP 4 in close proximity to the hospital Nová Nemocnica. Flat is located in an excellent location close to centre. The flat has an area of 55m2 and is divided into an entrance hall connected to the kitchen and living room, two separate rooms and a bathroom with the toilet. The apartment is being sold as furnished. In the vicinity of the apartment there is a shopping center Galeria with all services, bus and tram stops. Security doors. The apartment is suitable for medical or technical university students due to the proximity of the faculties and the hospital. Obhliadku priamo s majiteľom nehnuteľnosti si môžete dohodnúť na webovej stránke prevádzkovateľa v sekcii nehnuteľnosti po zadaní ID 104290, alebo nás kontaktujte telefonicky
The Miracle Of Mindfulness - Thich Nhat Hanh
Možný osobný odber v Bratislave This is the definitive book on mindfulness from the beloved Zen master and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh. With his signature clarity and warmth, he shares practical exercises and anecdotes to help us arrive at greater self-understanding and peacefulness, whether we are beginners or advanced students. Beautifully written, The Miracle of Mindfulness is the essential guide to welcoming presence in your life and truly living in the moment from the father of mindfulness.
Playstation 2 / PS2 Originál videohry
Dobrý deň. Predám uvedené hry v koláži. Zľava: 2-3 hry -5% 4-5 hier -10% 6-9 hier -15% 10 a viac hier -20% Ceny nájdete na každej hre v koláži na foto. Ohľadom dostupnosti ma kontaktujte. Hry sú zoradené podľa žánrov a abecedy. V prípade záujmu pošlem aj zoznam v PDF, kde je poznačený aj možný počet hráčov na jednej konzole. Osobne BA alebo pošta(podľa váhy)/Packeta. Dobierka od+3,7€ bez dobierky od+2,7€ ČASŤ ZOZNAMU (celý nevošiel) DETSKÉ, RODINNÉ An American Tail 7 € BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle 8 € Ben 10 Protector of Earth 8 € Bionicle 7 € Britney´s dance beat 5 € Bust-A-Bloc 8 € Casper: And the ghostly trio 10 € Cel Damage Overdrive 8 € Crazy Frog Racer 9 € Crazy Frog Racer 2 10 € Disney Golf 12 € Dog´s Life 8 € Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 8 € Finding Nemo PLATINUM 8 € Football Mania 18 € Charlie and the chocolate factory 7 € Charlottes Web 7 € Jet Ion GP 7 € Lego Drome Racers 13 € Lemony Snickets a serious of Unfortunate events 7 € Metal Slug 3 12 € Monster House 8 € Mr. Golf 10 € Music 3000 10 € Open Season 8 € Over The Hedge 9 € Play it Pinball 14 € Power Rangers Dino Thunder 15 € Power Rangers - Power Rangers: Super Legends 14 € Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc 10 € Rayman M 10 € Roller coaster world 6 € Savage Skies 10 € Sega Bass Fishing Duel 12 € Shrek The Third 10 € Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure 10 € Super Bust-a-Move 10 € Super Farm 10 € Tak and The Power of Juju 7 € Taz Wantd 10 € The Cat in the Hat 7 € The Golden Compas 8 € The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe 10 € The Incredibles (disney) 12 € The Simpsons Game 10 € The Simpsons Road Rage 12 € The Simpsons Skateboartding 12 € The Sims 7 € The Sims (Platinum) 10 € The Sims The Urbz: Sims in the City 10 € The Sims Bustin´out 9 € The Sims Bustin´out (Platinum) 9 € The Sims 2: Castaway 12 € The Sims 2 Pets 9 € The Spiderwick Chronicles 7 € Theme Park World 8 € Top Trumps: Dogs and Dinosaurs 10 € Transformers the Game 10 € TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2 : Bush Rescue 7 € Wallace? Wallace ang Gromit The Curse of the Were.Rabbit 8 € Woody Woodpecker 10 € Worms 4: Mayhem 10 € SCI-FI / BOJOVÉ FightBox 8 € Fight Night 2004 10 € Fight Night Round 2 10 € Fight Night Round 3 10 € Knockout Kings 2001 10 € Rocky Legends 10 € Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) 12 € WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 7 € WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 6 € WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 € SmackDown Shut Your Mouth 7 € SmackDown Shut Your Mouth (Platinum) 8 € WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 6 € ZÁVODNÉ Bournout 3 Take Down 9 € Crescent Suzuki Racing 7 € Driver 3 8 € Formula ONE 2003 12 € Gran Turismo 3 Platinum 9 € Grooverider Slot Car Racing 8 € Juiced 8 €
Novation Remote 61 SL MKII
Predám MIDI klávesy Novation Remote 61 SL MKII. Top stav, bolo o ne veľmi dobre postarané, akurát ich už nevyužívam. Remote 61 SL MKII USB MIDI master keyboard 5 oktáv (61 kláves), Automap 3 Pro, Veľký 144 znakový displej. Touch sensitive ovládanie. Programovateľné 'soft-feel' triggerpady ideálne pre beaty alebo spúšťanie samplov. XY Control Pad. Ovládač pre sekvencie štart / stop / Loop / záznam / prehrávanie vpred / vzad. Zariadenie je úplne prenosné pretože nevyžaduje žiadne externé napájanie. Napája sa z USB zbernice. Priraditelné ovládacie prvky: • 8 Encoders (Infinite Rotation) with touch-sensitivity and 11 segment Led rings • 8 snímačov (Nekonečná rotácia) s dotykovou citlivosťou a 11 segmentový LED • 8 Pots (270 Rotation) with touch-sensitivity • 8 tlačítok (270 rotácia) s dotykovou citlivosťou • 8 Sliders with touch-sensitivity • 8 sliderov s dotykovou citlivosťou • 32 Buttons with integrated LEDs (37 in MIDI mode] • 32 tlačidiel s integrovanými LED diódami (37 v režime MIDI] • 8 soft feel Trigger pads p • Xpression Pad (as on existing SL) • Xpression Stick (as on existing SL) • Touch sensitive Speed Dial (as on Nocturn) • Dotykový Speed ​​Dial (ako v Nocturne) Systémové tlačidlá: • General Automap Operation Buttons • Octave up/down buttons with LED indicator Pripojenie Konektory na zadnom paneli sú nasledovné: • Data Port: 1 x USB (Win XP/Vista and Mac OSX – Not Class Compliant • MIDI: MIDI ONE: IN, OUT and Thru, MIDI TWO: OUT • Sustain Pedal: 1 x 1/4 Jack Input • Expression pedal: 1 x 1/4 Jack Input • Power switch: Ext DC/USB Minimálne prevádzkové požiadavky: Mac OSX 10.4.0 or greater (Leopard and Snow Leopard (32-bit kernel only) also supported) or Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or greater (Vista 32/64 and Windows 7 32/64 also supported) Minimálne požiadavky počítača: Mac - G4/1GHz, both with 256MB RAM or PC Pentium 3/1GHz/256MB RAM Rozmer: W = 965 mm, H = 68mm, D = 293 mm Váha: Čistá hmotnosť: 6,1 kg
Generator Tektronix TSG 271
Predam Generator Tektronix TSG 271,vyrobene v USA Oregon,cena 25€. Popis: Description The Tektronix TSG271 PAL Television Generator provides a comprehensive set of test signals integrated with a high stability master sync generator. The TSG271 is well suited for operational applications as well as equipment performance verification and maintenance. Additional Features: Precise 12-Bit Digitally Derived Test Signals SCH Phase Accuracy, Guaranteed by Use of a Single DAC Conforms to EBU Statements D23 and D25 Stable Internal Reference, Ideal for Master Sync Operation Reliable Slave Operation Through Use of Digital Genlock Separate Front Panel Genlock and Sync Timing Controls Applications: Test Signal and Sync Generation for Broadcast and Post Production Equipment Maintenance Digital Composite Plant Operations
TRILER The Woman in Black (viac angl. kníh v inzeráte)
Ponúkam aj iné knihy v angličtine, v inzeráte uvádzam aj ich fotografie. Resumé: Severed body parts. A woman in shadows. These are the only clues. Someone has left a severed hand in the centre of Manchester and the only clue Detective Sergeant Jessica Daniel has to go on is CCTV footage of a woman in a long black robe placing it carefully on the ground. With a lengthy missing persons list and frantic families wondering if the body part could belong to their absent loved ones, she has plenty to deal with—and that’s before a detached finger arrives for her in the post. By the time a second hand is found and a local MP’s wife goes missing, Jessica is left struggling to find out who the appendages belong to, how they are connected and just what the mysterious woman in black has to do with it all.
predám zahraničné LP platne 03.
predám nasledujúce LP platne od zahraničných interpretov,vačšina výbornom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem foto aj podrobný popis, cena v texte pozri aj ostatné časti Dassin Joe - 15 ans déja../stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Dassin Joe -/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Dayne Taylor - Tell it to my heart /stav: výborný/cena = 8€ Debie Harry - KooKoo/stav:výborný/cena = 8€ Démis Roussos - "Souvenirs"/stav:dobrý/cena = 3€ Diamond Niel - /stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Diamond Niel - Song Hits of N.Diamond /stav:výborný/cena = 4€ Diamond Niel - Song Sung Blue /stav:výborný/cena = 4€ Diamond Niel - You dont bring me flowers /stav:výborný/cena = 4€ Diana - And other hits/stav výborný/cena = 5€ Diana Express - Golden Apple/stav výborný/cena = 5€ Dick Bruna - Nintje op vinyl/stav:výborný/cena = 8€ Dietrich Marlene - Hallo Marlene/stav:výborný/cena = 8€ Dirty Looks - Cool from The wire/stav:výborný/ = 11€ Don Johnson - Heart Beat/stav:výborný/cena = 7€ Don Johnson - Let Itt Roll/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Double Fantasy - Universal Ave./stav:výborný/cena = 8€ Dr.Hook - And The Medicine show/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Dr.Hook - Greatest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Dream expres - Just wanna dance with you /stav:výborný/cena = 4€ Dream expres /stav:výborný/cena = 4€ Duet Katz/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Dylan Bob /stav:výborný/cena = 9€ Edie and The Tide - Go out and get it/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Emerson,Lake&Povell/stav:výborný/cena = 7€ Esther&Abi Ofarim/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Everly Brothers - 2x10/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Farrenheit /stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Fernandez Luisa - Disco darling/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Gabriel Peter - Ein deutsches album/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Gaynor Gloria - Ive got you/stav:dobrý/cena = 4€ Georges Moustaki/stav:výborný/cena = 8€ Gibb Andy - After dark/stav:výborný/cena = 4€ Gibson Brothers - Non stop dance/Come to America /stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Gilbert O Sullivan - Im A Writer,Not a Fighter/stav:výborný/cena = 5€ Glenn Miller and His Orchestra - In The Mood /stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Goldsmith Glen - What You See What You Get/stav:velmi dobrý/cena = 6€ Grant Eddy – At his best /stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Grant Eddy – Can t Get Enough/stav:výborný/cena = 7€ Gréco Juliette - A portrait of Greenbaum Norman – Spirit in The sky/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Greenpeace - Breakthrough(dvojalbum)/stav:výborný/cena = 4€ (dvojalbum) Guillermo Marchena - My love is Tango/stav:výborný/cena = 6€ Harrison George - Cloud nine /stav:výborný/cena = 11€ Herreys - Diggi loo,Diggi ley/stav výborný/cena = 5€ Hot Chocolate - 20 Hottest Hits/stav:výborný/cena = 5€
Predam novy 8K TV 65" LG 65QNED99
Kupeny v Alze koncom decembra 2022. V zaruke. 100% stav, uz bez krabice. Dovod predaja: mam 77 palcovy LG OLED. Piste na email, t.c. vymyslene. Mini LED v kombinácii s NanoCell a Quantum Dot Televízor LG 65QNED99 má približne 30 000 miniatúrnych LED diód, ktoré vám zaistia perfektný obraz. Flicker-Free Yes full-array local dimming The LG QNED99 8k is a flagship 8k TV that's part of LG's QNED lineup, and is the highest-end option from their 2021 models. It features Mini LED backlighting that allows it to have greater control over the local dimming feature and for it to get brighter. Like most of LG's LED TVs, it has an IPS panel with wide viewing angles and low contrast, but the full-array local dimming helps improve the black level. The TV comes with the latest version of webOS, which is user-friendly and has a ton of apps available to download. There are a few gaming-oriented features like HDMI 2.1 inputs, low input lag, and a quick response time, but it doesn't have variable refresh rate (VRR) support, which is disappointing.
Tipton Ultra Gun Vise
Predam uplne novy Top stojan Tipton komplet balenie PC : 265€ Rigid Steel Frame • Modular chassis design • Different modules can be quickly moved, rearranged or removed anywhere along the rail • Over molded rubber contact pads throughout the device prevent damage to firearm • Ball and socket articulating clamp pads allow for the pads to adapt to any surface • Leveling feet on all corners makes scope leveling easier • Dual Clamp Technology rigidly holds any gun shape in place • Tube frame structure allows for complete access to your rifle • Fast-Turn knobs, for quick clamping • AR Vise Block module included for working on and cleaning AR-15s • Front and Rear clamps are both height and length adjustable • Modular system allows you to clamp components like AR Upper assemblies without needing to have them attached to the lowers. • Works with break action firearms. You can clamp the forward/barrel while leaving the rear to swing open • Works with Pistols allowing you to mount optics or clean efficiently • 2 re-arrangeable or removable accessory trays • Engineered Glass Filled Nylon construction provides a high level of rigidity while preventing damage to your firearm • Stainless Steel reinforcing plates throughout the design provide reinforcement and rigidity • Solvent-resistant materials stand up to years of hard use
CD Cradle of Filth
k dispozícii sú CD v zozname (nie na fotke): Cradle of Filth - Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the beast 6,00 € Cradle of Filth - Midian 7,00 € Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day 5,00 € Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth - Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 Cradle of Filth - The manticore and other horrors 8,00 € Cradle of Filth - Hammer of the witches 9,00 € klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu kontakt: zaxas@