pieany centrum - strana 25
Počet nájdených inzerátov PIEANY CENTRUM
: 1000 - strana 25

Predam pouzivany ale velice solidny Sub Bass M-Audio sbx 10 , 10 palec .22kg , 240 watt, 4 Ohmy ,6 x in .a 4x out,. hra od 20Hz -200 Hz , aktivny Crossover uz od 50 Hz,Pedal bypass... stal 400 e ,jeden z mala, ktory hra od 20 Hz v tejto cenovej relaci.......dalsie info cez mail. Dakujem org popis - The M-Audio® SBX10 active subwoofer is designed to give your monitoring system some serious low end. The SBX10 delivers tight, clean bass response down to 20Hz—revealing the extreme low frequencies in your music so you can make accurate mixing decisions. Comprising a 10” fiberglass/paper composite driver, a 240-watt all-discrete internal amplifier, and a variable 50-200Hz crossover, the SBX10 subwoofer delivers unbeatable performance in a compact chassis—great for studios where space is tight. An oversized magnet, high-temperature voice coil, high-density cabinet and a full complement of inputs are just some of the additional components that round out this high-quality design. The unit even includes a bypass footswitch so you can easily judge how mixes will sound with and without a dedicated subwoofer. The SBX10 represents the perfect addition to any studio monitor setup.

-Arakain -Ku-klux-klan/Orion-EX 20e
-Collegium Musicum-Joseph Haydn-Concerto In D-OPUS-VG/VG+ 10e
-Nová Růže/Dux –Anděl fantazie/Narkoman-VG+ 10e
-Apollobeat –To vadí/Apolena-EX 5e
-D.Patrasová –Xenie a Arabela/Co se děje v groteskách-VG+ 10e
-J.Suchý,K.Gott,J.Šlitr -Tak abyste věděla/V opeře(Kdyby 1000 Klarinetů)-EX 7e
-H.Blehárová/Viktor Sodoma –Medový deň/Princ a Snehulienka-EX 7e
-Robin Gibb –Juliet/Hearts on fire-EX 5e
-Jiří Jelínek/K.Gott –Zčervená/Oči sněhem zaváté-VG+ 5e
-J.Laufer –Čarnaja čarnica/Kam zmizel tvůj dětský úsměv-EX 5e
-Atlantis –Nechoď do kláštera/You don't love me any more-EX 7e
-Flamingo –Michael/Opatruj Svých Sedmnáct-EX 5e
-Martha a Tena,Jiří Suchý –Tento týden v pátek/Polárka-VG+ 5e
-Volá trubky hlas/Pastýřka-EX 5e
-Bílé vánoce-Vánoční ukolébavka/Naše první vánoce-Rolničky-VG+ 5e
-Zpěv přírody/Spev prírody-5e
-Mýdlo -Da Da Da,Nechci tě víc/Po noční-5e
-Monika Stachová –Zůstaň aspoň den/Známá firma-3e
-Marie Rottrová –Hvězda supernova/Zřejmě letos nikde nejsou kytky-3e
-Marie Rottrová – Ranní loučení / Lásko, voníš deštěm-3e
-Elena Lukášová –Rozdej vůni snům/To je tím, že o mně málo víš-3e
-Marcela Králová –Láska k nám přilétá/Já netančím-4e
-Zdenka Lorencová –Koukol/Pět lístků-5e
-Jitka Molavcová –V máji / Korálky z rosy-5e
-Lenka Filipová –Jednou ano,jednou ne/Prý se tomu Říká láska-4e
-Michaela Linková –Televizní dívka Líza/Můžeš být jen sen-4e
-Lída Nopová –Pouhý přítel/Nejhezčí trápení-5e
-Zdenka Lorencová –Proč žiješ rád/Modrá a bílá-5e
-Naďa Urbánková –Zůdy zů/Starý telefon-5e
-Naďa Urbánková –Dávám ti dar/Kapka rosy-4e
-Jana Kratochvílová-No a co/Publikum tvé jsem já-VG 5e
sp Banjo Band Ivana Mládka veľmi dobré stavy 20e spolu
Kotvald-Hložek-Zagorová spolu 15e
-Hana Zagorová –Spěchám/April-3e
-Hana Zagorová – Gvendolína/Nemám Ráda-4e
-H.Zagorová,Hložek-Kotvald –Můj čas/Sanitka-4e
-H. Zagorová,Hložek-Kotvald -Kostky jsou vrženy-3e
-Kotvald-Hložek –Holky z naší školky/Trápení-3e
-Kotvald-Hložek –V pohodě/Chtějí se líbit-3e
-Kotvald-Hložek –Krejčí/Tak si vyber-3e
-Kotvald-Hložek–Sen můj alízin/Láska Očima-3e
-H.Vondráčková -J.Korn spolu 15e kus 3e
až na
-H.Vondráčková-Waldemar Matuška –To se nikdo nedoví/Hajej-5e
-Olympic 4e kus -spolu 10e
-Michal ddavid 5e spolu
3e kus spolu 10e
-F.R.Čech –Perníková chaloupka/Zdenda bum bum kanón
-F.R. Čech –Já už jdu/Slyšte můj hlas lahodný
-Michal Tučný –Tak už nefňukej/Prázdný nádraží
-Bluegrass Hoppers –Poslední veřejné oběšení v západní Virginii/Lora
-Country Beat J.Brabce –V kapse díru mám/Tak slunce dobrýtro

Zaujimavé sovietske vydanie
Vinyl ako nový, obal v horšom stave
A1 Вечер Трудного Дня = A Hard Day's Night 2:31
A2 Мне Стоило Знать = I Should Have Known Better 2:42
A3 Если Я Полюблю = If I Fell 2:17
A4 Как Счастлив Я Танцевать С Тобой = I'm Happy Just To Dance With You 1:54
A5 Я Люблю Ее = And I Love Her 2:27
A6 Скажи Мне, Почему = Tell Me Why 2:07
A7 Любовь Не Купишь = Can't Buy Me Love 2:10
B1 Когда Угодно = Any Time At All 2:09
B2 Я Буду Рыдать = I'll Cry Instead 1:43
B3 Слова, Что Сказаны Сегодня = Things We Said Today 2:34
B4 Не Смей! = You Can't Do That 2:33
B5 Я Вернусь = I'll Be Back 2:21

Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM
Basement Jaxx: Fly life extra 15€
New Order: Confusion / Everything's Gone Green / Waiting For The Sirens' Call 15€
Longsy D's House Sound: This is ska 6€
Sister Sledge: We are family 5€
Jay-Z: Change clothes 6€
the Cure: Close to me 15€
Jason Donovan: Nothing can divide us 5€
Jason Donovan: Any dream will do 5€
A-ha: Manhattan skyline 5€
Nik Kershaw: Wide boy 5€
A Guy Called Gerald: Humanity 4€
Stylophonic: If everybody in the world4€
Defected Presents Def Mix Classics (Part Two)disk 2. 3€
Defected -Hatiras: Spaced Invader 2xEP 7€
Swain & Collingwood: Never Be The Same 4€
Berlin: Like flames 4€
Midge Ure: Cold,cold heart 4€
Rude RKade: Beautiful 4€
Huff & Puff: Help me make it 4€
Nick Jones Acei Carter: Soul movement 4€
Holly Valance: State of mind 4€
Editechnique: Dirty kissing 5€
Lyszak: the Remixes 4€
Back to Back: Remixes pt.2 4€
Was (not Wass): I feel better than James Brown 4€
Beamish & Fly: Stoaked 4€
Robert Armani: Circus bells 4€
Deetron: Fuse Presents Deetron (Sampler 1) 4€
Stunk of Punk: If you feel it 4€
the B 52: Funplex remixes 4€
FC/Kahuna: Nothing is wrong 4€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Welcome to the pleasure dome 4€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Two tribes 5€
Breathe: say hello 4€
Stylus Trouble: Future child/Voodoo nights 4€
Ralph Sliwinski: Pox box 4€
the EVE of the war 4€
Kyla: Do you mind 4€
Louie Vega Presents Anané – Nos Vida / Mon Amour 6€
Patrick L: Things I Wanna Do 6€
Tom Neville feat.Jellybone: Buzz junkie 4€
Platne sú v dobrom až velmi dobrom stave. Sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM.
Možnosť zaslať na Dobierku,prevod na ucet,aj osobný odber, aj v Rk,Dk,Mt...Viac info ako aj kontakt mailom...
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...
Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.

Zaslanie tovaru na akékoľvek miesto na moje náklady.
Shipping the goods to any place at my expense.
ALTINYILDIZ je veľmi známa svojou tkaninou najvyššej kvality.
Spolupracujú s BURAK ÖZÇİVİT, ktorý je známy po celom svete.
Velkost - 40/42.
Kúpili mne darček v Turecku, ukázalo sa, že je o veľkosť väčší, ako sa očakávalo.
Predávam ho ako odložený v skrini a je mi ho naozaj ľúto.
Preto taká atraktívna cena vzhľadom na infláciu.
Prejdite sa po Bratislave v Centrale (SEDRYK LE BLANC) a pochopíte, že za takú cenu nie je taká kvalita, akú ponúkam.
Samostatná saka- 110 eur
sveter - 48 eur.
Tkanina / Starostlivosť
Nie je možné umývať ručne. Iba suché čistenie. Nepoužíva sa žiadne bielidlo. Žehliť by sa malo pri nízkej teplote.
Comfort Fit
Dlhá ruka
Plná vložka
Dvojitá štrbina
Normál pás

Koledy - Ceske vanocni Koledy,Panton
Kotvald & Hlozek (Holky z nasi skolky; Trapeni)
Lidovky - Cerny cikan; Rybicka
Lubos Svoboda (Tva laska Pane; Rozbij ty chmurne hradby)
Ludovit Nosko+Combo (V tvojich stopach; Mexico)
Marta Kucerova (Ave Maria; Las Mananitas)
Mefisto (I saw linda yeasterday; Midnight)
Michal Kocab (S cidzi zenou v cizim pokoji; Stari)
Milan Drobny (Oh Larydou; Nebudu uz rikat prislovi)
Milan Chladil (Pinkertonovy ruze;Krasne je zit)
Milan Kristofovic (Usvit)/ Lilka Rocakova (Zajtra rano)
Nada Urbankova (Mosaznej Dzban; Bambule bijou bac)
Nada Urbankova (Svita nad velkou louzi)/ Ladislava Kazderkova (Pisnicka sluncem belena)
O.K.Band (Uz mi nevolej; Bydlim na zavetrne strane tovarniho komina)
Pavol Hammel (Ucitelka tanca; Blsi trh)
Petra Janu (Uz nejsem volna; Pamatnik)
Petr Spaleny (To vadi; Meciky)
Petr Spaleny (Bylo fajn; Sen o jednom ostrove)
Petr Spaleny (Josefina; Mam rad divky kavovy)
Petr Vasek (Cudny sen; Tvoj styl)
Pisnicky z krabicky - Moravske lidove pisne -Supraphon -
Prvni Pantoniada (ako LP ale v SP formate, rozni interpreti, vid google)
Rene Glaneau (Maly Gonzales)/ Alfonz Jindra (Ruze v okne)
Richard Muller (Stesti je krasna vec; Rozeznavam)
Vera Spinarova (Fernando; Za horou stribrnou)
Vladimit Merta (vybrana slova-Haromonie;Dobrodruh; Antabus blues;Vybrana slova)
Simon&Garfunkel (CBS, El Condor Pasa; Why don’t you Write me)
Standa Prochazka (Andulka; Roztoceny sal)
Standa Prochazka (Jasava; Vltavska)
Standa Prochazka (Hej pani mamo; Az se jednou potkame)
Stepan Matl (Zamaminkou; Kamenny dum)
Stepan Matl (Tulak; Vitr vi sve)
The Rangers (Kral silnic; Balicek kar
Ulrychovci (You dont love me any more; Nechod do klastera)
Uvodni deska k stereo poslechu (Supraphon)
V.Vavra (Holky z gymply; Jsem tvuj suvenir)
Waldemar Matuska (Krysar; Zly trapeni)
Waldemar Matuska (Zem kde zustavas; Zit jen zit)
Waldemar Matuska (Jo tresne zraly)/ Y. Simonova (Santa Anna Maria)
Waldemar Matuska (Prazska devcata)/ Y. Simonova (Amore, amore)

Hello everyone! First of all, I don't speak slovak, so let's communicate in english.
I am selling my PC because I don't play games anymore. It's almost like new. You can test in any way you want, no problems.
Bought it for 2120, invoice is attached.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
GPU: RTX 3080 10GB MSI
RAM: 32GB DDR4 3200MHz Corsair
SSD: Samsung 980 PRO 2TB
Power supply: EVGA 850 GQ

Spectran HF-6065 je prístroj slúžiaci na meranie vysokofrekvenčných signálov v pásme 100 MHz–6 GHz.
Kompletné balenie v kufríku so všetkým potrebným príslušenstvom a anténou. Vrátane návodu a softvéru pre PC/Mac.
100% stav, nevyužitý.
The Spectran HF6000 V4 series of handheld spectrum analyzers are a versatile solution for any RF spectrum analysis application, including field frequency coordination and testing, systems installations, interference tracking, and general RF test and measurement These handheld units are lightweight and durable for on-the-go applications, and offer full featured spectrum analysis with and without the included PC software.
Frequency Range – 10MHz – 6GHz
Peak Power Detector – 6GHz (optional)
Level Min – -100dbm (typical -110dbm)
Level Max – +10dbm (+30dbm optional)
Attenuation – “Auto,” 0, 10, 20, 30dB
Filter Bandwidth Min – 3KHz
Filter Bandwidth Max – 50MHz
Accuracy – +/-2dB
Features: Real Time PC Analysis,
Unlimited Marker Points,
Internal Data Logging, PC Data
Views: Waterfall/Spectrogram,
Spectrum, Histogram
Functions: Peak, RMS, and Hold Functions
Najlepšie osobne v BA, prípadne po dohode SC, ZV, DT.
Možnosť odskúšania samozrejmosťou.
Uvedená cena je bez DPH.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan ZKwP FCI -
wonderful puppies
In our Welsh Corgi kennel, which is registered in the Kennel Club in Poland, on March 24, 2023, beautiful WCC puppies were born.
Parents of puppies are beautiful representatives of the breed.
The mother of puppies is born in our kennel. Dad is a beautiful imported dog.
Parents have wonderful, balanced characters and are genetically tested and free from diseases typical for the breed.
Welsh Corgi has been with us for 9 years. This is a breed that adapts well to any lifestyle. This breed is very intelligent, loyal, affectionate, vigilant, sociable. They will also prove themselves in sports, e.g. in agility or obedience.
Our WCCs are family members, they live with us at home, they have contact with children and other animals.
Puppies promise to be very good in terms of exterior.
They are under constant veterinary care. When they are ready for their new home, puppies will be microchipped, vaccinated and dewormed according to their age, and will have an FCI export pedigree.
Our dogs are a member of the family. Health and proper socialization are very important to us.
Feel free to contact us and visit our FB page Rajska Kraina FCI - Welsh Corgi Cardigan & Welsh Corgi Pembroke kennel. We will gladly answer all your questions.
The content of the advertisement and photos are my property and I do not agree to their copying.
Kind regards.

Prodam WMW MODUL ZFWZ 500x8 Obrážečka odvalovací na čelní ozubení s prislusenstvom v cene.
Typ/Model: ZFWZ 500x8
Výrobce: WMW VEB MODUL,Karl-Marx Stadt, Germany
Ozubení vnější
min. čelní modul: 0.75 mm
max. čelní modul: 8 mm
max. průměr obráženého čelního kola: 500 mm
min. průměr obráženého kola: 90 mm
průměr stolu: 470 mm
elektromotor: výkon: 9.25 kW
rozměr stroje: délka x šířka: 2700 x 1530 mm
výška: 1840 mm
váha stroje: 6500 kg
Accessories is available - set change gears, arbours, milling cutters, Manual book.. etc
P.S: Any photos on your request by email.
Stroj je plně funkční, výměnná kola,trny. Video of working machine at request by email.
Meno: Andreas
Telefon: +917
E-mail: info.almtrade@

Cserélném xbox sx konzolomat ps5-re lehet digitalis is.
2020 novemberben vásárolt.
Játékokak csak az accountomon vannak amik a képen szerepelnek és 1 controller.Az accountot csak akkor adom ha játékokkal kínálnak ps5-öt. A konzollal noncs semmi probléma és semmi karcolás. A doboza megvan, csak személyesen.
Vimenyl bi som xbox sx na ps5 môže byť aj digitalne. Kupené v 2020 novembri, hry iba na accounte mám čo sú na fotky. Keď mi ponúkniťe ps5 s hrami tak vám dám aj mòj acc.1 ovládač. Konzol nemá žiadnú chybu any poškodenie , krabicu mám. Iba osobne.

predám nasledujúce LP platne bez vonkajších obalov,vačšina vo velmi dobrom stave,pri výbere konkrétnej LP platni pošlem foto aj podrobný popis, cena v texte
10 rokov s Malokarpatskou kapelou/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
A kengurú /stav:bez obalu-velmi dobrý/cena = 2€
Abba /stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Aram Chačaturjan -Gajane/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 2€
B.Low – Croustillant Leger/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Brenda Lee /stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Debby Boone - You light up my life/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 3€
Eleni - Sound From Greece/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Fasch / Krebs* / Vivaldi – Concertos/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Fonograf - A kenguru/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
George Baker Selection - Paloma Blanca/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 2€
I.Pavlík & Supernova/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Išli dlhou cestou/stav:bez obalu-velmi dobrý/cena = 1€
Italian Hitparade 2/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
J.Travolta/O.N.John - Grease/stav:bez obalu-velmi dobrý/cena = 3€
James Last/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Janko Hraško/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 3€
Joan Baez -Any day Now(dvojalbum)/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 4€
Johan Strauss - Walzer/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Kuty,Kuty/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Locomotív GT - Ezust nyár/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
M.David Kroky F.Janečka/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Malokarpatská kapela 2 /stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Neoton - Karnevál/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Neoton - None But Music/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Olympic - Laborator/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 3€
Pepa Nos - žádny strachy/stav:bez obalu-ako nová/cena = 7€
Pohoda/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 1€
Radošínske Naivné divadlo - Pavilon B. (dvojalbum)/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 5€
Rock and Roll - Výber/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
SBB (4)/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 3€
Snehulienka a sedem trpaslíkov/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 4€
Spevy a hudba spod Poľany/stav:bez obalu-výborný/cena = 3€
Strýco Marcin a teta Agnesa/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Strýco Marcin/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Succes/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Super Oldies Dancing/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Team 3/stav:bez obalu-velmi dobrý/cena = 3€
Team 4/stav:bez obalu- dobrý/cena = 3€
To som ja Ander/stav:bez obalu-dobrý/cena = 1€
Waldemar Matuška - Osm lásek W.Matušku/stav:bez obalu-velmi dobrý/cena = 3€
With lo

Úplne nový pulóver značky Tommy Hilfiger. Veľkosť XS/S. Pri záujme kontaktovať na messenger správou (Any Anna) alebo sms správou na čísle .
Posielam po prevode na účet recenzie mám. Cena 35+ pošta.

MacBook Air 2019 from USA.
US keyboard.
Custom configuration with 1024Gb HDD
condition: excellent.
MacBook Air 2019 z USA.
Americká klávesnica.
Vlastná konfigurácia s 1024Gb HDD
stav: výborný.
Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 3464
State of Charge (%): 100
Health Information:
Cycle Count: 188
Condition: Normal
please text me in any messenger or email
prosím, napíšte mi na akýkoľvek messenger alebo e-mail

Predam skoda felicia 1.3 40kw plne pojazdne
Stk em este rok platna!!
Je v zachovalom stave
Auto ide pekne nebucha any neklepe
Prepis nutny!

Olimp City :
A premium complex of villas and apartments on the Alanya Coast surrounded by the Taurus mountains and coniferous forests with stunning panoramic sea views.
Kargicak is one of the most eastern
and picturesque districts of Alanya.
The infrastructure of the district is
actively developing and already now
there is everything necessary for life:
supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants,
cafes, polyclinics, schools, farmers
• 38913 m2 - the total area
• 8000 m2 - of infrastructure for comfortable living and pastime
• 40 villas - with the panoramic sea view, swimming pool and garage
• 7 buildings - with 5 floors and the sea views.
~ 2.2 km to the sandy and pebble beach
~ 18 km to the center of Alanya
~ 28 km to Gazipasa Airport
Type of villas : 4+1, 3 floors, 2 terraces
Villas area : 338 m2 - the house, 35-45 m2 - the swimming pool
The land plot : 336-755 m2
Parking lot : 1 garage, space for parking on the villa's area
The uniqueness of the villas : panoramic sea view, the proximity of the pine forest
Finishing (is included in the price) :
-kitchen set with built-in appliances of the Italian brand SMEG:
-2 built-in refrigerators
- microwave
- electric built-in oven
- built-in dishwasher
- touch control induction hob
- extractor hood with carbon filter
All Olimp City Villas and Apartments are being provided with a white box finishing which means you will have a high-quality prepared "CANVAS" for the quick
realization of any ideas.
White Box :
• washable wall surfaces (paint)
• interior and exterior doors
• internal and outdoor lighting
• system and outputs for the air conditioners Mitsubishi
• outputs for the installation of Internet and television
• communications for the radiator heating system installing
• electrical fittings
• accessories for the installation of automatic shutters in villas
• aluminum profiles with double glazing Asas
• floor covering - laminate
• kitchen with Lideadecor built-in furniture
• bathroom with built-in furniture and plumbing
Everything for a life without worries :
• concierge service 24/7
• Wi-Fi and Web cameras on the territory of the complex
• management company services
• car parking service
• transfer to the beach
• business spaces for work and meetings
• the shops
• laundry and atelier service
Everything for kids :
• children's club with educational programs for kids of different ages
• children's pool and water slides
• game spaces and a cinema
• babysitter
Everything for self care :
Bath complex -
• steam rooms
• pools a

1kW Triak Regulátor – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne; Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov. –
SCR/Triac 1000W AC PWM Voltage Regulator, with illuminated ON/OFF switch, fuse and over-temperature thermal protection.
- Output regulation range: 50V* to mains supply
- Maximum continuous load: ≤4.5A (≈1000W)
- Overload capability 6.5 Amps (overload duration limited by thermal conditions)
- 500% instantaneous overload current withstand capacity, with 25Amp BTA24-600B-CDI Triac
-*Minimum output voltage adjustable via an internal multi-turn trimmer pot
- For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply
- Illuminated ON/OFF rocker switch: Red as standard; (alt. Yellow/Blue/Green)
- Large 20mm diameter Red/Black control knob; (alt. Blue/Black, White/Black)
- 0 to 100 graduated scale for accurate adjustment
- Screw-top fuse holder with 5 × 20mm fuse
- Over-temperature thermal cut-out switch protected - 1 to 2 minute automatic reset
- Accepts cable sized 4mmØ to 7mmØ - round 3 core1.00mm² csa recommended
- Black ABS enclosure, 39 x 57 x 87 mm (H×W×L)
- Height over control knob 55mm
- Width excluding cable glands 74mm
- Length including mounting tabs 111mm
- Wiring guide/instructions included
- Weight 142g
Application notes:
- Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps;
fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors.
- Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device.
- ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump.
- Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth!
- I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application.
1ks 28.00€
Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@
Osobny odber alebo dobierkou 4.50€

1kW Triak PWM AC Regulator – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne;
Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov. –
1000W SCR Voltage Triac Regulator Box.
- Output regulation range: 50V** to AC mains supply
- For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply
- Maximum continuous load: ≤4.5A (≈1000W)
- Non-repetitive 20 second load: 13Amps (≈3000W)
-**Minimum output voltage adjustable via an internal multi-turn trimmer pot
- Triac, BTA24-600B-CDI; rated current 25Amps
- ABS enclosure, 87 x 57 x 39 mm
- Width including mounting tabs 111mm
- Cable glands accept cable sized 4mmØ to 7mmØ (round 3-core 1.00mm² csa recommended)
Application notes:
- Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps;
fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors.
- Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device.
- ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump.
- Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth!
- I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application.
Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@
Osobny odber alebo dobierkou 4.50€

predám použité funkčné tandemové čerpadlo na TDi Pd motory
038145209 ,
038145209A , A
038145209C , C
038145209E , E
038145209H , H
038145209K , K
038145209M , M
038145209N , N
038145209Q , Q
3M219350AA Ford
3M219350BA Ford
3M219350CA Ford
Ďalšie označenia:
Pierburg 70255102
Pierburg 72480717
Bosch F009D02008

Ponúkam na dlhodobý prenájom komplet zariadený zrekonštruovaný 2-izbový tehlový byt vo výbornej lokalite Košice - Sever (ulica Obrancov mieru). Byt je v tesnej blízkosti univerzity TUKE a Veteriny, aj blízko historického centra mesta (10 minút pešou chôdzou). V blízkosti sú zastávky električiek aj autobusov. Parkovanie v blízkosti je bezplatné a bezproblémové.
Byt sa nachádza na 2 nadzemnom podlaží tehlového bytového domu s výťahom. Prešiel celkovou rekonštrukciou, má rozlohu 61 m2. K bytu prislúcha pivnica. Byt má 2 samostatné izby, kuchyňu, chodbu, kúpeľňu a samostatné WC.
Cena mesačného nájmu je 650 € vrátane energií a internetu. Pri podpise zmluvy sa uhrádza nájom za 1 mesiac a vratný depozit vo výške 1 mesačného nájmu.
Byt je voľný.
V prípade otázok ma kontaktujte.
I offer for long-term rent a fully furnished renovated 2-room apartment in an excellent location Košice - North (Obrancov mieru Street). The apartment is close to TUKE University and near the historic city center (10 minutes on foot). There are tram and bus stops nearby. Parking is free.
The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a brick apartment building with elevator. Apartment has approx. 61 m2. There are 2 separate rooms, kitchen, corridor, bathroom and separate toilet.
Monthly rent is 650 € including energy and internet. The deposit and monthly rent are paid when the contract is signed.
The apartment is free.
If you have any questions please contact me.