peek and cloppenburg slovensko - strana 27
Počet nájdených inzerátov PEEK AND CLOPPENBURG SLOVENSKO
: 1000 - strana 27

• cca 120 stran, rozvija predstavivost, kreativne dokreslovanie a precvicovanie anglictiny
• Draw it! Colour it! Beasts - kniha pre vsetky vekove kategorie.
• Ilustracie od viac ako 40 znamych ilustratorov, ktore mozete domalovat podla vasej fantazie
• nova, mozno kde tu jemne otlaceny obal, ale podla mna vhodna aj ako darcek
• zhruba A4, Colouring Book / art and craft book
Stunning Macmillan activity book for all ages is your chance to join in and compete a drawing with a bestselling artist. Featuring work from Axel Scheffler, Chris Riddell, Rob Biddulph, Emily Gravett, Marta Altes and many many more.
This brilliant bumper drawing and colouring book is perfect for aspiring artists and fans of children's illustrators.
** osobny odber alebo poslem postou pri platbe vopred na ucet, na DOBIERKU NEPOSIELAM

Predám knihu Electrical and Radio Dictionary, 1944 , Dunlap - Haan A.T.S. Chicago U.S.A.
Kniha je vo veľmi dobrom , zachovalom stave z vojnového roku 1944.
Množstvo verných foto-ilustrácii elektrotechnických zariadení používaných po celom
svete. Je to tvrdá a kvalitná väzba a zároveň velmi kvalitný papier.
114 strán + 4 Index strany. Kniha je v anglickom jazyku, originál Americké vojnové vydanie.
Z angl.popisu o tejto knihe:
An incredible book, including Symbols, Formulas, Diagrams, and Tables. Prepared by L. O. Gorder, Consulting Radio Engineer, Carl H. Dunlap, Chief Engineer, Electrical Division, American School Associate Member Institute of Electrical Engineers and Enno R. Haan, E.E., Editor and Consulting Engineer, Popular Mechanics magazine.
inzerát je aktualny do zmazania
BA - Rača

Predam knihu Logoism v Angličtine. Kniha je úplne nová. výborná pre umelcov, grafikov, marketerov či kreatívne duše.
popis knihy:
Logoism is an inspirational reference for contemporary logo design, a guide to the latest innovations as well as a precursor to coming trends. Over 1,500 cutting-edge logos were selected and divided into six groups based on their styles and characters symbol, type, symbol and type, form, ensemble, and retro. Whether they consist purely of symbols or/and letters, apply retro aesthetics or vintage styles, were designed with multiple variations or draw inspiration from geometric structures, all are brilliant examples of the form from designers around the globe.
#logoism #design #art

Michael Jackson-Dangerous, Kansas-Point of Know Return,Kansas/ Power. Neil Young-The Monsato Years. Baker Gurvitz Army-Hearts on fire/Small Faces-Boxed One. Ohio Express-The Very Best of, TOTO- Antohology 1978-1988. Deep purple - Infinite. Neil Sedaka - Gratest Hits/Del Shannon-The Stoy del Shannon. Texas- Gratest Hits. Beatles-Past Master, sVol Txo Hey Jude. Barry Gibb-In the nox, deluxe edition. Easybeats-The bestof vol 2/Titanic-Titanic. Giorgio Moroder- De ja-vu/to be nubmer on. Eric Clapton- old sock/from the cradel. Show Waddy Waddy- Sweet Littelrock,nroll/Mud-the best of. Status qup-24titole, Beach boys-Gold Hits, Arena - The Best of, Journey-Biograhy no1, no2. Rose Tatto- Scared for life/ Ufo- no heavy pettind. Rush- the rock album/the rock album no. 2. Jon Secada- Jon Secada, Molly Hatchet-Lighting Strikes Twice, Bonfire- Glorious, Temple of lies,Robert Plant-Carry Fire, Gary Moore- Close at you get. Hard Rain- When the Good times Come. Motley Crue-Generation Swine. Guiet Riot - Metal Health. Vengeance - Polygram rock. Hraem Scarem-Polygram Rock. Poison-Native Tongue. Quiet Riot- RehabX. Without Warning - Step Beyond. Chrisde Burdh-Eastern Wind. Bay City Rollers- The Collection. Cliff Richard-The Classic, And The shadowx. Grand Funk Railroad- born To die , Goond Singi, good playin. Judas priest-Unliashed in the heat, Killing machine. Marillion-B, Sides Themselves/Marilion- Fugazi, marillion com. Pendragon: Once upon a time in England, Men xho climb mountains, Pure, Pasion, Fallen Dreams and angels as good al gold, Belive, The Window of life, Kowtov, The World, The Jewel, The Best of Pendragon. Y and T: Yesterday and Tody, Open Fire, Mean strak.. Mr. Big- Get over in, Teh sotries we could tell. Night Ranger-Hole in the sun. China-China. Saxon- Batterin Ram. TNT- Intuition. Quensryche: Hear in the now frontier, q2k, Empire, Promised Land, Queensrych, American Soldier. Bruce Dickinson: Balls to picasso, Accident of birth, Masters of metallian, The best of, The pover vol2, Tyranny of soul, The chemical wedding,Skunkworks, Tattoed Millionire. Rolling Stones: Single Collection 1969-1970, Sinhle Collection 1971-1972, Single Collection 1973-1974, Rolling Stones 12x5. Fleetwood Mac: The Blues sstory vol2. The blues story vol3. Ringo Starr: Postcards fromparadise, Beauecups of bules, From your past, The 4th, Vertical Man, Stop and smell roses, Sentimental Journej, Goodnight Vienna. Kontaktovať len telefonicky

Predam premiovu prilbu na skuter / motorku, znacka AGV, velkost S, 55 - 56. Pribla je ako nova, pouzita prilezitostne 5-6krat na kratky vylet pre spolujazdca. Bezpecna a lahka.
Detailny popis helmy:
External shell in HIR-TH (High Resistant Thermoplastic)
2 outer shell sizes
2 internal EPS measurements at differentiated densities
Fitted shell and EPS optimized with the FEM (Finite Elements Analysis)
Central air intake in the shell profile that ensures optimum ventilation
Integrated scaffold screen IVS3-1 (Tg. XS-S) and IVS3-2 (Tg ML-XL)
Scratch-resistant visor City 18-1 (Tg. XS-S) and City 18-2 (Tg. ML-XL).Face cover and face protection extend below chin level
New SUN VISOR CONTROL mechanism for the operation of the sun screen.
The drive is driven by rotating the placket on the left side of the helmet forward.
Fully removable and washable Dry Comfort interiors
Removable bump
Retention system with micrometric adjustment
Stale v predaji za viac ako 120 EUR.
Pre viac info prosim pisat na

Ponúkam do prenájmu 2-izbový zariadený byt v tesnej blízkosti starej nemocnice (Univerzitná nemocnica Louisa Pasteura – UN LP KE). Pešia dostupnosť do centra mesta je max. 10 minút. Výhodou je aj blízkosť jednotlivých Business centier, či už Aupark, Štúrova alebo Moldavská. V blízkosti sa taktiež nachádzajú obchody ale aj obchodné centrá. Byt prešiel rekonštrukciou a k dispozícií je nová kúpeľňa a sanita, ako aj dostatok úložného priestoru, či vybavenosť kuchyne.
Cena prenájmu: 530 EUR /mesiac vrátane energií a optického internetu.
Depozit vo výške mesačného nájmu, t.j.: 530 EUR.
Dostupnosť od 1.1.2023.
Poprosím serióznych záujemcov, preferovane tých, ktorí hľadajú dlhodobý podnájom, aby ma kontaktovali, či už e-mailom alebo telefonicky. Cena je možná aj po dohode. Ďakujem.
I offer a 1 bedroom and 1 living room (possible to use as a second bedroom) furnished apartment near old hospital (Louis Pasteur University Hospital - UN LP KE) for rent. Walking distance to the city center is max. 10 minutes. The advantage is also the nearness of individual Business Centers like Aupark, Štúrova or Moldavská. Shops and shopping centers are nearby too. The apartment has been renovated and there is a new bathroom and sanitary facilities, as well as plenty of storage space, or kitchen equipment.
Rental price: 530 EUR/month including utilities and optical internet.
Deposit in the amount of the monthly rent, i.e.: 530 EUR.
Availability from 1/1/2023
I would like to ask serious candidates, preferably those who are looking for long-term rentals, to contact me, either by email or by phone. Price is possible also by agreement. Thank you.

k dispozícii sú CD v zozname (nie na fotke):
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the beast 6,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Midian 7,00 €
Cradle Of Filth - Lovecraft & witch hearts (2CD) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day 5,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Thornography 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - The manticore and other horrors 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Darkly,darkly,venus aversa 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku
aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu
kontakt: zaxas@

Elegy -"Labyrinth of dreams" 41:57 1992 T & T TT 0005/2 250Kč
Elegy -"Lost" 48:12 1995 T & T TT 0017-2 250Kč
Elegy -"Manifestation of fear" 53:07 1998 T & T TT 0036-2 250Kč
Elegy -"State of mind" 45:42 1997 T & T TT 0030/2 250Kč
Elixir -"Lethal potion" 44:55 1990 Sonic CD 9 900Kč
Eloy -"Colours" 39:46 1980 EMI CDP 538-7 92499 2 400Kč
Eloy -"Destination" 53:38 1992 ACI SPV 084-48082 500Kč
Eloy -"Metromania" 40:35 1984 EMI CDP 538-7 92502 2 350Kč
Eloy -"Performance" 39:22 1983 EMI CDP 538-7 92501 2 400Kč
Eloy -"Planets" 42:11 1981 EMI CDP 538-7 92500 2 350Kč
Eloy -"Ra" 42:30 1988 ACI SPV 85-4802 600Kč
Eloy-"Silent cries and mighty echoes" 43:42 1979 EMI CDP 538-7 92021 2 450Kč
Eloy -"The tides return forever" 47:24 1994 ACI CD 084-48202 500Kč
Eloy -"Time to turn" 42:24 1982 EMI CDP 538-7 48487 2 700Kč
Everon -"Bridge" 55:58 2002 Mascot Records M 7067-2 300Kč
Everon -"Fantasma" 52:00 2000 Mascot Records M 2045-2 350Kč
Everon -"Flesh" 51:34 2002 Mascot Records M 7068-2 350Kč
Every Mother´s Nightmare -"Every mother´s nightmare" 39:35 1990 Arista ARCD-8633 450Kč
Every Mother´s Nightmare -"Wake up screaming" 53:57 1993 Arista 07822-18639-2 300Kč
Evidence One -"Criticize the truth" 45:34 2002 Point Music 4 024 300Kč
Explorers Club -"Raising the mammoth" 59:30 2002 Music For Nations MAX 9046 2 300Kč
Eyefear -"9 elements of inner vision" (CD + DVD)51:38 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0449 400Kč
Eyes -"Freedom in a cage" 49:47 1990 (nic není uvedeno,nikde se mi to nepodařilo dohledat - nabídněte)
Eyes -"The eyes" 46:58 1990 Curb D2-77314 (jiná kapela) 500Kč
EZ Livin' -"After the fire" 44:18 1991 Solid Rock - IRS IRS 972275 350Kč
Emerson, Lake and Palmer -"Black moon" 48:57 1992 Victory -2 300Kč
Emerson, Lake and Powell -"Emerson, Lake and Powell" 43:01 1986 Polydor 829 297-2 300Kč
Emerson, Lake and Palmer -"Love beach" 41:02 1978 Castle ESM CD 363 300Kč
Empire -"Trading souls" 44:54 2003 Lion Music LMC 074 450Kč
Energy Orchard -"Energy orchard" 50:31 1990 MCA MCAD-6379 250Kč
Enchant -"Blink of an eye" 54:31 2002 Inside Out Music 6 93723 65082 1 300Kč

Predám notebook Toshiba PTMB3E-00P00KSK
Inzerát platí do zmazania
Notebook ide celkom rýchlo. K nemu dostanete nabíjačku Toshiba a tašku.. je to kvalita
Procesor : Intel® Centrino® 2 with vPro™ Technology featuring Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor P8400 (3 MB Cache, 2.26 GHz, 1,066 MHz FSB) Intel® PM45 Express chipset and Intel® WiFi Link 5100
Systémová pamäť štandard : 3,072 (2,048 + 1,024) MB, maximum expandability: 8 GB, technology: DDR2 RAM (800 MHz) Pevný disk kapacita : 250 GB (5,400 rpm), Serial ATA DVD Super Multi (dvojitá vrstva) : CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-R(DL), DVD-RW
Obrazovka veľkosť : 14.1" Toshiba TruBrite® WXGA, 1280x800
Grafický adaptér : NVIDIA® Quadro® NVS 150M supporting TurboCache™ technology, 256 MB dedicated VRAM (up to 1.535 MB total available graphics memory using TurboCache™ technology with 3 GB system memory), DDR Video RAM (resp. DDR Video RAM and DDR system memory combined) 16x PCI Express
Rozhrania : 1 x DC-in 1 x external monitor , 1 x expansion bus connector , 1 x RJ-11 , 1 x RJ-45 , 1 x serial , 1 x i.LINK® (IEEE 1394) , 1 x external microphone , 1 x built-in microphone, 1 x headphone (stereo) , 1 x 5-in-1 Bridge Media slot (supports SD™ Cards up to 16 GB, Memory Stick® up to 256 MB, Memory Stick Pro™ up to 4 GB, MultiMedia Card™ up to 2 GB and xD-Picture Card™ up to 2 GB) , 3 (Right 3) x USB 2.0 (supporting USB Sleep-and-Charge) , 1 x integrated 1.3 Megapixels Web Camera with AutoMacro support , 1 (Left 1) x USB 2.0 Sleep-and-Charge/eSATA
Rozšírenie : 2 x pamäťové zásuvky (1 na konfiguráciu) , Zásuvka na kartu PC Card pre 1x kartu typu II, pripojenie k replikátoru portov Express (voliteľný)
Bezdrôtová komunikácia : Bluetooth™, Wi-Fi™ 802.11a/b/g/Draft-N
Drôtová komunikácia : modem s medzinárodnou normou V.92, rýchlosť : prenosová rýchlosť 56 kb/s pre údajové prenosy a 14,4 kb/s pre faxové prenosy , topológia : Gigabitová sieť LAN Ethernet , rýchlosť : 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T
Zvukový systém :podporovaný zvukový formát : 24-bitové stereo , reproduktory : vstavaný stereofónny reproduktor
Klávesnica klávesy : 87 , klávesy Windows : 2 , Klávesové skratky : áno , špeciálne funkcie : klávesnica odolná voči poliatiu
Ukazovacie zariadenie typ : DualPoint , Duálne ukazovacie zariadenie Toshiba
Typ technológia : lítiumiónová, maximálna životnosť : 3h10min (Mobile Mark™ 2007
adaptér striedavého prúdu napájacie napätie : automatická detekcia adaptéra striedavého prúdu (100/240 V) pre použitie na celom svete
Physical dimensions W x L x H : 336.8 x 245.0 x 36.4 (front) / 38.4 (rear) mm, weight 2,44kg
Inzerát je stále aktuálny, pokiaľ ho nezmazem.

U.D.O. Rev-raptor (Fono) 5,00 €
U.D.O. Mastercutor (nový) 8,00 €
U.D.O. Decadent (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
U.D.O. Steelfactory (nový) 8,00 €
UFO Covenant (2CD) 12,00 €
UFO Sharks 10,00 €
Unisonic Unisonic (digibook) 10,00 €
Unisonic Light of dawn 7,00 €
Van Halen Van Halen 6,00 €
Van Halen Van Halen II 7,00 €
Van Halen Women and children first 6,00 €
Van Halen 1984 6,00 €
Van Halen 5150 7,00 €
Van Halen OU812 6,00 €
Van Halen Balance 6,00 €
Van Halen F.U.C.K. 6,00 €
Van Halen Right here,right now (2CD) 6,00 €
Van Halen 3 8,00 €
Van Halen A different kind of truth (nový) 7,00 €
Velvet Viper The 4the guest for fantasy ( 6,00 €
Vendetta Go and live..stay and die (Fono) 5,00 €
Vicious Rumors Word of mouth 10,00 €
Victory Fuel to the fire (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Viper Evolution (japan) 10,00 €
Viper Theatre of fate (japan) 10,00 €
Vision Divine Send me an angel 6,00 €
Vixen Vixen 8,00 €
Vixen Rev it up! 7,00 €
Voodoo Circle Locked & loaded (Fono) 8,00 €
W.A.S.P. The headless children 8,00 €
W.A.S.P. Inside the electric circus 9,00 €
W.A.S.P. Live... In the raw 8,00 €
W.A.S.P. The crimson idol 8,00 €
W.A.S.P. Helldorado 8,00 €
W.E.T. Retransmission (Irond) 8,00 €
Warlock Burning the witches 7,00 €
Warlock Hellbound (nový) 7,00 €
Warlock Triumph and agony 6,00 €
Warlock True as steel 7,00 €
White Lion Mane attraction 6,00 €
White Lion The best of 6,00 €
Wicked Sensation Reflected 8,00 €
Wig Wam Non stop rock'n'roll (digipak) 13,00 €
Winger In the heart of the young 7,00 €
Winterborn Cold reality 10,00 €
Winterborn Farewell to saints 10,00 €
Witchfynde Lords of sin (digipak,nový) 6,00 €
Within Temptation The dance 6,00 €
Within Temptation Mother earth 6,00 €
Within Temptation The silent force 6,00 €
Within Temptation The heart of everything (nový) 8,00 €
Within Temptation The unforgiving (nový) 8,00 €
Within Temptation Resist (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Wolf The black flame 7,00 €
Wolf Hoffmann Headbangers symphony (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Yngwie Malmsteen Marching out (nový) 8,00 €
Yngwie Malmsteen Trilogy 8,00 €
Yngwie Malmsteen Fire and ice 6,00 €
Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse 8,00 €
Yngwie Malmsteen Magnum opus (japan) 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Bolt Thrower War master (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Bolt Thrower The IVth crusade (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Borknagar Winter thrice (Mazzar) 9,00 €
Bornholm ...on the way of the hunting moon (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Bornholm Inexorable defiance (digibook) 10,00 €
Brujeria Pocho aztlan (nový) 8,00 €
Candlemass Psalm of the dead (digibook,CD+DVD,nový) 9,00 €
Candlemass The door to doom (digipak,NapalmRecords/Soyuz,nový) 8,00 €
Carcass Surgical steel 9,00 €
Cavalera Conspiracy Pandemonium (digipak,nový) 7,00 €
Cemetary Sundown 7,00 €
Coroner No more color (nový) 8,00 €
Coroner Punishment for decadence (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the beast 6,00 €
Cradle of Filth Midian 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Lovecraft & witch hearts (2CD) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 5,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Thornography 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth The manticore and other horrors 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Darkly,darkly,venus aversa 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 €
Crematory Infinity 5,00 €
Dark Fortress Eidolon 7,00 €
Dark Tranquillity Fiction 8,00 €
Dark Tranquillity Character (digipak) 8,00 €
Death Symbolic (nový) 8,00 €
Death Angel Act III 10,00 €
Decapitated Carnival is forever (nový) 8,00 €
Decapitated Blood mantra (digipak,CD+DVD,nový) 9,00 €
Demonica Demonstrous (nový) 8,00 €
Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech (nový) 10,00 €
Devin Townsend Project Sky blue (nový) 8,00 €
Devin Townsend Empath (nový) 8,00 €
Dimmu Borgir For all tid (digipak) 10,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Death cult armageddon 7,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Death cult armageddon (digipak) 7,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV (digipak,CD+DVD) 10,00 €
Dismember Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 €
Dissection Reinkaos (Icarus,nový) 10,00 €
Draconian A rose for the apocalypse (nový) 9,00 €
Draconian Arcane rain fell (nový) 9,00 €
Draconian Sovran (nový) 9,00 €
Ensiferum Thalassic 8,00 €
Enslaved Monumension 12,00 €
Enslaved Vertebrae 9,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (nový) 9,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (digipak,CD+DVD) 11,00 €
Enslaved In times (NuclearBlast Russia,jewel) 7,00 €
Enslaved In times (digipak) 9,00 €
Enslaved E (digipak,nový) 11,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
kontakt: zaxas@

Ponúkame na prenájom - we offer to rent.
The text in English you will find below.
Ponúkame na prenájom 2-izb. byt v obnovenej kultúrnej pamiatke (obnova v r.2017), vo Feiglerovom dome na Konventnej ulici v Starom Meste - Palisády, je súčasťou bloku budov od rohovej historickej Auly Cervantes.
Byt má 51m2 a nachádza sa na 2.p. bytového domu s výťahom. Orientácia na svetové strany - príjemná južná strana. K bytu prislúcha priestranný balkón pozdĺž spálne a obývačky o výmere 10,50m2.
Dispozičné riešenie bytu: vstupná predsieň/lobby o výmere 5,50m2, kúpeľňa 4,39m2, kuchyňa 6,86m2, obývacia izba 16,87m2 a spálňa 17,41m2.
Byt je čiastočne zariadený: v spálni – rolldor, dvojposteľ s úložným priestorom, kozmetický stolík so stoličkou, v obývačke – sedačka skonferenčným stolíkom, TV nábytok plus TV, police na knihy, v kuchyni – kuchynská linka so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (chladnička, mraznička, elektrický sporák, umývačka riadu, indukčná varná doska, digestor), jedálenský pult s dvomi stoličkami, v kúpeľni automatická práčka, elektrický radiátor.
Stav bytu: kvalitné drevené okná s interiérovými žalúziami a sieťkami proti hmyzu, drevené vstupné dvere, plávajúce podlahy, kuchynská linka so značkovými vstavanými spotrebičmi, veľká vstavaná skriňa v predsieni a v spálni, kúpeľňa spoločná s WC, v kúpeľni je vaňa, umývadlo a elektrický radiátor.
Nájom: 780,- eur plus energie pre dve osoby, kaucia: vo výške 1M nájomného pri podpise nájomnej zmluvy, dĺžka nájmu minimálne 12 mesiacov, vhodný ideálne pre pracujúci pár, nefajčiari, bez domácich miláčikov.
We offer for rent 2-room apartment in historical building renovated in 2017, named after architect Feigler. It is centrally located in the Old Town of Bratislava – Palisády, not far from the Michal´s gate, allowing to access all locations rapidly by foot, bike or public transport.
The apartment is on the 2-nd floor, a lift is available, and its orientation is to the South and to the quiet inner courtyard. Its size is 51 square metres plus a generous balcony of 10 square metres. It has a lobby, living room combined with the kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom with bath and toilet.
The apartment is partially furnished: 2x wardrobe, double bed with storage space, small desk and chair, sofa with a coffe table, TV table plus TV, bookshelves, kitchen unit with built-in appliances (fridge with freezer, electric oven, induction hob, hood, dishwasher), bar counter with 2 bar chairs, washing machine, electric heater in bathroom.
The apartment is ideal for a working couple, no smoking, no pets.
Price of rent: 780,- euro plus utilities, security deposit amounting 1 month rent against the signing of the rental contract for minimum 12 months.
The apartment is available immediately.

kontakt: len EMAIL
stav: používané, foto ilustračné.
Case material
Display cover: Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic + Glass-Fiber Reinforced Plastic
Bottom: Magnesium/Aluminum
Intel Core i5-5300U 3M Cache, Up to 2.90 GHz, 2 Cores, 4 Logical Processors
8.00 GB PC3-12800 1600MHz DDR3L Soldered to systemboard
No sockets
Total Virtual Memory 15.7 GB
Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
Display 14“ 1366 x 768
M.2 Solid State Drive, PCIe 2.0 x4 or SATA
SanDisk X400 M.2 2280 256GB
HD Audio Realtek® ALC3232 codec
Stereo speakers
1W x 2 / dual array microphone
Combo audio/microphone jack
HD720p resolution, low light sensitive, fixed focus, gesture input
6-row keyboard
Multimedia Fn keys
LED backlight
TrackPoint pointing device and buttonless surface touchpad
All systems come with the UltraNav dual-pointing system, featuring TrackPoint and customized touch pad for the ultimate in pointing flexibility is a part of the keyboard.
The TrackPoint features Press-to-Select, Internet scroll, and magnifying glass for accurate and convenient control.
External ports
USB 3.0 Always-on connector
USB 3.0 connector
Ethernet extension connector
Lenovo OneLink connector
External monitor connectors (HDMI and Mini DisplayPort connectors)
Audio connector
Width: 331 mm
Depth: 226.8 mm
Height: 13.9 mm to 19.95
Weight: 1.36 kg
Integrated Lithium Polymer 8-cell (50Wh) RapidCharge battery
Trusted Platform Module, TCG 1.2-compliant (Selected Model)
Hard Disk Password
Power-on Password
Supervisor password
Security keyhole
Fingerprint reader

Predam lyziarky Lange venus 75
Flex and Fit – Flex Index: 75
Cuff Shape – Women’s specific cuff is cut a bit lower to prevent dreaded calf bite.
Materials – Bi-injected shell
Liners – Comfort fit liner is plush and provides ample warmth
Four micro aluminum injected buckles
The Lange Venus 75 Ski Boots feature a soft flex and wide forefoot width to provide a comfort fit for beginner to intermediate ladies. Large toe box provides ample room for your tootsies and ease of entry and exit.

Dobrý deň, ponúkam na predaj Pokemon nálepky 1999 prvá edícia + NHL nálepky 99´.
Pokemon nálepky 1999 prvá edícia obsahuje + 2 karty DIGIMON :
19,46 € ditto
14 € chansey
11 € primeape
5 € scyther
11,5 € eevee
3,8 € persian
14,20 € squirtle squad
4,70 € voltorb
4,70 € sandshrew
7 € onix
7,10 zubat
10 € koffing
9,50 € ash
9,50 mankey
1,80 € pikachu and ash
4,50 € ash
3,30 € ash and friends
3,30 € team rocket
5,60 € james
6 € pikachu, ash and friends
4,70 € pikachu and ash
3,30 € pikachu and ash
3,30 € meowth
1,90 € team rocket
24 € gekomon
9,50 € rockmon = 202,66 €
+ NHL nálepky v počte 32 ks = cca 50,- €
V prípade záujmu ma prosím kontaktujte na
mail : dkrajny@
tel.č. : .
Môžem poslať poštou, alebo osobný odber Bratislava-Staré mesto.

Plne funkcna pri pohnuti zahra pesničku.
Kupovana v obchode (nie z druhej ruky)
2 pesničky
3 zvukove efekty
Monkey on ball baby activity toy
The Fisher Price Crawl Along Musical Ball is a brightly colored baby toy with a monkey that stays balanced on top. Babies are encouraged to push on the monkey by an entertaining tune or funny sound effect that plays when the monkey is moved. There are two tunes and three sound effects that play when the ball rolls and the monkey balances on top. The Fisher-Price monkey ball engages attention with bright colors, fun sounds and entertaining movements. The majority of the ball is a bright blue with a yellow star and purple swirl. On top of the ball there is an orange monkey with pink cheeks. The monkey keeps balanced even as the ball rolls. This product is suitable for both boys and girls.

Prenajmem slnečnú 30m2 garsónku v srdci starého mesta priamo na Michalskej ulici (4/4 poschodie). Z okna je výhľad na Michalskú vežu či UFO. Dispozične garzónka pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, kúpeľne so sprchovým kútom, WC a práčkou. V kuchynskej časti je mikrovlnka varná kanvica, chladnička, šporák. V obývacej časti je rozkladacia pohovka úložným priestorom, plastové okno, žalúzie, stôl, stoličky, skrine.
Vchod do domu sa otvára na čip, vchod je strážený kamerovým systémom, za ktorým sú ďalšie vstupné dvere.
Pri podpise zmluvy je potrebné zaplatiť: mesačné nájomné 530,- € plus energie s internetom (120€), a vratnú kauciu vo výške 450 € (kaucia bude vrátená po ukončení nájmu). Nie sme realitka, žiadnu províziu neplatíte. Výlučne pre nefajčiara a bez domácich zvierat.
The studio is located in the heart of City center (Michalska street, 4/4 floor) with great transport connection. In the area is a complete collection of amenities (grocery stores, shops, bars, restaurants, banks, schools, healthcare).
Sunny, cosy 30m2 studio is in building which is a national cultural monument. The first mention dates back to 1307. Later during the Napoleonic Wars, the house was shelled, then it was hit by eight shots from a cannon, the one shot is on the street facade and the other in the stair hall.
From the window there is a view of Michalska tower or UFO.
Entrance hall, room with kitchen corner, dining table, sitting and bed, bathroom with shower and WC. The apartment is rented furnished and equipped with electrical appliances. The entrance is guarded by a camera system, behind which there is another entrance door.
Available immediately.
Price 530€ + utilities 120€ (includes internet). For non-smokers and without pets. Plus refundable €450 (the deposit will be returned).

Prenajom Garsónky o výmere 21m2 na prízemí na Grosslingovej ul v Starom meste v Bratislave. Priestor je vhodný na bývanie aj podnikanie, nakoľko je zapísaný na LV ako kancelária. Prenajíma sa zariadený. Vybavenie: kuchynská linka, sporák so sklokeramickou varnou doskou, digestor, chladnička, rozkladacia posteľ a klimatizácia. V kúpeľni je vaňa a práčka. Všetkým nájomníkom je k dispozícii zelená záhrada s prístreškom a posedením na grilovanie a stojanom na bicykle.
Lokalita: centrum mesta, v blízkosti MHD, autobusová stanica Mlynské Nivy
Občianska vybavenosť: nákupné centrá Eurovea, Tesco, Lidl, Yeme, kaviarne, reštaurácie, parky, všetko v pešej dostupnosti
Cena garsónky je od 450,-Eur s energiami na mesiac (pri 1 osobe).
Priestor je voľný ihneď.
For Rent a studio apartment with an area of 21 square meters on the ground floor on Grosslingova Street in the Old Town in Bratislava. The space is suitable for living and business, as it is registered at LV as an office. For rent furnished. Equipment: kitchen, stove with ceramic hob, extractor hood, refrigerator, sofa bed and air conditioning. The bathroom has a bathtub and a washing machine. A green garden with a shelter and a barbecue area and a bicycle stand is available to all tenants.
Location: city center, close to public transport, bus station Mlynské Nivy
Civic amenities: shopping centers Eurovea, Tesco, Lidl, Yeme, cafes, restaurants, parks, all within walking distance
The price of the studio is 450 EUR including energy per month (for 1 person).
Space is available immediately.

dámske dlhé šaty vo veľkosti 44. Nenosené- len objednané a vyskúšané. Stále v predaji na ASOS:
Dohoda na cene možná.

Elegy -"Labyrinth of dreams" 41:57 1992 T & T TT 0005/2 250Kč
Elegy -"Lost" 48:12 1995 T & T TT 0017-2 250Kč
Elegy -"Manifestation of fear" 53:07 1998 T & T TT 0036-2 250Kč
Elegy -"State of mind" 45:42 1997 T & T TT 0030/2 250Kč
Elixir -"Lethal potion" 44:55 1990 Sonic CD 9 900Kč
Eloy -"Colours" 39:46 1980 EMI CDP 538-7 92499 2 400Kč
Eloy -"Destination" 53:38 1992 ACI SPV 084-48082 500Kč
Eloy -"Metromania" 40:35 1984 EMI CDP 538-7 92502 2 350Kč
Eloy -"Performance" 39:22 1983 EMI CDP 538-7 92501 2 400Kč
Eloy -"Planets" 42:11 1981 EMI CDP 538-7 92500 2 350Kč
Eloy -"Ra" 42:30 1988 ACI SPV 85-4802 600Kč
Eloy-"Silent cries and mighty echoes" 43:42 1979 EMI CDP 538-7 92021 2 450Kč
Eloy -"The tides return forever" 47:24 1994 ACI CD 084-48202 500Kč
Eloy -"Time to turn" 42:24 1982 EMI CDP 538-7 48487 2 700Kč
Everon -"Bridge" 55:58 2002 Mascot Records M 7067-2 300Kč
Everon -"Fantasma" 52:00 2000 Mascot Records M 2045-2 350Kč
Everon -"Flesh" 51:34 2002 Mascot Records M 7068-2 350Kč
Every Mother´s Nightmare -"Every mother´s nightmare" 39:35 1990 Arista ARCD-8633 450Kč
Every Mother´s Nightmare -"Wake up screaming" 53:57 1993 Arista 07822-18639-2 300Kč
Evidence One -"Criticize the truth" 45:34 2002 Point Music 4 024 300Kč
Explorers Club -"Raising the mammoth" 59:30 2002 Music For Nations MAX 9046 2 300Kč
Eyefear -"9 elements of inner vision" (CD + DVD)51:38 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0449 400Kč
Eyes -"Freedom in a cage" 49:47 1990 (nic není uvedeno,nikde se mi to nepodařilo dohledat - nabídněte)
Eyes -"The eyes" 46:58 1990 Curb D2-77314 (jiná kapela) 500K
Emerson, Lake and Palmer -"Black moon" 48:57 1992 Victory -2 300Kč
Emerson, Lake and Powell -"Emerson, Lake and Powell" 43:01 1986 Polydor 829 297-2 300Kč
Emerson, Lake and Palmer -"Love beach" 41:02 1978 Castle ESM CD 363 300Kč
Empire -"Trading souls" 44:54 2003 Lion Music LMC 074 450Kč
Energy Orchard -"Energy orchard" 50:31 1990 MCA MCAD-6379 250Kč
Enchant -"Blink of an eye" 54:31 2002 Inside Out Music 6 93723 65082 1 300Kč