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petite and mars street - strana 11

Počet nájdených inzerátov PETITE AND MARS STREET : 1000 - strana 11

Dell 5350dn laser printer
Ponukam novu, profesionalnu, nikdy nepouzivanu laserovu tlaciaren Dell 5350dn v originalnom baleni. Product description Networked monochrome laser printer offering high performance, robust reliability and a wide variety of expandability options in a single function printer. Printer specifications Print speed Up to 50 ppm letter (actual print speed will vary with use) First page out time From ready state As fast as 7.5 seconds Print resolution 600 x 600 dpi (printer default), 1200 dpi Image Quality (driver default), maximum 1200 x 1200 dpi, 2400 dpi Image Quality User interface 4-line backlit LCD, one two-toned LED (green, red) and a 20-button keypad Data streams PCL® 5e Emulation, PCL 6 Emulation, HTML, Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), XPS and PostScript® Level 3 Emulation, PDF 1.6, Direct Image Processor 500 MHz Memory (RAM) 128 MB standard, 640 MB maximum using optional 512 MB memory module Memory expansion One DIMM slot available for optional 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB memory module Maximum duty cycle Up to 225,000 pages per month Recommended duty cycle 3,000 - 30,000 pages per month Paper handling Standard input sources 550-sheet covered tray and 100-sheet multipurpose tray Additional input capacity Up to 3 x optional 550-sheet tray + 2,000-sheet high-capacity feeder Maximum input capacity 4,300 sheets Duplex unit Automatic duplex unit (print both sides) Standard output destination 350-sheet bin Maximum output capacity: 2,750 sheets (350-sheet tray + 1 optional 550-sheet output expander + 1,850 sheet output stacker) Envelope feeder Up to 85 envelopes Supported media types, sizes and paper weights Media types supported Card stock, envelopes (smooth), paper labels, plain paper, transparencies, bond, letterhead, preprinted, colored paper, custom, light/heavy, rough/cotton, recycled Media size and weight Media and size: A4, A5, A6, JIS B5, letter, legal, executive, folio, statement, universal, B5/C5/DL envelope, 7 3/4 envelope (Monarch), 9 & 10 envelope, Oficio (Mexico). Paper: 16 - 36 lb; Cardstock: 36 - 43 lb; Envelopes: 16 - 28 lb Printable area Within 0.167 inches of all edges of the media Connectivity Standard interfaces Standard Ethernet 10/100 Base T, one rear standard USB-B (high-speed) device port, one front full speed USB-A host port, one available internal solution port. (cables not included) Print languages and fonts PC® 5e Emulation, PCL 6 Emulation, HTML, Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), XPS and PostScript® Level 3 Emulation, PDF 1.6, DirectImage 3 of 9 scalable PCL 5e fonts in Narrow, Regular and Wide, 158 scalable PostScript fonts, 2 PCL bitmap fonts, 39 scalable PPDS fonts, 5 PPDS bitmap fonts, 84 scalable PCL fonts, OCR-A, OCR-B scalable PCL 5e fonts Operating Systems (OS) support Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008, Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server running Terminal Services with Citrix MetaFra
Prenájom nadštandardného 4 izbového bytu v novostabe s 2 stá
Nadštandardný 4 izbový mezonetový byt v novostavbe, plocha bytu je 148 m2 + 2 priestranné terasy, byt sa nachádza na 7 poschodí z 8 s výťahom. Dispozíciu bytu tvorí na prízemí vstupná chodba, menší odkladací priestor, kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a WC, priestranná a reprezentatívna obývacia izba spojená s jedálenskou a kuchynskou časťou (kuchyňa je vybavená všetkými zabudovanými spotrebičmi - chladnička s mrazničkou, mikrovlnná rúra, rúra, umývačka riadu), izba s výstupom na terasu, poschodie bytu tvorí druhá priestranná terasa, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC, dve izby, z toho jedna so šatníkom a ďalší samostatný šatník. Byt je kompletne nadštandardne zariadený, drevené parkety v celom byte, klimatizácia v celom byte, elektrické vonkajšie žalúzie, dostatočné množstvo úložných priestorov a šatníkov. Byt má výbornú dispozíciu, je krásne presvetlený vďaka veľkým oknám (kombinácia hliníku a plastu) a pôsobí vzdušným a priestranným dojmom. K bytu patria dve garážové státia v suteréne bytového domu spolu s dvoma pivnicami. Bytový dom má uzatvorený krásny zelený dvor so stromami a detským ihriskom. V tesnej blízkosti sa nachádza Billa, jazero, MHD, výborná dostupnosť do centra či na obchvat. Byt je voľný od 1.3.2023.. Cena 1 750 €/mesiac + energie Superior 4-room maisonette apartment in a new building, the area of the apartment is 148 m2 + 2 spacious terraces, the apartment is located on the 7th floor out of 8 with an elevator. The layout of the apartment on the ground floor consists of an entrance hall, a small storage space, a bathroom with a shower and toilet, a spacious and representative living room connected to the dining room and kitchen area (the kitchen is equipped with all built-in appliances - refrigerator with freezer, microwave oven, oven, dishwasher). , a room with access to the terrace, the second floor of the apartment consists of a spacious terrace, a bathroom with a bathtub and a toilet, two rooms, one of which has a wardrobe and another separate wardrobe. The apartment is completely furnished to a high standard, wooden parquet floors throughout the apartment, air conditioning throughout the apartment, electric external blinds, sufficient storage space and wardrobes. The apartment has an excellent layout, is beautifully lit thanks to the large windows (combination of aluminum and plastic) and gives an airy and spacious impression. The apartment includes two garage spaces in the basement of the apartment building together with two cellars. The apartment building has a closed beautiful green yard with trees and a children's playground. Billa, the lake, public transport, excellent accessibility to the center or the bypass are located in close proximity. The apartment is available from March 1, 2023. Price € 1,750/month + energy
Martin RUSH MH1 Profile
Dobry den. Predavam tieto spickove rotacne hlavy od znacky MARTIN, typ RUSH MH1 profile. Su to kvalitne americke svetla, ziadna cina! Mam na predaj 4ks, popripade viem dopredat 5ty kus. Krasny stav, vizualne, aj technicky v 100% stave, pravidelne cistene a servisovane Su vhodne na velke podujatia, vonkajsie akcie, maju velmi silny svetelny vykon. Su vhodne aj pre divadelne saly, maju regulaciu teploty bielej farby, luc nastavitelny od 16° do 30° (BEAM-SPOT) Popis svetla: LED profile moving head Super bright - efficient optics Rotating gobo wheel Fixed gobo wheel 2 x color wheels Electronic dimming and strobe Iris and 3-facet prism 3 & 5 pin XLR •Light source: 180W LED Color wheel 1: 7 colors plus open, rotation with variable direction and speedColor wheel 2: 7 colors (incl. 1 x UV, 2 x CTC) plus open, rotation with variable direction and speed Rotating gobo wheel: 7 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, gobo indexing, rotation and shake Static gobo wheel: 8 gobos plus open, wheel rotation and shakeElectronic 'shutter' effect: Strobe effect, pulse effects, instant open and blackout Prism: Indexing and rotation with variable direction and speed  Motorized Focus and Iris  Motorized Electronic dimming: 0 - 100% four dimming curve options Pan: 540° Tilt: 270° Povodna cena bola 2500,- za 1 kus hlavy Moja predstava o cene okolo 3500 eur za 4ks hlavy, 2ks doublecase, neutrik powercon a omega clampy.. pri serioznom a rychlom jednani sa urcite dohodneme :) Pre akekolvek otazky ma nevahajte kontaktovat mailom, cislo vymyslene. Mozem poslat videa na poziadanie Pozri moje dalsie inzeraty :)
Martin RUSH MH1 Profile
Dobry den. Predavam tieto spickove rotacne hlavy od znacky MARTIN, typ RUSH MH1 profile. Su to kvalitne americke svetla, ziadna cina! Mam na predaj 4ks, popripade viem dopredat 5ty kus. Krasny stav, vizualne, aj technicky v 100% stave, pravidelne cistene a servisovane Su vhodne na velke podujatia, vonkajsie akcie, maju velmi silny svetelny vykon. Su vhodne aj pre divadelne saly, maju regulaciu teploty bielej farby, luc nastavitelny od 16° do 30° (BEAM-SPOT) Popis svetla: LED profile moving head Super bright - efficient optics Rotating gobo wheel Fixed gobo wheel 2 x color wheels Electronic dimming and strobe Iris and 3-facet prism 3 & 5 pin XLR •Light source: 180W LED Color wheel 1: 7 colors plus open, rotation with variable direction and speedColor wheel 2: 7 colors (incl. 1 x UV, 2 x CTC) plus open, rotation with variable direction and speed Rotating gobo wheel: 7 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, gobo indexing, rotation and shake Static gobo wheel: 8 gobos plus open, wheel rotation and shakeElectronic 'shutter' effect: Strobe effect, pulse effects, instant open and blackout Prism: Indexing and rotation with variable direction and speed  Motorized Focus and Iris  Motorized Electronic dimming: 0 - 100% four dimming curve options Pan: 540° Tilt: 270° 4ks hlavy, 2ks doublecase, neutrik powercon a omega clampy.. pri serioznom a rychlom jednani sa urcite dohodneme :) Pre akekolvek otazky ma nevahajte kontaktovat mozete telefonom alebo mailom. Mozem poslat videa na poziadanie Pozri moje dalsie inzeraty :)
Piano lessons with joy (hodiny klavíra)
I offer piano lessons for beginners, adults and advanced players. As a pianist and piano teacher, I received a master degree at VŠMU music academy and I would like to pass on my experience to other musicians. I am also professionally engaged in piano collaboration with solo instruments or singers. The lessons take place in my studio on the new grand piano and can be extended by the basics of theory and musical composition. It is important that my students practise with good technique and skills in sight reading from the beginning, which makes playing the piano easy and pleasant as possible and gives space for musical creativity. Some of my students placed in international competitions and for some the piano became a pleasant hobby. I speak English and Slovak fluently. I will be happy if you contact me at this number 9
SET 4ks..Martin RUSH MH1 Profile
Dobry den. Predavam tieto spickove rotacne hlavy od znacky MARTIN, typ RUSH MH1 profile. Su to kvalitne americke svetla, ziadna cina! Mam na predaj 4ks, popripade viem dopredat 5ty kus. Krasny stav, vizualne, aj technicky v 100% stave, pravidelne cistene a servisovane Su vhodne na velke podujatia, vonkajsie akcie, maju velmi silny svetelny vykon. Su vhodne aj pre divadelne saly, maju regulaciu teploty bielej farby, luc nastavitelny od 16° do 30° (BEAM-SPOT) Popis svetla: LED profile moving head Super bright - efficient optics Rotating gobo wheel Fixed gobo wheel 2 x color wheels Electronic dimming and strobe Iris and 3-facet prism 3 & 5 pin XLR •Light source: 180W LED Color wheel 1: 7 colors plus open, rotation with variable direction and speedColor wheel 2: 7 colors (incl. 1 x UV, 2 x CTC) plus open, rotation with variable direction and speed Rotating gobo wheel: 7 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, gobo indexing, rotation and shake Static gobo wheel: 8 gobos plus open, wheel rotation and shakeElectronic 'shutter' effect: Strobe effect, pulse effects, instant open and blackout Prism: Indexing and rotation with variable direction and speed  Motorized Focus and Iris  Motorized Electronic dimming: 0 - 100% four dimming curve options Pan: 540° Tilt: 270° 4ks hlavy, 2ks doublecase, neutrik powercon a omega clampy.. Cena za ks:600eur pri serioznom a rychlom jednani sa urcite dohodneme :) Pre akekolvek otazky ma nevahajte kontaktovat mozete telefonom alebo mailom. Mozem poslat videa na poziadanie Pozri moje dalsie inzeraty :)
Veľká murovaná garáž 20 m2 s montážnou jamou v Novom Meste
Veľká murovaná garáž 20 m2 s montážnou jamou v Novom Meste, Bratislava. Garáž väčšia ako štandardný rozmer. Čistá, suchá. Vetranie výduchom. Montážna jama veľká, vybetónovaná, s rebríkom a dreveným prekrytím. Možnosť využívať na skladovanie vecí v montážnej jame a tiež v garáži, a vzhľadom na jej rozmery zároveň na parkovanie auta. Strecha s aktuálne novou izoláciou (aj na susedných garážach). Dvere dvojkrídlové kovové, zateplené. Maximálna bezpečnosť – garáž susedí s uzavretým školským areálom, a navyše okolie garáže je monitorované kamerovým systémom. Priestor pred garážou vybetónovaný. Bezproblémové a bezplatné parkovanie priamo pred garážou. Susedné garáže využívané ako sklad/výdajňa tovarov pre firmy. Garáž sa nachádza v super lokalite s výbornou občianskou vybavenosťou, v susedstve bytových domov, kancelárií a obchodných priestorov, na Vyhnianskej ceste v Novom Meste. V blízkosti Račianska, Riazanská a Vajnorská ulica, OC Slimák, OC VIVO (bývalý Polus), OC Central, Račianske Mýto, Trnavské Mýto, viaceré štadióny a jazero Kuchajda. Rýchla dostupnosť do centra aj peši, kolobežkou, či bicyklom. Vynikajúce dopravné spojenie, cca 250 m od zastávky električiek (vrátane nočnej linky). Cena 120 eur mesačne. Vrátna záloha vo výške jednomesačného nájmu. Nájomca neplatí províziu realitnej kancelárii. K dispozícii od 15.1.2023. Tel: Email: vladimirmitrik@ *** Large brick garage of 20 m2 with assembly pit in Nové Mesto, Bratislava. Garage larger than standard size. Clean, dry. Air ventilation. The assembly pit is large, concreted, with a ladder and a wooden cover. The possibility of using it for storing things in the assembly pit and also in the garage, and due to its dimensions, at the same time for parking the car. Roof with currently new insulation (also on neighboring garages). Double-leaf metal door, insulated. Maximum security - the garage is adjacent to a closed school campus, and the area around the garage is monitored by a camera system. The space in front of the garage is concreted. Trouble-free and free parking directly in front of the garage. Neighboring garages used as a warehouse/dispensary for goods for companies. The garage is located in a great location with excellent civic amenities, in the neighborhood of apartment buildings, offices and commercial premises, on Vyhnianska Street in Nové Mesto. Near Račianska, Riazanská and Vajnorská streets, OC Slimák, OC VIVO (former Polus), OC Central, Račianske Mýto, Trnavské Mýto, several stadiums and Lake Kuchajda. Quick access to the center on foot, scooter or bicycle. Excellent transport connections, approx. 250 m from the tram stop (including the night line). The price is 120 euros per month. Refundable deposit in the amount of one month's rent. The tenant does not pay a commission to the real estate agency.
Renovated 3-bedroom apartment with loggia, Nitra - Klokočina
Video tour: /fnkwDMmCMm8 3D virtual tour: We are offering for sale an above-standard completely renovated 3-bedroom apartment (73 m2) for a client with higher housing requirements. It is located on the 4th floor of 7-storey insulated apartment building with new elevator on Novomeského Street, Klokočina city district, Nitra. The apartment has s basement of 3m2 on the ground floor. High-speed internet is provided by optical internet. The apartment was being renovated from 2018 till now (electrical wiring, rise pipe were also changed, new plastic windows were installed). The entrance door was also changed and ADLO security door was installed. The apartment is divided into an entrance hall, living room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom with loggia, children’s room, bathroom with the toilet, and separate toilet. The kitchen is equipped with the built-in appliances: glass ceramic gas hob, electric oven, microwave oven, cooker hood, and dishwasher. Three separate air conditioning units are installed in the apartment (they are still under warranty) contributing to higher user comfort in high temperatures (the possibility of controlling them via Wifi is also a big bonus). There is a floating floor in all the rooms, except for the toilet and the bathroom - there is floor tiling. The new owner will appreciate the electric underfloor heating in the bathroom, the other rooms are heated by radiators (they have electronic thermostatic heads adjustable via Wifi). The total price includes the following equipment and electrical appliances: (i.e. what remains in the apartment): - entrance hall - the whole set, - bedroom: bed, bedside tables, built-in wardrobe, - living room: sofa, conference table, TV table, chest of drawers, bookcase, - kitchen: kitchen unit with appliances, dining table with chairs. Nearby there are supermarkets Lidl, Kaufland, Billa, playground, kindergarten, city sports hall, restaurant, and public transport stop. Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to show you the apartment. The total price of the apartment, including the mentioned equipment and electrical appliances, is €179,000. The price includes all fees associated with the transfer of real estate, legal services and commissions. We accept purchases financed through credit. Get in touch with us: Monika Kanská
Prenájom veľkého 4-izbového bytu v Dúbravke[English below]
[English below] Ponúkam na prenájom priestranný 4-izbový byt (140 m2) s dvoma lodžiami na Žatevnej ulici v Dúbravke. Parkovať je možné v podzemnej garáži, kde je vyhradené jedno miesto k bytu v uzamykateľnej garáži. V blízkosti je kompletná občianska vybavenosť, zastávky MHD (autobus a električka v pešej dostupnosti) a British International School. Bytový dom sa radí medzi novostavby a navyše je kompletne zrekonštruovaný. K bytu prislúcha uzamykateľná miestnosť priamo na poschodí. Byt je klimatizovaný a prenajíma sa zariadený. Byt je možné dozariadiť podľa Vašich potrieb. Do bytu sa vchádza z uzamykateľnej chodby na poschodí, kde sa nachádzajú iba dva byty. Byt sa skladá zo vstupnej chodby so vstavanou skriňou, dvoch samostatných kúpeľní s WC, samostatného šatníka a troch samostatných a nepriechodných spální, ktoré obsahujú veľkú skriňu resp. dostatočný úložný priestor. Jedna zo spální je klimatizovaná a z dvoch je vstup na lodžiu. Ďalej sa skladá z obrovskej klimatizovanej obývačky, ktorá obsahuje krb a aj jedálenskú časť, z ktorej je vstup na druhú lodžiu. Obývačka je zároveň prepojená s plne vybavenou kuchyňou so špajzou. V byte je optická TV a internet. Cena prenájmu bytu nezahŕňa energie, ktoré závisia od počtu osôb. Energie sa pohybujú medzi 200 až 300 eur. Parking nie je podmienkou prenájmu, prenajíma sa za 100 eur mesačne. Byt je pet friendly, čiže s menším psíkom/mačkou, ktoré sú zvyknuté na byt nebude problém. RK poprosím kontaktovať iba v prípade, ak máte konkrétneho záujemcu. Spacious 4-room apartment (140 m2) with 2 loggias for rent in Dúbravka, on the street Žatevná ulica. It is possible to park directly in the underground lockable parking, right in the apartment building, as the apartment has its own parking place. There are complete civic amenities, several public transport stops (bus stop and the tram within walking distance) and the British International School near the apartment building. The apartment has the air condition, and it is rented furnished. It can be additionally furnished according to your preferences in case of interest. The apartment consists of an inside entrance hall with build-in wardrobe, two separate bathrooms with toilettes, separate closet room, and 3 separate and impassable bedrooms, which contain a large closet, what offers the sufficient storage space. One of the bedrooms is airconditioned and two other bedrooms has own entrance to the first loggia. The apartment also consists of a spacious air-conditioned living room with the fireplace, connected with the dining area, where there is the entrance to the second loggia. Living room is connected to the modern and fully equipped kitchen, with separate pantry. There is the optical TV and internet. The rental price does not include the energy costs. Energy costs would be within the range of 200 – 300 EUR, which depends on the number of persons. Parking is not the rental condition. The parking rent is 100 EUR per month. The apartment is pet
Veľkometrážny 4-izbový byt I 110m² I 2x balkón, 2x parking |
Patrik z RADO Reality Vám ponúka na prenájom krásny 4-izbový byt s rozlohou 110m² v tichej lokalite. Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí rezidenčného domu s výťahom na Guothovej ulici na Kramároch. Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, prepojenej obývačky s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou, troch samostatných izieb - spálne, detskej izby a pracovne s posteľou, kúpeľne s WC a jedným samostatným WC. V byte sa nachádza walk-in šatník a technická miestnosť, ktorá má ďalší úložný priestor. Z obývačky sa dostaneme na 2 priestranné balkóny, pričom jeden balkón je prepojený aj so spálňou. Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený vrátane kuchynskej linky so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, el. varná platňa, el. rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou). K vybaveniu bytu patrí práčka, klimatizácia, bezpečnostné dvere, samostatný šatník a vstavané skrine. V byte je pripojenie na káblovú televíziu a internet. V okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Viacero materských škôl, dve základné školy, spoločná nemecko - slovenská škola a škôlka (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bárdošova ul.), Nemocnica s pohotovosťou Kramáre, centrum mesta (10 minút) autom alebo MHD. V blízkosti Koliba (6 minút) a Železná studnička (10 minút). K bytu patrí samostatná uzatvárateľná garáž s diaľkovým ovládaním pre dva automobily. V garáži je aj pivnica. Garáž a pivnica sú zahrnuté v cene nájmu. Byt bude k dispozícii do 2 týždňov. Cena prenájmu je 1600 €/mesiac, vrátane energií s internetom a TV. ENGLISH Patrik from RADO Reality offers for rent beautiful 4-room apartment with an area of ​​110 m² in a quiet location. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building with an elevator on Guothova street in Kramare district. The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a connected living room with a kitchen and a dining area, three separate rooms - a bedroom, a children's room and a study with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and one separate toilet. The apartment has a walk-in wardrobe and a utility room with additional storage space. From the living room you can reach 2 spacious balconies, one of them is also connected to the bedroom. The apartment is fully furnished, including built-in appliances in kitchen (dishwasher, electric hob, electric oven, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer). The apartment is equipped with a washing machine, air conditioning, security door, separate wardrobe and built-in wardrobes. The apartment has cable TV and internet connection. The apartment is surrounded by complete amenities. Several kindergartens, two elementary schools, joint German-Slovak school and kindergarten (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bardosova st.), Kramare emergency hospital, city center (10 minutes) by car or public transport. Close to Koliba (6 minutes) and Park - Železná studnička (10 minutes).
Veľkometrážny 4-izbový byt I 110m² I 2x balkón, 2x parking |
Patrik z RADO Reality Vám ponúka na prenájom krásny 4-izbový byt s rozlohou 110m² v tichej lokalite. Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí rezidenčného domu s výťahom na Guothovej ulici na Kramároch. Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, prepojenej obývačky s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou, troch samostatných izieb - spálne, detskej izby a pracovne s posteľou, kúpeľne s WC a jedným samostatným WC. V byte sa nachádza walk-in šatník a technická miestnosť, ktorá má ďalší úložný priestor. Z obývačky sa dostaneme na 2 priestranné balkóny, pričom jeden balkón je prepojený aj so spálňou. Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený vrátane kuchynskej linky so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, el. varná platňa, el. rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou). K vybaveniu bytu patrí práčka, klimatizácia, bezpečnostné dvere, samostatný šatník a vstavané skrine. V byte je pripojenie na káblovú televíziu a internet. V okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Viacero materských škôl, dve základné školy, spoločná nemecko - slovenská škola a škôlka (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bárdošova ul.), Nemocnica s pohotovosťou Kramáre, centrum mesta (10 minút) autom alebo MHD. V blízkosti Koliba (6 minút) a Železná studnička (10 minút). K bytu patrí samostatná uzatvárateľná garáž s diaľkovým ovládaním pre dva automobily. V garáži je aj pivnica. Garáž a pivnica sú zahrnuté v cene nájmu. Byt bude k dispozícii do 2-3 týždňov. Cena prenájmu je 1699 €/mesiac, vrátane energií s internetom a TV. ENGLISH Patrik from RADO Reality offers for rent beautiful 4-room apartment with an area of ​​110 m² in a quiet location. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building with an elevator on Guothova street in Kramare district. The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a connected living room with a kitchen and a dining area, three separate rooms - a bedroom, a children's room and a study with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and one separate toilet. The apartment has a walk-in wardrobe and a utility room with additional storage space. From the living room you can reach 2 spacious balconies, one of them is also connected to the bedroom. The apartment is fully furnished, including built-in appliances in kitchen (dishwasher, electric hob, electric oven, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer). The apartment is equipped with a washing machine, air conditioning, security door, separate wardrobe and built-in wardrobes. The apartment has cable TV and internet connection. The apartment is surrounded by complete amenities. Several kindergartens, two elementary schools, joint German-Slovak school and kindergarten (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bardosova st.), Kramare emergency hospital, city center (10 minutes) by car or public transport. Close to Koliba (6 minutes) and Park - Železná studnička (10 minutes).
Veľkometrážny 4-izbový byt I 110m² I 2x balkón, 2x parking |
Patrik z RADO Reality Vám ponúka na prenájom krásny 4-izbový byt s rozlohou 110m² v tichej lokalite. Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí rezidenčného domu s výťahom na Guothovej ulici na Kramároch. Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, prepojenej obývačky s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou, troch samostatných izieb - spálne, detskej izby a pracovne s posteľou, kúpeľne s WC a jedným samostatným WC. V byte sa nachádza walk-in šatník a technická miestnosť, ktorá má ďalší úložný priestor. Z obývačky sa dostaneme na 2 priestranné balkóny, pričom jeden balkón je prepojený aj so spálňou. Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený vrátane kuchynskej linky so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, el. varná platňa, el. rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou). K vybaveniu bytu patrí práčka, klimatizácia, bezpečnostné dvere, samostatný šatník a vstavané skrine. V byte je pripojenie na káblovú televíziu a internet. V okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Viacero materských škôl, dve základné školy, spoločná nemecko - slovenská škola a škôlka (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bárdošova ul.), Nemocnica s pohotovosťou Kramáre, centrum mesta (10 minút) autom alebo MHD. V blízkosti Koliba (6 minút) a Železná studnička (10 minút). K bytu patrí samostatná uzatvárateľná garáž s diaľkovým ovládaním pre dva automobily. V garáži je aj pivnica. Garáž a pivnica sú zahrnuté v cene nájmu. Byt bude k dispozícii do týždňa. Cena prenájmu je 1400 €/mesiac, vrátane energií s internetom a TV. ENGLISH Patrik from RADO Reality offers for rent beautiful 4-room apartment with an area of ​​110 m² in a quiet location. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building with an elevator on Guothova street in Kramare district. The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a connected living room with a kitchen and a dining area, three separate rooms - a bedroom, a children's room and a study with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and one separate toilet. The apartment has a walk-in wardrobe and a utility room with additional storage space. From the living room you can reach 2 spacious balconies, one of them is also connected to the bedroom. The apartment is fully furnished, including built-in appliances in kitchen (dishwasher, electric hob, electric oven, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer). The apartment is equipped with a washing machine, air conditioning, security door, separate wardrobe and built-in wardrobes. The apartment has cable TV and internet connection. The apartment is surrounded by complete amenities. Several kindergartens, two elementary schools, joint German-Slovak school and kindergarten (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bardosova st.), Kramare emergency hospital, city center (10 minutes) by car or public transport. Close to Koliba (6 minutes) and Park - Železná studnička (10 minutes).
Prenájom luxusného domu novostavby na Voskovej ulici na Koli
Luxusná 3 podlažná rezidenčná vila na reprezentatívne účely v tichej lokalite v súkromnej uzatvorenej ulici v novej štvrti na Kolibe,dom je vhodný na rezidenciu ambasády či ako reprezentatívne sídlo spoločnosti. Celková úžitková plocha domu je 588 m2, dom je výborne dispozične riešený na rezidenčnú časť a súkromnú časť na bývanie: priestranná reprezentatívna obývacia izba s luxusným krbom o ploche cca 110 m2 + veľká jedáleň pre cca 40 ludi, samostatná luxusná kuchyňa kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi a s nákladným výťahom zo suterénu, v dome je celkovo 6 samostatných spálni z toho 5 spální a každá s vlastnou kúpeľňou a WC + 2 samostatné hosťovské WC. Dom má na prízemí wellness s luxusnou saunou s vírivkou a hydromasážnou sprchou s WC. V celom dome dome sú použité kvalitne nadštandardné materiály, podlahové kúrenie a chladené stropy, alarm, kamerový systém, garáž pre 3 autá + pohodlné parkovanie vo dvore pre 3 autá. K domu patrí okrasná záhrada so zavlažovaním a priestranná terasa s krásnym výhľadom na hrad a na mesto. Dom je voľný ihneď. Cena: 3 700 €/mesiac + energie 600 € A luxurious 3-storey residential villa for representative purposes in a quiet location in a private closed street in the new district of Koliba, the house is suitable for an embassy residence or as a representative company headquarters. The total usable area of the house is 588 m2, the house is excellently laid out into a residential part and a private part for living: a spacious representative living room with a luxurious fireplace of approx. 110 m2 + a large dining room for approx. 40 people, a separate luxury kitchen fully equipped with all appliances and expensive elevator from the basement, there are a total of 6 separate bedrooms in the house, 5 of which are bedrooms and each with its own bathroom and toilet + 2 separate guest toilets. The house has a wellness area on the ground floor with a luxurious sauna with a whirlpool and a hydromassage shower with a toilet. The entire house uses high-quality materials, underfloor heating and cooled ceilings, alarm, camera system, garage for 3 cars + convenient parking in the yard for 3 cars. The house includes an ornamental garden with irrigation and a terrace with a beautiful view of the castle and the city. The house is available immediately. Price: 3,700 €/month + energy 600 €
REB sk.ponúka na prenájom 3 podlažnú reprezentatívnu reziden
REB sk.ponúka na prenájom 3 podlažnú luxusnú reprezetatívnu rezidenčnú vilu BA s výhľadom na mesto - Slavín, Bratislavský hrad Vila sa nachádza v tichej lokalite, v súkromnej uzatvorenej ulici v novej štvrti na Kolibe. Celková úžitková plocha domu je 570 m2, dom je výborne dispozične riešený na rezidenčnú časť a súkromnú časť na bývanie: priestranná reprezentatívna obývacia izba s luxusným krbom o ploche cca 110 m2 + veľká jedáleň pre cca 40 ludi, samostatná luxusná kuchyňa kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi a s nákladným výťahom zo suterénu. Na 1NP je kuchyňa, pracovňa s terasou a miestnosť pre upratovačku. Na 3NP je pracovňa, eventuálne izba s terasou. V dome je celkovo 7 izieb, z toho je 6 samostatných spálni, kde 5 spální má vlastnú kúpeľňu a WC + 2 samostatné hosťovské WC. Dom má na prízemí wellness s luxusnou saunou s hydromasážnou sprchou s WC, s vyhrievanými ležadlami.. V celom dome dome sú použité kvalitne nadštandardné materiály, podlahové kúrenie a chladené stropy, alarm, kamerový systém. K dispozícií je krytá garáž pre 3-4 autá + pohodlné parkovanie vo dvore pre 3-4 autá. K domu patrí okrasná záhrada so zavlažovaním a priestranná terasa s krásnym výhľadom. V blízkosti vily sa nachádza les. Prístup do mesta je cca 5-10 minút. Dom je voľný ihneď. Cena: 3 700 €/mesiac + energie 600 € A luxurious 3-storey residential villa for representative purposes in a quiet location in a private closed street in the new district of Koliba, the house is suitable for an embassy residence or as a representative company headquarters. The total usable area of the house is 570 m2, the house is excellently laid out into a residential part and a private part for living: a spacious representative living room with a luxurious fireplace of approx. 110 m2 + a large dining room for approx. 40 people, a separate luxury kitchen fully equipped with all appliances and expensive elevator from the basement, there are a total of 6 separate bedrooms in the house, 5 of which are bedrooms and each with its own bathroom and toilet + 2 separate guest toilets. The house has a wellness area on the ground floor with a luxurious sauna with a whirlpool and a hydromassage shower with a toilet. The entire house uses high-quality materials, underfloor heating and cooled ceilings, alarm, camera system, garage for 3 cars + convenient parking in the yard for 3 cars. The house includes an ornamental garden with irrigation and a terrace with a beautiful view of the castle and the city. The house is available immediately. Price: 3,700 €/month + energy 600 € Krempaska@, Počet poschodí: 3 Počet izieb: 7 Zastavaná plocha: 250m² Obytná plocha: 570m² Celková rozloha: 588m² Rozloha pozemku: 850m² Úžitková plocha: 570m² Vlastníctvo: osobné Internet: optika Vykurovanie: vlastné - elektrické Balkón: áno - 2 Pivnica: án
3 bedroom apartment in Dubravka with great layout
Completely renovated apartment located in Dubravka on 4th out of 8 floors for sale (only two apartments on each floor) on the street – “Pri kríži”. The apartment has been renovated to achieve its most effective layout. It offers kitchen with a dining area connected with living room and loggia, 3 separate bedrooms, spacious entrance hall, bathroom with a shower and a separate toilet with sink. The apartment faces two directions – S-SE and N-NW Technical renovation included change of entire electrical distribution system, installation of energy-saving LED lamps, replacement of water and waste plumbing system, installation of new heaters, new coating and wall painting and new parquet floor. The complete floor area of the apartment is 70.83 m² including the loggia, which consist of 3.97 m2. The monthly costs for 2 people are €160, including payments for electricity. The apartment building is well maintained and clean with friendly neighbors. In the surroundings, you will find everything you need for living within walking distance and accessible with ease by public transport. Price for apartment: 214 900 €
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST Live tapes LIVE BEACH BOYS Pet sounds Stereo BOWIE David Legacy the best of BOWIE David Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from mars....1972 BOWIE David Lets dance BUSH Kate Lionheart BUSH Kate The dreaming BUSH Kate The sensual world 1990 CLAPTON Eric 461 Ocean Boulevard CLAPTON Eric Behind the sun COLLINS Phil Hallo i must be going COLLINS Phil No jacket requied COLLINS Phil But seriously DAŠEK Rudolf Dialogy DAŠEK+RUYICKA+WEGEHAUPT Mezipristáni-interlanding ELTON John Captain fantastic and the Brown dirt Cowboy ELTON John Breaking hearts Ennio moricone Sound giganten EURYTHMICS Be yorself tonight FLEETWOOD MAC Then play on FLEETWOOD MAC Rumours FLEETWOOD MAC Tango in the night GENESIS Selling england by the pound GENESIS The lamb lies down on Broadway GENESIS A Trick Of The Tail GENESIS Wind and Wuthering GENESIS And then there were three GENESIS Duke GENESIS Genesis GENESIS Invisible touch GENESIS Abacab Gershwin Rhapsody in blue HARRISON George Cloud nine Hitsarada IRON MAIDEN Piece of mind...1983 JETHRO TULL Minstrel in the gallery JETHRO TULL Heavy horses JETHRO TULL Thick as a Brick 1971 JETHRO TULL Storm watch John Kincade When KOCÁB Michal Povídali že mu hráli LEVEL 42 Rumming of the family MARILLION Script for a Jesters tear MARILLION Fugazi MARILLION Misplaced chilhood MARILLION Clutching at straws MARILLION Seasons end MARILLION The thieving magpie LIVE MARLEY Bob and the WAILERS The legend Best of 1972-1981 BEST MATT BIANCO Whose Side Are You On MATT BIANCO Matt Bianco MATT BIANCO Indigo McCARTNEY & WINGS All the best. BEST McCARTNEY & WINGS Venus and Mars.....Japan press....... McCARTNEY & WINGS Wings at the Speed of sound McCARTNEY & WINGS London town McCARTNEY & WINGS Back to the egg McCARTNEY & WINGS Tug of war McCARTNEY Paul Pipes of peace McCARTNEY Paul Flowers in the dirth McCARTNEY Paul Press to play MEN AT WORK Bussines as usual MIŠÍK Vladimír & ETC debut LP NENA 99 Luftballons Parker Davis Forderpreis Peter Maffay Kein weg zu weit POLICE Zenyatta mondatta POLICE Synchronicity SADE YELLO- One second
Chodítko Petite and Mars
Predám chodítko Petite and Mars vo veľmi dobrov stave bez známok používania po prvom dieťati. Používaný zriedkavo. Pôvodná cena 70 eur. Len osobný odber
Kočík petite and Mars royal
Predám kočík Petite and Mars Royal v zelenej farbe . Ku kočíku pridávam podlozku, tašku, nanoznik a originál plaštenku. Kočík je ešte vyše roka v záruke , posledné 3 mesiace sa nepoužíval vôbec, kupovaný v obchode predeti v Žiline Kočík je po reklamacii a má vymenene celé sedenie , ktoré sa ďalej už nepoužívalo. Madla sú v 100% stave. Bežne škrabance zo skladania a prepravy v aute. Osobný odber Žilina Zobraziť menej
Predám športový kočík zn. Petite and Mars vo výbornom stave
Predám športový kočík zn. Petite and Mars vo výbornom stave. Cena je 70 eur. Sučastou je zateplený nánožník, pláštenka a vložka do kočíka.
kocik petite and mars 2 v 1
predám kocík ruzovy Petite and mars 2 v 1, malo pouzivany, sportova cast vobec nepouzivana, taska, sietka proti hmyzu, prsiplast. v pripade zaujmu vieme ponuknut vajicko Maxi-Cosi s adaptermi a iso fixom do vozidla za 200 eur. odber mozny ihned