petite and mars street - strana 12
Počet nájdených inzerátov PETITE AND MARS STREET
: 1000 - strana 12

Location: Its located very close to Trnavske Myto - street Bartoskova
Based on the real estate comments - this is the best location to live in Bratislava :)) as you have here everything, including - Hockey Stadium, Football Stadium, National Tennis Stadium, public open swimming pool,
public covered swimming pool (Pasienky), National Basketball Stadium (pasienky), Central shopping centre, Vivo shopping centre, Lidl very close by, Kraj same, Billa same in central,
next bigger Lidl in Vivo, Bigger Kaufland 10m walk on Trnavska cesta street.
By 20m walk or by 5m tram, you are easily in the city centre. You have public transport connection to any part of Bratislava. Also other possibilities as to go by bike - public or your own etc.
Flat building location - very calm, no busy roads, footpaths, all windows rotated into quiet ""yard""
Building - fully reconstructed as well.
Flat: its bigger 1room flat, fully reconstructed, coming through hallway with coat hanger and shoe storage, then main room, from there to separate kitchen with oven, new fridge, new microvawe, also have a lot of space for your stuff,
from kitchen to nice bathroom with shower and new washing machine with dryer,
main room has a lot of space for your stuff and sofa and table, working table + chair, currently without bed, in case it will be required I will arange that as well.
There is also bigger storage included in the -1 floor to store some stuff you dont use or bike or anything.
The price is 620e/month as total cost internet from UPC included + depozit 620€
In case parking is required, I can also offer that.
There are 2 options - parking in the separate garage - very close to flat - in case you need your car for ""daily"" use
parking in the shared covered garade house, but on specific parking spot - in case you dont need your car for ""daily"" use - 10m walk
Would like to rent it to 1person - I am ok with small dog, no cats.
In case of interest, can also rent it to couple + 30€
Attached photos are not fresh, there were taken before the reconstruction - the kitchen is the same + there is new fridge, main room - new floor, bathroom is currently as per photo
Flat is available from 1.3.2023, can offer few days before to move your stuff in as well.
All is up to agreement.
Something about you: responsible working person, who will be use and care about the flat as his own.
If you like the offer and meet the ""criteria"", I look forward for your message.
Thank you.

Predám málo používaný kočík golfový Musca Carbon Grey Petit&Mars
- jednoduché skladanie
- automatická poistka proti samovoľnému rozloženiu
- predné aj zadné kolieska sú dvojradové
- predné kolieska sú otočné o 360 ° s aretačnou poistkou
- zadné kolieska sú vybavené brzdou
- veľká predlžovacia strieška pomocou zipsu
- praktické zadné vrecko na drobnosti na strieške
- polohovanie chrbtovej opierky jednou rukou do viacerých pozícií
- 5-bodové bezpečnostné pásy s polstrovaním
- praktický nákupný košik
Značka: Petite&Mars
Model: Musca
Nosnosť: 15 kg
Hmotnosť: 7,9 kg
Rozmery rozloženého kočíka: d. 75 cm, š. 50 cm, v. 110 cm
Rozmery zloženého kočíka: d. 110 cm, š. 27 cm, v. 35 cm

Predame cestovny kocik Petite&Mars Travel
Velmi lahky a skladny kocik len 5,2kg
Nosnost 15kg
Rozmery v zlozenom stave: 43x23x62cm
Detailne info vid link:
Dovod predaja: viac cestoval v kufry auta, je nevyuzity.
Odobny odber Miloslavov alebo BA.

Predám lacno používaný kočík Petite Mars - zlomená je spodná časť pri skladaní kočíka. Ak je rozložený ako ho vidíte na foto - je plne funkčný.

Ponúkam na predaj športový kočík značky Petite&Mars Pink. Pudrovo ružovej farby kočík je v dobrom stave špecifikácie: Kočik je určený pre deti od 6mesiacov do 3r nosnosť je 25-30kg. Ku kočíku je nový nanoznik.

Ponúkam na predaj kočík espiro only 2021, vo farbe graphite street, kupovaný v januári 2021. Ide o dvojkombináciu. Spolu so všetkým príslušenstvom. K nemu pridám držiak na napoje v šedej farbe značky petite&mars a podložku proti poteniu taktiež v sivej farbe značky petite&mars. Ku kočíku pridám aj vajíčko. Bližšie info mailom.

Kočík petite&mars street plus s nafukovacími kolesami. Dokupena maskacova strieška, letná strieška, organizer,vložka a pláštenka. Kočík je iba rozbaleny.

Petite Mars Street kočík. Nafukovacie kolesá. Kočík je veľmi málo používaný. Dcéra odmietala sedieť kočíku. Je jak nový. Kúpený 2020 Jediná vec co je ze konštrukcia je poskriabana.

Petite & Mars Street.Po jednom v dieťati,vo výbornom stave. V cene je sieťka proti hmyzu , pršiplášť na kočík, obojstranná podložka a samozrejme bezpečnostné pásy (má ich zložené)

Predávam čisto nový kočík značky Petite Mars Move II air s príslušenstvom nanoznik, taška na prebaľovanie a držiak na kávu, nevyužitý zabalenýv krabici. Odtieň Dark Grey , cena 140€.

Petite & Mars Street.Po jednom v dieťati,vo výbornom stave. V cene je sieťka proti hmyzu , pršiplášť na kočík, obojstranná podložka, nánožník a samozrejme bezpečnostné pásy (má ich zložené)

Predám kvalitný kočík Petite Mars Street Royal, využívaný necelý rok ,bežné známky používania ,je k nemu nánožník,taška,fľaška.
PC 280€ ľahký, spratný, prešiel každý terén.Bola som s nim spokojná.Dôvod predaja je ,že už kočík nevyužívame.
Osobný odber alebo doveziem do LM.
Podrobný popis :

Predám sportovy kočík petite&mars street+ oak žovej farby. Po jednom dieťati. Minimum používaný. Odber Galanta

Predam krasny damsky freestylovy snowboard BURTON LUX, viazanie FLOW Minx. Dlzka snowboardu je 154 cm. Drevene jadro, directional Twin Shape, dualzone EGD, super fly core, Biax React Fiberglass, negative core profile.
Board je v super stave, viazko je malicko pouzivane. Cena 150 eur
V pripade zaujmu mam na predaj aj obal na snowboard BURTON 166 cm, cena 40 eur alebo aj topanky BURTON
Lightspeed Vision Base — Strength, speed and easy maintenance for a fast ride even without wax, and with Vision you get graphics that pop in photos.
Dualzone EGD (Engineered Grain Direction) — Wood grain positioned along the toe and heel edges, perpendicular to the rest of the core, for superior edge hold and durability.
Super Fly Core — A vertical sandwich of hard and soft woods improves response, pop and weight savings.
Biax React Fiberglass — Two perpendicular fiberglass layers create forgiving torsion and board feel without compromising edge hold.
Negative Core Profile — Thinner section of core between the bindings provide softer flex and torsion, allowing the board to excel over a variety of snow conditions and terrain. Directional Twin Shape

Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 20€, predam za 9€.
O knihe:
“Why We Sleep is an important and fascinating book…Walker taught me a lot about this basic activity that every person on Earth needs. I suspect his book will do the same for you.” —Bill Gates
A New York Times bestseller and international sensation, this “stimulating and important book” (Financial Times) is a fascinating dive into the purpose and power of slumber.
With two appearances on CBS This Morning and Fresh Air's most popular interview of 2017, Matthew Walker has made abundantly clear that sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why we suffer such devastating health consequences when it is absent. Compared to the other basic drives in life—eating, drinking, and reproducing—the purpose of sleep remains more elusive.
Within the brain, sleep enriches a diversity of functions, including our ability to learn, memorize, and make logical decisions. It recalibrates our emotions, restocks our immune system, fine-tunes our metabolism, and regulates our appetite. Dreaming creates a virtual reality space in which the brain melds past and present knowledge, inspiring creativity.

Predám vypracované témy na maturtu h anglického jazyka, úroveň C1, ktoré som poctivo vypracovala. Obsahuje 22 tém. Témy som vypracovala počas štúdia na obchodnej akadémiii, bilingválna sekcia, sú spracované vo Worde na cca 3-9 strán, doplnené o pár mojich poznámok, ktoré som si dopísala ručne (viď foto). Sú spracované podľa pokynov, čo sa týka obsahu aj počtu strán, zrozumiteľne, ľahko na učenie. Vďaka týmto témam som zmaturovala bez problémov na jednotku.
1. Family
2. Culture and Arts
3. Sports and Games
4. Housing, standard of living
5. Science and technology
6. Health care
7. Travelling
8. Job vs. Profession
9. European Union
10. Human relations
11. Schools and study
12. Man and society
13. Comunication and its forms
14. Environment, Fauna and Flora
15. Hobbies, free time, lifestyle
16. Multicultural society
17. Fashion
18. Slovakia - my homeland + Towns and places
19. Countries whose language I am learning
20. Brexit
21. English speaking countries
22. Holidays in USA, UK and Slovakia

Zdravím všetkých, ktorí sa potrebujú naučiť alebo zdokonaliť v angličtine.
Osobne sa zameriavam na výuku Cambridge English (A1-C2), všeobecnú angličtinu a špecifický obor angličtiny zvolený podľa Vašich potrieb, taktiež príprava na skúšky z AJ.
Učím/doučujem rôzne vekové kategórie.
Možnosť zamerania sa na britskú/americkú angličtinu, prispôsobenie sa prízvuku.
Pre mňa ako aj pre Vás je dôležitá prax, teória prichádza na druhé miesto.
Výuka prebieha on-line poprípade osobne v lokalite Žilina.
Všetko čo potrebujete je počítač, wifi a samozrejme Vy :).
V krátkosti o mne.
Mám dlhoročné skúsenosti z pobytu vo Veľkej Británii (Anglicko-prevažne Londýn, Škótsko, Severné Írsko).
Už 4 roky nepretržite učím on-line, osobne či už individuálne alebo skupinovo, pre firmy, jazykové školy.
Nedávne pôsobisko Praha, aktuálne Žilina.
V prípade záujmu je k dostupe môj životopis, recenzie a certifikácie.
Cena je uvedená za hodinu výuky.
V prípade on-line výuky je platba potrebná vopred na účet. Potvrdenie o platbe je taktiež postačujúce.
V prípade otázok ma môžete kedykoľvek kontaktovať.
POZNAMKA: poprosim kontaktovat iba v pripade skutocneho zaujmu, ziadne plytvanie casu!
Hello guys,
Let me introduce myself a bit.
I've been working as a private on-line English tutor/teacher for alian and domestic clients at the moment and been in this field of work since 2017.
I tutor/teach within the broad age span six to around sixty years either individually or in a group and that is in person or via on-line platforms.
I'm in between C1-C2 level notably thanks to loads of years working and residing overseas in particular in the UK and it's parts like Scotland, England-London, The Northern Ireland.
On the subjects of tutoring/teaching particular English it is all the Cambridge levels (A1-C2), general, business English or majoring on the specific one chosen by you.
I am more empirical than hypothetical tutor/teacher what entirely pays off and the same I offer to you because in the end its not about references and certificates but about possessing the original practice from English speaking countries.
All you need is a good wifi, your drive and of course its you above all :).
In terms of paying if its an on-line tutoring the payment must be transferred beforehand or a statement of the paid amount is sufficiently enough.
Do not hesitate co contact me for any further questions.
References and certificates are available on request.
NOTE: pls contact me only if your interest is real, no time wasters!
Looking forward hearing from you.

Saroo Brierley - Lion
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Lion is the heartbreaking and inspiring original true story of the lost little boy who found his way home twenty-five years later and is now a major film starring Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman and Rooney Mara. As a five-year old in India, I got lost on a train. Twenty-five years later, I crossed the world to find my way back home. Five-year-old Saroo lived in a poor village in India, in a one-room hut with his mother and three siblings...until the day he boarded a train alone and got lost. For twenty-five years. This is the story of what happened to Saroo in those twenty-five years. How he ended up on the streets of Calcutta. And survived. How he then ended up in Tasmania, living the life of an upper-middle-class Aussie. And how, at thirty years old, with some dogged determination, a heap of good luck and the power of Google Earth, he found his way back home. Lion is a triumphant true story of survival against all odds and a shining example of the extraordinary feats we can achieve when hope endures.

Ponúkam tieto tituly:
-- Laser B1 (zadarmo)
-- Laser B1+ (zadarmo)
-- Laser B2 (zadarmo)
-- Gateway to Maturita B1+ (zadarmo)
-- grammar and usage for FCE (prefotená brožúra) 5 eur
-- gramatické cvičenia (prefotená brožúra) 5 eur
-- Oxford Advanced learner´s dictionary + CD-ROM 20 eur
-- Angličtina pre samoukov vydaná SPN v roku 1992 za 9 eur. Autorky sú Kollmannová, Bubeníková a Kopecká. Má tlačiarenskú chybu v tom, že niektoré strany nejdú zaradom, ale objavujú sa v inej časti. Sú otočené opačne a vyskytujú sa teda v inej časti knihy. Nie sú však vynechané.
-- Dictionary of art terms -- anglický slovník umeleckých výrazov. Má viac ako 2000 hesiel a 375 ilustrácií. Má 208 strán. Je nepoužívaný. Cena je 15 eur
-- Oxford dictionary of saints 15 eur
-- Every picture tells a story 1 euro
-- E. A. Poe: Tales of mystery and imagination (sú tam fľaky) 2 eurá
-- Therese Raquin: Emile Zola 3 eurá
-- Thomas Hardy: The three strangers and other stories 3 eurá
-- Angličtina do vrecka (slovná zásoba a frázy ku konverzačným témam) 5 eur
-- časopis Hello 1990 -- 1991 (pre mierne pokročilých) 3 eurá
-- Pictures from the past (detská beletria) + CD 3 eurá
-- Anglicko-slovenský slovník (Univ. Prof. Ján Šimko) 10 eur
-- Henry Treece: Viking´s Dawn 2 eurá
-- Robin Hood and the silver arrow 2 eurá
-- Henry Treece: Swords from the north 3 eurá
-- Postman Pat´s Christmas surprise (detská kniha) 2 eurá
-- Snow white and the seven dwarfs 2 eurá (detská kniha)
-- Saint Columba 3 eurá
-- London 2 eurá
-- The town mouse and the country mouse 2 eurá (detská kniha)
-- Postman Pat´s letters on ice 2 eurá (detská kniha)
-- The son who left home 2 eurá
-- Postman Pat to the rescue 3 eurá (detská kniha)
-- First winter, first summer 3 eurá
-- Robin Hood and his merrie men 3 eurá
-- Noah´s ark 2 eurá
-- The prince and the seven moons 3 eurá (detská kniha)
-- A Magical Menagerie (Tales from Perrault, Andersen, La Fontaine and Grimm) (detská kniha) 5 eur
-- Sleeping beauty 3 eurá (detská kniha)
-- Cinderella 3 eurá (detská kniha)
-- Cinderella 2 eurá (detská kniha)
-- The Gingerbread man 2 eurá (detská kniha)
-- Amazing bears 3 eurá