inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

petite and mars street - strana 15

Počet nájdených inzerátov PETITE AND MARS STREET : 1000 - strana 15

Petit&mars street ruzovy
Predám športový kočík Petit&mars street street používaný asi rok vo veľmi dobrom stave na konštrukcii ma drobné známky poškodenia kvôli skladaníu do auta.. Nedá sa tomu ubrániť.. Osobný odber Galanta cena 150e
Garsónka v centre Bratislavy / Studio in city center
Prenajmem slnečnú 30m2 garsónku v srdci starého mesta priamo na Michalskej ulici (4/4 poschodie). Z okna je výhľad na Michalskú vežu či UFO. Dispozične garzónka pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, kúpeľne so sprchovým kútom, WC a práčkou. V kuchynskej časti je mikrovlnka varná kanvica, chladnička, šporák. V obývacej časti je rozkladacia pohovka úložným priestorom, plastové okno, žalúzie, stôl, stoličky, skrine. Vchod do domu sa otvára na čip, vchod je strážený kamerovým systémom, za ktorým sú ďalšie vstupné dvere. Pri podpise zmluvy je potrebné zaplatiť: mesačné nájomné 530,- € plus energie s internetom (120€), a vratnú kauciu vo výške 450 € (kaucia bude vrátená po ukončení nájmu). Nie sme realitka, žiadnu províziu neplatíte. Výlučne pre nefajčiara a bez domácich zvierat. The studio is located in the heart of City center (Michalska street, 4/4 floor) with great transport connection. In the area is a complete collection of amenities (grocery stores, shops, bars, restaurants, banks, schools, healthcare). Sunny, cosy 30m2 studio is in building which is a national cultural monument. The first mention dates back to 1307. Later during the Napoleonic Wars, the house was shelled, then it was hit by eight shots from a cannon, the one shot is on the street facade and the other in the stair hall. From the window there is a view of Michalska tower or UFO. Entrance hall, room with kitchen corner, dining table, sitting and bed, bathroom with shower and WC. The apartment is rented furnished and equipped with electrical appliances. The entrance is guarded by a camera system, behind which there is another entrance door. Available immediately. Price 530€ + utilities 120€ (includes internet). For non-smokers and without pets. Plus refundable €450 (the deposit will be returned).
Evolve Carbon GTR All Terrain Skateboard
Malo pouzivane, nedostatok casu. Mam 2 kusy, v pripade zaujmu o oba, lepsia cena! Špecifikácie MATERIÁL DOSKY: Uhlíkové vlákno najvyššej kvality. Každá doska je vyrobená ručne. CELKOVÁ DĹŽKA: 101 cm (39 palcov) ROZTEČ KOLIESOK (RÁZVOR): 94 cm (37 palcov) NÁPRAVY: Celokovové, diely vyrábané na CNC, šírka 306 mm (12 palcov) KOLIESKA: Vyrobené v USA. Evolve GT 97 mm 76A (čierne) a Evolve 178 mm "pneumatické terénne kolesá. Tiež kompatibilné s radou Evolve GT, 85 mm orangatang Caguamas a 107 mm Evolve / Abec 11 F1. MOTOR: 2x 1500 W (celkom 3 000 W) vysoko výkonné, na zákazku vyrábané bezkartáčové motory. LOŽISKÁ: Keramické BATÉRIA: 14AH lítiovo-iónová batéria Samsung (504WH) s vlastným BMS (patentovaný dizajn) alebo 4,2AHh lítiovo-iónová batéria Sony (152WH) s vlastným BMS (voliteľné) ČAS NABÍJANIA: Batéria Samsung 4-5 hodín. Batéria Sony 1,5 až 2 hodiny. DIAĽKOVÉ OVLÁDANIE: R2BT (Bluetooth) s okamžitou odozvou. HMOTNOSŤ: Zo sadou koliesok "Street" je to 9,8 kg so štandardnou batériou a 8,4 kg s cestovnou batériou. Zo sadou koliesok "AT" je to 10,7 kg so štandardnou batériou a 9,4 kg s cestovnou batériou. DOJAZD: Zo sadou koliesok "Street" cca 50 km so štandardnou batériou a 15 km s cestovnou batériou. Zo sadou koliesok "AT" cca 30 km so štandardnou batériou a 10 km s cestovnou batériou. (Ak sa pýtaš sám seba, prečo je tento rozsah rovnaký ako so 40% vyššou energiou batérie v batérii 14 Ah: Toto je rozsah skutočného dojazdu pri zmiešanej jazde. Samozrejme, ak by si vykonal test dojazdu pri strednej rýchlosti, dostal by si o 40% väčší dojazd ako staršie 10Ah dosky, takže 70 km "Street" a 42 km "AT") MAXIMÁLNA RÝCHLOSŤ: Zo sadou koliesok "Street" 42 km/h a zo sadou koliesok "AT" cca. 36 km/h. Pri poklese napätia sa rýchlosť zníži. MAXIMÁLNE ZAŤAŽENIE: 120 kg VHODNÝ TERÉN: Zo sadou koliesok "Street" - hladké asfaltové cesty / chodníky / betón. Zo sadou koliesok "AT" - Akýkoľvek terén - tráva, cesty a chodníky. STÚPAVOSŤ: Až do 30% v GTR móde. BRZDENIE: Mimoriadne plynulé ovládanie brzdenia s využitím získanej energie brzdenia na dobíjanie batérie (rekuperáci). VZHĽAD: Nízkoprofilový technický vzhľad
Knihy v anglickom jazyku 3
Meltzer, Carole Swann: Feng Shui Chic, 2003 (*mnohe casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 9€ Mencher, Melvin: News Reporting and Writing, 2003 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€ Rusher, William: How to Win Arguments, 1981 (*dobry stav): 12€ Clark, Giles & Phillips, Angus: Inside Book Publishing, 2008 (*ako nova): 16€ Akpinar, Bill: No Sweat Know Sweat, 2007 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 16€ Peters, John Durham: Speaking into the Air, 2000 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 16€ Rentschler, Eric: German Film and Literature (Adaptations and Transformations), 2001 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 16€ Crowley, David & Heyer, Paul: Communication in History, 1998 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 14€ Hames, Peter: Czech and Slovak Cinema (Theme and Tradition), 2010 (*venovanie autora, niekolko casti podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 16€ Cousins, Mark: The Story of Film, 2004 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 14€ McDougal + Littell: The Americans (Life and Liberty), 1998 (*dobry stav): 16€ Reynolds, Neil: World History (Perspectives on the Past),1997 (*dobry stav): 16€ Carter-Scott, Cherie: If Love is the Game These are the Rules, 1999 (*velmi dobry stav): 9€ Berg, Yehuda: The Power of Kabbalah, 2003 (*velke casti textu su podciarknute tenkou fixou, dobry stav): 9€ Gray, John: Straw Dogs, 2002 (*ako nova): 12€ Wilson, Glenn: The Science of Love, 2001 (*viacere casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, dobry stav): 9€ Meyer, Stephenie: Twilight, 2009 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€ Meyer, Stephenie: Eclipse, 2009 (*niekolko viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€ Meyer, Stephenie: New Moon, 2009 (*niekolko slov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€ Meyer, Stephenie: The Host, 2009 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€ Dowden, Ken: The Uses of Greek Mythology, 2009 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€ Carnegie, Dale: How to Win Friends and Influence People, 2002 (*mnohe casti su podciarknute tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 8€ Quilliam, Susan: What Makes People Tick, 2003 (*niekolko casti je podciarknutych tenkou fixou, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€ Kinsella, Sophie: The Undomestic Goddess, 2006 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€ Hickam, Homer: October Sky, 1999 (*venovanie, velmi dobry stav): 12€ Kinsella, Sophie: Shopaholic Ties the Knot, 2004 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€ Harford, Tim: The Undercover Economist, 2006 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€ Hillerman, Tony: The Great Taos Bank Robbery, 1993 (*nova): 12€ Bullock, Alan: Hitler and Stalin Parallel Lives, 1998 (*niekolko casti je farebne podciarknutych, dobry stav): 16€
American War
Omar El Akkad - American War Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** An audacious and powerful debut novel: a second American Civil War, a devastating plague, and one family caught deep in the middle - a story that asks what might happen if America were to turn its most devastating policies and deadly weapons upon itself. Sarat Chestnut, born in Louisiana, is only six when the Second American Civil War breaks out in 2074. But even she knows that oil is outlawed, that Louisiana is half underwater, and that unmanned drones fill the sky. When her father is killed and her family is forced into Camp Patience for displaced persons, she begins to grow up shaped by her particular time and place. But not everyone at Camp Patience is who they claim to be. Eventually Sarat is befriended by a mysterious functionary, under whose influence she is turned into a deadly instrument of war. The decisions that she makes will have tremendous consequences not just for Sarat but for her family and her country, rippling through generations of strangers and kin alike.
Love and Other Disasters - Anita Kelly
Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 12,95€, predam za 7€. O knihe: Recently divorced Dahlia Woodson is ready to reinvent herself and she's found the perfect opportunity: the hit cooking competition show Chef's Special. Falling flat on her face on the first day is admittedly not the best start, but Dahlia isn't going to let it mess up her focus. London Parker is also there to win. As the first non-binary contestant on Chef's Special, they have a lot to prove, and they have enough on their mind without being distracted by the pretty contestant who crashed into them on Day One and hasn't really stopped talking since. After filming a few episodes, Dahlia and London grow closer and things get a little steamy as they spend more time together outside of the show. Suddenly winning isn't as important as either of them thought, but when their relationship starts to feel the heat both in and out of the kitchen, Dahlia and London realise that love doesn't always follow a recipe.
Canon EOS M50 + 15-45mm kit
Canon EOS M50, I’m selling this camera that I bought just some months ago in April 2022, the reason is that I don’t use it, it has been used only 3 times since I bought it, looks like new, doesn’t have any bumps or scratches and it’s totally functional 10/10. The camera includes a big pack where you can find all you can see in the pictures, everything have a box and plastics like a brand new one. I can sell it in person if we can meet in Bratislava city or send it to yo ur place if we agreed on a deal, send me an email or sms if you’re interested on it. (I don’t speak Slovak so well so please try to use English if you decide to call me) Description of the camera: The EOS M50 is a compact interchangeable lens camera for aspiring photographers and vloggers looking for an easy way to boost the quality of their photos and videos. With clear, high-resolution 4K UHD 24p video, you can capture the incredible details and cinematic moments of your life at home or wherever your adventures take you. Snap vibrant, eye-catching photos with a 24.1 Megapixel (APS-C) CMOS Sensor using the built-in Electronic Viewfinder or Vari-angle Touchscreen LCD that’s also perfect for vlogging so you can see what you’re recording without having the screen prevent you from adding an external microphone and/or tripod. Thanks to the fast and improved Dual Pixel CMOS Autofocus system, you can quickly lock focus on your subject to make sure you don't miss the action. See how the EOS M50 can easily deliver the high-quality photos and videos you've always imagined.
The Carrie Diaries
Meet Carrie Bradshaw before ‘Sex and the City!’ The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins. 416 stran 333g
Echo audiofire 4
ponúkam hore uvedenu externu zvukovu kartu spolu s firewire káblom tak ako je na obrázkoch dostal som ju, ale nemám pre ňu využitie, tak posúvam ďalej možná dohoda na cene niečo z internetu: 6 Inputs and Outputs XLR/TRS Inputs with Phantom Power S/PDIF and MIDI I/O FireWire Connectivity Mac and Windows Compatible Features The AudioFire4 FireWire Audio Interface from Echo Digital Audio is a compact, high-performance FireWire audio interface. The unit features six inputs and six outputs, that include two combi TRS/XLR microphone/line inputs, with switchable phantom power, two additional balanced line inputs, four balanced line outputs, S/PDIF I/O and MIDI I/O. Power for the AudioFire4 can be provided through the FireWire bus (6-pin interface required) or from the supplied external power adapter. Digital connectivity is via coaxial S/PDIF, with sample rates up to 96kHz supported. MIDI I/O is also available. Near-zero latency hardware monitoring and six channels of full duplex 24-bit/96kHz recording and playback make this unit perfect for portable systems. The unit is compatible with Mac and Windows systems for excellent versatility.
SEAS – H1571-08
U18RNX/P is a 6.5” High Fidelity woofer with an injection moulded metal chassis, intended for bass reflex and transmission line designs. New Curv cone, a woven polypropylene with excellent internal damping together with perfectly matched moving parts gives a smooth, extended frequency response. Bumped back plate in the magnet system, together with the very long and light weight copper clad aluminium voice coil, allow extreme coil excursion with low distortion. Heavy copper ring below the T-shaped pole piece will reduce non linear and modulation distortion. Bullet shaped phase plug reduces compression due to temperature variations in the voice coil, avoids resonance problems which would occur in the volume between the dust cap and the pole piece and increases the long term power handling capacity. Extremely stiff and stable injection moulded metal basket, keeps the critical components in perfect alignment. Large windows in the basket both above and below the spider reduce sound reflection, air flow noise and cavity resonance to a minimum. Uprednostňujem osobný odber.
predám dezinfekcnu lampu do miesnosti, Sterillight Air G1
Na dezinfekciu vzduchu v priestoroch predam uzavretý typ žiariča/lampy STERILLIGHT AIR, slúži na nepriame ožarovanie vzduchu v miestností a je možné ho využívať za prítomnosti ľudí. Ide o neustále čistenie a dezinfekciu zduchu. Žiarič má zdroj UV-C svetla ukrytý v tuneli, cez ktorý prúdi vzduch. Počas prevázdky nie je produkovaný ozón, takže v miesnosti môžu byť ludia, zvieratá a rastliny. Znečistený vzduch vstupuje do prístroja núteným obehom prostredníctvom ventilátorov. Vnútri prechádza okolo jednej alebo viacerých – záleží od typu a výkonu zariadenia. Dezinfikovaný vzduch prúdi druhým koncom prístroja späť do miestnosti. Vďaka tomu je zabezpečená neustála cirkulácia a dezinfekcia vzduchu v miestnosti. STERILLIGHT AIR významne znižuje možnosť vdýchnutia baktérií, vírusov, mikroorganizmov a spórov, ktoré sa voľne pohybujú vzduchom a znižuje riziko možnej nákazy. Uzavreté žiariče nedezinfikujú povrchy, ale vzduch napr. v kanceláriách, čakárňach, ambulanciách, ordináciách, fitness centrách, v školských triedach, jedálňach a pod. Žiariče môžu byť umiestnené pevne na stropoch a stenách alebo na mobilných stojanoch. Sterillight Air G1 15 prečerpá 20 m3/h, cena: 310€ Sterillight Air G1 30 prečerpá 30 m3/h, cena: 330€ Sterillight Air G1 60 prečerpá cca 50 m3/h, cena: 400€ Sterillight Industry G1 180 prečerpá 160 m3/h, cena: 1080€ Sterillight Industry G1 360 prečerpá 240 m3/h, cena: 1320€ For air disinfection in rooms, I offer a closed type of germicide lamp STERILLIGHT AIR, used for indirect irradiation of air in the room and can be used in the presence of people. It is a constant cleaning and disinfection of the air. The device has a UV-C light source hidden in a tunnel through which air flows. Ozone is not produced during operation, so people, animals and plants may be in the room. Polluted air enters the device through forced circulation via fans. It goes around one or more inside – it depends on the type and performance of the device. Disinfected air flows through the other end of the device back into the room. This ensures constant circulation and disinfection of the air in the room. STERILLIGHT AIR significantly reduces the possibility of inhaling bacteria, viruses, microorganisms and spores that move freely through the air and reduces the risk of possible infection. Closed radiators do not disinfect surfaces, but air e.g. in offices, waiting rooms, ambulances, surgeries, fitness centers, in school classrooms, canteens, etc. The radiators can be placed firmly on ceilings and walls or on mobile stands. Sterillight Air G1 15 pumps 20 m3 / hour, price: 310 € Sterillight Air G1 30 pumps 30 m3 / hour, price: 330 € Sterillight Air G1 60 pumps approx. 50 m3 / hour, price: 400 € Sterillight Industry G1 180 pumps 160 m3 / hour, price: 1080 € Sterillight Industry G1 360 pumps 240 m3/hour, price: 1320€
kombinéza Revit Replica veľ 52. + doplnky
predám koženú jednodielnu kombinézu (motokombinézu) Revit Replica kúpenú v zime 20, jazdenu v sezóne 21, veľkosť 52 (ja 183cm 83kg) nepadnutú, nepoškodenú v top stave (nutné vyčistiť plecia od mušiek), camel bag, vystuže lakťov, ramien, chrániče, kolien, stehien, chrbta, hrude, predlaktí a holennych kostí. Ku kombinéze nové, ani raz neškrknuté slidre Arlen Ness. Kombinéza jazdena výhradne s vnútornym funkčnym pradlom. Zipsy, suché zipsy, vnútorná podsivka neposkodena, rovnako neoprén na zadných stehnách a lýtkach. Ku kombinéze venujem nepremokavu vrchnú kombinézu Spada XL a prípravky na čistenie a ošetrenie koze 4SR a moto ruksak. Kombi kupovana nová na FC moto, cena novej 750. Kombi je vo Svätom Jure. popis výrobcu: The Replica suit is a direct descendent of our MotoGP efforts. High quality Monaco cowhide leather is used together with strategically placed PWR | Kevlar stretch to ensure both a high abrasion resistance as well as freedom of movement. CE rated Betac® armor is used at the elbows, shoulders and knees, which is adjustable at the shoulders and knees to enable a personalized, custom fit. Dual-comp protectors are fitted on the shoulders and elbows to provide an even higher level of impact and abrasion protection. The Replica one piece comes standard with TRYONIC SEESOFT™ CE-level 1 hip protector inserts. The use of aero cool 3D mesh inside the removable liner helps circulate air within the suit, keeping the rider dry and comfortable. Various fully and partially perforated panels in the front and back of the suit make sure to keep the rider cool during intense riding. It is possible to upgrade the suit with a SEESOFT™ RV level 2 back protector and a hydra bag. PROTECTION Outershell Lorica® | PWR|Kevlar stretch | neoprene | Monaco cowhide Protection double leather seat | dual-comp protector | Betac® CE Protection | safety stitching | safety seams | prepared for SEESOFT™ CE-level 2 back protector insert - Type RV | TRYONIC SEESOFT™ CE-level 1 type B hip protector, version RV01 | adjustable Betac® knee protection | adjustable Betac® shoulder protection | dual-comp knee slider type A Composition 82% Leather, 14% Polyamide, 3% Aramid, 1% Elastane ERGONOMIC Fit race fit | tight Adjustability adjustment tab Ventilation VCS | speed hump hydra bag prepared | partly perforated outer shell | fully perforated panels ADDITIONAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Material 82% Leather, 14% Polyamide, 3% Aramid, 1% Elastane
Casio ProTrek PRW-3000B
Hodinky sú ako nové. Nová korunka a podložky remienka, rezervné kolíky na remienok, nepoužitý originálny textilný remienok a použitý čierny silikónový remienok (s čiernou prackou, ťažko zohnať). Kompletné balenie s krabicou a dokladom o kúpe. Hodinky sú solárne napájané a rádiom riadené. Triple sensor, všetky dostupné senzory, čo Casio ponúka. Osobne BA, KN, alebo dobierka. Mineral Glass 100-meter water resistance Case / bezel material: Resin / Aluminum Leather/Cloth Band LED backlight (Super Illuminator) Full auto LED light, selectable illumination duration, afterglow Solar powered Low-temperature resistant (–10°C/14°F) Time calibration signal reception Auto receive up to six* times a day (remaining auto receives canceled as soon as one is successful) *5 times a day for the Chinese calibration signal Manual receive The latest signal reception results Time Calibration Signals Station name: DCF77 (Mainflingen, Germany) Frequency: 77.5 kHz Station name: MSF (Anthorn, England) Frequency: 60.0 kHz Station name: WWVB (Fort Collins, United States) Frequency: 60.0 kHz Station name: JJY (Fukushima, Fukuoka/Saga, Japan) Frequency: 40.0 kHz (Fukushima) / 60.0 kHz (Fukuoka/Saga) Station name: BPC (Shangqiu City, Henan Province, China) Frequency: 68.5 kHz Digital compass Measures and displays direction as one of 16 points Measuring range: 0 to 359° Measuring unit: 1° 60 seconds continuous measurement Graphic direction pointer Bidirectional calibration Magnetic declination correction Bearing memory Altimeter Measuring range: –700 to 10,000 m (–2,300 to 32,800 ft.) Measuring unit: 1 m (5 ft.) Manual memory measurements (up to 30 records, each including altitude, date, time) Auto log data (High/low altitudes, auto cumulative ascent and descent) Trek log data (up to 14 records of high/low altitudes, auto cumulative ascent and descent of particular treks) Others: Relative altitude readings (–3,000 to 3,000 m), Selectable measurement interval: 5 seconds or 2 minutes *1 second for first 3 minutes only *Changeover between meters (m) and feet (ft) Barometer Display range: 260 to 1,100 hPa (7.65 to 32.45 inHg) Display unit: 1 hPa (0.05 inHg) Atmospheric pressure tendency graph(past 42 hours of readings) Atmospheric pressure differential graphic Barometric pressure tendency information alarm (beep and arrow indicates significant changes in pressure) *Changeover between hPa and inHg Thermometer Display range: –10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) Display unit: 0.1°C (0.2°F) *Changeover between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) World time 31 time zones (48 cities + coordinated universal time), daylight saving on/off Sunrise, sunset time display Sunrise time and sunset time for specific date, daylight pointers 1/10-second stopwatch Measuring capacity: 999:59'59.9''
2 ročný psík kastrovanej nemeckej dogy hľadá novú rodinu
Ahojte, 2-ročná kastrovaná nemeckej dogy hľadá nový domov. Šteniatko bolo zachránené z Gostomelu (Ukrajina) na začiatku vojny, bolo vo veľmi zlom stave. Teraz je celý dobrý, veľmi milý a veľmi orientovaný na človeka. Ovláda základné povely a je veľmi dobrým partnerom pri prechádzkach. Má 1 starý zlomený prst na prednej labke, takže môžete vidieť, že kríva, ale dokáže rýchlo bežať. Ďalším problémom je, že potrebuje jedlo bez alergií, takže potrebuje dobrú liečbu kŕmením. Veľmi dobre sa znáša s mačkami a inými psami, s povahou typu beta. Je kastrovaný, má európsky slovenský pas s najnovším očkovaním a čipom. Hľadám adopciu, keďže mám vlastného Nemeckej Dogy a zachránil som jeho, keďže toto plemeno poznám a mojím cieľom bolo pomôcť mu, aby sa vrátil späť do normálneho stavu a začal si hľadať rodinu hneď, ako bude na to pripravený. Hľadám rodinu, ktorá vie chlieb, je pripravená na obrovského psa a úplne chápe, že slintanie je pre dogu normálny stav. Pošlite mi e-mail, pretože nerozumiem po slovensky na telefóne, ale môžem použiť prekladač Google na komunikáciu. Ak to pomôže, hovorím po anglicky =) ----- Hi, 2-year-old castrated Great Dane is looking for a new home. The puppy has been rescued from Gostomel (Ukraine) in the beginning of the war, it was in very bad condition. Now he is all good, very kind and very person-oriented. Knows basic commands and very good partner in walks. He has 1 old broken toe on his front paw so you may see he is limping but he can run fast. Another issue is he needs allergies free food so he needs good treatment with feeding. He is very good with cats and other dogs, with a beta kind of character. He is castrated, has a European Slovak passport with the latest vaccinations and chip. Looking for adoption as I have my own Grate Dane and rescued his as I know this breed and my goal was to help him so he returns back to a normal state and starts looking for a family as soon as he is ready for it. I am looking for a family that knows bread, is ready for a giant dog and totally understands that drool is a normal state for Greate Dane. Please email me, as I don;t understand slovak on phone but I can user google translate to communicate. I speak English if it helps =)
I know how she does it - Laura Vanderkam
Paperback, raz prečítaný. Vidieť mierne známky na obale. Praktická kniha pre každého, kto hľadá trochu voľného času medzi svojimi každodennými povinnosťami. Kniha je v angličtine. Cena je už aj s poštový, posielam po zaplatení na účet. ----------------------------------------- In I Know How She Does It, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers powerful insights from the diaries of successful women. Everyone has an opinion, anecdote, or horror story about women and work. Most believe that a woman who wants a challenging career will have to make huge sacrifices - in family, social life, hobbies or even a decent night's sleep. But what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it's made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle? Instead of relying on scattered stories, time man­agement expert Laura Vanderkam set out to find some hard data. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year. And she found some surprising patterns: these women worked less and slept more than they thought. They went to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights, and had lunches with friends. They could be spontaneous and make time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning. With examples from hundreds of real women, Vanderkam proves that you don't have to give up on the things you really want. In I Know How She Does It, she offers specific strategies proven to help you manage your time and build a life that works, one hour at a time.
Jamie Oliver: 5 Ingredients
Jamie Oliver: 5 Ingredients.ooking doesn't have to be complicated - that's why Jamie's Jamie's 5 Ingredients - Quick & Easy Food is sure to become your new best friend in the kitchen. It's all about making the journey to good food, super-simple. Every recipe uses just five key ingredients, ensuring you can get a plate of food together fast, whether it's finished and on the table super-quickly, or after minimal hands-on prep, you've let the oven do the hard work for you. We're talking quality over quantity, a little diligence on the cooking front, and in return massive flavour. Each recipe has been tried and tested (and tested again!) to ensure the book is packed with no-fuss, budget-friendly dishes that you can rustle up, any day of the week. With over 130 recipes, and chapters on Chicken, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Eggs, Veg, Salads, Pasta, Rice and Noodles and Sweet Things, there's plenty of quick and easy recipe inspiration to choose from
Skip Hop podlozka
Made of soft and safe EVO foam, the 20 tiles of this wonderful set are here to give your little one a comfy and warm surface to play on. And they are also great to complement your home’s décor! Each tile measures 35.5 x 35.5 cm and interlocks to the other in various shapes you can create as you wish! Use only 3 or 4 tiles or them all to create a large surface of 178 x 142 cm! Mix and match the 4 colours. Unlike other similar foam tiles that are only safety-rated for children 3 and up, this one signed by Skip Hop is designed, tested and manufactured for all ages! We used it from 6 months onwards. Colour: yellow/grey/beige Include: 20 tiles + interlocks EvoFoam Measures: 35.5 x 35.5 (single tile); 178 x 142 cm (max surface) Height: 1,2 cm Age: from birth Lots of different possible shapes Soft and safe surface, suitable also for the youngest kids
Midas 480 overview The Midas Verona is a large-format sound reinforcement console aimed squarely at the professional concert-sound market. The Verona retains the quality and feature set expected of Midas, resulting in ultra-quiet performance, flexible signal routing and an overall pristine sound quality. The console is an 8-bus unit with a variety of chassis configurations. This console features 48 input channels with balanced XLR microphone preamplifiers and 1/4″ phone line inputs. All inputs feature direct outputs and inserts for routing audio to external processors, monitor mixers, etc. Group and Master output sections feature balanced XLR male connections. Four-band sweep EQ provides incredibly detailed signal contouring. Eight auxiliary send outputs feature discrete level control and may be used for routing to effects, monitors, etc. The Verona is sure to be all any professional mixing engineer will need for concert sound, theater sound, cooperate events, large-scale presentations, etc. 48 Input Channels The Verona is available in a variety of channel frames. This console features 48 input channels with balanced XLR microphone and 1/4″ phone line inputs. Four Band Parametric EQ All channel inputs feature a four-band parametric EQ section for detailed audio frequency contouring. Eight Bus Outputs Eight output buses provide discrete routing to recorders, effects, monitors, etc. Four Auxiliary Sends Four auxiliary sends are dedicated outputs for signal routing to effects. Flexible Routing Inn addition the Verona features direct outputs on all input channels and insert points.
Yamaha XJ 650
Slovak Version Dobrý deň, predám Yamahu XJ 650 z roku 1984 s 53 000 km. Vždy garážované. Bicykel je 4-valcový karburátor s objemom 650 ccm, 71 HP pri 9400 ot./min. a 52 Nm pri 7500 ot./min., maximálna rýchlosť, ktorú som dosiahol, bola 190 km/h, môže ísť aj viac, ale s vetrom a vibráciami sa stáva naozaj strašidelným. Bicykel slúži na letné výlety a dochádzanie k jazerám. Ide perfektne, karburátor je dobre nastavený, má novú batériu z roku 2022, pneumatiky Heidenau K65 z roku 2021 s možno 2000 km. Výmeny oleja a filtrov vykonávam sám, Olej (Castrol Power 1), Olejový filter, Zapaľovacie sviečky a Vzduchový filter sú nové, menené po 50 000 km. Teraz by sa mala čoskoro skontrolovať brzdová kvapalina, brzdové doštičky sú v poriadku. Bicykel jazdí veľmi dobre, štartuje vždy na prvý pokus, veľmi dobre sa ovláda, brzdy sú zo starej školy a nemá ABS, takže objektívne najhoršia časť motorky, ale zvyknete si. K bike cafe racer dávam aj riadidlá (nainštalované predchádzajúcim majiteľom ale nepohodlné) a originálne tašky s podperami. STK do októbra 2023, minule bicykel prešiel kontrolou pekne, všetky svetlá fungujú dobre. Bicykel má preliačinu palivovej nádrže od pádu asi pred 3 rokmi, neopravoval som ho a nelakoval, pretože to nie je veľký problém. Cena 1600 eur, dohoda možná. Prosím, ak budete volať, volajte po 17:00. English Version Hello there, I am selling my Yamaha XJ 650 from 1984 with 53.000 KM. Always garaged. The bike is a 4 cylinder carbureted bike with 650 cc, 71 HP at 9400 rpm and 52Nm at 7500 rpm, maximum speed reached by me was 190 Km/h, it can go more but it becomes really scary with the wind and vibration. The bike is used for summer trips and commutes to the lakes. It runs perfectly, the carburetor is well adjusted, it has new battery from 2022, the tires are Heidenau K65 from 2021 with maybe 2.000 KM. I perform oil and filter changes by myself, Oil (Castrol Power 1), Oil filter, Spark Plugs and Air filter are new, changed at 50.000 KM. Now brake liquid should be checked soon, brake pads are OK. Bike runs very well, it starts always at firs try, it handles very well, brakes are old school and no ABS so it is objectively the worst part of the bike but you get used to it. I also give with the bike cafe racer style handle bars (installed by previous owner but uncomfortable) and original bags with supports. STK until October 2023, last time the bike went through inspection nicely, all lights work well. Bike has a dent in the fuel tank from falling around 3 years ago, I have not repaired and painted it because it is not a big deal. Price is 1600 Eur negotiable. Please if you call, call after 5PM.
Láska mezi písmenky_Jodi Picoult
Možný aj osobný odber Bratislava - Miletička. Predám knihu v AJ kúpou vhodnú ako darček From #1 New York Times bestselling authors Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer, OFF THE PAGE is a tender and appealing YA novel filled with romance, humor, and adventure. Delilah and Oliver shouldn’t be together. But they are together. And just as they’re getting used to the possibility that happily ever after may really, truly be theirs, the universe sends them a message they can’t ignore: they won’t be allowed to rewrite their story. Delilah and Oliver must decide how much they’re willing to risk for love and what it takes to have a happy ending in a world where the greatest adventures happen off the page. “Off the Page is just so sweet and magical. In high school, I would have given ANYTHING to crawl inside one of my favorite books to escape the real world. I wish!”—SARAH DESSEN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Saint Anything