pieany centrum - strana 20
Počet nájdených inzerátov PIEANY CENTRUM
: 1000 - strana 20

Jednotka má vypnutý imobilizér. Stačí ju založiť a jazdiť.
Pre naftové motory 1.2 TDI
Kódy motora : ANY AYZ
Osobný odber alebo zaslanie poštou/kuriérom na dobierku.
Mám jednotky s číslami :
Nenašli ste Vašu jednotku ? Napíšte mi alebo zavolajte. Určite nájdeme riešenie.

High power 230V AC triac voltage regulator with temperature sensor overload protection.
4kW Triak Regulátor – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne; Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov
- Special anti snap-ON circuitry for smooth predictable switch-on characteristic
- Thermal switch for over-temperature shut-down (auto restart)
- **Fitted with 10Amp, 5×20mm internal fuse, for loads exceeding 2kW use a 16A fuse
- Output regulation range: ≈20V to mains supply*
- 25Amp high power triac device, BTA24-600B
- Maximum continuous load with passive convection cooling: ≤8.0A (≈2000W)
- Maximum continuous load with forced air cooling: ≤16.0A** (≈4000W)
- *For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply
- Large 20mm diameter control knob; Height 15mm
- Enclosure : 89mm×38mm×58mm; Aluminium chassis; Perforated steel cover
- 4-way screw terminal block, M3.5, pitch 9.5mm
- Kit includes: 10mm pot nut and washer, 0-100 graduated scale (aluminium, 40mm diameter)
- Weight 115g
Application notes:
- Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps;
fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors.
- Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device.
- ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump.
- Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth!
- I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application.
1ks 22.00€
Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@
Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 4.20€

Zdravím všetkých, ktorí sa potrebujú naučiť alebo zdokonaliť v angličtine.
Osobne sa zameriavam na výuku Cambridge English (A1-C2), všeobecnú angličtinu a špecifický obor angličtiny zvolený podľa Vašich potrieb, taktiež príprava na skúšky z AJ.
Učím/doučujem rôzne vekové kategórie.
Možnosť zamerania sa na britskú/americkú angličtinu, prispôsobenie sa prízvuku.
Pre mňa ako aj pre Vás je dôležitá prax, teória prichádza na druhé miesto.
Výuka prebieha on-line poprípade osobne v lokalite Žilina.
Všetko čo potrebujete je počítač, wifi a samozrejme Vy :).
V krátkosti o mne.
Mám dlhoročné skúsenosti z pobytu vo Veľkej Británii (Anglicko-prevažne Londýn, Škótsko, Severné Írsko).
Už 6 rokov nepretržite učím on-line, osobne či už individuálne alebo skupinovo, pre firmy, jazykové školy.
Nedávne pôsobisko Praha, aktuálne Žilina.
V prípade záujmu je k dostupe môj životopis, recenzie a certifikácie.
Cena je uvedená za hodinu výuky.
V prípade on-line výuky je platba potrebná vopred na účet. Potvrdenie o platbe je taktiež postačujúce.
V prípade otázok ma môžete kedykoľvek kontaktovať.
POZNAMKA: poprosim kontaktovat iba v pripade skutocneho zaujmu, ziadne plytvanie casu!
Hello guys,
Let me introduce myself a bit.
I've been working as a private on-line English tutor/teacher for alian and domestic clients at the moment and been in this field of work since 2017.
I tutor/teach within the broad age span six to around sixty years either individually or in a group and that is in person or via on-line platforms.
I'm in between C1-C2 level notably thanks to loads of years working and residing overseas in particular in the UK and it's parts like Scotland, England-London, The Northern Ireland.
On the subjects of tutoring/teaching particular English it is all the Cambridge levels (A1-C2), general, business English or majoring on the specific one chosen by you.
I am more empirical than hypothetical tutor/teacher what entirely pays off and the same I offer to you because in the end its not about references and certificates but about possessing the original practice from English speaking countries.
All you need is a good wifi, your drive and of course its you above all :).
In terms of paying if its an on-line tutoring the payment must be transferred beforehand or a statement of the paid amount is sufficiently enough.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any further questions.
CV, references and certificates are available on request.
NOTE: pls contact me only if your interest is real, no time wasters!
Looking forward hearing from you.

Predám metrické závitníky, kvalitnej výroby.
- M2R
- M2,5
- M3x0,35
- M4, zn.Narex
- M4, zn.Mas
- M4 6H HSSE 1500, zn. Narex
- M5 ISO1 HSSE 670, zn.Narex
- M5 223043 R
- M5 HSS, zn.Mas
- M5, zn.Narex
- M5 6H HSS
- M5 ISO1 HSSE, zn.Narex
- M5 ISO1C HSSE, zn.Narex
- M5 ISO1 HSS55, zn.Narex
- M5 ISO1 HSSE 670, zn.Narex
- M6x0,75 ISO1 HSSE 760, zn.Narex
- M6 HSS, zn.Mas
- M6 Sh6 HSS, zn.Mas
- M6 ISO1 HSS, zn.Narex
- M7 Sh6, zn.Mas
- M7x0,75 Sh6 HSS, zn.Mas
- M8
- M8 R
- M8 ISO1 HSS, zn.Narex
- M8 ISO1 HSS30, zn.Narex
- M8 Sh6 HSS, zn.Mas
- M8 ISO2 6H X-tap
- M8 6H HSSE - Tin, zn.Narex
- M8 ISO2 6H HSSE, zn.Emuge
- M8x1
- M8x1 ISO1 HSSE, zn.Narex
- M8x1 ISO1 HSS, zn.Mas
- M8x1 ISO1 HSS, zn.Narex
- M8x1 Sh6 HSS
- M10 HSS, zn.Mas
- M10 ISO2 6H Guro-S HSSE, zn.Guehring
- M10 6H HSSG-E RSP 35°
- M10 ISO1 HSS, zn.Narex
- M10 ISO1 HSS Tin, zn.Narex
- M10 6H HSSE Tin, zn.Narex
- M10 6H HSSE, zn.Guehring
- M10 6H HSSE 225, zn.Narex
- M10 SH6 3040R, zn.Narex
- M10 SH6 HSS, zn.Narex
- M10x1 SH6 3040R, zn.Narex
- M10x1 ISO1 HSSE, zn.Narex
- M10x1 Sh6, zn.Mas
- M10x1,25 ISO1 HSSE, zn.Narex
- M12 ISO1 HSS, zn.Mas
- M12 ISO1 HSS, zn.Narex
- M12 6H HSSE CO8, zn.Narex
- M12 6H HSSE 4050, zn.Narex
- M12R, zn.Mas
- M12x1 ISO1C HSSE, zn.Narex
- M12x1,5 ISO1 HSSE, zn.Narex
- M12x1,5 HSS, zn.Mas
- M12x1,5 ISO1 HSS, zn.Narex
- M12x1,5 ISO1 HSS 55, zn.Narex
- M12x1,5 ISO1C HSS 55, zn.Narex
- M12x1,5 Sh8 0174
- M14 ISO1 ON3044 HSS E-52, zn.Narex
- M14 3062 N, zn.Zbrojovka
- M14 ISO1 3010 HSS, zn.Narex
- M14x1,25 HSS
- M14x1,5 3010 N, zn.Narex
- M14x1,5 ISO1 3062 HSS 30, zn.Narex
- M14x1,5 HSS, zn.Mas
– M16 ISO1C 3042 HSS E 52, zn.Narex
– M16 ČSN 223043 R, zn.Zbrojovka
– M16 ISO1 ČSN 223070 HSS, zn.Narex
- M16x1,5 ISO1 ON 3070 HSS 30, zn.Narex
- M16x1,5 SW9, zn.FWP
- M18x1,5 SH6 3074 HSS, zn.Narex
– M20 6H HSSE 3500, zn.Narex
– M20 ISO1 ČSN 223043 HSSE 55, zn.Narex
- M20 ISO1 3062 HSS
- M20 3062 N
- M20 Sh6 3074 HSS
– M20 2A/2P SW7M
- M20LH ISO2 6H 800 C HSSE 826, zn.Fanar
- M20 L41
- M20x1 ISO1 ISO1 3010 HSS
– M20x1,5 SH6 ČSN 223070 HSS, zn.Narex
– M20x1,5 6H HSSE 3500, zn.Narex
– M22 S2 ANY 42436 P25C
- M22 ISO1 3062 HSS
- M22x1,5 ON 3043 HSS, zn.Narex
- M22x1,5 3043R, zn.Narex
– M22x1,5 SH6 ČSN 223074 HSS 30, zn.Narex
- M22x1,5 ISO2 6H HSSE
- M22x1,5 ISO 3070N, zn.Narex
- M24 L41 ZmS, zn.Škoda
– M24x1,5 ISO1 ČSN 223010 HSS 30, zn.Narex
– M24x1,5 ISO ČSN 223010 N, zn.Narex
– M27 2N ČSN 223010, zn.Narex
– M27x1,5 ON 3043 HSS 30, zn.Narex
- M30x1,5 ISO1C 3042 HSS55 - zn.Narex
Kontakt - .

Jedna z najlepsich zakladnych dosiek na chipsete B450.Bohuzial bez krabice.Funguje skvele.
Inspired by the curve and shape of supercars, offers colorful customization with MSI Mystic Light RGB, tuned for better performance by Core boost, DDR4 Boost, M.2 Shield, Wi-Fi AC Solution, AMD Turbo USB 3.2 Gen2
Supports 1st, 2nd and 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ / Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics and 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Graphics / Athlon™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics Desktop Processors for Socket AM4
Supports DDR4 Memory, up to 4133(OC) MHz
Mystic Light and Mystic Light Sync: 16.8 million colors / 17 effects in one click. Synchronize RGB/RAINBOW strips and other RGB solutions for customization.
Lightning Fast Game experience: TURBO M.2 with M.2 Shield, StoreMI, AMD Turbo USB 3.2 GEN2
Core Boost: With premium layout and fully digital power design to support more cores and provide better performance.
Audio Boost 4 with Nahimic: Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality for the most immersive gaming experience
Flash BIOS Button: Simply use a USB key to flash any BIOS within seconds, without installing a CPU, memory or graphics card.
DDR4 Boost: Give your DDR4 memory a performance boost with A-XMP
GAMING LAN and Wireless support, powered by Intel®: The best online gaming experience with lowest latency and bandwidth management.
V pripade zaujmu o tuto zakladnu dosku piste na mail Najlepsie osobne stretnutie Zaslanie na dobierku po samostatnej dohode.

Predám moju vykendovu hračku, SEAT LEON 1.8t 132kw motor AUQ..255.000km, 2003 ,kompletne vyservisovane, žiadna hrdza , 5w30Mobil ,výmena oleja vždy po 8.000km , aktuálne 10km po výmene,nezerie olej,nová hlava ventili , rozvody všetky snímače zo všetkého mám fotky,čo sa dalo vymeniť som menil,auto som si robil pre seba,nedymy any žiadna dymovnica po zahriatí auto slape jak hodinky neny to žiadny zlepenec, výfukový systém AMA nerez, nastaviteľný podvozok AP a veľa iného, najlepšie vidieť a počuť...iba do dobrých rúk......Nevymienam...!!.VSETKY veci mám a dám k autu aj sedačky, zaujímaví Leon.

I am selling my new Rebel 500, due to change to an Enduro bike. I bought it in June 23, 2022 from Honda Dealer in Bratislava and rode 4000km w/o any issue. It was an ideal bike for me as an beginner. The last inspection/maintenance was in September 2022. Where design seat, fork cover, 12V charger and side bars were mounted by Honda. Optionally a quite new (bought in September 2022) TomTom Rider 50 incl. holder can be purchased for 200 Euro.

Profi plutvy, velkost L. Neskutocny komfort - minimalizuju krce, vysoka obratnost vo vode a umoznuju aj chodenie na rozdiel od beznych plutiev. Velkost je vhodna skor na mensiu nohu/botku.
Combat swimmers and combat divers around the world have found productivity does not have to come at such a high cardiovascular price as other fins demand. Applying common sense, careful engineering and high quality materials, requirements for mission success are exceeded. Force Fins are far more comfortable. Energy is delivered from the fin to extend time in the water without fatigue. Combat swimmers wearing Force Fins experience dramatic extension of in-water operation time with a shorter recovery interval required between immersions. More energy is reserved for operations. What makes Force Fins better than other fins?
Toes-free foot pocket reduces cramping and leverages power from strongest kicking muscles.
Open toe pocket unique to Force Fin forces the entire leg to do the kicking work.
Foot points and flexes with each kick, a mechanic like walking.
Muscle fatigue and cramping is significantly reduced.
Small, snappy, effective blade is perfect size, shape and configuration for turbulent free, lessening sound signature, while fast movement of water.
Force Fin blade is optimized for maximum surface area contact with the water, matching propulsion of fins twice its size.
Up-curved wing tips combined with high performance polyurethane material for highest rebound, or SNAP, results in lower surface air consumption rate (SAC), or better efficiency and directional control of water for optimum thrust.
Force Fins move more water, generating more thrust on the recovery than one can generate from kicking any other fin up and down.
Force Fin is easier to negotiate in cramped interior spaces, such as helo, small boat, SDV or during submerged craft penetrations.
Upcurved-fin tips are easier to walk on docks, for rocky shore entries and on shipboard. This unique design feature also provides for less impact force flet on the diver’s ankles when deploying from helicopters and large ship gunwales.

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
The God Delusion caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner for presenting his hard-hitting, impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types. His argument could hardly be more topical. While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically and dangerously dividing opinion around the world. In America, and elsewhere, a vigorous dispute between 'intelligent design' and Darwinism is seriously undermining and restricting the teaching of science. In many countries religious dogma from medieval times still serves to abuse basic human rights such as women's and gay rights. And all from a belief in a God whose existence lacks evidence of any kind. Dawkins attacks God in all his forms. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry and abuses children. The God Delusion is a brilliantly argued, fascinating polemic that will be required reading for anyone interested in this most emotional and important subject.

Hello, I am selling a Google Pixel 3A with the original Google fabric case.
I am the original owner, and bought the phone brand new. I am selling because I just bought a Pixel 7.
The phone is in excellent condition, works perfectly, it was always in a case, and the battery lasts a long time.
The fabric case is included, but it is worn on the corners.
The phone and case were bought new from Google without a contract, and are completely unlocked and ready to use on any carrier. Very light weight, and not too big. Perfect shape, no cracks or scratches or damage, looks brand new and the screen is in perfect condition. It can take 2 SIM numbers, great for travel. Also, it has a wired headphone output plug, instead of only bluetooth.
It has all software updates, and will be delivered factory reset and ready for your use.

Good car, quick, comfortable, never any problem. Selling because of moving to another country.
Price is negotiable.
123500 km
Year 2011

Jamie Oliver: 5 Ingredients.ooking doesn't have to be complicated - that's why Jamie's Jamie's 5 Ingredients - Quick & Easy Food is sure to become your new best friend in the kitchen. It's all about making the journey to good food, super-simple. Every recipe uses just five key ingredients, ensuring you can get a plate of food together fast, whether it's finished and on the table super-quickly, or after minimal hands-on prep, you've let the oven do the hard work for you. We're talking quality over quantity, a little diligence on the cooking front, and in return massive flavour. Each recipe has been tried and tested (and tested again!) to ensure the book is packed with no-fuss, budget-friendly dishes that you can rustle up, any day of the week. With over 130 recipes, and chapters on Chicken, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Eggs, Veg, Salads, Pasta, Rice and Noodles and Sweet Things, there's plenty of quick and easy recipe inspiration to choose from

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: M-L(rozmery na foto)
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

2009 Citroen Jumper 2.2 L2H2 Camper van
So first of all, I'm a foreign student here in Slovakia, and can't speak slovak, so please keep communication in english :)
This van is great to experience having a camper van, but on a budget. I've poured a lot of money and love into it, at everything is built by hand by me and helpful people. The whole kitchen is made from 200 year old refurbished red wood, that used to be old floor boards. It's built to last!
I bought this van early 2021 as an empty cargo van here in Kosice, and drove it to England and converted it to a camper during the summer of 2021. When I got it, it had engine problems, so I put a refurbished engine in, changed the turbo, remade the brakes, and switched all the diesel injectors.
Theres a wooden skeleton put in to accomodate all the conversion.
The van is fully insulated with sheets of 5cm normal house board insulation, with rock wool and spray insulation used for the harder to reach areas. There is then reflective radiant barrier insulation roll added everywhere on top of that. Then wooden paneling had been added. Wooden panels with vinyl I added for the floor.
I've put in two 200ah leisure batteries that are connected to a split charge to the engine, so it charges while the engine is on. It would be relatively simple to add solar panels, though I haven't had the need for it, because when I use it I have driven a lot. The whole system is 12v.
Theres a maxxair fan added to the roof, and another vent towards to back, so there can be complete air flow throughout.
The van has a simple sink with an electric pump, that drains from a 20l tank to another 20l grey water tank.
Theres a diesel heater with exhaust and intake exiting in the bottom on the van.
As you can see from the pictures there is also a 12v fridge (20l or 30l, I can't remember exactly) that runs perfectly.
Lights are added for the roof and kitchen.
Storage under the seating/bed, in the kitchen, over the bulkhead, and over the seating on built in shelves. The storage is also accessible from the back. There is also a drawer next to the sink
I built the seating and in a way that the table can be put down so it turns into a bed, as you can see in the pictures. Very easy and quick.
I also have some things that you could probably take over as well if you need them, like a portable gas stove etc.
Please don't hesitate to message me for any questions you might have! There's definitely things I have to forgotten to mention, as this is quite a big project.
Hope to hear from you!
Najazdené km: 280000

Šteniatka z chovateľskej stanice Altoran narodené 1.1.2023 po rodičoch Any spod Lazov a Nicco Tompera hľadajú nové domovy ❤️ čierny psík Aldo,čierna sučka Azis a vlkosiva sučka Athena

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: L-XL
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Condition/stav: 9/10
Size/veľkosť: 30/32
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Condition/stav: 8/10
Size/veľkosť: 31/34
Original 100%
Feel free to ask any questions.
Pre viac info neváhajte ma kontaktovať správou

Predám volswagen pasat 5.5
- Obsah motora 1.9 tdi (pumpa)
- Rv. 2005
- Palivo disel
- Km 330××××
- STK Em 12 mesiac 2024
Chibičky krásy sa nájdu

A fast and simple 'One Touch' USB connection from laptop to workspace peripherals at USB 3.0 Superspeed. Delivering superb picture quality for up to two external screens without any picture distortion or delay at a resolution up to 2048 x 1152. 6 USB ports - 2x USB 3.0 and 4x USB 2.0. The Dual Video Dock also includes a Gigabit Ethernet port, Audio In/Out ports to connect speakers and a security lock slot to secure the dock.
Universal USB 3.0 Superspeed connection - 2ft / 60cm cable
Supports up to 2 external screens up to 2048 x 1152 resolution
6 x USB ports - 2 x USB 3.0 & 4 x USB 2.0
Audio In/Out; Security Lock Slot; Horizontal wedge design
Gigabit Ethernet port
6A AC adapter