inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

petite and mars street - strana 36

Počet nájdených inzerátov PETITE AND MARS STREET : 1000 - strana 36

Prenájom 3 izbového bytu priamo v centre na Hviezdoslavovom
3 izbový byt priamo na pešej zóne, byt sa nachádza na 5 poschodí s výťahom, plocha bytu je 125 m2, byt je veľmi dobre dispozične riešený, a to vstupná chodba so samostatným WC a bidetom, priestranná obývacia izba čiastočne prepojená s kuchyňou (kuchyňa je vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi) a jedálenskou časťou, z ktorej je výstup do príjemnej zimnej záhrady s elektrickým krbom a ktorá sa dá v lete využiť aj ako terasa, dve samostatné spálne z toho jedna so zabudovaným šatníkom, priestranná kúpeľňa s rohovou vaňou a sprchovacím kútom vybavená práčkou. Byt je kompletne zariadený vrátane klimatizácie. Z bytu je nádherný výhľad na námestie a hrad a do krásnej zelene. Byt je určený pre klientov, ktorí vedia oceniť bývanie priamo v centre mesta. Parkovanie je možné priamo v garážových domoch za poplatok v tesnej blízkosti. Byt je voľný od 01.01.2023. Cena 1 150 €/mesiac + energie 3 bedroom apartment directly on the pedestrian zone, the apartment is located on the 5th floor with an elevator, the apartment area is 125 m2, the apartment is very well designed, entrance hall with separate toilet and bidet, spacious living room partially connected to the kitchen (kitchen is equipped with all appliances) and dining area, from which there is access to a pleasant winter garden with electric fireplace and which can also be used as a terrace in the summer, two separate bedrooms, one with a built-in wardrobe, a spacious bathroom with a corner bath and shower equipped with a washing machine. The flat is fully furnished include airconditioning. The apartment has a beautiful view of the square and the castle and the beautiful greenery. The apartment is designed for clients who know how to appreciate living right in the city center. Parking is possible directly in the garage for a fee in the immediate vicinity. The apartment is available from 01.01.2023. Price 1150 € / month + energy
 ponúka na prenájom 5 izb.dom v Bratislave II Ružinov
REB sk. ponúka na prenájom bývanie v rodinnom dome v pokojnej lokalite Prievozu - Ružinov. Nehnuteľnosť (dve poschodia) s plochou 150 m2 poskytuje veľkorysé bývanie s výbornou dostupnosťou do centra mesta (cca 10 min.) resp. na diaľnicu (cca 5 min.). možnosť parkovania pre 4 vozidlá (1x garáž; 1x pozemok rodinného domu; 2x verejné parkovanie pri rodinnom dome) Rodinný dom disponuje zabezpečovacím systémom. Dom je ideálny pre rodinu s deťmi, príp. pre študentov / pracujúcich (maximálne 8 osôb). Domáci miláčik akceptovateľný. DISPOZÍCIA: - 1. poschodie: vstupná chodba; práčovňa; 1x nepriechodná spálňa + 1x kúpeľňa s vaňou a toaletou; obývacia izba prepojená s jedálenskou časťou a kuchyňou s výstupom na prízemnú terasu a do záhrady - 2. poschodie.: 4x nepriechodná spálňa + 3x kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a toaletou; z jednej zo spálni je výstup na terasu na poschodí ZARIADENIE: dom je čiastočne zariadený (v zmysle fotografií); v prípade vážneho záujmu možnosť dozariadenia LOKALITA: pohodlné a pokojné bývanie v lokalite s rodinnou zástavbou; v blízkosti je kompletná občianska vybavenosť (škôlka/škola s pešou dostupnosťou cca 10 min.; obchod; pekáreň; ...); MHD (trolejbus / autobus) CENA: 1.800,- EUR/mesiac + cca 350,- EUR/mesiac za energie (vrátane internetu a TV balíka). Pri podpise zmluvy platí nájomca kompletné jednomesačné nájomné vrátane energií, vratný depozit vo výške kompletného jednomesačného nájmu s energiami a poplatok pre realitnú spoločnosť 900Eur. REB sk. offers for rent a house - quiet location of Prievoz - Ružinov. The property (two floors) with an area of 150 m2 provides generous housing with excellent access to the city center (approx. 10 min.) or to the highway (approx. 5 min.). possibility of parking for 4 vehicles (1x garage; 1x plot of family house; 2x public parking next to the family house) The family house has a security system. Ideal for a family with children, or for students / workers (maximum 8 people). Pet acceptable. DISPOSITION: - 1st floor: entrance hallway; laundry room; 1x separated bedroom + 1x bathroom with bathtub and toilet; living room connected to the dining area and kitchen with exit to the ground floor terrace and garden - 2nd floor.: 4x separated bedroom + 3x bathroom with shower and toilet; from one of the bedrooms there is an exit to the terrace upstairs FURNISHINGS: the house is partially furnished, in case of serious interest, the possibility of fully furnishing LOCATION: comfortable and peaceful living in a locality with family housing; nearby is a complete civic amenities (kindergarten/school with walking distance of about 10 min.; shop; bakery; ...); Public transport (trolleybus / bus) PRICE: 1,800,- EUR/month + approx. 350,- EUR/month for utilities (including internet and TV package). When signing the contract, the lessee pays a complete one-month rent,
BMW F21 M135i • 2014 • 235kw • Navi • Harman/Kardon
BMW F21 M135i N55 Rok výroby: 2014 Motor: 235kw / 320hp 6 válec TwinPower Turbo Najeto: 150 000km poctivé km prověřeno u BMW dealera + servisní kniha Převodovka: Automatická ZF 8-stupňová Barva: Alpinweiss - (300) Výbava: Originální M-sportovní paket z výroby, 2x el.okna, centrál na DO, ABS, DTC, PDC, MF volant, sportovní sedačky + dofuky (alcantara, Idrive,USB,AUX, Bluetooth, radio, palubní PC, příplatkové audio Harman/Kardon, Parkovací senzory vzadu i v předu Auto pravidelně servisováni v BMW ! Původ auta Švýcarsko nádherný interiér i exteriér Vozidlo je ve výborném stavu, Při posledním servisu nový olej, filtry, svíčky, cívky Auto absolutně bez investic Originál BMW alu kola styling 405M performance Při jakémkoliv dotazu volat, jen vážný zájemci !! Možnost vyřízení financování nebo leasingu Editions And Packages S704 M Sports Suspension S710 M Leather Steering Wheel S715 M Aerodynamics Package Comfort And Interior Equipment S423 Floor Mats Velours S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit S465 Through-Loading System S481 Sports Seat S4AE Armrest Front, Retractable S4DX Accent Strips, Blue Metallic Matt S4MR Interior Trim Strips, Alum. Hexagon S4NE Blow-By Heater S4UK 5-Seater Multimedia S609 Navigation System Professional S654 DAB Tuner S674 Hi-Fi System Harman Kardon S698 Area-Code 2 For DVD S6AC Intelligent Emergency Call S6AE Teleservices S6AK Connected Drive Services S6AM Real-Time Traffic Information S6NH Hands-Free System With USB Interface S6WA Instrument Panel With Extended Scope Driver Assistance And Lightning S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S544 Cruise Control With Brake Function S548 Kilometre Speedo S575 Additional 12V Sockets S5DA Passenger Airbag Deactivation S5DC Rear-Seat Headrests, Folding Wheels And Drive S230 Extra Package, EU-Speciifc S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel S2NH M Sport Brake S2PA Locking Wheel Bolt S2PG BMW LA Wheel, M Double Spoke 436 S2TB Sport Automatic Gearbox S2VB Tyre Pressure Display S2VL Variable Sport Steering Environment And Safety S320 Deleted, Model Lettering S851 Language Version German S879 On-Board Literature, German S8KA Oil Service Interval 24 Mths / 30,000 Km S8V1 Information Plate Individual Equipment S760 High Gloss Shadow Line S775 Headlining Anthracite Other Equipment S1CA Selection Of COP-Relevant Vehicles S1CB CO2 Equipment SA080 80 Ah AGM Battery SPOLS Cloth Cushion
Prenájom, 2 izbový, Košice I, Sever, Hroncova
NA PRENÁJOM PEKNÝ 2-IZBOVÝ BYT - HRONCOVA, Košice - Sever Ponúkame na prenájom pekný priestranný 2-izbový byt po rekonštrukcii na Hroncovej ulici v blízkosti centra a Košických univerzít - medicíny, veteríny aj TU.  Byt o výmere 54m2 sa nachádza na 1. vyvýšenom poschodí novozatepleného bytového domu, je teplý (prvý od výmenníčky), tichý, má všade plastové okná so žalúziami, nové plávajúce podlahy v izbách, dlažba v ostatných priestoroch, obklady v kúpeľni a WC (oddelené WC má samostatné umývadlo). V byte je dostatočný úložný priestor s vstavanými skriňami, otvorená kuchyňa prepojená s obývacou izbou, priestranná spálňa pracovným stolom pre dvoch. Byt nemá balkón. Byt je kompletne zariadený s vybavením aj spotrebičmi (nová práčka, TV, el.rúra, plyn.sporák,digestor, chladnička s mrazničkou, mikrovlnka, kuchynské riady, žehliaca doska, žehlička, uteráky a post. prádlo, 2x pracovný stôl), je vhodný pre 1 - 2 študentov VŠ alebo mladý pracujúci pár nefajčiarov a bez domácich miláčikov. V byte je zavedené pripojenie na internet a TV Antik. Cena mesačného nájmu 570€ je vrátane energií, t.j. 400€ + 170€ na energie a služby vrátane internetu. Vyžaduje sa jednomesačný deposit pri podpise nájomnej zmluvy a platba nájmu vopred. V prípade záujmu prosím volajte . ***** ***** *****  We offer for rent a nice, clean 1-bedroom fully furnished and fully equipped flat near all universities (veterinary, medical and technical) and amenities. The flat has an open plan living room and kitchen, a spacious bedroom, a bathroom with a bathtub and separate WC with a basin for hand washing. It has plenty of storage (built in wardrobes in the entrance hall as well as in the bedroom). The equipment includes a new washing machine, TV, microwave, fridge/freezer, iron and ironing board, kitchen equipm...
BMW 116310 demontáž remenice kľukového hriadeľa
Kľúč na demontáž remenice kľukového hriadeľa BMW 1x použitý pre BMW: E81 120D (163 HP), E46 318D (115 and 116 HP), 318TD (115 HP), E46 320D (136 and 150 HP), 320TD (150 HP), E90 318D (18D (150 PS), 320D (150 and 163 HP), E91 318D (122 HP), 320D (150 and 163 HP), E39 520D (136 HP), E60 520D (150 and 163 HP), E61 520D (150 and 163 HP). E83 X3 2.0D (150 HP) inzerát platí do zmazania
poschodový rekonštruovaný, zateplený rodinný dom
Predám poschodový rekonštruovaný, zateplený rodinný dom s balkónom, postavený v r. 1980. Dom má centrálne ústredné kúrenie s kondenzačným plynovým kotlom zn. Junkers,umelecké kované mreže. Má dubové parkety, nové na mieru vyrobené nové drevené dvere s presklením, dve kúpeľne s WC a jednou sprchou, 4 izby, kuchyňa, kotolňa, komora, bezpečnostné prvky, dvere, umelecké mreže, balkón, nová moderná kuchynská linka so spotrebičmi- plynový šporák a mikrovlnka. V roku 2021 bola urobená nová zateplená strecha. Vedľa domu je veľká garáž so skladom. Dom má a vlastnú čističku odpadových vôd. Nachádza sa v malebnej obci pri sútoku troch riek Laborec, Uh, Čierna voda, cca 20 km od Michaloviec s pozemkom okolo 30 árov. Pôdorys poschodového domu je cca 10x10 m. Súčasťou rodinného domu je cca 30 árová záhrada a poľnohospodárska pôda. Pozemok je nanovo oplotený s 260 ks vysadených tují na vytvorenie živého plotu, novovysadené ovocné stromy (cca 40 ks). Vzadu na pozemku je Unimo bunka na skladovacie účely, novovybudovaný altánok s el. osvetlením a zásuvkami. Dom je napojený na mestský vodovod a plyn, samozrejme aj elektrinu. Má aj vlastnú studňa s vodou a rozvodmi po záhrade na polievanie závlahou, včelín sa 22 úľmi. Dom je vhodný na okamžité bývanie pre mladých aj starších ľudí hľadajúcich kľud na vidieku s romantickým nížinným okolím neďaleko riek a lesa, prostredie je vhodné pre rybárčenie a poľovníctvo. Má dobrý prístup do okolitých miest, mesto Michalovce je vzdialené cca 20 km na sever. V obci žijú ľudia slovenskej národnosti a nežijú tam neprispôsobiví občania. Kontakt pre kupcov: vincent.nagy@ , mobil I am selling a two-storey reconstructed, insulated family house, which was completed around 1980. The house has central central heating with a condensing gas boiler. Junkers. It has oak parquet floors, new custom-made wooden doors with glazing, two bathrooms with toilet and one shower, 4 rooms, kitchen, boiler room, pantry, security features, doors, art nets, balcony, new modern kitchen with appliances - gas stove and microwave. In 2021, a new insulated roof was made. Next to the house is a large garage with storage. The house has its own wastewater treatment plant. It is located in a picturesque village at the confluence of three rivers Laborec, Uh, Čierna voda, about 20 km from Michalovce with a plot of about 30 acres. The floor plan of the multi-storey house is about 10x10 m. The family house has about 30 acres of garden and agricultural land. The land is newly fenced with 260 pieces planted to create a hedge, newly planted fruit trees (about 40 pieces). At the back of the plot is a Unimo cell for storage purposes, a newly built gazebo with el. lighting and sockets. The house is connected to the city water and gas, as well as electricity. It also has its own well with water, an apiary with 22 hives. The house is suitable for immediate living for young and old people looking for peace in the countryside with a romantic lowland
Prenájom 2 izbového bytu na Landererovej ulici - Panorama ci
Prenájom nadštandardného 2 izbového bytu v novostavbe - projekt Panorama City v tesnej blízkosti promenády a nábrežia Dunaja, plocha bytu je 56 m2 + loggia s krásnym výhľadom priamo na mesto, byt sa nachádza na 22 poschodí s troma výťahmi, byt je kompletne zariadený vrátane všetkých spotrebičov a pripravený k okamžitému nasťahovaniu hotelového typu, k bytu patrí garážové státie v suteréne bytového domu, byt je tichý a svetlý, priamo v bytovom dome sa nachádzajú potraviny Yeme a v tesnej blízkosti sa nachádza OC Eurovea s nákupnými možnosťami, bytový dom sa nachádza priamo v centre a má výborné priamo napojenie priamo na obchvat, byt je voľný od 01.01.2023. Cena 750 €/mesiac + energie 200 EUR + státie 50 EUR (k cene zvlášť internet a káblová TV) Rental of an above-standard 2 bedroom apartment in a new building - Panorama City project close to the promenade and the Danube embankment, apartment area is 56 m2 + loggia with a beautiful view of the city, the apartment is located on 22 floors with three elevators, the apartment is fully furnished including all appliances and ready for immediate hotel-type occupancy, the apartment includes a garage in the basement of the apartment building, the apartment is quiet and bright, there are Yeme groceries right in the apartment building and OC Eurovea with shopping facilities is close by, the apartment building is located right in the center and has an excellent direct connection directly to the bypass, the apartment is available 01.01.2023. Price 750 € / month + energy 200 EUR + parking place 50 EUR (plus internet and cable TV)
Na prenájom 2 izb byt Bratislava-Staré Mesto
#2685 Ponúkame Vám na prenájom 2 izbový byt Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slávičie údolie. Z juhozápadne orientovanej obývačky a loggie je výhľad do lesíka. Spálňa a záhradka sú orientované do tichého vnútrobloku.  Úžitková plocha bytu je 94,8m2. Byt má loggiu a veľkú záhradku (64m2). Dispozícia: byt pozostáva z chodby, obývačky spojenej s kuchyňou, spálne, samostatnej kúpeľne a samostatné WC, loggie a záhradky. Byt je kompletne zariadený a vybavený. Vybavenie bytu: smart flat TV, satelit, UPC internet, home cinema Parkovacie státie v suteréne domu. Cena: 600 €/mesiac + energie 200 EUR / mesiac ………………………… We offer for rent a 2-rooms apartment in Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slávičie udolie. There is a view of the forest from the southwest-facing living room and loggia. The bedroom and the garden face the quiet inner block. The useful area of ​​the apartment is 94.8 m2. The apartment has a loggia and a large garden (64m2). Layout: the apartment consists of a corridor, a living room connected to the kitchen, a bedroom, a separate bathroom and a separate toilet, a loggia and a garden. The apartment is fully furnished and equipped. Apartment equipment: smart flat TV, satellite, UPC internet, home cinema Parking space in the basement of the house. Price: €600/month + energy €200/month Kontact:
BMW E90 320d
Predám BMW E90 320d, rok výroby: 2005, motor: M47 120kW, prevodovka: 6st. manuál, 430 000km, Výbava: Editions And Packages S710 M Leather Steering Wheel Comfort And Interior Equipment S403 Glass Roof, Electrical S423 Floor Mats Velours S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit S430 Interior/Outside Mirror With Auto Dip S431 Interior Mirror With Automatic-Dip S441 Smoker Package S481 Sports Seat S493 Storage Compartment Package S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger S4AD Interior Trim Strips, Brushed Aluminium S4AE Armrest Front, Retractable Multimedia S609 Navigation System Professional S612 BMW Assist S620 Voice Control S633 Preparation, Mobile Phone, Business S6AA BMW TeleServices Driver Assistance And Lightning S502 Headlight Cleaning System S507 Park Distance Control (PDC), Rear S520 Fog Lights S521 Rain Sensor S522 Xenon Light S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S548 Kilometre Speedo S563 Light Package Wheels And Drive S200 Diesel Particulate Filter S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel Environment And Safety S320 Deleted, Model Lettering S321 Exterior Parts In Vehicle Colour S354 Windscreen, Green-Tinted Upper Strip S801 National Version Germany S851 Language Version German S863 Dealer List Europe S879 On-Board Literature, German S8SP Control Unit COP Other Equipment S1CA Selection Of COP-Relevant Vehicles SB080 Battery 80 Ah, Plant Auto vlastním 3,5 roka, za ten čas som menil na aute rozvody, termostaty, vodna pumpa + nová chladiaca, 4ks žhaviče s original riadiacou jednotkou a káblom, separátor oleja, predné+ zadné brzdy, komplet predná aj zadná náprava nová tlmiče+pruziny sachs mpacket, ramena lemforder, nova geometria, hlavná remenica Corteco, napínacia kladka, obidva remene, nova baterka, novo napustená klimatizácia, ccc modul zrepasovany, predné svetlá preleštené, alternator zrepasovany, nová baterka (aj nakodovana), nový intercooler Olej som menil po 10 000km, olej Mobil1 5W-30 a filtre Mann, Viac info telefonicky, možná výmena za E60 530d, 535d Pri rýchlom serióznom jednaní dohoda na cene
TALIAN -taliansko-slovensko- jazykové preklady a ine sluzby
" PREKLADY" "TRADUZIONI" "TRANSLATION" Talian s 25 ročnými medzinárodnými obchodnými skúsenosťami Vám ponúka možnosť pomôcť a poskytnúť Vám podporu pri Vašich obchodných aktivitách, obchodných stretnutiach, prekladoch zo slovenčiny do taliančiny a naopak z taliančiny do slovenského jazyka. Ponúkam možnosť naplánovať a zorganizovať pre Vás obchodné stretnutia, prieskum potenciálnych obchodných partnerov alebo špecifický prieskum trhu a iné aktivity podľa dohôd. Po dohode ponúkam aj možnosť pracovných ciest mimo SR(možnosť aj podpory anglického, českého a čiastočne ruského jazyka). Nerobim Úradne overené preklady Prosím, keď voláte alebo pisete mail "jasné a konkrétne predstavy o tom, čo chcete". LEN VAZNY ZAUJEM, STRATA CASU NEVOLAT! NA SMS NEREAGUJEM! mail : tmichele1969@ Italiano Residente in Slovacchia dal 1997 , con 25 anni di esperienza commerciale a livello Internazionale specializzato soprattutto nei Paesi dell’Est Europa (Rep. Ceca, Slovacchia, altri Paesi) offre l'opportunità di supporto per le vostre attività lavorative sia all’estero sia in Italia riguardanti : incontri di lavoro con partner stranieri, videocall, traduzioni dalla lingua Slovacca alla lingua Italiana e dall’Italiano allo Slovacco. Offro anche la possibilità di pianificare e organizzare per voi incontri lavorativi direttamente in Slovacchia e altri paesi, ricerche di potenziali partner commerciali o specifiche ricerche di mercato e altre attività collaborative secondo accordi. I Paesi in cui opero solitamente sono Slovacchia, Rep Ceca, Italia Previo accordi sono disponibile anche ad effettuare viaggi e trasferimenti Lingue conosciute : Italiano Madrelingua Slovacco Ceco Inglese Russo mail : tmichele1969@ Italian Resident in Slovakia since 1997, with 25 years of commercial experience in international contexts specialized especially in Eastern European countries (Czech Republic , Slovakia other countries), offers the opportunity to help and support your work activities both abroad and in Italy concerning : business meetings with foreign partners, videocalls, translations from Slovak into Italian and from Italian to Slovak language. I also offer the possibility to plan and organize business meetings for you directly in Slovakia, Rep. Czech or other countries, research of potential business partners or specific market research and other collaborative activities according to agreements. The countries I usually work in are Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy By prior arrangement, I am also available to make trips and transfers mail : tmichele1969@ Known languages ​​: Italian Native speaker Slovak Czech English Russian
Skialpové lyže Icelantic Nomad (so skialp viazaním)
Predám Lyže Icelantic Nomad 105 so šlapacím rámovým viazaním Atomic Tracker 13 ICELANTIC NOMAD, dĺžka 181 cm, 140x105x130 mm, rocker-camber. Icelantic sú ručne robené kvalitné lyže z Colorada s unikátnym dizajnom. Dokonalý komplet na freeride a freetouring (šlapanie). CENA lyží s viazaním 580 eur Predávam ešte 2 sety na skialp, pozrite aj moje dalšie inzeráty. Otázky rada zodpoviem a poradím telefonicky či mailom. ICELANTIC NOMAD sú ALLMOUNTAIN Lyže do prašanu, za ktorým sa vďaka viazaniu Atomic Tracker dostanete kam treba. Viazanie má dve polohy na šlapanie. Ľadová zjazdovka tiež nie je pre túto lyžu problém. A ešte niečo o modeli NOMAD 105: The award-winning Nomad 105 is Icelantic’s flagship model, best-selling ski, and the foundation of the Nomad Freeride Collection. Its 105mm platform and bombproof construction allow for great floatation and stability all over the mountain. The Freeride series features our Hybrid Flight Core consisting of poplar and paulownia wood, making the collection lighter and more poppy—allowing you to effortlessly play all over the mountain. This energetic freeride tool is best described as playful, surfy and most importantly: fun. lyžovanie skialpinizmus skitour freeride
URTH Filter 58mm - UV, Polarizacny, ND
Velmi kvalitne filtre od Urth pre 58mmm. Ide o kit: The Essentials Filter Kit Plus+ Nove stoji 93, predavam za 70 Obsahuje: UV Plus+ CPL Plus+ ND8 Plus+ ND1000 Plus+ Pouzivany len UV filter asi 2 mesiace. Kupovane 23.5.2022. Our UV Filter Plus+ cuts ultraviolet light, sharpens your photos, and protects your lens against scratches, water, dirt, and fingerprints. Our CPL Polarizing Filter Plus+ cuts reflected (polarized) light, which increases contrast and boosts colour saturation and vibrancy. Our ND8 Filter Plus+ blocks a fixed 3 f-stops of light allowing longer shutter speeds for long exposure, motion blur effects in low light, and cinematographers can use it to achieve more cinematic effects. Our ND1000 Filter Plus+ blocks a fixed 10 f-stops of light for super long exposure and motion blur effects in bright light.
Bmw 525d e39 120kw
Predám toto bwm radu 5. Rok výroby je 2001, z výbavy to má funkčnú klímu, bixenony, parkovacie senzory(nefunkčné), kožený interiér, vyhrievané predné sedadlá, tempomat, palubný počítač, dažďový senzor, skibag, roletky vzadu, m-packet interiér čiže volant a športové sedačky, fólie na oknách vzadu, hliníkové disky, alarm, cd menič, kazetový prehrávač atd. Manuálna prevodovka, 5 stupňov, 6 valec m57, 120kw. Nájazd je 475k km. Tk/ek do 03/23. Na fotkách vyzerá lepšie ako naživo, je celé hrdzavé. Po technickej stránke plne funkčné, ide dopredu, dozadu, topí a podobne. Je tam veľa drobnosti ak to chce niekto do top stavu alebo proste na dožitie, vozí sa v tom fajn a nezerie to veľa. Neviem čo bolo menené predchádzajúcim majiteľom, mnou cca 2000km dozadu olej, filtre, vodná pumpa s visco spojkou, termostat, tycky stabika vpredu a horné uloženia predné. VIN GW58936 Prod. Date 2001-04-25 Service History !! CHECK HISTORY !! Type 525D Series E39 (5 Series) Body Type Sedan Steering Left Hand Drive Engine M57 Displacement 0 Power 0kw / 0hp Drive rwd Colour cosmos-schwarz Upholstery Leather Montana/basic equip/sandbeige Check mileage !! CHECK HISTORY !! Editions And Packages S710 M Sports Steering Wheel, Multifunction S785 White Direction Indicator Lights Comfort And Interior Equipment S415 Sun-Blind, Rear S416 Roller Sun Visor, Rear Lateral S423 Floor Mats Velours S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit S438 Fine Wood Trim S441 Smoker Package S464 Ski Bag S473 Armrest Front S481 Sports Seat S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger Multimedia S661 Radio BMW Business (C43) S690 Cassette Holder S694 Provisions For BMW 6 CD Changer Driver Assistance And Lightning S500 Headl.washer System/Intensive Cleaning S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S520 Fog Lights S522 Xenon Light S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S548 Kilometre Speedo S555 On-Board Computer V With Remote Control Wheels And Drive S210 Dynamic Stability Control S261 Side Airbags For Rear Passengers Environment And Safety S302 Alarm System S818 Battery Master Switch S851 Language Version German S863 Dealer List Europe S879 On-Board Literature, German Other Equipment S925 Dummy-SALAPA Najazdené km: 475364
BMW e39 525d
BMW e39 2001 525d 120kw automat stav km: 262000 STK/EK: do 10.2.2024 Obute Styling 32 R17 dvojrozmer. Na aute su vymenene komplet ramena a silentbloky na prednej a zadnej naprave, takisto tlmice a loziska. Vymeneny olej v prevodovke + nove hadice na chladenie od prevodovky, Automat radi hladko, netrhavo. Auto ma zaslepeny EGR ventil, na emisnej bez problemov. Olej memeny kazdych 10000km. Problemy auta: Zamykanie na dialku nefunguje, da sa zamknut len priamo vlozenim kluca do zamku (treba v kluci vymenit baterku) Podbehy a kufor su hrdzave - vid foto. Na kapote je preliacina. Mozna mierna dohoda na mieste. Vybava: Editions And Packages S785 White Direction Indicator Lights Comfort And Interior Equipment S415 Sun-Blind, Rear S416 Roller Sun Visor, Rear Lateral S423 Floor Mats Velours S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit S431 Interior Mirror With Automatic-Dip S438 Fine Wood Trim S441 Smoker Package S473 Armrest Front S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger Multimedia S602 On-Board Monitor WithTV S609 Navigation System Professional S630 Car Phone With Cordless Receiver S672 CD Changer For 6 CDs S694 Provisions For BMW 6 CD Changer Driver Assistance And Lightning S500 Headl.Washer System/Intensive Cleaning S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S520 Fog Lights S522 Xenon Light S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S548 Kilometre Speedo S555 On-Board Computer V With Remote Control Wheels And Drive S202 Steptronic S210 Dynamic Stability Control S216 Hydro Steering-Servotronic S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel S255 Sports Leather Steering Wheel S261 Side Airbags For Rear Passengers S266 BMW Light Alloy Wheel, Radial Spoke 48 Environment And Safety S302 Alarm System S818 Battery Master Switch S851 Language Version German S863 Dealer List Europe S879 On-Board Literature, German Other Equipment S925 Dummy-SALAPA
Jeremy Clarkson - Motorworld
Jeremy Clarkson invites us to Motorworld, his take on different cultures and the cars that they drive. There are ways and means of getting about that don't involve four wheels, but in this slice of vintage Clarkson, Jeremy isn't much interested in them. Back in 1996, he took himself off to 12 countries (okay, 11—he goes to America twice) in search of the hows, whys, and wherefores of different nationalities and their relationships with cars. There were a few questions he needed answers to: Why, for instance, is it that Italians are more interested in looking good than looking where they are going? Why do Indians crash a lot? How can an Arab describe himself as "not a rich man" with four of the world's most expensive cars in his drive? And why have the otherwise neutral Swiss declared war on the car? From Cuba to Iceland, Australia to Vietnam, Japan to Texas, Jeremy Clarkson tells us of his adventures on and off four wheels as he seeks to discover just what it is that makes our motorworld tick over.
Seuss-isms A Guide to Life by Dr. Seuss
Predam novu knihu Seuss-isms, A guide to life by Dr. Seuss. Je v lahsej anglictine. Cena 6 eur uz aj s postovnym. Martinus link: Invaluable life advice from the one and only Dr. Seuss! The one and only Dr. Seuss dispenses invaluable advice about life in this splendiferous collection of his most memorable quotes.With over sixty pages of cherished Seuss art and quotes from such classics as The Cat in the Hat, Horton Hatches the Egg, Green Eggs and Ham, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, Oh, the Places You'll Go!, and many more, this humorous and inspiring collection is the perfect gift to inspire you to live your most Seuss-ian life!
Harry Potter knihy
Predám knihy Harry Potter. Všetky knihy sú po anglicky. Knihy boli čítané, ale stále sú v zachovanom dobrom stave. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix som už v takom stave od niekoho odkúpila. Posielam cez poštu alebo Zásielkovňu. V cenách nie je zahrnuté poštovné. Platba iba vopred prevodom na účet. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte na email. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 8€ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 9,50€ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7€ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 10€ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 10€
Andrzej Sapkowski - The Witcher - The last wish (EN)
1. diel série, nová, nečítaná Introducing Geralt the Witcher - revered and hated - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the Witcher video games and a major Netflix show. Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth. Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series. The Last Wish is the perfect introduction to this one-of-a-kind fantasy world.
lyziarky Black Diamond Swift - damske
Predam par krat pouzite (do 10 krat max) lyziarky "Black Diamond Swift Ski Boots - Women's". Velmi zachovale. Velkosti mondo: 24,5 Skelet: 280 mm Black Diamond Swift Ski Boots - Women's 2012: Black Diamond’s lightweight women's alpine touring boot, the Black Diamond Swift caters to the fast-and-light skier who wants a performance boot for the turns she's earned. From meadow skipping to all-out ski mountaineering, this dynamic boot is engineered throughout with women's-specific fit details for a comfortable, responsive fit straight out of the box. Minimizing weight is a unique 3.5-buckle design that skis with the stiffness and control of a 4-buckle boot. The Black Diamond Swift Ski Boots feature state-of-the-art construction that keeps weight to an absolute minimum, while revolutionary Pivoting Cuff Technology delivers the ultimate combination of freedom of motion in walk mode and instant power transfer in ski mode. Product Details Liners - Women's Efficient Fit AT Light Thermoformable Liner with lightweight Boa closure system Additional Features - Rockered, rubber outsole with integrated tech inserts provides dramatic grip and durability. - Lightweight (1.52 kg each) 3-buckle alpine touring boot with 4-buckle performance Materials - Shell material is Pebax, cuff material is Polyolefin Flex and Fit - Triax Pivot Frame with Flex 100 and unmatched 40 degrees of resistance-free touring motion Cuff Shape - Female-specific liner construction Specs Ability Level: Advanced-Expert Includes Tech Fittings: Yes Ski Boot Flex: Medium Forefoot Width: 103 mm Flex Index: 100 Number of Buckles: 3 Tags: Dynafit, fritchi, LASPORTIVA, black diamond, scarpa, fischer travers, transalp, garmont
Dámsky cyklodres Castelli Gore Windstopper veľ. M
Cyklistický dres Castelli Rossocorsa perfetto Gore Windstopper veľ. M. Ani raz použitý, nesadol ako darček, s obrovskou ľútosťou posúvam. Viac info mailom. Os.odber/+poštovné INFO: It was the pros who first asked for something that´s not as hot as the Gabba but warmer than a Perfetto Vest. So we started from the Gabba and made the back in Nano Light Pro fabric the same fabric as our Nano Flex tights but without the brushed fleece inside. This gives the jacket a lot of breathability and keeps you from overheating inside. We further lightened it up by using a lighter weight of Windstopper® (a full 25% lighter than the one used on the Gabba) on the front. You may think that this is filling a very small niche. But just try it. It can cover most of the conditions of the Gabba (except wet racing and very cold), yet it handles warmer temperatures better. And the fit is exceptional, which is one more reason You´ll keep reaching for it. The consensus of our Castelli test crew is that this piece doesn’t fully replace the Gabba or Perfetto Vest, but it´s another arrow in your quiver that is ideally suited to cool temperatures, especially when it´s dry or There is a risk of light rain. Features: - Gore® Windstopper® 150 fabric on front, sleeves and yoke for lightweight wind protection - Nano Light Pro fabric on the back sheds water but allows significant breathability - 3 external rear pockets - Extended tail with reflective Castelli wordmark - YKK® Vislon® zipper for easy opening and closing Specifications: - Weight: 225g Technology: - Gore Windstopper - Nano Flex - Rosso corsa PC: 149€