peek and cloppenburg slovensko - strana 7
Počet nájdených inzerátov PEEK AND CLOPPENBURG SLOVENSKO
: 1000 - strana 7

Ponúkame na predaj novostavbu 3-izbového nízkoenergetického rodinného domu v lokalite rekreačná oblasť vo Vojke nad Dunajom.
Nehnuteľnosť sa nachádza v stráženej rekreačnej oblasti s priamym prístupom ku jazeru so zriadenými plážami iba 3 km od samotnej Vojky nad Dunajom.
Pozemok o rozlohe 392 m2 ponúka priestor na terasové posedenie, domček na záhradné náradie, jacuzzi, veľký gril, predpripravený povrch pre bazén a závlaha na trávnik zabezpečuje takmer celoročnú zeleň.
Areál zároveň ponúka možnosť prenájmu tenisových kurtov, beach volejbalového ihriska, kosenie trávnikov a osvetlenia v cene mesačných nákladov.
Rodinný dom: 2x spálňa, priestranná obývacia izba spojená s kuchyňou a jedálenským kútom, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC. V technickej miestnosti sa nachádza práčka a dom disponuje aj samostatnou špajzou. Krb v obývacej izbe vytvára príjemné teplo a pocit domova, zatiaľ čo podlahové kúrenie vo zvyšku domu vykuruje ostatné miestnosti.
✅ tichá rekreačná oblasť
✅ vnútorné parkovanie pre 2 autá + vonkajšie parkovanie
✅ záhrada s možnosťou pestovania, grilovania a iných voľnočasových aktivít
✅ priamy prístup do jazera a predpripravená pláž
✅ 24hod strážený areál s vrátnicou
✅ klimatizácia v dome
✅ rýchla dostupnosť do Bratislavy
Pre lepšiu predstavivosť si pozrite virtuálnu prehliadku a prelet dronom.
V prípade potreby Vám vieme zabezpečiť komplexné financovanie na mieru v ktorejkoľvek banke s výhodnejším ako bežným úrokom.
We offer you for sale a newly built 3-room low energy family house in the recreation area of Vojka nad Dunajom. The property is located in guarded recreation area with direct access to the lake with established beaches only 3 km from Vojka nad Dunajom.
Land with an area of 392m2 offers space for sitting on terrace, tool house for garden work, jacuzzi, large grill, surface prepared for a pool and lawn irrigation ensures almost year round greenery.
The complex also offers the possibility of renting tennis courts, a beach volleyball court, lawn mowing and lighting at the price of monthly costs.
Family house: 2x bedrooms, spacious living room with kitchen and dining area, bathroom with bathtub and toilet. There is a washing machine in the utility room and the house also has a separate pantry. The fireplace in the living room creates a pleasant warmth and a feeling of home, while the underfloor heating in the rest of the house heats the other rooms
Land under the house is rented from CRESCO company for 99 years, and contract is renewed each time after change of the owners.
✅ quite recreation area
✅ indoor parking for 2 cars + outdoor parking
✅ garden with the possibility of growing, grilling and other leisure activities
✅ direct access to the lake and prepared beach
✅ 24/7 guarded area with a gatehouse
✅ air conditioning in the house
✅ quick access to Bratislava
For better imagina

Prenájom 2 podlažného rodinného domu v tichom prostredí, ktorý je situovaný priamo na Bôriku, dom je 5 izbový, slnečný a poskytuje maximálne súkromie, úžitková plocha 240 m2, k domu patrí záhrada so stromami a kríkmi, garáž pre 1 auto + 1 parkovacie miesto na pozemku vo dvore, dom sa prenajíma nezariadený, vstavané šatníkové skrine sa nachádzajú v spálni a v hale, k dispozícii satelit, na spodnom podlaží vonkajšie rolety, na poschodí vnútorné žalúzie, klimatizácia na poschodí v 2 izbách. Dom je po celkovej rekonštrukcii.
Dispozičné riešenie:
- prízemie tvorí obývacia izba s krbom prepojená s kuchyňou vybavenou spotrebičmi a jedálenskou časťou, priamy východ na terasu do záhrady, samostatná izba, kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- poschodie domu tvoria 3 samostatné izby, hala ,šatník, 2 x kúpelňa s masážnou vaňou a sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- suterén domu tvoria 3 miestnosti využiteľné ako izba, herňa a na pohodlné odkladanie vecí.
Príjemná a tichá lokalita na hradnom kopci uprostred zelene, výborná blízka dostupnosť priamo do centra mesta ako aj na obchvat. Dom je voľný od 1.4.2023.
Cena prenájmu: 2 700 €/mesiac + energie.
Renting a 2-storey family house in a quiet area, which is located directly on Bôrik, the house is 5 rooms, sunny and provides maximum privacy, usable area 240 m2, the house includes a garden with trees and bushes, a garage for 1 car + 1 parking space on plot in the yard, the house is rented unfurnished, built-in wardrobes are located in the bedroom and in the hall, satellite is available, external blinds on the lower floor, internal blinds on the upper floor, air conditioning in 2 rooms on the upper floor. The house has been completely renovated.
Layout solution:
- the ground floor consists of a living room with a fireplace connected to a kitchen equipped with appliances and a dining area, a direct exit to the terrace to the garden, a separate room, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet.
- the first floor of the house consists of 3 separate rooms, a hall, a wardrobe, 2 bathrooms with a massage bath and a shower and a toilet.
- the basement of the house consists of 3 rooms that can be used as a room, a playroom and for convenient storage.
Pleasant and quiet location on the castle hill in the middle of greenery, excellent close accessibility directly to the city center as well as to the bypass. The house is available from April 1, 2023.
Rental price: € 2,700/month + energy.

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Ponúkame na predaj novostavbu 3-izbového nízkoenergetického rodinného domu v lokalite rekreačná oblasť vo Vojke nad Dunajom.
Nehnuteľnosť sa nachádza v stráženej rekreačnej oblasti s priamym prístupom ku jazeru so zriadenými plážami iba 3 km od samotnej Vojky nad Dunajom.
Pozemok o rozlohe 392 m2 ponúka priestor na terasové posedenie, domček na záhradné náradie, jacuzzi, veľký gril, predpripravený povrch pre bazén a závlaha na trávnik zabezpečuje takmer celoročnú zeleň.
Areál zároveň ponúka možnosť prenájmu tenisových kurtov, beach volejbalového ihriska, kosenie trávnikov a osvetlenia v cene mesačných nákladov.
Rodinný dom: 2x spálňa, priestranná obývacia izba spojená s kuchyňou a jedálenským kútom, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC. V technickej miestnosti sa nachádza práčka a dom disponuje aj samostatnou špajzou. Krb v obývacej izbe vytvára príjemné teplo a pocit domova, zatiaľ čo podlahové kúrenie vo zvyšku domu vykuruje ostatné miestnosti.
✅ tichá rekreačná oblasť
✅ vnútorné parkovanie pre 2 autá + vonkajšie parkovanie
✅ záhrada s možnosťou pestovania, grilovania a iných voľnočasových aktivít
✅ priamy prístup do jazera a predpripravená pláž
✅ 24hod strážený areál s vrátnicou
✅ klimatizácia v dome
✅ rýchla dostupnosť do Bratislavy
Pre lepšiu predstavivosť si pozrite virtuálnu prehliadku a prelet dronom.
V prípade potreby Vám vieme zabezpečiť komplexné financovanie na mieru v ktorejkoľvek banke s výhodnejším ako bežným úrokom.
We offer you for sale a newly built 3-room low energy family house in the recreation area of Vojka nad Dunajom. The property is located in guarded recreation area with direct access to the lake with established beaches only 3 km from Vojka nad Dunajom.
Land with an area of 392m2 offers space for sitting on terrace, tool house for garden work, jacuzzi, large grill, surface prepared for a pool and lawn irrigation ensures almost year round greenery.
The complex also offers the possibility of renting tennis courts, a beach volleyball court, lawn mowing and lighting at the price of monthly costs.
Family house: 2x bedrooms, spacious living room with kitchen and dining area, bathroom with bathtub and toilet. There is a washing machine in the utility room and the house also has a separate pantry. The fireplace in the living room creates a pleasant warmth and a feeling of home, while the underfloor heating in the rest of the house heats the other rooms
Land under the house is rented from CRESCO company for 99 years, and contract is renewed each time after change of the owners.
✅ quite recreation area
✅ indoor parking for 2 cars + outdoor parking
✅ garden with the possibility of growing, grilling and other leisure activities
✅ direct access to the lake and prepared beach
✅ 24/7 guarded area with a gatehouse
✅ air conditioning in the house
✅ quick access to Bratislava
For better imagina

Ponúkame na prenájom nadštandartný, čiastočne zariadený a veľmi pekne riešený 3- izbový byt na Cabanovej ulici v Dúbravke /19 ročná stavba/.
Celková výmera 93 m2 + 5,22 m2 (balkón), na 2 poschodí /2/5/, s výťahom, v peknom a tichom prostredí plnom zelene v Dúbravke s výbornou dopravnou infraštruktúrou a prístupom do mesta a na výpadovku.
V blízkosti sa nachádzajú obchodné centrá, anglická škola a škôlka, Borry Mall a Volkswagen. V okolí sú možnosti na rôznorodé športové aktivity a prechádzky. Vďaka týmto výhodám patrí Dúbravka medzi najobľúbenejšie lokality na život v Bratislave.
Cena prenájmu bytu je 650,- Euro mesačne + 170,- Euro energie a poplatky pre 2 osoby.
Súčasťou bytu je aj garáž situovaná v podzemí domu, dostupná výťahom z poschodia bytu.
Cena prenájmu garáže je 110 Euro mesačne.
Byt je voľný od 1.4.2023 a minimálna dĺžka prenájmu je 1 rok.
We offer for rent an above-standard, partially furnished and very nicely designed 3-rooms apartment on Cabanova Street in Dúbravka /19-year-old building/.
Total area 93 m2 + 5.22 m2 (balcony), on 2 floors /2/5/, with an elevator, in a nice and quiet environment full of greenery in Dúbravka with excellent transport infrastructure and access to the city and the drop-off.
Nearby are shopping centers, an English school and nursery, Borry Mall and Volkswagen. There are opportunities for various sports activities and walks in the surroundings. Thanks to these advantages, Dúbravka is one of the most popular places to live in Bratislava.
The price of renting an apartment is 650 Euros per month + 170 Euros for energy and fees for 2 people.
The apartment also includes a garage located in the basement of the house, accessible by elevator from the apartment floor.
The price of renting a garage is 110 Euro per month.
The apartment is available from 1.4.2023 and the minimum rental period is 1 year.

Dovoz z Holandska, z mesta Amersfoort, komplet repas serva laserovej jednotky, výmena servo motorčeka, repasácia spínačov, prečistenie laserovej optiky, kupujúci od toho dostane servisný list autorizovaného servisu Onkyo, horná plocha má menšie škrabance v hrúbke ľudského vlasu, predný čelný panel bez škrabanca, diaľkové ovládanie, 100% technický stav. Onkyo na svojich stránkach označuje komponent ako najlepší cd receiver aký vyrobili, info:
22 W/Ch (4 Ω, 1 kHz, 0.4% THD, 2 Channels Driven, IEC)
Plays Audio CD, CD-R, and CD-RW*1
Play 192 kHz/24-bit Hi-Res PCM Audio, DSD 2.8/5.6 MHz, Lossless, and Compressed Formats via DLNA with Remote App*2 Control
Gapless Playback of FLAC, WAV, and ALAC Audio Formats
Stream Music Stored on Mobile via Onkyo Remote App*2
Supports Spotify Connect Streaming Service via Spotify App
Internet Radio and Music Streaming via Remote App*2 (Spotify, TuneIn Radio, Deezer, AUPEO!)*3
Supports Optional Wireless LAN Adapter (UWF-1) and Bluetooth USB Adapter (UBT-1)
Plays MP3, WMA, WMA Lossless, FLAC, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, Apple Lossless, LPCM, DSD 2.8/5.6 MHz via Network and USB
Premium 768 kHz/32-bit VERITA AK4490 Stereo DAC for Hi-Res Audio Decoding
VLSC™ (Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry) to Reduce High-Frequency Pulse Noise
Advanced Music Optimizer to Enhance Compressed Digital Formats
Discrete Headphone Amplifier with 150 + 150 mW (THD+N 0.4%, 33Ω) Output for 16–600 Ω Headphones
Headphone Amplifier Features DIDRC (Dynamic Intermodulation Distortion Reduction Circuitry) for Clear, Low-Distortion Sound
WRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology)
Three-Stage Inverted Darlington Circuitry Amplification with Discrete Output Stage
Symmetrical Power Amplifier Circuit Design to Minimize Interference
Short Signal Paths Between Amplifier and Power Supply
Two Audio-Grade 4,700 µF Capacitors for Instantaneous Power Delivery
Phase-Matching Bass Boost
Quality Tone Control Circuits (Bass/Treble)
Dedicated Transformer for Standby Mode
Front-Panel USB Port for iPod/iPhone or USB Flash Drives
Digital Audio Inputs (Optical and Coaxial)
3 Analog Audio Inputs and 1 Output
Subwoofer Pre-Out
Transparent, Gold-Plated Speaker Posts
1.2 mm Thick Solid Metal Chassis
Display Dimmer (Normal/Dim/Dimmer)
40 Preset FM/AM Stations
RDS (PS/RT) (European Model Only)
Full-Size Remote Control
tip: prístroj je excelentný prehrávač, čo sa veľmi oplatí je, prepojiť ho s externým a veľmi výkonným zosilňovačom, ktorý buď máte alebo si ho zaobstaráte v budúcnosti. Ja som ho skúšal (prepojil som si ho s ) na Onkyo a-9377 a reproduktoroch Onkyo d-055, výsledok bol excelentný.

Ahoj mam na predaj úplne nové 16s BMS pre 60V, 40A prevedenie.
Viac info SMS, E-mail, Telefon.
Cena: 30€
Dôvod predaja: BMS bolo kupovane do rezervy.
Model Number: 16S-60V-40A
Type: Lithium battery protection circuit
Nominal Voltage: 60V
Nominal Capacity: 20-60Ah battery
Input Charging Voltage: 68(±0.4)V
Input Charging Current: ≤40A
Output Discharging Current: 40A
Over-Current Discharging Protection: 120A
Balance Current: 40mA
Balance Voltage: 4.25 (±0.02)V
Over-Charge Protection Voltage: 4.25(±0.025)V
Over-Charge Protection Voltage Release:
4.15 (±0.05)V
Over-Charge Protection Voltage Delay Time: 1S
Over-Discharge Protection Voltage: 2.70(±0.05)V
Over-Discharge Protection Voltage Release:
3.0 (±0.1)V
Short Circuit Protection Release: Disconnect load
Impedance: ≤20m§
Operating Temperature: -40~85°C
Number in series: 16S
Weight: 107g
Size: 120*60*10mm
Application: 16S 60V li-ion battery, Suitable for assembled battery pack, Electric bicycles, electric scooters, motorcycles, electric boats, solar energy, etc.
1. It is suitable for 16S 60V lithium battery (16S
3.7V li-ion cell).
2. With functions of protection from voltage, current detection, including over-current, overvoltage, under-voltage and short circuit protection.
3. the peripheral protection adopts the aluminum profile heat sink, which has anti-vibration, anti-fall, anti-impact and increasing heat dissipation and strength function.
4. the main control IC adopts the special battery protection with high integration degree, which has reliable and stable function, low self-loss and ESD.
5. has broken line protection function.
Wiring instructions:
Same port for charging and discharging:40A power cable
B-: Connect to the negative pole of the battery pack
P-/C-: Connect to negative electrode of charger and discharge
Please connect B- line firstly, and then connect voltage monitoring wiring harness. The last step is to connect charge and discharge lines. If you want to remove them, the order should be reversed.
Please pay attention to the connection order, or it will damage the component.

Predám vypracované maturitné témy z angličtiny B1 vo worde.
Témy - Family, Culture, Shopping and services, Sport, Housing, Travelling, Education, Jobs and professions, Human relations, Health, Man and nature, Man and society, Science and technology, Communication, Mass media,Young people and society,Food, Towns and placesHobbies and free time, Fashion, Examples and ideals, Multicultural society, English speaking countries, Slovakia
Uprednostňujem kontakt cez email. (nikolavender7@)
Maturitné témy zasielam mailom ihneď po platbe.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan ZKwP FCI -
wonderful puppies
In our Welsh Corgi kennel, which is registered in the Kennel Club in Poland, on March 24, 2023, beautiful WCC puppies were born.
Parents of puppies are beautiful representatives of the breed.
The mother of puppies is born in our kennel. Dad is a beautiful imported dog.
Parents have wonderful, balanced characters and are genetically tested and free from diseases typical for the breed.
Welsh Corgi has been with us for 9 years. This is a breed that adapts well to any lifestyle. This breed is very intelligent, loyal, affectionate, vigilant, sociable. They will also prove themselves in sports, e.g. in agility or obedience.
Our WCCs are family members, they live with us at home, they have contact with children and other animals.
Puppies promise to be very good in terms of exterior.
They are under constant veterinary care. When they are ready for their new home, puppies will be microchipped, vaccinated and dewormed according to their age, and will have an FCI export pedigree.
Our dogs are a member of the family. Health and proper socialization are very important to us.
Feel free to contact us and visit our FB page Rajska Kraina FCI - Welsh Corgi Cardigan & Welsh Corgi Pembroke kennel. We will gladly answer all your questions.
The content of the advertisement and photos are my property and I do not agree to their copying.
Kind regards.

predam nove nepouzite multi cistenie za zbran
ide o top riesenie povodna cena cez450 USD
Pripadne vymena za veci pre pcp rsp strelivo 9 .22 .223 .12 kartu kartu a ZP mam
Cleans 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm and .45cal .223 weapons
100% cotton 2” and 3” Panoply cleaning patches and small and large caliber slotted tips
8” and 30” Memory-Flex® cables for effective and correct Breech-to-Muzzle® Five firearm specific bronze brushes with size marked on brush stem (5.56mm,7.62mm, 9mm, .45cal, 5.56mm chamber brush)
Gerber MP600 Multi-Tool
8-32 thread solid rod set for obstruction removal
Obstruction remover knocks out mud, snow, stuck casings and doubles as a t-handle base for included t-handle
Scraper, straight & bent pick, locking lug scraper for more precise cleaning
Lens cloth, lens spray, mohair lens brush and cotton swabs for optics care
Also includes 1.25 oz bottle for solvent, NATO adapter & instruction manual
Dust Cap, double sided AP brush, pipe cleaners and dust brush
Lightweight soft pack with ALICE clips for carrying
Dimensions: 9" x 5" x 4"
Berry Compliant
Made in the USA
cistacia sada

Nadštandardný a priestranný rodinný dom v krásnom prostredí Koliby, úžitková plocha 270 m2, k domu patrí veľmi pekná okrasná záhrada. V dome boli použité nadštandardné značkové kvalitne materiály a pôsobí reprezentatívnym dojmom. Dom sa ponúka ako nezariadený bez nábytku.
Dispozíciu domu tvorí:
- prízemie domu tvorí vstupná chodba, veľká spálňa spolu s pracovňou, detská izba, veľká kúpelňa s dvoma umývadlami a WC s bidetom zn. Versace, práčovňa,
- poschodie tvorí veľká priestranná obývacia izba s krbom, jedálenskou časťou a kuchynskou časťou s výstupom na priestranný balkón priamo do záhrady (kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi), druhá veľká kúpelňa s vaňou, sprchovací kútom s parnou saunou, WC,
- ďalšie poschodie domu tvorí ďalšia izba so šatníkom.
V dome je výťah priamo do garáže na diaľkové ovládanie pre 2 autá. K domu patrí aj hosťovský domček na pozemku, ktorý je možné využívať počas celého roka a ktorý sa skladá zo spálne, obývačky spojenej s kuchynskou časťou a kúpelne s WC. Domček má svoju terasu v záhrade.
Dom sa nachádza v absolútne tichej ulici s maximálnym súkromím a s výbornou dostupnosťou do centra alebo do lesoparku na Kolibe, kde je široká možnosť oddychu či športového vyžitia ako turistika a bike.
Cena: 2 500 €/mesiac + energie 300 EUR. Dom je voľný od 1.9.2023.
Luxury and spacious family house in the beautiful surroundings of Koliba, usable area 270 m2, the house includes a very nice ornamental garden. In the house, above-standard branded quality materials were used and it has a representative impression. The house is offered unfurnished without furniture.
The layout of the house consists of:
- the ground floor of the house consists of an entrance hall, a large bedroom with an office, a children's room, a large bathroom with two sinks and a toilet with a bidet. Versace, laundry,
- the first floor consists of a large spacious living room with a fireplace, a dining area and a kitchen area with access to a spacious balcony directly into the garden (the kitchen is fully equipped with all appliances),
- a second large bathroom with a bathtub, a shower cabin with a steam sauna, a toilet, - another floor of the house it forms another room with a wardrobe.
The house has a remote-controlled elevator directly to the garage for 2 cars. The house also includes a guest house on the property, which can be used throughout the year and which consists of a bedroom, a living room connected to the kitchen area, and a bathroom with a toilet. The house has its own terrace in the garden.
The house is located in an absolutely quiet street with maximum privacy and excellent accessibility to the center or to the forest park on Koliba, where there is a wide range of recreation and sports activities such as hiking and biking.
Price: €2,500/month + energy €300. The house is available from September 1, 2023.

Ponúkame Vám na prenájom luxusný 2-izbový byt o rozlohe 75m2 v Rezidencii Cassovar - Žriedlová ulica. Dominuje mu priestranná obývacia časť prepojená s kuchyňou.
Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený.
kuchyňa – indukčná doska a rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou, umývačka riadu, mikrovlnka, rýchlovarnou kanvicou a drobným vybavením (taniere, príbor, poháre, hrnce atď.)
kúpeľňa – práčka, sprchový kút a vaňa
spálňa - kvalitná posteľ a matrace
obývačka - SMART TV a WiFi
Ďalšou veľkou výhodou bytu je zabudovaná klimatizácia a vonkajšie motorizované žalúzie.
CENA: 1000,- Eur zahŕňa nájom, médiá, internet a TV
V prípade potreby ponúkame parkovacie státie v podzemnej garáži za cenu 100€.
REZIDENCIA CASSOVAR: Nachádza sa v mestskej časti Staré mesto na Žriedlovej ulici. Bola kolaudovaná koncom roku 2009. Rezidencia s 90 nadštandardnými bytmi predstavuje kvalitatívne novú úroveň v segmente bývania.
OBČIANSKA VYBAVENOSŤ: Rezidencia Cassovar leží na hranici historického jadra, Starého a Nového mesta a pešo iba 7 min. od Dómu Sv. Alžbety. V blízkosti sú dostupné všetky zariadenia vyššej občianskej vybavenosti - supermarket Fajne potraviny, najmodernejšie fitnescentrum v Košiciach – Family Gym, reštaurácie, kaderníctvo atd.
VÝHODY: výborná lokalita v Košiciach, plne klimatizované priestory, luxusné vybavenie, možnosť podzemného parkovania
OSTATNÉ: bez zvierat, 2 mesačný depozit
Žiadame, aby nás realitné kancelárie nekontaktovali. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.
We exclusively offer for rent a luxury fully furnished 2-rooms apartment. Usable area is 75m2. The living room is connected to the open plan kitchen and dining area. The kitchen is modern, fully equipped with built-in appliances.
Kitchen – induction hob and oven, fridge / freezer, dishwasher, microwave, kettle and small equipment (plates, cutlery, cups, pots, etc.)
Bathroom - washing machine, shower and bath
bedroom - high quality bed and mattress
living room - SMART TV and WiFi
RENT: 1000, - € including media and internet
If you need a parking spot, we offer one in the underground garage for the additional price of 100 €.
LOCATION: Rezidencia Cassovar lies near the historical city center of Košice. Apartment is only 7 min. from the city center. Apartment is close to local amenities – Family Gym, supermarket Fajne potraviny, restaurants, theatre, hairdresser and many more.
ADVANTAGES: luxury furnished (high quality furniture and appliances), usable area 75m2, great location near the city center, air conditioning, outdoor motorised blinds, LED mood lightning, possibility of the underground parking, close to the grocery store (30m), cafe in the building
OTHERS: pets are not allowed, 2 months deposit

Luxury 1-bedroom apartment of 60 m2 in Rhodes town
The property is located on the 2nd floor from 3 floors apartment building, in a new block which was built in 2022.
It is located in a quiet residential area of Rhodes, not far away from the Medieval Town itself, which is definitely the biggest attraction on the island of Rhodes.
Apartment layout:
entrance corridor
spacious room – kitchen with dining table and living area
Apartment equipment:
-comfortable double bed 160x 200 cm (for 2 people) in the bedroom
-bed linen and towels
-in the living area there is SmarTV 32 in
-corner sofa bed (allows two more people to sleep)
-high-speed internet
-electronic sun shadows
- fully equipped kitchen (Nespresso coffee maker, kettles, pots, washing machine, dishwasher)
From the living room there is direct access to the balcony 10 m2 with sea view
and the opportunity to enjoy a pleasant sea breeze and panoramic views
The apartment is fully air-conditioned.
In the underground of the apartment complex there is a common garage where you have your parking place reserved just for you.
The Greek local market for vegetables, fruits and fresh fish is about 1km away. On Wednesdays and Saturdays you can buy fresh local products or just enjoy the atmosphere.
Within walking distance there are Lidl and My Market supermarkets, as well as bakery with fresh pastries and local Greek coffee.
Nearby is also the new Marina with local cafés and restaurants.
Distance from the airport is 16 km.
Price: from 80e till 110e per unit per night /2 pax/ depends on the date of the season
Cleaning fee: 40Euro
Contact: Diana

Prenájom 2 podlažného rodinného domu v tichom prostredí, ktorý je situovaný priamo na Bôriku, dom je 5 izbový, slnečný a poskytuje maximálne súkromie, úžitková plocha 240 m2, k domu patrí záhrada so stromami a kríkmi, garáž pre 1 auto + 1 parkovacie miesto na pozemku vo dvore, dom sa prenajíma nezariadený, vstavané šatníkové skrine sa nachádzajú v spálni a v hale, k dispozícii satelit, na spodnom podlaží vonkajšie rolety, na poschodí vnútorné žalúzie, klimatizácia na poschodí v 2 izbách. Dom je po celkovej rekonštrukcii.
Dispozičné riešenie:
- prízemie tvorí obývacia izba s krbom prepojená s kuchyňou vybavenou spotrebičmi a jedálenskou časťou, priamy východ na terasu do záhrady, samostatná izba, kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- poschodie domu tvoria 3 samostatné izby, hala ,šatník, 2 x kúpelňa s masážnou vaňou a sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- suterén domu tvoria 3 miestnosti využiteľné ako izba, herňa a na pohodlné odkladanie vecí.
Príjemná a tichá lokalita na hradnom kopci uprostred zelene, výborná blízka dostupnosť priamo do centra mesta ako aj na obchvat. Dom je voľný ihneď.
Cena prenájmu: 2 700 €/mesiac + energie.
Renting a 2-storey family house in a quiet area, which is located directly on Bôrik, the house is 5 rooms, sunny and provides maximum privacy, usable area 240 m2, the house includes a garden with trees and bushes, a garage for 1 car + 1 parking space on plot in the yard, the house is rented unfurnished, built-in wardrobes are located in the bedroom and in the hall, satellite is available, external blinds on the lower floor, internal blinds on the upper floor, air conditioning in 2 rooms on the upper floor. The house has been completely renovated.
Layout solution:
- the ground floor consists of a living room with a fireplace connected to a kitchen equipped with appliances and a dining area, a direct exit to the terrace to the garden, a separate room, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet.
- the first floor of the house consists of 3 separate rooms, a hall, a wardrobe, 2 bathrooms with a massage bath and a shower and a toilet.
- the basement of the house consists of 3 rooms that can be used as a room, a playroom and for convenient storage.
Pleasant and quiet location on the castle hill in the middle of greenery, excellent close accessibility directly to the city center as well as to the bypass. The house is available inmediately.
Rental price: € 2,700/month + energy.

/celé slovensko/ Motor 2.0 TDI VW Crafter, Amarok - TOP - [30.12. 2022]
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/celé slovensko/ Motor 2.0 TDI VW Crafter, Amarok - 1
/celé slovensko/ Motor 2.0 TDI VW Crafter, Amarok - 2
/celé slovensko/ Motor 2.0 TDI VW Crafter, Amarok - 3
/celé slovensko/ Motor 2.0 TDI VW Crafter, Amarok - 4
/celé slovensko/ Motor 2.0 TDI VW Crafter, Amarok - 5
/celé slovensko/ Motor 2.0 TDI VW Crafter, Amarok - 6
CELÉ SLOVENSKO - Doprava v cene / Kompletná generálka / Písomná záruka / Odborné poradenstvo /
Predám holomotor 2.0 TDi montovany najma do VW VolksWagen Crafter, Amarok. Aj pre verzie 4x4. Aj biturbo.
Kódy motora EURO5: CKU, CKT, CKUA, CKUB, CKUC v cene 1700,-
Kody motora zacinajuce na "D" EURO6 v cene 2750,-
ak mate iny kod, zavolajte, urcite si poradime.
K motoru ponuam aj moznost vymeny v bezkonkurencnej kvalite prevedenia.
Je to kompletná generálka, cize stav nového motora, co je neporovnatelne lepsie oproti kupe jazdeneho motora, ktory moze mat skryte vady.
Motor je kompletne zgenerálkovaný:
- kľukovka v závislosti od stupňa poškodenia vyleštená/vyrovnaná/vybrúsená
- nové semeringy kľukovky, ojničné, kľukové a a axiálne ložiská
- prehonované válce
- olejové čerpadlo nové / zrepasované
- vačky skontrolované, prípadne opravené, vymenené semeringy
- piesty skontrolované ultrazvukom, použité nové piestne krúžky
- zrepasovaná hlava motora skontrolovaná tlakovou skúškou (výbrus, vymenené vadné ventily/vodítka, zabrúsené ventily, vymenené hydrauliky)
Váš starý motor je potrebne vrátiť v akomkoľvek stave. Neúčtujem žiadne ďalšie poplatky za starý motor v zlom stave s výnimkou prerazeného bloku ojnicou.
Záruka: písomná
12 mesiacov / 5000km.
12 mesiacov / 50 000km v prípade výmeny u mňa
Dovoz v cene vrámci celej SR. V pripade vymeny u mna odtah za bezkonkurencnu cenu.

Ponúkam spoločenské šaty s odhalenými chrbtom zakúpené v Peek&Cloppengurg, veľkosť 42. Pôvodná cena 160€, možnosť osobného odberu/ vyskúšania v Žiline.

Meltzer, Carole Swann: Feng Shui Chic, 2003 (*mnohe casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€
Mencher, Melvin: News Reporting and Writing, 2003 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€
Rusher, William: How to Win Arguments, 1981 (*dobry stav): 12€
Clark, Giles & Phillips, Angus: Inside Book Publishing, 2008 (*ako nova): 16€
Akpinar, Bill: No Sweat Know Sweat, 2007 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 16€
Peters, John Durham: Speaking into the Air, 2000 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 16€
Rentschler, Eric: German Film and Literature (Adaptations and Transformations), 2001 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 16€
Crowley, David & Heyer, Paul: Communication in History, 1998 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 14€
Hames, Peter: Czech and Slovak Cinema (Theme and Tradition), 2010 (*venovanie autora, niekolko casti podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 16€
Cousins, Mark: The Story of Film, 2004 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 14€
McDougal + Littell: The Americans (Life and Liberty), 1998 (*dobry stav): 16€
Reynolds, Neil: World History (Perspectives on the Past),1997 (*dobry stav): 16€
Carter-Scott, Cherie: If Love is the Game These are the Rules, 1999 (*velmi dobry stav): 9€
Berg, Yehuda: The Power of Kabbalah, 2003 (*velke casti textu su podciarknute tenkou fixou, dobry stav): 9€
Gray, John: Straw Dogs, 2002 (*ako nova): 12€
Wilson, Glenn: The Science of Love, 2001 (*viacere casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, dobry stav): 9€
Meyer, Stephenie: Twilight, 2009 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Meyer, Stephenie: Eclipse, 2009 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€
Meyer, Stephenie: New Moon, 2009 (*niekolko slov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Meyer, Stephenie: The Host, 2009 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Dowden, Ken: The Uses of Greek Mythology, 2009 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Carnegie, Dale: How to Win Friends and Influence People, 2002 (*mnohe casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 8€
Quilliam, Susan: What Makes People Tick, 2003 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€
Kinsella, Sophie: The Undomestic Goddess, 2006 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Hickam, Homer: October Sky, 1999 (*venovanie, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Kinsella, Sophie: Shopaholic Ties the Knot, 2004 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Harford, Tim: The Undercover Economist, 2006 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€
Hillerman, Tony: The Great Taos Bank Robbery, 1993 (*nova): 12€
Bullock, Alan: Hitler and Stalin Parallel Lives, 1998 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, dobry stav): 16€

Omar El Akkad - American War
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
An audacious and powerful debut novel: a second American Civil War, a devastating plague, and one family caught deep in the middle - a story that asks what might happen if America were to turn its most devastating policies and deadly weapons upon itself. Sarat Chestnut, born in Louisiana, is only six when the Second American Civil War breaks out in 2074. But even she knows that oil is outlawed, that Louisiana is half underwater, and that unmanned drones fill the sky. When her father is killed and her family is forced into Camp Patience for displaced persons, she begins to grow up shaped by her particular time and place. But not everyone at Camp Patience is who they claim to be. Eventually Sarat is befriended by a mysterious functionary, under whose influence she is turned into a deadly instrument of war. The decisions that she makes will have tremendous consequences not just for Sarat but for her family and her country, rippling through generations of strangers and kin alike.

Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 12,95€, predam za 7€.
O knihe:
Recently divorced Dahlia Woodson is ready to reinvent herself and she's found the perfect opportunity: the hit cooking competition show Chef's Special. Falling flat on her face on the first day is admittedly not the best start, but Dahlia isn't going to let it mess up her focus.
London Parker is also there to win. As the first non-binary contestant on Chef's Special, they have a lot to prove, and they have enough on their mind without being distracted by the pretty contestant who crashed into them on Day One and hasn't really stopped talking since.
After filming a few episodes, Dahlia and London grow closer and things get a little steamy as they spend more time together outside of the show.
Suddenly winning isn't as important as either of them thought, but when their relationship starts to feel the heat both in and out of the kitchen, Dahlia and London realise that love doesn't always follow a recipe.

Veľká murovaná garáž 20 m2 s montážnou jamou v Novom Meste, Bratislava.
Garáž väčšia ako štandardný rozmer.
Čistá, suchá.
Vetranie výduchom.
Montážna jama veľká, vybetónovaná, s rebríkom a dreveným prekrytím.
Možnosť využívať na skladovanie vecí v montážnej jame a tiež v garáži, a vzhľadom na jej rozmery zároveň na parkovanie auta.
Strecha s aktuálne novou izoláciou (aj na susedných garážach).
Dvere dvojkrídlové kovové, zateplené.
Maximálna bezpečnosť – garáž susedí s uzavretým školským areálom, a navyše okolie garáže je monitorované kamerovým systémom.
Priestor pred garážou vybetónovaný.
Bezproblémové a bezplatné parkovanie priamo pred garážou.
Susedné garáže využívané ako sklad/výdajňa tovarov pre firmy.
Garáž sa nachádza v super lokalite s výbornou občianskou vybavenosťou, v susedstve bytových domov, kancelárií a obchodných priestorov, na Vyhnianskej ceste v Novom Meste.
V blízkosti Račianska, Riazanská a Vajnorská ulica, OC Slimák, OC VIVO (bývalý Polus), OC Central, Račianske Mýto, Trnavské Mýto, viaceré štadióny a jazero Kuchajda.
Rýchla dostupnosť do centra aj peši, kolobežkou, či bicyklom.
Vynikajúce dopravné spojenie, cca 250 m od zastávky električiek (vrátane nočnej linky).
Cena 120 eur mesačne.
Vrátna záloha vo výške jednomesačného nájmu.
Nájomca neplatí províziu realitnej kancelárii.
K dispozícii od 15.1.2023.
Email: vladimirmitrik@
Large brick garage of 20 m2 with assembly pit in Nové Mesto, Bratislava.
Garage larger than standard size.
Clean, dry.
Air ventilation.
The assembly pit is large, concreted, with a ladder and a wooden cover.
The possibility of using it for storing things in the assembly pit and also in the garage, and due to its dimensions, at the same time for parking the car.
Roof with currently new insulation (also on neighboring garages).
Double-leaf metal door, insulated.
Maximum security - the garage is adjacent to a closed school campus, and the area around the garage is monitored by a camera system.
The space in front of the garage is concreted.
Trouble-free and free parking directly in front of the garage.
Neighboring garages used as a warehouse/dispensary for goods for companies.
The garage is located in a great location with excellent civic amenities, in the neighborhood of apartment buildings, offices and commercial premises, on Vyhnianska Street in Nové Mesto.
Near Račianska, Riazanská and Vajnorská streets, OC Slimák, OC VIVO (former Polus), OC Central, Račianske Mýto, Trnavské Mýto, several stadiums and Lake Kuchajda.
Quick access to the center on foot, scooter or bicycle.
Excellent transport connections, approx. 250 m from the tram stop (including the night line).
The price is 120 euros per month.
Refundable deposit in the amount of one month's rent.
The tenant does not pay a commission to the real estate agency.